Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 28 2017

Welcome back to My Cahnnel "JoeeTalks" & I am Jyoti

In this Video I'll be sharing with you Lovelies that how you can Remove Blackheads & Whiteheads Easily at Home.

Add 1 tablespoon of Baking Soda and 1 tablespoon of Tomato Juice Together & Mix them well.

Take little amount of Mask onto your Fingers.

Apply it all over your Blackheads & Whiteheads area

On your Nose area, Cheekbones, all over your face if you want.

After applying this Mask Scrub it for 2 minutes.

After 2 minutes of Scrubbing, leave this mask on for 5-7 minutes on your face.

After 5 minutes Washoff yor Face With Cold Water.

You can see the immediate effect onto your Face or Areas wherever you applied this mask.

For more infomation >> How To Remove Blackheads & Whiteheads from Nose & Face Naturally at Home | JoeeTalks | - Duration: 3:43.


OMG! by Effektiv - Smart Display Kampagnen, Parken mit Maps, Snapchat Discovery, Barcamp Hannover - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> OMG! by Effektiv - Smart Display Kampagnen, Parken mit Maps, Snapchat Discovery, Barcamp Hannover - Duration: 6:08.


Alojamiento con historia en Zújar. Granada - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Alojamiento con historia en Zújar. Granada - Duration: 0:41.


Earth from Space: Bering Sea - Duration: 2:20.

Hi I'm Kelsea Brennan-Wessels

and you are watching Earth from Space

on the European Space Agency Web TV.

The Copernicus Sentinel-3A satellite…

…brings us over the Bering Sea,

north of the Alaska Peninsula, on March 26th.

Seasonal sea ice dominates the upper part of the image.

Ice plays an important role in the sea's ecosystem.

Growing algae attach to the bottom of the ice;

when the ice melts in the spring,

it leaves behind a layer of nutrient-rich freshwater

on which the algae thrive.

Organisms higher up the food chain then eat the algae.

In the top-right corner,

we can see part of Alaska's mainland blanketed with snow,

as well as Nunivak Island

appearing like a massive piece of floating ice.

At the centre of the image

are the islands of Saint Paul and Saint George –

part of the Pribilof Islands.

An estimated two million seabirds nest on these islands annually.

The swirling clouds on the right side of the image

are the result of a meteorological phenomenon

known as a von Kármán vortex street.

As wind-driven clouds pass over the Unimak Island on the right edge of the image,

they flow around the high volcanoes

to form the large spinning eddies

that can clearly be seen.

This image was captured by Sentinel-3's Ocean and Land Colour Instrument,

which helps monitor ocean ecosystems,

supports crop management and agriculture,

and provides estimates of atmospheric aerosol and clouds.

And that wraps up this edition of Earth from Space.

Remember that we broadcast online, every Friday, at 10:00 CEST.

Watch us on our website at

From the ESA Web-TV studios, have a great day.

For more infomation >> Earth from Space: Bering Sea - Duration: 2:20.


How To Make Money Online - How To Get Rich Quick Earn $1,000 Per Day - Duration: 11:15.

How to get rich quick? and how to make money online?

is from trading and investing

So in this video we will help you the best way to make money online from home

go to to get the detail

For more infomation >> How To Make Money Online - How To Get Rich Quick Earn $1,000 Per Day - Duration: 11:15.



For more infomation >> IT'S TIME!! (CASTINGS, SHOOTING AND SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT) - Duration: 5:34.


【Factorio】ゆっくり工業日誌 Part 15【ゆっくり実況】 - Duration: 10:41.

For more infomation >> 【Factorio】ゆっくり工業日誌 Part 15【ゆっくり実況】 - Duration: 10:41.


깊은산속 산불감시자의 미스테리한 이야기 파이어워치[FIREWATCH] #2화 - Duration: 29:21.

For more infomation >> 깊은산속 산불감시자의 미스테리한 이야기 파이어워치[FIREWATCH] #2화 - Duration: 29:21.


Anime Hymn for the missing Nightcore - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Anime Hymn for the missing Nightcore - Duration: 2:49.


首爾私藏單車路線: 和我去漢江吧! 巧遇女團berry good |Ling Cheng - Duration: 13:56.

For more infomation >> 首爾私藏單車路線: 和我去漢江吧! 巧遇女團berry good |Ling Cheng - Duration: 13:56.



Hello everyone, welcome to this one minute English lesson.

Today we are looking at a really common mistake between two words, which even native speakers


The first word is desert and the second word is dessert.

The words are nearly pronounced the same.

I don't think you would notice which somebody is saying, if it wasn't for the context.

The first one, so desert, with one 'S' is a shorter sound with more of a 'Z' sound.


The second one with two 'Ss' is a longer sound with more of a 'S'.

So dessert, but even with my pronouncing them now for you, there is not a lot of difference.



Okay, let's look at the meaning of these words.

The first one with one 'S' is the sandy, dried up area of land.

For example something like this.

The second word, dessert, is usually a sweet dish you have at the end of a meal.

Maybe like this one.

Thank you very much for watching this video.

Please make sure you do subscribe and give it a like.

See you soon, bye!

For more infomation >> DESERT VS DESSERT!? (ONE MINUTE ENGLISH L15) - Duration: 1:31.


Бурак Озчивит назвал дату свадьбы с Фахрийе Эвджен. - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Бурак Озчивит назвал дату свадьбы с Фахрийе Эвджен. - Duration: 1:23.


How to make an automatic night light | LDR Circuit - Duration: 2:19.

Hello all of you, today I will show you how to make this simple automatic night light.

Let us get started.

Here are the components required: a LED, a 150 ohms resistor, a 10-Kilo Ohms resistor,

a transistor, and a LIGHT DEPENDENT RESISTOR (LDR), some breadboard connectors and a breadboard.

You can use any NPN bipolar junction transistor, for example, BC547, 2N2222A, 2N3904 etc.

Some of you people have a problem that you do not have the exact value resistor, which

I am using, for that; you can use a resistor which value is close to what I am using.

Like, you can use any resistor between the value of 4K and 10K for the 10K resistor and

any resistor whose value is between 100 and 1000 ohms for the 150 ohms resistor.

Insert the transistor with its flat surface facing towards you.

The pins of the transistor are: Now, connect the collector and base of the

transistor using 10K resistor.

The second step is to connect the +ve terminal of the LED to emitter of the transistor using

150 ohms resistor and –ve terminal to GND.

Then, connect the LDR between base of the transistor and GND.

Now, give the power supply through a 9-volt battery and you circuit is ready to use.

The circuit should work fine like this, when light is not falling on the LDR the LED should

turn on.

Thanks for watching, please like the video and subscribe to my channel.

For more infomation >> How to make an automatic night light | LDR Circuit - Duration: 2:19.


Jio Sim Is Not Working | Funny Comedy Video | Punjabi Dad-Son Series Part-4 | Imkpreet | - Duration: 1:43.

jio sim is not working

funny comedy video 2017

press the bell icon to get all notifications

listen son

yes dad

my jio sim internet is not working

since morning

dad it is not going to work anymore

free offer of jio has ended

do not say things like that

i am about to find a guaranteed cure of sugar

i only need to read 2 or 3 topics top

lasst night you could not even find the knob of your lower

for atleast 30 minutes

i am your father

soo.. m not saying you are my mother's brother

you are taking to me like i am your little cousin

you must have learn using internet in school

tell me how to fix this

we do not have internet in our school

we do not even have net on table tennis table

i can not even call anybody

trying to call someone it goes to someone else

a girl is picking up phone

that girl is saying to recharge your phone first

dad what is the problem

go recharge your phone from tittu's shop

i can not go to his shop

last time i asked him how much in 10 rs rechage

he said 7 so i asked to give candy for other 3

he beat me with bat

okay. tell me what were you looking on the internet

i can not tell you

tell me na

i am not going to tell you

why are you shying from me

you know that tv serial of jethalal in which there's a girl

name babita

her hot pics

daddy come on

For more infomation >> Jio Sim Is Not Working | Funny Comedy Video | Punjabi Dad-Son Series Part-4 | Imkpreet | - Duration: 1:43.


#13 - Travel Addict - "HONGKONG Part One" - Duration: 12:58.

We are in Shenzhen

Unfortunately not so early as we expected

We were supposed to leave Guanzhou between 8 and 9 am. And actually we left at 11.

So we will probably be in Hongkong in the evening

As you can see Shenzen

is very, very modern

district full of skyscrapers

little curiosity

border between China and Hongkong

you can


by subway

you just get in to line number 4

then you go

to Funtian Checkpoint station

somewhere here we probably

have border gates

after that we get in to Hongkong's subway

so here we go!

towards Hongkong

This is how the border looks like

so we've just got burnt

we wanted to walk on foot to main road

but they caught us and

said that we can go only by public means of transport

in subway

here you have

first class

we've booked hotel

twice price as in China

no shower

no water

and tomorrow it will be even more expensive

we went for a little walk

alongside Victoria Bay

I have to admit that the view

in the evening, at night

of Hongkong

the Honkong's Island

which is there

is amazing

I have to tell you

that in Hongkong

I felt

I felt new energy

leaving China


I felt better (doesn't mean I don't like China - this country is amazing, but we were too long time there in a row)

I just like big cities

I like Metropolises

I don't know if

for example I would live here for 6 months or more

then I could feel good

But right now

it is great

we ate delicious food

it is not as cheap as it was in China

but it is not

so bad

as always our hunger

was not satisfied at all

so we bought

something from street food

onion rings

and chicken on the stick

a lot of people

I think even in Beijing

I haven't seen such many on the streets

masses of people

and around us skyscrapers

during looking for hotel for tomorrow and day after tomorrow

T: So what? Ring the bell?

little walk

through less nice

part of Hongkong

dirt everywhere



in trash


unfortunately our searching

of hotels

doesn't go well

every place is expensive

and when it doesn't

then it's already FULL

tomorrow is Friday

so every place is booked

what's more, this district is full of pubs and restaurants

so it just can't be cheap here

here I don't know what I was saying, wind was too strong

like in New York and St. Petersburg

here they also have Heli-Taxi

going by boat

took 8 minutes

costed 2.5 HKD

which is about 1.25 PLN

and when weather is such like today

it is better option than subway

queue to restaurnat

There we live (Kowloon)

and this is one of the tallest buildings

it has more than 400 ...

it has 480 meters

and on the 400 meter level

there is a observation deck

and this how it looks like here

finally we have more tropical alike weather

it is warm, it is sunny

humidity is quite high

look overthere

basketball court

between skyscrapers

even Polish artists perform in Hongkong :)

as you can see Hongkong is not only

tall buildings

and modern architecture

but also

little markets

known from China

Hongkong is

one of the most

populated cities in the world

on 1 square kilometer

live around 6500 people

and sometimes even 43 000 !!!!

in supermarket you can buy lobsters


and other sea food

beacuse almost everywhere in restaurants prices are quite high

we are going to buy dinner here

"menu" is big

prices our OK for our pocket

and of course food is warm :D

this how my portion looks like

for 30HKD


we are in Victoria Park

in the center

on the island

Park was founded

was opened

in 1957

and named after

statue of queen Victoria

it is the biggest Park

on the island

as you can see

flora is

more tropical alike

temperature is 25 degrees

humidity around 60%

very comfortable weather conditions

we are next to Royal Hongkong Yachtclub

and here we are

no Pokemon Go here!

naked girls

Victoria Garden

place where you do wedding pictures

For more infomation >> #13 - Travel Addict - "HONGKONG Part One" - Duration: 12:58.


Comment utiliser un hashtag ou mot dièse? - Duration: 4:24.

3 reasons why we should use hasht ags




what is it?

first, what's a hashtag?

it's a small creature

that we sometimes call pound or square

that you attached to a keyword

and this keyword is fundamental

Here are 3 good reasons for using it

first, hashtags bring people together

for example if you type a hashtag, it will allow people to gather around the same conversation

on Instagram, the hashtag is the king

I publish one image, and use the #vegan hashtag

my intention here is that all the persons interested in vegan food

can see my image

it's the same idea when I want to search for vegan photos

I go to the search bar on Instagram

type #vegan

then I will see a selection of all the photos people took and posted on Instagram with this hashtag

Reason #2

hashtags can be your signature

a lot of organizations use the same hashtag all the time

where ever they publish something

on social media, in magazine or on poster

they use their branded hashtag

for example in Canada where I Iive

the Canadian Tourism Commission

uses #ExploreCanada on all their marketing materials

on my side, I love cooking, I have a blog

when I post recipes I also

sign my tweets, posts etc. with my branded hashtag #ABCuisine

It's a great way to get recognize and use your hashtag as your signature

make sure when you choose your branded hashtag

that this hashtag hasn't already been taken

Reason #3

hashtags are your best friends when your organize or attend events

you organize a festival, a tour, a party or any public event

and you ask the audience to use

x or y hashtag

when they post photos or videos of their experience at the event.

for example, let's go to Montreal

for the Osheaga music festival

many month in advance people already use the hashtag #Osheaga2017 to talk about the coming event

it allows you to have access to all the people that can't wait to be at your event ahead of the event!

they tweet, they post on Facebook or Instagram

you can not only search for what people say about your event

before, during and after the event

hashtags are a great way to measure your success

and sometimes to get aware of negative comments or suggestions to improve your event

this is a good way to measure the vibes

and take notes of things your could organize differently based on the posts and tweets you can see via your hashtag

now that you know 3 ways on how to use hashtags

tell me how YOU use hashtags

Come and see me in closed group on Facebook

you will meet other people that are starting and expanding their social media adventure

feel free to ask questions, contribute to the discussion

If you liked that video, share it with your friends

leave me a message under this video

and subscribe to my channel for the next video!

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