3 reasons why we should use hasht ags
what is it?
first, what's a hashtag?
it's a small creature
that we sometimes call pound or square
that you attached to a keyword
and this keyword is fundamental
Here are 3 good reasons for using it
first, hashtags bring people together
for example if you type a hashtag, it will allow people to gather around the same conversation
on Instagram, the hashtag is the king
I publish one image, and use the #vegan hashtag
my intention here is that all the persons interested in vegan food
can see my image
it's the same idea when I want to search for vegan photos
I go to the search bar on Instagram
type #vegan
then I will see a selection of all the photos people took and posted on Instagram with this hashtag
Reason #2
hashtags can be your signature
a lot of organizations use the same hashtag all the time
where ever they publish something
on social media, in magazine or on poster
they use their branded hashtag
for example in Canada where I Iive
the Canadian Tourism Commission
uses #ExploreCanada on all their marketing materials
on my side, I love cooking, I have a blog
when I post recipes I also
sign my tweets, posts etc. with my branded hashtag #ABCuisine
It's a great way to get recognize and use your hashtag as your signature
make sure when you choose your branded hashtag
that this hashtag hasn't already been taken
Reason #3
hashtags are your best friends when your organize or attend events
you organize a festival, a tour, a party or any public event
and you ask the audience to use
x or y hashtag
when they post photos or videos of their experience at the event.
for example, let's go to Montreal
for the Osheaga music festival
many month in advance people already use the hashtag #Osheaga2017 to talk about the coming event
it allows you to have access to all the people that can't wait to be at your event ahead of the event!
they tweet, they post on Facebook or Instagram
you can not only search for what people say about your event
before, during and after the event
hashtags are a great way to measure your success
and sometimes to get aware of negative comments or suggestions to improve your event
this is a good way to measure the vibes
and take notes of things your could organize differently based on the posts and tweets you can see via your hashtag
now that you know 3 ways on how to use hashtags
tell me how YOU use hashtags
Come and see me in closed group on Facebook
you will meet other people that are starting and expanding their social media adventure
feel free to ask questions, contribute to the discussion
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