Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 29 2017

NARRATOR: As it stands, this workspace that's placed

in a closet just doesn't work.

I've got a few tricks up my sleeve

to transform this space into a functional and foxy work zone.

I love the idea of using a closet as a home office.

It's a great place to get things done

because you're facing inward.

No distractions.

This closet already had some elements of an office,

like this desk surface, at 20 inches, which is a great depth,

since that's optimal distance from your computer

to your eyes.

It's also got a gap between the wal and the desk,

which will allow us to drop the computer cord down

to connect to the power strip.

More on that in a sec.

First things first, we're going to clear everything out

so we can make room for some updates.

When you're reworking a closet office,

take everything out, and only put back what you need.

As you purge, take note of things you want to keep,

and any additional storage pieces

you might need to buy or DIY to keep things tidy.

Priming the walls and repainting this back wall

into a less cave-like raspberry color

is going to change everything.

This color is going to invigorate the workspace

and create the perfect contrast for the shelves.

I'm adding a peg board zone on the left

to create vertical storage, to get stuff up off the desk,

maximizing this tiny 3 inch area.

Peg board has all sorts of hooks and baskets

that come pre-sized to fit, and can

hold an amazing array of stuff.

This closet doesn't have an outlet in it,

which is kind of a problem.

But you can run a long surge protector

strip from the nearest outlet.

That lamp was a total space killer.

An LED light throws plenty of light into the work zone,

and it doesn't use much energy.

Now I'm going to use beautiful paper--

three different kinds, actually-- to pretty things

up in here.

Now of the accent wall is dry, we're hanging shelves.

The first shelf needs to leave room for the computer monitor.

From there, I'm going up 8 inches

to leave room for small things.

I wrap the the center in a metal contact paper

that mimics brass.

I'm papering the wood desk surface with some fine wrapping

paper from the craft store.

I've ripped it up into pieces to paper mache' it to the surface.

Finding a pretty modern chair on a budget is no small task,

so I updated a chair with some fine wrapping paper

by simply coating the chair in craft glue.

Than I papered and trimmed, and made a second coat

afterward to seal it.

It makes a huge statement.

This paperwork's great because it's got a random pattern,

and it's nice and thick.

Also, it comes in just about the right shape and size.

To finish off this work zone right,

I'm dropping the printer onto its shelf,

and adding a few storage boxes.

I started with basic white boxes,

and covered them in fabric to add some serious style.

I'm tucking in some wood magazine

file boxes up high to create a funky paper storage spot,

and I'm rolling a file cabinet under the desktop to deal

with work papers and bills.

There you have it.

From cave-like chaos to super sleek office space,

all in a closet.

For more infomation >> Turn a Closet Into a Stylish Home Office - HGTV - Duration: 3:07.


Palavrões em Cantonês feat Lucas Falando - Duration: 6:53.

For more infomation >> Palavrões em Cantonês feat Lucas Falando - Duration: 6:53.


How to Build a Cotton Candy Cake | Food Network - Duration: 1:03.

[music playing]

For more infomation >> How to Build a Cotton Candy Cake | Food Network - Duration: 1:03.


VENOM SOLO-FILM: Schurke, Anti-Held oder doch ein Superheld?! - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> VENOM SOLO-FILM: Schurke, Anti-Held oder doch ein Superheld?! - Duration: 5:14.


shake that - Duration: 0:11.

Two to the one from the one to the three.

Here's a little lesson in trickery!

Three to the one from the one to the three.

This is going down in history!

For more infomation >> shake that - Duration: 0:11.


Finding Inner Peace with Archangel Michael - Duration: 11:17.

Finding Inner Peace with Archangel Michael

TZ here; As we move forward on our journey towards the goal of peace on earth we become

more and more aware of the necessity of our finding and establishing that PEACE within


Each step that we take in the right direction in the anchoring of peace in our daily lives

~ could be something as simple as deciding to never again raise our voice in anger ~ we

find that the Divine ~ Source ~ One takes literally millions of steps towards us.

The following discussion is from a recent episode of An Hour with An Angel link below;

�SB: Lord, you say a little help from your friends.

There is this equation between the steps that we take and the Divine response.

Is there not?

AAM: It is exponential.

You know, there is this thing that we are always talking about, this quality called

free will.

So we do not interfere.

And think of this as Divine Source One.

So we allow you, and you allow you and we assist you for every little step you take.

And so yes, say you take a step forward � now for you it is going to feel substantial � and

we want it, we desire it.

Not expectation, desire.

We want you to take that step, to know the Divine Authority of taking that step.

But say you take a step and it is a foot long.

The Divine comes millions of miles toward you.

It is that big.�

Archangel Michael literally infuses us with His Peace while we listen to this radio show

and so I can warmly recommend listening to the show for anyone who desires to �download�

some extra peace at this time of great change.

You can be sure that AM will know that you are listening in.

The Lightworkers and Love holders on Gaia are anchoring peace on Gaia now and one way

that we can be a part of this is by building truly harmonious relationships, especially

with those who are close to us.

Michael says,

�Now, what you are doing is you are anchoring peace.

And we know this is a difficult conversation but you will also note we are having more

expansive, difficult conversations of late.

So let me say what you are doing is you are anchoring the peace, the knowingness, the

truth of who you are in that substantial, natural self in physicality, not so you can

leave, but so that you can stay.

Those who are not anchoring the divine qualities, who are literally saying �No, thanks.

I�m not interested� can�t stay.

They will not have enough substantiality, materiality, wisdom to hold the vibration

to be able to physically exist on Nova Earth.

So this is a very important part of what you are doing.

And what we are doing with you and even as I am speaking, I anchor this blossom of peace,

this granite of love within you.

AM: Do you feel it?

SB: I certainly feel peaceful.

That�s for sure.

AM: Then I am doing my job.

SB: (laughing) Wow!

God knows how many thousands of people you�re affecting right now.

AM: This is my joy.

When all is done, when peace within you exhibits on the outside, which is not just no war but

truly harmonious relationships and ways of being and behavior, then I will invite you

to come and listen to our music.

(2) More importantly you will hear our music and you will see me painting the sky.

(Archangel Michael told us 4-5 years ago that it is He who paints the so called Northern

Lights or Aurora Borealis)


Archangel Michael has important things to remind us of right now as we grow closer to

change on Gaia.

We all have intentions, deeply held beliefs and thoughts about where we would like to

be, what we would like to experience in our lives beyond the veil.

He points out that this �setting of our intention� is the beginning of the conjoining

process of creating � where sacred partnership begins.

Recently Divine Mother also asked us to continue dreaming and co-creating the new with Her

and when Steve Beckow asked Archangel Michael �How do we do this?� in our morning meditation?

How do we work with this Divine process?�

Michael�s answer is very clear and noteworthy now for all Lightworkers and all Love holders

on this planet.

Archangel Michael warns us that we seem to have a habit of putting the work of global

meditations or intentions or projects before our own needs and the needs of our close relationships

right now, He says;

�and this is a flashing yellow caution light for Lightworkers and Love-holders.�

�So please heed what I have to say.

Global intentions, collective intentions are beautiful and sacred and holy and when you

come together in global intention miracles happen.

We have seen this.

And you will certainly see more of it.

But do not ever think, feel or believe, my family and friends, that somehow global intentions

are more important, more valid, more worthy than the personal whispers of your heart.

That is why I have started today by talking about the peace within you and the anchoring

of that �truly knowing� within you.

So, when you are setting intentions, we do recommend every morning.

There needs to be time.

And if you think you do not have the time, you are deceiving yourself, you are fooling

yourself and you are robbing yourself.

You take the time, whether it is an hour or ten minutes or five minutes, to set your intention,

not only for the planet and the galaxy and the universe, your family, but also for your

sweet self � for your day, for what you are working on��.

And then we would love to see you take action and to again express intention at a mid-point

in your day� and you would say, you know, at twelve o�clock or one o�clock or two

o�clock or whatever the middle of your day is, take a few moments, not only to visit

with us, not only to visit with your intentions � to check in.

How is it going?

But to check in with your sacred self, because sometimes there is need for a little reset

or an expansion.

When you go to the middle of the day and reset, it gives you a chance to expand what just

happened, so that the rest of your day is not simply in time out or not being fully

present and aware, but expanding that energy of that intention � of being seen, of having

harmonious conversations, of being a team player.

��. And then at the end of the day, and particularly � we will take �thank you�

whenever we get it � but particularly at the end of the day.�

Sacred Self = Natural Self = Truth of Who You Are.

Michael suggests that we allow ourselves a space without electronic equipment at the

end of the day.

�And it is important, dear ones, to turn off your electronic computers etc. from time

to time to really be in the silence and the still point and the spaciousness � to really

feel the energy waves, particularly the Mother�s Tsunami � so that you can differentiate

what is the collective, what is yours, what is ours, without any other interference.�

�But back to (getting back to the discussion about the natural/sacred self) the natural

self, you take action � can I make it this simple: that is pleasing, that is joyful,

that is pleasurable, that is fulfilling to you.

And in that, it is because of that alignment, it is pleasurable, and enjoyable and loving

and kind to everyone.

That is how peace outside, without, occurs.

It is you expressing that peace, that true knowing.

So you don�t do things for yourself that you know are harmful.

You don�t attach or reattach to old patterns or paradigms of behavior that you know are

going to hurt.

It is not that the knowing and the wisdom isn�t there, it is.

And it is already ignited in you.

It may not have been 10 years ago, but it most certainly is now.

So when you do something, when you feel that you are in step, when you reattach even for

a moment and you know � that�s not me, I�m not behaving like who I truly am � then


That is why we suggest that reset during the middle of the day.

And when you misstep, do not just apologize to the person that you may or may not have

offended, or to us or to Source.

Apologize to your sacred self and then with clear determination, not just determination,

clear � the clarity of the Mother, continue on.�


We all long for that feeling of peace within and around us.

Peace begins like everything else does from within.

About a week ago Steve Beckow wrote how surprised he was to have had a strong experience of

peace and how it was a feeling of being extremely heavy like stone � granite and not in the

least an airy � fairy feeling of being lighter than normal.

Yes, Archangel Michael agreed that that is what Peace / Divine Love feels like.

It feels like granite, a substantial feeling, a grounded feeling, very earthly.

This is the way that we will experience part of our ascension journey � we will all experience

this granite like grounded feeling of peace within as we are ascending IN these physical


Michael says;

AAM: �This day, this night, this afternoon, I have given you � I have activated peace

within you.

Receive it, sweet ones.

I do this on behalf of our beloved Sacred Divine Mother.

And, I do this on behalf of each of you.

Treasure this and allow this granite to blossom.

Go with peace and go with my Love.


Archangel Michael on AHWAA: Peace is Love

For more infomation >> Finding Inner Peace with Archangel Michael - Duration: 11:17.


Splendit IT Youtube - Duration: 4:43.

The tree is known as the largest single natural organism,

providing us with the needed oxygen

and at the same time accommodating a home for all kinds of animals.

Just like other systems, however, the tree can also become vulnerable.

Many hazards threaten this complex creature.

In its natural habitat the crafty sparrow inspects the large tree

in order to remove bugs and other threats.

Thus improving the quality of life of this epic system.

Improving your existing environment

is our main goal here at Splendit IT-Consultings.

More than 10 years ago we founded Splendit IT-Consulting

with the main focus on software quality and the modernization of legacy systems.

We have a professional team of motivated colleagues,

trained in the usage of common programming languages like Java

and old languages like Cobol and PL1.

We at Splendit provide you with any kind of help when it comes to IT.

Our main goal is to assist you in renewing your legacy systems.

The first task is to assess the system.

So that we understand the interdependencies in the interval flow.

Later on we are ready to support you in optimizing these functions.

Across the world, there are still millions of lines of legacy code.

Modernizing such code requires both experience

as well as specialized tools.

By modernizing such systems you reduce the maintenance costs.

In Splendit we offer both experience,

as well as the required tools.

Our staff is experienced with legacy tools for over decades

and we have developed specialized tools in order to modernize such systems.

Our IT company strives to be ahead of the curve.

As IT professionals, we know how important it is

to keep up with software development trends and best practices.

Take our new project jSparrow as an example.

This is an Eclipse PlugIn

where we help to improve source code quality of existing projects.

We take a rulebased approach.

That means, that users can select various aspects of the projects

to improve as they want.

jSparrow makes it easy for users to modernize, to set standards

and to do it all automatically

and in a safe way.

Our new software jSparrow redefines the way companies

can set programming standards and improve the legacy code.

jSparrow started as an idea to improve software.

But this always takes a lot of manpower.

So the basic thing is: reduce the manpower.

Think about it once

and implement rules, to improve the code automatically.

This should help companies saving money and improve their code base.

jSparrow is an automated tool,

which finds and replaces different kinds of threats in software systems.

It applies coding conventions, removes codesmells, improves readability

and helps during the upgrade process to newer Java versions.

For example we implement the rule,

that helps the programmer to use the new Java 8 Stream API on collections.

Here at the project office in Vienna we work in a small team

on all different kinds of problems.

Still, we try to maintain a much more general team spirit.

Everybody has an open ear and helps in understanding different working aspects.

Our offices are designed in an open structure,

which also represents our work ethic.

There are no closed doors and we always try to work together.

We from Team Splendit

want to provide you with our knowledge, experience and manpower,

in order to keep your system running at its peak.

Together we advance.

Because, only together we advance.

For more infomation >> Splendit IT Youtube - Duration: 4:43.


EternaLEnVy • Weaver • 46K DMG — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 44:52.

EternaLEnVy • Weaver • 46K DMG — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2

For more infomation >> EternaLEnVy • Weaver • 46K DMG — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 44:52.


Hochplatte #01 - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> Hochplatte #01 - Duration: 8:32.


I Love Bruno Mars (Japanese) - Duration: 7:00.

Yes! I want to speak Japanese today.

This is my first time to speak japanese in my videos.

I only spoke English by now.

First, I want to say "why I started Youtube".

Although I had never made videos before,

I thought that I wanted to try something new.

I wanted to practice speaking English while shooting movies.

That's why I only speak English.

I thought if I speak Japanese sometimes, it would be interesting. Isn't it?

So, I'll speak Japanese today.

As I always speak English, I feel uncomfortable to speak Jpanese in front of a camera though.

You know, I am a big fan of Bruno Mars.

I really like him.

I picked up some reasons why I like him and wrote it on my mobile.

I'm going to read this and share !


"His voice is Amazing!"

His voice range is very wide.

Even the high notes that women are hard to hit, he hits it easily and perfectly.

His voice make me feel calm.

I enjoy hearing it.

I feel happy whenever listen to his songs.

I think he was born to be a singer.


"He is a good dancer too."

If you watch his performances, you may know.

He not only sings, he also dances in his performances.


"He sings any kind of songs."

He sings ballad, up-tempo songs and so on.

Anyways, He sings many kind of songs.

Generally, singers produce similar songs after they became famous.

They don't want to make a change in their songs.

They want to make songs that everyone like.

They are afraid to change.

I understand because every singer want many people to listen to their songs.

But, Bruno is different.

He does not care about it. He makes what he wants to make.

He tries to make something new.

I admire his dedication that he keeps challenging for anything.

Each song has each color. They are not similar.

So, I never get bored listening to his albums.


"His live performances are much better than the original audio."

It's hard to explain.

You'll realize how it is amazing.

Most singers can't do this.

Most singers can't sing better than the original audio.

It is amazing!

Bruno's live is much better than original.

he changes the singing way a little in live performance.

He is really good at making audience excited every time.

Some people says like this.

" Oh, Bruno is a good singer and dancer. but...

he is too short."

" If he is tall, it's perfect."

I heard some people said like this.

But I don't think so.


If he was 180cm (5.9 feet),

If he was very tall,

It would be a too perfect human being.

No, it is not a human being.

It's scary because too perfect.

He is charming because he is short.

There is no perfect human being

I think it is good he is not tall.

That's all!!

I put the links of his songs. Check them out.

I listen to many genre of songs. not only Bruno.

I like listening to the songs of many singers.

if you have a recommendation, Please let me know! (any kind of songs and singers.)

It is weird I speak Japanese in front of my camera.

I'd like to speak English, Japanese and Indonesian in my videos.

It would be fun.

For more infomation >> I Love Bruno Mars (Japanese) - Duration: 7:00.


Paw Patrol Coloring for kids 2017♫Nursery Rhymes Part 08♫ Kids Games ♫ - Duration: 4:09.

Paw Patrol Coloring for kids 2017♫Nursery Rhymes Part 08♫ Kids Games ♫

For more infomation >> Paw Patrol Coloring for kids 2017♫Nursery Rhymes Part 08♫ Kids Games ♫ - Duration: 4:09.


thủ tướng việt nam sang thăm tổng thống trum - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> thủ tướng việt nam sang thăm tổng thống trum - Duration: 1:18.


Monster High Part 1 NEW Finger Family for Kids Songs Nursery Rhymes Learning Video 2017 - Duration: 1:27.

Monster High Part 1 NEW Finger Family for Kids Songs Nursery Rhymes Learning Video 2017

For more infomation >> Monster High Part 1 NEW Finger Family for Kids Songs Nursery Rhymes Learning Video 2017 - Duration: 1:27.


Stylish Studio Apartment Makeover - HGTV - Duration: 3:55.

LAURIE MARCH: Meet Bethany, a freelance photographer

who lives and works in her studio

apartment in LA with her beautiful but messy kitty


Her business has taken off, she's grown up a little,

and she's finding this space just

isn't working for her anymore.

The first thing I'm tackling is where Bethany spends the most

amount of time, her work space.

This apartment had the good fortune of an extra closet

in the living space that was previously framed in a bit

to work like a desk.

It's got good bones, but it needs an update to suit

her modern office needs.

The first upgrade was easy, a fresh coat

of paint in a raspberry color brightens everything up.

And it's a great backdrop for everything

else that's going in here.

Next up, LED lighting.

You've got to see what you're doing.

Lighting is key in a workspace.

Moving on to storage.

Open shelves wrapped in this amazing brass inspired

contact paper make this standard shelving

look like a million bucks.

The printer now has a home tucked onto the second shelf

and up out of the way.

Pretty fabric wrapped boxes hide the less attractive

stuff she needs to store.

And a pegboard wall keeps some key items at her fingertips.

With her landlord's permission we're

going to paint a wide band of emerald green

on the lower half of this space to create a ton of drama

and knock down all that overly bright wall space.

Always get permission from your landlord

before you paint your walls.

If you're painting walls, consider a flat paint that's

easy to paint over when you leave, knowing in advance

and budgeting for it that you're going

to have to repaint your walls if that's what your landlord says.

Hey, do yourself a favor.

Leave the doors and the trim alone.

This color is going to set the tone

for a more grown up look, especially

when we mix in a little brass.

Part of what's stressing Bethany out

is her lack of key furniture pieces.

There was a twin daybed that we kicked to the curb

to make room for a gorgeous full sized brass bed, which

is our inspiration for all the metal tones

that run through the space.

With a better space plan there's actually

room for a full bed in here.

And Bethany's daybed was never actually that comfortable.

Here's to a better night's sleep.

And who wants to sit on their bed when guests come over?

I'm adding a seating area separate from the bed.

This smaller sofa in a classic shape and color

works amazing as a neutral piece to balance out all that color.

For people who live in smaller spaces, flexibility is key.

So I'm pairing the sofa with these curvy wood chairs that

are easy to move around and add a lightness to the space

that upholstery couldn't have.

Every bit of space here is precious,

so that spot about her new sofa is getting a set of shelves

to display Bethany's treasures and a little bit of artwork.

I love this trick.

To create the feeling of an entryway

I'm using a cool vintage dresser by the door.

This was another one of Bethany's big purchases.

She can drop her keys and use this space to display

some of her favorite things.

And then there's the kitchen.

Right now, Olivia the cat owns the place.

I'm upcycling a media cabinet to hide her litter box

and give Olivia a cozy spot where she'll want to hang out.

Complete with a cat grass bar, cute cleanup tools,

and a cushion on top for a lazy afternoon

naps, the cat, not Bethany.

This corner is going to be way more subtle and functional.

Here's another great renter tip.

Dress what might be your biggest eyesore in the space.

Clean and cover the fridge with removable wallpaper.

And this wall is a great spot to display

some of Bethany's own art.

This standard white studio, complete with a dated kitchen

and lots of space planning issues got a whole new look.

A few simple DIY projects combined with a fresh color

palette of emerald green and brass accents

seriously ties all these areas together.

For more infomation >> Stylish Studio Apartment Makeover - HGTV - Duration: 3:55.


徳井義実のチャックおろさせてーや カラオケ 90点以上取ったら100万円!挑戦者 大西ライオン HYの366日で奇跡を起こす! MC 徳井義実 吉木りさ - Duration: 36:08.

For more infomation >> 徳井義実のチャックおろさせてーや カラオケ 90点以上取ったら100万円!挑戦者 大西ライオン HYの366日で奇跡を起こす! MC 徳井義実 吉木りさ - Duration: 36:08.


X-RADE ADD (official video) - ft. Harman and Sameer- 2017 - Duration: 1:09.


For more infomation >> X-RADE ADD (official video) - ft. Harman and Sameer- 2017 - Duration: 1:09.


পাথরে লুকিয়ে আছে অজানা রহস্য । দেখুন কি অজানা রহস্য - Duration: 4:16.

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