lion´s den
sugu music
Chocolate Cake with Curd Balls. Very Simple and Tasty. #Gotovimsia - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
Minecraft Eggwars #1: Bảo và Faber bộ đôi bá đạo (Bật CC) - Duration: 31:21.-------------------------------------------
How The Reformation Started the Modern World | Literacy I - Duration: 4:41.Hey there.
I go back and forth on Europe's Protestant Reformation, which kicked off 500 years ago
this year.
But I have come back around, and I think it really does represent the birth of the Modern
Let me explain.
The Reformation is part of the standard story of the Progress of Western Civilization.
Typically it's white washed as a courageous stand for individual conscience and freedom.
Our modern Enlightenment ideas of individual rights are supposed to have grown out of the
stand that people like Martin Luther and John Calvin took against the Catholic Church.
In the early 1900's German Sociologist Max Weber took it farther, arguing that there
was something called the Protestant Work Ethic that explained capitalism and the "natural
dominance" of Germanic and Anglo-Saxon cultures.
The closer I have looked into it, the more convinced I've become that this is largely
The true ideological successors of the Reformation aren't Bill Gates and Barack Obama, they
are Osama Bin Laden and Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.
Yes, it's great that the power of the Catholic Church was broken, but it was broken because
these guys believed that religion should be more extreme, and should dominate life more
than it already did.
The reformation was not about freedom.
The followers of John Calvin in particular thought that everybody should live in a Theocracy.
Some protestants were just as happy to burn heretics as the Catholics were, and some were
even more bloodthirsty.
But the Reformation jihadis did bring us the modern world.
It was an unintended consequence, but it may be one of the most important things that has
ever happened.
The reformers believed that everyone should read the bible.
This meant that everybody should learn to read.
In 16th century Europe this was a pretty revolutionary concept.
Back then it was only a subset of priests, merchants and government officials who were
80 to 90 percent of everybody else worked the land, and there was no reason for them
to read.
From the 1500s on, certain rulers, most notably in Scandinavia, started to make broader literacy
a priority.
I've thought a lot about development lately, and I've become convinced that widespread
literacy is the most important thing that can happen to a country.
I love all eras of history, and have spent years studying ancient Rome, and Medieval
But I sometimes question whether any history before widespread literacy really matters.
It's the ability to read and write that makes a person a real actor in society.
Knowledge really is power.
The story of the world before 1700 or so, in every country, may look different, but
it's basically the same thing.
Most of us human beings are agricultural laborers.
There's a small elite with all the power, and they squabble.
They fight over lands and people, and the suffering is often terrible.
New elites come out of the steppes, or across the seas, replace the old elites, increase
the suffering for a bit, introduce some new ideas, but never really improve things all
that much.
We like to romanticize these old Kings, Conquerors and Caliphs, but they are all really just
What changed all this was literacy.
Mass literacy gave us the world we know.
Mass literacy eventually led to mass politics, and makes power for a broader slice of people
Perhaps unwittingly the religious fanatics of the Protestant reformation set all this
in motion.
Places like Sweden and Switzerland are widely admired for their levels of development.
Their development leadership started because their rulers wanted everybody to read the
Weirdly, The unintended consequences of that choice made the modern world.
Thanks for watching, please subscribe, and there are only 17 days left to save this channel.
I've been humbled and amazed by the outpouring of support, but we've still got 43 bucks
to go before this channel can be considered viable.
Click on the Patreon link to find out how you can help save this channel.
Intervista E3 2017 con il doppiatore di Super Mario - Duration: 3:43.-------------------------------------------
Viata de lautar - Am avut un cosmar ( Mihai ) 2017 #11 (Subtitrat) Parodie - Duration: 4:12.Mama , ce frumoasa e camasa asta ...
Hai, ma,ca i-o iau si lui, da-l in spitale ...
Oare sa trezit ? O sa ii fac o surpriza ...
Mihai ! ! !
Mihai ! ! !
Ce faci ... studiai fara mine ?
Nuu ... le probam putin ...
Sigur ?
Sigur, da ...
Uite ...
Pfoai de capul meu, ce imi faci ... Ba, viata mea, ce ai ?
Cu Leo Cioc, ma, Mihai ?
Cu Leo Cioc ?
Nuu ...
Era piesa aia noua ...
Ba, esti nebun ? Cu el vorbeai acum 2 zile pe facebook ... eu acum imi dau seama, nu ?
Nuu ...
O sa intri cu el ,o sa te ia cu Sorinel
O sa te ia cu el !
Nu, cum sa iti fac eu tie una ca asta ...
O sa te ia cu el la studio, nu ?
Cum sa iti fac eu asa ceva ?
Banii sunt problema, nu ?
Vrei sa iei mai mult ca mine, nu ?
Nu , stii ca sunt cea mai platita percutie
Mihai ,eu am 2 sapt de cand nu ma transpun pentru tine, da ? ca sa iti fie tie bine si ca sa te ajuta, da ? si tu sa imi faci ma, asa, ma?
Nu, ma, nuuu ....
Baga-mi-as ....
Mihai, eu am 3 zile de cand nu imi aprind PlayStation - ul si nu ma joc Fifa, ca sa ce? ca sa fac ultima instrumentala ? ...
Esti nebun, pentru tine ? ...
Asa e ..
Mihai, nu iti mai plac tobele mele, nu ?
Tu stii ca esti numarul 1 pentru mine ( Glumea el )
Da, stiu si eu te-am iubit cand trageai in urma ...
Cand ai baut 2 beri si ai intrat pe 7 ...
Dar trebuie sa recunosc ... si eu am studiat doar dupa Adi Energie ...
Carnat ( Alex )
Soare Manu
Mihai ...
Ce ? Iti fac cafea ?
Nu ...
Am avut un cosmar ...
Urmariti pana la final !
System - Ausbrechen - Loslassen - weiter gehen und BEGLEITEN - Wünschen - Duration: 28:13.-------------------------------------------
5-Textos en CorelDraw x8 - Duration: 5:06.-------------------------------------------
Premier mur de la cabane - LPMDP #19 - Duration: 6:02.-------------------------------------------
TARKAN - Yolla PUBLISHED !! (MEGASTAR TARKAN IN ARTICLE 10) - Duration: 1:53.I am commencing the series of favors on your wishes. I saw my first famous video, Popstar Tarkan
I did not flip a new song or did a good track coming.
If you like it, do not forget to throw it, it looks good.
Tarkan Tevetoğlu, originally from kaledin
He was born on October 17, 1972 in the town of Alzey, in the province of Renna-Palatina, West Germany.
It's boring enough stuff, I'm going through my own style now.
In the year 1992, I vitamins in orange
Tarkan had an extreme explosion on his album with the song Old Old Brother
And Death continued to succeed in your part.
With the song "Spoiled" that he released in 1997, he started to show us that he was going to be up there
Saying, "We received prizes in various countries around the world, and we busted our chest.
Enter here your uncle
Ok enough
Later, he met many successful producers Ahmet Ertegun
And now many people were expecting Tarkan to be a World Appreciation.
But because English is not as good as it should be, Ahmet Ertegün said that he should wait for Tarkan for a while.
After long years of waiting, he entered the album "Come Closer" in 2006
But it failed for the first time on an album and took away the World Stars.
It is strange that Tarkan's fan, Pınar Dilek
A German concert, after the concert Megastar'ya opportunity to get caught,
He soon succeeded in transforming love.
And married in May 2016
Tarkan seems very contented when most of the female friends are sad to this situation.
In the past days, the album he sold had sold 400,000 CDs and broke the record for the last 7 years.
Also, for the first time a Turkish artist has achieved this success on the i-tunes World List.
But come on, there are still people who say "Tarkan what is megastar bee".
Some say that the words of his song are too shabby.
At first it was like that, but then you find something as you listen.
As a result, I am listening to this song and this is the album.
Страйкбольный пистолет APLUS KJW CZ75 SP-01 Shadow и сравнение с боевым - Duration: 9:29.Hello Everyone! This video is a review of airsoft replica of one of the most popular pistols for IPSC practice shooting - CZ SP-01 Shadow.
There are tremendous number of reviews of that gun on YouTube (in Russian too), I decided to make comparison review between airsoft and real gun. Expert opinion included.
I have two versions of KJ Works pistols in front of me. The first one is a classic version available on the market for like a year and it was reviewed by numerous bloggers.
The second one is APLUS version with all the original markings and engravings copied from real CZ SP-01 Shadow handgun.
If you don't know this yet - I started practicing IPSC shooting skills and I mainly practice with CZ SP-01. So I can add my experience to this comparison as well. Let's hear an expert first.
- Aleksei, why is CZ SP-01 such a popular weapon among IPSC shooters?
- First of all it has a much softer trigger than most models, especially Glock.
- It also has perfect ergonomics which suits most shooters. It is heavier so the recoil is weaker. This all leads to comfortable shooting.
Standard airsoft version can be used with two different magazines - Green Gas and CO2. The handgun is the same, magazines are interchangeable.
APLUS version which is in my hand now is sold with CO2 magazines only. But you can buy and use Green Gas ones as well.
This pistol performs similar with either magazine in terms of muzzle velocity.
Muzzle velocity for Green Gas magazine - 95-100 mps (meters per second). CO2 magazine - 100-105 mps. This is decent.
the only difference is the recoil which kicks harder with CO2 magazine.
To adjust hop-up you need to take out the magazine. Then push the pin out (the pin is also a bolt catch).
The hop-up adjust is a screw and you will need a screwdriver to adjust it. I must warn you though - do not over-tighten it.
Being made of steel it can damage the carving of hop-up chamber which is a softer alloy.
I recommend to replace the hop-up rubber as the stock one is too hard (standard recommendation for most pistols).
- Aleksei, what is the difference that you can tell between real CZ SP-01 Shadow and it's airsoft replica?
- First of all airsoft one is a bit lighter, not much though.
- With the magazine in you almost cannot tell it, but when the magazine is out - you can feel it.
- What about size?
- The size is almost similar but if you see closely you can notice a wider slide.
- Airsoft one?
- Yeah, the airsoft one is a little wider.
- Ergonomically they are identical.
- What about the trigger?
- The trigger is... Well double action is almost identical. I would say it is the same.
- Single action of airsoft version is a bit lighter.
- Would you say it's the same overall?
- Absolutely. The difference is really slim.
A bit of my opinion regarding quality of airsoft replica. First of all all the markings and engraving are absolutely identical which is really good for collectors.
I looked at both versions in detail and markings are the same as you can see here.
The only difference is "Made in Taiwan" sticker but you can easily remove it.
If you need CZ SP-01 replica for action air practicing or you want to practice at home but cannot use real one - you are probably interested in holster and other accessories compatibility.
I use STICH PROFI equipment for shooting. Hard belt, plastic holster and magnetic pouches. Thanks to STICH PROFI for providing this. The link is in the description.
Initially my airsoft replica didn't fit into holster as it's wider that real gun.
But I loosened two screws over here and it started working as intended.
As for magnetic poaches...
They work with mags but the magnetic force is not enough to run with it.
I would recommend to either use fast mags or stick some duct tape inside magnetic pouches so mags don't fall out.
IPSC shooters usually use IPSC special holsters which hold the gun by trigger guard only.
Airsoft version can be put into that fast-draw holster, but it cannot be fixed in place due to trigger guard size differences.
But as my instructor said - it generally fits so you can practice with it.
To summarize - this is a perfect airsoft gun which can be used in ordinary games, not only action air. If you're not confused with the fact it's not a combat weapon, feel free to use it.
This gun was made exclusively for IPSC, it's not used by any special forces or law enforcement.
The good thing also is that Aleksei Kalimullin - my instructor - decided to purchase this airsoft version and recommended it to one of his colleagues as well to be able to practice at home.
I think that opinion worth something as he works with real CZ SP-01 Shadow.
If you enjoyed this video, please give me thumbs up and subscribe to my channel.
There are a lot of useful links in the description (this handgun included). Good luck shooting!
¿Por qué ARABIA SAUDÍ está perdiendo en YEMEN? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 16:00.-------------------------------------------
Grand Theft Auto V - Happy EARLY Kiwi Independence Day (IN 4 MONTHS) - Duration: 1:43:31.-------------------------------------------
Sister Makeup by Hikari Shiina【With English Sub】|モノクロファッションにもオススメ!"死スター(シスター)"メイク【椎名ひかり】 - Duration: 6:31.Since it's a sister, I wanted to make it a little sad looking. That's why it is tear of blood
I am doing modeling at KERA
and I am an idol from the Daemon World
I am Hikari Shiina
Pikarin, Hikari
Jesus Christ
I want to do the sister makeup
It says "SI =Death" here,
It says "SI" here as well
There is actually a "SI=Death" written here as well
This is a "SI"star dress produced by me
The "SI" inside is the dark side in the human world that I hold
I hope you can buy it
So here we go with the "SI"ster makeup
The color contacts are Bambi series from Angel Colors
It's an almighty color contacts and was thinking of doing a daily makeup
so it's not an odd eye but the same color eyes
Precious Magical Any Cushion from Etude House
The color is lavender so it's purplish color
Since the makeup is "SI"star this time, I needed some funeral or ghost like look
So to do that, I'm adding a little purple
There are a lot of girls who use blue or purple for the base
Benefit Kitten Paris 3600yen
Made in USA. This is my mother's but the puff was so cute so I brought it
It's got glitter in it
This puff is so fluffy
I've never seen such a puff
It's as big as the bun of a really expensive hamburger
It feels good. When the puff is like this, it will be fun to use it
Majolica Majorca shadow customize eye shadow
Very good and very easy to carry
It can used as a blush as well as a shadow so it's very good
It's so good I am continuing to use this
Nose shadow from Heavy Rotation
I usually add the nose shadow pretty deeply,
so adding it as usual
For the eyebrows, I will be doing heavy rotation with Heavy Rotation
For the eyebrows for the "SI"ster
Since I have my original eyebrows now, so I am just drawing along it
This Anna Sui eye shadow matches very well with the "SI"ster makeup
Adding over with this brown color
Adding on the side
Next is the eyeliner from Love Liner in twin shiny stars color
Without any gaps and filling the edges of the waterline
People who doesn't have that much width on the eyelid or has a double fold, the pupil will look bigger
Since I wanted to illustrate and eye that has a dark side, I didn't add anything to the outer corner
When I reached the goals or my eyes on the outer corner, I just blend it in
The eyelash curler
The way to clamp is, I do it almost like this
I have less volume of eyelashes, or should I say it's a little short?
so unless I raise it straight, it won't reflect it
For those people, it will go up better if you raise it on the very edge of the eyelid
I think I raised it since 663 years ago
Next is the mascara
Not adding too much to the outer corner will create that round looking eyes
If you add it by having a black sun in mind, it will work out
If you create it like a rising sun, it will be really fun and good looking like coloring books
Probably my mother's Mary Quant
It is a "SI"ster makeup so I wanted to collect hi-end makeups,
but I didn't have any, and the only one that works was this Mary Quant
Drawing on the waterline
When you look from far away, it won't look vague, but still it won't be too low
The tattoo stickers
Since this is the genuine type of the "SI"ster makeup, I decided to reseller
This side is...the Jesus Christ
Since this side I wanted to make the sad look of the "SI"ster, it's the tear of blood
Bloody Tears
Sweets sweets fruits tinto balm 02
I'm sure since tinto is so popular, people buy it and get surprised that it's so bright
This Tinto isn't so bright nor the color doesn't fade so much so it is good
It will be a good red-orange to some extent
It becomes better as time passes
For the hair, I'm wearing the Chester Beret,
and I wanted to show the collar a little
I am tying my long hair and making it in a short arrangement
Pig tails are visible even when I am wearing a hat
Since I want to have the "SI=death" mark to be visible,
so I pin it to make it visible
"Si"ster makeup and "SI"ster coordination. How was it? Crisis!
It's just that I really like Chinese characters a lot,
Well for Cool Japan, I'm sure you all like Chinese characters as well,
The second grader syndrome type word actually comes to your wrist
This totally second year syndrome looking dress is..
I believe is still not sold yet globally
This hat as well. This I have specially made to make it big and Christian
There is a discreet hair here
This was something that may have been in KERA, but actually did not exist until now
It's like cute clothes which only existed in the 2D but now came into the human world to be created
so if you can do the "si"ster makeup while you are wearing the "SI"ster dress,
I'll be happy
The blush you see right here matches well with the black and white dresses
so I hope you can do it
There are many other videos including makeup and stuff,
So I hope you can check those as we.....Jesus
Goodbye crisis
Please watch again. Bye bye
RUSSIANS REACT TO GREEK RAP | Billy Sio - Ferto Stuff | REACTION | αντιδραση - Duration: 4:39.Okay guys, many of you have been asking to react to Billy Sio
Greek artist. The song is called "Fer... Ferto Stuff"
Let's go!
Some hood rap I guess
It looks like some ghetto or village
The whole neighborhood showed up
Real hood rap. Guys in sports cars
Customized cars
A kid with a gun!
This song is kind of for clubs
I'm wondering what they're saying
Guys please let us know in the comments what they're talking about
Drift drift drift... I mean burnout!
It kinda sounds like old Russian rap
They used to do such rap in the past
They would rap about their neighborhood and stuff
They got guns and everything
This song is good for dancing
Yeah, it really reminds me of Russian rap
But in Russian rap videos it's always dark
Russian rap videos are gloomy
In Russian rap all the videos are...
Oh, it's behind the scenes
They're in a BMW
Those guys look like gypsies. Are they gypsies?
No, in Russia gypsies don't drive BMW's
In Russia gypsies ride the metro
They don't drive such cars here. Actually, I don't know
I haven't seen gypsies in a while. But we have them
Yea, Billi Sio!
By the way, salute to the guy "LilRiicoGotTheSauce"
He's the producer of this song
And he asked me to react to this song too
So, salute bro!
Very dope beat, dope sound. I really liked it
I think I will add this song to my playlist
Salute Greece!
Youtuber Selling Merching Guides Making $4,000/Month : Response + Follow up - Duration: 15:14.fsdfsd
Tanki Online Let's Play #4 Very Interesting [Azeri Tank]. - Duration: 11:40.-------------------------------------------
Rammer E-68 - What to ask when you buy USED attachments ! - Duration: 0:49.Hello Pasquale is here from Italy company OMD
the weather is getting hot in Italy
that's why we have a HOT deal over here
RAMMER E-68 1.7 ton hydraulic breaker made in Finland
The breaker is finally ready to go ! Before to buy one of these used equipment
Whatever it is , always ask
for the CE certification from the supplier
and for the manual book from the used dealer when you buy it
that's all!
Two things to remember : CE Certification and Manual Book
Have a great deal ! Thank you ! Bye Bye !
How To Make Your Wireless Headphones (Earphones/Earbuds/Earpods) DIY at home - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
Zamana E Mustafa - Ghulam Murtaza Noshahi Qadri - Full HD 1080p - Duration: 6:32.Zamana E Mustafa - Ghulam Murtaza Noshahi Qadri - Full HD 1080p
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