Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 28 2017

[keys jangling]

[door creaking]

- Hey, honey.

Where are you off to?

- Uh, home.

- Do you mind-- could we just have

a little chat?

- I really have a lot of things to do.

- Sweetie, look. [stammering]

Honey, I'm sorry.

I'm just really very worried about you,

and I just want to make sure

that we're getting you the proper treatment.

- Yeah, that's being taken care of.

- No, darling. Can we just talk about this for a second?

Robin, stop. I need to talk to you about--

- Not now, Dad. - Robin!


- Excuse me, I need to get through.

- I'm so sorry, honey. I can't let you do that.

- What?

Get away from me!

What are you doing? - Just need you to stay here

a little while longer. We need to keep you here

a little while longer so we can get you the help that you need.

- No. No, I'm not staying. - I'm worried that you're gonna

hurt yourself. I don't want you to hurt yourself.

- Who are you to decide who's gonna hurt themselves?

Get off of me. Get off of me.

Get off of me! What are you doing?

I hate you!

I swear I'm never gonna speak to you again!

[monitor beeping]

For more infomation >> Chicago Med - Charles Has Robin Committed (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:04.


Щенячий патруль новые серии Игрушки Герои в масках мультики для детей Развивающие мультфильмы 2017 - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> Щенячий патруль новые серии Игрушки Герои в масках мультики для детей Развивающие мультфильмы 2017 - Duration: 6:48.


Two idiots try to play LoL - but fail miserably after 50 min - Duration: 10:13.

Enej, Enej

Press ctrl and six

do that in front of Fiora and she will shit herself

omg she is lvl 7 as well... *rip english*

oh shit

oh no, that's bad

do it again, do it again

im fucking useless

you're always useless don't worry




are you for real, are you going to be like that

are we speaking truth to each other?

u smell like fish

AH! you smell like chicken

Oh my god

do not say i smell like fish

shut up

that damage

take her, take her

this jungle is the fairest jungle a ever saw

we shared kills

ask riot

oh hello i'm rito

i keep one champion not nerft

because we like him alot

that champion shall not be named


get, deleted!

boy he is so dead

he instantly regretted that


omg stop it whit your fuking wind wall

uuuu, get deleted

we fucked him up

so deleted

yasuo week af

holy crap

holy shit his bombs

that wind wall didn't do shit

he was like: o look is that a win wall

no bitch no


i like doing that shut up

yasuo u want to get deleted again?

Rest in peace my ult

kill it, kill it, u can kill it

do i have permission


okey than i can kill it for sure

random Garen in the bush

oh they know u are there

wtf he can make a wall?

omg bated

fkn trump suporters

if there was no wall i would have fucked him up with my ult

i could have ulted that guy

lol nice

lol nice


free kills, free kills!

du u know who i am??

im fkn Garen!

bye bye birdie

i will go back to get some sh*t

oh my, are you going to leave me?

no, because they are going to kill me now

omg i have no ult!

i kept spasming it, and shit

mino i love u

no homo

i always save you

god job

ufair you never save me

i always say shut up

this is an actual League of Legends gamem i like it so much

i don't they are wining

no they are not

it is 50 v 22 are u fukn kidding me

it dosn't matter i keep dying it is so annoying

oh, you're doing bad your whole team needs to do bad

you salty bitch

For more infomation >> Two idiots try to play LoL - but fail miserably after 50 min - Duration: 10:13.


Full Game 100% PASS | Satta king desawar | satta king record chart result gali - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Full Game 100% PASS | Satta king desawar | satta king record chart result gali - Duration: 1:43.


Щенячий патруль новые серии Раздавили Торт FREAKY JOKER Crushes Birthday Cake Мультики для детей - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Щенячий патруль новые серии Раздавили Торт FREAKY JOKER Crushes Birthday Cake Мультики для детей - Duration: 2:01.


Щенячий патруль новые серии Гонщик и Рокки как мама Развивающие мультики Герои в масках Игрушки - Duration: 7:51.

For more infomation >> Щенячий патруль новые серии Гонщик и Рокки как мама Развивающие мультики Герои в масках Игрушки - Duration: 7:51.


Riverdale 1x12 Extended Promo "Anatomy of a Murder" (HD) Season 1 Episode 12 Extended Promo - Duration: 0:47.

He's innocent.

He's being framed!

If it wasn't my dad, who killed Jason Blossom?

You think I killed my son?

If you stay on this path, you will end up dead.

Riverdale, all new this Thursday at 9/8c on The CW.

For more infomation >> Riverdale 1x12 Extended Promo "Anatomy of a Murder" (HD) Season 1 Episode 12 Extended Promo - Duration: 0:47.


Scary Video of a Ghost Nun starring out the Window - Duration: 2:49.

Today's Episode is about a creepy video, which captured a ghostly figure, standing behind

a window of an old mayo convent.

Viewers claim to have seen an eerie shape, staring out a window.

The TV Production Crew even stated that they felt the ghost, starred right at them.

The team was located in the area, to film the demolition of this this old derelict Irish


The three minute video shows the building before, during and after demolition.

Thousands of people where checking it out during the last couple of weeks.

Some people believe that the apparition does involve a nun, wearing the traditional habit,

that nuns mostly wore prior to Vatican II in 1962.

This outfit includes an enormous white roundish collar, which hung over the shoulders down

to the waist.

A local woman stated: It's the dead nun's way of expressing displeasure over the destruction

of a fine old building, where they once lived a noble existence.

The now demolished Convent of Mercy building began it's life in 1876, with the purchase

of Claremount House and a 84 acre farm.

The founding sisters set the land in 1877, grew their own produce, to sell on the market,

and even opened a bakery in order to make ends meet.

Even schools were founded on the property.

The last sister left the convent in summer of 2000 and the Claremount House was sold

to a local developer.

It is certainly a pretty unusual and disturbing picture.. and maybe the ghost of the noon

was really there.

Making everyone aware of her existence.. and possibly her disagreement of the demolition.

Thank you guys for checking today's video.

If you enjoyed it please leave a like and Subscribe.

And a Huge Thank you to Destina for becoming my latest Patreon.

Stay frosty.

For more infomation >> Scary Video of a Ghost Nun starring out the Window - Duration: 2:49.


How To Manage Drainage For Potted Plants (Tips and Tricks For Container Gardening) - Duration: 2:00.

Happy Container Gardening !!

For more infomation >> How To Manage Drainage For Potted Plants (Tips and Tricks For Container Gardening) - Duration: 2:00.


Sống chung với mẹ chồng tập 12 : Sốt sắng chuyện con cháu - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Sống chung với mẹ chồng tập 12 : Sốt sắng chuyện con cháu - Duration: 2:14.


[KOREA]Life Update, Project & Youtube Channel [FRENCH & ENGLISH] - Duration: 7:57.

For more infomation >> [KOREA]Life Update, Project & Youtube Channel [FRENCH & ENGLISH] - Duration: 7:57.


THE LAST OF US | Walkthrough Gameplay (PS4) - PART 6 - Greensphere - Duration: 26:29.

THE LAST OF US | Walkthrough Gameplay (PS4) - PART 6 - Greensphere

For more infomation >> THE LAST OF US | Walkthrough Gameplay (PS4) - PART 6 - Greensphere - Duration: 26:29.


Beautiful view of Lake Saif ul Maluk. - Duration: 1:09.

Lake Saif ul Maluk , Kaghan Valley.

Sorry for the "EARTHQUAKES".

For more infomation >> Beautiful view of Lake Saif ul Maluk. - Duration: 1:09.


Actor Prabhas Family Photos / Prabhas with family and friends - Duration: 2:49.

Actor Prabhas Family Photos / Prabhas with family and friends

Name :Prabhas

Date of Birth : 23 October 1979

Parents :Uppalapati Surya Narayana Raju, Siva Kumari

Prabhas made his film debut with the 2002 drama film, Eshwar.

Awards : IIFA, Nandi Award, Filmfare

For more infomation >> Actor Prabhas Family Photos / Prabhas with family and friends - Duration: 2:49.


Bar Music and Bar Music 2017: 2 HOURS of Bar Music Playlist and Bar Music Instrumental - Duration: 2:04:56.

Title: Bar Music and Bar Music 2017: 2 HOURS of Bar Music Playlist and Bar Music Instrumental

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