Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 28 2017

Hey it's Soul, and this is the Word of Warcraft.

Back in October, about a month into Legion, I gave a list of five things about the expansion

that I found to be an inexcusable disappointment for the majority of players.

We're going to take a quick look at where we're at now with those, and I'll give

another five disappointments to freshen things up.

The first point was that Xavius was undertuned, and this caused a ripple of disappointment

among the raiding community that Blizzard is off the mark when it came to tuning.

This was for various reasons, among them the tuning of the encounter itself, artifact ranks

and legendary armor and so on.

Since then Blizzard swung the pendulum straight to the other side and brought players an overtuned

raid with the Trial of Valor, and Helya, who was menacing to underprepared raid teams.

This was then followed up with the Nighthold and Gul'dan, which overall was accepted

as a strong but reasonably entertaining raid to cap the tier.

So technically the easy mythic Xavius kill is a stain on Blizzard's record, but time

marches on with more wins and disappointments to look forward to.

Nomi still sucks.

Nomi's been updated a bit with the chance of learning upgraded recipes having gone up.

There's the new food that gives an additional, higher chance of also learning a recipe upgrade.

In the 7.2.5 PTR, there's a sort of rush order, similar to the Warlods of Draenor garrision

rush order, that speeds up work orders assigned to Nomi, to destroy your materials even faster.

Nomi still sucks.

I get it, Blizzard, you've got to stay the course with design paradigms but for all that

is good, don't do cooking like this ever again.

In the face of all these game systems like artifact power that're meant to give players

the sense that their time is always a positive investment, Nomi is not.

I said bacon sucked because it didn't provide a useful benefit at the start of Legion.

Cut to now, bacon does not suck anymore, now that Lavish Suramar Feasts give 500 to our

main stat, unlike the 200 from before.

Bacon has always been cool, but WoW bacon took some time to get its act together.

And Nomi sucks.

Reputations didn't mean anything after exalted in Legion 7.0 up till Legion 7.2.

Today players who earn enough extra rep with exalted factions receive a goodie bag of false

hope that's worth slightly more than nothing.

Even better, after a recent Q&A, the bag might have even better goodies in the near future.

So technically, reputations past exalted don't have a value of zero any longer.

There's a possible mount in one of those many bags and players can complain about RNG

all day, no problem with that.

But as for reputations past exalted, they at least have some value, and to be frank,

I'm glad this was salvaged with even this obvious design band-aid.

On a side note, my favorite reps are still the Mists of Pandaria reputations that offered

a neat questline as a capstone to the daily grind.

My hopes are that future expansions will adopt a system beyond exalted that will reward players

with both a conclusion questline and a long tail system that adds a bit more value to

completing world quests.

Finally, secondary stats are still a powerful thing to consider, especially when looking

at rings and trinkets.

But the comical difference secondary stats made is no longer there.

Aside from a few outliers, I find myself a bit more satisfied with the revisit to secondary


Sims and addons still help with the fine tuning of player optimization but for most players,

item level is king.

So let's get on with the good stuff.

Here's my new list of five Legion disappointments that you probably can't deny.

The 7.2 edition.

Social tools Artifact power

Flight implementation 7.2 expectations

Broken shore?

Social tools.

We're currently on patch 7.2 and with 7.2.5 around the corner, I think it's safe to

see that the delivery of WoW's improved "social toolkit" has been delivered, and

color me disappointed.

The social tools mentioned in Legion's announcement had me a bit excited.

A some of you may know, I'm a big fan of guilds and developing lasting relationships

as opposed to the dependence of queues and pugs that seem to permeate today's WoW culture.

Toasts are those notifications telling you your existing friends are doing something

and would rather not do with you, otherwise they'd say something first.

It's my opinion but while this feature adds a bit of convenience when you already have

a big friend list, it can be kind of annoying.

In fact one of the first big threads I noticed on this topic was to ask how to turn it off,

followed by a link to an addon that could disable the notification.

I get that our attention spans are short these days, but if we really wanted to play with

our friends, we'd reach out.

At least, I think.

The other feature comes straight out of Twitter and Selfie camera hell, a Facebook integration

with the formerly client turned Blizzard Application.

Now you can opt in and have your Blizzard App notify you of all the FB friends you're

already stalking that hey, they've been playing Blizzard games without you, too.

I don't mean to insult Blizzard's efforts to reinforce relationships, but this is entirely

not what I expected by improved social tools.

Here I am pushing my agenda again but I expected something more robust but practical, a much

more powerful guild finder/player finder tool that helps facilitate the building of long

term groups for PvP or PvE or RP or whatever activity.

WoW needs more in game help for those who don't meander into external communities

like the Reddits or the Discords.

Artifact Power.

Actually in a lot of ways, the premise of AP isn't bad.

I think it's an unobtainable Unicorn of game design, but the idea of an endless system

that rewards the behaviors of both hardcore and casual players with reasonable parity

sounds pretty darn cool.

Blizzard has done a good job of pushing the system, learning from mistakes, and reiterating

on its design to adapt to the players' habits.

However, this cycle of learning and reiterating has been really, really jarring for these


Before 7.2, players were starting to effectively finish powering up their weapon and were miles

ahead of their counterparts who were catching up.

The social demands for high item level and achievements to sign up for guild runs or

even menial PUGs now included the demand for an unreasonable artifact rank that suited

the group leader's wants.

In response, 7.2 came around and we now have an artifact power requirement that brings

players closer together, but also reads like a promise of mathematical futility.

Blizzard decided that hey, instead of setting a cap that we think is high enough, let's

use astronomical numbers instead.

And in a way, it worked.

With a raid in the horizon the hard expectations of artifact rank have become more like a reasonable


But for Blizzard to have to make inelegant changes to artifact weapons with this whole

de-leveling process, it's probably on players' minds that in 7.3, this could happen again.

It makes me wonder that if in the next expansion, will something similar to this progression

system exist?

I'm not sure, but I don't think WoW's developers nor its players should burden itself

with a system like this that's critical to player progression but ends up being very



I've already talked about this once, so I'll make this one quick.

Flight itself is okay.

Flight as a mechanic is something I don't entirely agree with, but it doesn't necessarily

break the game, thanks to the current Pathfinder achievements that control its release.

My disappointment with flight in 7.2 is that its delivery was lackluster and with no more

fanfare than your standard achievement.

There's no awesome quest that grants me the ability, or the permission to fly.

There's no tongue-in-cheek thing from Khadgar where he's like, "I'm sure you've

been wanting to take to the skies, Champion, let me give you that opportunity," then

pats us on the head and tah dah, we can fly.

There's just the sound and the toast of the achievement, and I guess the relief of

completing it.

But the worst part about flight is that there's nothing fresh or new or exciting to do with


Current world content is easier.


The world looks different from the sky.


But there's nowhere to go that makes flight mean something.

Flight doesn't unlock anything like I don't know, a timed quest to help deliver supplies

to 3 different areas under attack.

There could be random legion ships in each zone with rare mobs waiting to be killed.

There could be Kirin Tor based world quests based on actual flying and not the gimmicky

floating we've been trying to get around for the past few months.*********************

But there isn't.

There's just doing things faster with our alts, which IS nice.

And we can pause the game, so to speak.

And that's about it.

I'm happy to fly.

But Legion's world design doesn't seem to care one bit whether I can fly or not.

And that feels lazy to me.

7.2 expectations.

Ion Hazzikostas sort of squirreled his way out of this one.

But effective reasoning doesn't mitigate the disappointment of 7.2's delivery.

For the player type who wants to make sure that their favorite character is as in line

with the game's story as possible, 7.2 has been a race from one hard stop to the next,

encountering quests to complete activities that they've already been doing for the

past few weeks.

The claim of 7.2 being the "largest patch ever" turned out to be true from the eyes

of its developers.

Same for players who work multiple toons and specs who could otherwise feel much too overwhelmed.

Bellular hit the mark on this with a recent video.

Thanks to his desire to deliver on class guides he's churning through 7.2 to develop content

and taking every advantage of the numerous systems updates that do make the game more

alt friendly.

But for the individual player who does not have 12 characters and every spec being worked

on, 7.2 feels like only a fraction of the delivery that was promised.

It's not entirely guaranteed yet but 7.3 expects to be a more unified experience for

all players, meaning that development time will go into a delivery that everyone will

be able to play through, and there should be fewer instances of content that are reserved

for a particular spec and class.

But we're nowhere near that yet.

So I'm a little bummed.

PvP gearing.

So I wouldn't consider myself too much of a PvPer at all so let me describe my experience

with it from the outside.

If I, Soul, want some of that cool gear from pvp, here's what I do.

I go around the Broken Isles and complete Warden Towers for honor points and marks of


Then I wait till the next season, then buy the old set.


I've also talked about this before.

I'll bring it up again.

Titanforging threatens to compromise the fulfillment of completing content.

Not to say that Titanforged gear totally negates content, but thanks to it existing in every

delivery of Legion's reward systems, it's watered down the older paradigm of working

your way up from easier to harder challenges.

Over the years Blizzard has fought against instances where a boss drops a fancy collection

of gear that absolutely no one needs or can use.

It's not a fun feeling, especially during progression.

Blizzard made changes over the years, including the rebalancing of secondary stats.

Having gear tokens.

Having gear change dynamically to suit a class's spec type.

Personal loot.

Basically, drops should have a high chance of being something players need because it's

an upgrade, again especially when this is progression and this is your first kill.

Titanforging threatens the upgrade aspect of it.

Players don't need to imagine scenarios; but have stories of where loot drops and no

one needs anything because the gear earned from outside the raid or dungeon turned out

to be much better thanks to Titanforging.

It's made gear from higher forms of content feel a bit less special and takes some of

the reward out of a hard earned win.

In fact if we go full hyperbole, so don't take me seriously on this one, the only gear

to look forward to in the Tomb of Sargeras might only be tier and trinkets, since those

are the only ways gear is unique against everything outside of it.

And this is a big might; players are probably saving every nethershard they can get a hold

of in the hopes that when the Tomb comes out, they can try getting Titanforged gear off

relinquished tokens.

I don't know if relinquished tokens can titanforge all the way to Tomb of Sargeras

gear, but someone'll try it.

Share your thoughts, disagreements and disappointments, and Stay Breezy.

For more infomation >> 5 Shortcomings of Legion - the patch 7.2 edition! - Duration: 11:16.


My Testicular Cancer Story (Why I Was Missing From YouTube) ! - Duration: 7:29.

What's up friends, subscribers, and new viewers.

It's Jon from Here Be Barr and this video has absolutely nothing to do with travel.

It's about life.

And may have noticed I haven't published anything for a while.

Well I've got a story to share that could have happened to any guy.

Your friend, your brother, your husband.

This is an ultra sound of my right testicle taken two weeks ago.

That growth right there in the middle is a tumor. It's cancer.

Let's backtrack two weeks to April 12, 2017.

I had about 11 days left in Mexico City.

I was having an amazing time with my girlfriend making travel vlogs.

For this channel, my subscriber numbers were going up.

Every single day. Literally nothing could go wrong in my life.

Ironically enough, I was shooting a vlog about our volunteer experience at a home for the blind.

When I first felt it.

Right as I finished my on-camera.

I felt this sharp jolt of pain, shooting up from right groin into my stomach.

I caught that moment on camera and i'm pulling it from the edit.

Not my best look right there.

It hurt so much I had to sit down just to compose myself.

My girlfriend begged me to go to the hospital.

And I was very reluctant as I hate going to doctors.

But in the end I decided to go.

I thought it would just be a quick in and out visit.

Boy how wrong I was.

We went to a local hospital where I was quickly seen and the doctors theory was that it was a hernia.

Because I had just come from the gym, I was lifting heavy weights.

But just to be on the safe side they sent me upstairs to get an ultrasound with a radiologist.

I was lieing there on a cold table when I saw his eyes widen.

And then he said something that I'll never forget the rest of my life.

I found it. This growth here.

In your right testicle.

It's not normal.

And that's when I knew something was seriously wrong.

The rest of the night was a blur.

I met a local urologist. He told me his theory

That it was a cancerous tumor and that I needed to fly home immediately.

We went back to the apartment, packed up.

I booked a flight home for the next day and I probably had the worst night of sleep of my entire life.

I never thought something like that could have happened to me.

I had an extremely healthy diet.

I went to the gym regularly.

I was a zombie for a couple of days.

I got in with a doctor at NYU. By Friday

And the American Urologist confirmed what the Mexican doctor found.

That it was likely a cancerous tumor.

And that I had to have my right testicle removed as soon as possible.

On top of that, I had to get bloodwork done.

I had to get a CT scan of my abdomen and pelvis.

As well as a chest x-ray to see if the cancer had spread.

Anybody who has never gone through a major health problem might not understand.

But that weekend as I waited for results to see if cancer had spread to other parts of my body.

Was by far the hardest of my life.

All of the problems that you think you have.

Most of them don't really matter.

All I cared about were those results.

And there was a book I re-read called a New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

Which really helped me through those dark times.

And there's a passage from that book that I want to read right now.

Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness.

How do you know this is the experience you need?

Because this is the experience you're having at this moment.

And with that, I was ready to face whatever was coming my way.

The doctor phoned me on Monday.

He had the results.

Negative on everything.

Cancer didn't spread anywhere.

It was the first victory for me.

And I did feel some relief. But I still needed surgery.

This past Friday I went to NYU's Langone Medical with my girlfriend and my mom

To have my first surgery since I was eight years old.

Everything moved so fast, I was on that operating table a little over a week after discovering the tumor.

The medical team there was fantastic.

The surgery was done in less than an hour.

Here are some candid photos from the recovery room.

That's me waking up.

And that's me drinking water, lots and lots of water.

And with that, the process of healing started.

But their was one last order of business.

They had to do a pathology report on the tumor, to find out if I needed radiation or chemotherapy.

The doctor phoned me last night, I asked him how he was doing.

He responded shouldn't I be asking you that question ?

I've got good news. It's a seminoma.

A less aggressive form of testicular cancer.

We're not going to have to give you anymore treatment.

We're just going to monitor you every three months for the next year.

To make sure nothing comes back.

It was one of the best prognoses I could receive.

The odds are I'll never need any treatment again.

I celebrated.

With a beer.

A Brooklyn Lager if you're curious.

It's been less than a week and i'm still walking like a tortoise.

But I've learned a lot about life.

And what's really important.

Your health, your family, your friends.

And I want to thank all of the people that helped me out throughout this tough process.

More than I can ever say on camera.

And I also want to say, listen to your girlfriends, guys out there.

They tend to have a sixth sense about things.

I also wanted to bring awareness to Testicular Cancer.

Did you know that it's the most common kind of cancer for men between the ages of 18-35.

Which is a big portion of my viewers.

Guys, check yourself at least once a month.

In the shower.

I'm going to be leaving a link in the description showing you exactly how to do that.

A lot of times testiculuar cancer is painless.

I was lucky that I had a physical symptom.

It is a very curable illness.

But it is important that you try to catch it early.

As for me I am so happy to be healthy again.

And I can not wait to get out there, to make more travel vlogs.

And other content. I just need to feel a little bit better.

If you know any guys out there who could benefit from this video.

Please do share it with them.

And if you've ever had a similar experience or you just want to say hi.

Do leave me a comment. I'll appreciate every single one.

All the best. Thank you for watching.

And please stay healthy.

For more infomation >> My Testicular Cancer Story (Why I Was Missing From YouTube) ! - Duration: 7:29.


Карамельный #бисквит .Урок 25. - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> Карамельный #бисквит .Урок 25. - Duration: 5:36.


angels-meme (collab) - Duration: 0:42.




Angels,original meme by Kryoxity song:subscape-angels

For more infomation >> angels-meme (collab) - Duration: 0:42.


Charlamagne Tha God: My Book Is For Everyone | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:21.











































For more infomation >> Charlamagne Tha God: My Book Is For Everyone | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:21.


"Somi, can you eat all that?"…They are crazy for food! [Sister's SlamDunk2 / 2017.04.28] - Duration: 10:06.

Now, I see a big difference between

the experienced dancers and the newbies

on how you finish your moves.

For certain moves, they're not really finished.

(Unlike Minzy who nails even the smallest moves)

(Their movements still lack detail)

Minzy was also...

- Knew the formations. / - Right.

She was on point with Somi.

- We can't do all of that at once. / - How?

I'm still not that good.

And your expressions.

They always take screen shots of girl groups.

- That's true, GIFs. / - Right.

(All girl groups get screen shots and GIFs)

We wanted to test you all because

we came up with the formations based on the vocals.

The formations change again?

We'll change them a bit.

We'll put the better dancers in front.

So we'll work on the formations today.

1, 2, 3, 4.

(Trying had)


Jinkyung is so funny when she does this.

Can you not wear your hair like that?

It's like you're drinking poison in historical drama.

(Bottoms up)

(They do the dance with the formations)

Stop, stop.

Come this way and move up as you change spots.

Then where do you go?

Can't you start off here?

Then let's change this up.

Chaeyoung's good at this move. Change places.

You'll do this more.

- Just change it from the start. / - Right.

Since it's confusing.

Jinyoung, you go this way.

Just like this?

- Not that way. / - Oh, this way?

Do I do this as a domino too?

- Right. / - So this is the domino.

- 1, 2, 3, 4. / - Jinyoung, just watch me.

(Jinkyung just had to butt in)

- We have the same moves. / - Correct!

- That's right. / - Got it, Jinkyung.

Everyone laughed way too hard at that.

Was it that funny?

Move up, move up.

Yes! You're in-synch!

(Looks weird)

(She shouldn't worry about formations just yet)

Jinkyung, you have to do better.

You really stand out when you make a mistake.

Way more than others.

(Tries again)

(Trying hard)


You did this wrong too.

Try it, Jinkyung.

♪ You like it ♪

♪ You like it ♪


You do this at "You."

- I did. / - Stomp at "You."

- You. / - Jinkyung, stomp your back foot.

She looks like she's looking for a water vein.

"So here's the water vein!"


She's like RoboCop.

♪ You like it, like it ♪

Jinkyung, so this is why it looks weird.

Keep your elbows to your sides.

And don't move this part.

Nobody told me to keep my elbows on my sides.

I'll make an announcement.

From now on... 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th?

Learn the details of the moves from Yewon.

(Deeply moved)

She's one of the best dancers now?

Vice president. President and vice president.

Thank you, teacher. What an honor.

(Was in last place with Jinkyung in the first class)


I'm that bad?

Your body lacks a lot of rhythm.

- A lot? / - A lot...

(On the first day she learned the dance)


- Are you okay, Yewon? / - Oh, no...

We shoot for 2 days a week

and I practiced for

the remaining 5 days.

I went to the dance studio any time

the teachers were free.

(She fixed her flexibility first)

(Mastered the easy moves first)

(She struggled with the hard moves every day)

(Now, she can dance to the music easily)

(Yewon practiced harder than anyone over a month)

I think I did everything I could

in the time I had.

Let's learn the "You like it" part from Yewon.

Go ahead.

Watch. "You like it, like it, like it."

- So precise. / - So clean.


That's it!

- Okay, let's do this. / - One more time.

Do the move, Jinkyung.

Okay, okay. Good job.

Take a look at Jinyoung.

- Me? / - Watch Jinyoung.


How was that, teacher?


- You have a nice body... / - She has her style.

So don't be so excessive.

- Gently? / - Yeah, just slightly.

Because this area already sticks out.

(I had to do all that pointing)

You should've done this together.

I want to get together.

How about instead...

Jinkyung, can you join us?

She must be really sweaty.

(Like an old man taking his shirt off)

Why are you so funny?

You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?

You're doing this to be funny, right?

How can I make myself sweat to be funny?

This is too revealing.

Let's tie something here.

Leave her alone.. Nobody thinks it's revealing.

Her outfit was more revealing in season 1.

It was all torn here.

And not a single person

told her that it was too racy.

Even when she wore the shiny outfit

not a single person said it was too revealing.

They did write, "Jinkyung must be insane."

(The last part of the formation practice)

(Sook and Jinkyung's duo dance)

We have to work on this part again.

(She sets her leg like a bone-setter)

You have to be between them here.

We should do this.

This triangle doesn't look so great.

My vision was Chaeyoung

being framed by the legs.

- Sook, your leg is too... / - A frame.

I'll try to go as high as I can.

Dang it! Like this?

Doesn't this look nice?

- She's a b-boy. / - Yeah.

- So different. / - It looks sexy.

Hurry! Hurry and get in that water.

- Do a body wave. / - Go in with a body wave.

- Like this. / - Go up like this.

- Do it. / - Can you hurry it up already?

Please hurry...

Get in that water already...

(Passed out)

(This pose won't work)

(How about this?)

It's better to go in like this.

No, your upper body has to go up more.

Go up.

Get lower, Chaeyoung.

Come in from lower.

- Come up from lower. / - I'm about to collapse.

Go up from between here.

Go up from between here.

This is...

It looks weird.

This is fun though.


(This is too hard for the older members)

- Let's just do this. / - This is better.

- Be behind them or in front? / - Yeah, let's do this.

And you all can do this from the sides.

(Are they used to the formations now?)

(They quickly get in single file)

(Changes to a V formation)

(The center changes in the V)

(They easily get into the 3-4 formation)

(The hardest is going from 3-4 to V)

(Their formations look fluid)

(Making the choreography look better)

(Back to the 4-3 formation)

(They've all memorized their positions)

(Trying hard)

(Jinyoung was confused at first but seems confident)

(Moves to the center nicely)

(I'm fabulous)

(Good spacing between the members)

(Time for Sook and Jinkyung's dance)


(The formation frees up)

(Then they unite again)

(They master the formations for verse 1)

(They kept practicing after the shoot ended)

(Let's go eat dinner)

(We're really having fun now!)

- I'll post this now. / - I could've done this right.

Let's go get barbecue.

Let's go.

We're eating this for our singing.

Sure. Not because we're hungry.

We're eating this just for our singing.

- This is for our singing. / - Of course.

I have to lose weight!


(The best time to start dieting is tomorrow)

(So elegant)

We have to debut when

we're at our fattest and bulkiest.

- To be different. / - Yeah.

Girl groups can't all be the same.

It tastes like spicy seafood soup.

This kimchi is so good.

Try it with the kimchi. It's amazing.

- Should we ask for fried rice too? / - Yes.

So good, right? Try a bite, Somi.

I'm fine.

- I thought I was fine too. / - Will that fit?

(Thumbs up!)

For more infomation >> "Somi, can you eat all that?"…They are crazy for food! [Sister's SlamDunk2 / 2017.04.28] - Duration: 10:06.


Tuyển tập những bản ballade hay nhất năm 2017 và những năm về trước - Vpop hay nhất - Duration: 52:43.

For more infomation >> Tuyển tập những bản ballade hay nhất năm 2017 và những năm về trước - Vpop hay nhất - Duration: 52:43.


AMV Sword Art Online (GGO) - Sinon & Kirito - Duration: 3:29.


If that bullet can also kill a player in the real world....

...and if you don't shoot them, you or someone you love would be killed...

Could you still pull the trigger?

For more infomation >> AMV Sword Art Online (GGO) - Sinon & Kirito - Duration: 3:29.


Thank You Easypace145 - Duration: 0:50.

Hello subscribe


Not possible

Beats blowing up the headphone users




I pooped

Sub to my friend easypace145. Please. :)

Also sub to mr :DD

Sub to Just_An_FNAF_Fan and Silver SHEEP


For more infomation >> Thank You Easypace145 - Duration: 0:50.





Richard Nixon, in his effort to silence black people and antiwar activists, brought the

War on Drugs into full force in 1973.

He then signed Reorganization Plan No. 2, which established the Drug Enforcement Administration


Over the course of five decades, this senseless war has waged on.

At a cost of over $1 trillion � ruining and ending countless lives in the process

� America�s drug war has created a drug problem that is worse now than ever before.

This is no coincidence.

For years, those of us who�ve been paying attention have seen who profits from this

inhumane war � the police state and cartels.

This horrendously corrupt and violent drug war has gotten so bad, that it is getting

pushed into the mainstream.

In an extremely rare move, A&E Networks, a subsidiary of ABC and the Walt Disney Company,

will be addressing the government�s role in the drug war in a four-part documentary

series on the History Channel, titled, �America�s War on Drugs.�

In this documentary, History channel promises to delve into items that, up until recently,

were considered �conspiracy theory.� CIA drug dealing is one of those such items.

According to the description on A&E:

�America�s War of Drugs� is an immersive trip through the last five decades, uncovering

how the CIA, obsessed with keeping America safe in the fight against communism, allied

itself with the mafia and foreign drug traffickers.

In exchange for support against foreign enemies, the groups were allowed to grow their drug

trade in the United States.

Promising to be one of the most explosive television series in recent history, the show

intends to expose the CIA�s connection to the crack epidemic.

Night one of �America�s War on Drugs� divulges covert Cold War operations that empowered

a generation of drug traffickers and reveals the peculiar details of secret CIA LSD experiments

which helped fuel the counter-culture movement, leading to President Nixon�s crackdown and

declaration of a war on drugs.

The documentary series then delves into the rise of the cocaine cowboys, a secret island

�cocaine base,� the CIA�s connection to the crack epidemic, the history of the

cartels and their murderous tactics, the era of �Just Say No,� the negative effect

of NAFTA, and the unlikely career of an almost famous Midwest meth queen.

If the CIA trafficking cocaine into the United States sounds like some tin foil conspiracy

theory, think again.

Their role in the drug trade was exposed in 1996 in a critical investigative series �Dark

Alliance� by Gary Webb for the San Jose Mercury News.

The investigation, headed up by Webb revealed ties between the CIA, Nicaraguan contras and

the crack cocaine trade ravaging African-American communities.

The investigation provoked massive protests and congressional hearings, as well as overt

backlash from the mainstream media to discredit Webb�s reporting.

However, decades later, officials would come forward to back Webb�s original investigation


Then-senator John Kerry even released a detailed report claiming that not only was there �considerable

evidence� linking the Contra effort to trafficking of drugs and weapons � but that the U.S.

government knew about it.

Also, as the Free Thought Project previously reported, in a new book, Juan Pablo Escobar

Henao, son of notorious Medell�n cartel drug kingpin, Pablo Escobar, explains how

his father �worked for the CIA.�

In the book, �Pablo Escobar In Fraganti,� Escobar, who lives under the pseudonym, Juan

Sebasti�n Marroqu�n, explains his �father worked for the CIA selling cocaine to finance

the fight against Communism in Central America.�

Going even further down the rabbit hole, the History Channel will address how US involvement

in Afghanistan turned the country into a virtual heroin factory and how the drug war empowers


The final chapter of the series examines how the attacks on September 11thintertwined the

War on Drugs and the War on Terror, transforming Afghanistan into a narco-state teeming with


It also explores how American intervention in Mexico helped give rise to El Chapo and

the Super Cartels, bringing unprecedented levels of violence and sending even more drugs

across America�s borders.

The reason why the drug war actually creates a drug and violence problem is simple.

And those who profit most from the drug war � drug war enforcers and cartels � all

know it.

When the government makes certain substances illegal, it does not remove the demand.

Instead, the state creates crime by pushing the sale and control of these substances into

the illegal black markets.

All the while, demand remains constant.

We can look at the prohibition of alcohol and the subsequent mafia crime wave that ensued

as a result as an example.

The year 1930, at the peak of prohibition, happened to be the deadliest year for police

in American history.

300 police officers were killed, and innumerable poor people slaughtered as the state cracked

down on drinkers.

Outlawing substances does not work.

Criminal gangs form to protect sales territory and supply lines.

They then monopolize the control of the constant demand.

Their entire operation is dependent upon police arresting people for drugs because this grants

them a monopoly on their sale.

However, the illegality of drug possession and use is what keeps the low-level users

and dealers in and out of the court systems, and most of these people are poor black men.

As Dr. Ron Paul has pointed out, black people are more likely to receive a harsher punishment

for the same drug crime as a white person.

This revolving door of creating and processing criminals fosters the phenomenon known as


Recidivism is a fundamental concept of criminal justice that shows the tendency of those who

are processed into the system and the likelihood of future criminal behavior.

The War on Drugs takes good people and turns them into criminals every single minute of

every single day.

The system is setup in such a way that it fans the flames of violent crime by essentially

building a factory that turns out violent criminals.

The system knows this too � as the very existence of the police state is dependent

upon the drug war.

When drugs are legal, there are far fewer doors to kick in, fines to collect, profit

prisons to fill, and money to steal.

When drugs are legalized, gang violence drops too � drastically.

Not only does it have a huge effect on the localized gangs in America, but the legalization

of drugs is crippling to the violent foreign drug cartels too.

This is why the Free Thought Project and other open-minded groups all advocate bringing this

bloody and criminally ineffective drug war to a sudden and grinding halt.

Hopefully, the History Channel�s new documentary will push others to question drug laws.

Hopefully, the documentary wakes people up the idea that legality does not equal morality

and that government force, via kidnapping, caging, and killing, is no way to solve an

addiction problem.




Alexis Yousician - Pink Floyd "Comfortably Numb" Solos - Duration: 2:52.

Comfortably Numb Solos by Alexis Nery

For more infomation >> Alexis Yousician - Pink Floyd "Comfortably Numb" Solos - Duration: 2:52.


8 Tips To Stay Balanced As An Empath - Duration: 8:21.

For more infomation >> 8 Tips To Stay Balanced As An Empath - Duration: 8:21.


Comment regarder la télé gratuitement: MOLOTOV TV - Duration: 5:15.

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For more infomation >> Comment regarder la télé gratuitement: MOLOTOV TV - Duration: 5:15.


ЧТО ЕСЛИ не будет НАСЕКОМЫХ? #ИФ - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> ЧТО ЕСЛИ не будет НАСЕКОМЫХ? #ИФ - Duration: 3:16.


Still Confused About Trump's 1 Page Tax Plan Goldman Explains It All - Duration: 18:26.

Still Confused About Trump's 1-Page Tax Plan Goldman Explains It All

by Tyler Durden

Since at its core, yesterday's 1-page "tax plan" was a Goldman creation - and was presented

to the world by two former Goldman employees - who better to explain what Trump had in

mind than Goldman Sachs itself, which it did overnight in a far lengthier note from its

chief Washington analyst Alec Phillips.

Here is Goldman with an elaboration of the handful of bullet points contained on the

much anticipated one page, extending it by nearly 600% to some 6 pages of details.

Perhaps it would be prudent to just have Alec Phillips present the next iteration of Trump's

tax plan: after all he , together with Jan Hatzius, appears to be the man behind it.

From Goldman

Q&A on the President�s Tax Reform Plan

The White House announced a slightly revised set of principles for tax reform, which appear

to incrementally reduce the size of the proposed tax cut compared with the President�s campaign

proposal, and eliminate a few of the differences between the campaign plan and the House Republican

blueprint on tax reform.

That said, the White House proposal is still likely to reduce tax receipts by substantially

more than the House proposal would.

While the White House appears likely to rely on optimistic growth assumptions to offset

most of the fiscal effects of the proposed tax cut, Congress will not be able to do so

and must decide whether to pursue revenue-neutral tax reform or an explicit tax cut.

While no decision is imminent, today�s announcement and indications of openness to a tax cut among

congressional Republicans suggest that a tax cut is more likely than revenue-neutral reform.

We expect a long road ahead for tax legislation.

While we believe there is a good chance that tax legislation becomes law�in fact, market

participants might be underrating the odds of tax cuts, a change from earlier this year�there

may be few concrete legislative actions on tax legislation over the next couple of months

for markets to react to.

Q: What did the White House announce?

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and White House National Economic Council Director Gary

Cohn briefed the press today (April 26) on the direction that the President will take

on tax reform this year.

They provided little detail, and what detail was provided was mostly similar to President

Trump�s campaign proposal.

That said, there were some policy changes compared with the campaign proposal that provide

clues about the direction the White House might take the debate.

In addition, the Administration�s thinking on the fiscal impact of the tax cut is at

least slightly clearer.

Q: What has changed compared with the last tax proposal?

The proposal appears to have changed in four areas compared with the campaign proposal:

A smaller tax cut for top income earners: The White House proposal would lower the top

marginal tax rate for individuals from 39.6% to 35%, rather than the 33% proposed in the


A smaller tax cut for middle-income individuals: The proposal now calls for a standard deduction

of $24k for couples rather than $30k.

This is still roughly twice as much as the current standard deduction and is identical

to the House Republican proposal.

Repeal of the state and local tax deduction: The Trump campaign proposal was unclear about

which, if any, individual tax deductions might be eliminated, but the current White House

proposal is more specific; the deduction for state and local taxes would be eliminated,

while the deductions for mortgage interest, charitable contributions, and retirement savings

would be maintained.

A territorial tax system for business income: The campaign proposal would have repealed

the deferral of tax on income earned by foreign subsidiaries of US companies, and would have

instead taxed those earnings at 15% minus foreign tax credits, amounting to what would

effectively be a 15% minimum tax on foreign earnings.

Instead, the revised White House plan would adopt a territorial tax system, which exempts

foreign earnings from US tax.

In addition to the explicit changes compared to the campaign proposal, today�s announcement

was also noteworthy for two conspicuous omissions.

No border adjustment: The plan does not endorse the border adjusted tax (BAT) that makes up

part of the destination-based cash flow tax (DBCFT) system in the House Republican blueprint.

In comments earlier in the day, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin indicated that the White House did

not support the BAT in its current form, though he suggested that revisions might be considered.

In light of substantial opposition to the BAT in the Senate, it would have been very

surprising to see the White House endorse the proposal.

That said, today�s announcement did not include an outright rejection of the proposal


No mention of interest deductibility or capex expensing: The Trump campaign proposal would

have allowed businesses the option of full expensing of capital investment in return

for non-deductibility of interest expense.

However, today�s outline is silent on this question.

This is notable since many observers assume that the White House does not support the

mandatory shift to full expensing of capex and non-deductibility of interest included

in the House Republican blueprint.

Exhibit 1: The latest White House plan includes some new elements

Q: What effect would these revisions have on the size of the proposed tax cut?

Overall, we figure that the changes the White House has announced would shrink the size

of the proposed tax cut by more than $1 trillion over ten years compared with the prior version:

A standard deduction of $24k for couples costs about $300bn less over ten years than the

$30k standard deduction proposed in the campaign; A 35% instead of 33% top marginal rate for

individuals probably reduces the cost of the proposal by around $400bn over 10 years;

Repeal of the state and local tax deduction would raise around $800bn in tax revenue;

and The shift to a territorial tax system would

reduce corporate tax receipts by $200bn to $300bn more over ten years than the prior


With these changes, we expect that the overall cost of the tax plan would decline from the

roughly $6 trillion cost over ten years previously estimated by the Tax Policy Center (TPC) to

just under $5 trillion.

As noted above, it is unclear how the proposal would treat capital investment and interest

expense, but if the proposal omitted any changes in this area, it would shrink the cost of

the proposal over the next ten years by another $1.3 trillion to around $3.7 trillion, based

on TPC estimates.

Q: Where does this put the proposal in comparison with the House and Senate?

It brings the White House proposal closer to where Congress is likely to be on most

issues, but the rate cuts on corporate and business income are still greater than we

think Congress will support.

On the individual side, we believe that a 35% top marginal rate is more likely than

the 33% rate that House Republicans have proposed, given fiscal constraints and the fact that

a 35% rate would be a natural place to settle, as it was also the top rate prior to 2013.

The White House�s proposed $24k standard deduction and elimination of the state and

local deduction bring it into line with the House Republican blueprint.

While we are skeptical that the state and local tax deduction will be repealed entirely,

we note that the House, Senate, and White House now all appear to be focused on limiting

this benefit, suggesting that at least a limitation is becoming more likely.

On the corporate side, the inclusion of the territorial system for corporate income in

the White House plan brings it in line with the House proposal as well as the position

that we expect the Senate to take.

However, the 15% rate that the White House proposes on corporate and pass-through business

income is lower than the 20% and 25% rates, respectively, that the House proposes or that

the Senate is likely to agree to.

Ultimately, we expect that Congress will cut the corporate rate to perhaps 25%, and we

would expect the tax rate on small business to be higher�quite possibly still aligned

with the top individual tax rate.

Q: What have we learned about how the tax cut might be paid for?

Secretary Mnuchin has stated that the tax proposal would be offset through a combination

of growth and various base broadening measures.

We expect this to be outlined in more detail by May, when the President submits a formal

budget to Congress for fiscal year 2018, including projections of revenues and deficits over

the next ten years.

Our preliminary expectation is that the White House will assume that the majority of the

fiscal effect of the tax cut would be offset through a projection of faster GDP growth.

For example, if the White House assumes a 3% growth rate over the next ten years, rather

than the 1.8% average rate that CBO assumes, this would increase revenues by roughly $3.7

trillion over the ten- year period.

We note that the fiscal benefits of a higher trend growth forecast are very backloaded;

over half of the total revenue gain over the ten-year period would come in the final three

years, so the projected deficit over the next several years would expand as a result of

the tax cut, regardless of what growth assumptions one makes.

White House growth projections would have little direct effect on the legislative process

in Congress, whereas the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) will use growth projections

provided by the CBO as a starting point for analysis and is likely to make much more conservative

estimates of the effect that tax legislation is likely to have on growth.

That said, optimistic White House growth assumptions might help build political support in Congress

for the eventual legislation.

With apparent support for an explicit tax cut from key Republicans like Senate Finance

Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT), momentum for a tax cut rather than revenue-neutral

reform appears to be growing.

Q: Won�t Senate rules make it difficult to pass a tax cut that is not paid for?

Rules regarding the �reconciliation� process make it more difficult to pass a tax cut than

to pass revenue-neutral tax reform, but we expect lawmakers to get around these obstacles.

Republican leaders have made clear their intent to use the reconciliation process to pass

tax legislation, since this allows the Republican majority to circumvent likely Democratic opposition

in the Senate.

However, the �Byrd Rule� in the Senate prohibits reconciliation legislation from

increasing the deficit after the period covered by the budget resolution that governs the

process, which traditionally lasts for ten years.

The most obvious way that congressional Republicans might get around this constraint is simply

to allow the tax cuts to expire after ten years (i.e., by 2027).

This was done in 2001 when the Bush Administration passed a large individual tax cut.

However, two reasonable objections to this have been raised.

First, structural reforms to the tax code could do more harm than good if they were

made temporary.

That said, a simple tax cut (for example, dropping the corporate rate from 35% to 25%)

would not be as difficult to implement on a temporary basis, particularly since we expect

that there would be a widespread belief that such a tax cut would be extended or made permanent

before it expires, just as the 2001 tax cuts were for the most part.

A second, more technical, objection has also received some attention recently.

The JCT has indicated that the revenue loss associated with a temporary tax cut would

continue several years after it expired, because companies might postpone their use of certain

tax benefits until after rates have risen and might pull forward income that would otherwise

be recognized later.

The JCT estimates imply that allowing a 20% corporate tax cut to expire after nine years

would result roughly a $90bn revenue loss in the second decade, which would violate

the Byrd Rule.

However, this would become a much less important consideration if a corporate tax cut were

considered as part of a larger package that also included some permanent provisions that

raised revenue, considering that the House and White House proposals would already raise

hundreds of billions of revenue through base broadening in the second decade, even excluding

the effects of controversial proposals like border adjustment.

Q: Now that the White House has made its proposal, what happens next?

There are four important milestones coming up over the next few months:

The President�s Budget: The White House is expected to submit its budget proposal

to Congress in mid-May.

We would expect this to include some additional detail regarding tax legislation�at a minimum,

it is likely to include more specifics regarding the potential effect on revenues and the deficit�as

well as an a general indication of the scale of its infrastructure plan.

The final disposition of the health bill: House Republicans look likely to make another

attempt at passing the American Health Care Act (AHCA), after announcing modifications

intended to satisfy the conservative and centrist Republicans who signaled they would oppose

the prior version.

However, the announced revisions appear likely to increase support among conservative Republican

lawmakers but they do not appear to have shifted the views of centrist Republicans nearly as


As of this writing, consideration of the revised health bill within the next week or so appears

possible but not likely unless it becomes clear there will be adequate support.

Even if health legislation passes in the House, we do not expect a majority of the Senate

to support the House version, and developing a bill that can pass the Senate is likely

to take several weeks, at least.

The upshot is that Republican leaders will soon need to decide whether they can pass

a health bill in the House, or officially postpone consideration and move on to other

issues, since the budget and tax process cannot move forward until they do.

The congressional budget resolution for FY2018: At the start of the year, Congress passed

a budget resolution for FY2017, which served the sole purpose of providing instructions

to the committees with jurisdiction over the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to pass health legislation

using the reconciliation process.

It was expected that a second resolution for FY2018 would then be passed once health legislation

had been enacted, in order to provide instructions for passage of tax reform legislation.

With health legislation in legislative limbo, it is unclear whether Republican leaders will

pass a second budget resolution this year.

However, since the instructions under the FY2017 resolution called for legislation that

was roughly budget-neutral, the only way Congress can pass a meaningful tax cut would be to

win bipartisan support, which seems unlikely at the moment, or to pass a new budget resolution

that explicitly instructs the tax-writing committees to cut taxes.

Draft tax legislation released: It is difficult to predict when tax legislation might be made

public in the House or the Senate, but our expectation is no earlier than June and possibly

not until July.

In the near term, we expect the tax-writing committees, particularly the House Ways and

Means Committee, to hold hearings examining some of the key issues in its proposal, like

the border-adjusted tax.

Once the procedural groundwork for a committee vote has been laid, by passing a new budget

resolution or re-using the instructions intended for the health bill, the committee is likely

to release its proposal to the public and pass it quickly.

In the Senate, the timing is even more fluid; we expect more detail from the Senate Finance

Committee over the next couple of months regarding its likely approach for tax reform legislation,

but a formal proposal appears to be a ways off.

The extended timeline for even releasing a draft proposal suggests that while the House

could vote on tax legislation in committee before August, a vote on the House floor is

less certain, and Senate passage before August looks very unlikely.

This suggests that tax legislation is unlikely to become law before Q4 2017.

While enactment shortly before year-end is a clear possibility, we believe it is more

likely to become law in Q1 2018.

We continue to believe that tax legislation is fairly likely to become law.

In fact, market sentiment regarding fiscal policy might have become too negative.

This is a substantial shift from the start of the year, when sentiment among market participants

took a much more positive view regarding the potential for major policy changes.

However, we expect the process to continue slowly over the next couple of months, and

without any clear signs of progress financial markets are apt to take a wait and see attitude

toward tax reform.

For more infomation >> Still Confused About Trump's 1 Page Tax Plan Goldman Explains It All - Duration: 18:26.


PERFECT DAY I WE STOLE M249! I Part1 I ENGLISH subtitles I CZ - Duration: 14:02.

Drop on the right, let's take a look


But you're fighting alone


I can't see sh*t


-50 like a boss

Do you have bandages?


I have two

There's a gear there

I'll kill him, okay?


There's one more

Careful, build a wall if you can

He's low

Guy on the left

I saw him. Both are dead

Okay, some guys on the left

I'll cover you, he must be low

They have sleeping bags here

Will you loot them?

Oh sh*t, loot them!

I'll take the drop


I can't see him, not even with gamma

I built theat wall here, come and hide

Did you loot him? Good


Only the face mask

Let's leave quickly

Where are you?

Up near the first wall

I'm right behind you

Sh*t, I have minus... sh*t

The cold is f*cking me up

Not being able to see is f*cking me up

What was the guy with syringes doing here?

Hey, I'll kill him

He's dead

I really can't see him

Over here, I'm jumping

Nice boost, this will help us a lot

Semi automatic rifles, ammo, gear..

Holy sh*t

Wait, we need to kill it

Shall I shoot it?

Yeah.. 3..2..1..Now


I'll get the stuff

I don't have any space left, but I could take animal fat

Yeah, that will do

Another drop

Where is is? I'm somewhere away

That's a supply one

It has to be

The last one could've been a supply drop

Who the hell knows?

If it's a supply drop..

Is it close?

..we could still make it. I don't know

It's near the rad town

So we'll go home, leave the stuff and go there?


We can run to my temporary base

And leave the stuff there, if it's close

I don't want to die with this stuff

There's a gear

I see him

Let's put some stuff away first

Sure, we can't fight with this

He'll be scared when he sees two guys

so he'll stay away

If he's not some rushing maniac with P90

Yeah, he's scared


Did you find a free spot?

Be quick

I'll help you, I can fight

Did you close the door?

- Yes. - Okay, sorry

So we're both going fighting

Perfect, I'll start recording

There are two

Two in front of us, they're hit


How is he not dead, for f*ck's sake

I don't know

He has 4 hits

He's falling back

Both are dead


This was really close

Like really f*cking close

He had incendiary ammo

He almost got us

Oh sh*t, he's full, he must've killed the gear we saw

Does he have something?


Does he have something?

Yeah, I took the gear

Did you take everything?

Yeah, I did

You left 32 sulphur there



It's going down

I'll go and loot the guy, you know, for the stream

In the meantime, I'll get there



Someone's on the left

In the bush

Let's leave him, it doesn't matter

If he's naked

Or.. okay, let's kill him

Gear above us!

2 headshots

He's hit

He's not down

How is he not dead? He'll be healing now

Is that crossbow?

Yeah, he's getting hit by crossbow

Come on

Man, he must be really low

Another headshot

He's dead


Three headshots

Poor guy


Nice, Black

Loot him

He's on the right

And he noticed I noticed him

So he knows we're going after him

He's behind this rock

I think he has a semi automatic rifle

I hope he doesn't have thompson, that would be bad

Careful, he's here waiting

Don't get killed

Of course he had thompson, I knew it

He probably looted it

I guess

Hopefully he won't have thompson, whatever

Intuition like a boss

Idk what to take

When Nobody comes, you'll lose it

What is he doing? A statue in exhibition?

Let's go


LR behind me

I'll help you in a sec

He's not good

He's dead, we have LR

3 headshots

Nice, dude

You got him good



This is how you get stuff

He has water

Guy here!


I was so lucky


I was so f*cking lucky

One will be enough

We can use it for raid base


I'll take a look how far it is

Good, that's okay

This should be a good place, right?

Yeah.. maybe the heli will fall on it and destroy it

We will need more doors


Another guy here

Did he kill you?

He's still trying to get here

Up, moving on

Don't forget about the ladder hatch


Not this staircase

Don't upgrade it now

Watch out

It's flying away

Let's go... no




I saw where it fell

Me too



I see the heli, come on

It fell quite badly

Oh, there are two of them


Too many xD

You are worth three

So we can win

Sure xD

They must be dead

They have walls, careful


One is low

One is dead

Is that you?

That's not you

I think two are dead

Are you behind the wall?


Guy on your right

He thought I was with him which saved me

Guy on the right

I see him

He's low, maybe down

No, he's not down

I see a chest

Machine gun

Sh*t, nice

I'm taking it, I'm good with it

Sure, no problem

Oh, I didn't reload, I'm stupid

Let's loot them a go away

He's dead



Rockets? Good ones?

Or sh*tty ones?

Sh*tty ones


I have something

battery, silencer

Where's the last one?

I don't know

I know I killed a guy here somewhere

I'm not going for that one

Watch out, run, I'll kill him

He's dead

Is he not?

He's hit

I hit you, man

It doesn't matter

Let's go, do you have the forth one?

They probably got it, let's go

That's pointless

Let's go


I don't have that, do you?

Me neither

I hope they don't kill us

I know, let's go

We could go back for the rest of our things

He has a really good cover for us to get him

But there's still the AK

Maybe he retreated

He got 2 headshots from me

I saw him retreat, he's definitely not dead

He's shooting now

That means he's not here

Another dead

The new machine gun... oh

He's dead

I'll loot that guy

Do you have something?

Something good?

I'm looting

Where did i kill him, chat?

Oh, here

Yeah, he took it, I have thompson and broken AK

Hey, and lots of ammo

Let's go now

Someone was shooting here

Is that a base?

Probably, I don't know

I killed a full gear

I hope it was not you

One guy's behind the wall


Come with me

Behind the wall

Come here with me

I killed a full gear with headshot and 2 hits

Gear on the left?

No, I was seeing things

No, no one's there


Oh, sh*t

- Someone's there - Yeah, I know

I'll loot him

Let's go away

Yeah, look there sometimes

but keep running


He's dead


Machine gun

We did good

Yeah, this was good

Careful, they're on the roof

It's okay, he's stupid

For more infomation >> PERFECT DAY I WE STOLE M249! I Part1 I ENGLISH subtitles I CZ - Duration: 14:02.


TOP 5 - Smrti zachycené na kameru - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> TOP 5 - Smrti zachycené na kameru - Duration: 2:33.



Hi! I am Leon, 18 years old and I've also got a YouTube channel called LeonardoFootball

the link is in the description.

I am happy to be part of the Hermes Challenge!

Let's see what's in this box!

My god ... these shoes look incredible!

What is that?!

Here's my challenge.

Hi and welcome to a new video.

My name is Konzi... ...and my name is Lukas and today we've got a new Hermes challenge for you!

Check out what these dummies have got to do with it.

Have fun!


Oh nice! Safe!

It looks so easy, but it's actually pretty hard...

Very hard!

You can do that better ... concentrate for once!



Dear freekickerz, when you see this, do you remember the Joltter challenge video?

... a rabona counted double. Does it count double here as well?!

Of course, only when I score..

Okay, okay, all good, all good!

Okay, one nice shot now!

Should I go for beauty or for goals?

You have to get enough spin.

Yes, dude!

Ayyyy! That's unfortunately through the middle...

Yes dude, come on!

Greetings go out to Bale!

Watch and learn!

Yes man!

That's gonna be hard!

Normally, that would've counted!

Good block.

Okay Konzi, last shot!

What a finish!

So guys, we've got a great prize draw in cooperation with Hermes for you.

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From every single club, isn't that something!

Konzi, what do you have to do to participate?

Very easy! Rate the video and comment from which club you want to win your prize.

Sounds very easy!

The draw will go until the last game of the season, lots of luck to you guys!

See you guys! Bye!

For more infomation >> MESSI CURVE FREE KICK - CHALLENGE - Duration: 5:11.


Testing Spanish militar survival food - Duration: 14:38.

For more infomation >> Testing Spanish militar survival food - Duration: 14:38.


Estrenos 2017 Reggaeton Maluma, Nacho, Daddy Yankee, Wisin Reggaeton Mix Lo Mas Nuevo - Duration: 1:01:55.

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