Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 27 2017

To start with.. we sing! 1, 2, 3, 4

You did it exactly in way I imagined it to be !

SUGAZZ should put attention to Make come out their individual qualities

Certain talents work better with microphone Certain of them work better without..

You, girls, become stronger with microphone

JJ, you have in front Mountain to overcome It's a great Challenge

For more infomation >> MIKA coaching - SUGAZZ vs JJ (Eng sub) - Duration: 0:55.


New Year 2017 Toshl ch part (CC/Japanese subtitled) - Duration: 31:06.

For more infomation >> New Year 2017 Toshl ch part (CC/Japanese subtitled) - Duration: 31:06.


" Silver Bunny " Part 24 and 25 Miraculous Ladybug Comic/Çizgi Roman - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> " Silver Bunny " Part 24 and 25 Miraculous Ladybug Comic/Çizgi Roman - Duration: 1:35.


MCPE 1.1.0 beta build 7 semerro de analise 2.3+ download - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> MCPE 1.1.0 beta build 7 semerro de analise 2.3+ download - Duration: 0:21.


How to Make DIY Chocolate Sprinkles Raiza's Way | Food Network - Duration: 1:07.

NARRATOR: How to make chocolate sprinkles.

Sprinkles were invented in 1936 by a Dutch company.

In Holland and Belgium, they consumer sprinkles on toast.


In a bowl, add confectioner's sugar, cocoa powder, and salt.

Then you can add water, vanilla extract, and a little bit

of instant coffee.

Instant coffee's optional, but it actually

enhances the chocolate flavor--

only as if chocolate could get any better.

Mix everything until there are no more lumps left.

Transfer to a pastry bag with the tip number two.

And over a silicone mat, pipe long, parallel lines

with the chocolate batter.

Let it dry at room temperature for 24 hours.

When dry, cut them all in the same size

and store them in an airtight container.

Now you're free to sprinkle sprinkles anywhere you want.

Sprinkle sprinkles sound funny.

Did you love this video?

Then prove it-- subscribe to Food Network's YouTube channel.

So many great videos there.


More videos for you to love.

For more infomation >> How to Make DIY Chocolate Sprinkles Raiza's Way | Food Network - Duration: 1:07.


【中字】像湯姆和傑瑞的智旻與號錫♥ - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> 【中字】像湯姆和傑瑞的智旻與號錫♥ - Duration: 0:57.


John Bonham - Le Influenze #141 - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> John Bonham - Le Influenze #141 - Duration: 2:11.


Boiled Subway Sandwich Taste Test - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Boiled Subway Sandwich Taste Test - Duration: 2:15.


بك ملهمي | نور الهدى خال - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> بك ملهمي | نور الهدى خال - Duration: 2:08.


Le coeur éléphant in New-Zealand - The beginning - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Le coeur éléphant in New-Zealand - The beginning - Duration: 1:40.


Asko D55364FI diskmaskin - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Asko D55364FI diskmaskin - Duration: 2:09.


Antthony "Rhythm of Knit" Hoodie - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Antthony "Rhythm of Knit" Hoodie - Duration: 3:18.


Bauknecht BCIO3T121PE Oppvaskemaskin - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Bauknecht BCIO3T121PE Oppvaskemaskin - Duration: 1:48.


Citizen Eco-Drive Proximity :15 Commercial from Kay Jewelers - Duration: 0:15.

It's time to unplug with a smarter watch.

Citizen Proximity is powered by any light.

Never needs a battery.

With Bluetooth technology, it syncs with either your iOS or Android device.

Time to unplug.

At Kay, the number one jewelry store in America.

For more infomation >> Citizen Eco-Drive Proximity :15 Commercial from Kay Jewelers - Duration: 0:15.


Antthony "City Night" Textured Cardigan - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Antthony "City Night" Textured Cardigan - Duration: 3:12.


SỐNG CHUNG VỚI MẸ CHỒNG | TẬP 10 | PHIM HAY 2017 | Sống Chung Với Mẹ Chồng | Tập 10|Traile - Duration: 11:47.

For more infomation >> SỐNG CHUNG VỚI MẸ CHỒNG | TẬP 10 | PHIM HAY 2017 | Sống Chung Với Mẹ Chồng | Tập 10|Traile - Duration: 11:47.


Rhonda Shear HighWaist CottonBlend Shaping Legging 2pack - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Rhonda Shear HighWaist CottonBlend Shaping Legging 2pack - Duration: 3:23.


Pokemon Parody #1 – How to be THE WORST POKEMON TRAINER in Hoenn - Duration: 5:40.


Have you guys noticed how internet is full of tutorials on how to be the best Pokemon

trainer, EV train this, Shiny chain that, but what about being the worst one?

I mean if you ever wanted to be a Team Rocket grunt or just another youngster Then you definitely

don't need a guide on how to be the best, or good for that matter, but rather how to

be the worst Pokemon trainer!

Luckily for you, I'm here to teach you just that.

So here is how I became the worst Pokemon trainer.

All you gotta do is repeat what Im doing and you'll get there in no time.

It helps if your English sucks!

Actually, that's all you need.

But you can also just NOT use your brain, it does the trick as well.

So here is how I did it when I first started playing.

My first game was Pokemon Sapphire, and while I didn't understand English much at the

time, I knew how to count to 10 and say "hi", I saw a Pokemon game for the first time, and

figured I should give it a try since I was a huge fan, how bad can it be right?

It can't be that bad.

Well, I was right, it wasn't that bad…it was worse, and here's why.

Ok so I'm gonna skip the beginning because it's just downright embarrassing.

How embarrassing you ask?

Well let's just say that a small town called Littleroot town had a total of three houses,

and it took me over half an hour to find the lab.

Which was also the biggest building out of three.

I mean it could have had flashy signs pointing at it and I'd still probably be bumping

into trees like an idiot.

So, moving on forward, my next station was Oldale town, where a dude didn't let me

pass through, till he's done making a sketch of footprints left by a rare Pokemon.

Now, at the time, I had no idea what footprints meant.

I saw the part that said prints, something prints, so I figured he dropped his papers

so he has to gather them before I can continue.

So what do I do?

I check out every NPC and every house and every bookshelf in search for prints or whatever

he was looking for only to find a load of nothing.

And that was all before I realized there was a road leading to the north of the town.

Which is yet another part I'll be skipping since it took me an embarrassing amount of

time before I found my way to May.

Even though there were only two patches of grass between me and her…I don't even

know how I managed to get lost so many times.

Long story short, I did it, and the scientist let me pass.

I figured he finally collected his papers and now I'm good to go.

And honestly, I'm glad I thought that's what happened.

I mean, in my version at least he was some clumsy dude who dropped his stuff on the ground,

rather than being a "scientist", who blocked my way so he could sketch HIS OWN footprints.

I mean I'm not sure who was a better example of a low IQ at that point.

Moving on, I found myself on an island, in a Dewford..dewford…is that how you pronounce


Dewford…yeah Dewford town, and I'm supposed to find a cave, and there is a guy, Steven,

inside the cave, and I'm supposed to bring a letter to him.

I mean I don't understand what they were thinking giving a letter to a 12 year old

to deliver it to the deepest end of a God forgotten cave but hey, if a kid can own a

giant legendary whale, he can sure as hell go to a cave alone as well.

Well, this probably works when you know what you are doing….which I didn't.

So I'm in the cave, right?

And I received this thing, HM aka Hidden Machine 05, aka Flash.


I had no idea what HM meant, what these CDs were for, and what Flash meant as a word to

begin with.

Granted, even if I knew what Flash meant, it wouldn't help much since I didn't see

a connection between teaching my Pokemon an attack and something that pretty much looked

like a CD.

Like what do I do with it?

Feed it to Pokemon?

Plus I didn't need it.

I mean I can see the entire room…well, I could, until I climbed down the ladder.

Suddenly that "entire room" was minimized to a very small circle, with everything else

being dark.

But that small was lit man.


pfft So from there, I bumped into every single rock there was, I had no idea what I was doing,

and in real life I would have had at least 10 concussions, several broken bones and less

will for life than a Metapod wearing an everstone and knowing only how to Harden.

And all those Zubats attacking me?

Yeah they were probably the ones running away from me rampaging all over the cave.

Anyway, if I recall correctly, this is a part where I gave up on the game and restarted

it about 3 times within a month cos I wasn't going anywhere with it, and the only thing

levelling up was my frustration.

But yeah, I finally found my way, gave Steven his letter, and we went our separate ways.

Well, he did it least.

I on the other hand got lost again on my way out.

Spent yet another eternity battling Zubats and trying to get out seeing nothing but two

pixels away from my nose.

Oh but Sven, why didn't you use an escape rope?

Well, my friend, because, while I did have it with me at the time, I had no idea whatsoever

what the word "escape" meant.

Brilliant, right?

That's why not knowing English helps you became the greatest worst trainer ever.

Also, the escape rope icon looked like food to me.

So there's that as well.

Oh but Sven, why didn't you just use a dictionary?

Well again, my friend, there was no need for that, since 12 year old me thought he was

the smartest person alive and didn't need help to play some pokemon game for some Gameboy.

I was too proud, too good, and too lazy.

Oh and by the way, wanna know what was my first Pokemon's nickname?


Cos I had no idea how to exit the nicknaming screen.

How awesome is that.

But it was probably the most appropriate name too, since that was probably the only thing

my Mudkip could have been saying while travelling with me.

So yeah, that is how my journey in Hoenn region started.

First game, first region, first questioning of my own intelligence, and that's only

the tip of the iceberg.

So yeah, thanks for watching, make sure to subscribe if you want to see more.

Be active, stay in motion, and I'll see ya next time.

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