Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 28 2017

[keys jangling]

[door creaking]

- Hey, honey.

Where are you off to?

- Uh, home.

- Do you mind-- could we just have

a little chat?

- I really have a lot of things to do.

- Sweetie, look. [stammering]

Honey, I'm sorry.

I'm just really very worried about you,

and I just want to make sure

that we're getting you the proper treatment.

- Yeah, that's being taken care of.

- No, darling. Can we just talk about this for a second?

Robin, stop. I need to talk to you about--

- Not now, Dad. - Robin!


- Excuse me, I need to get through.

- I'm so sorry, honey. I can't let you do that.

- What?

Get away from me!

What are you doing? - Just need you to stay here

a little while longer. We need to keep you here

a little while longer so we can get you the help that you need.

- No. No, I'm not staying. - I'm worried that you're gonna

hurt yourself. I don't want you to hurt yourself.

- Who are you to decide who's gonna hurt themselves?

Get off of me. Get off of me.

Get off of me! What are you doing?

I hate you!

I swear I'm never gonna speak to you again!

[monitor beeping]

For more infomation >> Chicago Med - Charles Has Robin Committed (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:04.


Щенячий патруль новые серии Игрушки Герои в масках мультики для детей Развивающие мультфильмы 2017 - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> Щенячий патруль новые серии Игрушки Герои в масках мультики для детей Развивающие мультфильмы 2017 - Duration: 6:48.


Two idiots try to play LoL - but fail miserably after 50 min - Duration: 10:13.

Enej, Enej

Press ctrl and six

do that in front of Fiora and she will shit herself

omg she is lvl 7 as well... *rip english*

oh shit

oh no, that's bad

do it again, do it again

im fucking useless

you're always useless don't worry




are you for real, are you going to be like that

are we speaking truth to each other?

u smell like fish

AH! you smell like chicken

Oh my god

do not say i smell like fish

shut up

that damage

take her, take her

this jungle is the fairest jungle a ever saw

we shared kills

ask riot

oh hello i'm rito

i keep one champion not nerft

because we like him alot

that champion shall not be named


get, deleted!

boy he is so dead

he instantly regretted that


omg stop it whit your fuking wind wall

uuuu, get deleted

we fucked him up

so deleted

yasuo week af

holy crap

holy shit his bombs

that wind wall didn't do shit

he was like: o look is that a win wall

no bitch no


i like doing that shut up

yasuo u want to get deleted again?

Rest in peace my ult

kill it, kill it, u can kill it

do i have permission


okey than i can kill it for sure

random Garen in the bush

oh they know u are there

wtf he can make a wall?

omg bated

fkn trump suporters

if there was no wall i would have fucked him up with my ult

i could have ulted that guy

lol nice

lol nice


free kills, free kills!

du u know who i am??

im fkn Garen!

bye bye birdie

i will go back to get some sh*t

oh my, are you going to leave me?

no, because they are going to kill me now

omg i have no ult!

i kept spasming it, and shit

mino i love u

no homo

i always save you

god job

ufair you never save me

i always say shut up

this is an actual League of Legends gamem i like it so much

i don't they are wining

no they are not

it is 50 v 22 are u fukn kidding me

it dosn't matter i keep dying it is so annoying

oh, you're doing bad your whole team needs to do bad

you salty bitch

For more infomation >> Two idiots try to play LoL - but fail miserably after 50 min - Duration: 10:13.


An Australian permanent resident. What does it mean? - Duration: 7:29.

An Australian permanent resident.

What does it mean

Being a permanent resident in Australia.

Permanent residency.


What does it all mean, especially if it's now become harder to become an Australian

Citizen since the changes to Citizenship regulations in April 2017?

Australian Permanent Residency Most of Down Under Visa's Filipina visa applicants

apply for partner visas, of course.

And Australian partner visas are that little bit different in that they have a temporary

visa stage.

Only in certain circumstances of long-term relationships will the Department (DIBP) bypass

the temporary visa stage (Subclass 820 or Subclass 309) and grant a permanent visa (Subclass

801 or Subclasss 100) with no temporary stage.

The difference though is that there is very little difference practically between a temporary

partner visa and a permanent partner visa.

The issue for many right now is facing the uncertainty of what may happen with Australian

Citizenship and their ability to apply for Australian Citizenship.

PM Turnbull (in his infinite wisdom and far-reaching vision) has decided it's in the national

interest to make migrants to Australia wait longer and to work harder to get Australian

Citizenship by Grant.

What happens if you can't pass the English test?

What if you can't pass the Citizenship test?

What if they deem you haven't assimilated well enough into the Australian community?

What does it mean if you remain a permanent resident at least for a while?

Any disadvantages to permanent residency?

Not that many, actually.

There are plenty of people from the Philippines and other countries living in Australia…..permanently…..without

taking the oath of Citizenship.

They remain in Australia and they may in fact live the rest of their lives in Australia

without a problem.

Some have personal reasons for doing this, and of course some will no doubt procrastinate

and put it off for years always thinking "Yes, I must do that!"


Well, some countries don't allow dual citizenship!

If you are, for example, a Malaysian citizen?

If you take Australian citizenship, then you lose your Malaysian citizenship.

If a US citizen becomes naturalised (a strange term for Citizenship by Grant) in Australia

they will lose their US citizenship.

Not too many people are prepared to do that.

Filipinos, though, may obtain dual citizenship.

I'll explain a technicality*, but it can be done and you can remain a fully fledged

Filipina/Filipino as well as being an Aussie afterwards.

So that isn't a problem.

*Technically you lose your Filipino Citizenship when you acquire Australian Citizenship, however

you may regain this by swearing an Oath of Allegiance at the nearest Philippines Embassy

or Consulate or Bureau of Immigration office in the Philippines.

It takes you about 5 minutes.

Disadvantages You can't vote: You decide for yourself

if you see this as a serious disadvantage, especially in light of some of the politicians

bizarre decisions lately!

You can't become a politician: As above!

You can't join the Australian defense forces: A disadvantage to a select few, I would think.

You can't have an Australian passport: Having an Australian passport can be a definite advantage.

There are many countries that will allow Australian citizens to enter freely but won't extend

the same welcome to a Filipino citizen.

You need to decide for yourselves if this is something that matters a great deal to


Can be deported under some circumstances: In the Philippines you can be deported and

declared persona non grata (an unwelcome person) for a variety of reasons, however in Australia

there have only been a handful of cases where this has happened.

You could be deported if: • You are convicted of certain serious crimes

and have been jailed for these serious crimes • You are considered to be a threat to the

security of Australia, eg a terrorist.

You don't have the same unrestricted travel as a Citizen does: An Australian Citizen may

come and go from Australia as they please, and may do so for the rest of their lives.

You may leave Australia and come back 20 years later.

No problems.

A permanent resident?

You are issued with a Resident Return Visa when your permanent visa is granted, and this

lasts for five years only!

If you spend less than two of those five years inside Australia, you will need to explain

and justify why you should get another one.

I'll explain this in a further article.

Note that you don't lose your permanent resident status in Australia.

You can however lose the right to return if you're not careful.

A very important point.

Emotional reasons: If you feel Australia is your home, then you will want to take the


And good on you for that!

Do everything you can to achieve your dream, and don't ever let politically-motivated

decisions of the elected leaders in Canberra make you feel unwelcome.

But if it takes you some time, you will be no less a valued member of Australian society


you are right now.

For more infomation >> An Australian permanent resident. What does it mean? - Duration: 7:29.


Emirgan Park and Annual Tulip Festival | My Istanbul Diary [русские субтитры] - Duration: 4:52.

Assalamu'alaikum! Hi, everyone! Leysan here, and welcome to My Istanbul Diary!

In this video I want to talk about another historical urban park in Istanbul.

If you have been with me for a while, then you know

that I have already made a video about Yıldız Park before,

and now I think it's time to introduse Emirgan Park to my viewers.

So, the Emirgan Park located in the Sarıyer district of Istanbul,

on the European coast of the Bosphorus,

is actually one of the largest public parks in Istanbul.

In the Byzantine era, the entire area, where today

the park stretches, was covered with cypress trees and known as "Cypress Forest".

The short story about how it started to be called "Emirgan" is the following:

In the 17th century, Ottoman sultan Murad IV (reigned 1623-1640)

presented the estate to Emir Gûne Han,

a Safavid Persian commander, who

surrendered his sieged castle without any resistance,

and followed the sultan back to Istanbul.

The name of the park was changed to "Emirgûne", which in time became "Emirgan".

In 1940s the park grounds were granted to the City of Istanbul,

and today it is owned and administered by the Metropolitan Municipality of Istanbul.

Many jogging tracks and picnic tables

make the Emirgan Park a very popular recreation area for the local people,

especially during the weekends and holidays.

Three historic pavilions built in the 19th century

in the park's territory and called after their exterior color

as the Yellow Pavilion, the Pink Pavilion and the White Pavilion

were restored in 1980s, and opened to the public as cafeteria and restaurant.

As I always do, I wrote a plog post on My Istanbul Diary blog

about the Emirgan Park, where I give more detailed

information about the three pavilions and what are their functions today,

as well as more extencive historical account of the park,

and lots of colourful photos that are not included in this video.

Make sure to follow the link in the description to see it all.

Besides having a long history, the Emirgan Park

is also closely associated with the tulip.

Throughout the history, tulips have been a symbol of Istanbul.

These flowers have a major role in Turkish arts and culture.

Originally grew wild on the Asian steppes, unlike the

common beliefs, the cultivation of tulips began in the Ottoman Empire,

and there were more than 1,800 tulip species

and each had its special name in Ottoman Turkish.

As a tribute to the past, there is a festival

held during April in Istanbul, called the

Annual International Istanbul Tulip Festival (Istanbul Lale Festivali).

Every April since 2005, the city government of Istanbul

plants millions of colorful tulips in Istanbul's parks, avenues, squares,

traffic roundabouts and basically, everywhere.

Top 3 locations to go see tulips during the festival are

Emirgan and Göztepe Parks, and Sultan Ahmed Square,

where not only millions of tulips are being planted,

but also various cultural activities and performances are being held.

And this is it for today's video.

Thank you everyone for watching!

Don't forget to like and share this video, and subscribe to my channel

for more videos like this one, if you haven't subscribed yet.

See you soon! Bye bye!

For more infomation >> Emirgan Park and Annual Tulip Festival | My Istanbul Diary [русские субтитры] - Duration: 4:52.


Щенячий патруль новые серии Раздавили Торт FREAKY JOKER Crushes Birthday Cake Мультики для детей - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Щенячий патруль новые серии Раздавили Торт FREAKY JOKER Crushes Birthday Cake Мультики для детей - Duration: 2:01.


Щенячий патруль новые серии Гонщик и Рокки как мама Развивающие мультики Герои в масках Игрушки - Duration: 7:51.

For more infomation >> Щенячий патруль новые серии Гонщик и Рокки как мама Развивающие мультики Герои в масках Игрушки - Duration: 7:51.


Riverdale 1x12 Extended Promo "Anatomy of a Murder" (HD) Season 1 Episode 12 Extended Promo - Duration: 0:47.

He's innocent.

He's being framed!

If it wasn't my dad, who killed Jason Blossom?

You think I killed my son?

If you stay on this path, you will end up dead.

Riverdale, all new this Thursday at 9/8c on The CW.

For more infomation >> Riverdale 1x12 Extended Promo "Anatomy of a Murder" (HD) Season 1 Episode 12 Extended Promo - Duration: 0:47.


General Alert - Marathi Rap (Shot on iPhone 7) | BhaDiPa Music - Duration: 4:04.

Come on

Bring on the bass

General Alert

Come on

At Pune's river, or rather gutter

I sit on a bridge, drunk and sloshed

Speaking quickly

The bottle broke.

People got angry

with lots of rage.

So no room for fear

It's kind of global, it might sting

My humble thoughts on Pune-4


My city is generally crowded

Pedestrians suffer

Cyclists have it worse

Congestion from cars

blasting the bass

Bikers have a death-wish

Driving crazy zhapaazhap zhapaazhap

Causing road rage khapaakhap khapaakhap

Rickshaw drivers, always say "no"

Angry gets angry

Fighter starts fighting

Scenes happen

Tempers flaring

Veins bulging

On the streets, in the cars

In the 'hood, on the corner

They explode

Light light, Ego fight

Goes wild, Sad night

Scenes tight, Stress bright

They fill their holes and cover their cracks

Barring their doors, they peek outside

Slyly watching


Frightened of fear

Rage on the rise

Anger abound

Mind is numb

The inner path isn't straight

The mind's layout is very


Stay General Alert

Stay General Alert

See what you like

Smile at your enemies

Why create a scene?

Sort your issues in peace

Live the revolution in peace

Live on the alert

Stay Generally Alert

Stay General Alert

See what you like

Smile at your enemies

Why create a scene?

Sort your issues in peace

Live the revolution in peace

Live on the alert


It's too crowded

A numb, unstable mind is in constant fear

kills the time

Raising its head like a cobra

Power-trips in public

Seeks the weak

and breaks them down

Chops with the hand

Whips with the mind

And yet has fun

The Perverted Mind

The Twisted Mind

Praises the two-headed snake

Licks its feet

Talks behind its back

Keeps its status

Pays the price

Blows it up, then sells the air

But the story is fake

So the rain doesn't fall

They snatched the bread from us

We voted for good times

Let us earn

Crores and crores

Let's look after

Only ourselves

Let the others

Screw themselves

If it's not true

Who cares?

Shallow words

Let them be

Built bridges

Let them fall

The wealth gap

Let is grow

Fixing takes time

To be prime it takes crime

To rap it takes rhyme

Keep the time, spit the rhyme


And the rest you can figure out. Survive.

Stay General Alert

Stay General Alert

See what you like

Smile for your enemies

Why create a scene?

Sort your issues in peace

Live the revolution in peace

Live on the alert

Stay General Alert

Stay General Alert

See what you like

Smile for your enemies

Why create a scene?

Sort out your issues in peace

Live the revolution in peace

Live on the alert



Come on

Peaceful revolution


Is that enough?

For more infomation >> General Alert - Marathi Rap (Shot on iPhone 7) | BhaDiPa Music - Duration: 4:04.


Scary Video of a Ghost Nun starring out the Window - Duration: 2:49.

Today's Episode is about a creepy video, which captured a ghostly figure, standing behind

a window of an old mayo convent.

Viewers claim to have seen an eerie shape, staring out a window.

The TV Production Crew even stated that they felt the ghost, starred right at them.

The team was located in the area, to film the demolition of this this old derelict Irish


The three minute video shows the building before, during and after demolition.

Thousands of people where checking it out during the last couple of weeks.

Some people believe that the apparition does involve a nun, wearing the traditional habit,

that nuns mostly wore prior to Vatican II in 1962.

This outfit includes an enormous white roundish collar, which hung over the shoulders down

to the waist.

A local woman stated: It's the dead nun's way of expressing displeasure over the destruction

of a fine old building, where they once lived a noble existence.

The now demolished Convent of Mercy building began it's life in 1876, with the purchase

of Claremount House and a 84 acre farm.

The founding sisters set the land in 1877, grew their own produce, to sell on the market,

and even opened a bakery in order to make ends meet.

Even schools were founded on the property.

The last sister left the convent in summer of 2000 and the Claremount House was sold

to a local developer.

It is certainly a pretty unusual and disturbing picture.. and maybe the ghost of the noon

was really there.

Making everyone aware of her existence.. and possibly her disagreement of the demolition.

Thank you guys for checking today's video.

If you enjoyed it please leave a like and Subscribe.

And a Huge Thank you to Destina for becoming my latest Patreon.

Stay frosty.

For more infomation >> Scary Video of a Ghost Nun starring out the Window - Duration: 2:49.



Vegan Evaporated milk

1 liter of coconut milk

Boil for 40 minutes

1/4 tsp cinnamon

Add when milk is boiling

1 tablespoon Vanilla

For more infomation >> VEGAN EVAPORATED MILK | ROCK AND VEGAN - Duration: 0:51.


How To Manage Drainage For Potted Plants (Tips and Tricks For Container Gardening) - Duration: 2:00.

Happy Container Gardening !!

For more infomation >> How To Manage Drainage For Potted Plants (Tips and Tricks For Container Gardening) - Duration: 2:00.


山寨也要升級—數位中國新樣貌,把痛點變商機 - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> 山寨也要升級—數位中國新樣貌,把痛點變商機 - Duration: 3:56.


Outlast 2 | 絕命精神病院2 | #3 - Duration: 31:53.

Outlast 2

For more infomation >> Outlast 2 | 絕命精神病院2 | #3 - Duration: 31:53.


ZENA - Oleg PROSTITOV Concerto for Piano and Orchestra D moll no 2 - Duration: 17:11.

ZENA Oleg PROSTITOV Concerto for Piano and Orchestra D-moll no 2 M. Annamamedov The Yaroslavl Symphony Orchestra Tchaikovsky Concert Hall / Moscow

For more infomation >> ZENA - Oleg PROSTITOV Concerto for Piano and Orchestra D moll no 2 - Duration: 17:11.


Sống chung với mẹ chồng tập 12 : Sốt sắng chuyện con cháu - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Sống chung với mẹ chồng tập 12 : Sốt sắng chuyện con cháu - Duration: 2:14.


Demo panoramic webcam Xiaomi Mijia 1080p 360 ° from MiHome - Duration: 1:19.

Connecting to the Camera

Zoom - pinch

Use the joystick to move the lens (right / left - up / down)

Tap on the video to display the menu and switch to landscape mode

Orientation of the lens by sliding your finger on the screen

Motion proportional to motion on screen

You can start a voice call from the application

or from the camera using the call button located above the blue led

MiHome also allows you to save photos and videos

For more infomation >> Demo panoramic webcam Xiaomi Mijia 1080p 360 ° from MiHome - Duration: 1:19.


Mở hộp đồng hồ, Video đồng hồ Olym Pianus OP89983AMSK-D, Mách bạn chọn mua đồng hồ tót giá rẻ - Duration: 14:23.

For more infomation >> Mở hộp đồng hồ, Video đồng hồ Olym Pianus OP89983AMSK-D, Mách bạn chọn mua đồng hồ tót giá rẻ - Duration: 14:23.


THE LAST OF US | Walkthrough Gameplay (PS4) - PART 6 - Greensphere - Duration: 26:29.

THE LAST OF US | Walkthrough Gameplay (PS4) - PART 6 - Greensphere

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