Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 28 2017

Never been to a circus!

Never seen a clown!

Do you love me, Sandip?

Can't deal with it? Get lost!

No Romance and No Patriotism!

Is this how you use a knife?

Sandip murdered his fiancé

I did nothing!

Bloody Liar!

Are you one of those?


For more infomation >> Trapeze Official Trailer - Duration: 0:41.


FLIRT with other MEN?【BOYS play games for GIRLS #4】 - Duration: 7:21.

Let me say it more like "Misato"

"It has nothing to do with you, Yokoyama"

Doesn't really sound like her

I would say no.1, if you think normally

Ok, let's go safe

Secret Relationship

Let's go safe

It was better than safe

So that means Yokoyama is... Yes

If we just tell him the truth,

Whether it's the truth, or cheer him up may be the answer



"I just got a baseball ticket from our client Mr. Matsugaya. Do you want to go?"

I'll go with you!

Too quick

"I'll think about it"

That's probably not good

1) I was startled that it might be a date

2) I'm so happy. I was a manager of the baseball team in high school

Not safe to say it?

If she says she was a manager, doesn't that reveal what type of person she is?

Oh he will find it out

3) Quite different from your usual self

What is that reply?

Let's just be happy about it

But that'll mean...she is only happy because she likes baseball

I don't think so. She's just happy she got invited


And just as an explanation, "I was a manager of baseball team" is added

Japanese girls are so complicated -They sure are!

This is what girls are thinking? Yes

Great learning experience Is it so?

If she say "Whoops, that's surprising", that means the ticket is just there?

She was happy before since the heart mark came out last time

So we choose..."I'm happy" Yes

Ok, no.2

Let's see what happens...

You kept the 100% and yet the heart comes out

I don't really understand why the hearts appear

Carlos, if an answer like this came back, would you be this pleased?

He read it

He read it...

I think I will

You won't be happy, Nihongi Gamer?

Well, she is says she is happy at first,

so I guess she's happy but..

but sounds like I'm only happy because I was a Baseball manager

That would be disappointing right?

Anything is ok

I see, I see For now

Can we...just wait here for his reply?

We are not waiting. NOT WAITING


"As long as you are not committing adultery"

What a hassle

Bothersome yeah

1) Stop worrying about me

2) You don't have a say in this. We're just friends

That is a...NO

3) You are worried about me. I should be....


It's probably not "Stop worrying about me"

Now no.3

Oh ok ok ok


Going back and forth

Will he ever go over 50%?

Pretty hard, but I guess 50% is ok Whaaaaat?

Ok I get it, I get it

Why Takahashi san again!

The game understands me. if I keep clicking it will reply faster

no no no no no

Then, Shogo

" The only person I invited to class is you"

Oh, that's a good sign


The only one invited was....Misato

Only Misato

What in the world is this?


Came back

A spell that you should never fall in for...

The name


What is this?

This is so weird

Top ranking Apps...?

This one is so boring

Wait a minute, you're doing top ranking Apps in another video!

Oh yeah...true

Ok, the reply

1) You're doing bike deliveries but recruiting for your dance studio

Some recruiting work there



Not going anywhere

2) I didn't know you were a professional dancer

Everyone will be surprised when they find out..

That will...raise his motivation?

She called him a Pro

"Everyone will be surprised" means..

if others find out, they will be surprised

She may be worried it won't be her secret anymore

The title of the game is "Secret Relationship" so...

Maybe not...

3) I'm so hooked onto it now. I'm terrible at it, though


She starts talking about herself


Maybe? It sounds friendly as well


Nothing happened

I thought it was pretty good move...

This is so hard!

I'm not sure but....


Hello again

You get so energized when you talk to Takahashi-san

It's not really my thing but, you like baseball, right?

See, I told you so

Baseball, baseball

Baseball, baseball

Baseball, baseball

I should say I'm not happy because I like baseball


1) I love baseball

That's not good


You shouldn't say you're going to baseball because you like baseball

So that is it!

That must be it!

I see

As expected of Takahashi-san Mania

We should confirm it to see how Takahashi-san feels

This is too much

Takahashi-san Mania


2) I'll be happy to join you. Thank you very much

Thank you very much


The third

3) Sounds like half work

So difficult

The no.2 is on the run so it's continuing of "Thank you", "I'm happy"...

but saying "Sounds like half work" seems to go back to the very beginning

She's making fun of him

2) I'll be happy to join you....must be the one

Up to Takahashi-san Mania

Yes, Yes!

Such accuracy to hit the heart

Scary how much you love Takahashi-san

It has never gone down

That's true

I have never gone down. Not even once

Climbing...and going up and up and up

If I were interested in my boss, I could probably do quite well

When interested in Takahashi-san?

since I practiced on this game

Not your boss. Takahashi-san

If you meet Takahashi-san, it's perfect Yes, yes

Well, he's read our message but what happens now?

No idea - Let's see the answer next time

That's right

Let's do other guys besides Yokoyama and Takahashi-san!

I've been seeing too much of these guys

Well, the other guys aren't that interesting...

You don't know that yet!

I'm not interested in the dancer

You really really are not interested in him

I do think it's a nice job, though

but as a person...

It's not about the job!

Well, it's half work

Oh yes

Where did I hear that before...?

For more infomation >> FLIRT with other MEN?【BOYS play games for GIRLS #4】 - Duration: 7:21.


New Nintendo 2DS XL - pierwszy pokaz - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> New Nintendo 2DS XL - pierwszy pokaz - Duration: 1:56.


園遊會擺攤 - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> 園遊會擺攤 - Duration: 0:21.


Salt Painting Technique - Duration: 5:38.

Hello nice to see you

Today I have a super beautiful painting technique for you.

The salt technique

For this you need your watercolor paper

Clear water to dilute the colors

and to clean the brushes

A paint tray or an old plate for mixing the colours

Watercolor or acrylic-color

A wide and a fine brush

Salt and crepe paper tape

With the crepe paper tape I attach the paper on the table so that it does not curl so much

Now I wish you a lot of fun with the video. If you have any questions, let me know with a comment.

I hope you enjoyed watching the video.

If you give it a try I would love to see pictures of your works at Facebook or Instagram.

For more infomation >> Salt Painting Technique - Duration: 5:38.


Migliori Giochi Alternativi x Nintendo DS: Top 10 Rari e Sottovalutati (Hidden Gems) - Duration: 20:39.

For more infomation >> Migliori Giochi Alternativi x Nintendo DS: Top 10 Rari e Sottovalutati (Hidden Gems) - Duration: 20:39.


【遊戲王再戰】請多指教! - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> 【遊戲王再戰】請多指教! - Duration: 6:22.


24K의 입덕 '게이트'가 열린다.24K's "Gate" opens::Makestar - Duration: 14:29.

(We've finally met!! 24K!)

(Your jaws are guaranteed to drop)

(When exposed to 24K's charms!)

(You'll fall for 24K, no doubt!)

Hello~ We're 24K!

Do you guys know why we're gathered here?

Is it another mission~?

((Cutie) Wrong!)


We've done relay games for the opening

Hyung, you were the last one to go~

(Smooth!) Is it answering that question...?

That's right! When I did the relay event

I asked you all to leave questions in the comments

(Thank you~♥) So many people have left questions for us 24K

We are going to carry out the requests in the form of missions...

(5 star rating!) It looks like Makestar has prepared something grand

How do we do this?

(Game rules)

(1. The 24K members line up single file in an orderly manner.)

(2. The members answer the fans' questions 'honestly'.)

(※Warning※ There is a 'pop mission' in the questions sheet!)

(Rise up to the challenge) Do you win by answering the most questions?

PD: For the fans.. that's kind of..

The best gift of all~

Enough with the weird adlibbing~

(Great question!) Do we get to pick the time limit?

PD: We have prepared a lot drawing for that too

PD: Will one of you come up to draw?

(Kisu's up!) I'm a bit worried... we 24K..

(★Confidence up★) can get anything done, no matter how little time we have!

But.. I will have to pick a good one still, right..? (worried)

The one on the right!

Right on!

(Choi Kisu's random thoughts) Since the best finger on your hand, the thumb, is in the first position

I will pick the first one

(Kisu! Say what?!) What does that even mean...

It's the best! Thumbs up~!!

So~ the time limit is..!

You haven't by any chance order them from the shortest to the longest...

It's.. It's OK, right?

Maybe it's really good!

(We'll see...) Isn't this way too long?

(Why you.. T_T) With 15 minutes, we can take a meal break even~

Ah~ There are 1242 questions~

Just out of curiosity

(OK!★) What were the other two time limits?

PD: 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes

(Oh! Most excellent!)

OK~OK~ Let's relax and take these questions one by one

As you can see, there's 15 minutes to do this

(N.B.) But during that 15 minutes you'll have not only the questions

(Random throughout) but also pop missions you'll have to carry out~

It's not a walk in the park, this one~

Always keep the pop mission in mind while answering the questions

OK then, shall we get to the quesions, then?

All together~ Let's Go~


OK, we will start to answer the questions~


Q. What's the recent dream you've dreamt?

I dreamt that I was in a running race with Cory hyung!

Q. Which member can take their spice?

I can take the heat when it comes to food.

Q. Ideal type? ★Wink★

A girl who has the look

(What is thatㅋㅋ)


Q. If you could take only one item with you to a deserted island, what would it be? ★First match one side of the cube★

Wait... ㅋㅋㅋ

(You have to) I don't know how to do this~~

So, I answe the question while doing this?

(Sorry Jin-hong, but it's after you've done the cube)


Well done~

((You can check in any time you like) But you can never leave.)

I'll take.. my cell phone with me

(Ah. The refrigerator?)

Take the cube with you~

Solve it on the deserted island~

Can't I pass?

Hey~ Let's go go go~

You might be getting bored

((No worries) We're loving your randomness..♥)

Let's go grab a meal and come back.

(Oh! Me too!)

(My screen time > member mission) I should get some more screen time~

((Go! Pinku!) Then we'll doll you up~)

(Caring tone) I'm working on the cube~

It's gonna eat up at least 5 minutes~

(Look! It's a camera!♥)

(We'll get to it!) I want to answer a question...

(Me too...) I'm sad...

Ah~ Jin-hong.. that's not how you do it

(Kim Jin-hong, 24K resident cube trainee)

(Self proclaimed expert 1)

(Self proclaimed expert 2)

(Self proclaimed expert 3)

Try it with the finger

(Fighting Kim Jin-hong!!)

((Should've said it earlier) You.. can help him)

(This is getting frustrating ㅋㅋ)

(Escape from cube hell complete!)

Q. What is a song you listen to often these days? ★Answer it like a musical actor★


Is it Beauty and the Beast?

Q. What is your favourite season, and why?

I like spring and autumn

Because I like neither hot or cold weather. Tada!

Q. Who is the strongest member? ★Answer while the member behind in line tickles you★


(This guy!!)

OK~ Thank you~

Q. Which member doesn't clean?

The member that doesn't clean is...

One two three!

(Tada!!) Kisu!!!

Q. Who has the most aegyo? ★Answer while dancing Twice's TT★

(Aegyo time)

I think that would be Jin-hong!

Q. Who is the most memorable fan? ★Make 24 hearts★

There are quite a few fans that I remember

There are so many of them

I remember each and every one~

I remember each and every one~

Each and every one! I remember! All!

That's 23~

Q. Do you have any idol friends? Give us 3 ★Answer while taking off the post-it notes on the face★

(1998 Hongseob ★Friend★) (1996 Changsun ★Hyung★) (1993 Jeong-uk ★Very hyung★)


Chang-sun is your friend?!

((Come off!) blow~)

(What about Chang-sun...?) Jeong-uk hyung!

Hey. I ain't your friend.

((Teeth clenched) Hello, Jin-hong my friend? ^-^)

Q. What is your most memorable movie? ★Answer after having blown a large bubble★



(快点 [kuàidiǎn]=hurry up)

((Chomp chomp) It's like relaxing white noise..)

(Good dongseng..♥) Hyung! Should I do it for you?

(Let's see..)


(No. You can't)

((dà) 大 ! Big!)

You need to swallow the sweets~

((So cute..♥) Ah~ take a look~)

Take a look~ Please~

(Passerby 1)

(Passerby 2)

Ah~ so frustrating~

(Cold) When we're done filming this

Practice blowing bubble gum.

A big bigger~ this much more~

(Or you can chew another one↗)

(Can we make fun of the squeak↗?)


Ah~~ the kuàidiǎn isn't helping~



(Everyone's forgotten about the question because of the bubble gum.. But.. We've mined the answer!!!!) (-the ever-so-persistent Kim PD-)

Q. What is your most memorable movie? ★Answer after having blown a large bubble★ ((24K Hui): Titanic Reason: It was romantic and inspiring) (Huiray Hui!!♥)

Q. What do you do on your time off?

I tend to watch a movie, hang out with friends, or hang out with Jin-hong.

Q. What is your favourite food?

(←Impatient for some reasonㅋㅋ)

Doenjang Jjigae!

Yes~ Doenjang Jjigae~

Q. Who has the most difficulty waking up? How do you wake him up? ★In a sexy voice★

((The naughty one) Simply loving it)

(The member who.. has trouble waking..up?)




(Should I do it?)


(What are you doing?ㅋㅋ→) It's Hong-seob


((Gulp) M...moar..!!)

(Show us your abs!)

((Chang-sun..) Only the two of us are excitedㅋㅋ)

Show us your abs~!

(...want to bully some more)

(Shame meme X Fanboy/girling begins O)

It's Hong-seob~

(It was a life worth living...)

((Smiles) So~ OK!)

It's Hong-seob~

And the way we wake him up is

I've seen Chang-sun wake him up

He kind of slaps his cheeks like this

Is that good enough?

OK thank you~

((Shy) Ah~ it's too much to handle~?)


Q. What is your favourite animal? ★Answer while showcasing a 3 part aegyo set★

3 part aegyo set?


((Love) Wuv~>_<)

((Tummy ache) Tummyegg~>ㅁ<)


(Time to call it a day!!)

The sloth~~

((Nope! The top mission!) This is going to be a doozy..)

(Coo coo)

((We'll get you one~) Love sloths~)

(Cringe) Q. What is something you'd like to do with the fans?

I would like to go to an amusement park with the fans

Also, go for a drive

Ah~ Another mission?

Q. What is the first thing you did as an adult? ★Answer like a musical actor★

(Like a musical!!)

(The first thing as an adult!!)


(With Hong-seob)

(Went drinking~~)

(I was never involved with thatㅋㅋ)

Q. Which member would you like to be roomates with and why?

((A quick drawㅋㅋ) Kim Jin-hong!)

((Eh.. it's ok) Kisu hyung is OK too)

((Come here~) Kim Jin-hong!)

((MCHong-seob) Reason?)

(Oh! me~ me~)

((OK!) Kisu hyung!)

((Battle for the roomate) Why~ pick me~)

((Simple enough) He just requested)

((Oh you... Hui) sHuimple man...)

((Sure, taking all requests) Take me!)

Q. Something fun that's happened at the dorm! ★Group selfie★

(Group.. selfie?)

((Peekaboo) What?)

((24Kuties~) Look over here~)

One two three~!

The fun thing was that once, we had cleaned up the dorm

then Kisu hyung came home all drunk, and messed the whole place up

That's. The fun thing... (sad fun dorm story (feat.Kisu).avi)

Q. Which member are you most awkward around, and the reason? ★Eat ppepero with a member (down to 2cm) and answer★

I really don't have an answer for that

I don't, but if I absolute had to pick one person

((Proposal...?) I'll answer using this ppepero.)

((Avoid+Escape) Why the sudden silence...)

The most awkward to be around..?

((Dongseng is go!) Proactive) But there really isn't one~

(As long as it's not me, it's fine) Really. I'm serious~

Still, the most awkward...

Still... there really isn't one... what's to be done?

(Hong-seob!! Free snack!)

(↑Facial expression ㅋㅋㅋ)

Look at his face~~

((Quick change) Idol smile)

Close your eyes

(※It needs to be in one go) That's a fail! Go again!

You can't take a break~ It has to be in one go!

((Bystander's tip) In one go chomp chomp chomp)


((???) Hrmm~)

((All heart) Hey~ Nono~ That's not 2cm)

((From the states) Cory doesn't know how long 2cm is)

I don't know the metric system

(Why are you covering his eyesㅋㅋ)


Success success!

((Determined) You can't succeed if you don't try)

((Honest) Hyung. It's too big..?)

Success success!

((What success?) No cheap tricks...)

((Manly man) Let's get this over with!!)

(Should I do it for you?)


You need to eat all fo the chocolate. Only the stick part should remain

More more moar!! Yes!!

That's it! That's it!

Isn't this a definite pass?

(Finally successful?)

((Teeth clenched) (I said no tricks) Isednotriks)

(You're much more persistent that we thought)

(We'll make it more fun!)

Now these two go


((What's with the handㅋㅋ) (Saddened Hongseob...☞☜))

It's hyung's turn~!

((Can we leave it up to you?!) You go)

(Hong-seob is go!!!)

(How're we looking..?!)

(24K's answer is not yet complete!)

(Unpredictable missions)

(If you're curious about what's to come... Ready! Set!)

(Fall into 24K!)

For more infomation >> 24K의 입덕 '게이트'가 열린다.24K's "Gate" opens::Makestar - Duration: 14:29.


The Best Bluetooth Earbuds For Working Out 2017 - Duration: 3:39.

today I'm gonna show you top three best

bluetooth earbuds number one the

presence you see features superior sound

thanks to their proprietary HD voice

clarity technology this high definition

audio technology makes the call as clear

as possible not only on the wearer side

but on both sides of the connection the

presence has three microphones rather

than the usual to the triple mix help to

eliminate background noise sennheiser

goes further than most bluetooth headset

manufacturers where the Sennheiser speak

focus technology which eliminates most

background noise and when safe which

actually to eliminate one sounds from a

call on top of all of this the active

guard feature will detect and eliminate

sounds and noises that may be dangerous

to the ear due to their high decibels or

pitch this Sennheiser headset also

features a high-quality detachable ear

hook for extra convenience if superior

audio technology and sparkling sound is

what attracts you to a Bluetooth headset

the Sennheiser presence you see is the

top quality choice for more information

and latest price check description below

this video at number 2 plantronics m 180

universal wireless Bluetooth headset has

dual mix that allow for noise canceling

capability as well as a lengthy battery

life that provides a deep sleep mode to

extend battery readiness talk time

should last around seven hours with a

standby time around 90 days the

lightweight design and comfortable ear

tip also allows for streaming music gps

directions or podcasts additionally

you'll find voice control for smartphone

voice assistance like siri google now

and cortana in the event you misplace

the n 180 you can use plantronics ios

and android app that has a loft headset

locator to find it in no time three

sizes of flexible silicone tips and an

optional ear loops are all included with

the packaging but a power adapter is not

you'll only receive a USB cord the N 180

is good for around thirty three feet of

separation from your device before

losing signal

number three plantronics voyager legend

headset design although on the bulky

side lifts comfortably over the ear most

of the controls are located behind the

ear and the unit is built in such a way

that it doesn't interfere with the

wearing of glasses and some other models

do controls include a volume rocker

switch power on/off button and call

button this headset is reasonably priced

and features smart sense or technology

which can answer calls automatically

when you place the headset on your ear

or automatically output audio volume

your phone when you put the headset down

the legend also features voice

recognition for example just say answer

or ignore when I call comes in and the

legend will be your personal assistant

new crystal clear sound is aided by

noise canceling technology the patented

triple Mick reduction as background

noise and wind works up to 80 decibels

the battery lasts for up to seven hours

of talk time which is considerable in

addition the full recharge time isn't

just 1.5 hours for more information and

latest price check description below

this video thank you for watching this

video please share this video and give

me a thumbs up and also don't forget to

subscribe my channel


For more infomation >> The Best Bluetooth Earbuds For Working Out 2017 - Duration: 3:39.


Best Obd2 Scanners | Best Obd2 Scanners 2017 - Duration: 3:39.

today I'm gonna show you top three best

obd2 scanners number one actor on CP

9500 ata obd2 enhanced auto scanner plus

the actor on CP 9500 ata obd2 is the

best automotive diagnostic scanner for a

number of reasons code lookup library

with the CT 9500 ATA by ektron you would

not only be provided codes with their

definitions but the device would also

direct you towards possible solutions in

its library ab codes most code readers

don't offer the ABS function which is

useful when the anti-lock brake system

where abs light is on this device from

actron does it pretty well amazing

features there are a host of amazing

features that validate a price of this

great scanner from features our

freeze-frame live data state obd checks

and print data compatibility issues with

some features some features of the obd2

might not work with all models of cars

for more information and latest price

check description below this video at

number two akram CP 9575 autocar

scanners the Akron CP 9575 auto car

scanner is a medium budget obd2 scanner

that has a host of features commensurate

with its price it is easy to read the

screen of this scanner because of

backbiting and you would never complain

about a reflective or dim screen ever

again you can freeze frame while the

scanners churning out information to

ensure that no important data is missed

by you during your scan unlike other

scanners where you have to take a lot of

trouble to ensure that the device stays

updated the CP 9575 updates online this

makes it fuss-free French Spanish and

English are the available languages for

not just manuals and menu but also code


number three in Nova 3160 scanning tool

with abs or SRS plus live data the ANOVA

3160 scanning tool obd scanner might

seem to be pretty expensive at first

glance but once you look at its features

you would realize that it is worth the

money vs-rs for supplemental restraint

system is checked by the scanner when

the car is started to ensure that your

safety is top priority and there are no

faults in the air bag during collision

in an average situation the ABS codes

would inform you about a possible repair

to the system and there have been

instances when their codes have helped

during emergency maneuvers the complete

package includes a reference guide pouch

USB cable wire obd2 cable wire and a

scan tool itself this device is not

compacted anyway and is actually 10

inches in size it might not be a good

option for those who have a toolbox with

limited space for more information and

latest price check description below

this video thank you for watching this

video please share this video and give

me a thumbs up and also don't forget to

subscribe my channel

For more infomation >> Best Obd2 Scanners | Best Obd2 Scanners 2017 - Duration: 3:39.


Что такое медийная реклама и как размещать медийную рекламу. Просто о сложном - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> Что такое медийная реклама и как размещать медийную рекламу. Просто о сложном - Duration: 6:22.


Hazmat situation reported at shipping facility - Duration: 1:14.









































For more infomation >> Hazmat situation reported at shipping facility - Duration: 1:14.



Ey, Victim!

Hi. -Hi.

Today is

Thursday. No, yes. Thursday

We are in Amsterdam.

We took a plane at seven.

There was no time to be anxious because I was so tired.

And I did'nt manage to drink a coffee this morning. But ...

I got one.

It looks stupid. Look.

I have to say, if you think I have a little coffee: These are three espresso shots with milk froth.

I win.

We landet savely. We have an incomprehensible place to stay.

Such a nice apartement.

Which costs probably a million euros rent a month.

Although it is relatively cheap, for uns to stay there. -Yes.

The price was fine. -Absolutely.

I would describe it with ... Hipster.

Very open living space.

A little bit industrial look.

These Vitra chairs everybody loves.

Static lamp.

Really pretty and we feel at home. -Nice kitchen.

And our room ist sweet. Small but really sweet.

And at the stairs you are glad to have no artificial hip.

Someone who with a shoe size over 45, does not even fit with the feet on the steps. They are so narrow.

I walked like this. - Yes. Like a child.

We had breakfast.

I had Poffertjes.

He was like: "Minipancakes?" And in my head i thought: "I kow how they are called.

But I don't know how to pronounce them. But they were delicious

We need someone to explain the pronounciation to us. - They're a bit like minipancakes, but there's butter and sugar on it.

So nice. Oh, now I'm confused again, which way to go next.

Me too.

Let's take this way. -Check.

We both got up quarter to five. So we need more than a little cup of espresso.

And we got it from the coffee company.

I got one with almond milk and i love it.

We have no plan for today. We just want to walk around.


I want to see the park. - Yes, me too.

The one with "Vondel" in the name, which i can't pronounce.

My bag annoys me.

Your bag is pretty.

I knwo, but i want to wear it crossbody, so...

I got that. Can I help you?

You can't without your hands beeing free.

Now, the bag is on the wrong side. This feels wrong.

I always try look into the camera a certain way so that I know quite as bad.

We look stupid.

Oh god.

I look like I smoked something.

Ey, victim.

The most soulless steak in the whole of Amsterdam. (because redheads have no soul)

I mumbled.

We found a park. - I think it is only the biggest park in the whole of Amsterdam.

Of Europe. Of the whole world.

Of Earth. - The Universe.

Have you ever been on Mars? There should be a larger park. It is also super beautifull.

We're talking bullshit. Is the lack of coffee -The lack of coffee?

If I were still at home, I would have had coffee number four by now.

Today I only had one and a half.

The first one wasn't a real one. -True.

This park is beautiful. -Really beautiful.

There are trees. -And people who do sports and look very funny. What is he doing?

Oh, he streches his artificial hip. Why do I constantly talk about artificial hips today?

I dont know. A minute ago you talked about dicks.

äh no. -We talked about dicknoses.

If you have seen the latest Instalivestream of Ella, you understand this insider.

You should follow me on ... oh.

Now he kicks air.

If you want to know if your skin is oily

Take a blottingpaper

put it on your nose. If it stays there, your skin is oily.

Hi. I have beans under my arm. I'm a ... Lena.

We ate good food at SNCKBR. -So goof.

I don't know the streetname where you can find it.

Neither do I. - It was a ... main street.

It was nice and we are stuffed. - You are not in frame right now.

I am still well stuffed, even if I do not fill the picture yet.

I think we will sleep well tonight.

It was a nice day and I am excited for our tour tomorrow.

We go on a free walking tour. - Then we finally learn how things are called.

How you pronouce them.

Now I look forward to go to bed and take my make-up off and brush my theeth. Desperately want to brush my theeth.

Good night loves. See you tomorrow.

Oh hi.

Today is Friday and we have already seen a lot, but we have'nt talked to you yet.

Sorry. -We got up. Half an hour too early.

Ups. I accidentally set the alarm clock half an hour early and when the alarm went off I said "I hate myself."

We got ready and went to the Free Walking Tour, which I would highly recommend if you are in Amsterdam

The guy (Marius) was great and in the end, everybody gave him a little bit of money. I think it was OK that way.

He was really charming. I put the link for you in the infobox.

And it is easy to to join. Do not die.

You simply sign in with a a google doc and then you get an email: Yeahy. Happy you'll us ... bla bla english words.

Höhö, english words.

Highly recommend that and then we went for lunch.

Lena made a better choice than me. Mine wasn't as nice.

And now we want to look at the Anne Frank house from the outside, because we do not have a ticket.

And maybe in the evening, we'll come back to get in. - And at least we can say that we have seen it.

It is still so beautiful. - It's so nice that I think, "That's not real."

And tomorrow it will not be real, because we will be in a hall full of youtubers.

without a window. - and oxygen.

And you know. Lot's of youtubers farts in one room.

That will be fun.

You're already looking forward to it.


I am tired!

Lena, come on.

Be a good girl.


Lena, stop it.

You go to bed without dinner.

And you are banned from playing and using the ipad for a week.

I am still able to. Mommy a still knew how it works.

We have just looked at where the exhibition hall is.

and now we are on our way back.

And I realised that I forgot my dress at home, which I wanted to wear tomorrow.

So, you have to naked.

Boobs. Boobs.

Put on your pyjamas. There are pretty.

They are a bit see through.


You do it. I take your outfit and you can wear my pyjamas.

No. -I knew it.

I have two of those striped tops but I don't see you wearing them.

I have bellystripes myself.

Here they are.

You are mean. - I know, but I don't mean to.

You stroked my arm. Since when are you so nice? Who are you? - I am tired.

We go home now and then we go to the supermarket and buy something to eat.

Chocolate and something to play. -Are you a good girl, Lena?

No. -Is it OK for you then to eat chocolate?

If you are a good girl now, until we are home, you can eat chocolate. - No.

Ok, thats it. -OK.

Hi. Today is Saturday and we are at Vidcon, in the large exibition hall.

and now we are in the creator .. space ... launch ..

It looks cute. Lena was like: Look, it looks like a nail salon.

Madame Grün is busy. -Yes I am posting an instagrampicture.

We eat nuts and I think, we go now and eat lunch, beacause later there will be no time to do so.

We could eat fries. - Where? Behind me? Oh, I thought you see fries now.

We are taking a small break. I just ... My trousers were open.

That will become our new running gag.

I just saw a russian Youtuber again, whom I met in SanFrancisco. He is the Youtube Ambassador for Moscow.

It is funny, that we meet again here in Amsterdam. So cool.

Now we wait for Karin and then we go and eat.

Hi friends.

I am so tiered. - It is a bit exhausting.

It is really interesting here. - Wow!

And now we are actually looking for the next room, but we are so tired. -We prefer to sit here.

You can't see anything. -We are in a hallway, I would say.

betweeen two buildings.

I have to say the convention center is very pretty. Not pretty from the outside. But from the inside it is functional and so bright.

Yes. - It is very pleasant. - I'm glad you're talking, because I can't talk anymore.

Do you know what? Everybody is going down, even if they are a Creator. - So we should probably go down.

Yes please. But can we take a break for 5 more minutes?

That is my nose you are filmimg there.

Did you hear the sounds in my throat?

Yes. For two days now. - I can't help it.

Lena without the sounds in her throat is not a healthy Lena.

Just like you would check the nose of a dog, whether it is still wet and cold, you look at Lena whether she still has sounds in her throat.

Mummy, why is that? I want a refund. I want my money back.

What did you pay for beeing born? -Au. Thanks.

What did you pay for beeing born? - Nothing. - So be quiet and thankful for your head.

How are you guys doing. We are dying out here.

I was like: oh wow.

So there you go.

Thats like the gravitas. Everybodys like: Yes, put it in a video.

I made really funny homevideos with my friends. We recreated commercials and stuff and movies.

The views came but it wans't what i wanted.

It disapears. It's like puff. It's gone. So it gives a little sense of anonymity which is really important for what I do.

This is going better.

If you don't know the story of "Up". It is this fascinating story

I consinder this to be actually my favorite pixar movie

Your are a fan of it, if you love france or rats or food. Are we getting there?

Still going.

Also ... oh yeah we try again.

Everybody hold your breath.

Hey! OK, guys. Pretend the last 17 minutes did not happen.

But they continuted to. So continuted to say yes.

But Anna and Elsa would not be genetically related if you run their genes through a punnett square.

... well thought out to talk to you about today. But I wrote down some notes.

My brand is very homemade so this is very on brand for that.

Following your fear. Lot's of thinks in the creative world can seam totally scary but I think fear is a sign that you care.

Are you vlogging?

I have her jacket. OK? I have to give it back to her.

We had a great day at Vidcon. It was very long.

Just now we laughed a lot and now we will go home.


Super! Super? Right? - Soup?

Maybe soup. -I don't know which language to use right now. - Neither do I. We spoke English for the last three hours.

Are you sure we're heading in the right direction? -No. -Ah, yes there. -This is the way. -I do not know.

I'm very satisfied. I am a bit annoyed that I have ... oh god, I am so tired. - Me too.

My eyes hurt. - My hair hurts. -What?

I do not know. - So there are some creators ... I say Creator a lot .. Youtubers, with whom I would have liked to talk. Just because I like to watch them.

And I wanted to tell them: I like your shit.

The workshops we perfect, just one wasn't what we expected. Otherwise everything we went to was great.

I was very happy about the Vlogbrothers QnA. That was great.

That confirmed for me that they are simply super nice.

And in the end, there were motivational lectures by larger youtbers only for the creators.

Could you hold my camera for a moment, because I'm just wondering if I have my phone still in my jacket.

That would be like me.

No, it is here. Everything is fine. Typical Ella.

The lectures were only for creators, so they were a bit more honest.

It felt that way. There were still a lot of people in the room. -You simply could address things that can not be addressed otherwise.

That was great.

Do we want to press the button? I'm not sure.

It was special. I am now in high spirits.

I'm so tired and I do not know how to make it home. - I'm tired and in high spirits.

It's like beeing on drugs. Green!

And cut.

Are you scared? You don't have to be.

You are a big girl. - I am trying.

Off we go to Berlin, again. -I am tired. -Me too.

For more infomation >> WAS IT WORTH IT? I VIDCON EUROPE - Duration: 23:42.


All-New Kia Picanto - 2017 TV Advert - Kia Motors UK - Duration: 0:26.





For more infomation >> All-New Kia Picanto - 2017 TV Advert - Kia Motors UK - Duration: 0:26.


The Akiba's Beat Censorship Controversy - Duration: 5:26.

Hey everyone.

As you'll probably know if you have been checking out the Censored Gaming Twitter account recently,

there's has been a big case of controversy with localization company XSEED and their

upcoming game Akiba's Beat.

Akiba's Beat is the action-RPG sequel to Akiba's Trip and its release is now only a couple

of weeks away.

However, jumping straight into the news here, one of the game's localizers, Tom Lipschultz,

a name that many of you are probably already familiar with, posted an in-depth post over

on the game's official forum.

The post details a few localization changes that will be made to the game and is something

you should definitely check out for yourself, as for this video, we'll just be focusing

on one of these changes, as this is a change that's much more relevant to censorship and

has seen a lot of discussion recently.

Now, the change is revolving around one of the in-game signs for the various business

located within the game's location of Akihabara.

One of these was supposed to be a parody of "NKK switches" a Japanese light switch manufacturer

based out of Akihabara.

How did the developers parody this?

By changing the name to KKK Witches.

So, already you can probably see where this whole thing is heading, considering what the

term KKK can mean.

This sign is extremely out of the way and is something that most players will never


Tom spotted the sign whilst working on the title though and mentioned it to his colleagues,

finding the sign a little humorous and quite the accurate representation of what real life

Akihabara is like, as messages with offensive English are actually quite prevalent throughout


Their colleagues didn't see the humorous side in it though and wanted it removed.

XSEED then sent an email to the devs, explaining how the sign is offensive in English, and

the response was that they didn't mean for it be offensive and the devs changed the sign

to ACQ Witches for the English release.

So, basically, this is a pretty open and shut case of "lost in translation" and general

localisation work, right?

Well, not quite.

Whilst it's true that there are some very valid localisation points for the sign being

changed, it turns out XSEED were going to ask to have the sign changed no matter what.

Even if the developers wanted to reference the KKK, even if the developers didn't want

to change it, XSEED wanted the sign changed.

Tom speaks about this in their very first post even, stating that calling it an "act

of censorship" isn't unwarranted, considering: "1.

We would've asked them to change it if they hadn't done so voluntarily"

"2 Our email did not directly ask them to change it, but...

I mean, how else were they supposed to interpret us asking about it at all?"

And: "3.

The Japanese version still retains the "KKK witches" moniker, with the change only made

to all English versions" Censored Gaming questioned Tom further on

this, wanted to be sure what we're saying is true.

And Tom again reiterates the censorship nature of this whole ordeal.

To quote: "The biggest reason I have for fighting this,

though, is -- as noted in my response to Cecilia's question on the previous page -- the reason

WHY it's being changed.

There are those who had very valid localization reasons why it SHOULD be changed (and you

guys have brought some of them up), but the official reason we chose not to keep it is

because it's potentially offensive to a segment of the fanbase, and the higher-ups were afraid

it might impact sales forecasts if retailers got wind of it being in the game (which...

they wouldn't have, since the sign in question is actually pretty hard to find, and unlikely

to be seen at all by 99% of players)."

So, yes, there were localisation reasons for this change.

But, this change wasn't made for those reasons.

The word KKK was removed from Akiba's Beat because it's offensive and for business reasons.

Even if the developers didn't want to change it, even if they actually intended on referencing

the KKK, XSEED wanted it removed.

That was the issue here.

It's correct that in this specific case you can justify the removal as an act of localisation,

but that doesn't change the fact it would have been removed even if there wasn't those


For example, imagine the hypothetical scenario where the devs perhaps wanted to make a joke.

The Simpsons did this in episode 166 even, a show that is on daytime TV, but, if that

was the case with Akiba's Beat, XSEED would have still wanted it removed.

That was the issue here, and it was so much of an issue that Tom has been asked to be

removed from the game's credits, a game he was heavily involved in.

It goes further than that though, XSEED company policy dictates that if a team member doesn't

want to be credited for one game then they must then be removed from all future games


To quote from Tom's post again: "Since the whole XSEED team is credited on

each project by our official company title rather than anybody's specific role on an

individual game, we cannot be selective about which games people are credited in.

If someone is ashamed to be associated with one of our games, then they are ashamed to

be associated with the company as a whole and won't be credited in future games either."

Tom has always been a very strong opponent against censorship.

He explains: "It's a bit of a shame, but I feel it's a

good symbolic gesture on my part, showing my commitment to my principles on this matter.

And honestly...

I'm perfectly fine with being the "ninja localizer" of XSEED, fighting the good anti-censorship

fight from the shadows."

He also later jokes that if you asked them even 4 or 5 years ago how they saw their job

at XSEED ending, he would've probably told you, "getting fired for something involving

video game censorship".

With somebody like Tom at XSEED though, you can rest assured that if any changes are made

to your games, you're going to hear about it.

Tom is committed to holding down the fort and providing full transparency about these

things and there isn't another localiser quite like them in the entire industry.

They also watch Censored Gaming's videos so make sure to say hi in the comments below

and, until next time, thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> The Akiba's Beat Censorship Controversy - Duration: 5:26.


Draw a cat sitting on a tree - Uncle Multiknik / Multiknik TV / - Duration: 14:23.

Draw a cat sitting on a tree - Uncle Multiknik / Multiknik TV /

Draw a cat sitting on a tree - Uncle Multiknik / Multiknik TV /

Draw a cat sitting on a tree - Uncle Multiknik / Multiknik TV /

Draw a cat sitting on a tree - Uncle Multiknik / Multiknik TV /

For more infomation >> Draw a cat sitting on a tree - Uncle Multiknik / Multiknik TV / - Duration: 14:23.


Best Bluetooth Headphones For Workout 2017 - Duration: 3:39.

today I'm gonna show you top three best

bluetooth headphones number one

sennheiser momentum 2.0 for those who

don't know these are the revised version

of the original highly popular momentum

headphones and yes sennheiser's has also

released momentum IEMs but let's take a

look at the star of the moment the

momentum 2.0 is no way a substantial

upgrade however if you are upgrading

from an older pair this may be the right

one moving on from the older version you

get your cups that are now softer than

before and also quite spacious the

momentum 2.0 are excellent pair of

wireless headphones that provide top is

aligned sound quality that doesn't

disappoint even the most hardcore of

music lovers the build quality wins in

another plus point since the momentum

2.0 have to happen an amazing build

quality and last but not least cables

for both iOS and Android are there along

with inline microphone however you only

get one cable in the box along with a

nice-looking carrying case for more

information and latest price check

description below this video at number

two Bose QuietComfort 35 the quite

comforter t5 offers the fancy active

noise cancellation we all love in the

door the moment you take the quite come

for 35 out of the box is the moment you

will realize that you have spent your

money on the right pair of wireless

headphones to be honest these are one of

the finest built wireless headphones we

have laid our hands on not just that the

overall construction is so lightweight

yet so premium it's almost surprising

moving on if you are wondering how well

the sound quality is then you'd be glad

to know that they quite come for 35

happen to have one of the finest sound

qualities you ever hear all the hype the

mids and the lows are perfectly detailed

and thanks to the supreme comfort level

you can simply put them on and forget

they were there the included microphone

happens to be excellent for calls and

voice last but not the least the

headphones have an amazing battery


number three jaybird freedom f5 the

jaybird freedom f5 is obviously an

upgraded version of the much appreciated

freedom wireless earphones so what's new

in these ones well they are certainly

better than the predecessor in every way

however the most notable change is the

fact that the freedom f5 are certainly

slimmer than the predecessor and in

addition to that they also happen to be

more comfortable than before the sound

is still the same excellent sound that

is surprisingly well balanced for it and

your phone the earphones are sweat proof

and come with a stellar battery life

another really good thing about these is

the fact that jaybird included a battery

clip that can give you about four hours

of extra juice you'll also be glad to

know that your earphones come with an

inline mixer voice calling the mick

actually holds all the buttons together

and the earphone can be paired with up

to eight devices at the same time thanks

to the bluetooth 4.0 for more

information and latest price check

description below this video thank you

for watching this video please share

this video and give me a thumbs up and

also don't forget to subscribe my



For more infomation >> Best Bluetooth Headphones For Workout 2017 - Duration: 3:39.



Hello everyone, welcome to this one minute English lesson.

Today we are looking at a really common mistake between two words, which even native speakers


The first word is desert and the second word is dessert.

The words are nearly pronounced the same.

I don't think you would notice which somebody is saying, if it wasn't for the context.

The first one, so desert, with one 'S' is a shorter sound with more of a 'Z' sound.


The second one with two 'Ss' is a longer sound with more of a 'S'.

So dessert, but even with my pronouncing them now for you, there is not a lot of difference.



Okay, let's look at the meaning of these words.

The first one with one 'S' is the sandy, dried up area of land.

For example something like this.

The second word, dessert, is usually a sweet dish you have at the end of a meal.

Maybe like this one.

Thank you very much for watching this video.

Please make sure you do subscribe and give it a like.

See you soon, bye!

For more infomation >> DESERT VS DESSERT!? (ONE MINUTE ENGLISH L15) - Duration: 1:31.


X TRIAL Motorbike : A crazy sport AND a big SHOW ! Moto Journal - Duration: 6:06.

Obviously, you know all about trial biking!

A discipline which puts even the most intrepid of mountain goats in the shade.

Well X-Trial is even worse! Even Spiderman would struggle getting over these obstacles…

With Moto Journal, we have already looked at the subtleties of this discipline based on balance.

The art of not putting your foot down, the technique for climbing up walls,

and all of that on a motorbike… without a seat!

The sport is about getting over obstacles, it has nothing to do with speed.

What is the maximum speed ?

That's not important.

We use the first 3 gears in the zones. A zone is a course marked out with arrows and tape,

which you need to get through without getting penalties.

You get penalties by putting your foot down, stalling or falling off.

How much does your Sherco bike cost, what does it weigh, and what is its bhp?

With the racing parts, it costs between €10,000 and €12,000. It weighs 71kg,

and the FIM rules say we can't go below 70kg.

There are lots of carbon fibre parts, like the air box, the headlight mount, and there are also titanium parts.

What's special about trial biking is having lots of torque at low revs. You need the engine to really pack a punch,

to give you a boost to jump the 1, 2 or 3-metre steps.

The key part is the clutch, and we set the engine up around that.

Some riders like more torque at low revs, others like it at higher revs. You need a very precise bike.

It's like you're riding with flat tyres.

The amount of air in the tyres is very important, because it provides some secondary suspension.

Since I'm a bit heavy at 80kg, I ride at 325g, as you can see,

the tyre is doing a lot of work, which really helps us out.

Today, we're going to bring you up close and personal with the stars of X-Trial des Nations, in Pau.

So why "X"? Oh, don't worry, it's nothing indecent, it's just what they call indoor trial biking.

And "X-Trial des Nations" because it's a team competition, with junior and expert categories, where riders represent their countries.

The top 5 countries battle it out on a crazily tough course,

featuring the best riders in the world, including stars like the Spaniard, Toni Bou

He doesn't look that special, this little guy in jeans and a T-shirt riding around the car park.

At 30, Tony Bou has won the world trial biking championship a mere 21 times - a record!

His bike is an absolute gem, honed by the HRC,

a factory Honda-Montesa with a 4-stroke engine, upgraded with carbon fibre and titanium.

This beauty weighs scarcely 70kg, and is estimated at nearly €200,000

Toni Bou is like the Marc Marquez of trial biking : same nationality, same make of bike, same sponsor.

So what's the difference?

The track at the Zénith centre in Pau offers its fair share of entertainment,

with 5 different zones, and plenty of climbing walls!

Wood, stone, metal and concrete,

enough obstacles to ensure that you'll spend more of your time on your back than on your bike!

And you shouldn't forget the job of the assistant,

who plays the role of minder, trainer, back-stop and timer all in one…

and also needs to be a good catch!

Vision, agility, concentration. Trial biking is a real precision sport.

A lesson in flexibility, grip and balance.

It's the art of challenging the laws of gravity, even if, from time to time, they get the better of you…

Unsurprisingly, Spain won again with the pairing of Toni Bou and Jaime Busto.

An 11th victory in a row from under the noses of the Brits, with our little Frenchies in 3rd

Alexandre Ferrer and Benoit Bincaz on their French bikes Sherco and Scorpa

a real French success story !

For more infomation >> X TRIAL Motorbike : A crazy sport AND a big SHOW ! Moto Journal - Duration: 6:06.


"Isis" Ancient Egyptian Goddess of Love | E.Q.Plus [Zoo God] - Duration: 2:32.

"Family" is everything in my life.

My name is "Isis"

I'm the 4th child between Ra and Nut.

I'm the goddess of marriage.

I believe that love always wins.


I love you, Darling!

You're really sweet today, what do you want, honey?

[Love also wins your husband's wallet over huh?]

I'm also a genius goddess.

I have potential is as much as my husband's, Osiris.

I had taken care of our people instead of him once.

And I gave education to our people too.

Even country budget management is in my hand.

This is your budget today, darling.

All right…

[Even her husband, Egyptian pharaoh, is in her hand.]

Not only Goddess of marriage, Isis also great in sorcery.

This is for you, Horus.

Wow! You can cast a clay cow to life!

Not only cow.

Bird, worm, mouse or even cobra, I've casted them to life before.

Cobra! That's cool!

Yeah, I cast a cobra and send it to bite your grandpa.

So he have to leave his throne to your daddy.

What did you just tell him…

[She really sacrifice herself to her husband, Such a good wife!]

[This "Grandpa" she mentioned is Ra, Osiris' father.]


Hey! Don't cast a poisonous animal for our son!

On wall paintings, Isis always wears a crown.

A throne-shaped crown,

Cow-horn-shaped with sun sphere crown,

How cute!

Or vulture-shaped crown.

They're lovely! Can you buy them all, Darling?

But we've already bought too many…

You really wanna buy them all?

[They're lovely because your husband pay for you.]

Moreover, Isis also have a cow head. (sometimes)

Why did she look at me like that…

Alright! I'll buy all items in this shop for you, honey.

You're so sweet, Darling!

The new dimension of waxing we want you to try out.

I guarantee that you're become more beautiful!

Darling, can you buy that for me?

No problem. But why so sudden..

'Cause I want to wax my underarms.

[Your underarms are really hairy…]

All these times, I thought they're your wings…

Yes! They're WINGS! Moron!

Zoo God also have comic book version!

Now available in bookstores and Online Shop at Facebook's page "E.Q.Plus Publishing".

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