Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 27 2017

Hey guys, it is Big Zaf, hope you're fine!

So today, it is a chill challenge. All about sugar!

A massive dessert eat off!

Not a problem if I don't finish,

we eat what we like!

Let's go !

The time, as always, I'm going to put it right there!

Still sealed!

So, what do we have here?!

A Boston Cream !

This is a white chocolate!

Nutella !

Cinnamon rolls from Ikea, First time for me!

Strawberry Cheesecake!


I think this is chestnut!

That's done!

Daim Pie!

That's a lot of sugar!

That's a gift: For a coffee, they give you a muffin for free!

Nutella or melted chocolate … Pfoua!

So I am going to set a time limit,

Let say 30 minutes!

You probably notice that after that I am not very productive!

As you can guess,

I did'nt counted the calories, because I don't know what I am going to eat.

I guess it will be a lot of carbs, a lot of fat!

I think I will not take dessert for a long time!

Ha … I won't finish it …

So, it was fun.

I just have enough time to tell you bye…

Don't forget to like, share, comment and subscribe.

See you soon for an other video!

Peace !

Pff … Lot of sugar!

For more infomation >> Massive Dessert Eat Off ! | 6000 CALORIES in 30 MINUTES - Duration: 8:31.


STARVE - DAY 1 - Duration: 0:55.


Total or Parial.

Religious, Medical or Political Practice.

Purification or Protest.

But always a Trial.

For Body, Spirit and Mind.


Two weeks.

One meal a day.

Milk, Honey and Rye Bread.


A video of the meal and a picture of the body every day.

Shared through the Internet.

Virtual Reality for those who watch. Physical Reality for the Performer.

This is STARve

For more infomation >> STARVE - DAY 1 - Duration: 0:55.


Creating a Project for your Inspection Data in ElcoMaster Mobile - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> Creating a Project for your Inspection Data in ElcoMaster Mobile - Duration: 4:44.


Shots Fired 1x07 Promo "Hour Seven: Content of Their Character" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Shots Fired 1x07 Promo "Hour Seven: Content of Their Character" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:51.


Ooh la la: French politics is saucy AF! - The Feed - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Ooh la la: French politics is saucy AF! - The Feed - Duration: 3:06.


Homemade cheese from milk. Camembert - Duration: 6:50.

Hello! Today our friends came to us and we decided to try my homemade Camembert cheese

I made it on April 4

I do not know what it turned out to taste ... but now let's try

Everyday life of the farmer. Maria in the village

let's try

Wait, I'll take a picture now for a memory.

I do not believe that he is like real

You mean I'm not that cool? And I can not get it? =)

I warned you that today we will taste my cheese

The more he is now stored, the more he will have a cream

Cheese young yet

This milk is not from our cow, I bought it on the farm, since our cow now does not give milk

But milk is not the same as that of our cow, our milk is better

When you cut cheese, a clot forms. And in our cow it is more pronounced

Milk is good, tasty, but different

But there is no right clot

Did you buy cheese molds?

I made them myself

I make them from plastic containers ... I drill a lot of holes in the walls and the bottom

He does not understand anything! He does not like cheese with mold =)

He's like from the store only fresh =)

Cheese young

Look, the white mold begins to melt the cheese

The more cheese is aged than the thicker the crust

If you would come last week, he was still too young

I love

Yeah it's very tasty

From 4 liters of milk, 3 such cheese heads were obtained

This is a good result

There is a phrase: "cheese is not ready until it passes the exposure"

The most important thing is the proper aging of cheese

I make cheese from raw milk, there are a lot of germs

Can come into reaction, can give bitterness to cheese

Look ... this cheese was stored next to the cheese with mold and infected it

Need subtitles? Write in the comments

For more infomation >> Homemade cheese from milk. Camembert - Duration: 6:50.


Ein fahrendes Luxushotel auf dem Meer | Deutsch lernen mit Videos - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Ein fahrendes Luxushotel auf dem Meer | Deutsch lernen mit Videos - Duration: 3:42.


New Year 2017 YOSHIKI ch part (CC/Japanese subtitled) - Duration: 25:59.

For more infomation >> New Year 2017 YOSHIKI ch part (CC/Japanese subtitled) - Duration: 25:59.


DIY LETTER JOURNAL // Penpal Experiment - Duration: 7:48.

For more infomation >> DIY LETTER JOURNAL // Penpal Experiment - Duration: 7:48.


🎨 How To Paint Old Furniture with Furniture Paint | DIY ROOM DECOR - Duration: 1:55.

Hi loves Today I'm going to show you how to transform

an old furniture with furniture paint

For this you'll need a tray

paintbrush and furniture paint

I got this one from the store Action

Before I started I taped the glass as I didn't want to paint it

Then I painted from the top to the sides and bottom

I saturated the brush with paint so I could easily paint large strokes.

I did this stroke by stroke to get a uniform look

I painted a second layer when I finished and then let it dry

The cool thing about this paint is I didn't need a base as the paint covers very well

And this is the final look

Hope you enjoyed this easy home decor video.

Like this video if you did and subscribe for more videos.

And tune in next week to see how you can make this colorful candle center piece

Thank you so much for watching and see you next week!

For more infomation >> 🎨 How To Paint Old Furniture with Furniture Paint | DIY ROOM DECOR - Duration: 1:55.


MIKA coaching - SUGAZZ vs JJ (Eng sub) - Duration: 0:55.

To start with.. we sing! 1, 2, 3, 4

You did it exactly in way I imagined it to be !

SUGAZZ should put attention to Make come out their individual qualities

Certain talents work better with microphone Certain of them work better without..

You, girls, become stronger with microphone

JJ, you have in front Mountain to overcome It's a great Challenge

For more infomation >> MIKA coaching - SUGAZZ vs JJ (Eng sub) - Duration: 0:55.


In The Studio with Cenzo Townshend Pt.1 - Decoy Studios - Duration: 7:29.

For more infomation >> In The Studio with Cenzo Townshend Pt.1 - Decoy Studios - Duration: 7:29.


前 국가대표 수영선수 김예슬대표의 수영강습 기초편 #5 (VER.KOR ) - Duration: 11:15.

For more infomation >> 前 국가대표 수영선수 김예슬대표의 수영강습 기초편 #5 (VER.KOR ) - Duration: 11:15.


Outlast 2 | 絕命精神病院2 | #2 - Duration: 19:58.

Outlast 2

For more infomation >> Outlast 2 | 絕命精神病院2 | #2 - Duration: 19:58.


Беспроводная колонка JBL Flip 4 - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Беспроводная колонка JBL Flip 4 - Duration: 0:58.


New Year 2017 Toshl ch part (CC/Japanese subtitled) - Duration: 31:06.

For more infomation >> New Year 2017 Toshl ch part (CC/Japanese subtitled) - Duration: 31:06.


Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with Peppa Pig & Rainbow Play Doh Twinkle Star Magical Adventure - Duration: 11:31.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with Peppa Pig & Rainbow Play Doh Twinkle Star

For more infomation >> Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with Peppa Pig & Rainbow Play Doh Twinkle Star Magical Adventure - Duration: 11:31.


" Silver Bunny " Part 24 and 25 Miraculous Ladybug Comic/Çizgi Roman - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> " Silver Bunny " Part 24 and 25 Miraculous Ladybug Comic/Çizgi Roman - Duration: 1:35.


MCPE 1.1.0 beta build 7 semerro de analise 2.3+ download - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> MCPE 1.1.0 beta build 7 semerro de analise 2.3+ download - Duration: 0:21.


How to Make DIY Chocolate Sprinkles Raiza's Way | Food Network - Duration: 1:07.

NARRATOR: How to make chocolate sprinkles.

Sprinkles were invented in 1936 by a Dutch company.

In Holland and Belgium, they consumer sprinkles on toast.


In a bowl, add confectioner's sugar, cocoa powder, and salt.

Then you can add water, vanilla extract, and a little bit

of instant coffee.

Instant coffee's optional, but it actually

enhances the chocolate flavor--

only as if chocolate could get any better.

Mix everything until there are no more lumps left.

Transfer to a pastry bag with the tip number two.

And over a silicone mat, pipe long, parallel lines

with the chocolate batter.

Let it dry at room temperature for 24 hours.

When dry, cut them all in the same size

and store them in an airtight container.

Now you're free to sprinkle sprinkles anywhere you want.

Sprinkle sprinkles sound funny.

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