Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 31 2017

Good morning and welcome to this month's episode of the Wake Up Date! Today's

Halloween so I thought I would wear my costum.e I am a wild thing from Where The

Wild Things Are and I made this hood and these little claws. I knew I was gonna

end up being really busy this season so I wasn't sure I would be able to make

every one of my family's costumes, so I decided to buy the Max costume from

Where The Wild Things are for my son and then I made these like, Wild Thing

accessories for me and my husband Matt so we're gonna all match and I'm really

excited. This is the first year we're taking our son out trick-or-treating for

real. Last year we just kind of pushed him around in his stroller, it was really

cold and we didn't go door-to-door, we just kind of looked around the

neighborhood. He wasn't really sure what was going on. I think this year he's

gonna be so much more excited and I can't wait. I love Halloween, I always

have and I am so excited to dress him up and take him around the neighborhood.

Later tonight I'm gonna be posting some pictures so if you want to see us in our

costumes all togethe,r follow me on social media @Laurenfairwx. If you're

curious, the hood came from a tutorial that I found online that I will link in

the video description below and I used the leftover fabric from the hood to

make these and I just kind of improvised on these little mittens.

I think vinyl was probably the right material for these claws because they

look like they're really sharp but they're totally not and they keep their

form and I, yeah. totally happy with the way these came out. I love the idea of

doing family Halloween costumes and I've always been kind of intimidated by the

idea of making costumes but I've been trying to challenge myself to do it even

if it's just like a hat or just some gloves. I want to get better at making

costumes and I think Halloween's a good place to start! So my big news for this

month, just announced, my first wizard rock band, The Moaning Myrtles, will be

reuniting. If you don't know, it's a band that I started with my best friend when

we were in high school and we haven't really been writing music or playing

shows together in a very very long time and Paul DeGeorge from Harry and the

Potters asked us if we wanted to play the Yule Ball this year and the Yule

Ball events that Harry and the Potters put on are some of my favorite shows

ever, of all time. They're so much fun, they're are really good events for people

who are not familiar with Wizard Rock, it's a good like, first foray

into the weirdness that is wizard rock music and this is the first year that I

will be playing at all three of the Yule balls! There's one in Washington DC

on December 15th, there is one in Brooklyn New York on

December 16th, and the last one is gonna be in Boston Massachusetts on December

17th. December 15th, 16th, and 17th, Nina and I are gonna be getting together and

playing our old Moaning Myrtles music, we're also going to be putting a new

spin on some of my solo Lauren Fairweather music and I am really

excited! We have a lot of work ahead of us because i'm not sure i remember all

the words. So if you want to learn more information about those shows, find out

how you can get tickets, read the video description below for more information

on all of those shows. Also, because I've been meaning to do this for a really

long time and these shows kind of reminded me that I needed to get it done,

I made a Bandcamp page for The Moaning Myrtles! So if you want to refresh your

memory before the concert so you know all the words to sing along with us, or

you just missed out on The Moaning Myrtles and want to know what they're

all about, go to themoaning and you can download all of

our music! Including the kind of hard-to-find bathroom acoustics EP. This

is one of the coolest things I think I've ever made; the only sounds that you

hear on that album are voices and the sounds of items that you would find in a

bathroom. And that was kind of a limited release as part of the EP of the Month

Club in 2009, so not a lot of people have that album. I know a lot of people have

said to me over the years that they were kind of late to the wizard rock scene

and they wish that they could have seen a Moaning Myrtles, show so if that's you,

this is your chance. I'm really looking forward to those shows and I think

they're gonna be really really fun. I'm also gonna be performing at Conjuration

in Atlanta which is a Harry Potter conference this weekend, November third

fourth and fifth, and I am looking forward to that! It's gonna be fun! So I'm

gonna end today's episode with a bunch of shoutouts for my patreon supporters.

Whether you want to get one of these shoutouts in a future episode or you

just want to support me and help me keep making these videos, I have a patreon

campaign at and there's all kinds of

stuff on there that might be interesting to you. So this month I wanted to say

thank you to Nicki B. Thank You Lucy black. Thank You Ashley Sousa. thank you

Markslide. Thank You Saxony. Thank You Antonio G.

and a big thank you and welcome to Abby Ritter who is a new patron and I'm

so happy! Thank You Abby! So that I think is everything that I wanted to say this

month. I hope that you're having a happy Halloween if you are celebrating and if

you are celebrating Halloween and dressing up, leave me a comment below

telling me all about your costumes. That's all. Okay. Bye!

For more infomation >> Moaning Myrtles Reunion and Halloween Costumes | Wake Up Date #35 - Duration: 5:06.


Wooden Sliced Lamp (English Subtitles) - Duration: 4:29.

Hello and welcome to another DIY video!

First of all I'd like to thank you for reaching the number of 3.000 subscribers!

That's why I've decided to give my today's project away to one of you!

At the end of this video you'll find the steps you should follow to win our contest!

Let's come now to our project!

Now that wintertime is starting, most people use firewood to keep warm with their fireplace or stove.

I'll show you how you can make a special table lamp using just an ordinary piece of firewood!

To start with, I cut a piece of about 10 cm. That will be the base.

I'll keep a thicker slice for the top of the lamp and the rest of the wood will be cut into slices of 2 cm each!

Then using a spade drill bit I'll open a hole in all slices of 2 cm.

Next I'll open three holes into all the pieces of my firewood (from top to base),cause I'd pass wooden dowels through them.

I'll open finally another hole in the base in the size of the socket.

Our next step is to pass the wooden dowels through the holes, so that our lamp will be assembled.

Next I'll set up the cable, plug the socket and place the light on its base.

Our project is ready!

A table lamp with a simple but particular design!

It fits in every room and gives it a warm feeling!

I hope you liked my today's project and try to make it!

To take part in our contest,

click "like" to our video, sub to my channel and write a comment about our table lamp!

The winner will be announced in the description of the next video!

See you next week with a new video!

Have a nice week, take good care of yourself and … let your imagination run wild!


For more infomation >> Wooden Sliced Lamp (English Subtitles) - Duration: 4:29.


[Rap Fr] Cession à l'amiable #003 - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> [Rap Fr] Cession à l'amiable #003 - Duration: 1:48.


Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? - Duration: 4:52.

- Halloween.

Boy, when I was a kid, Halloween meant

dressing up like Superman or girls like,

you know, Snow White or something,

and we would go door to door in the neighborhood

with our little bags and getting candy

and then of course we'd make ourselves sick.

And then, a number of years later

they started saying, "Wait, this is transgressive".

I mean it's based upon something really creepy

and this was a night where you could commune

with the dead and you could, people would dress up

in scary costumes so that maybe they could

scare the dead or have rapport with the dead,

and they would traffic in certain favors with the dead.

And as was often the case the church,

and I would say essentially the Catholic church

in the early centuries, started to appropriate

these various celebrations.

People say why do we have eggs at Easter?

What's that?

Well it was a kind of a spring fertility thing

but we'll say that's our Easter.

And then as the church appropriated this

they said okay we're going to have this All Saints' Day,

it was Martyr's Day November 1 and All Saints Day

and the night before is All Saints' Eve or All Hallows' Eve


And it's ours now,

and so we can do this.

And it had various iterations,

well people went back to the roots and they said wait a second

this is nothing we should connect with.

What about that? Well, it strikes me.

By the way there's no Bible verse that says,

woe onto you who practice Halloween.

And you know dress up like Princess Leia or something.

There's no verse like that,

so what do you do? You work with broad principles and

in some cases the Bible speaks very clearly.

Don't commit adultery, don't steal, don't murder.

In other case it seems to be

it seems there is some leeway,

some room for legitimate disagreement.

A couple things come to mind, one is we

actually play off a lot of pagan things

throughout our culture. If this is,

or yesterday was Thursday.

Well what are you doing as a Christian celebrating Thor?

Oh well I'm sorry yeah and did you say Wednesday

and did you say I'll meet you on Wednesday?

Well that's honoring Woden and Saturn is coming up tomorrow

and Freya and like oh well I don't mean that.

It's just after a while you think

well I just have to come out out of the world

if I'm going to be a consistent Christian.

So I would say look, just because it had a hinky beginning

it doesn't follow. I mean that's called the genetic fallacy.

If someone says look I could never be an Episcopalian

because Henry the Eighth was not a good man.

He executed one of his wives

and he founded the Anglican church.

Yeah beginnings are not nothing but they're not everything

and so the question is what's going on here.

Are you communing with spirits? Is that what's up there?

Is that what's in your mind? No, not really

it's like a costume party and a treasure hunt

in a sense. But it's not enough that you don't mean it.

It's also important to ask what people take by it

and I would suggest to you that when you

have a little kid with a bag and he's wearing

a mask with Scooby Doo or something on it.

And he's going door to door getting candy,

not only does he not think

that he's communing with the dead.

I don't think that the lost world is looking and saying,

"Whoa this is an occult thing these Christians

have slipped into." So, to me it's a matter of some liberty there.

But I think there is a point for us to signal

that we're not part of...

The sub Christian or Anti Christian or creepiness

of a structure.

It would be unwise and inappropriate for someone

to come out and dress like a devil

or you know have a pentagram on the forehead

or even a ghoulish kind of thing where.

You know you got the Frankenstein with the fake bolts

in your neck or your sort of trafficking

in an image which is sub Christian.

Let's not be cute with that,

if we're doing something that has some strange associations.

Lets do it as un-strange as possible

so again freedom, but freedom with thoughtfulness.

- [Narrator] Thanks for watching Honest Answers.

You can submit your questions by email, Twitter,

or in the comment's section below.

Don't forget to subscribe,

to find out the answer to next Wednesday's question.

For more infomation >> Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? - Duration: 4:52.


Xóa Sạch Hết | Trailer Music Video || Khánh Vũ KVD - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Xóa Sạch Hết | Trailer Music Video || Khánh Vũ KVD - Duration: 0:39.


🌴1.8 PvP auf der Ps3 !!! /Minecraft Ps3 Ps4 News 04🌴 - Duration: 8:23.

For more infomation >> 🌴1.8 PvP auf der Ps3 !!! /Minecraft Ps3 Ps4 News 04🌴 - Duration: 8:23.


Minha Caixa #15 | Cegonha Importadora - Duration: 9:47.

For more infomation >> Minha Caixa #15 | Cegonha Importadora - Duration: 9:47.


How to draw a COWBOY HAT for kids - Duration: 1:25.

How to draw a COWBOY HAT for kids

For more infomation >> How to draw a COWBOY HAT for kids - Duration: 1:25.


God, Jesus, Mary (Mariam) ... Tears in your eyes - Duration: 3:57.

Pray ...

pray ...


For more infomation >> God, Jesus, Mary (Mariam) ... Tears in your eyes - Duration: 3:57.


Lokführerin und Lokführer bei der SBB. - Duration: 1:32.


Up to 200.

Responsibility for people...

... safety and punctuality.

Continuous training

and self-study.

Contact with customers.

State-of-the-art technology.

Over 30,000 colleagues...

... across the whole of Switzerland.

La Chaux-de-Fonds, Zug, Bellinzona, Zurich,

Basel, Lausanne, Schwyz, Bern, Geneva, Chiasso,

Sun, rain, snow, summer, autumn, happiness, pride,

fog, nature, north, day and night.

Clearly organised working hours

and leisure time.

Every day is different and brings something new.

For more infomation >> Lokführerin und Lokführer bei der SBB. - Duration: 1:32.


How to Chalk Paint, Distress and decoupage furniture a Table. Furniture refinishing. - Duration: 14:48.

Use the abrasive paper to emery the surface.

Apply Primer for old Gloss Surface 317019. Leave it to dry.

Paint all surfaces of the table with Blue Acrylic paint Very Chalky Home Decor 734946.

Paint the top of the table with white Acrylic paint Very Chalky Home Decor Kad2.

Paint the borders of the table with white Acrylic paint Very Chalky Home Decor Kad2.

Moisten a Sponge or fabric in the water, wring it out, rub the surfaces to get Shabby Chic effect.

After drying apply water based varnish KADL2 or 2451 or 733918 onto all surfaces of the table.

Cut out a motif from the stencil K312.

Apply a stencil adhesive CAD9721 onto the stencil K312 and fix it to surface.

Apply Blue Acrylic paint Very Chalky Home Decor 734946 using the stencil K312.

Remove the stencil.

Apply a stencil adhesive CAD9721 onto the stencil K312 and fix it to surface.

Apply Blue Acrylic paint Very Chalky Home Decor 734946 using the stencil K312.

Apply Blue Acrylic paint Very Chalky Home Decor 734946 using the stencil K312.

Apply Blue Acrylic paint Very Chalky Home Decor 734946 using the stencil K312.

Cut out a motif from the rice paper RP715.

Apply decoupage glue CGLUE onto the surface of the table and glue the motif of the rice paper RP715.

Glue the motif of the rice paper RP715 onto another side of the table.

Glue the motif of the rice paper RP715 onto the center of the table.

After drying apply water based varnish KADL2 or 2451 or 733918 onto all surfaces of the table 2-3 times.

You can buy the materials for the project in our shop online

For more infomation >> How to Chalk Paint, Distress and decoupage furniture a Table. Furniture refinishing. - Duration: 14:48.



For more infomation >> 10 САМЫХ СТРАШНЫХ ЛОКАЦИЙ В ИГРАХ - Duration: 13:31.


Inside North Korea's bubble in Japan - Duration: 13:28.

It's graduation day at a children's school in Tokyo.

From the metro station it's just ten blocks to their school,

but these children aren't totally safe. Old men from their community have to stand at

every corner to make sure that these kids aren't harassed or bullied.

It's happened before. In fact, there's been a lot of rallies in Tokyo lately:

protesting these kids and their school.

This is because, even though these kids

and their parents were born in Japan, they're not Japanese.

This is North Korea's bubble in Japan.

It's a community of about 150,000 Koreans,

holdovers from the 1940's when Japan's military forcibly brought over

their relatives.

They run a network of schools, where they teach their kids

about Korean history, teach them Korean language. They teach them the ideology of

the great leader Kim Il-Sung.

The guards are here this morning because three days ago,

North Korea tested a bunch of missiles that landed right off Japan's shores.

Before the students can leave, they have to change out of the traditional Korean clothing.

But this community isn't giving in to the pressure.

Their schools are the place where they can protect their identity

and quietly revere their great leader and the homeland that he founded.

A place none of them have ever lived.

This North Korean bubble is a nation within a nation,

whose borders are made out of culture, language, history, and ideology.

And it shows how borders exist as much in our minds as they do on maps.

In 1910 the Korean Peninsula was annexed by Japan's expanding empire. During its rule

the empire brought tens of thousands of Koreans to Japan, mainly to work and to

serve in their army. Or in the case of Korean women, to serve as sex slaves in

brothels for Japanese soldiers.

Japan's empire grew until 1945 when World War II,

brought its sudden defeat and the loss of much of its empire, including Korea.

The Koreans who were in Japan were free, but they found themselves in a country that

didn't recognize them as citizens. The United States and the Soviet Union

quickly filled the power vacuum of this newly liberated Korean Peninsula and two

new countries were formed: the U.S. backing the new South Korea, and the

Soviet Union backing the North, installing a rising leader, Kim Il-Sung

who a few years later invaded the U.S.-backed South, starting the Korean War.

Most of the Koreans in Japan went back to Korea, but about 600,000 decided to

stay in Japan.

The Korean War changed everything,

creating a bitter division between these two new Koreas. So the Koreans in Japan

could no longer just be Korean. They suddenly had to choose which Korea they

affiliated with. Almost all of them had originally been from what was now South Korea,

but this new North Korea began paying special attention to the Koreans

in Japan, sending the money and helping them build schools and businesses.

Effectively, helping them build a cultural border, to help protect their identity and language

against the Japanese society that sought to change or destroy it.

This school where the graduation is taking place, was built with funding from

Kim Il-Sung in those early days, after the war.

For these stateless Koreans in

Japan, this support from a faraway government built trust and loyalty to a

regime that they had never actually lived under.

The North Korean backed organization in Japan called themselves the Chongryon and

over the following decades they built a network of schools, banks, and gambling parlors.

They became rich, and started sending millions of dollars back to

North Korea to support the regime. In their heyday the Chongryon was worth

around $25 billion dollars.

But something happened that would mark the

beginning of the end for this North Korean business empire in Japan.

In the late 70's North Korea started sending spies disguised as fishermen to Japanese

beaches, to start kidnapping Japanese citizens. They brought them back to North Korea

so that they could use them for their language and cultural

understanding of Japan, so they could help train their spies. The victims, including

a 13 year old girl who allegedly died in captivity, gripped the nation's attention for years,

their stories making their way into pop culture,

their faces known to every citizen. Around the same time, North Korea

began developing its long-range missile program, a program that would eventually

lead North Korea to having nuclear weapon delivery capabilities. Both the

nuclear and abduction issues came to a head in the early 2000's, when North Korea

withdrew from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, a treaty that

prevents countries from building more nuclear weapons. The regime also

officially admitted that they were behind some of the kidnappings of

Japanese citizens. This set off a wave of violent attacks and hate speech

against North Koreans living in Japan.

The Japanese government demanded that the Chongryon repay its outstanding debts.

When the organization couldn't do this, they were forced to declare bankruptcy.

Many of their buildings, including their headquarters, were seized.

The organization was left in financial ruin, with only its network of a few dozen

schools standing. These schools became the next target for Japanese animosity

towards North Korea.

Korean students suddenly found themselves in the middle of this heated

international conflict.

This graph shows the amount of state funding for

Korean schools by Japanese prefectures over time.

2006 was the year that North Korea tested a nuclear weapon. And you can see the

immediate drop-off of funding every year thereafter. Prefectures providing

tuition subsidies for Korean schools went from 28 in 2006, down to 12 today.

Education officials specifically cite the abduction issue as well as the

general "situation" in North Korea, as their motive for defunding the schools.

Japan's Ministry of Education declined my request for an interview

on this, but I did talk to an anti-Korean activist who defended these

actions by putting the issue into terms that I, as an American, could understand.

As I visited these schools and talked with these people who live in a country

that is openly hostile towards them, I found myself torn. This organization

pledges allegiance to a regime that has committed some of the most horrific

atrocities that our modern world knows.

Each and every conceivable human right is violated.

There are 80,000 to 100,000 people who are languishing in political prison camps.

Yet at the same time, they are also victims of severe structural discrimination.

The U.N. and other international bodies have repeatedly condemned the Japanese

structural discrimination against Koreans. The North Korean community often

cites this as validation for their plight, but the U.N. has also called North Korea's

human rights violations so grave that they have "no parallel in the contemporary world".

When you ask them how they reconcile this contradiction, the

response is always some version of:

"any country has human rights issues."

At first I found this astounding, that

there could be such a willful ignorance to the atrocities of the North Korean

regime, but the more embedded I got into this North Korean community in Japan, the

more I realized that, to this marginalized community, North Korea

represents more of a refuge of safety for their identity - something they crave

while they're living in a country that is actively working to diminish their

heritage and culture.

While younger generations are more likely to assimilate into Japanese society,

the Chongryon have done an exceptional job

at cultivating the strong Korean identity despite all the pressure and

hardship. In their last year of high school the students have an opportunity

to go visit North Korea.

Seeing and hearing the accounts of this highly

choreographed visit to Pyongyang, is all you need to understand the

relationship that this disenfranchised community has towards its adopted homeland.

I visited the North Korean university where they've curated a museum dedicated to

everything Korean. Every rock, tree, species of fish, plant, animal, root, that

has ever existed on the Korean Peninsula is found in this museum, which was built

with support from the North Korean government. I had never seen such a

meticulously comprehensive collection to enshrine a place in a history.

This place does not exist for visitors. It's much more of a statement that, in spite of

intense pressure and hostility, Korean culture endures in Japan.

North Korea isn't their home country in the way that you would think. They weren't born there,

they've never lived there, but they see it as their home country because the

country that they were born in actively works to make their lives harder.

Like in many parts of the world, right-wing nationalism is surging in Japan.

Anti-Korean rallies are on the rise, according to an investigation by

Japanese law enforcement. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is a fierce nationalist and

he's caught up in a scandal right now for having given secret donations to an

ultra-nationalist kindergarten with anti-Korean views. Japanese nationalism leads

to discrimination against Koreans. This causes the Koreans to resist Japan

as their home country, looking to a country they've never lived in for

support and protection of their identity.

Affiliating with this universally

reviled regime, that routinely vows to destroy Japan creates more resentment

from the Japanese population and politicians, leading to more

discrimination which leads to again deeper commitment to North Korea as a protector.

And in my mind there's no doubt that the cycle will continue.

While I was in Japan making this video, I also spent a lot of time with these

ultra right-wing groups who are anti-Korean and I didn't go into that much in

this video, but I made an entire separate video about the rise of right-wing

politics in Japan and kind of the anti-Korean sentiment and where that comes

from, from like a historical perspective.

And of course: big THANK YOU to lululemon

who is a sponsor of Borders, they sent me these ABC pants a while back that I've

been wearing. They are sturdy, and flexible and you can wear them when

you're hiking or when you're at home. So thank you lululemon, but more importantly

thank you for supporting Borders and making this project possible. I'm gonna

leave a link here for the lululemon shop for men online, and you can check out

your own pair of ABC pants.

Alright, we're three episodes into

Borders, we have three to go. Get ready for next Tuesday when I publish the fourth.

And wish me luck in the meantime I've got a lot of editing to do.

For more infomation >> Inside North Korea's bubble in Japan - Duration: 13:28.


Prank to Halloween with a huge spider: something went wrong! - Duration: 10:14.

Here begins the morning of Halloween.

A spider appeared in our house.

And now we are going to wake the children.

Let's go!

Come on.



You're not scared?


She just recognized me.


Wow, what a huge spider!

The mouse crushed.

Spidy, no one's afraid of you.

Well, I do not play like that.

You're too cute spidy.

Let's go scare at night.

Ryzhik, do you know what day it is?

Day of rest and relaxation.

Today is Halloween

What it is?

Today is the day when all evil spirits take to the streets.

We go too.

It would be better sausage takes to the streets.

Come you with us?

No thanks!

I will stay to protect the house from evil spirits.

Okay, you stay.


Are you glad?

Why are you so happy?

Do you know why the Nochka is so happy?

We have a gift for Halloween for it. Look.

Wow! Give me!

Look how it glows.

It's for you from aunt Tanya.

Thank you so much!

We hang it on the dog-collar.


How beautiful!

Glows in the dark.

All appreciate my gift!

Jumps for joy.

Did everyone see, huh?

Let's take Nochka with us. It really scares.

Am I horrible ?

The Hound of the Baskervilles.

Yes Yes. You

Hello everybody.

Are we going to scare?

We will make a prank.

This is called - Big shaggy spider.

Let's go!

This is our most important evil.

It glows. Gaffy took this gift by Nochka.

This evil spider will now scare everyone.

That's what we put on.

Masha glows in the dark.

We'll hang this lantern in our garden.

Maxim , you are so terrible.

Now I'll scare everyone.

Oh, oh. What a spidy!

This big and furry spider bites everyone now.

Let's go soon.

The first preys seem to be approaching.

Bite them!


Now this spider will bite you.

This one is too brave.


It's just a dog. What are you afraid of?

He spoiled everything.

Give me the next prey.

Maxim, the terrible spider?


Nobody is afraid.

Well this is insolence.

I think what a monster?


Yes, from a distance it seemed like a monster.

Well, how? Do I succeed?

Wow, the spider! Tarantula!

Now it will follow them.

It seems they are not afraid anymore.

The spider left its skin.

Spidey molted, shed old skin.

Masha, carry the old skin of a spider.

The spider grew out of this skin.

Gaffi, you made everyone laugh, not scared.

Someone was frightened. Okay, let's go.

Is who we have this?

Ryzhik, I scared everyone!

Ryzhik, do you celebrate Halloween too?

I will celebrate with something delicious.

Went to check what we bought.

Ryzhik, are you meditating?

I'm shocked!

What's in the package?

Oh, oh. It's the same pumpkin.

Where is the sausage?

Probably, Ryzhik bought them in the market.

I would never have bought one.

Have you already begun?

Have begun what?

And how will you cut out pumpkins without a knife?

Let's start.

And I'll probably sleep for now.

Call, when everything is ready.


Look how amazing.

And can you cut out such a sausage?

Turn off the light!

Ryzhik, with Halloween!

Life or candy?


We have such a flashlight.

Masha, Maxim, did you like how we celebrated Halloween?


Did you like our prank?


Gaffy scared a few, but made many laugh.

Is it good when people have fun?


Fancy Halloween!

Life or like?

Subscribe to our channel and watch our other videos!

For more infomation >> Prank to Halloween with a huge spider: something went wrong! - Duration: 10:14.




BY Sigmund Fraud,

To some degree, the term New World Order (NWO) seems to be falling out of vogue as the information

war presses onward.

With so much corruption and perversion being exposed in every sector of society, who has

time to consider the over-arching idea that forms the ideological foundation of it all?

The New World Order has evolved into the unspoken of finish line that anyone in power strives


It is not a particular group any longer, per se, but rather the supreme idea that total

centralization of power is the forgone conclusion for the people of the earth.

�I don�t think it�s right to frame the New World Order as necessarily a policy or


I think it�s more part of an ideology of globalism that has been explicitly articulated

in various ways by various people who are linked, but not always directly like we might

think.� ~James Corbett To manifest an idea as big as this for the

entire world requires sweeping changes to how people live, what they believe, what they

value, and how they interact with each other.

It is, in essence, a cultural revolution.

This is being accomplished by the slow but steady normalization of ideas and practices

into popular culture, so that in time, things once unacceptable become ubiquitous.

This is the proverbial boiling pot of water, slowly cooking the frog who won�t notice

the rise in temperature until it�s already too late to jump for escape.

We are slipping into to dangerous territory, and while there is a backlash brewing against

many aspects of this, it is advantageous to take note of the full spectrum of societal

alterations we are witnessing today.

As examples, here are six things that are being normalized, all around us.

They are issues which drastically alter the psychology and behavior of people in ways

which reduce personal liberty and individualism, so that the world is more easily led into

global governance and top-down tyranny.


Permanent War

We�ve been warned by Orwell that totalitarianism requires permanent war, flipping the script

so that war is peace.

Randolph Bourne explained to us that war is the health of the state.

We�ve been at war now continuously for sixteen years, and it has become such an ordinary

part of life, that no one cares where the wars are or how we got involved.

No one cares how dependent our economy has become on resupplying the bombs and weaponry

which destabilize the world.

�The impact of war on �society� is even more dramatic.

Bourne writes, ��in general, the nation in war-time attains a uniformity of feeling,

a hierarchy of values culminating at the undisputed apex of the State ideal, which could not possibly

be produced through any other agency than war.� Instead of embodying its peace time

principle of functioning � �live and let live,� society adopts the State�s principle

of �a group� acting �in its aggressive aspects.�


The Denial of Human Nature and of Natural Law

Society is developing in such a way that values can no longer be agreed upon, and values which

run counter to nature are being pressed to the top of public consciousness.

Confusion over gender identity is perhaps the best example of this, as we now see government

enacting laws to punish people who insist that our biological nature is and always will

be indisputably clear.

�Nihilism occurs in a society after values have been devaluated.

It feels as if values no longer exist.

When the value system of society attempts to control the natural world in a way that

it cannot be controlled, the system will fail, and then it will appear that society has a

lack of values.� ~Lauren Rose


The Cashless Society

Without micro-management of the individual�s finances, humans are still free to act outside

of the system by using cash to trade for goods and services without direct oversight from


This is quickly coming to an end, however, as many advances toward a cashless society

are being made, and at an ever-increasing pace.

If we don�t have the ability to trade with one another without permission, then every

purchase we make, even for food, is subject to the approval of an inhumane, exploitative


�Among the long list of items bundled by consensus reality merchants under the banner

of �conspiracy theory�, is a world without cash � where technocrats rule over the populace,

and everything and anything is exchanged via plastic and RFID chips.

In this sterile and controlled Orwellian hi-tech society, the idea of cash being passed from

hand to hand would be as archaic as the thought of carrying around a rucksack of tally sticks

today.� ~Patrick Henningsen READ: PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION � HOW



Total Surveillance and the End of Privacy

Just as in Orwell�s 1984 where telescreens watch over everyone with two-way communication,

today�s world is being engineered to accept and even love total surveillance.

Fear has been the main tactic used to push this idea into public consciousness, and the

drive for the end of privacy began in earnest after 9/11.

Today, with the ever-present threat of terror attacks surveillance seems like a good idea

to many people, but privacy is almost non-existent now even at the consumer level as well.

Products willingly purchased by happy customers include the most invasive technologies ever.

People are actually paying to place devices in their own homes which listen and see everything

and is in constant communication with corporate databases.

The technocracy closes in.

�While they understand that connected platforms and devices can lead to negative outcomes,

they figure the bad stuff will happen to someone else or, if they suffer in some regard, they

will still land on their feet.� [Source] 5.


This is almost too bizarre to even think about, but cannibalism is being normalized in mainstream


The theme has been recurring quite often in movies, programs and in music videos, and

news stories involving cannibalism are frequently found in mainstream media as front page news.

Cannibalism seems like an outlier in the agenda of the NWO, but it plays an especially important

role in devaluing human life, and encourages people to willfully participate in the zombification

of the self.

�Writers and directors reframing cannibalism as an affliction of the mind rather than the

body have turned it into a complex, often conflicted new archetype.

Most of the new run of cannibal stories treat their subjects not as monsters, but as human

beings wrestling with the all-consuming desire to do something revolting.

They�re like zombies with a conscience.� [Source]


Radical Sexual Perversion and Perversion of the Human Body

In the midst of massive revelations about the sexual predation of Hollywood, it�s

imperative to recognize that sexual perversion and perversion of the self in general are

quite already fully normalized today.

It is a widely known and tacitly accepted part of the nihilism in our society today.

We are seeing an increase in the amount of busts pedophiles and sex-trafficking rings,

and we are hoping to see more exposure of corporate and government pedophiles.

The fact that so many busts are happening is an indication of just how big this issue


Meanwhile, mainstream news outlets continue to glorify and give ample coverage of extreme

surgical body modifications and sex changes in children.

This is reinforcing the idea that the human being is an imperfect invention and that to

give oneself over so fully to the ego is perfectly acceptable.

Once the individual is so totally lost inside of their own body, consciousness will have

no center.

Final Thoughts

For the New World Order to be come to fruition, many, many people have to willingly acquiesce

to ever-expanding usurpations of natural liberties by ever-growing government.

In order for this to happen, people have to be programmed with the idea that individuals

are lesser than the group, that human beings are somehow not worth saving.

Our culture has to be radically altered to accept a new set of values.



How Africa can use its traditional knowledge to make progress | Chika Ezeanya-Esiobu - Duration: 14:10.

Some months back, I was visiting this East African city,

and we were stuck in traffic.

And this vendor suddenly approaches my window

with a half-opened alphabet sheet.

I took a quick look at the alphabet sheet,

and I thought of my daughter,

how it would be nice to spread it on the floor

and just play all over it with her

while getting her to learn the alphabet.

So the traffic moved a bit, and I quickly grabbed a copy,

and we moved on.

When I had time to fully open the alphabet sheet

and take a more detailed look at it,

I knew I was not going to use that to teach my daughter.

I regretted my purchase.

Why so?

Looking at the alphabet sheet reminded me of the fact

that not much has changed

in the education curricula in Africa.

Some decades back, I was taught out of a similar alphabet sheet.

And because of that, I struggled for years.

I struggled to reconcile my reality with the formal education I received

in school, in the schools I attended.

I had identity crises.

I looked down on my reality.

I looked at my ancestry, I looked at my lineage with disrespect.

I had very little patience for what my life had to offer around me.


"A is for apple."

"A is for apple."

"A is for apple" is for that child in that part of the world

where apples grow out;

who has an apple in her lunch bag;

who goes to the grocery store with her mom and sees red,

green, yellow -- apples of all shapes and colors and sizes.

And so, introducing education to this child

with an alphabet sheet like this

fulfills one of the major functions of education,

which is to introduce the learner

to an appreciation of the learner's environment

and a curiosity to explore more in order to add value.

In my own case,

when and where I grew up in Africa,

apple was an exotic fruit.

Two or three times a year,

I could get some yellowish apples with brown dots, you know,

signifying thousands of miles traveled -- warehouses, sorting --

to get to me.

I grew up in the city

to very financially comfortable parents,

so it was my dignified reality,

exactly the same way

cassava fufu or ugali would not regularly feature

in an American, Chinese or Indian diet,

apples didn't count as part of my reality.

So what this did to me,

introducing education to me with "A is for apple,"

made education an abstraction.

It made it something out of my reach --

a foreign concept,

a phenomenon for which I would have to constantly and perpetually seek

the validation of those it belonged to

for me to make progress within it and with it.

That was tough for a child; it would be tough for anyone.

As I grew up and I advanced academically,

my reality was further separated from my education.

In history, I was taught

that the Scottish explorer Mungo Park discovered the Niger River.

And so it bothered me.

My great-great-grandparents grew up

quite close to the edge of the Niger River.


And it took someone to travel thousands of miles from Europe

to discover a river right under their nose?



(Applause and cheers)

What did they do with their time?


Playing board games, roasting fresh yams,

fighting tribal wars?

I mean, I just knew my education was preparing me to go somewhere else

and practice and give to another environment that it belonged to.

It was not for my environment, where and when I grew up.

And this continued.

This philosophy undergirded my studies

all through the time I studied in Africa.

It took a lot of experiences and some studies

for me to begin to have a change of mindset.

I will share a couple of the remarkable ones with us.

I was in the United States in Washington, DC

studying towards my doctorate,

and I got this consultancy position with the World Bank Africa Region.

And so I remember one day,

my boss -- we were having a conversation on some project,

and he mentioned a particular World Bank project,

a large-scale irrigation project that cost millions of dollars

in Niger Republic

that was faltering sustainably.

He said this project wasn't so sustainable,

and it bothered those that instituted the whole package.

But then he mentioned a particular project,

a particular traditional irrigation method that was hugely successful

in the same Niger Republic where the World Bank project was failing.

And that got me thinking.

So I did further research,

and I found out about Tassa.

Tassa is a traditional irrigation method

where 20- to 30-centimeter-wide and 20- to 30-centimeter-deep holes

are dug across a field to be cultivated.

Then, a small dam is constructed around the field,

and then crops are planted across the surface area.

What happens is that when rain falls,

the holes are able to store the water

and appropriate it to the extent that the plant needs the water.

The plant can only assimilate as much water as needed

until harvest time.

Niger is 75 percent scorched desert,

so this is something that is a life-or-death situation,

and it has been used for centuries.

In an experiment that was conducted,

two similar plots of land were used in the experiment,

and one plot of land

did not have the Tassa technique on it.

Similar plots.

The other one had Tassa technique constructed on it.

Then similar grains of millet also were planted on both plots.

During harvest time,

the plot of land without Tassa technique

yielded 11 kilograms of millet per hectare.

The plot of land with Tassa technique

yielded 553 kilograms of millet per hectare.


I looked at the research, and I looked at myself.

I said, "I studied agriculture for 12 years,

from primary to Senior Six, as we say in East Africa,

SS3 in West Africa or 12th grade.

No one ever taught me

of any form of traditional African knowledge of cultivation --

of harvesting, of anything --

that will work in modern times and actually succeed,

where something imported from the West would struggle to succeed.

That was when I knew the challenge,

the challenge of Africa's curricula,

And I thus began my quest to dedicate my life, concern my life work,

to studying, conducting research on Africa's own knowledge system

and being able to advocate for its mainstreaming

in education, in research, policy

across sectors and industries.

Another conversation and experience I had at the bank

I guess made me take that final decision of where I was going to go,

even though it wasn't the most lucrative research to go into,

but it was just about what I believed in.

And so one day, my boss said that he likes to go to Africa

to negotiate World Bank loans and to work on World Bank projects.

And I was intrigued. I asked him why.

He said, "Oh, when I go to Africa,

it's so easy.

I just write up my loan documents and my project proposal in Washington, DC,

I go to Africa, and they all just get signed.

I get the best deal, and I'm back to base.

My bosses are happy with me."

But then he said, "I hate going to Asia or ..."

and he mentioned a particular country, Asia and some of these countries.

"They keep me for this, trying to get the best deal for their countries.

They get the best deal.

They tell me, 'Oh, that clause will not work for us

in our environment.

It's not our reality. It's just so Western.'

And they tell me, 'Oh, we have enough experts

to take care of this.

You don't have enough experts.

We know our aim.'

And they just keep going through all these things.

By the time they finish, yes, they get the best deal,

but I'm so exhausted and I don't get the best deal for the bank,

and we're in business."

"Really?" I thought in my head, "OK."

I was privileged to sit in on a loan negotiating session

in an African country.

So I would do these consultancy positions during summer,

you know, since I was a doctoral student.

And then I traveled with the team, with the World Bank team,

as more like someone to help out with organizational matters.

But I sat in during the negotiating session.

I had mostly Euro-Americans, you know, with me from Washington, DC.

And I looked across the table at my African brothers and sisters.

I could see intimidation on their faces.

They didn't believe they had anything to offer

the great-great-grandchildren of Mungo Park --

the owners of "apple" in "A is for apple."

They just sat and watched: "Oh, just give us, let us sign.

You own the knowledge. You know it all.

Just, where do we sign? Show us, let us sign."

They had no voice. They didn't believe in themselves.

Excuse me.

And so,

I have been doing this for a decade.

I have been conducting research on Africa's knowledge system,

original, authentic, traditional knowledge.

In the few cases where this has been implemented in Africa,

there has been remarkable successes recorded.

I think of Gacaca.

Gacaca is Rwanda's traditional judicial system

that was used after the genocide.

In 1994, when the genocide ended,

Rwanda's national court system was in shambles:

no judges, no lawyers to try hundreds of thousands of genocide cases.

So the government of Rwanda came up with this idea

to resuscitate a traditional judicial system known as Gacaca.

Gacaca is a community-based judicial system,

where community members come together

to elect men and women of proven integrity

to try cases of crimes committed within these communities.

So by the time Gacaca concluded its trial of genocide cases in 2012,

12,000 community-based courts had tried approximately 1.2 million cases.

That's a record.


Most importantly is that Gacaca emphasized Rwanda's traditional philosophy

of reconciliation and reintegration,

as against the whole punitive and banishment idea

that undergirds present-day Western style.

And not to compare, but just to say that it really emphasized

Rwanda's traditional method of philosophy.

And so it was Mwalimu Julius Nyerere,

former president of Tanzania --


who said that you cannot develop people.

People will have to develop themselves.

I agree with Mwalimu.

I am convinced

that Africa's further transformation, Africa's advancement,

rests simply in the acknowledgment, validation and mainstreaming

of Africa's own traditional, authentic, original, indigenous knowledge

in education, in research, in policy making and across sectors.

This is not going to be easy for Africa.

It is not going to be easy for a people used to being told how to think,

what to do, how to go about it,

a people long subjected to the intellectual guidance

and direction of others,

be they the colonial masters,

aid industry or international news media.

But it is a task that we have to do to make progress.

I am strengthened by the words of Joseph Shabalala,

founder of the South African choral group Ladysmith Black Mambazo.

He said that the task ahead of us can never, ever be greater

than the power within us.

We can do it.

We can unlearn looking down on ourselves.

We can learn to place value on our reality and our knowledge.

Thank you.

(Swahili) Thank you very much.


Thank you. Thank you.


For more infomation >> How Africa can use its traditional knowledge to make progress | Chika Ezeanya-Esiobu - Duration: 14:10.


Today's Libra Horoscope Thursday, NOVMBER 2, 2017 - Duration: 3:10.

Today's Libra Horoscope saturday, October 21, 2017


Daily Horoscope LIBRA October 22, 2017

For more infomation >> Today's Libra Horoscope Thursday, NOVMBER 2, 2017 - Duration: 3:10.


MLP BIRTHDAY MORNING PRESENTS OPENING!🎁 My Little Pony New Movie Birthday Surprise Toys Opening 🎂 🎉 - Duration: 13:34.


It's my magical Princess Twilight Sparkle!

Your birthday cake!

It's finally here- today is my birthday!

Where is everyone?

I thought they'd be a little more excitement for my birthday..

That's strange.. there's nobody in my castle

what is that in the sky?

oh my goodness! This is amazing!

You didn't think we would forget you birthday?

Hope you like your big present

We wanted it to be as magical as you

..and that's not all Twilight Sparkle!


Happy birthday Princess Twilight Sparkle!

This is a lovely surprise I didn't expect all this

What present would you like us to open first?

The big one right in the front!

I'm so excited to see what's inside!

It's my magical Princess Twilight Sparkle!

She is beautiful!

Look at her horn- it light's up

and her beautiful mane- it's perfect for styling!

And her crown, fit for a princess

and look at her beautiful, shiny, purple wings

Princess Twilight would you please help us open it?

There she is! Let me put on her beautiful crown

I love her beautiful soft mane, pink and purple, it's so beautiful

her fur is so soft

Now let's turn her on!

Hello pony friends it's wonderful to meet you. I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess of friendship

We are so excited to meet you too!

God bless you Princess Twilight Sparkle

She's flying!

Let's press her hoof

Good friends, like a good book, is something that will last forever

Friends are always there for each other

She is talking about friendship!

Friendship is magic

Let's press her hoof again

This is one of my favourite stories

Stories, she talks about stories!

As the princess of friendship I was in charge of all the preparations for the friendship festival..

..and I wanted to make sure it was the most wonderful celebration any pony has ever seen


We showed him that there is no power stronger than a magical friendship

That's so true!

I'm gonna touch her horn

it lights's

Let's press her hoof again

Let's sing together!


My little pony, my little pony friendship is magic..

Let's press her hoof the last time

I think it's spells

Have you ever heard of a freeze spell?




Hello- it worked!

Oh my goodness

Look she is totally posable

This is so much fun

she is sitting down

She's wonderful

Twilight, you will have so much fun playing with the

My magical Princess Twilight Sparkle pony

Princess Twilight Sparkle, what present would you like us to open next?

Uhh ah.. it's so hard to choose.. the big one right behind Clara

One, two, three..

It's the Canterlot ans Seaquestria castle

Look! There is Queen Novo and Spike, he is a pufferfish.. why is that?

You'll find out in the new My Little Pony movie

There are three floors in this castle and over 30 accessories

and look, there's a spinning octopus ride and an elevator

Princess Twilight Sparkle will you help us open it with your special powers?

I think we need more of you magic to ensemble the castle

WOW! Look at this castle..

It's huge!

The top part is themed like Canterlot

and down here ist's an underwater palace

There is lot's of fun things to do!

You can put Spike down the sea-slide

Here is Queen Novo having some beach fun

this is such a cool octopus ride

Spike looks really comfy on his seashell bed

Queen Novo can see all across the sea bed from this balcony

Look, ther's tea set- it's so sweet

and a whole seafood platter presented in a boat

This sea pearl has very special powers

We'll have to watch the movie to find out what they are

Queen Novo keeps it in her treasure chest

This playset has even a cute vanity unite

Look, there's an elevator!

I'm going to put Spike up the elevator!

and there's the beautiful queen Novo on her royal purple throne

Look this spins and there's a place for a pony

Come on Twilight Sparkle, come for a try!

This is so much fun!

Can you open the other presents now?

It's the Pinkie Pie swimming sea pony

she is the cutest Pinkie Pie ever

Oh and she is a mermaid

when you press these two buttons she can swim and she lights up

I can't wait to take her in the bath- she's gonna be so fun

I'm a mermaid? I can swim? How did I miss that?

You didn't miss anything!

All will be revealed in the new My Little Pony movie!

It's the Pinkie Pie seashell lagoon

There's Pinkie Pie she is a mermaid

there's a bed for Applejack when she comes over to visit

howdy that looks like the perfect place for me

There's 14 different accessories

Ohh, that looks like some kind of yummy dessert

Oh, my favorite, cupcakes!

Rarity seapony

look at her beautiful sea tail

she has loads of glitter

and look at that beautiful seashell necklace

there is a treasure inside

Twilight you got the Fluttershy glitter and style seapony

Look at her glittering eyes - she's beautiful

She comes with a brush and a handbag- it's so cute

Twilight you got the Rarity undersea spa

Look at her beautiful seashell bubbly bath- it's pink!

She has a robe on her ans she has a beautiful vanity unit

Oh please tell me princess Twilight Sparkle that I get to go in that divine bath in the movie?

You'll have to watch the new movie in half term to find

You also got the land and sea fashions styles Fluttershy

Look at her beautiful outfits

and look, she can be a land- an seapony

Ohh this is so cute!

It's Rainbow Dash and her turtle

They're ready to be guardians of harmony

I love Rainbowdash. And you also got

The Pinkie Pie Seasong

Her seashell plays music!

And this is Tempest shadow with her battleship

Look half of her horn is broken ..I wonder why that is..

I don't want to spoil the new My Little Pony movie story but she isn't very kind to Equestria

I don't like that Tempest Shadow, I don't want her in Equestria!

Look Princess Twilight Sparkle this is you battling the Changelings

You're in your warrior outfit it protecting Equestria

Twilight, you got the Pinkie Pie runaway fashions pony

she comes with lots of clips to style her hair

So cute!

And you got Applejack, she's a shining friend

When you press her cutie mark she gives you a high five

she lights up when you press her hoof

You got Fluttershy

and she comes with a little animal, it's a squirrel

and you got a My Little Pony blindbag

I wonder what's inside

oh my goodness, You got this little apple pony

He's my brother

You also got a little sea animal

look he will stick to your bathtub

Princess Twilight, you got the Canterlot castle from the movie

It has a reading room, it has yummy cake and buns and cupcakes

and there is beautiful Princess Celestia - she is gorgeous, I love her hair

There is the evil storm king - I don't like him

Is he in the new movie Princess Twilight?

He sure is and he is up to his nasty tricks as usual

And you got Princess Twilight Sparkle and spike the dragon friendship duo

they sing together watch:

Sing along with me spike!

Wow well done princess Twilight

You are so lucky Princess Twilight you got this cuddly Pinkie Pie

And you are even luckier- look it's a Rainbowdash plushy

And that's not all you'r gonna love.. we have one more mega surprise for you!

Your birthday cake!

My magical Princess Twilight Sparkle is going to blow out the candles with us

Isn't the cake beautiful? It's themed on the new My Little Pony movie and it has

all your friends around it!

Thank you all for the best birthday ever!

I love my My magical Princess Twilight Sparkle pony- she's amazing

The giant Canterlot and Seaquestria castle

and all the other My Little Pony toys

My birthday wishes: You all have fun watching the new My Little Pony movie! Bye for now!


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For more infomation >> MLP BIRTHDAY MORNING PRESENTS OPENING!🎁 My Little Pony New Movie Birthday Surprise Toys Opening 🎂 🎉 - Duration: 13:34.


Upgrade Huatli Planeswalker Deck - Duration: 6:46.

Upgrading the Huatli Planeswalker Deck

You got the Huatli Planeswalker deck and played it.

It's a lot of fun playing dinosaurs.

Now you want to upgrade it so it's more challenging.

I'm going to show you how to upgrade the Huatli Planeswalker deck, right now.

Reaching and teaching Young Mages of all ages.

Welcome young mage, I'm Rhino.

Before we get started, tell me who is your favorite Planeswalker in Standard?

I would like to know for my upcoming videos.

Just put it in the comments below.

The purpose of the Hualti Planeswalker deck is to make Dinosuars.

Keep pumping them out.

And make them bigger and more mean.

So let's see what we took out to make this better.

Raptor Companion - He's a very generic 3/1 for 2.

Nothing exciting about him.

I think we can find something better.

Tilonalli's Knight - I've played her and she's ok, but she only gets a +1/+1 til

the end of turn.

And really, I have a hard time pronouncing her name.

Frienzed Raptor - This is another one where like the Raptor Companion, It's just okay.

No special abilities.

Bonded Horncrest - He can't attack or block alone.

I played a lot of games where this a big problem.

Pterodon Knight - I would prefer something that had flying all the time.

Shining Aerosaur - This has flying all the time, but seems to be a bit expensive for

that power.

Hutali's Spurring - This is actually a pretty cool card.

But I didn't have Hutali out enough to get the extra effect.

So it's gone.

Now for the upgrades starting with the land.

No changes other than taking out four basic lands in favor of two Evolving Wilds and 2

extra slots for other spells.

I think they should put Evolving Wilds in Planeswalker decks by default.

They are an easy way to do some mana fixing.

Each added creature helps with the dinosaur theme.

Otepec Huntmaster - He's like the Kinjalli Caller making your Dinosaurs cost 1 generic

mana less to cast.

But he can also be tapped to give a Dinosaur haste.

Now that's nice.

Raptor Hatchling - Aren't these so cute?

Nobody wants to attack or destroy them.

They are like little Dinosaur land mines.

You attack one and then big Mama comes.

Sky Terror - This one is a no brainer.

A 2 drop 2/2 with both flying and menace.

This is just too awesome.

Only direct damage takes something like this out.

Especially in the early game.

Kinjalli's Sunwing - This is a great dinosaur.

Just being out on the battlefield makes all of your opponents creatures come in tapped.

Cast Out - This is important to exile your opponents big creature or even a Planeswalker.

It can take out just about anything.

I added an extra Lighting Strike and Burning Suns Avatar.

I think we need to make sure we have plenty of removal spells.

And the Burning Suns Avatar is one of our major win conditions.

So we need an extra.

That's it for the additions.

Take a look at the mana curve.

It has a huge spike at 2 making this a very aggressive deck.

It wants to run fast and overwhelm quickly.

That's a decent first upgrade.

This deck can be upgraded with cards you can easily find or trade.

There are some extra upgrades you may want to look at if you have the cards.

The first is adding in Inspiring Vantage.

It's what everyone calls a fast land.

I just pulled one out of a Standard Showdown pack.

If you have it in your opening hand, you don't have to worry about which color mana to put

down first.

You have them both in one card.

The second card I would like to add is Settle the Wreckage.

This will be a great surprise combat trick.

They think they have you, and now all of their creatures are gone.

They get lands for it, but then you are ready to swing in for the win.

That's a surprise upset.

And one more thing.

When Rivals of Ixalan comes out, there will be some nice cards in that set that can add

to this deck.

Don't think that this is the end of upgrade possibilities.

What do you think of this upgrade?

What would you change to make it better?

Let me know in the comments below.

If you like this video consider subscribing.

Just hit that rhino down below.

And don't forget the bell notifications so you don't miss anything.

These videos are possible because of my sponsor Fodder Cannon Games

and my generous Patrons.

Check out the videos on the side.

They may interest you.

I have more videos coming out soon.

So until then, Rhino out.

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