Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 28 2017


















































For more infomation >> New twist in Dalia Dippolito case - Duration: 1:26.


♪ BOXDEL ŚPIEWA POKA SOWE! (remix) - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> ♪ BOXDEL ŚPIEWA POKA SOWE! (remix) - Duration: 1:19.


Tummy Tuck-Abdominoplasty-Contraceptive Pills-Dr.Cortes-Youtube - Duration: 5:54.

Hi, this is Dr. Hourglass, and welcome to another video in our channel Superhourglass.

Today we are going to discuss: Do I need to stop contraceptive medication prior to a tummy tuck?

In this channel, we will discuss everything you need to know

for you to get the hourglass shape you've always wanted.

Welcome back!

Many patients who want to have a tummy tuck are on contraceptives.

One of the questions they commonly ask is if they need to stop taking contraceptives prior to surgery.

The answer is yes.

One of the main reasons to stop contraceptives is because it increases the risk of blood clots.

Birth control pills are the leading method of birth control in the United States.

Although they do not cause blood clots, most birth control pills do increase a woman's chance

of developing a blood clot by about three to four times.

Most oral contraceptives contain estrogen and synthetic progesterone.

Estrogen and progesterone have many effects on a woman's body.

They are the hormones that sustain pregnancy and, when given in the form of birth control pills,

imitate pregnancy, thereby preventing pregnancy.

These hormones also increase the levels of clotting factors and are assumed to be responsible

for women's increased risk of blood clots during pregnancy.

For the average woman taking birth control pills, the absolute risk of a blood clot is very small,

only 1 in 1,000 women per year who are taking birth control pills will develop such a clot.

The new patches may increase this risk even more.

The amount of estrogen absorbed from the patches has been reported to be 60 percent higher

than the amount delivered by pills.

You will need to stop contraceptives prior to surgery to minimize the risk of blood clots.

You may start retaking them 2 weeks after the surgery.

In this video we discuss: "Do I need to stop contraceptive medication prior to a tummy tuck?"

In the next week, we will discuss If I already have a C-section scar, will I have a second scar

with a tummy tuck procedure?.

Remember to comment below, share this video, like this video, and subscribe to our channel

for more information, here at the Super hourglass channel, only on YouTube.

Also, you can log on to our website,

for more information about your procedure and to see amazing surgical results.

If you have a question please post it below and we will be happy to answer it.

Maybe we will make a video about it.

Remember to log on to our Hourglass TV for more information about your surgical procedures.

On Monday we have Bootyman for everything related to buttock enhancement procedures.

Tuesdays: Wonder Breasts where we discuss topics related to cosmetic breast surgery.

Wednesdays we have Star Bodies. If you want to have a star body log on to our Hourglass TV.

Thursdays: Hourglass OR you're going to see me doing live surgeries with before and after pictures.

Also Shoddy where we discuss cases that require cosmetic surgical revision.

And Friday SuperHourGlass for topics related to have that Hourglass figure that you want.

And finally live broadcast surgeries every day of the week on Facebook live, Periscope and SnapChat.

All these and more in the Hourglass TV!

For more infomation >> Tummy Tuck-Abdominoplasty-Contraceptive Pills-Dr.Cortes-Youtube - Duration: 5:54.


CHOOSE OUR STARTERS! | Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver Extreme Randomizer Soul Link Part 1! - Duration: 13:44.

what is the buyer eyebrows and shiny

crew guy things welcome yeah

welcome back to another exciting

exhilarating returning with our sole

link series if you guys haven't seen the

pokemon firered and leafgreen so linked

there will be a playlist in the

description and probably an eye card

link but yeah

we're finally doing another soul link

together been too long

it's only been two years too seriously

and but I guess I should introduce my

partner in crime my my partner Silva /

hi this is to do something more

extravagant I wasn't prepared uh well I

mean I kind of stuttered when I was

trying to like think of something - I

was trying to think of something cool to

say for you but then I just could we

rather we're at the talent show and I

was standing in the dark they finally

put a spotlight on me and I just froze

exactly well no I guess we got a couple

of things we need to explain before we

actually get started this so link is a

lot different from last one we did way

do you want to go ahead and go into more


yeah it's friggin extreme we've done

another so basically if you don't know

an extreme randomizer is it's just like

any other randomizer nuzlocke except we

randomized probably a little bit too

much so I have a list of things we

randomized - so uh there are some stuff

we didn't randomize like like one thing

maybe but uh here anyway things that

have been randomized the base stats of

our Pokemon the abilities of our Pokemon

the moves our Pokemon learn the types of

the moves our Pokemon learn are the wild

Pokemon we can find the trainer Pokemon

TMS who can learn the TMS and the field

items and there's some other funny crap

that just could happen along the way

yeah there's a lot of surprise and

randomness to be had here I just realize

this playing the intro for mine again

yeah basically in we we do a lot of


yeah so it's gonna be all crazy right

anyway are you ready to hit to touch to

start I've already put my name and oh I

want I'm still talking the whole oh dude

oh did you know you're having an

intelligent conversation with them looks

like the Sun is descending from the sky

dude indeed oh by the way also

we're on face cam now yeah man that has

the last LP we weren't on face cam but

now we're both on face cream hello did

you know the world is widely inhabited

by creatures known as Pokemon

I do not know that how at times we play

together and it's other times we work

together oh we should probably be well

I'll wait for you okay we'll wait fully

cuz we surely do

Oh Schneider Lyn there we go

well that's like all of two minutes

whatever you can do a little bit not


my controller fell I have an excuse

alright I'm gonna I'm gonna be I'm gonna

be a nice female what's I named myself

just name yourself like a rose oh yeah

it's never summarizes you should call

yourself away decked cuz you're a female

I that's it I think it does I think it's

actually the perfect the perfect fit

yeah I think so it's you it you get you

some sub boot good yeah way that would

that perfect oh yeah

heck it is dude life is friggin super

cute don't even is it are you ready

I am I'm gonna be what you want to do

the mom or do you want me to do the mom

do don't care you know I'm more of a

motherly cunt okay yeah you're the mom

I'm obviously doing Oaks voice already

your very own channel grand adventures

about to unfold all right so yeah you'll

do oak I'll do the mom just I'm going to

get to her yeah you already done with


yeah just went downstairs monitors it

I'll see you later all right bye

all right so I'm talking there okay I'm

going out there star about it so yeah

hurry up man don't you worry about a

thing she's walking over to me at a

leisurely pace all right you ready yeah

well now that's that terrible nailed it

you know I'm just going to give her a

smoker's would hey Lorenzo oh you're

finally awake

your friend Lyra was just here she was

playing hide-and-seek with her Meryl

but I also almost forgot our

acquaintance professor Elmo's looking

for you he said he had to ask a favor

for you

yo-o-ou're is alive is right yeah yeah

go there together

okay this bag go put your stuff in that

bag it is a credit card so you're not a

legal citizen I say that you say that

Gameboy gaah say again thank goodness

obnoxious you yeah bye interesting mom

you know yeah yeah there's assessment of

the word I was thinking of did I gotta

pick my frame

dude I actually aw I forgot to adjust

tech speed and I just that takes I'm

just I'm doing right now

fluff slippering blabbering flood cake I

guess I'll do this one since I'm playing

hard goals that seems pretty good

heartgold more like battle scene she was

she yeah there you go I'm still trying

to get used to the controls on the

controller woman baby Nate I'll do it I

got I can sign my card but what you

can't I'm gonna sign my trainer card

dude wait a second I must he was gonna

have a do with them I got to do with

them hard to flip I got to do with a

totally a 100% official Nintendo DS


that's a yes I want to do something so

inappropriate I'm not its smiley face

get your mind out together there you go

hello haha alright I think we're the

worst is the worst midget saw a guy so

while evades a long time no yeah I heard

it's great don't worry about it oh yeah

we should probably mention just like

last time we actually can't see each

other's screens or faces right now yeah

we tried our best but for whatever

reason I don't know if it's a setting

within my computer that I can fix or if

it's on like the program that we were

using or whatever to to see each other's

screens makes my microphone just

completely bug out so we're not gonna

bother to even trying with it it gave it

a good shot and I just didn't work out

right I'm gonna leave my house now I'm

in new Borka tonight I'm standing right

in front of Elms thingamajigger

you're you too fast dude do you know

what gotta go fast so unexpected yeah

you're getting assaulted by a Merrill

currently yep you you know you should

sue honestly he doesn't even say like

hey sorry my mare will just attacked you

he's just like re marelul now you got a

cool IRA or I guess I guess in this case

is it Ethan just think you got a soui

Ethan I'm outside the lab all right I'm

going inside now I'm talking to friendly

ginger man oh you talking to ginger man

he just kicks you something okay I do

like you I guess I'll do Elm okay it's

final clean dude you're dealing coke we

should probably also mention I mean I'm

sure you can see it by the title or

whatever or just guess in general to

choose our starter episode yeah you

could develop which of our random I

started each of us pigs yeah basically

we'll have a straw poll link in the

description for you guys or you guys can

choose what do you guys want to wait and

see the big reveal

for both of us so yeah you're gonna have

to wait so we figure starts we flip this

song's my freakin jam

I'm out to the freaking Elms lab scene

oh yeah yeah dude hey did you see snack

I can do em now yeah I'm gonna talk to

it you doing hey hey hey rise oh I've

been waiting for you do you know

anything about my research as you know

Punk what are carried and poseable that

I actually for sex again

but before the Pogo ball is invented

people use to walk with Pokemon just

like your friend Larry does yes the

pokeballs are great because if you could

carry many Pokemon but walking with Coco

Busta has some advantages it could have

something to do with how people grow it

involved so I'm going to give you a

whole lot no worries a lot of the sign

is for outside sellable and the bond

people and become friends

mmm-hmm and I'm a 10 voice acting I

nailed oh hey okay

did me dimension where the soul link was

I don't know I didn't think about it oh

we should all right it's another look

but all the Pokemon one Pokemon from

each of our team linked together with

another one on their team so there's

it's kind of like we have six Pokemon

total but we each have six if one of

them dies the one pair do it also dies

that's pretty much it yeah and if you

guys need a more in-depth explanation if

you guys don't know what it's the link

is all have the rules in the description

below the guys can just review that

that's good

Yee hey listen I have this acquaintance

that people call this repelled quad a

he's fighting weird things and having

raving at his discoveries anyways I just

got an email from him saying that this

is real it's probably another Pokemon

egg but you're still busy with our

puzzle on research wait I know you

should go to the place right can I count

on you oh you choose either the pug one

over there just go do it Diddy ready to

choose one of the Pokemon over there

I'm ready cheering sure I'll see what

my first Deuter is first alright Deuter

number one Poliwhirl the water type

Pokemon okay world Walley world and my

first pokeball Clamperl yeah hang on I

don't mind clamp roll if you guys want

to be clean from okay yeah go ahead next

up alright alright uh then we've got IV

solar the grass type Pokemon not bad hi

Dwight I always actually get more

starters randomized for the starters why

just keep having them here luck is

horrible is a grande okay I don't act

like two percent of the pokemon in

existence are starters and I managed to

randomize to G alright so my next book

was Agron the steel typo Galan that's a

pretty good one I've heard he's praised

he's all right I guess

alright and then last but possibly not

least is a I went the wrong direction

that was probably world again uh kracken

ah the water tree pokémon y go ii

within oh i got in my last art is sand


oh dude since you're so cute I love

sandshrew well there you go those are

the three options you guys have yeah I

wanted to see our gold played with the

same possible thing yeah I'm fine I vote

for croc not done I do choose whatever

you want me to play with I I it's like

we're gonna have straw polls again

linked below for you guys so you guys

can vote for which starting one how many

days should we give him Wade like I know

we'll find out we'll figure it out later

just figure it out later all right well

either way I guess that's it if part two

is not up yet then just vote it doesn't

matter how about that yeah okay sounds

good to me dude oh I actually chose

I absolutely chose Agron good I did ha

that's going to be it for this video

guys if you enjoyed the more glad we

could give that to you and you could

just as easily give some happiness back

to us by slashing the like button down

below and answering our question the vid

which is just going to be which starter

should I pick regardless we're just

living some happy lives and if you want

to live some with us feel free to join

our channels by subscribing to both of

us it's been the silver slasher and

arise oh uh yeah people out do we nailed


For more infomation >> CHOOSE OUR STARTERS! | Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver Extreme Randomizer Soul Link Part 1! - Duration: 13:44.


Roblox | Build Battle 2 | Iam Pretty Bad LoL - Duration: 9:38.

Hi Guys, Today ill Be Playing Build Battle 2

3x Time Lapse

For more infomation >> Roblox | Build Battle 2 | Iam Pretty Bad LoL - Duration: 9:38.


BAP Party Baby! Concert in Dallas [EXPERIENCE] - Duration: 12:26.

- Hey guys! It's Angie here. - And Vee.

Today is April 14th 2017. And where are we going, Vee?

We're going to Dallas. What for?

B.A.P.'s Party Baby! - Yes~

My bias is Bang Yongguk because he's a passionate leader, and he's just.. so charming.

Daehyun. He's a really good singer, and he's the reason why I got into B.A.P. in the first place.. because he's a good singer, you know?

I'd have to say Zelo's performance

Because he's a rapper and now he's singing, and I just think that's cool. And I wanna hear it.

(We were there super early! *dies waiting*)

(*thump thump* *thump thump*)

5! 4! 3! 2! 1!



Knowing that they were real, that they actually exist and are standing in front of us..

I just couldn't help myself.

The End *tear*

It was actually.. it seemed so short to me because everything was just like so interesting.

Like, because we were new to Dallas, and it was our first time going to Dallas anyways.

And um..

We just didn't know what to expect and so everything was like really interesting.

We were just like looking around and seeing like other BABYZ walking around

With their, like signs or like um.. with like other merches and just passing out papers and

Everything, it was like cool.

And so, it didn't seem like I waited like for.. how many hours? It was like 5 hours I think.

Yeah, it didn't seem like it was 5 hours.

The wait wasn't that bad. It was um.. I think.. about 5 hours?

But it didn't feel like 5 hours.............

I guess...

I was like probably the happiest.. That's like my happiest moment out of the concert, seriously.

It was YES. (as if that tells anything lol)

The DJ was so cool and I um..

After the concert, I immediately looked him up, and I saw that he, you know, he was the one who did the remix stuff with Yongguk.

And--the song. The song that they remixed for the concert.

And he was so cool the way that he just like BLEW UP the entire stage before B.A.P. even came out.

Yes, next concert we're gonna try to get P1 tickets, try to get the hi-touch if they have it again.

OMG, no! We didn't sing "Happy Birthday" during the concert. I was so mad, for Himchan.

And, but then I heard that they did sing "Happy Birthday" after everybody left, after the hi-touch, I think.

But yeah. It was so regretful that we didn't say during the concert.

I like fell in love with Zelo's solo.

His solo is like.. so sweet~ and it's so cute. He is like so precious.

Zelo's solo is so sweet and it's so awesome that he wrote it in English so that we could understand, you know? The international fans.

So yeah. That was our experience of B.A.P.'s Party Baby concert in Dallas 2017.

Um.. hopefully B.A.P. will come back to Dallas or somewhere close.

We would totally go. We would totally love to go to another B.A.P. concert, so.. B.A.P., please come back soon~

Yes, and the next country that they're going to.. hopefully the BABYz there will have a good time like how we did.

For now.. B.A.P. Fighting!~

For more infomation >> BAP Party Baby! Concert in Dallas [EXPERIENCE] - Duration: 12:26.


Stainless Steel Caravan, the Improved Version - 2017 Korean RV Show - Duration: 5:01.

Hello, it's Lucy with Campingcarjoa.


We're looking at Maisonette.

A caravan we reviewed before.

If you look next to me

You can see a new food trailer version.

And they have a new version of the camper as well.

Let me show you.

Let's step inside the Maisonette.

I'm inside now.

This version of Maisonette

has a dinette that converts into a bed.

This table in front of me

Lowers and becomes a bed.

The table is a little different.

You can use it traditionally.

Or you can place things underneath.

Great place clear stuff from a top.

And when you lower it.

The storage area isn't disturbed.

So you don't have to worry about it.

The design is really amazing.

Even the cushions are quite clever.

On this side is leather.

On the opposite side is fabric.

So depending on your mood

at that moment

You can change it as you wish.

The end here is rounded off.

Instead of more cushion, they've put storage space.

There a place to grab and lift the cover.

A great place to store knick knacks.

Above that you have a shelf.

Now they have a center piece.

But you can place anything you want up here.

On either side you have some lights.

And two windows.

And three window across from me.

The windows open by pushing out.

You can lower as screen.

Or lift for a blind.

Right under where I'm sitting

there is a control panel.

You have the lights as well as other switches.

Let's try to turn off the lights.

It's going to get dark.

Really convenient to use.

Now I'm going to turn this into a bed.

Let me show you.

Lower this.

Just like that.

Move over the cushions.

Just like this.

I think I'll go with the leather today.

Let me sit down.

And now we have a bed.

Of course some of you are wondering about the size.

So let's see.

I'll lay this way.

[Lucy's height: 175cm]

I still have this much space left.

So even taller people should be comfortable.

Now we're at the kitchenette.

But you can't see a sink.

Because it's covered with this piece of wood.

You can use it as a cutting board.

And then place it back as a cover for more counter space.

You have a large and small burner.

In the middle there is a safety switch.

We talked about this more in another episode.

So watch that as well

To see that episode

Just click on the 'i' above.

Under the burner

You have lot's of storage.

You're water tank goes in here as well.

And there is more storage above.

Where I'm sitting now

can be used as a bed or sofa.

But if you remove this cushion

And add a chair, you can see.

This becomes a desk.

If you look underneath.

On either side

There's lots of space to store things.

This fan you see above me

can be controlled with this remote.

It's a Maxxfan.

You can control the speed and temperature.

For more infomation >> Stainless Steel Caravan, the Improved Version - 2017 Korean RV Show - Duration: 5:01.


BREAKING: New Conservative Cable News Channel "In The Works" - Duration: 2:07.

To say it has been a rough month for Fox News

would be a massive understatement.

With the loss of a flagship host (Bill O'Reilly) and others under investigation or on "vacation,"

the optics surrounding the network aren't looking pretty.

Anytime savvy investors see a company in trouble, they see opportunity.

That seems to be the case with a bombshell leak from a television insider who claims

a conservative news network is in the works.

The execs at Fox News are definitely not going to like this…

Mediaite reports: A well-placed source close to the proposal

tells Mediaite that serious discussions are underway to create an alternative conservative

cable network on the belief that the Fox News Network is moving too far to the left.

The source, who is engaged in the talks, says a meeting is planned for today with two prominent

high-powered television executives, some underperforming conservative networks and people who have

an interest and the ability to fund a new network.

The potential aim?

Putting "the old band" back together.

There are certainly plenty of (out-of-work?) conservative powerhouses to pick from that

could star on a new network, and perhaps even some executives from within Fox News who might

be lured by the new opportunity.

"I'm working on it (the new conservative channel) hot and heavy," the source said.

"It's live, it's real."

The new channel could come to fruition within the next 10 to 12 months, the executive said.

It is no surprise that a savvy investor would see the turmoil within Fox News as a major


As The Times piece noted, analysts estimate that Fox News produced 25 percent of 21st

Century Fox's operating income last year or a whopping $6.6 billion.

what do you think about this?

Please SHARE this news if you would LOVE to switch from Fox News to a new network for


For more infomation >> BREAKING: New Conservative Cable News Channel "In The Works" - Duration: 2:07.


Não é? でしょう - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Não é? でしょう - Duration: 2:29.


A Cheapo's Day Trip Guide to Kamakura - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> A Cheapo's Day Trip Guide to Kamakura - Duration: 2:58.


GTA SA - Vida Real#21 - Fui Buscar um Skyline de um Cliente - Duration: 14:06.

For more infomation >> GTA SA - Vida Real#21 - Fui Buscar um Skyline de um Cliente - Duration: 14:06.


Disneyland Paris 25th Anniversary 2017 Haul - STAR WARS & More!! - Duration: 10:01.

HEY GUYS its me your host SUPERSORRELL and today me and MRS SuperSORRELL are going to

share with you our finds from DISNEYLAND PARIS in this ultimate haul of action figures, 25th

anniversary merchandise and more!!! thanks for following along on this awesome journey

with us!! have a magical day and may the force be with you!

Please Subscribe and Support the channel!!

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Discount Codes ***************

My Geek Box "SORRELL10" �10 Off First Box ZBox "SuperSorrell" �5 Off First Box

Anime Bento "SUPER10" 10% Discount Geek Nirvana "Super10" 10% Discount "SuperSorrell" �3 Discount FredBox - "supersorrell" 10% Discount

About Me ********

Hey guys I am your host SuperSorrell, This channel has everything from Toy Unboxing Reviews,

Mystery Boxes by Loot Crate & My Geek Box to

in depth Action Figure reviews of Star Wars Elite Series, Star Wars Black Series, Marvel

Legends and Marvel Ultimate Series.

I love Funko Pop Vinyls, Dorbz and collecting Vinyl figures too!

My wife has joined the channel under the alias Mrs SuperSorrell where we do Disney Store

Haul videos and Tsum Tsum Tuesday Mini Plush reviews!

I am a huge LEGO fan! and love to do complete opening and building videos!

I also love blind bags, blind boxes like Mystery Minis and more!

I am a huge scifi geek and love my Dr Who & Star

Trek too!

I read Marvel Comics and starting DC too!

I am a huge movie and pop culture buff and therefore I attend a lot of conventions across

the UK come and say hello!

I always answer comments from fans so feel free to ask anything in the comment section!

So don�t forget to subscribe!

- *New content uploaded daily!

My Equipment *************

Console: Xbox One/360/PS2/PS4/PC Camera: Sony Handycam HDR-CX240

Vlog Camera: Samsung Galaxy A3 Webcam: Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000

Mic: Blue Snowball Blackout USB Capture: Elgato Game Capture HD

Headphones: Turtle Beach Star Wars Battlefront Sandtrooper Gaming Headset

Software: Sony Movie Studio 12 Platinum

Disneyland Paris 25th Anniversary 2017 Haul - STAR WARS & More!!

Let me know your thoughts in

the comments below!! #disneylandparis #DisneylandParis25 #Disneyland

#disneyparks #haul #unboxing #review #starwars #darthvader #actionfigure #mickeymouse #toys

disneyland paris,disneyland paris haul,disneyland paris

haul 2017,disneyland paris haul april 2017,disneyland paris 25th anniversary haul,star wars haul,toy

haul,disneyland paris toy haul,disneyland paris vlog,supersorrell,unboxing,review,haul,2017,april,disneyland

haul,disneyland paris vlog april 2017,disneyland paris shopping,disneyland paris shopping haul

For more infomation >> Disneyland Paris 25th Anniversary 2017 Haul - STAR WARS & More!! - Duration: 10:01.


Wicked Whoopies 12count Chocolate Variety - Duration: 9:10.

For more infomation >> Wicked Whoopies 12count Chocolate Variety - Duration: 9:10.


NARUTO OPENING 2 - Haruka Kanata (Cover) | FRIKI FRIDAY | ナルト Op 2 - Duration: 4:20.

Hit the gas! There's no need to finagle, oh yeah!

We'll go all through the night.

I'll complain at the end, the balance is zero, oh yeah!

We'll whittle the days away

When you open your heart a little, and pull someone close to you,

Your feelings will surely reach them deeper


Hurry it up! Wring it out!

Though my legs are all tangled, they will surely take me far

Even if I steal it and manage to grasp it,

If it isn't you, then what's the point?

So I'll go further and further


Hit the gas! There's no need to finagle, oh yeah!

We'll go all through the night

I'll complain at the end, the balance is zero, oh yeah!

We'll whittle the days away

When you open your heart a little, and pull someone close to you,

Your feelings will surely reach them deeper,


Hurry it up! Wring it out!

Though my legs are all tangled, they will surely take me far

Even if I steal it and manage to grasp it,

If it isn't you, then what's the point?

So I'll go far, Ah!

Into the distance

Your world will become a thing of deceit

Painted all in...


For more infomation >> NARUTO OPENING 2 - Haruka Kanata (Cover) | FRIKI FRIDAY | ナルト Op 2 - Duration: 4:20.


The Maze Runner | Ending Scene | (2014) Movie Clip 4K ULTRA HD - Duration: 2:59.


You can't just leave him there!

You guys all right?

Don't worry.

You're safe now.

Relax, kid.

Everything is gonna change.

I think it's safe to say the Maze Trials were a complete success.

I wasn't expecting so many survivors, but...

the more the merrier.

Thomas continues to surprise and impress.

And for now, they seem to have taken the bait.

It's too soon to say...

but they could be the key to everything.

So let's move forward.

It's time now to begin Phase Two.

For more infomation >> The Maze Runner | Ending Scene | (2014) Movie Clip 4K ULTRA HD - Duration: 2:59.


Learn Colors Cars - Mcqueen Cartoons for Kids Learn Color & Spiderman Cartoons for Kids - Duration: 12:42.


For more infomation >> Learn Colors Cars - Mcqueen Cartoons for Kids Learn Color & Spiderman Cartoons for Kids - Duration: 12:42.


Quick and Easy Creamy Vegetable Soup Recipe - How to Make Vegetable Soup - Duration: 2:59.

We're Adam and Joanne from and welcome to our kitchen.

Hi guys we are back and we are making creamy vegetable soup.

This is one of those easy soups to have ready or leftover in the refrigerator or in the

freezer to just whip together for a quick meal.


Or a really delicious quick meal.

We add lots of carrots, onion, potato, garlic and then you could add even more vegetables

if you have them in the fridge.

It is great to just use up that random stuff you don't know what to do with.

Now, I did want to tell you that we call for chicken stock and a little bit of half-and-half

at the end of the recipe.

If you want to make this 100% vegetarian or go vegan with it, you could replace the chicken

stock with vegetable stock and you can replace the half-and-half with something like an unsweetened

coconut or cashew milk.

Both would be really delicious and I don't think you would miss out on much flavor at


Let's go make it.

Let's do it!

Like we said before, this soup packs in a lot of veggies.

For the base, we use onion, carrots, celery, potatoes and garlic.

Since we are blending the soup in the end, all you really need to do is cut everything

into a similar size.

This is nice, because it means the prep time flies by.

By the way, since we are using thin-skinned potatoes, we don't peel them.

The skins blend in nicely.

There's also not much need to mince the garlic since everything gets blended in the

end anyway.

Let's move to the stove.

Add just enough oil into a big soup pot so that it will lightly coat the bottom.

Then throw in the onion, carrots and celery.

Add some salt and for a little heat, crushed red pepper flakes.

When the onions begin to sweat, add the potatoes and garlic.

Fresh thyme is great in this soup.

We like to use one stalk to tie a few together.

This just makes it easy to remove later before blending.

Add the thyme along with bay leaves then pour in stock.

Simmer the soup until the vegetables are soft and the potatoes easily break when pierced

with a fork.

Remove the herbs then blend until creamy and smooth.

You could stop here, but to make it extra creamy, add a generous splash of half and

half or cream — and don't forget, a non-dairy milk works, too.

Oh, this is also a great time to adjust with salt if the soup needs it.

And that's it.

Ultra creamy vegetable soup that's quick, easy and delicious.


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