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Cricket News 2017
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Shamanism And Divination - Duration: 12:12.Shamanism And Divination
Shamanism is not a system of belief or faith, it is a system of knowledge, and divination
is one of the paths to gain direct knowledge.
Direct knowledge can be defined as that which is experienced first hand by the senses.
Divination is not �fortune telling�, it is a way to a deeper understanding of events
and influences surrounding a situation or person.
Divination has always been an integral part of shamanism.
One of the most important roles of the shaman has been to seek revelatory knowledge from
visionary sources, which may be for healing purposes, �why has this person become ill?�
�what medicine does this person need?, or important communal needs �where are the
herds of caribou?�, divination is also often used to get meaning from dreams and visions.
Divination is as old as humanity, but unfortunately in mainstream Western society it has been
regarded as something primitive, irrational, and pandering to superstition.
Divination is simply a way of revealing the truth.
The diviner reveals or uncovers to their client hidden truths about themselves, or the circumstances
surrounding them.
In societies outside the West, divining continues to play an important role, revealing that
which is hidden, easing anxiety, and helping in coming to terms with challenging circumstances
that may demand the implementation of difficult decisions.
In divination, the role of the shaman is to act as a mediator or �middle-man�.
The shaman by exploring and providing the initial reading and interpretation allows
the seeker of this information to avoid projecting personal wants, desires, and wishes if the
question or situation is emotionally charged.
The Multi-dimensional Cosmos of the shaman
In shamanism, there is another kind of time, not linear or sequential but a time which
is one single moment.
This vast ever moving moment has no boundaries which separate the past, present and future.
This is a time in which anything which has ever happened to anybody anywhere, somewhere
it is still happening.
The shaman travels �outside� of linear time into this vast unending ever-moving moment
to seek the information at the place where this event is happening.
One of the main gateways to this vast moment of time or universal consciousness is our
own powers of imagination coupled with the three fundamental principles of expanded perception;
1.Intention All actions begin with an intention, a desire for a specific outcome.
The principle of intention operates on two levels, the obvious , �this is what I want
to do�, and the subtle level , i.e. it is a signal or alert to energy to be prepared
to move to a certain destination.
2.Trust Trust is an ineffable quality, it is experienced in the body, not the mind.
Trust takes time, and to get trust we need feedback which either directly or indirectly
validates our experience.
With trust our experiences and confidence in our actions increase significantly.
3.Attention This is about the application and focus of energy and intention.
Attention is not �hard-work� yet it needs consistency, to place your awareness at the
interface of events or places�..
Energy flows where Attention goes.
Divinatory methods
The shamans used many diverse methods for divination, either ways seeking patterns in
natural objects and events, or using techniques to directly obtain hidden knowledge.
An example of the former could be the practice of divination with rocks.
Rock Divination To do this the traditional practice is for the seeker looks for a rock
whilst holding the question in the mind, eventually there will be a rock which stands out or �metaphorically�
shouts out �me, me!�.
Here is an opportunity to practice the principle of trust!.
As a helpful tip the more faceted and inner forms the rock has the better as more facets
and patterns mean more detail will be available to the reader.
The seeker should then give the rock to the shaman or practitioner and state the question.
The shaman (who knows as little as possible about the questioner or the circumstances
regarding the question) will gently focus on the rock and allow patterns to form within
the imagination.
The shaman may ask the seeker to state the question a few times as this helps to deepen
the trance state of awareness, to the place where the shapes and patterns in the rock
become a �gateway� directly into the universal field of energy, and images, pictures, words,
feelings will start to form within the shaman�s being.
Each rock face represents a different aspect of the question, and the initial response
is generally �where the questioner is at this moment�, and this leads to other rock
faces, each rock face exposing and presenting an expanded view of the answer.
To me personally this work is awesome, mysterious and poetic, and I have found that is as if
a person�s life story is contained in a rock.
Sunbeam Divination Journey An example of a specific technique to discover hidden knowledge
is the Sunbeam divination journey of the Labrador Naskapi shamans.
This journey has a single specific purpose to find out the physical location of a person,
object, or place where an event will take place.
In this practice no information will be given about the object, person etc only it�s location.
One can see the usefulness and practicality of this technique, for example to help hunters
locate game animals, or the to find out and rescue a lost member of the tribe and so on.
I have used this practice many times often to locate lost keys or the wallet of a client!
An Exercise � Naskapi Sunbeam Divination Journey.
First meditate or reflect on what you want to locate or know the whereabouts of, remember
the first principle of Intention.
When ready, find a place where you will not be disturbed for half hour or so, darken the
room, and lay down and relax.
Note: It is best if you have tape for shamanic journeying drumming (which will smooth the
transition into expanded states of awareness).
In the imagination, the launch-pad into multi-dimensional perception, go to a place where you can visualise,
perceive, or sense being in the open landscape.
Sense being fully in this place, experience your feet on the ground and the ground pushing
up against the soles of your feet, experience the air and the wind on your face, become
fully present in this landscape, and when ready look up to the sky where the sun will
be, with the question firmly in your mind, ask the sun to show you the location or whereabouts
of what it is you are searching for.
Typically a particular sunbeam will either shine brightly or capture your attention in
one way or another, follow this beam of sunlight, you may even experience yourself flying over
the landscape, and where this specific sunbeam touches the ground, that is where the location
When you recognise the location, and can correlate it to an actual physical place, it is then
time to return.
So turn around and go back to the place where you started from, and when you have returned,
gently feel yourself back in the physical world, and gently open your eyes.
Remembering the second principle of trust, check the information out, try and get verification
of the validity of the journey, keep on doing this until you have developed trust and the
confidence will then follow.
Shamanic Trance Postures.
Another form of specific techniques is the body of work known as Shamanic Trance Postures.
They take the form of certain precise bodily postures.
These postures are gateways to an altered state of consciousness, and visionary experiences.
This body of knowledge originates from ancient civilisations and many indigenous cultures
throughout the world.
Rediscovered in the 1970�s by the renowned anthropologist Felicitas Goodman, these postures
are a piece of living history from our heritage of spiritual tradition.
It involves holding non-strenuous, but precise physical positions together with an accompanying
rhythmic sound eg.
Shamanic drumming or rattling.
There are a number of specific postures for divinatory purposes, for example the Nupe
people in sub-Saharan Africa, use these ritual postures, and in the one that their divinatory
shamans work with gives the experience of detachment and a dispassionate persepective
of the question.
An Exercise � Nupe Divination Posture
Once again meditate or focus on your question, as with this work it really helps if the question
is sharp, no �ifs�, �shoulds� , �but� and so on, get your question as razor honed
as possible.
Sit on the floor, leaning toward your left and supported by your left arm.
Hold your left arm rigid, with your hand at a right angle to your body.
Place your left hand at a spot three to five inches to the left of your body and just behind
a straight line drawn along the back of your buttocks.
Bend both legs at the knees with both feet pointing to the right, positioned so that
your left foot is resting just to the left of your right knee.
Place your right hand on your lower left leg, where the muscle indents about halfway down
your calf.
Move your head slightly to the left, so you are looking over your left knee, and close
your eyes.
If possible listen to a shamanic drumming or rattling tape, as this will enhance the
visionary potential and makes the experience smoother, and more powerful.
Allow the visionary imagery , or just simple �knowing� to take place, when you have
a sense of an answer (even if you do not understand it rationally) just gently release yourself
from the posture, and come back fully into the present.
If an answer is not immediately understood, incubate it, play with it, draw or paint it,
this is important as the answer is not always addressed to the rational mind.
Being with the imagery or vision will often lead to a deep and profound revelation.
To conclude there are many other ways of divination in shamanism many which underlie well known
practices eg; divination with quartz crystals, casting of objects, Scrying.
As the Tungus shamans of Siberia say �we are all connected, we are all one�.
So is it no wonder that we can discover ourselves through the natural world.
Tasty Kitchen Demon - Español Latino (fandub) - Duration: 2:57.-------------------------------------------
Seneste nyt:South China Sea: US warship sails close to disputed Mischief Reef - Duration: 5:54.South China Sea: US warship sails close to disputed Mischief Reef
Image copyright Reuters Image caption China has built extensively on Mischief Reef and installed military positions.
A US warship has sailed close to an artificial island built by China in the South China Sea, the first challenge to Beijings claim to the waters since President Donald Trump took office.
According to unnamed sources cited by US media, the USS Dewey passed within 12 nautical miles of Mischief Reef. China said the US vessel had entered its waters without permission and its navy had warned it to leave.
The US insists it can conduct operations in any international waters.
It says it does not take sides in territorial disputes, but has sent military ships and planes near disputed islands in the past, calling them freedom of navigation operations to ensure access to key shipping and air routes.
It has also repeatedly criticised what it sees as Beijings efforts to limit freedom of navigation in the strategic waters. China claims almost all of the South China Sea, including reefs and islands also claimed by other nations.
Image copyright US Navy Image caption China said the USS Dewey (left) entered the area without its permission. Foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang condemned the US move.
The act damaged Chinas sovereignty and security interests, and could have easily led to an air or sea accident, he told reporters.
[China] resolutely opposes any country sailing or flying freely that could pose damage to Chinas sovereignty and security interests. At present, through the joint efforts of China and Asean countries, the South China Sea situation has cooled down.
The acts of the United States have seriously disrupted the process of dialogue and consultation. What is Freedom of Navigation?.
The US Freedom of Navigation programme challenges excessive claims to the worlds oceans and airspace. It was developed to promote international adherence to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.
In the past years, the US conducted Freedom of Navigation operations against China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam.
China has been causing alarm in the region by building up South China Sea reefs and islets into artificial islands and installing some military positions.
Why is the South China Sea contentious? Satellite photos show weapons built on islands What do hangars in the South China Sea tell us?.
Both the US and China have accused each other of militarising the South China Sea and there are concerns the area is becoming a flashpoint with potentially serious global consequences.
Last year, an international tribunal rejected Chinas claims to the area, in a case brought by the Philippines.
The Permanent Court of Arbitration said there was no evidence that China had historically exercised exclusive control over the waters or resources within its nine-dash line. China rejected the ruling as ill-founded and said it would not be bound by it.
The latest US manoeuvre is likely to weigh on US-China relations as the Trump administration is seeking Beijings co-operation to deal with North Koreas nuclear ambitions.
Earlier this month, Chinese fighter jets intercepted a US aircraft which, according to US military officials, was on a mission to detect radiation in international airspace.
China did not comment on that particular incident - it has in the past accused the US of carrying out reconnaissance flights over Chinese coastal waters. The South China Sea dispute.
Media playback is unsupported on your device Media captionIn 2015, the BBC got a view of a new Chinese runway on Mischief Reef.
Sovereignty over two largely uninhabited island chains, the Paracels and the Spratlys, is disputed by China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan and Malaysia.
China claims the largest portion of territory, saying its rights go back centuries - in 1947 it issued a map detailing its claims.
The area is a major shipping route, and a rich fishing ground, and is thought to have abundant oil and gas reserves.
The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea typically gives states an exclusive economic zone up to 200 nautical miles from their coastline - this would leave most of the Spratly Islands in the territorial waters of the Philippines and Malaysia.
Sekai - Venting VIP ft. Belicious MUSIC WITHOUT COPYRIGHT !!! [DOWNLOAD] #BLUES - Duration: 1:24.-------------------------------------------
WHERE'S SHE GOING? - Duration: 4:18.Hey everybody! Welcome to the Hisko Family Fun Channel!
Robin and Ever are having a nap on the couch.
It is such a beautiful day outside, so Robin had Ever at the playground all morning.
So Ever is all tired out.
As for me, I am headed to get a massage and hopefully loosen up whatever is tight right here.
Every time I talk my eye wants to close up.
That's why lately in a lot of the vlogs I wear sunglasses.
It's so hard to talk to the camera. Yeah it just doesn't look good.
Awe, she gave you a kiss.
Okay, so I just got out of the massage. It felt amazing.
It was so nice and relaxing.
My face is still a little twitchy, but it's not as bad as it was.
I'm feeling much much better.
Stuart did an awesome job. So happy that I went.
We gonna go for a walk to the new playground?
Yeah, you want to go to the playground? Okay let's go.
So we're headed to the playground we went to the other day but it was so windy then.
but it's much nicer now.
We can play longer today.
Are you ready to play? Yeah. Let's let you out.
Do you see mommy?
Ha ha. That was good sliding.
Ever loves going to the playground. She's obsessed and addicted to it.
Playing on the slides are her most favorite.
Wow, that was so good.
Mommy: 'Say, I'm coming daddy.'
(Ever laughing.)
(More laughing.)
You're getting good at the slides.
Did you have fun at the playground?
Okay everybody, thank you so much for watching!
Thanks everyone! Be sure to subscribe!
Seneste nyt:New Zealand space launch is first from a private site - Duration: 6:52.New Zealand space launch is first from a private site
Image copyright Reuters Image caption The two-stage rocket did not quite make it to orbit, but the team was very happy with the test flight.
An American company has launched a rocket into space from New Zealand, the first from a private launch facility. Rocket Labs 17m-long (56ft) Electron lifted off from the Mahia Peninsula, in the North Island, the firm said.
The test flight was the first launch from New Zealand and is a major first step in an emerging market: launching cheap disposable rockets to carry small satellites and other payloads. The company plans to start frequent commercial launches later this year.
Poor weather conditions had pushed the launch into the fourth day of a 10-day window and the Electron finally cleared its pad at 16:20 local time (04:20 GMT). Image copyright Twitter/@RocketLabUSA.
The launch was conducted with no media or spectators permitted, but the company released a video of the lift-off on its Twitter page.
It was a great flight, chief executive Peter Beck said in a statement after the launch, adding though that the rocket did not quite reach orbit, the path on which its future cargo would embark on its revolution of the Earth.
Well be investigating why, however reaching space in our first test puts us in an incredibly strong position to accelerate the commercial phase of our programme, deliver our customers to orbit and make space open for business.
The test launch, one of three planned, did not carry a payload as such, although it was packed with sensor equipment to help engineers understand how the flight performed.
Eventually, Rocket Lab says it will be lofting payloads up to 150kg (331lbs) into a 500km-high orbits that go from pole to pole.
Image copyright AFP Image caption There was no public or media access to Mahia Peninsula to witness the launch. Analysis: Jonathan Amos, Science correspondent, BBC News.
Were on the cusp of something quite exciting. Innovative companies are packaging really capable technologies into very small, low-cost satellites.
Their data will drive myriad new services - from helping city officials keep track of urban development to giving farmers information about the performance of their crops. But if this new wave is to succeed it needs cheaper access to space.
At the moment, the economics and flight schedules of these small satellites are still being defined by the availability and price of a ride on a big rocket.
Rocket Lab aims to change that. And there others, such as Richard Bransons LauncherOne project. Rocket Labs second vehicle is already built and set to fly in the next couple months.
Keep an eye on the end of the year too because this US/NZ outfit even has a contract to send a small lander to the Moon.
Rocket Labs founder and chief executive Peter Beck is from New Zealand and the firm has a New Zealand subsidiary.
The country has less air traffic, compared to say the US, so there is less need for flights to be rerouted every time a rocket is sent to space.
Image copyright Digital Globe Image caption The launch site is located on North Islands Mahia peninsula. New Zealand is also positioned well to get satellites into a north-to-south orbit around Earth.
The trajectory takes the rocket out over open water, far from from people and property. The country hopes these favourable factors will help it become a low-cost space hub.
Nice touch: The Electron has nine engines on its first stage and one engine on its second stage. They are called 50 Rutherford engines - after the great New Zealand-born physicist Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937), who famously split the atom in 1917.
Why is the launch significant?. Private and commercial rocket launches are becoming more and more common - the most famous example being Elon Musk and his SpaceX Falcon rockets.
But the SpaceX vehicles are huge and are aimed at following in the footsteps of Nasa missions, delivering cargo to the international space station and eventually sending people to Mars.
Image copyright Getty Images Image caption The rockets SpaceX sends into orbit are a different league from the Electron.
Rocket Labs goal is to launch what, by comparison, is a tiny rocket for a fraction of the price, but with much more frequency.
The Electron is a mere 17m long and 1.2m in diameter. Each launch only costs about $5m. Rocket Lab wants to conduct 50 or more a year.
Just to put this all into perspective: SpaceXs current Falcon rocket is a towering 70m and can carry 22,800kg into low-Earth orbit for a standard price of $62m.
Rocket Labs website already allows you to book a slot for your satellite. The cheapest deal is a small cubesat on a rideshare option - prices start at $77,000 (£59,280). Image copyright Rocket Lab.
Si Eres Feliz Y Lo Sabes | Canciones Infantiles | Videos De Niños | Rimas Para Niños - Duration: 1:12:47.If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap)
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. (clap clap)
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp stomp)
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp stomp)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp stomp)
If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hurray!" (hoo-ray!)
If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hurray!" (hoo-ray!)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hurray!" (hoo-ray!)
If you're happy and you know it, do all three (clap-clap, stomp-stomp, hoo-ray!)
If you're happy and you know it, do all three (clap-clap, stomp-stomp, hoo-ray!)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, do all three (clap-clap, stomp-stomp, hoo-ray!)
In my 30 years as a self-improvement coach, the most important insight is that where you
put your attention is where your energy goes.
If you find that hard to believe, try this: Walk through a crowd.
Put your attention on the people.
Then walk through the same crowd again and put your attention on the gaps between the
More of them will now make way.
Try it.
It never fails.
Here�s another experiment: Stand at the corner of any city street and look upwards
for a while.
You will notice people around you also look upwards.
They want to know what you are looking at, and for that brief period you determined the
direction of their attention.
If I tell a group of people to think of a red car, there is a great likelihood that
all of them will do it.
And if I tell them not to think of a red car� they will also think of a red car!
They could have chosen to think of a blue mountain instead.
From that you realise how easy it is to steer mass attention.
Rarely will anyone form their own thought or choose different than what they are told.
In fact, if you do not make decisions and intentions, someone else will do it for you.
You know this from your own life: If your spouse asks you where you want to go for dinner
and you don�t really have any specific preference, then they will decide where to go.
The same applies on a mass-scale.
Due to a general weakness of will and awareness, most people have their reality decided for
them, with merely the illusion of choice given � such as being able to choose whether you
will pay your taxes by credit card or bank wire.
In school, children do not learn how to think but what to think.
They do not learn how to steer attention but instead various things they are supposed to
steer attention to.
It is humbling to realise that most people on the planet do not practice focusing, guiding,
re-directing, shifting, retrieving and un-sticking their own attention.
Thus the life-experience of most of us is determined by external agendas as given by
mass media, schools, our parents and countless other sources that have very little to do
with our innermost heart�s truth.
We are lucky that at least some of the direction we get from outside is benign.
We are lucky if we have parents who say, �You are highly talented, intelligent and beautiful,�
thus directing our attention in the right direction.
Have you ever heard a newscaster tell you, �You are safe, talented, intelligent, beautiful,
empowered and able�?
Not hardly.
You�ll hear you are the victim of horrible circumstances that you can do nothing about.
Through directing attention, you become a mini-reality-creator.
But the mass media is the grand sorcerer of reality manipulation as it directs the attention
of millions.
It�s not generally understood to what bizarre extent the news media actively participate
in the creation of our reality.
It is thought they only �report� what is �happening,� but that�s not the case.
The following are different levels of mass-reality-creation by the news media, sorted by the degree of
Level 1: Filtering
When I create a movie for my work, I usually choose an outdoor location.
I make sure to set up the camera in nature so the scenery looks really good.
By choosing what to point the camera at, I am excluding everything I don�t want viewers
to see, anything that does not fit my agenda.
I recently filmed breathtaking natural scenery� or at least that�s what it looked like in
the final result.
I excluded an adjacent parking place, trashcans, roaming dogs, public signs, ugly houses and
anything else that disturbed the illusion of me being in paradise.
Any filmmaker understands to which extent the filmmaker distorts reality.
From the millions of events that happen every day, the reporter filters which ones to report.
This is a normal process.
I do it for my own website by presenting only information relevant to its overall topic.
People do it on Facebook by presenting themselves in a certain way and excluding pictures that
might put them in a bad light.
News media, however, tend to apply several filters.
The first one is the filter of negative bias.
Because at Earth�s current level of consciousness, fear, drama and hatred still capture more
interest than peace, prosperity and harmony.
Desperate to sell ad slots on their news program and their declining newspapers, most reports
are filtered by how much upheaval and action they contain.
In addition, televised news media follows the creed, �if there is no footage (video),
it doesn�t matter.� When I was younger I worked for a well-known news station where
I was told exactly that.
I tried to get the editor to cover important angles of a story, but if there was no footage
of it, it was as if it didn�t exist.
If they were to portray life on a day on Earth accurately, as it is for most people most
of the time, it might appear �boring.� So the camera zooms in on places of the most
mayhem and tragedy.
This extreme filtering gives the audience the false impression that the whole world
is mostly in a state of chaos, coupled with the implication there is absolutely nothing
you can personally do about it.
The sensationalist journalist never adds words of advice on improving your life, moving to
peaceful surroundings or words of encouragement.
He only cares about the sheer terror of explosions, debris, blood and destruction.
If any of your relatives talked like a news anchor, you�d consider them mentally unstable.
A recent movie The Nightcrawler (starring Jake Gyllenhaal) exposes the juvenile and
sadistic mindset of some sections of modern �journalism.� No doubt, the last decade
has seen a rise in terrorist attacks all over the world.
And while these are horrific, they are still actually just localised events, pinpointed
at certain buildings with a limited amount of people.
They are not nearly as bad as the nation-to-nation all-out-wars we�ve had in decades before
I happened to be in the city of Munich on the day of a terrorist attack at the end of
July 2016.
The shooting of 9 people at the hands of a 19-year-old kid named Ali went around the
And yet, I learned it from the news, not from being in Munich at the time.
On that day I was riding my bike along the river and went for a swim.
I received numerous text messages asking whether I�m still alive and sending blessings to
me and my family.
You see my point�.
things are bad, but rarely as bad as the news says they are.
On an odd note: The same journalist who happened to be at the Nice (France) terror attack only
a week before, shooting live footage of it, also �coincidentally� happened to be pre-positioned
at Munich on location and filming.
His name is Richard Gutjahr and he is either magnetically attracted to such events for
the sake of �terrortainment� or there is something more sinister going on.
When, if I may ask, is the last time you saw windsurfers in the Palestinian Gaza Territory
or a happy family having a barbecue in their Jerusalem garden in the news?
These events happen every day, by the hundreds, but they do not automatically come to your
mind when I say �Gaza!� or �Israel!� I have been to both Palestine and Israel on
numerous visits, both privately and for business, and I�ve always had a great time.
Yet when I tell people I am travelling there, they tell me �be careful!
That�s dangerous!� They associate these places with the blood and gore the news showed
They know virtually nothing about the realities of these places than what they have been shown.
I mean no disrespect to the suffering of people in the Middle East or anywhere else for that
I am merely using these extreme examples to make the point of filtered-realities.
They cause a lack of balance in our perception of the world as well as desensitising us toward
Ideally, news media would have to not only show a nice segment at the end of their show,
but more positive and interesting segments throughout.
Then we learn that the world is a balance of light and darkness.
Where are the news reports of hope, inspiration, everyday-heroes and human accomplishment?
They are far and few between.
If a proper balance of dark and light were given, the audience would become more involved
in the healing of darkness rather than apathetic to it.
Level 2: Distortion
The next level of reality-manipulation is deliberate distortion by the journalists themselves
because they wish to see something in a certain manner or are partial to some political, religious
or philosophical ideology.
Of course, nobody is completely neutral and unbiased, nor is that expected.
But one of the problems of our times is there is virtually no mass media outlet that is
not widely known as being affiliated with some political, governmental, anti-governmental
or philosophical �side� and a far shot from �neutral.� Latest statistics from
my country (USA) show that the Top Ten most successful �news� outlets on the Internet
are either �right-wing� or �left-wing� affiliated.
The fact that we are able to determine whether an outlet is �left� or �right� is
in itself problematic.
It is disheartening how almost every story �top news outlets� carry is filtered through
political bias.
In other words, these are not �news� outlets and their employees are not �journalists,�
they are unabashed propaganda outlets for one of the two political parties in the US.
Another form of distortion occurs when a journalist makes something better or worse than it is.
He knows the editor will only accept a story if its interesting enough so he adds a few
details here and there, knowing nobody will likely ever examine them more closely.
From writing my own blog to a fairly large audience, I am somewhat familiar with the
problem, but have always resisted the urge to exaggerate reports.
I�d rather have some of my reports be understated (�boring�) than to report things that
did not happen.
Needless to say, I am not only blaming the mass media, as they only reflect the desires
of the populace, who favour entertainment and excitement over reason and truth.
When that audience goes to the cinema, they rarely pay to see peace, love and harmony,
they usually pay to see death and suffering.
Another form of distortion is that most news stories are reported without wrapping them
into a wider context.
Most things that happen are part of a greater pattern, part of a history, part of a mindset.
Yet, the way stories are reported is as separate pieces that have little or no relation to
each other.
When I report on my blog, I frequently like to put what I wrote into context and comparison
with other things I wrote in order to give a congruent overall big-picture.
This is not the case in conventional news media where people think that the presidential
elections in the US, the hurricane that happened just before, the resignation of the CIA-boss
and the resurgent Israel-Palestine conflict (all having happened within a few weeks a
couple of years ago) have nothing whatsoever to do with each other and are separate bits
of information.
But they are interconnected, not only metaphysically but geopolitically.
Because the news reports too much and journalists write too quickly, ignoring context and connections,
they breed ignorance of the depth and meaning of things.
Level 3: Deliberate Fabrication
This is the most intense form of reality-manipulation which hopefully does not occur too often.
I recently spoke to someone who used to work for the British �Ministry of Defense.�
He shared the following story: Some decades ago a group of reporters went to Northern
Ireland to capture footage of the conflict.
When they arrived everything was peaceful, so they went ahead and created some chaos,
just so they could return home with footage.
They bribed a local to make and throw molotov cocktails (amateur bombs) off rooftops into
the streets, setting cars and trashcans ablaze.
In this instance, the journalists literally created the news.
They refused to go home saying �the streets of Belfast are peaceful at this time.� The
guy who told me the story lamented that this scandal of sorts was never revealed or reported
on to this day.
It was covered up by the BBC to avoid embarrassment.
For a mature human being it is important to at least be aware of how news media manipulates
Mere awareness immunises you.
You can then read and watch the news without being dragged down to victim-mentality or
desensitised apathy, and if you are interested in a story you can then read different news
outlets to view the different viewpoints and versions of it and gain a birds-eye-view.
It�s better not to rely on only one news outlet.
In my view, most of these stories are just the world-mind processing garbage, like in
some kind of bad dream.
None of it needs to have anything to do with you, your reality and the reality of those
around you.
You experience only what you attract through the contents of your own consciousness and
subsequent decisions.
In some cases you will have a friend or relative who gets way too caught up in news media,
exaggerating the importance of various events.
Back in the 80s some believed AIDS would completely wipe out the entire planet by the year 2000.
It didn�t happen.
Then they thought �Swine-Flu� would �wipe out civilisation as we know it�: It didn�t
Then they thought 2012 would enlighten humanity to a golden era of peace and bliss.
Didn�t happen.
And they thought 9/11 would mark the beginning of World War III.
Didn�t happen.
I dare say that for most of us, life went on like it did the 10 years before and progressed
or regressed in accordance with our personal level of consciousness.
Those who take the news way too seriously very rarely do anything actively to help the
They�d prefer being worried and indignant to taking positive action.
For them, daily preoccupation with the news is like an escape from their own lives which
may lack movement or excitement.
But when the time comes that their own lives pick up, their interest in daily news recedes.
This means they have chosen to focus their precious attention to places that really matter
in the development of their own spirit.
Attention is the currency of the 21st century and I recommend you use yours wisely.
Be conscious of what you give your eyes to see, your ears to hear, your mind to think
and your heart to feel.
Am I Wrong - Nico & Vinz [Extreme Bass Boost + Subtitles (EN/DE)] - Duration: 5:10.Am I wrong?
For thinking out the box from where I stay?
Am I wrong?
For saying that I choose another way?
I ain't tryna do what everybody else doing
Just 'cause everybody doing what they all do
If one thing I know, I'll fall but I'll grow
I'm walking down this road of mine, this road that I call home
So am I wrong?
For thinking that we could be something for real?
Now am I wrong?
For trying to reach the things that I can't see?
But that's just how I feel,
That's just how I feel That's just how I feel
Tryna reach the things that I can't see
Am I tripping
For having a vision?
My prediction:
I'ma be on the top of the world
Walk your walk and don't look back,
Always do what you decide
Don't let them control your life, that's just how I feel
Fight for yours and don't let go,
Don't let them compare you, no
Don't worry, you're not alone, that's just how we feel
Am I wrong? (Am I wrong?)
For thinking that we could be something for real? (Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah, oho)
Now am I wrong? (Am I wrong?)
For trying to reach the things that I can't see? (Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah, yeah)
[3x] That's just how I feel
Trying to reach the things that I can't see
If you tell me I'm wrong, wrong
I don't wanna be right, right
If you tell me I'm wrong, wrong
I don't wanna be right
Now if you tell me I'm wrong, wrong
I don't wanna be right, right
If you tell me I'm wrong, wrong
I don't wanna be right
Am I wrong?
For thinking that we could be something for real?
Now am I wrong?
For trying to reach the things that I can't see?
But that's just how I feel,
That's just how I feel That's just how I feel
Trying to reach the things that I can't see
So am I wrong? (Am I wrong?)
For thinking that we could be something for real? (Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah, oho)
Now am I wrong? (Am I wrong?)
For trying to reach the things that I can't see? (Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah, yeah)
But that's just how I feel,
That's just how I feel That's just how I feel
Trying to reach the things that I can't see
DAVE April 2017 #29 Springtime Pleasure Egg - Duration: 1:33.This is a Easter Egg.
Filled with the blood of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
As it SHOULD be
This is a Chocolate Egg.
*buzzing sound*
It's filled with sin!
*dropping sound*
Oh myyy!
Oh god I need to drink something.
I don't like white chocolate.
They only had white chocolate eggs left when I bought them, cause I bought them after Easter.
Blech, I'm sick now.
Europapark 2017 #1 / THARUN - Duration: 5:57.-------------------------------------------
Dorme Menino | Canções Infantis | Rimas Infantis Para Crianças | Músicas Para Criança - Duration: 1:09:02.Hush, little baby, don't say a word
Mama's going to buy you a mockingbird.
If that mockingbird won't sing,
Mama's going to buy you a diamond ring.
If that diamond ring turns brass,
Mama's going to buy you a looking glass.
If that looking glass gets broke,
Mama's going to buy you a billy goat.
If that billy goat won't pull,
Mama's going to buy you a cart and bull.
If that cart and bull turn over,
Mama's going to buy you a dog named Rover.
If that dog named Rover won't bark,
Mama's going to buy you a horse and cart.
If that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little boy in town.
So hush little baby, don't you cry,
Daddy loves you and so do I.
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