Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 1 2017

This video is about a town.

A small town.

And the people who live in that town.

From a distance it presents itself like so many other small towns all over the world.




Get closer though, and you start seeing the shadows underneath.

Welcome to the Riverdale Murder Board.

My ongoing attempt to catalog, analyze, and hypothesize about the mystery and unfolding

events in CW's new hit show, Riverdale.

As of the making of this video, we are eight episodes into Riverdale's thirteen-episode


Additionally, there has been a canonical prequel comic written by the show's creator, Roberto

Aguirre-Sacasa, who also will be penning the impending and ongoing Riverdale comic series.

Pre-orders reveal that it will cover the unseen stories from between the episodes, and help

bridge the gap as the TV series gears up for its recently greenlit second season.

For those who may be wondering, yes.

The show is good.

In fact, Riverdale's one of the best shows on network TV right now for three very specific

reasons: Firstly, it understands what it wants to be, and copies from all the right places

in all the right ways.

For example, when I first heard about Riverdale and it's darker undercurrents and central

mystery, I assumed it would be built from the Buffy The Vampire Slayer mold, which is

to say - a mature take on the Scooby Doo format.

A tight core ensemble of players all using their various strengths together to crack

the case and solve the mystery.

However, Riverdale dumps the tired Scooby format and instead leans closer to the format

of Twin Peaks - but unlike copycats like American Gothic, Carnivale, or the more current disaster

of Wayward Pines which all focused too earnestly on paranormal weirdness for the sake of paranormal

weirdness or on a singular plot contrivance, Riverdale borrows from Lynch's format in

the right way.

Namely, subversion.

At its core, Twin Peaks is a subversion of a police procedural.

It uses the familiar tropes of that genre as shorthand for the audience to help them

enter the strange world Lynch presented.

In 1991, it was far easier to hook an audience with a good murder mystery in a familiar format,

rather than explaining right out of the gate that Twin Peaks is really about demonic possession,

backwards-talking prophetic dreams, alien abduction, and the literal fight between good

and evil.

Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa clearly knows this, and rather than simply subverting the core

Archie comics characters for the sake of doing something different, he uses the teen drama

as his format for subversion.

There's a very specific reason he chose to have the first episode center on the first

day back to school from Summer Vacation, and hinge part of the plot on a formal school

dance and a profession of unrequited love.

All of these plot points are overused archetypes of the teen drama genre that any normal CW

show would stretch out over an entire season or build up to for a season finale, but Riverdale

chews through these tired plots in a single episode, telegraphing to the audience that

they can't trust the tired tropes of the genre or even the characters themselves to

behave in expected ways.

And that's not the only subversion.

The inclusion of teen idols from generations past, like Luke Perry, is a purposeful juxtaposition

against the modern progressive sensibilities of Riverdale.

Faux lesbian kisses won't cut the mustard and get called out as such.

Gay characters aren't stigmatized, and also accept the spectrum of bisexuality.

And most interesting of all, Riverdale is presented as nigh matriarcal.

For example, the mayor of the town is a woman, and all of the women in town are shown to

be stronger and more resilient than the men.

Hermione Lodge took over her husband's business when he went to jail.

The feud between the Blossoms and the Coopers seems spearheaded by Penelope and Alice to

the near laughable exclusion of their husbands.

And Fred Andrews and Forsythe Jones have nearly fallen to pieces after their marriages collapse

and their wives move out.

You could even argue that Betty, Veronica, and even Cheryl are stronger, smarter, more

independent, and less emotionally arrested than the male leads like Archie and Jughead.

A breath of fresh air in this genre - and in TV storytelling as well.

Secondly, the show knows who its main character is.

Riverdale had a huge hurdle to clear, and that was the decades worth of history Archie

and the extended cast have had within its generations spanning comic and cartoon series.

Thanks to pop culture permutation, everyone has at least a basic grasp of who Archie,

Betty, and Veronica are, and worse yet, since the characters have evolved every ten years

or so to stay modern, every generation of Archie fan has a contrasting idea of what

Archie is and isn't.

So rather than making Archie the main character and forcing the show into a constant will

they won't they with Betty and Veronica, the show basically dusts that off its shoulders

and moves on by the second episode.

The ensemble cast of teens and adults share the focus of the show fairly evenly.

School life is downplayed and refocused on extracurricular activities and events outside

of the school.

Granted, the story is told to us through the framing device of Jughead's narration, there

still isn't a traditional lead character in this show.

That's because Riverdale itself is the main character of Riverdale.

A once seemingly idyllic slice of Americana, whose thin veneer peels away after a tragic

event, revealing the rotten core beneath.

Riverdale, much like the sign that greets visitors at the edge of sweetwater river is

cracked, faded, and on the verge of collapse.

This show is more than the simple investigation of a singular murder, it's the exploration

of how deep the roots of corruption, secrets, and deceit have wormed their way into the

wholesome bedrock of Riverdale.

And speaking of that exploration, the third reason why this show is so good is the structuring

of its mystery.

The Laura Palmer-like murder at the center of the series first season is simply the doorway

into the secrets and lies everyone in Riverdale holds.

Red herrings abound, and many of the cast have a convincing motive.

And as we take baby steps closer to the truth, the mystery unravels and reveals a deeper


For those of you who have never seen Riverdale before, the story centers around the mysterious

death of Jason Blossom, the fraternal twin of Cheryl Blossom, and heir to the Blossom

business and fortune.

The story, as relayed by Cheryl, was that she and Jason took a boat out on Sweetwater

River early in the morning on July 4th.

But after Cheryl dropped her glove in the water, Jason fell in accidentally trying to

retrieve it, potentially drowned, and was swept away by the current.

However, the threads of Cheryl's story don't quite add up, because Archie and his music

teacher, Geraldine Grundy were secretly at the riverfront on the morning of the fourth,

and both heard a gunshot before fleeing the scene.

Painting Cheryl's innocent tragic story in a far more sinister light.

Like I said at the top of this video, we are now eight episodes into Riverdale.

As I progress, I'll be examining clues and motives, sharing my personal theories, and

recapping current episodes.

To recap everything that's happened so far would take too long and spoil too much, so

consider this video episode zero.

If you have not watched Riverdale, now is your chance to catch up.

From here on out I will not be giving spoiler warnings.

And there is a LOT to spoil.

Right now, the best ways to catch up on Riverdale are on the CW Seed app and the CW app, where

you can watch episodes for free, but with ads.

Eight days after the season ends you'll be able to watch it all on Netflix, but that

won't be until late May.

So I'd suggest picking it up on iTunes for 30 bucks, which is much cheaper than buying

the episodes individually.

Next time, I'll be investigating Chapter 8, The Outsiders.

Until then, share, like, subscribe, and make out with the hottest person near you.

Because you never know who's going to end up on the Riverdale Murder Board.

For more infomation >> Why should you watch CW's RIVERDALE | Riverdale Murder Board - Duration: 9:19.


Odin Makes: A Grilled Cheese Sandwich - Duration: 2:11.

Hello! I'm Odin, and this time I am going to make another request.

It's grilled cheese sandwich.

I'll start off with some bread.

I can apply some butter to one side of the bread,

and then I can toast the bread.

(Sigh) Fine. I'll use a hot plate

I'll get a new piece of bread, apply some more butter,

and now I can toast the bread properly.

I'll have to cut the cheese and add that to the bread so it'll start to warm up.


Butter a piece of bread.

Cut the cheese.

Toast the bread.

Melt the cheese.

Now that I've grilled my cheese sandwich, I need to cut it in half, and to do that,

I'll use my bandsaw.

Now if you don't have a bandsaw, you could try using a table saw.

You could use a circular saw.

A jigsaw.

A reciprocating saw.

A hacksaw.

Pruning saw.

Or, in a pinch, you could even try a kitchen knife.

You can use this same idea to make other sandwiches too.

Grilled chesse on texas toast, rye, or even classic white bread.

All the ingredients I used are actually edible, and I put a part list in the description.

And remember, there are many different ways to make a sandwich,

But this is how Odin Makes.

If you liked the video or have other ideas for something for me to make, please leave them in the comments below.

And if you make any of these projects for yourself, I'd love to see a picture.

Send me one at

Well that's kind of a bummer.

Because it's actually working.

I was hoping it would just explode into flames, but it's actually just working.

For more infomation >> Odin Makes: A Grilled Cheese Sandwich - Duration: 2:11.



For more infomation >> WOLFTEAM OHA LEGEND VE UZAS BUKADAR GÜÇLÜ MÜ ??!! - Duration: 10:05.


Chicago after movie! Cinematic Vlog - Duration: 4:21.

Whats up Youtube hows it going today!

We have made it to Chicago as you saw from that little sequence that I put before this clip

but yeah, so we are gonna go explore the city today. This is our nice little view from our hotel

you can see the green river, its super awesome.

We are just gonna go walk around today and shop its gonna be alot of fun and hopefully we find some cool

stuff and we will bring you along for the ride.

Whats up guys

we are back at the end of day one this is gonna be the start of the day two Chicago vlogs

I don't know how I will edit this but previously we went to the shedd and Sears Tower and John Hancock and all that.

you'll see that in the previous video, this video today we are gonna go to portillos for hotdogs and the famous cake shake.

and then we are gonna go over to the planetarium and museums

and yeah i don't really know what we have planned after that so we will bring you along for the ride.

It will probably just be some cinematics again but it will look cool

Alright Lets GO!!

For more infomation >> Chicago after movie! Cinematic Vlog - Duration: 4:21.


3 MARKER CHALLENGE - Neon Girl Drawing 🌸 - Duration: 6:49.

hello everyone welcome back to my

channel I'm brushes and bunnies and

today we're going to be doing another

three marker challenge it's a beautiful

saturday morning i have my Copic markers

here i have a drawing but i just

finished outlining with black fine liner

i have a feeling to just draw with

markers today so we're just going to

take it easy we're going to have a quick

little challenge and i hope you guys

will enjoy i have half of the Copic

markers that I own in one little Bowl

here and the colors I've chosen are

pretty much bunch of greens blues

purples pinks and skin tones as well I'm

a little bit cheating in a way where I'm

just not using dark colors because I am

feeling rather a spring like you I would

like to do kind of like a pastel kind of

portrait but we will see what we

will come up with so I'm going to close

my eyes I don't have a video of like the

webcam on you but yeah you guys can be

sure i will be closing my eyes and i

will be selecting three separate markers

okay so the first one is coral sea i

don't typically use this color but it's

a very pretty color so I'm quite excited

to try it out this would be pretty cool

ah ok so marker number two oh gosh ok

so I got pure pink already we've got

pretty bright colors I hope I can do

something cool with it and the last


no spectrum green oh gosh how am I going

to draw her skin ah oh my god oh my god

okay so we've got these three colors

we've got pure pink we have coral sea

and we have spectrum green I don't have

any sort of nice skin colors isn't going

to be pretty pretty weird-looking she's

going to look really weird oh my gosh

what I wanted to do okay well there are

my colors let's get started so for this

challenge itself I didn't have a

strategic way of drawing it of using the

markers I kind of got a bad pic of

markers although I do like the colors

it's a little bit challenging to find a

way to make it work with a blue green

and a really bright pink all three

colors together just did not really work

as well as I would have planned or as I

would have wanted so I didn't really

have a strategy I just kind of drew

without even thinking of how how it

would look like of course I use the

lighter blue which was just the Coral

Sea I used the Coral Sea as a basis of

the hair and then I added a little bit

of the spectrum green on top to add a

little bit of like highlights in the

hair apart from that in terms of her

skin tone I just kept it white because I

think that if i would have colored it a

certain color it would have totally

ruined it i used a little bit of the

Coral Sea to shade around the eyes and

around the chin area just to kind of

give a little bit of a shadow effect not

sure if I really achieve that but yeah I

think I think in the end it turned out

quite cute I sort of like the pop feel

to it with the cotton candy kind of look

with the pink and the Blues together and

I did have a lot of fun doing this

particular drawing which is why I highly

recommend that you try out this challenge

yourself you can do it with one marker

you can do it with three or five or as

many as you want pick them blindly do

not look it's always a fun surprise what

you get and you have to try to find a

way to make it where it's a little bit

like a game and also test your skill in

terms of blending different colors

together trying to achieve certain


those highlights and of course you get

results that you normally would not have

gotten if you didn't take the risk so

definitely take the risk try it out

enjoy the challenge let me know how it

goes in the comments below do you guys

like this challenge do you like watching

it do you like trying it out I certainly

love watching it it's actually one of my

favorite series that i watch from many

different artists on YouTube and there's

a lot of really cool surprises and sort

of like experiences or I meant to say

experiments that come out of this

challenge in particular thanks again for

watching I hope you guys enjoyed this

short little challenge do follow me

on instagram as well as Facebook you can

find my social media links down below in

the video description as well as don't

forget to subscribe I do quite a lot of

art tutorials live streams as well as

just random speed painting videos so I

wish you guys a wonderful sunny weekend

for the first weekend of April yeah

anyways have a great and fantastic day


For more infomation >> 3 MARKER CHALLENGE - Neon Girl Drawing 🌸 - Duration: 6:49.


LOVE?|| LUST? || Science of LOVE and ATTRACTION - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> LOVE?|| LUST? || Science of LOVE and ATTRACTION - Duration: 3:36.


O PODER do sofá! | Ricardo Teixeira - 364/365 - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> O PODER do sofá! | Ricardo Teixeira - 364/365 - Duration: 5:12.


Tahini Carrot Appetizer Recipe - Heghineh Cooking Show - Duration: 7:06.

Tahini Carrot Appetizer Recipe - Heghineh Cooking Show

For more infomation >> Tahini Carrot Appetizer Recipe - Heghineh Cooking Show - Duration: 7:06.


Understanding The Basics Of Supplements - Duration: 3:48.

In today's lesson you will learn to understand the basics of supplementation.

Supplements exist to give athletes that added edge to their training.

Although we are unable to officially recommend using supplements, we do believe that supplements

help gain an advantage within your training.

However, many people are skeptical on the use of them, because dietary supplement manufacturers

and distributors are not required to obtain approval from the FDA before marketing their

products, and there are little to no regulations set on dietary supplements.

Personally though, I recommend Whey Protein Isolate, because I have used it for my transformation

over the past 6 months.

However, whey protein concentrate is usually cheaper, and essentially has the same result,

the only difference in both is that whey protein Isolate is more filtered.

Whey protein is popular with active adults because it digests rapidly, and it's a rich

source of amino acids for use in muscle recovery.

I take two scoops of whey protein every morning with my breakfast and two scoops at night

after my workout.

I personally believe that this helps my body recover faster, and that it gives the necessary

protein to my muscles that I may be lacking for the day.

Other than that, the only other supplement I recommend is a probiotic.

This helps your body with digestion.

Probiotics are a mix of live bacteria and yeasts that are good for your digestive health.

We usually think of bacteria as something that causes diseases, but your body is choc

full of bacteria, both good and bad.

Probiotics are often called "good" or "helpful" bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy.

Hence the name Pro - "promoting" or helping, and biotic - "life".

Promoting life!

When it comes down to it, you truly do not need any type of supplement to transform your


Although they are believed to help in the transformation, they are not required.

You are able to get the same results by the old fashioned methods of proper nutrition

and exercise.

You are free to make your own decision when it comes down to choosing the supplements,

since some of the recommended ones may be a little expensive.

Our nutritional plan has the protein shakes already in the routine so that you can maximize

your results and also follow what was done originally.

We have designed the plan to meet your macro goals for each day.

If you do not understand what a 'macro' is, then let me explain.

A macronutrient is any of the nutritional components of the diet required in relatively

large amounts, like protein, carbohydrates and fats.

A 'macro' is just an abbreviation for the larger word "macronutrient," and,

the phrase, "To macro," means tracking the number of grams of protein, carbohydrates,

and fats you consume on a particular day.

Bodybuilders and physique competitors have mastered this art, and have no qualms about

whipping out their food scale at any given moment.

For the rest of us, it means going out and buying a scale, taking the time to do the

measurements and calculations, and perhaps most imposing of all, setting aside the mental

bandwidth to actually care about the results.

Evidence does suggest that some supplements can enhance health in different ways.

Speak to your health care providers about products of interest and decide together what

might be best for you to take, if anything, for your overall health.

Again when it comes down to it, it is your decision to make.

You control the life you live.

If you believe supplements will improve your workouts and your life, then be my guest and

use them.

Below I have attached a link to some of the the supplements that I use, if you'd like

to take a look.

You have successfully completed lesson 4.

We look forward to seeing you in the next lesson.

For more infomation >> Understanding The Basics Of Supplements - Duration: 3:48.


Maverick Strada XB 2017 in skatepark - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Maverick Strada XB 2017 in skatepark - Duration: 1:14.


My Library of Sex Books | Hannah Witton - Duration: 12:18.

For more infomation >> My Library of Sex Books | Hannah Witton - Duration: 12:18.


Many Young Adults Are Turning To Witchcraft As A Way To Rebel Against Their Conservative Christian U - Duration: 10:02.

Many Young Adults Are Turning To Witchcraft As A Way To Rebel Against Their Conservative

Christian Upbringings

by Michael Snyder

Young adults in America are far less likely to identify themselves as �Christians�

than previous generations of Americans, but that does not mean that they have given up

on searching for spiritual meaning in their lives. According to Wikipedia, one very popular

form of witchcraft known as Wicca has been growing at a rate of more than 100 percent

annually in recent years, and this has been happening at a time when Christianity has

been in decline in the United States. Of course other pagan and occult groups have been exploding

in popularity as well, and as you will see below, one of the primary reasons for this

is because many young adults are seeking ways to rebel against their conservative Christian


I have written much about how young adults in this country are far more politically liberal

than their parents and grandparents, and this enormous cultural shift in values has a spiritual

dimension to it as well.

A recent Barna Group study found that only 4 percent of Americans aged 18 to 29 have

a Biblical worldview.

Only 4 percent.

The shocking truth is that the values of most Millennials much more easily fit into pagan

spirituality than they do into most evangelical Christian churches.

If you want to sleep around with as many people as possible, that is okay in witchcraft. If

you want to take drugs and get high every day, that is okay in witchcraft. If you want

to be a radical pro-abortion feminist, that is okay in witchcraft. If you want to be a

gay transsexual exhibitionist, that is okay in witchcraft.

Essentially, one of the great draws of witchcraft is that nobody holds you accountable for anything

and you can do so many of the things that the Bible commands you not to do.

So for those that wish to rebel against their conservative Christian upbringings, getting

involved in witchcraft can seem quite natural�

Witchcraft in this context is a �counter spirituality to the religious conservatism

that defined many [queer people�s] childhoods,� as game developer Aevee Bee puts it. The visual

novel Bee co-created, We Know The Devil, explores what it means to embrace witchcraft through

three queer teens who attend a Christian summer camp, where they spend a night in the woods

awaiting the devil. �What [the protagonists] encounter in the woods they understand and

perceive as the devil because that is what they have been taught to understand their

desires, identity, and love as,� Bee says. By embracing the devil, the protagonists find

liberation from their religious upbringings, just as someone might by realizing it�s

acceptable to be queer. Alex Mar is one prominent author that became

deeply involved in the world of witchcraft, but she was not raised that way. In fact,

Mar is very open about the fact that she was raised as a Christian�

I was born and raised in New York City, but my roots are more exotic: between my Cuban

Catholic mother and my Greek Orthodox father, family religion involved the lushest, most

high-drama strains of Christianity. The elaborate clerical robes, the incense and tiers of prayer

candles, the stories of the martyrs cut into stained glass, the barely decipherable chants

� as a child, these were embedded in my brain. To this day, despite my liberal feminist

politics, I still imagine the world as overseen by a handsome, bearded young white man.

She says that once she learned �to think for myself�, her liberal political views

took her away from the church, and those same political views eventually sparked a curiosity

about witchcraft�

Once I was old enough to think for myself, I broke with the church on issues of sexuality,

marriage, the right to choose and the concept of �sin�; I also couldn�t swallow the

thin reasoning behind excluding women from the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox priesthoods.

At the same time, however, I was haunted by the memory of high mass, the sense that there

are mysteries in the universe. When I learned that there was a living, growing American

witchcraft movement � one that is radically inclusive, that views women as equals to men,

and in which God is just as likely to be female � I was instantly curious.

This is why what we feed our minds with is so vitally important.

Our public schools have become liberal indoctrination centers that are teaching our young people

to adopt an anti-Christian way of viewing the world, and all of that propaganda is being

backed up by the thousands upon thousands of anti-Christian entertainment that our young

people are constantly consuming.

So it is actually not a surprise when many of our �Christian young people� end up

like this guy�

Dakota Hendrix, a non-binary trans witch based in New York�an identity Hendrix jokingly

refers to as �goat femme,� describing their combination of body hair, a smoky eye,

and talons for nails�says the practice of witchcraft is a way to take control in a world

that can be both metaphysically and mortally threatening.

It�s a supernatural form of self-defense that Hendrix says includes amulets that fight

off mis-gendering, rituals that provide protection when walking down the street, and paying honor

to queer and trans ancestors who don�t have descendants of their own paying homage. Not

to mention�since, Hendrix says, contemporary witchcraft is connected to social justice

work�a hex or two on the NYPD for good measure.

But while the rituals are plentiful, the rules are not, and Hendrix says being a witch is

all about choosing one�s own path: �Being a witch is being autonomous; that�s the

whole point. That�s how we draw power. We are defying the patriarchy, we are defying

the submissive norm.� Allowing our children to immerse themselves

in popular culture is doing far more harm than most of us originally realized.

Popular culture is trying to take the next generation away from Christianity, and it

is imperative that we start to understand this. And actually, many of the �stars�

that our young people idolize are actually into the occult themselves, and once in a

while they even admit this openly�

�I�m really a witch,� rapper Azealia Banks quipped last January, shortly before

all hell broke loose on her Twitter account.

Banks is known for her online rants. She tends to share fairly dense ideas, spontaneously

spun out in punchy lines liberally interspersed with curse words. I don�t know a person

on this earth who can agree with every one of them, but her opinions are smarter than

she usually gets credit for.

Still, even by Banks�s standards, the witch thing was weird. It came out in the middle

of a run about black Americans and their relationship to Christianity:

I wonder if most of the black American Christians in the US know WHY they are Christian. I wonder

if they even consider for a SECOND that before their ancestors came to the Americas that

they may have believed in something ELSE. As a Christian, it deeply alarms me that we

are losing an entire generation of Americans.

If we keep doing the same things that we have been doing, we will continue to get similar

results. That is one of the reasons why I laid out a recipe for spiritual renewal in

my latest book entitled �The Rapture Verdict�, and my hope is that the church establishment

will embrace what watchmen such as myself are saying instead of fighting it.

If we continue on with business as usual, the evangelical church in America will continue

to shrink and multitudes of our young people will continue to seek out other outlets for

their spirituality.

At the same time that interest in witchcraft is growing, interest in Satanism is skyrocketing

as well. I recently wrote about how the Satanic Temple has experienced a huge surge in membership

since Donald Trump�s election victory in November, and at Clemson University students

are reportedly going to hold a �lamb sacrifice� and a �Bible burning� to celebrate the

opening of a new campus chapel�

The poster contains imagery associated with Satanism, like pentagrams and an illustration

of the goat-headed Baphomet.

It goes on to state that a live lamb will be provided for sacrifice by �[their] friends�

at the Clemson Collegiate Farm Bureau. A Bible-torching ceremony is listed as part of the proceedings,

with a cash prize for the student who burns the most Bibles. Finally, attendees are invited

partake in a pentagram completion event, where they will �help summon Baphomet to celebrate

the new Clemson Chapel.� There was a time when it would have been unthinkable

to put up a poster like that in America, but unfortunately those days are long gone.

Christianity is on the decline in this nation, and witchcraft and Satanism are on the rise.

We desperately need a major spiritual renewal, so my hope is that the church in America will

wake up soon.

For more infomation >> Many Young Adults Are Turning To Witchcraft As A Way To Rebel Against Their Conservative Christian U - Duration: 10:02.


Deadpool (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Style) | 4K ULTRA HD - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Deadpool (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Style) | 4K ULTRA HD - Duration: 1:46.


I HAVE NEWS... - Duration: 0:11.

Hi guys!

I'm quitting my YouTube channel!

HAH! April Fools!


It was a joke


For more infomation >> I HAVE NEWS... - Duration: 0:11.


[UNBOXING] ¡Nintendo Switch con AngryTapper! - Duration: 2:27.

Guys! I know it's somewhat late but today I've been looking all around the city and I FINALLY got it!

I've found...

A Nintendo Switch™!

Oh my god! Just look at it, it's beautiful! Finally, I FINALLY got me a Nintendo Switch!

And yeah, I know it's late but as promised I'm going to do it, I'll do an unboxing!

(Laughs in Spanish)

Oh, it's an open easy box, I didn't realize

And well, starting by the contents...

Ohhh, this...this must be the tablet

Wait, what? Is this for real? This is...misleading advertising?

I'm sure that you should be able to pull apart these two but looks like you can't...

This is unfortunate, the commercials were lying...they said that you could pull apart the controls bu well..

You know what? I's the Nintendo Switch after all so it's superb, let's continue!

Let's see what do we have in store...

Oh, this...this must be the dock, right? Where you put the console, isn' it?

The tablet in order to connect it to the TV...

Ahhh, here's where you put it....but it's too tight, isn't it? I don't think it will be able to fit here...

Oh, look, it came with a SD card!

And these must be the cables...

Hold it!

[Angry keyboard noises]

I'm starting to think that I've been scammed...

Guys, I think this is not a Nintendo Switch...

This has to be a mistake...I'm s-sorry

W-what do you think? Do you think it's the Nintendo Switch?

Aww, so cute

For more infomation >> [UNBOXING] ¡Nintendo Switch con AngryTapper! - Duration: 2:27.


Zagrajmy w: The Walking Dead Season 3 (A New Frontier) #9 - Episode 3 (Napisy PL / Po Polsku) - Duration: 27:43.

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Craft Beer Bracket Game 1 R 3 Stout New Holland Night Tripper vs Dogfish Head beer for Breakfast - Duration: 5:34.

Welcome back everybody I'm Brad I'm Steve

and today we have Game 1 Round 3

technically the championship of the

Stout side yeah got to be careful with that

one it's just the Stout side so what we

have today is the Dogfish Head Beer for

Breakfast which runs at about

7.4 percent for those who have seen the videos b/4

kind of it's a

rehash feel and 30 IBUs now but

the one Brad's currently pouring it's

going to be interesting because we're

almost taking a Stout and an Imperial

Stout against each other right because

no we are we well I mean we are New

Holland is 11.5 percent

it's 45 IBUs so when you get up in the

alcohol percentage the IBUs

really don't matter that much because

most of the time you're going to get the

alcohol is going to cover up almost a

lot of that yeah yep so we've got to

every different beers it'll be

interesting to see which one comes out

on top what was very interesting when we

started and we didn't really realize

this until halfway in was that we had

actually selected 4 I guess Imperial

Stouts and 4 regular Stouts and

honestly we probably should have had the

Imperials go against me Imperials and

the regular go but at the same time I

think we we did a good job with you know

venting that process right hand well and

that's not how the real bracket is it

could be you know all over the place yes

yeah yeah Michigan one play Western

right so okay let's go ahead and get

into the which one you're on your New

Holland no let's go with the less ABV

because that's what we've been doing

okay okay good call so this is


so once again Dogfish if you've seen the

last videos nothing's changed I would

say the time lapse is maybe an hour and

a half two hours right and we have

chilled its and scents then yep every time it

wins it goes in the fridge so I'm sure

the the carbonation isn't quite what it

wants to me but same time it'll get all

the same yeah and honestly taste the

same yeah very good beer feel like very

interesting I would say the color on

both of them if anything I would say the

new Holland has a reddish tint to it a

little bit just just at the end yeah but

ok New holland once again not a lot on the

nose no a lot in the mouth thow

a lot of alcohol right great plum dark dark

fruits yes dark charry chocolate with ya leather

I mean it's almost like a wine yeah a

little bit very good i'll give it that

but Brad got choose one Dogfish me too

you going Dogfish and to me it's

because I like the pepper that bell

pepper taste more than I like the wine

alcohol leather taste I get that and you

know what if to me it depends on

situation if you have lunch of wine

drinkers coming over that you're like

you know what and introduce you to a

beer and then this is a great one yeah I would

never have wine drinkers over so because

you're on your culture is it but

besides the point it

I agree with you knew how and has a very

distinct flavor and what's really

interesting about this one is I would

throw this into the Stout category you know

what I mean like it's so different it it

is and it is right there's I'd say fifty

percent stout category fifty percent

older yeah how do you know how to

describe it yeah but very good beers but

I agree you hope yep okay no Dogfish

yeah Dogfish sorry so that'll wrap up

technically Game 1 of Round 3 but it's

the championship on the Stout side goes

to Dogfish so until next time I'm Brad

I'm Steve happy brewing see you next time thank

you for watching this video thumbs up if

you liked it thumbs down if you didn't

leave me a comment down below to tell me

what you thought about this video also

don't forget to subscribe and share and

hit that bell so you know when new

videos are coming out you can check out

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