Easy Ways To Prevent Cancer Naturally with Foods and Changing Daily Habits.
By LifeBuzzFeed.com.
First, the good news: You probably won't get cancer.
That is, if you have a healthy lifestyle.
"As many as 70% of known causes of cancers are avoidable and related to lifestyle," says
Thomas A. Sellers, PhD, associate director for cancer prevention and control at Moffitt
Cancer Center in Tampa.
Diet, exercise, and avoidance of tobacco products are, of course, your first line of defense,
but recent research has uncovered many small, surprising ways you can weave even more disease
prevention into your everyday life.
Try these novel strategies and your risk of cancer could dwindle even more.
Certain cancer-fighting foods and other healthy habits can dramatically lower your cancer
Filter your tap water You'll reduce your exposure to known or suspected
carcinogens and hormone-disrupting chemicals.
A report from the President's Cancer Panel on how to reduce exposure to carcinogens suggests
that home-filtered tap water is a safer bet than bottled water, whose quality often is
not higher—and in some cases is worse—than that of municipal sources, according to a
study by the Environmental Working Group.
(Consumer Reports' top picks for faucet-mounted filters: Culligan, Pur Vertical, and the Brita
Store water in stainless steel or glass to avoid chemical contaminants such as BPA that
can leach from plastic bottles.
Stop topping your tank So say the EPA and the President's Cancer
Panel: Pumping one last squirt of gas into your car after the nozzle clicks off can spill
fuel and foil the pump's vapor recovery system, designed to keep toxic chemicals such as cancer-causing
benzene out of the air, where they can come in contact with your skin or get into your
Marinate meat first Processed, charred, and well-done meats can
contain cancer-causing heterocyclic amines, which form when meat is seared at high temperatures,
and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which get into food when it's charcoal broiled.
"The recommendation to cut down on grilled meat has really solid scientific evidence
behind it," says Cheryl Lyn Walker, PhD, a professor of carcinogenesis at the University
of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.
If you do grill, add rosemary and thyme to your favorite marinade and soak meat for at
least an hour before cooking.
The antioxidant-rich spices can cut HCAs by as much as 87%, according to research at Kansas
State University.
Caffeinate every day Java lovers who drank 5 or more cups of caffeinated
coffee a day had a 40% decreased risk of brain cancer, compared with people who drank the
least, in a 2010 British study.
A 5-cup-a-day coffee habit reduces risks of oral and throat cancer almost as much.
Researchers credit the caffeine: Decaf had no comparable effect.
But coffee was a more potent protector against these cancers than tea, which the British
researchers said also offered protection against brain cancer.
Water down your risk Drinking plenty of water and other liquids
may reduce the risk of bladder cancer by diluting the concentration of cancer-causing agents
in urine and helping to flush them through the bladder faster.
Drink at least 8 cups of liquid a day, suggests the American Cancer Society.
Load up on green greens Next time you're choosing salad fixings, reach
for the darkest varieties.
The chlorophyll that gives them their color is loaded with magnesium, which some large
studies have found lowers the risk of colon cancer in women.
"Magnesium affects signaling in cells, and without the right amount, cells may do things
like divide and replicate when they shouldn't," says Walker.
Just 1/2 cup of cooked spinach provides 75 mg of magnesium, 20% of the daily value.
Snack on Brazil nuts They're a stellar source of selenium, an antioxidant
that lowers the risk of bladder cancer in women, according to research from Dartmouth
Medical School.
Other studies have found that people with high blood levels of selenium have lower rates
of dying of lung cancer and colorectal cancer.
Researchers think selenium not only protects cells from free radical damage but also may
enhance immune function and suppress formation of blood vessels that nourish tumors.
Burn off your risk Moderate exercise such as brisk walking 2
hours a week cuts risk of breast cancer 18%.
Regular workouts may lower your risks by helping you burn fat, which otherwise produces its
own estrogen, a known contributor to breast cancer.
Skip the dry cleaner A solvent known as perc (short for perchloroethylene)
that's used in traditional dry cleaning may cause liver and kidney cancers and leukemia,
according to an EPA finding backed in early 2010 by the National Academies of Science.
The main dangers are to workers who handle chemicals or treated clothes using older machines,
although experts have not concluded that consumers are also at increased cancer risk.
Less toxic alternatives: Hand-wash clothes with mild soap and air-dry them, spot cleaning
if necessary with white vinegar.
Ask about breast density Women whose mammograms have revealed breast
density readings of 75% or more have a breast cancer risk 4 to 5 times higher than that
of women with low density scores, according to recent research.
One theory is that denser breasts result from higher levels of estrogen—making exercise
particularly important.
"Shrinking your body fat also changes growth factors, signaling proteins such as adipokines
and hormones like insulin in ways that tend to turn off cancer-promoting processes in
cells," Walker says.
Head off cell phone risks Use your cell phone only for short calls or
texts, or use a hands-free device that keeps the phone—and the radio frequency energy
it emits—away from your head.
The point is more to preempt any risk than to protect against a proven danger: Evidence
that cell phones increase brain cancer risk is "neither consistent nor conclusive," says
the President's Cancer Panel report.
But a number of review studies suggest there's a link.
Block cancer with color Choosing your outdoor outfit wisely may help
protect against skin cancer, say Spanish scientists.
In their research, blue and red fabrics offered significantly better protection against the
sun's UV rays than white and yellow ones did.
Don't forget to put on a hat: Though melanoma can appear anywhere on the body, it's more
common in areas the sun hits, and researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill have found that people with melanomas on the scalp or neck die at almost twice the
rate of people with the cancer on other areas of the body.
Pick a doc with a past Experience—lots of it—is critical when
it comes to accurately reading mammograms.
A study from the University of California, San Francisco, found that doctors with at
least 25 years' experience were more accurate at interpreting images and less likely to
give false positives.
Ask about your radiologist's track record.
If she is freshly minted or doesn't check a high volume of mammograms, get a second
read from someone with more mileage.
Eat clean foods The President's Cancer Panel recommends buying
meat free of antibiotics and added hormones, which are suspected of causing endocrine problems,
including cancer.
The report also advises that you purchase produce grown without pesticides and wash
conventionally grown food thoroughly to remove residues.
(The foods with the most pesticides: celery, peaches, strawberries, apples, and blueberries.)
"At least 40 known carcinogens are found in pesticides and we should absolutely try to
reduce exposure," Sellers says.
Do a folic acid check The B vitamin, essential for women who may
become or are pregnant to prevent birth defects, is a double-edged sword when it comes to cancer
Consuming too much of the synthetic form (not folate, found in leafy green veggies, orange
juice, and other foods) has been linked to increased colon cancer risk, as well as higher
lung cancer and prostate cancer risks.
Rethink your multivitamin, especially if you eat a lot of cereal and fortified foods.
A CDC study discovered that half of supplement users who took supplements with more than
400 mcg of folic acid exceeded 1,000 mcg per day of folic acid.
Most supplements pack 400 mcg.
Individual supplements (of vitamin D and calcium, for instance) may be a smarter choice for
most women who aren't thinking of having kids.
Up your calcium intake Milk's main claim to fame may also help protect
you from colon cancer.
Those who took calcium faithfully for 4 years had a 36% reduction in the development of
new precancerous colon polyps 5 years after the study had ended, revealed Dartmouth Medical
School researchers.
(They tracked 822 people who took either 1,200 mg of calcium every day or a placebo.)
Though the study was not on milk itself, you can get the same amount of calcium in three
8-ounce glasses of fat-free milk, along with an 8-ounce serving of yogurt or a 2- to 3-ounce
serving of low-fat cheese daily.
Commit to whole grains You know whole wheat is better for you than
white bread.
Here's more proof why you should switch once and for all: If you eat a lot of things with
a high glycemic load—a measurement of how quickly food raises your blood sugar—you
may run a higher risk of colorectal cancer than women who eat low-glycemic-load foods,
found a Harvard Medical School study involving 38,000 women.
The problem eats are mostly white: white bread, pasta, potatoes, and sugary pastries.
The low-glycemic-load stuff comes with fiber.
Pay attention to pain If you're experiencing a bloated belly, pelvic
pain, and an urgent need to urinate, see your doctor.
These symptoms may signal ovarian cancer, particularly if they're severe and frequent.
Women and physicians often ignore these symptoms, and that's the very reason that this disease
can be deadly.
When caught early, before cancer has spread outside the ovary, the relative 5-year survival
rate for ovarian cancer is a jaw-dropping 90 to 95%.
Avoid unnecessary scans CT scans are a great diagnostic tool, but
they deliver much more radiation than x-rays and may be overused, says Barton Kamen, MD,
PhD, chief medical officer for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
In fact, researchers suggest that one-third of CT scans could be unnecessary.
High doses of radiation can trigger leukemia, so make sure scans are not repeated if you
see multiple doctors, and ask if another test, such as an ultrasound or MRI, could substitute.
Drop 10 pounds Being overweight or obese accounts for 20%
of all cancer deaths among women and 14% among men, notes the American Cancer Society.
(You're overweight if your body mass index is between 25 and 29.9; you're obese if it's
30 or more.)
Plus, losing excess pounds reduces the body's production of female hormones, which may protect
against breast cancer, endometrial cancer, and ovarian cancer.
Even if you're not technically overweight, gaining just 10 pounds after the age of 30
increases your risk of developing breast, pancreatic, and cervical, among other cancers.
You are watching: Easy Ways To Prevent Cancer Naturally with Foods and Changing Daily Habits.
By LifeBuzzFeed.com.
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