Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 1 2017

Whats up Youtube hows it going today!

We have made it to Chicago as you saw from that little sequence that I put before this clip

but yeah, so we are gonna go explore the city today. This is our nice little view from our hotel

you can see the green river, its super awesome.

We are just gonna go walk around today and shop its gonna be alot of fun and hopefully we find some cool

stuff and we will bring you along for the ride.

Whats up guys

we are back at the end of day one this is gonna be the start of the day two Chicago vlogs

I don't know how I will edit this but previously we went to the shedd and Sears Tower and John Hancock and all that.

you'll see that in the previous video, this video today we are gonna go to portillos for hotdogs and the famous cake shake.

and then we are gonna go over to the planetarium and museums

and yeah i don't really know what we have planned after that so we will bring you along for the ride.

It will probably just be some cinematics again but it will look cool

Alright Lets GO!!

For more infomation >> Chicago after movie! Cinematic Vlog - Duration: 4:21.


RHONY: Stay Out of My Business (Season 8, Episode 20) | Bravo - Duration: 2:26.

- What's going on? So how's the week been?

- Tough.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

- I heard you were angry at me.

- I'm not angry at you.

I just thought that there was a lot of details involved.

Well, how long, the bartenders, so--

- You know why I had a lot of details?

So I could come to you and know I knew my sh--.

What am I gonna say? "Oh, he was making out with somebody."

You'd say, "No, he isn't."

- Listen, you know, that's not really the point.

Stay out of my business is the point.

Stay out of my life with Tom, period, okay?

Tom and I are gonna make it all the way regardless of what--

- Well, then, I feel very sorry for you.

- Why should you feel sorry for me?

I love Tom. - Well, that--I just--

- And Tom loves me,

and what happened at the Regency means nothing--

means nothing to him.

- Oh, my God, Luann. - It's between Tom and I.

Just stay out of it.

- Then I shouldn't have told you, 'cause you're the woman

who has those kind of relationships

that wouldn't want to know.

- No, I don't, Bethenny. - I would want to know.

- Of course I would want to know.

Instead of being like, "Wow, good for Lu.

She's, you know, found love again."

- But I think it's bullsh--.

- It's not bullsh--. We love each other.

- I could tell by him--his actions a week and a half

into your engagement.

- It's--are you kidding me?

You--you can't judge him.

Let me be the judge of that, okay?

- From now on, I will. - It is my life.

- From now on, I will. - Let me deal with it.

And please don't talk about us anymore.

- You are right.

I just didn't think it would go that way.

- It's my choice. - I agree.

If I see him f---ing someone in the street,

I am not going to tell you.

You have my word. - Please don't.

But that's not gonna happen.

- No matter what I hear, and no matter what happens, I will not

say a word to you ever.

- I know what I'm doing. I'm a grown woman.

And I make my own choices.

And my choice is to work things out with Tom,

because we love each other.

- That is your choice. You're not asking my opinion.

- And everybody makes a mistake.

If the person that loves you the most doesn't understand you

make a mistake, then you're in big trouble.

I'm leaving.

I feel Bethenny has finally pushed me to the point

of no return.

I don't want any part of this piñata party.

I don't feel welcome.

I just want to be with Tom and be in my bubble.

- Then something's wrong with her.

- She's in--she's in denial.

Because she doesn't admit to what happens.

- It is tragic.

- I don't want to make her feel bad.

I genuinely am sad that she left.

- One piper down. That's more jewelry for us.

For more infomation >> RHONY: Stay Out of My Business (Season 8, Episode 20) | Bravo - Duration: 2:26.


LOVE?|| LUST? || Science of LOVE and ATTRACTION - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> LOVE?|| LUST? || Science of LOVE and ATTRACTION - Duration: 3:36.


Many Young Adults Are Turning To Witchcraft As A Way To Rebel Against Their Conservative Christian U - Duration: 10:02.

Many Young Adults Are Turning To Witchcraft As A Way To Rebel Against Their Conservative

Christian Upbringings

by Michael Snyder

Young adults in America are far less likely to identify themselves as �Christians�

than previous generations of Americans, but that does not mean that they have given up

on searching for spiritual meaning in their lives. According to Wikipedia, one very popular

form of witchcraft known as Wicca has been growing at a rate of more than 100 percent

annually in recent years, and this has been happening at a time when Christianity has

been in decline in the United States. Of course other pagan and occult groups have been exploding

in popularity as well, and as you will see below, one of the primary reasons for this

is because many young adults are seeking ways to rebel against their conservative Christian


I have written much about how young adults in this country are far more politically liberal

than their parents and grandparents, and this enormous cultural shift in values has a spiritual

dimension to it as well.

A recent Barna Group study found that only 4 percent of Americans aged 18 to 29 have

a Biblical worldview.

Only 4 percent.

The shocking truth is that the values of most Millennials much more easily fit into pagan

spirituality than they do into most evangelical Christian churches.

If you want to sleep around with as many people as possible, that is okay in witchcraft. If

you want to take drugs and get high every day, that is okay in witchcraft. If you want

to be a radical pro-abortion feminist, that is okay in witchcraft. If you want to be a

gay transsexual exhibitionist, that is okay in witchcraft.

Essentially, one of the great draws of witchcraft is that nobody holds you accountable for anything

and you can do so many of the things that the Bible commands you not to do.

So for those that wish to rebel against their conservative Christian upbringings, getting

involved in witchcraft can seem quite natural�

Witchcraft in this context is a �counter spirituality to the religious conservatism

that defined many [queer people�s] childhoods,� as game developer Aevee Bee puts it. The visual

novel Bee co-created, We Know The Devil, explores what it means to embrace witchcraft through

three queer teens who attend a Christian summer camp, where they spend a night in the woods

awaiting the devil. �What [the protagonists] encounter in the woods they understand and

perceive as the devil because that is what they have been taught to understand their

desires, identity, and love as,� Bee says. By embracing the devil, the protagonists find

liberation from their religious upbringings, just as someone might by realizing it�s

acceptable to be queer. Alex Mar is one prominent author that became

deeply involved in the world of witchcraft, but she was not raised that way. In fact,

Mar is very open about the fact that she was raised as a Christian�

I was born and raised in New York City, but my roots are more exotic: between my Cuban

Catholic mother and my Greek Orthodox father, family religion involved the lushest, most

high-drama strains of Christianity. The elaborate clerical robes, the incense and tiers of prayer

candles, the stories of the martyrs cut into stained glass, the barely decipherable chants

� as a child, these were embedded in my brain. To this day, despite my liberal feminist

politics, I still imagine the world as overseen by a handsome, bearded young white man.

She says that once she learned �to think for myself�, her liberal political views

took her away from the church, and those same political views eventually sparked a curiosity

about witchcraft�

Once I was old enough to think for myself, I broke with the church on issues of sexuality,

marriage, the right to choose and the concept of �sin�; I also couldn�t swallow the

thin reasoning behind excluding women from the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox priesthoods.

At the same time, however, I was haunted by the memory of high mass, the sense that there

are mysteries in the universe. When I learned that there was a living, growing American

witchcraft movement � one that is radically inclusive, that views women as equals to men,

and in which God is just as likely to be female � I was instantly curious.

This is why what we feed our minds with is so vitally important.

Our public schools have become liberal indoctrination centers that are teaching our young people

to adopt an anti-Christian way of viewing the world, and all of that propaganda is being

backed up by the thousands upon thousands of anti-Christian entertainment that our young

people are constantly consuming.

So it is actually not a surprise when many of our �Christian young people� end up

like this guy�

Dakota Hendrix, a non-binary trans witch based in New York�an identity Hendrix jokingly

refers to as �goat femme,� describing their combination of body hair, a smoky eye,

and talons for nails�says the practice of witchcraft is a way to take control in a world

that can be both metaphysically and mortally threatening.

It�s a supernatural form of self-defense that Hendrix says includes amulets that fight

off mis-gendering, rituals that provide protection when walking down the street, and paying honor

to queer and trans ancestors who don�t have descendants of their own paying homage. Not

to mention�since, Hendrix says, contemporary witchcraft is connected to social justice

work�a hex or two on the NYPD for good measure.

But while the rituals are plentiful, the rules are not, and Hendrix says being a witch is

all about choosing one�s own path: �Being a witch is being autonomous; that�s the

whole point. That�s how we draw power. We are defying the patriarchy, we are defying

the submissive norm.� Allowing our children to immerse themselves

in popular culture is doing far more harm than most of us originally realized.

Popular culture is trying to take the next generation away from Christianity, and it

is imperative that we start to understand this. And actually, many of the �stars�

that our young people idolize are actually into the occult themselves, and once in a

while they even admit this openly�

�I�m really a witch,� rapper Azealia Banks quipped last January, shortly before

all hell broke loose on her Twitter account.

Banks is known for her online rants. She tends to share fairly dense ideas, spontaneously

spun out in punchy lines liberally interspersed with curse words. I don�t know a person

on this earth who can agree with every one of them, but her opinions are smarter than

she usually gets credit for.

Still, even by Banks�s standards, the witch thing was weird. It came out in the middle

of a run about black Americans and their relationship to Christianity:

I wonder if most of the black American Christians in the US know WHY they are Christian. I wonder

if they even consider for a SECOND that before their ancestors came to the Americas that

they may have believed in something ELSE. As a Christian, it deeply alarms me that we

are losing an entire generation of Americans.

If we keep doing the same things that we have been doing, we will continue to get similar

results. That is one of the reasons why I laid out a recipe for spiritual renewal in

my latest book entitled �The Rapture Verdict�, and my hope is that the church establishment

will embrace what watchmen such as myself are saying instead of fighting it.

If we continue on with business as usual, the evangelical church in America will continue

to shrink and multitudes of our young people will continue to seek out other outlets for

their spirituality.

At the same time that interest in witchcraft is growing, interest in Satanism is skyrocketing

as well. I recently wrote about how the Satanic Temple has experienced a huge surge in membership

since Donald Trump�s election victory in November, and at Clemson University students

are reportedly going to hold a �lamb sacrifice� and a �Bible burning� to celebrate the

opening of a new campus chapel�

The poster contains imagery associated with Satanism, like pentagrams and an illustration

of the goat-headed Baphomet.

It goes on to state that a live lamb will be provided for sacrifice by �[their] friends�

at the Clemson Collegiate Farm Bureau. A Bible-torching ceremony is listed as part of the proceedings,

with a cash prize for the student who burns the most Bibles. Finally, attendees are invited

partake in a pentagram completion event, where they will �help summon Baphomet to celebrate

the new Clemson Chapel.� There was a time when it would have been unthinkable

to put up a poster like that in America, but unfortunately those days are long gone.

Christianity is on the decline in this nation, and witchcraft and Satanism are on the rise.

We desperately need a major spiritual renewal, so my hope is that the church in America will

wake up soon.

For more infomation >> Many Young Adults Are Turning To Witchcraft As A Way To Rebel Against Their Conservative Christian U - Duration: 10:02.


Deadpool (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Style) | 4K ULTRA HD - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Deadpool (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Style) | 4K ULTRA HD - Duration: 1:46.


Sales tax increase across nine areas surrounding Sacramento - Duration: 1:43.






FROM 7.7% TO 8% HERE.

















BEST 9.75%.





















For more infomation >> Sales tax increase across nine areas surrounding Sacramento - Duration: 1:43.


[UNBOXING] ¡Nintendo Switch con AngryTapper! - Duration: 2:27.

Guys! I know it's somewhat late but today I've been looking all around the city and I FINALLY got it!

I've found...

A Nintendo Switch™!

Oh my god! Just look at it, it's beautiful! Finally, I FINALLY got me a Nintendo Switch!

And yeah, I know it's late but as promised I'm going to do it, I'll do an unboxing!

(Laughs in Spanish)

Oh, it's an open easy box, I didn't realize

And well, starting by the contents...

Ohhh, this...this must be the tablet

Wait, what? Is this for real? This is...misleading advertising?

I'm sure that you should be able to pull apart these two but looks like you can't...

This is unfortunate, the commercials were lying...they said that you could pull apart the controls bu well..

You know what? I's the Nintendo Switch after all so it's superb, let's continue!

Let's see what do we have in store...

Oh, this...this must be the dock, right? Where you put the console, isn' it?

The tablet in order to connect it to the TV...

Ahhh, here's where you put it....but it's too tight, isn't it? I don't think it will be able to fit here...

Oh, look, it came with a SD card!

And these must be the cables...

Hold it!

[Angry keyboard noises]

I'm starting to think that I've been scammed...

Guys, I think this is not a Nintendo Switch...

This has to be a mistake...I'm s-sorry

W-what do you think? Do you think it's the Nintendo Switch?

Aww, so cute

For more infomation >> [UNBOXING] ¡Nintendo Switch con AngryTapper! - Duration: 2:27.


A Fazenda Automática #4 Reconstruindo a Fazenda! - Duration: 30:42.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda Automática #4 Reconstruindo a Fazenda! - Duration: 30:42.


''What ıf'' Miraculous Ladybug Comic / Çizgi Roman - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> ''What ıf'' Miraculous Ladybug Comic / Çizgi Roman - Duration: 0:36.


Este reino es una ruina | ANIMACIÓN | Dragon Quest - Duration: 9:31.

Insert your name, descendant of Erdrick lineage, legendary hero...

I've been waiting for your arrival...

I'm Facundo, but because there is a law in this kingdom about having names with four or five characters...

...and we don't want to repeat jokes about inserting names in RPG games, I think my name will be Facun.

Long time ago the Great Goddess gave to your sacred ancestor the Ball of Light.

Thanks to its power, our world was free of the threat which lay in waiting.

I don't follow the Goddess a lot, but ok...

However, years passed and there is a new danger:


I see, that's a big boss because he didn't follow that law about the five characters, didn't he?

I know that's the reason why monsters are chased...

With his astuteness, he stole the Ball of light, submerging our lands in the shadows one more time.

If we continue in this state, our kingdom will perish...

You know, I've come because of the royal guardian job...

...and you're relating me with an ancestor the one I don't have any idea, something about killing somebody I don't know, take a ball or something...

Defeat the evil Dragonlord and get back the Ball of light.

In those three chests you'll find useful items for your search.

Well, I think it's better than been locked in one of the castle's bedrooms like most of your subjects.

Let's see…

A torch...


I've been seeing soldiers everywhere perfectly armed, and you give me a stupid torch?

It's used for lighting caves.

I know that!

120 coins...

I've spent 120 coins in the wagon I used to arrive here and with that amount of money I can't buy neither the worst armor of the game…

But I know that this castle doesn't even have walls so I understand that you're poor...

You're right, instead of weapons, walls or other possessions...

... I spend all I get from villagers in trumpets for my soldiers.

You'll see what a great ending I've prepared!

Oh, a "magic key", with that name it must be useful.

Yeah, it's very cool.

When you entered here I asked the guards to lock the door.

Use it now.


I'm older enough to know how to open a door...

What the fuck?

The key disintegrated…

You've learnt how to use magic keys, look for more!

Throw-away keys… Can somebody tell me what is the magic in this shit?

Get me out of here...!

I've been trapped here for about three years...!

...and I almost can't breath!

Everybody talk about Dragonlord's castle like if it was super far away and like if it was a great achievement…

…But as I'm seeing it is about four or five steps away from here.

That's right, that is Charlock castle, Dragonlord lives there.

Why not using a ship and cross that river?

Well, that's not a river... looks more like a irrigation ditch...

Yeah, dude, but this is Dragon Quest, they have not invented ships...

...neither Spanish accents, French accents, gypsies accents, or whatever.

Let's build a bridge!

That's what you have to do.

but you need ancient artifacts that you'll get surrounding all the continents in order to make this game longer...

...and for not repeating jokes in which the end of a game is near the beginning.

Are you kidding me…

Anyway, did Lorik King mentioned about rescuing his daughter?


He is the father of the year for sure...

And then, our hero started his Dragon Quest...

...he fought and showed all his bravery against several monsters...

¡From simple Chimaeras... the violent Cosmic Chimaeras!

Or from the useless Drackys...

...¡to the evil Drackmages!

Because you know...

The pigmentation defines the strength...

And with cleverness and skills, our hero killed the dragon.

Oh, you saved me from that punky dragon.

That's right, young lady.

Take me to my home right now.

What the hell are you doing? Don't you see I have a lighted torch?

Uh, what a perv, I've lighted your torch...


Thus, our hero took the princess to her father, King Lorik.

Hi daddy! I'm here!

Oh, a hot chick... who are you?

Oh daddy, don't be silly, It's me, princess Lora, the apple of your eye.

...Lora... ...long time no see... was the trip...?

She was kidnapped by a dragon!

...Ah, right, ah, well...

Continue with your adventure, oh great descendant of Erdrick.

C'mon I've rescued your daughter, at least give me some help!

I give you my...


...daughter's hand! marriage...

I'm super duper happy! yay!

That's what I needed, become the king of poorland…

Hey, at least she is hot.

She is a red-haired Bulma… in this world all women are Bulma...

Do not question the imagination of the great Akira Toriyama!

...When I kill that stupid Dragonlord and become king I will create the democracy...!

Well, tell me, my girl...

...when were you born?

He leveled up killing the evasive Metal Slimes...

...and he earnt a lot of money defeating the evil Gold Golem... order to buy the best weapons and armors.

Because in medieval-themed videogames...

...the concept of barter never exists...

And evil capitalism already exists!

Until one day, a Golem blocked his path...

In this game a normal Golem is stronger than a gold one...

...even if in real life it wouldn't be like this...


...The power of colours!

If you want to get to that city you'll have to destroy me!

Welcome to Cantlin, the most beautiful city of the entire kingdom.

Nobody is going to comment that this city was guarded by a giant Golem?

Was there a Golem? Man... I understand why we haven't received letters or tourists for years.

Once he visited all the great but small Alefgard kingdom...

Our hero used the ancient artifacts which will help him in his final battle against Dragonlord.

Let's see, I'm level 20, I have all the artifacts and I can create the stupid rainbow bridge.

Oh c'mon it is like all the bridges of the game!

I've gone across the world for this? With four trunks I would have made this at the beginning…

Shut up!

I'm Dragonlord, the king of kings!

Are you the guy all people are afraid of? I was expecting more…

Don't make fun of me, you mortal.

If you are so evil… why have you never destroyed the other castle if it is right there?

Well, you know...

I've never thought about that!

My minions, devastate everything!

So tell me, do you want to join me?

Mm… this castle has got five plants, walls and powerful monsters but I can talk with them...

...and I don't know why humans are hostile with them…

Ok, I'm on it.


I've accepted 15 times and it is never real...

Okay, I'll have to kill Dragonlord.

Finally, our hero kills Dragonlord.

Very good, it's the end, you saved the world!

Give me a good compensation!

Of course, as I said...

...I'll proclaim you the king of Alefgard "in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti", and that's all...

Got hit it!

Wait, father!

We've decided me and…

...what was your name?


Facun, Facun, Facun!

That's better.

What I was saying… and him want to go for adventures.

Eh… when did we decide that?

Seriously, when did we talk about something?

I mean, go around there killing cutie monsters and those cool things.

No way. Now I want to be the king, I don't want more trips...






Dude, it is a closed loop of RPGs, you have to say "yes".

And why they did give you an option for declining!?

For paying attention to the conversation, I think.

If I were a videogame developer I would make it because of that...

...but I wouldn't be so asshole to play whole sequences like in some games.


Okay, alright!

I'm so happy!

Perfect, great for me!

There are still monsters over there... daughter leaves the castle again...

and I'm still the king!

...This is a shit of ending…

You are freaking out, right?

You're the worst fucking king in the world...

For more infomation >> Este reino es una ruina | ANIMACIÓN | Dragon Quest - Duration: 9:31.


Meet the Amazing Zenyatta - Duration: 2:42.


The fuck.

Peace be upon you.

Harmony, bitch.

Fuck you in particular.


And harmony to you.


Watch your right!


Prepare to taste the fury of Hanzo's Hanzbow.

*Zenyatta Gasps*


How DARE you soil my britches!

Let's throw down, bro.

You are no match for the dragon!

Bastion, kill him.

Okay, on second thought, the dragon would like to reconsider


Excellent shooting my robro.

This victory did not come without sacrifice.

May the cleanliness of my clothing rest in pants.

Aw hell yeah... Fabric softener is the SHIT!

Thank you for the recommendation, Bastion!


Wait a second...

Why would you know about fabric softener?

You don't wear pants!

Hey! Why do I wear pants!

We're both robots here!

What gives you the right not to wear pants!?

What's this about not wearing pants?

Bastion has no need for pants so why do I?

Common decency, I guess.

I'd be all for it if it weren't for some people around here.


It's gross, dammit!

There's nothing gross about my whole hog!

Listen, Zen.

I'll fight for this.

We'll be two pantsless hooligans against the world!

Are you with me?

Let's do this thing...

No more pants or I won't fight! Stop denying me my right!

If I'm pantsless I will play! Until then I'll have to stay!

What's all this about?

Fight for our right to not wear pants...

No more pants or I won't fight, stop denying me my right!

A bill, Mr. President.

You've done a great thing for this nation.

Floaty robo jesus.

Would you like to give a speech?

It would be my pleasure.

I'm going to take my pants off now.


*Cheering stops*



piemations yep

For more infomation >> Meet the Amazing Zenyatta - Duration: 2:42.


White House Blocks CNN, NYT, and More from Press Briefing - Duration: 4:25.

White House Blocks CNN, NYT, and More from Press Briefing

by Anti-Media News Desk

New York Times, CNN, Los Angeles Times, and Politico all reportedly barred from afternoon

press briefing.

Just hours after President Donald Trump launched his latest rhetorical (and predictable) attack

on the press during a speech to right-wing activists, CNN and other outlets have reportedly

been blocked from attending Friday afternoon�s press briefing at the White House.

press briefing

CNN reports:

�The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and Politico were also excluded from the meeting,

which is known as a gaggle and is less formal than the traditional Q-and-A session in the

White House briefing room.

�The Associated Press and Time magazine boycotted the briefing because of how it was


The White House Correspondents Association is protesting.

�The conservative media organizations Breitbart News, The Washington Times and One America

News Network were allowed in.�

The cable news outlet reported that its correspondents who were barred entry were offered �no immediate

explanation� from White House staff about why they had been denied.

The move, described as �unprecedented� by reporters and journalism experts, comes

a day after CNN reported that White House chief of staff Reince Priebus had attempted

to get the FBI to push back against reporting by several outlets, including the Times and

CNN, that there had been consistent communications between members of the Trump campaign and

transition teams and Russian government officials.

In a statement, the White House Correspondents� Association decried the move.

�The WHCA board is protesting strongly against how today�s gaggle is being handled by the

White House,� said Jeff Mason, the group�s president.

�We encourage the organizations that were allowed in to share the material with others

in the press corps who were not.

The board will be discussing this further with White House staff.�

During his earlier speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland, Trump

repeatedly attacked the news media and called reporters supplying negative or critical coverage

of his administration an�the enemy of the people.�

The White House�s decision to selectively bar certain news outlets from a Friday afternoon

off-camera briefing with press secretary Sean Spicer has been decried as �undemocratic

and unacceptable;� �chilling;� and �totalitarian.�

Not to mention �stupid.�

CNN called it �an unacceptable development by the Trump White House.

Apparently this is how they retaliate when you report facts they don�t like.

We�ll keep reporting regardless.�

And New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet declared in a statement: �Nothing like this

has ever happened at the White House in our long history of covering multiple administrations

of different parties.

We strongly protest the exclusion of the New York Times and the other news organizations.

Free media access to a transparent government is obviously of crucial national interest.�

In addition to CNN, the Times, the Los Angeles Times, and Politico, outlets that were blocked

from the so-called �gaggle� reportedly included The Hill, the BBC, the Guardian,

and BuzzFeed.

Right-wing outlets Breitbart and One American News were allowed in, among others.

The American Civil Liberties Union called the exclusion �yet another disturbing example

of the Trump [administration]�s contempt for the vital role a free press plays in our


Indeed, the incident played out just hours after Trump called the media an �enemy of

the people� at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Maryland.

Other responses poured in online from lawmakers, journalists, and media watchdogs�some warning

of the decision�s implications, others cautioning against allowing the news to be a distraction

from larger matters:

For more infomation >> White House Blocks CNN, NYT, and More from Press Briefing - Duration: 4:25.


Epic Hearthstone Plays #159 - Duration: 6:07.

[Chironex] Remove 2 strength from all other units on the battlefield.

What if... trade this


it's a priest. He's got AOE. Even for this useless board

From Scientist we'll draw...


Azure Drake would be good


wait a minute

Now he's got Deathwing


This is how it works





For more infomation >> Epic Hearthstone Plays #159 - Duration: 6:07.


The Palestine "Black Forest" | Parched - Duration: 2:42.

MAN (VOICEOVER): Most of the cities in Palestine,

they store water on their roofs to have water in their houses,

because the regular water is not running.

And this is what we call "Black Forest."

Because if you look to the Palestinian roofs,

it's full with the black storage tanks.

[men talking softly]

MAN: [speaking non-english]

Yeah, they ran out.

MAN: [speaking non-english]

MAN: [speaking non-english]

MAN: [speaking non-english]

For more infomation >> The Palestine "Black Forest" | Parched - Duration: 2:42.


VLOG con Daniel Chanona l Grabamos para la COPA CONFEDERACIONES l El mexicano en Kazan l RUSIA - Duration: 15:48.

For more infomation >> VLOG con Daniel Chanona l Grabamos para la COPA CONFEDERACIONES l El mexicano en Kazan l RUSIA - Duration: 15:48.


Мультфильмы для детей про Машинки - Танки - Сборник любимых серий подряд - Видео для мальчиков - Duration: 28:46.

For more infomation >> Мультфильмы для детей про Машинки - Танки - Сборник любимых серий подряд - Видео для мальчиков - Duration: 28:46.


المدرسة - جغرافية وتاريخ ووطنية وديانة (#كل_درس_بدرسو) - Duration: 9:16.

((Children Song))

the first subject is

((drum roll))


the geography is a

a lot of things has nothing to do with each other placed in the book

bigger than a block

and no one touch it just summaries


no.. i cut my arm

if there is someone study the Whole book

if not..

Summarize mummarize nummarize and a lot of things

and a lot of Useless things

all of it

numbers and mumbers no one touch it

and never heard of it

like Earth and space climate and population, Mars and the sun Space Food Agriculture sea fish

what they do together

on the earth yeah

of you want to study the things on the earth you have to put all the subject

everything everyth....... even the

me, the pc and the heater

everything together you have to put it in the book

Organisms؟؟ its become biology

explained detail division

for the love of god without useless things

Moon and Mars and Banda and an apple and cucumber and carrot and wheat cultivation and the cultivation of palm trees, rivers, salinization and desertification and s#$% and sanitation and streams and rivers and rivers

and WHAT


and s#$%@

and what to

every year the same things

Arab world space of four ten million North of the Taurus and Zagros and Sea Average Here are the Atlantic and Gulf here and under the desert and the Red Eye

What will happen if I have learned it


there is google maps

ever heard of it??



i know where is the plece

and why evolution

to study Rudiments and the basics

listen to that lesson

hear that

Torsional formed mountains in the second and third geological eras by the convergence of the Eurasian plate with the African Plate Indian

after five minutes

Atlas Oman Iraq


What I am now earned

with ma life


do you know BLABLABLABLA

Atlas Oman Iraq

you don't know now you know

we both know useless thing


if i will earned some thing

i have to study and go to the college Go on a mission to Morocco, and sit down until I have friends and go camp in the area in the Atlas Mountains and the fire and marshmallow until ask someone

someone ask

I wonder how this mountain pose

Then re him all the talk


How paid the price for marshmallow




now we finished the geographic

i talk about the beginning of the book

for those in the last

i don't like to see them now

Each lesson on his own X6

Sentence that you hear every day a sousand of times

Each lesson on his own X3

and you have to study the last lesson and the next one

Each lesson on his own

god plus

finish geographic

the next subject


i don't want to talk a lot about history

but the history is the same from the first day in the school

Sykes-Picot and treaties


just that

and those things are in the ...

Leave the past and stay in the present



i wan't talk a lot about at


i don't know why this year patriotism become a Philosophy Summary

I was browsing and suddenly Rousseau, Marx


the next one


there is nothing to talk about it in the Religion

no, there is

Explanation of vocabulary

Are explained vocabulary explained And strange vocabulary is not explained

i don't know why

They explain the same word for four times

They re verse of each year

you know witch one


maybe in the college to o


As for Explanation of vocabulary

there is this one

where is it

Easy Like the soul

the Revelation explained it

how will not know that

ok someone did not know it

But do not put subserviences collection of subservience

how will not know that

what dose that mean

explain to me

where is it

khasim, Brady, woven

woven it's ok


what dose khasim mean

i don't know


explain what it mean

they did not explain it you explain it

Because you are Dictionary

You're studying for a period of twelve years old must learn and Each year you have brainwashed

without those things

explain the unknown things

and lave the known things alone

it will be happy and we will to

and you to and everyone


For more infomation >> المدرسة - جغرافية وتاريخ ووطنية وديانة (#كل_درس_بدرسو) - Duration: 9:16.


prince Harry and Ellie only had eyes for each other all night they spent a lot of time sitting tog - Duration: 2:38.

Prince Harry is romantically pursuing Ellie Goulding.

The 31 year old royal is reportedly smitten with the 29 year old singer who he has been

friends with for several years and the pair were said to be 'all over each other' at the

Audi Polo Challenge recently.

A source told The Sun: "It turned into a real party late into the night and there was a

complete ban on taking pictures so Harry and the other celebrities there could feel comfortable.

"prince Harry and Ellie only had eyes for each other all night they spent a lot of time

sitting together under blankets.

"They were seen having a kiss before Harry had to go because he was playing polo the

next day.

Ellie left about five minutes later."

And Harry is believed to be smitten with the blonde beauty, who he got to know after she

performed at his brother William's wedding reception in 2011.

The insider said: "Harry got Ellie's number a while ago and got in touch.

He has told friends how much he likes Ellie and she is clearly taken by him."

Harry has been single since he split from actress and model Cressida Bonas in 2014 following

two years of dating.

Prior to that, he romanced Chelsy Davy for five years until they parted ways amicably

in 2009.

Harry recently claimed his public status shatters his chances of finding the perfect woman because

they usually get freaked out by the publicity that comes with dating a prince.

He said recently: "If or when I do find a girlfriend, I will do my utmost. to ensure

that me and her can get to the point where we're actually comfortable with each other

before the massive invasion that is inevitably going to happen into her privacy.

The other concern is that even if I talk to a girl, that person is then suddenly my wife,

and people go knocking on her door."

Meanwhile, Ellie split from McFly bassist Dougie Poynter bassist after two years of

dating but recently admitted she hopes they get back together in the future because they

have a 'special' connection.

Asked if they can work things out, she said: "Maybe.

I hope so.

We have something I know is special and I think other people see it my friends see it,

my family see it...

"But I think some things are just kind of unfinished, an unfinished story.

I hope so he's a real gem and he's doing so well and he's keeping busy, as am I.

"I hope so, he's a great guy."

thanks for watching.

please subscribe my channel.

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