Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 27 2018

What Are UFOs and Where Do They Come From

UFO Theories

Extraterrestrial Hypothesis The extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) is the

belief that UFOs are vehicles from other planets that contain intelligent life for the purpose

of visiting earth.

This being the most popular view among the public has been losing ground among those

that have given Ufology serious study and thought over a long period of time.

This is the perception that Hollywood has romanticized and advanced to the public but

is probably the least likely.

The chances of intelligent life climbing into to some type of space vehicle and visiting

earth are pretty slim.

Back in the 1930's this was the main theory put forward, since then physics and science

have advanced to the point of making this theory almost irrelevant.

It now seems that this is far too a simple explanation and in fact does not explain all

the strange things reported by witnesses.

The universe is not really as complex as one might think but it is full of things and knowledge

that man has yet to comprehend or experience so the simple Hollywood explanation is probably

far from realistic.

Conspiracy Theory A UFO conspiracy theory is any one of many

often overlapping conspiracy theories which argue that evidence of the reality of UFOs

is being suppressed by various governments around the world.

The prevailing thought is that earth governments, especially the United States and to a lesser

extent Russia are in communication & cooperation with ETs and even allowing for a certain number

and type of alien abductions.


As of 2012 portals have moved from theoretical to reality.

A NASA-sponsored researcher at the University of Iowa has developed a way for spacecraft

to hunt down hidden magnetic portals in the vicinity of Earth.

These portals link the magnetic field of our planet to that of the sun.The existence of

portals would go a long way in explaining the erratic and very short duration of many

UFO sightings.

Could it be possible that UFOs are only seen as they "uncloak" just prior to entering or

exiting a portal.

Since we know that portals exist between planet earth and the sun than it only stands to reason

that portals would exist between galaxies.

This would explain why we have not found anybody living in our immediate neighborhood.

Maybe there is an abundance of life in the universe but not in our Milky Way.

It could be they are traversing the galaxies using these portals or hyperlinks.

Wormhole Theory There is no observational evidence for wormholes,

but on a theoretical level there are valid solutions to the equations of the theory of

general relativity which contain wormholes . Because of its robust theoretical strength,

a wormhole is also known as one of the great physics metaphors for teaching general relativity.This

sounds very Hollywood but the idea of bending distance and time has been around for years.

In theory this works and as a practical matter it could explain the vast distances intelligent

life would have to travel to visit earth.

This moves the ETH "From Another Planet Theory" to a entirely new level.

Ancient Alien Theory This theory is gaining in popularity and it

proposes that extraterrestrial beings have been visiting earth since the advent of man.

It puts forward that early man was in direct contact with these entities even benefiting

from alien technology to build various pyramids and structures around the world.

There is some strong evidence that man was much more advanced than originally thought

or did have technological support from unknown resources.

Proponents suggest that this contact influenced the development of human beings and that man's

DNA may have an alien variant.

Due to mans lack of sophistication, knowledge and technology these aliens were misidentified

as religious deities or Gods and their technology were evidence of their divine status.

Early writings and scriptures,such as, Vedas Scriptures, various San-script writings (from

India, China, Pakistan) and even the Bible seem to confirm this hypothesis.

Biological Theory (Atmospheric Life Forms) When you stop and give this aspect of the

UFO equation some thought this really has to be true.

We know that life is tenacious, persistent and procreates just about anywhere at anytime

under almost any conditions.

Why should this aspect of life be any different in space or in the greater universe.

There are some laws that are truly universal,one of them is that life will find a way to flourish

even in the most adverse and unexpected circumstances.

To read about biological UFOs.

Quantum Physics Quantum Physics has been around since the

1920 but we are only just beginning to understand what it really is and what it means to mankind.

When the possibility of more than one universe was mention it was pretty radical stuff.

Even today quantum physics is just on the fringe of mainstream discussion.

It is always hard for us to believe in things that we cannot see or fully understand.

While at a glance this may seem like just another strange theory, it contains many clues

as to the fundamental nature of the universe and is more important then even relativity

in the grand scheme of things . Furthermore, it describes the nature of the universe as

being much different then the world we see.

Ronald Reagan (attempting to prove the existence of God) once said that he wanted to invite

20 atheist to the White House for a grand meal.

After the meal was devoured he was going to ask his guest if they believed that there

was a cook in the kitchen even though they never saw him/her.

Sometimes you just have to believe in things that you cannot see, feel or touch.

As Niels Bohr said, "Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it."

For an article on the top 10 ways quantum physics will change our lives.

Alternative Dimensions, Realms or Universes Theories with more than one dimension of time

have occasionally been advanced in physics, whether as a serious description of reality

or just as a curious possibility.

This theory is gaining momentum as more and more scientist believe in quantum physics.

If you believe like many respected scientist have come to believe that there are multiverses

(more than one universe) than it is not that much of a stretch to believe that beings could

be traveling between universes (dimensions).

This does necessarily mean that intelligent life forms are "time traveling" but they are

simply traveling between dimensions, realms or universes.

Hollow Earth Theory This theory proposes that the planet earth

is either entirely hollow or otherwise contains a substantial interior


In the early 19th century an American eccentric, John Cleves Symmes (1779-1829), sought funding

for an expedition to enter the earth through one of two 4,000-mile wide polar holes.

Inside the Earth, he was convinced, a benevolent advanced civilization existed.

Though an object of derision to most people, some took him seriously, and the idea of a

hollow Earth was championed in a number of books throughout the rest of the century and

right into the next.Today, hollow-earthers believe flying saucers travel in and out of

the polar holes.

The people inside are descendants of Atlantis and its Pacific equivalent, Lemuria.

Earthlights, Ball Lightening Hypothesis

People have reported seeing ball lightning�a rare phenomenon that resembles a glowing sphere

of electricity�for hundreds of years.

Ball lightning often appears during thunderstorms and typically glows, spins, hisses, bounces,

and floats.

But scientists still can't explain what causes it, or even exactly what it is.

(although in 2006 Brazil's physicist Antonia Pavoa believes he recreated it in a lab)

Related to the balls of light hypothesis is the earthlights or earthquake lights hypothesis

which is based on the work of various independent researchers who have attempted to link UFO

sightings where geological faults and geomagnetic fluctuations occur.

Man-Made UFOs / Back Engineered Technology Governments and military have been attempting

to emulate the performance of UFOs for decades.

Pilots (especially since WWII) have reported that these craft have performed phenomenal

feats and are capable of speeds that far exceeds our current technology.

A good example of these efforts can be understood by reading about the AVRO Corporation which

mysteriously and abruptly closed their doors in 1962.

Follow this link for a list of the top 11 man-made UFOs that were made on earth.

Ever since the famous Roswell Incident of 1947 there has been serious speculation that

the US military has attempted to back engineer UFO technology.

In the event that the US military actually took possession of this type of technology

it would have been only natural to do so.

There have been claims by high ranking officials that other technologies were discovered at

the same time which include, night vision capabilities, lasers, bullet proof vest to

name just a few.

Follow this link for a list of 12 technologies that were developed in the 1950's and 60's

that may have had alien origin.

For more infomation >> What Are UFOs and Where Do They Come From - Duration: 10:13.



For more infomation >> 16 ИНТЕРЕСНЫХ ФАКТОВ О ЕДЕ- ЭТО ИНТЕРЕСНО - Duration: 3:34.


[3K] Johanna & Katniss | Atic*:・゚✧ - Duration: 1:18.

Johanna: So what do you think? Now that the whole world wants to sleep with you?

Katniss: I don't think that the whole world...

Johanna: I wasn't talking to you.

Johanna: Love is weird.

Johanna: Really? A wedding dress?

Katniss: I'm going to kill snow.

Katniss: What's wrong with her?

Johanna: Feel free to take any of this personally.

Johanna: But nobody likes me.

Katniss: Johanna!?

Johanna: Well, there she is.

Johanna: The mockingjay.

Johanna: Make him pay for it.

Johanna: Now you're talking.

Katniss: Is that why you hate me?

Johanna: You're also a little hard to swallow.

For more infomation >> [3K] Johanna & Katniss | Atic*:・゚✧ - Duration: 1:18.


Upload Video dan Optimasi | 7 Triks Rahasia Cara Mendapatkan Banyak View di Youtube (2018) - Duration: 15:21.

For more infomation >> Upload Video dan Optimasi | 7 Triks Rahasia Cara Mendapatkan Banyak View di Youtube (2018) - Duration: 15:21.


POTWÓR TU, POTWÓR TAM – Ś – piosenki dla dzieci - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> POTWÓR TU, POTWÓR TAM – Ś – piosenki dla dzieci - Duration: 2:46.


♡MMD♡Eddsworld♡The Crush Song♡TamTori♡ - Duration: 0:49.

Hush, hush, hush Blush, blush, blush

You are now my big fat crush

I'm single as I can be

You're single, perfect for me

I'm gonna give you a bunch of reasons

Why you should date me

Reason number one - I'm super hot

Reason number two - she's super not

Reason number three - I'm all you got

And all you got is someone hot

Boy check my résumé

You want a background check? Okay.

First name hot, and last name bitch

Wanna get with me? Now that's the sitch

You think I'm trash?

Hell no, I'm class and I got a big fat ass

And all I gotta say is...

Please date me because I'm single S-I-N-G-L-E,

love me And hug me, and touch me

And, well, fuck me

For more infomation >> ♡MMD♡Eddsworld♡The Crush Song♡TamTori♡ - Duration: 0:49.


NASA's Nuclear Drone on Titan VS Comet Sample Return (Collab with Fraser Cain) - Duration: 11:11.

Hi it's me Tim Dodd, the Everyday Astronaut

NASA's considering sending a nuclear powered flying robotic laser guided quadcopter drone

to a world with oceans, rain and maybe one of the best views in our solar system.

That's right, this is one of two potential missions that NASA has narrowed down for their

final mission in their New Frontiers Program.

Today I'm going to tell you all about ONE of those two missions as I go head to head

against the publisher of Universe Today, Fraser Cain in a battle for the best potential mission.

After you've heard from both of us, you get to vote on which one you think should

win, which will almost certainly forever shape the history of space exploration.

Either that or NASA won't care at all what we think... hmmm…

Well, anyway, here's what Fraser has to say, this better be good...

I'm Fraser Cain, publisher of Universe Today and the host of the Guide to Space.

Tim's going to convince you that NASA should choose a nuclear powered helicopter for Titan.

And while I think that's an awesome idea, it's my job to convince you that a comet

sample return makes more sense.

So, after you've heard Tim's argument, come on over to my channel and I'll make

the case for comet sample return.

Then vote.


Wait, wait, so wait, you're telling me you want to scoop up some boring old space dirt

and bring it home?!

You've got a real uphill battle on this one.


Vs space dirt….

Well, let's get started!

In December of 2017 NASA narrowed down its potential upcoming planetary science missions

to just two.

The Comet Astrobiology Exploration Sample Return (CAESAR), a mission that would return

to Comet 67p, that exact same Comet that Rosetta and Phileae recently flew to.

It would then scoop up some comet dirt and bring it back to Earth.

The other option is Dragonfly.

A nuclear-powered quadcopter that would fly around in the thick atmosphere of Saturn's

moon Titan, efficiently exploring more of this incredible world than any other interplanetary mission.

Unfortunately there's only room for one mission.

Each team will continue to perfect their proposals until NASA makes their final decision mid 2019.

If all goes well, NASA would be able to launch the winning mission as early as 2024!

Before we get into the details of the Dragonfly Space Drone, let's talk about its destination first.


Titan is amazing.

Seriously, after researching for this video, I realized how incredible Titan is, and now

more than ever, I really really want to explore it.

Titan is the largest moon orbiting Saturn and the second largest moon in our solar system.

Titan is even larger than the planet Mercury.

This thing is huge.

In some ways Titan is the most Earth-like body in our solar system.

It's actually kind of the most potentially habitable for us humans too, and there's

a remote possibility it could be teaming with super unique alien life.


Titan has a thick atmosphere.

A really thick atmosphere.

It's 1.45 times thicker than here on Earth, which means you could go outside without a


But, there's two reasons why you wouldn't want to do that.

First you'd be better bring the warmest coat imaginable as it's -180c or -292 F.


Also, you'll need to bring some oxygen since Titan's atmosphere is almost entirely nitrogen

with some methane and some hydrogen.

And with its super thick atmosphere and low gravity close to our own moon's, you'd actually

be able to strap on some wings, flap your arms, and fly around Titan like a bird!


It'd probably be a lot better than this guy's attempts here on Earth

And unlike other potentially habitable-ish planets like Mars or our own moon, Titan's

thick atmosphere and Saturn's massive magnetosphere could protect life from dangerous Galactic

Cosmic Rays and other dangerous radiation.

And despite its freezing cold temperatures, due to its thick atmosphere, we wouldn't

require crazy big and vacuum sealed habitats.

Habitats could be more like a heated plastic tent which could be lightweight and maybe

even be manufactured using resources right there on Titan.

If we were to try and inhabit the moon or Mars permanently, we'd either need massively

shielded habitats or, live entirely underground to protect us long term.

That doesn't sound too fun does it.

Ok so, so far Titan doesn't sound anything like Earth.

But here's where things get interesting.

The craziest part of Titan is it has liquid oceans.

But instead of those oceans being liquid water, they're actually liquid methane!

And this one is kind of hard for me to grasp, but let's take water here on Earth as an

example first.

Earth is the right temperature to have liquid water.

If Earth was any warmer, like a lot warmer, all of that water would boil and evaporate

into a gas.

If Earth was a lot colder, all that water would freeze and become a solid, otherwise

known as ice.

And like ALL matter, methane exists in one of five states, but let's just stick to

the three we're most familiar with.

Liquids, solids and gases.

Due to Titan being so cold, methane exists as a liquid, which it does below −161 °C

(−257 °F) and above that temperature it's a gas, like we may be more

familiar with here on Earth.

And although there isn't liquid water on the surface of Titan, there is water trapped

below the crust of Titan.

This is exciting not only for the possibility of potential life as we know it down there,

but also as means of survival for potential human exploration.

Speaking of life… don't forget, here on Earth, we've only ever observed life in

the presence of water.

All life on Earth requires the presence of liquid water to exist.

This is because water is the lubricant for the molecular process of all known life.

But, maybe in my overly optimistic outlook, there's one keyword here that gets me excited.

KNOWN life.

Some scientists hypothesize that life could potentially exist using a molecule called

acrylonitrile that could act as a lubricant instead of water.

But really, we just simply don't know until we observe otherwise.

But in my opinion, how absolutely incredible would it we be if we someday discover life

as we don't know it.

Life that's nothing like here on Earth.

Life that's so different, it makes Hollywood's depictions of alien life seem downright hilarious.

Ok, so Titan's a super crazy cool world.

So now let's talk about exploring Titan.

Tell us about that DRONE TIM!!!!


The drone would have a leash to walk Titan dogs like this.

Ok, well not at all.

But It'd look like this.

Dragonfly has 8 propellers in an X8 configuration.

This allows for multi motor-out capability, assuming you don't lose both motors on the

same arm.

As we've mentioned, due to Titan's thick atmosphere and low gravity, flying around

Titan would be super easy.

It'd be a very efficient and extremely safe way to explore.

With nothing to run into besides potential space pterodactyls, the drone could easily

cover 10s if not 100's of kilometers within its 2 year planned lifespan.

That's an insane amount of potential exploration!

A big change from previous land roving rovers.

The current record holder for furthest distance traveled on another body is NASA's plucky

Mars Opportunity rover which has traveled 45 kms or 28 miles as of January 2018.

Its taken Opportunity over 14 years to travel that far though… so it's not what I'd

call quick…

Before Opportunity the previous record holder was the USSR's Lunokhod 2 moon rover which

traveled 39 kilometers or 24 miles in 1973 over its four month mission.

Lunokhod 2 broke the previous record held by two HUMANS!

That's right, the Apollo 17 lunar rover piloted by Harrison Schmitt and Eugene Cernan

traveled pretty darn far, a respectable 35.7 kms or 22 miles on the surface of the moon

in less than 3 days.

That's pretty quick.

Another thing that's cool about Dragonfly is it would be powered by a small nuclear


Specifically a radioisotope thermoelectric generator or RTG.

It'd actually be the exact same RTG that powers the awesome Curiosity Mars rover!

RTG's convert the heat of decaying radioactive material, into electricity!

The excess heat would also be pumped back into the body of the drone to keep its electronics

at a comfortable room temperature, a win win.

The RTG recharges the onboard battery which actually powers the drone.

This allows the drone to fly around for the duration of the battery and then land and

recharge, even during Titan's night which lasts 8 Earth days.

But maybe one of the most exciting things is Dragonfly can measure bulk element surface

composition with a neutron-activated gamma-ray spectrometer and monitor atmospheric and surface

conditions including diurnal and spatial variations with meteorology sensors?????!?!


I have no idea.

It's cool stuff probably.

Good thing I'm not on the planning team because I'd probably just say "Put lasers

on it and make sure it can do some cool barrel rolls."

Although the Dragonfly mission would be super exciting, it wouldn't actually be the first

mission to the surface of Titan.


On January 14th, 2005, the Huygens probe successfully touched down on the surface of Titan.

Although the Huygens spacecraft only lasted 90 minutes on the surface of Titan, it still

provided very useful data about the conditions, paving the way for further exploration.

Huygens launched along with the wonderful Cassini spacecraft which studied the Saturn

system for 14 years, just recently ending its incredibly fruitful mission just recently,

in September 2017.

Man, I'm so excited about a drone flying around Titan and potentially making some incredible


So what do you think?

Are you a fan of Titan and/or Dragonfly?

Do you want us to explore Titan further, if not, where do you want to explore next?

Let me know in your thoughts below!

And although he's going to have a hard time convincing us why CAESAR is even remotely

worth considering, we do need to remember to head on over to Fraser Cain's channel

to learn more about what NASA's other option is…

While you're at it, be sure and check out his entire channel.

As the publisher of Universe Today, Fraser's content is bursting with amazingly well researched

topics, as a matter of fact, I watched his videos to learn more about Titan for today's


So once you watch both of our videos, be sure and hit the link in the description to cast

your vote!

I owe a special thanks to my Patreon supporters for helping making this and other Everyday

Astronaut content possible.

I owe an extra special thanks to those Patrons in our exclusive discord channel for helping

me script and research.

If you want to help contribute, hang out in our exclusive discord channel or offer ideas

in our exclusive subreddit, please visit Thank you!

Don't forget to check out my web store for shirts, hats, mugs, prints of rocket launches,

original artwork and lots of other fun stuff at

And as always, all the music in my videos is original.

The song in this video is called "Jovian Moon Run" Feel free to check it out and

download it for free at Tell a friend!

Thanks everybody that does it for me.

I'm Tim Dodd, the Everyday Astronaut.

Bringing space down to Earth for everyday people.

For more infomation >> NASA's Nuclear Drone on Titan VS Comet Sample Return (Collab with Fraser Cain) - Duration: 11:11.


Exílio: Eduarda | Websérie LGBT - Duration: 0:47.

So, guys... You know I'm here to have fun, right? And to tease.

And I promise you that if you let me stay, the fun is guaranteed.

And I need your help, ok?

Look, I think Rebeca isn't really in the house's vibe, right?

So if I were you, I would vote for her.

I'm waiting, huh?

For more infomation >> Exílio: Eduarda | Websérie LGBT - Duration: 0:47.


Cengiz Mustafayev: Hocalı Katliamı Röportajları (1992) | Türkçe Altyazılı (Eng Sub) - Duration: 3:22.

Subtitled by Ümid Gurbanov @umidgurbanov

- What's your name? - Refhan.

Refhan, where are you from? Which village did you come from?

We came from Taşbulak.

What happened? Why did you come? Why did you leave your village?

- The Armenians expelled us. - Expelled you?

Refhan, what happened to your foot?

- It happened in the woods while I was running from them. - What happened?

I stayed in snow for three days.

Your foot freezed, didn't it?

- How are you now, Refhan? - I'm alright.

Good for you! Live a long life, Refhan.


Mürüvvet, where are you from? Which village did you come from?

- I came from Hocalı. - Well, what happened?

How come you came to this hospital?

They always attacked my village with rockets and bombs.

One day, on the 26th of the month, they attacked us as usual.

Suddenly they entered in Hocalı from all sides.

They shot people in Hocalı.

They captured some of us and shot the rest of us. We were at home, didn't go outside.

Suddenly they surrounded our house. They said, come out. We did not.

- Where did you escape? - Nowhere. We stayed in the house.

They were too many. They surrounded our house. We were in the house in the middle of them.

The Armenians were everywhere. They surrounded us.

They burned the houses that were behind our house.

They took people off, killed half of them.

How did you come to Ağdam?

We came to Ağdam from Eskeran.

The Armenians took you hostage and then released you, right?

They took us to Eskeran, apparently they were the national guard of Eskeran.

They released us there.

They exchanged us with the ones from here. They were beating up men badly there.

- Ahmet. - Ahmet, you are his brother, right?

- Ahmet, where did your hand get injured? - In Hocalı. - How did it happen?

We were in the house at night. The Armenias came.

They surrounded the house. That's when they injured me.

- How? - With a rifle.

- How are you now? - Fine. - Be well. - Thank you.

- Are these your children? - Yes, they are mine.

I have siz children. Five of them are boys, one is a girl.

They surrounded us at night. They fired until they were out of bullets.

My husband was seriously wounded. Only the children were uninjured.

When they finished shooting, they entered the house.

As they dropped the gas bombs to kill us,

the children lifted their hands saying "Don't shoot us!".

Therefore they didn't burn us. They took us outside.

They took all our belongings, put us in the car and drove us to Eskeran.

- Then... - Pardon me, what happend after Eskeran?

After Eskeran, they exchanged us with the corpses.

They sent us to Ağdam Hospital.

- Our people went to Ağdam Hospital. - How is your situation now?

Our situation... We have too many conscientious sons and daughters, God bless them.

They are all helping us.

- They care about our troubles, they take good care of us. - Thank you so much.

For more infomation >> Cengiz Mustafayev: Hocalı Katliamı Röportajları (1992) | Türkçe Altyazılı (Eng Sub) - Duration: 3:22.


Moïse - Arnacœur - Duration: 3:22.

He smiled at you and you failed in love

He said he loves you to death... in fact he just wanted to come in your bed

He promised you the moon, in fact It was just an one shot night

now you want to revenge, you would like to see him dead on the floor

he was so sweet you didn't see nothing at his game

he was so perfect

he says the same bullshits to all his other b*tches

He's a f*cking good liar, a lovely *sshole,

He broke your heart but you still believe

He's a f*cking good liar, a lovely *sshole,

a f*cking player

He left you alone in the darkness

F*cking good liar, he was looking like a Prince Charming

without any remorse

Maybe he finds funny to play with girl's feelings

He was funny and attentive to seduce you

He was looking like the perfect husband

now you're angry with all of them who always lying and leave you to another b*tch

he tried everything to get you

It's always the same sh*t, always the same story

He's a f*cking good liar, a lovely *sshole,

he broke your lil heart but you still believe in

He's a f*cking good liar, a lovely *sshole,

a f*cking player

He left you alone in the darkness

He drove you crazy, his horns was hidden under a halo

One trip her, one trip there, he spent a lot of money

He drove you crazy, his horns was hidden under a halo

One trip her, one trip there, he spent a lot of money

He's a f*cking good liar, a lovely *sshole,

he broke your lil heart but you still believe in

He's a f*cking good liar, a lovely *sshole,

a f*cking player

He left you alone in the darkness

He was a f*cking good liar... he was...

For more infomation >> Moïse - Arnacœur - Duration: 3:22.


Sridevi death body finally comes back to Mumbai - Duration: 1:13.

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For more infomation >> Sridevi death body finally comes back to Mumbai - Duration: 1:13.



For more infomation >> COMO HACER DINERO EN YOUTUBE - Duration: 6:55.


Geocaching-Geovloggen think about a memory - Duration: 4:41.

Hello and fun that you are looking at geovloggen

from an ice cold norrköping

the temperature is 9 minus degrees celsius

it blows cold winds

Siberian cold they call it

It's worse than that, it's ice cold

During the last week I have taken care of an instagram account

where I shared pictures to inspire the people living in Norrköping to begin with geocaching

I found an old clip

when we were out and climbed down in a mine

I thought I would show you that clip

When I get up from the mine, I lost my protection for the rope

it disappears into the water

There was no idea to get it, I had to get a new one at the fire department.

Then we proceeded to another mine

even that mine was full of water

and it is said that two divers died there a few years ago

so take a look at the continuation

This is what will come further in the vlog

when summer and heat come

when you can be out a little more

Now you just want to be inside

but follow me on instagram, there will be new updates there

please press subscribe

so you will get notifications when new clips come :)

Thank you for watching! Have a good day, bye

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