Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 28 2017

Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to another brand new episode of Price Rangers!

At my side as always: The famous Ranger Paul!

And at my side the famous Ranger Michi!

I this episode we're testing a

So you're looking at naturally colored copy of a Fender Telecaster.

A two piece alder body,

a two piece maple neck - one piece the neck itself and the other one the glued-on maple fretboard.

Ranger Paul what about electrics and hardware?

We've got two singelcoil pickups - one at the neck and one at the bridge.

A 3-way switch, one volume and one tone control.

Nicely done with dome speed poti knobs that offer good grip.

So let's start with some cheap chords!

Ranger Paul please do your best and let us hear some twang from this Tele!

Nah, it doesn't really want to twang for us...

...and I find the sounds it delivers quite pale, colorless.

Perhaps it gets better when adding some crunch!

Well Ranger Paul, how is the neck feel?

Quite... rough?

I was thinking of the guitar neck. But it's rough, too.

Sounds like a Tele, but doesn't knock me off my feet up to now.

Let's have a look how it performs with a lot more gain.

Fair enough.

But I like most guitars with much distortion. And I have to admit that sometimes I get a bit lost in distortionland

and therefore forget that the particular guitar might be inappropriate.

That's because I'm f***ing good at playing the guitar.

But seriously: It lacks the pressure from the bottom.

I like the optics of this guitar: Nice wood grain on the body, on the fretboard, on the neck.

Pure nature.

Any flaws or defects Ranger Paul?

You know when the optics fit me I'm almost totally convinced.

Well! Optics are always secondary for me.

Unfortunately the pickups lack character,

the fret ends are as rough as Ranger Michi's neck

the potis are quite heavy to operate which will not be liked by everybody and

according to a certificate of quality, signed and stamped we're quite disappointed to see this:

Totally rusted impact sleeves.

And some inspector should've noticed that one tuning peg is different than the other five.

because it's not just tilted it's really tilted!

So really tilted is really more than just tilted!?

Ranger Michi it's your turn now! Tonne or Goldständer (trash or thrash, rock or rubbish, candy or crap)?

Well, uhm, it... looks... so nice, but well admittingly... but...

and for just 99,- Euro (85 GBP, 106 USD)...


It's a pity but I have to say: looks can be deceiving but your ears should decide when it's about instruments!

And therefore it's my duty not only as human but as a Ranger with a mission to speak the truth: Tonne!


The Price Rangers thank you for watching, we hoped you liked our clip.

If so give it a thumbs up, subscribe to our channel and follow us on other social media like

See you! Till next time!

For more infomation >> Jack & Danny TL Natural Telecaster - Duration: 5:15.


이제부터 제 유튜브는 이렇게 개선됩니다!! 『공지사항:유튜브에 관하여』My YouTube : Notice 【백나른】 - Duration: 3:06.

Nice to meet you guys. White_NaRn. Hi everyone.

Today is a bit of a surprise to you guys.

Whoever talks about it might be a good thing.

It could be a good announcement or a bad announcement as you listen.

Now, let's talk to you today.

Now my channel art has changed

If you were interested in changing my YouTube channel, you'd have seen it.

Changed channel art from 7 to 9.

From 7 p.m. to 9 PM, we are broadcasting.

Real-time streaming and transferring kakao TV simultaneously.

From 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., the audience participating in the audience's participation in the audience will participate.

What is wrong with that, minecraft and LOL?

If you tell those who you are,

In the case of a LOL, in the image

You won't be able to find the LOL in the My You tube.

LOL out the LOL images and do not attempt to roll itself out.

I don't want to LOL out the LOL itself, but I'm going to run YouTube, minecraft, Talse Runner, ASMR.

Minecraft is informalilty shooting

I'm going to edit it and put it up.

As you know, I'm getting tired of being tired. You'll know.

Let's really to die for one year and ignore the will probably be tired.

I'm going to go ahead with this stuff.

I am very tired and tired, but if you care about me, it is more than that.

Let me show you guys that evolved.

It was White_NaRn. Thank you very much.: D

(Watching for video) Thank you '^'

For more infomation >> 이제부터 제 유튜브는 이렇게 개선됩니다!! 『공지사항:유튜브에 관하여』My YouTube : Notice 【백나른】 - Duration: 3:06.


Почему коучинг и консультирование выгодный бизнес. - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Почему коучинг и консультирование выгодный бизнес. - Duration: 3:17.


DIETARY MANAGEMENT OF DIABETES | मधुमेह रोगियों के लिये डायट टिप्‍स | BY DIETITIAN PRITI NATH GURU | - Duration: 6:09.

Hello everyone, my name is Priti Nath Guru

Today I'm going to talk about Diabetes & its diet management.

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder which is characterise by the elevation of blood sugar i.e glucose.

It's main reason is reduction of hormone known as insulin.

It has various types, where in we have insulin dependant and without insulin dependant cases

Today we'll discuss about them rather we talk about the reasons behind any diabetes case

One of the major reason is Age.

Now a days people with every age group is suffering from diabetes.

But its most commonly observed in middle aged people.

If I describe middle age then after 40 in males & after menopausal in females

that is somewhere around 45-50 years of age

This time we should be more conscious about diabetes

Secondly its a hereditary problem, if its seen in your parents, siblings

and in close blood relations then we might have chances to suffer with it & increases as compare to other preson

Thirdly, diabetes got developed in pregnancy in some of the women cases.

Although it gets over after pregnancy/delivery but

These ladies are more prone towards the disease as compare to other females.

There is one more very important factor i.e Malnutrition.

I will not say that its about overweight person who suffers from this problem

Even people who are underweight they also face this problem

But overweight persons are on risk side as compare to underweight person.

There is one more factor i.e emotional stress and stress which cause diabetes.

If our diabetes are not coming in control then such patients should control their stress/anxiety.

But as I said that malnutrition is the major factor for this disease.

overweight persons are on risk side, so we should work upon weight management.

Weight management is essential and we should take low calorie diet.

I'm keep on telling such tips and I'll discuss some important points for diabetic persons.

Starting with the Fat point

I'll not say that you'll control your diabetes through diet control

because it has different categorise

In some case you can control this problem by diet control.

In some cases along with diet you need to take medicines and insulin .

But the main factor is that dietary management has to be done.

So we'll start with the fat point for dietary management.

Such patients should be given less number of FAT content in their diet.

They should take 15-20 gm of fat in a day which is included cooking oil

I would suggest you to use unsaturated fatty acids and don't use saturated fats

Avoid butter, clarified butter & you can use Groundnut oil, Soya Oi,l safflower oil & cotton seeds oil for cooking.

In flours i would recommend you to take whole wheat flour instead going for simple carbohydrates

Take complex carbohydrates.

Avoid, Semolina, All purpose flour, Refined flour. Adding Bengal gram flour for making chapati then its good.

Ratio should be 2(wheat flour) :1 (bengal gram flour)

Avoid direct sugar products like Sugar, Honey, Jaggery, glucose, toffees, chocolates & sweets.

Avoid sweeten beverages and juices.

Apart from that you can the protein as a normal person takes

In non-veg avoid egg yolk and take egg whites

You can take chicken and fish and avoid other meats and mutton.

You should also take cottage cheese, boil it into hot water or soak it into hot water to sieve its extra fats.

Take double toned milk's curd and should take double toned milk up to 300 ml

Requirements of calories varies from person to person

So I would suggest you to get your diet chart done from your dietitian.

In vegetables avoid, Potatoes, Yam, colocasia

Instead take green leafy vegetables, beans, lotus stem.

In fruits I would recommend you to take Guava, Apple, Orange, Papaya.

Take these fruits in a moderate quantity i.e 1-2 in a day

But don't avoid the fruits completely.

Keep these points in your mind. In case you want specific diet plan then you can write to me

I think my this video will be beneficial for diabetic patients.

Keep watching my videos & subscribe to my channel.

Thank you..

For more infomation >> DIETARY MANAGEMENT OF DIABETES | मधुमेह रोगियों के लिये डायट टिप्‍स | BY DIETITIAN PRITI NATH GURU | - Duration: 6:09.



Hello everyone and welcome to a new

Ebm computer tutorial today

Lesson 21 Course Excel 2016

from scratch well today we will make

first chapter of the functions

date say there are different

Date functions that are going to

allow play date as extracting

parts of dates SEARCH few

days between two dates, there are a few

While we will start the first

example we will do is this I

I have here a column with dates and 27, 28

29, 30, 31 and 1 have all evidently

one box but I

interested in having here the day

here the month and year here then for

That'll use three functions that are

very easy to use and so I'll have

each thing separately or I'm going to

meter by fx and I will look here

date and time functions, and will

start by putting on the

is very

easy because we will simply mark

box date that would A2 and

It is done

then it has already extracted me hence the

the twenty-seventh day number itself

appears threw down the rest

Now let's practically a month for

the same date

hour and I will look for a function that

I called to accept and month

He marked the date pulled down and there

I have the 4th and last as

five more because I will finally

take as fx year and have here


the same frame and pulled to date

down and then she would

broken down both day a month as

2017, we will

add one more thing this tutorial

Let's assume I have two here


one is today and another is that of

beginning of the year and I'm interested

see how many days there are between these two

dates for which are the days that

we pay a person for the

days worked

there are some

options but we will see now the option


I get here and score an equal and now

just what I'll do is subtract

the first date less

the second I give to enter and already

115 days would,

then we see that there are some

functions in which we can remove it

the days are public holidays,

weekends but here without

plus it gives us the forgiveness dates

days between those two dates very

While it is here tutorial

today if they liked they can give me a

like you can subscribe to my channel and

They know where you put down there

Subscribe and so they will be

informed of the video or videos that we got

every day I can follow in the social networks and

on the websites of Ebm computer

Garret and I also bm

would like to share these videos

with friends and acquaintances through

social networks

and knowledge will reach

more people, any comments or

suggestion or request they put me

below in the description of the video, very

well thank you very much and even video


For more infomation >> COURSE OF EXCEL 2016 FROM ZERO, LESSON 21, DATE AND HOUR, FUNCTIONS - Duration: 3:46.



Hello everyone and welcome to a new

computer tutorial Ebm well today we

explain how to use WhatsApp as

private storage service it

we're going to get is become like

a section in which we WhatsApp

we can go for copying messages

send us to be the most

interesting photographs and videos as well

to avoid having then to be found in

different conversations is a bit

more complicated While we're going to get to

our smartphone and we're going to

then in WhatsApp WhatsApp pulse lso

three dots and say I want to make a

new group

and what I'll do is

then add a single participant

I'll get one here and I'll

Add Let's see it down here

and he marked well so now I'm going to

give arrow here for me

add is participating well I have it

and now what I'll do is put

Here the group name

for example I'll call my stuff

I put my stuff there and I will give

accept could put images or

but it is good in principle serves me

well then now I have this group

then the I'll do is

delete whom I have gotten into that group

strong pulse which is

which I want to eliminate

and I will leave the options

and I say

remove and then

I left the group in which

I'm alone and now only have to

forward because what I want the

the texts for images etc.

that you can

work well then I'm going to get

one of my chats and I will

do is pick up as such a

conversation that interest me are

and forwarding my stuff

So now if I go into my stuff

there already is if you want a

video or photo for what to do

the same thing will look for another I get by

here such as I will send a

audio and so I dialed him

there and told him to get into my stuff

if I go into my stuff I would see

which I have the before and now

because that way I can go

storing everything you want

well as far video

Today as you see it is quite interesting

to make this option if whatsapp

I liked the video can give me a

like you can subscribe to my channel and

They know where they put down there subscribe

and so they will be informed of the video or

videos we got every day I can

follow on social networks and the

Ebm computer web pages and the

Garret Ebm I would also

They share the video with your friends

known in the social networks and so

this knowledge will reach

more people

any comments or suggestions or

request put me under I

He answered all well many

and thanks to the video tomorrow

For more infomation >> USING WHATSAPP AS PRIVATE STORAGE - Duration: 3:41.


Youtube's biggest creators are jumping ship - DMW #26 - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Youtube's biggest creators are jumping ship - DMW #26 - Duration: 4:17.


Starfrit Rotato Express Electric Peeler and Spiralizer - Duration: 12:11.

For more infomation >> Starfrit Rotato Express Electric Peeler and Spiralizer - Duration: 12:11.



Hello everyone and welcome to a new

Ebm computer tutorial today in the

section "Photoshopearte" it is not

what we will do is create a

gold logo on glass as if

outside the door of an office and

translucent glass out and a logo

we'll gold as you have seen there

in the previous video because it is

While we pretty well let's put

Photoshop and open an image from

you want can be a

office if they can use these to

We did in the previous tutorial and

we will need a logo can

catch who want to use some that

They found on the internet

I leave the video description

how to make a logo like this

make one corporate like

well we did in previous tutorials

then we start start image

we have chosen and the first thing we are going

to make a smart object we give

Right here and

Convert to Smart Object well

Now we will go and we filter

let's go to filter gallery here

we get to distort and

3 crystal and then gently distortion

Grinding and scale 1

200 and give him ok well we have

so that there is now so strong we

to make a gaussian filter we go through

I blur filter Gaussian blur

and let's put 20 pixels and give ok and

we will modify the filter

Gaussian blur I'll click here


I'll change the opacity from 100 to 50 and

so the effect is a little me I

I'm looking good then we will

to make a new layer and I will do

missing two colors black first-

I put already there and the second color

It will be the next


let's leaked to interpret and will

clouds do well there we have our

clouds and I'm going to get me then

again the same filter as before

filters and filter gallery

he does not come out that is before that of

cristale and we will change a bit

we go to fill and mask

setting down here and pulsarbrillo

brightness contrast in contrast to

only affects the layer where I have

clouds'll give me this little button

we have up here and so

only it is going to affect the bottom and

I'll put the next value

shine I'll put us right now 4.0

We'd go to the logo that I have

here and

logo must be in black and white

the effect does not work out

well then what we will do

Here is the following

entered into

image adjustments and I'll tell you invest

or Control I and then put me

where he was black and white where

white was black well then now

what I am going to do

then I'll get by

I enter selection and palette

and I palette where

He puts illuminations and I'll give ok

then he makes me a selection of

what interests me give Control

+ J to duplicate

perfect and now what I'll do is

and carry it to another document

the lame and loose

I'll adjust,

I'll try to put

in the middle more or less out there and

continued well then yes it now

and we will change the way

melting of this layer just

do what we will put in Overlap

that way and I catch the colors and

He had behind

well then now what I'll do is

the following I will select

Here, control + click

and I will coat and

where I have the clouds and I'll give here

to make me a mask that

so I can only see it as

which it is the part from the logo right

So now I will do the following

They are placed on the first layer and go

enter here for fx options

melting and choose

penultimate inner glow and

the inner glow I will change

some things

Hatched the change of over

linear exposure (add) and then will

put the following values ​​here we go

to see the opacity as about 25 27


noise 34%

let's see extension 0 and size

let's put it that way 185 if you

We further highlight well we will give ok

and now what we do is unify

all in a pulse shift layer control + alt + + the

and I have it all in one layer

I'm going to do here

I give a new mask and I go there

to put in the first of two

squares and now I'm going

I'm imaging adjustments and I'm going

a shadow illuminations and I'll mark

Shadows is one hundred percent and I'll

do that until we accept

twice as well as to

today's tutorial here if they have been

like I can give you might like

subscribe to my channel already know there down

where you put subscribe, so they will

be informed of the video or videos

We climbed every day I can follow

the social networks and websites

Ebm Computer and attic


I would like to share

this video with your acquaintances or friendships

Through social networks

that way this knowledge as

They will reach more people

any comments or suggestions or

request put me under the video

I answered all well many

and thanks to the video tomorrow

For more infomation >> CREATE A GOLDEN LOGO ON A CRYSTAL - Duration: 6:53.


[Eng Sub/Cut] Addicted webseries Korea BTS - Violent kangaroo - Duration: 3:17.

JY: 200, 200

JY: what kind of moral character is this

ZZ: no moral character, no integrity, they've all dropped to the ground

- Where is your integrity

JY: teacher! my shoes are below!

ZZ: see, see, see

ZZ: he is getting petty over such a small thing

ZZ: so what if the teacher stepped on his shoes?

ZZ: the teacher is giving you face (compliment) by stepping on your shoes, understand?

JY: I have to put my hand on his crotch

ZZ: see? he hit me again

ZZ: sigh, I should stop talking about it, it will be full of tears if I talked more about it

ZZ: he hit me again

ZZ: this is a violent kangaroo

JY: so what if kangaroo is violent?

JY: kangaroo

- Who should he film?

- Isn't he filming Bai luoyin?

- What about you?

- I'm filming Guhai

- The cupboard is too far, move it out

- That will do

- Is this enough? - Yes

ZZ: there is someone on top

- Okay, don't move that first

- Xiao bai, come, get up and have a look

- Come, Bai luoyin, test it

- Talk to him

- Come, your hand

JY: show what?

- Crotch, show his crotch

- Yes, Bai luoyin, show that, let him grab

- That's right

- Grab tightly

- Yes

JY: I'm grabbing it

- Just kidding

- Come

- Okay, start

ZZ: this kangaroo has violent tendency

JY: I'm going to tidy up my things

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub/Cut] Addicted webseries Korea BTS - Violent kangaroo - Duration: 3:17.


Educational cartoon in english about collor mixing for kids and children - Orange - Duration: 1:49.

Educational cartoon in english about collor mixing for kids and children - Orange

For more infomation >> Educational cartoon in english about collor mixing for kids and children - Orange - Duration: 1:49.


Леди Баг ПЕРЕПУТАЛИ головы ГЕРОИ в масках Превращение СБОРНИК Новая серия Семья Пальчиков 2017 - Duration: 9:34.

For more infomation >> Леди Баг ПЕРЕПУТАЛИ головы ГЕРОИ в масках Превращение СБОРНИК Новая серия Семья Пальчиков 2017 - Duration: 9:34.


Toys and Funny Kids Surprise Eggs Prank Color for Children Learn with Learn Colors for Kids Videos - Duration: 3:08.

Toys and Funny Kids Surprise Eggs Prank Color for Children Learn with Learn Colors for Kids Videos

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