Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 29 2017

-Well, last year, we opened up the doors to you, the fans,

in our Obstacle Design Challenge.

And we saw some insane ideas.


And now for the first time,

you get a sneak peek at the winning obstacle

selected for the Kansas City qualifying course.




-Here it is, your first look at the diabolical Crank It Up.

On this obstacle, contestants must kip their bodies

to crank up the handles in order to reach an elevation

high enough to lache to the next crank.

In doing so, you essentially crank yourself up six feet.

We asked the man who created this obstacle

to come out and crash the course with us -- Kevin Brekke.

It's called Crank It Up. Did you think of that name?

-I did. I was like, "Oh, crankshaft.

What would be, like, a weird pun?

And what would make them say weird things?"

And I was like, "Crank It Up."

-All right, Kevin,

what is the most challenging thing about this obstacle?

-You're pretty much using your whole body weight

to push yourself up at different angles,

and it's a whole upper-body beatdown.

The kip is very important in this obstacle.

-Yeah, that's kind of a cheat code right there.

Use the kip and save the grip. -Exactly.

Did you just make that up?

-Thanks, Kevin. I did.


-Ninja Natalie is here to show us how to improve our kip skills

to take on this obstacle for our Pom Wonderful tip of the week.

-Kipping usually -- It's a lot of hip involvement,

driving with the knees,

and just moving the momentum throughout your body.

-I mean, I feel like we got to see this.

-Get a nice little comfy seat on the ground

and like you're about to high-five someone

but then bring it back.

Drive with the knees and then bring the hips up

and then just let the momentum ride your body.


-That's your Pom tip of the week right there from Ninja Natalie.

-You guys ready? -Let's do it.

-Let's go.


-[ Clapping ]


-Whoo! -Yeah!





-You got this one.

-[ Grunts ]


-Normally I would test out the obstacle,

but we thought it'd be fun

to have the creator try out the design for himself.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-This guy made this obstacle.

-Yeah, Kev!

-Whoo! [ Speaking indistinctly ]

Come on.

-Way to go, Kev. Keep chipping.

Nice, Kevin. -Don't worry about it.

Give all this you got right now.

Let's go. Come on.

All the way through.

-Heck, yeah, man. Get up here.


Kevin Brekke created this,

got built in the Obstacle Design Challenge.

Ninja Natalie just slaughtered it.

This is "America Ninja Warrior: Crashing the Course."

-Whoo! -Whoo!

You all know the obstacles are the lifeblood

of "American Ninja Warrior."

And now, for the second year in a row,

we're opening up submissions for the Obstacle Design Challenge.

And based off the incredible response

from the community last year,

we selected seven design winners from over 2,500 entries.

And if you're selected,

you'll have the chance to come to the 2018 course

and witness your metal monster brought to life.


Because it's time to get creative.

Be sure to watch "American Ninja Warrior"

Mondays at 8:00, 7:00 Central, on NBC.

For more infomation >> American Ninja Warrior - Crashing the Course: Kansas City (Presented by POM Wonderful) - Duration: 4:04.


【ART VS. ILLUSTRATION】Thoughts of an Art Student - Duration: 13:46.

A month ago I uploaded my video about my experience on studying art.

I am so happy about the large amount of of feedback I received, even if it is sad that

so many of you had the same or similar experience.

But I figured that some people misunderstood the point that I was trying to make.

It was not about bashing studying art or art itself.

Not at all.

I said it in the beginning of the video that I define art as something that can be projected

onto anything by anyone.

I see it as a category under which people can discuss anything in a certain way and

achieve perspectives and thoughts they probably would have never had if that wasn't possible.

Just because - in my opinion - you are able to call anything art, that doesn't mean you

have to like everything.

Not everyone has to give a piece the same value.

It is up to the observer.

But if more people like it, that means there is a market on which it is valuable.

If the right people like it, it might even be displayed in a museum because there is

another market for that as well.

There are a lot of conditions to consider what makes something valuable (Name,Look,Execution


In short: Art is a term to classify an object or performance and make it comparable with

other things under that same perspective.

Rating that object or performance good or bad is something that happens after that attribution

was made.

It's important for me to see it this way, so I won't get angry when - for example - I

visit a museum, because I can accept something I don't like as a part of the art category,

but I am still an independent human being who can decide to like it or not, to give

it value or not.

While I am super grateful that most of you watched the whole video and understood what

I said, I feel the need to make this video because there were a lot of people as well

who were not really getting my point or even misinterpreting it.

So I chose some comments that summarize some accusations I found the most, and elaborate

on what made me come to the conclusion that art isn't as superior as some people would

like to think.

Most common question Why am I studying art and not illustration?

From what I've learned from my brother, who is studying illustration and design, he

made very similar experiences.

The difference between the two seems to be that illustration and design openly talk about

the market they are working for, while in art I always get to hear "Do what interests

you", "Question things", "Break conventions".

But in reality, they judge your work by the demand of the art market.

The rough point of my video was, that art likes to deny that such a market exists and

that it shapes the way people judge the work of others, especially how Professors judge

art students.

If everyone was more open about it when giving feedback, you'd know what you would be working


But keep in mind: I am studying art to become a teacher.

What I expected to learn in that regard is a topic for a whole nother video.

But considering that, ...

In the beginning I thought I could work freely, and unaffected by museums, exhibitions or

an art market in general.

But I figured out quickly, that as a teacher apparently my work would be to justify and

sell the art on the market to future students.

So after all my work is still rated after the standards of the art market.

Last but not least, to get into art you need a qualification, which you get through a portfolio

and an exam.

I applied to both design and art.

Design declined me twice, art accepted me ;)

Next up is a longer comment.

Pause the video to read it in full.

But I'll highlight the relevant parts that I'll talk about.

If I had wanted to get compliments at uni I would've taken some stains on paper plus

an esoteric explanation with me, like everyone else there.

I was prepared for a negative reaction, that it wouldn't be accepted.

What bothered me was the behaviour and the kind of questions I had to deal with.

But I also said that I took it with me because they wanted to see what I was working on in

my private life.

That was their specific request.

I wasn't whining about being criticized in the first place, I mentioned that to illustrate

the contrast between my private work and what I do for Uni.

And of course to demonstrate how absurd and random the feedback was.

But more importantly, the point of the video was to question the common believe, that art

was automatically better than just pretty things.

People accuse illustration to just exist for the sake of being pretty and catch attention

on the illustration market.

But a similar accusation can be made about art being created for the sake of being art

and thus sell on the art market.

The difference is that illustration can be more objectively rated based on the craft,

skills and purpose at least.

To understand art you often have to swallow what people tell you without questioning.

I mean, you can question those things, but be prepared to make enemies.

It's simply an unpopular thing to do.

You say it's more than that.

I just wish the people who grade me would get that step right.

I don't really get your point.

Not that I disagree, because art, in order to sell, definitely needs an added value.

What bugs me is what makes people think they can just judge using phrases like "Oh it's

pretty and so there is not story behind it", while swallowing every tiny piece of crap

that they are told when they look at, say, folded towels in a museum.

That's quite a double standard: You absolutely cannot tell, only guess, what the story behind

these towels is by just looking at them.

Nor can you really do so for the painting I did.

In that regard there is no difference between art and illustration, only prejudice.

But it goes further: Every person can gets something else out of an art piece.

One person might brush it off as just some towels, someone else might see something in

them that no-one else can.

At that point it doesn't even matter anymore whether the artist actually had anything in


Furthermore, the argument fails when talking about movements like Dadaism, or Art Brut,

where drawings and paintings were created by laypeople, children and patients of psychiatric

hospitals which were later declared and sold as art by Jean Dubuffets.

It's just like Joseph Beuys said: "Everyone is an artist".

We are at a point where it's pointless to say something's not art because we should

know by now that it heavily depends on Zeitgeist, what gets praised and what gets trashed.

The past has shown us again and again, and it's always the same mistake.

Again: Just because something's pretty doesn't mean that it's unsubstantial.

The other side of the coin is that just because somethings ugly, you can't assume there

is automatically some added intellectual value.

In art it is has somehow become mainstream to portray ugly people, because the art market

is buying it.

And of course, if the market wants it, then do it, but stop claiming that ugly is automatically

innovative or more authentic than pretty.

But what is ugly and pretty anyway?

Isn't that in the eye of the beholder?

All I want to say is: Develope your own taste and don't let people tell you something

is more worthy to be liked.

You are independent, make up your own mind.

If you still come to your conclusion, then that's fine.

But do so without any preconceived notions ingrained by any authority, or just to supposedly

separate yourself from one mainstream, only to land in another one.

I study to become a teacher.

A teacher in my opinion should have the authority to teach, and therefore it would be beneficial

if a teacher was able to argue artistic decisions out of choice and not out of inability.

Unfortunately, nowadays I experienced that when studying art, you learn absolutely nothing

that enables you to actually improve your skills.

There is no challenge.

You bring yourself and from moment on you just learn to sell yourself.

The only way to improve is learning drawing and painting privately, but risks are high

that your work looks too good aka like an illustration.

Then you have to downscale your skill to make it look like art.

I have actually been fairly successful so far, because as it turns out, it's really

easy to work on concepts of art if nobody rates the execution.

That is why I want to make people question: "Do I like these stains on canvas because

it was sold to me by an industry that is believed to be about real personal authentic expression,

while on the other hand the same industry dictates a strict line of what is art and

what's not?"

It's not about bashing anything.

But I just think it is unfair to bash illustration as something anyone could do and present art

as higher authority.

Thank you!

While I'm very grateful you liked that work of mine I still wonder:

You were accusing me of drawing that pretty painting just for the sake of being pretty

and appealing to the masses, assuming there is no story behind it.

At the same time I explicitly told you in the video that this painting that you love

has absolutely no story, no personality behind it.

I put no effort into it and it was just done for the artsy people at my uni to like.

I might understand now why modern art is so popular nowadays.

I hope I could show you that sometimes illustration and art can both be done in a calculated manner.

Both are markets.

A lot of artists are getting praised years after they died.

Not because their art suddenly changed but the demand and taste of the market.

People were listening to authorities and not to their own taste.

I did an experiment in my second semester.

I had a different prof where I took paintings with me that you can see on screen right now.

Those were criticized massively and I was directed to change.

Two weeks later I still had them hanging around because I used them as reference for a next

project and suddenly the same teacher asked me why I wouldn't want pursue that direction

more, because they had potential and reminded them of Baselitz (who, by the way, said some

horrible things about female artist but is still a highly regarded personality.

But that's another topic).

So my profs often have absolutely no idea themselves what they are looking for.

More importantly they are also not looking for uniqueness, since you need to drop names

that influenced you in order to survive and sell.

It's actually the other way around, if you wanted to be unique studying art just do manga,

the fewest do it because everyone knows how dangerous it is and you will come out of it

with a stronger personality because everyone will discourage you from doing it.

What kind of world would we live in if some people were born being able to express themselves

and others could never achieve that?

I think expressing yourself isn't even something you would need to learn, it's very intuitive

if you look at preschool art.

The hard part is the execution, to create something that truly represents your thoughts

or feelings.

How you rate it, if it moves you or not is personal taste which you have every right

to but if you can't appreciate the story behind realistic paintings because you want

to concentrate on the accuracy, then I guess it's not the artist fault.

Last but not least I want to treat you with a few examples to illustrate what made me

question the art industry.

Sources will be in the description.

It's stuff that I came across while studying for university.

So when people tell me why my work isn't art and they hold up glorified standards of

authenticity and added values, I just recommend to do some research if those values are actually

true or not and what practice you are actually trying to defend.

There are prominent examples that should make you question art authorities.

Objects that were mistaken for art, art that has been destroyed by cleaning personnel,

because they didn't identify it as art.

Or even people that sell invisible art.

Those are stories that maybe some of you have heard of.

But I want to give you some concrete examples.

Richard Prince, an artist who got famous for photographing an already existing photograph

by swiss photographer Hannes Schmid and selling it for 1 Million, and a another one from the

same series for 3.4 Million.

Furthermore, in 2015 he took pictures of instagram posts to print them in canvas size and sell

them, giving no royalties to the original artists.

So Facebook is not the only one you should worry about using your pictures ;)

Roy lichtenstein is also very famous for taking comic panels by comic artists without giving

credit or royalties and turning them into paintings.

To make it even more spicy, in 2010 Manager of Intellectual Property for the Estate of

Roy Lichtenstein accused Elsinore Music of copyright infringement while there were just

using the same source material for their album cover art.

Why isn't that labeled plagiarism you ask?

The legitimacy comes from illustration being degraded to "not art", which frames this

process as a transformation, instead of a copy.

I am not sure why it would add uniqueness and authenticity, when an established artist

basically rips off one of these illustrations and put it on canvas, when the original artists

never had the chance to declare their work art in the first place, because they have

no authority.

Art people might argue they took "low art" illustration and turning it into "high art"

without even mentioning the market behind all of it.

But I smell double standards and injustice by the action to call one thing art and exclude

something else.

Duchamps toilet should have already made clear that art is a perspective and not a rating.

So again I cannot tell you what to consider art but all I can do is ask you to think for


I could go on with more examples, but I am happy you listened to me for this long already,

so I am going to stop here.

Since I received a lot of comments about comfort zones, I want to talk about that topic as

well so I am probably going to make some similar videos in the future.

Anyway I hoped you like it or found it interesting and I hope to see you next time :)

For more infomation >> 【ART VS. ILLUSTRATION】Thoughts of an Art Student - Duration: 13:46.


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - S01E30 - Episode Review - Duration: 5:20.

Welcome to Ranger Reviews, a webseries where we look at episodes of the tv show, Power

Rangers and then discuss it!

Today, we're exploring the thirtieth episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, titled "The


We start this episode outside of Billy's garage where the teens sans Trini are piling

things into the Radbug.

Everyone except Jason, that is, because he isn't going on this… field trip….

That everyone else is going on because he needs to spend some time with his little cousin,


I don't think the writers know what a field trip is, but okay.

We get a cute little moment where Trini comes in and offers this things that she made in

her cooking class that look like brownies.

The Rangers go to taste them, and she tells them it's escargot, which Billy lets everyone

know that it's snail, so they toss them over their shoulders and smile like good sports.

I like the idea that Trini thinks she's great at cooking exotic dishes while everyone

wishes she would just stop.

Everyone without Jason gets into the Radbug and leaves, and apparently Squatt is just

waiting behind some bushes to watch them leave.

That's… strange.

Squatt goes back to the Moon, and Rita mentions something about a mirror.

So, at the beach, Bulk and Skull apparently opted out of the field trip too, and they're

eating pizza.

Jason and Jeremy walk along a path.

Bulk notices them, and asks who the kid is rudely, and Jeremy asks if this is the famous



He's more like the annoying kid in your class at this point.

Whatever, Bulk tries to fight Jason for some reason, and he ends up with his face in the



Jason and Jeremy are going fishing, but first, they practice martial arts on the beach.

Jeremy's not great, but he clearly looks up to Jason, so that's cool, I guess.

Jason mentions how when he was young, martial arts helped him build self confidence, which

is nice.

Rita sees them on the beach, and she almost shits a brick because she thought all the

rangers were out of town.

Does she understand the concept of teleporting?

Oh well, she sends down Putties.

Jason and Jeremy both fight the Putties, getting rid of them.

They then finally get to go fishing.

Man, this episode is dragging.

Jeremy somehow catches something within SECONDS, and it's a bottle that Jason rips open right

away, and weird light particles fly out.

Jason hides real quick and calls Zordon, who tells him to get Jeremy and leave.

Jason tries to get Jeremy, who has a boner for the bottle and the mini earthquake that


Inside the bottle is a map to the Mirror of Destruction.

Apparently, according to Rita, this mirror will destroy whoever looks into it, and we

get a terrible flashback of some Asian guy in knight armor gets killed by the mirror.

Scorpina, Baboo, and Squatt go down to Earth, and somehow, Scorpina snaps her fingers, and

some rocks form a monster named Rockstar.

How the hell did Scorpina do that!?

Whatever, the appear in front of Jason and Jeremy, and while Jeremy runs away, Putties

attack… but then the Rockstar shows up too, and he pins Jason down with a big, foam rock.

Zordon calls the others, and Trini and Zack teleport in, helping Jason.

He lets them know that they're after Jeremy, and we get a lot of weird cuts before we find

out that there's also trouble at a beach club somewhere?

The rangers are going to morph, but Billy says he'll find Jeremy and just bails.

It's hilarious.

There's a cool little fight with the putties with Black and Yellow while Pink fires her

Power Bow at Scorpina.

Yellow and Black gets pushed away by Rockstar, and in the background, there's a random

Japanese dude falling over himself.

Rockstar fires rocks at Trini and Zack before they get kicked into the pool.

Meanwhile, Squatt and Baboo fromp on in to let Scorpina know that they lost Jeremy.

I honestly don't even remember them going to go after him.

Scorpina finds Pink and Red and her mouth moves to tell Squatt and Baboo to do something,

but there's no audio, so that's good.

Rockstar appears and finds rocks at Red and Pink, so we're left with Billy apparently

just running around somewhere.

We find that Jeremy has "tricked" some putties to go away, and he finds the mirror.

The putties come back and find Jeremy, who just uses the mirror and kills them.

Congrats, we've made a murderer.

Now, Jeremy is on his back, and Rockstar is over him with a big rock, presumably ready

to bash his head in, but Jeremy uses the mirror, and boom goes Rockstar.

Meanwhile, I can only assume Billy has taken a smoke break somewhere.

Jeremy says the mirror is too dangerous and just tosses it away???

What kind of fucking idiot?

It lands on the beach by Scorpina, who starts going for it.

Yellow, Black, and…

Blue (?) come out and fire at her with their Blade Blasters.

In a moment of completion confusion, Pink and Red appear, and Pink loses the mirror

to Scorpina.

Time to make Scorpina and Goldar grow.

They form the Megazord, and giant Scorpina points the now giant Mirror of Destruction

at the Megazord who struggles to not look at the Mirror, because ya know, the Megazord

has eyes apparently.

Goldar grabs the Megazord, who then gets switched with the Megazord, and Scorpina has to throw

the mirror.

The Megazord calls on the Power Sword, and they destroy the mirror in midair.

The Rangers regroup with Jeremy on the beach, who has a huge boner for the Power Rangers.

In the end, we're at the juice bar where Jeremy is bragging to everyone about how he

fought putties, and he even says he saw Yellow and Black get tossed into the pool to drown,

but that's not even physically possible.

Whatever, he asks Jason where he was during the fight, and Jason says "Had to do something",

and we end the episode there.


This episode was hell to just get through, to be honest.

I don't know if it's the fact that the actor for Jeremy is bad, the fact that they

dubbed over his voice for some reason, the idea that the monster was just there while

they fought Putties over and over again, or the idea that this wasn't even really a

Jason focus episode.

It was pretty much a Jeremy one.

I mean, did the rangers even know that Jeremy destroyed Rockstar until he tells them at

the Juice Bar or did they just assume he left?

Whatever, hopefully next time won't be so rough, but until then, may the power protect


For more infomation >> Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - S01E30 - Episode Review - Duration: 5:20.


Programmed to be human - Robot - Duration: 12:55.

For more infomation >> Programmed to be human - Robot - Duration: 12:55.


Death Note (2017) - Türkçe Altyazılı 2. Fragman / Nat Wolff, Willem Dafoe - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Death Note (2017) - Türkçe Altyazılı 2. Fragman / Nat Wolff, Willem Dafoe - Duration: 2:09.


MIECIA: PRZYPADKIEM W RUMUNII (Accidentally in Romania) PL/ENG - Duration: 5:21.




No signal

There is no!



What was that?



O fuck



Everything is dirty in this house

And so it is all dirty

It's impossibile to live here

O my gosh...

Woman, move away!

What a bitch



I'm so hungry that I must have to eat leaves

Well done!

Heavy rain

I hate racing

No signal...

No toilet...

Screw it! I'm leaving

I wonder where the tracks will take me now



For more infomation >> MIECIA: PRZYPADKIEM W RUMUNII (Accidentally in Romania) PL/ENG - Duration: 5:21.


IMPRESSIVE: Russian Children Proudly Sing the Russian Anthem [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 1:42.

Russia – our sacred state,

Russia – our beloved country.

A mighty will, a great glory –

Yours forever for all time!

Be glorious, our free Fatherland,

Ancient union of brotherly peoples,

Ancestor-given wisdom of the people!

Be glorious, our country! We are proud of you!

For more infomation >> IMPRESSIVE: Russian Children Proudly Sing the Russian Anthem [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 1:42.


Unlike Pluto - Searching For You (feat. Karra & Eric Zayne) - Duration: 3:23.

Unlike Pluto - Searching For You (feat. Karra & Eric Zayne)

For more infomation >> Unlike Pluto - Searching For You (feat. Karra & Eric Zayne) - Duration: 3:23.


Segurito - Canción - Eléctrico, Sintético, Energético - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Segurito - Canción - Eléctrico, Sintético, Energético - Duration: 0:49.


Newfoundlanders scared off the Vikings - Duration: 3:28.

Okay, class.

Let's continue with our Canada 150 presentations.

So, Chelsea and Meaghan have been assigned the Vikings landings in Newfoundland and Labrador.


Yeah, totally.

Okay, whenever you're ready, ladies.

Okay, so back in the day, everybody was all, like,

John Cabot was the first dude to, like, hit up Newfoundland.

But then someone else was like, uh, my bad.

Before him, there were, like, VIKINGS.

Actual like Vikings.

Like big, burly,

bearded, like vintage hipster, like Vikings, okay?

They all looked like Josh Donaldson.

It was NUTS. They were all like super sexy.

Okay, let's just keep it clean ladies.

Oh my God Mr. Davies, can we just shine for like two seconds?

Yeah! Let us soar!

So it's like, suuuuper long ago. Year like one thousand.

And this main Viking dude named Leif Eriksson shows up with up, with his boats and his bestie DeShawn.

I'm sorry, DeShawn?

Yeah. DeShawn.

And they're pagan, right?

So Leif's like, "We love Thor!"

But it's Newfoundland, right? So the Vikings meet up with these like super friendly locals.

And they're wearing their rain slickers and waving and they're like,

"Hey, b'y! Come on over later! We're having a kitchen party!"

It's like so cute.

Hold on.

Are you saying that Newfoundlanders wore rain slickers

in the year 1000?

Mr. Davies, it rains there. It always has. That's a fact.

Yeah. Read an Internet, Mr. Davies.

I have read an Internet.

I have. I've read it.

So the Vikings show up and the Newfoundlanders are like,

"Let's driiiiiink!"

And then the Vikings are like,

"Ah, we know how to drink."

"I'm pretty sure that we drink flagons of mead for breakfast like every day."

And then the Newfoundlanders, okay, they're like,

"Uhh, how about some screech?"

And the Vikings are all like,

(spitting sound)

"Whoa! That's nasty."


All of a sudden all the Newfoundlanders like

whip out these like huge codfishes

and everybody's like chanting like,

"Kiss the cod! Kiss the cod!"

And then DeShawn is like,

"Uh, this is cray-cray."

"Are these cats for real?"

And Leif's like,

"Ohhh, look at the time. We should go."

"Uh, yeah, we have a lot of pillaging to do tomorrow."

"We are busy cats."

"Keep in touch! Facebook me!"


You think they had Facebook?

Dude. Everyone has Facebook.

Yeah. My grandpa has Facebook, and he's full dead.

So they got back on their boats, peaced out, and never came back.

The end.

Oh my God, we totally rocked that.

Nailed it.

Nailed it.

Well, I quit.

Yep, I quit. I'll be in traffic if you need me.

Oh my God, he's so hot when he's defeated.

Oh my gosh, like a Viking.

Yeah. Rocket.

For more infomation >> Newfoundlanders scared off the Vikings - Duration: 3:28.


LongAmp w Nebula Studio - prezentacja produktów - Duration: 36:11.

Hi! Nice to meet you all

My name's Adam and I'm a guitarist of Tides From Nebula band

We are at Nebula Studio (link below)

Thanks to Wojtek from Guitar Window TV we have a chance

to have Tomek Knapik (LongAmp owner) here

Before we begin, I'd like to tell you a short story how and why Tomek is sitting here :)

3 years ago I needed a custom made pedal after we released 'Eternal Movement' record

That album sounds more classic and analog

So.. I needed a proper custom overdrive stompbox

... and I found LongAmp online and this guy is sitting here!

He built this effect for me

So please introduce yourself and your brand to all the viewers

Hey! Thanks for having me here

Everything started from this pedal

3 years ago I've introduced a new design

Thanks to this exact pedal we got to know each other

Some time ago one of my customers sent me 'My Gear' video with Adam

who talks his guitar rig

It turned out that Adam uses one of my custom pedals

which is still in a good condition and works!

I'm glad that this effect met Adam's expectations and you can hear this stuff

on TFN's records

Guitar Window connects people!

Since that time a lot has changed

because you ran a mass production of effects

This is one of the first pedals I built

Now how all that started?

Well, all that happeded by accident

The story of me building electronics began when

I needed a project for school competition called 'Electrifying Passion'

That time I switched my main guitar from acoustic into electric

and I decided to build a copy of Marshall JCM 800

That was a really ambitious and time-consuming project

that led me to get the second place in the final at Wrocław University of Science and Technology


After that i started to build stompboxes

Then we got to know each other

And yeah, so much has changed

especially 1,5 year ago when I started a cooperation with Reverb (online shop with music gear)

So you've been building pedals and all that stuff for about 3 years

That's true

Did you have any plan for everything?

You know, everything went spontaneously

It's hard to remember

In the meantime while I was building that copy of Marshall amp

I started to interest about pedals

I was looking for my tone

I'm still inspired by The Cranberries or Manic Street Preachers

and I was looking for people who would be interested in my products

And over the years I introduced new projects

This pedal consists of a combination of Tube Screamer and booster

... and today we're here

So let's check how that stuff sounds

I'm glad that Tomek has come to the studio and brought some pedals

I had to deconstrunct my pedalboard and put LongAmp's pedals there

Let's begin with the first one

I know this overdrive, but it's worth mentioned, I think

And this is my custom made version

with beautiful Isaac Clarke's (Dead Space) mask

Ok, let's talk a bit about this overdrive

What's special in this new version?

Well, the circuit is way different than that from the previous edition

Here's a mode that allows us to switch the order of effects

So you can have overdrive and booster for volume

or a booster that boosts the overdrive

Now you have overdrive in front of booster

with booster

I see we can modify the amount of boost

Let's get back to the previous feature without booster

With booster

Sounds awesome!

What I like in this pedal is a full sound

This pedal gives a power to my hands

This version got more gain

It has a new chip that gives more gain than your version of this pedal

So I want this!

Let's move on to LongAmp Roxanne

This is one of the newest pedals I build

It's inspired by The Police

It's an EHX Electric Mistress clone from the 80s

As you can see, the imprint is inspired by 'Ghost in the Machine' album

Tell something about this effect

It has the same knobs as the original Electric Mistress

here's the switch Flange/Matrix

Matrix disables rate

With Flange we have a range of modulation

Now we're experimenting with rate

We can add a touch of feedback

I'm not a big fan of such sounds

but maybe I'll try a bit

The next pedal is Abyss

This is one of the latest pedals by LongAmp, it's a chorus

This pedal is based on Boss CE-2

with additional modifications

Ok, how it works?

Well, it's a classic Boss CE-2 circuit with 3 mods

like intensity, chorus/vibrato switch

The bass mode allows us to plug not only electric guitar, but also bass

Now with vibrato

As we can hear, It's more quiet

which depends on the specification of the modification

You can play dark lullabies with this pedal :D

Abyss is another pedal which I cannot include to our music and don't know how to play with it

That's why I have so many effects in my catalogue

Ok, now Da Funk pedal

As I can see, it's not complicated

It features only one knob and switch

This pedal is a modified MXR Phase 90

with additional feedback mod

Now the knob is turned into 3 o'clock

Let's turn it all the way

Less depth is hearable

Yeah, I'll play with that pedal

Now it's time for something more familiar with our band's tone

but I see this pedal has many knobs

Let's check delay first

Deluxe Time Machine

This is one of my best sellers

Deluxe Time Machine is popular in the U.S.

People love it because of its versatility

This delay emulates tape delays like Binson or Roland Echo Plex

Apart from that we can change modulation

So let's play something

This delay gives us many opportunities

so Maciek who can't see but hear me would be interested

Currently Binson mode is on

Is that true that two delays can work at the same time?

Yes. One delay can blend into another and then can loop

So this is not a typical delay

with adjusted tempo for playing rhythmical parts

I see this delays allows us to play something like...

ambient landscapes


Now let's talk about speed and depth knobs

These are modulations

Every mode gives us modulation section

plus depth and speed

This pedal gives so many opportunities!

Some of my customers have problem with operating this pedal

Yeah, this delay is a kind of... analog Strymon :D

Hahaha! You are so modest!

Now we switch off the modulation and turn into Echo Space mode

Here's modulation

It depends on settings

we got 2 delay times on the same level

And the last mode...

It's a single delay

and of course we have feedback knob

To sum up, it's an analog sounding delay that gives us many options

Deluxe Time Machine fits expectations of those who love to experiment

and those who need a delay to boost the sound of solo part for example

We have Moon Raker

What is it?

It's a reverb

but not as simple as you may think

We have pre-delay section here

so we can blend reverb with a touch of delay

This pedal features dry kill mod

that gives us wet signal

Moon Raker is inspired by my friend who needed a reverb pedal

I wanted to try something new, so I introduced a new circuit

Ok! Let's play

What happens here?

We got 4 knobs: 1) space that gives us the ambience

2) dwell - responsible for pre-delay section

3) mood - something like feedback feature

So it extends the signal

Now you can hear that short delay

This reverb sounds delicate

and doesn't overwhelm

I think this pedal would meet expectations of those

who prefer classic reverb pedals

As you can hear, we can also experiment more

Now what's this? Tell something about this pedal

It's a signal splitter

based on Clone Buffer

It improves the signal and neutralizes the loss from bypass

We can use two sources of signal

We can connect channels together

And we have booster

You use booster pedal all the time

That's true! I play with booster non-stop

This booster features the same circuit as that in Ultra Dist pedal

It's a nice booster that gives a kick to sound

Ok, you introduced us to your pedals but your story began with amplifiers

We also have two of your custom amps

Ok, sit and tell how it works

It's a 15W tube head

Not that much, but it's really noisy

What me and Maciek likes in this amp is dynamics

It's a clean signal

Sounds awesome!

As I see, it's a really simple amp

There's not much to tweak

It's a Matchless Spitfire, actually

I added a tube effects loop into this amp

It's simple - 3 knobs: volume, tone and master

and we can go crazy!

Ok, how to reach you online?

You can find LongAmp on

I got fanpages on Facebook and Instagram

and a mailbox I manage 24/7

All the links are below. Check them out!

Thank you so much!

It was a big pleasure to have you here

Thanks for invitation :)

So bye! Take care!

For more infomation >> LongAmp w Nebula Studio - prezentacja produktów - Duration: 36:11.


SOVNET PÅ FEST 😳🎉 | MOST LIKELY TO: BEA vs MARKUS - Duration: 10:25.

Hello everyone

How are you guys?

I hope everything's fine with you. Everything's fine with us

and today I'm here with...


Markus Grønstad

Maybe you recognize him from B.O.A.T.S?

for all of you good old fans that have been here since then

if not, how would you like me to introduce you?

you sing

sing and songwriter

We are going to do the Most Likely To Tag

why are we doing it?


why we are doing it?

I totally messed up with the "Wet Singing Challenge"...

No but seriously, we don't have to show that. It was really embarassing for me

We tried the "Wet Singing Challenge" right before :)))

what are you saying?

Are you fine?

Are you fine?

Are you fine?


Don't drown

We are going to do the Most Likely To Tag

Who's most likely to fart in public?

You picked yourself, me too!!

Do you have a story behind that answer?

No, actually not


Maybe I was wrong with the answer?

Did you think of picking me??

I picked you because I... It's just not me

Isn't it a "guy" thing to do it though?

Is it?

Yeah, it's a myth that girls just don't fart in public


I understand what you mean

they just hide

to fart

i don't know

Who's most likely to smash/crush a phone after buying a new one?


I did it a couple of days ago

I was thinking about that

I did smash my phone once, at a "russetreff"

I just got a new one!

good one! We're good at this

Who's most likely to flirt with a waiter/waitress?

I have to think a little for this one

I pick both

I picked only you


I feel like everyone does it sometimes?


I don't know how to flirt, I'm so bad at it

so I give it to you


Yeah... I just pick both

this one is pretty funny

Who's most likely to talk to objects?



I have a story behind my answer

ok, I'll pick you then

I see that on snapchat all the time


You see me talking to objects?

with your dog


and your mobile too tough!


When I was a little kid, I used to talk to my washing machine

with your washing machine?

This must be explained

Ok so everytime I went to the toilet

since my washing machine was there


I was a little kid

It was a "thing"?

No... I was just like talking to myself, but I was talking to my washing machine

I was small!!

Who's most likely to get arrested for going around naked?


Do you think I would do that?

I don't know?

I would not do that

me neither

oh ok

Who's most likely to be president?

Yeaaah, Bea!

I feel like I'm not so politically correct

I'm actually not really good with politics

But when I first find a thing

I really stand up for it

But yeah good, I liked that!

You have opinions so I think...

So you don't have opinions?

Yes I do

I'm good at keeping them for myself




So that doesn't really help that much

ok so then Bea (me) gets to he the President

Bea the president, it actually sounds nice

oh yeah

Who's most likely to be a math teacher?


Didn't you just study marketing?

yeah but

I hate math.

Don't you have economy classes?

we do.


they are the worst

ok, Bea the math teacher

you're studying too!

Who's most likely to cry watching a movie?

Don't you ever cry?

not watching movies

but I actually cry on concerts


I get really emotional at concerts

ok wow

I actually cry often

Have you NEVER cried watching Titanic?



You've got a cold heart

no but

it doesn't feel real you know? It's a movie

But if I'm at a concert, I can shed a tear


Who's most likely to fall asleep at a party?

Have you fallen asleep at a party?

I don't think so

but I get really tired

I've done it

oh you have fallen asleep?


ok, you'll get this one then! I changed my mind.

It was last year

When we graduated

The whole class gathered at one of my classmate's place

I got sooooo tired and felt asleep

Then the mother of my classmate came to me and treated me as if I was drunk

because she thought I was drunk

and that I fell asleep afterwards

I did not drink anything!

so you were just tired?

she was like:

"Are you okay? Do you need help?"

"Do you need water? I can help you"

"I can help you getting up"

and I was just like...

I can manage it myself

Yeah, exactly

this was my story

I have not fallen asleep at a party


I always get tired

it can happen though

we never know

never say never



Who's most likely to get married to a celebrity?


I like that you picked me on this one

you are in the celebrity world

you are a youtuber

so I think you're "there"


I appreciate it

Who's most likely to get most piercings?

I've got a few

I've got 4 piercings

I do not dare to get one

Yeah but you're a guy, I don't think you should worry about it

Who's most likely to be a drama queen?

This one is very....good

If you think it's me you can pick me?

but I don't know

I don't know either

so I picked both, because

I think everyone can be a drama queen sometimes

I agree

This one got me thinking

i don't know

Who's most likely to laugh at the wrong time?

I pick you

I laugh at the weirdest scenes/situations



I've heard I've got a quite evil laugh sometimes


that does not happen to me

I've surely laughed at the wrong time

I laugh very easily

so it sounds evil



I feel sorry for those who think you're laughing "evil" at them

i know!

And the last but not least...

Who's most likely to hold their breath longest?

I think we have to test this

but let's guess first

I think it's me

I think myself too

3, 2, 1

I was soooo near!

I just couldn't wait no more


So yeah... Markus won

Congratulations Markus


Congratulations, how does it feel to win?

I've won 2 challenges now right?


the other one does not count

of course it does! Why not?


I just stopped the challenge, it's completely different

you just spit out the water

I did not spit it out

you drowned

It is actually "true"

I hope you liked this video

If yes, give it a big thumbs up, thumbs up POWAAAAH!!

Go check out Markus' youtube channel


all his social media is in the description box

so check that out

remember to subscribe to my channel if you haven't done it yet

it was nice to be on your channel!

How does it feel being in Bea's world?

It's my first time

I've been on B.O.A.T.S

but this is my first time on Bea's World

haha true

that was well said

I'll see you next time guys, bye bye!

For more infomation >> SOVNET PÅ FEST 😳🎉 | MOST LIKELY TO: BEA vs MARKUS - Duration: 10:25.


Hard Motivational Rap beat Trap instrumental Hip Hop Type 808 Trap beat 2017 Free NEW - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Hard Motivational Rap beat Trap instrumental Hip Hop Type 808 Trap beat 2017 Free NEW - Duration: 2:27.


Downhill track @ Racepark Schulenberg -subtitled- - Duration: 2:22.

Racepark Schulenberg / germany

well.. the downhill track

managed it to clear the root this time

slowly I'm getting back to speed

forgot to take the inside

or else I get in trouble with the tree

so many bumps

staying on top

little cut

pretty rough

ok that... was a fail

where to go?

well that's cool

I want to double that but I doubt it's a good idea

traverse section

that's the best part... little quarter into roots and then there is this drop

now there's a rock garden

don't know if I can overjump it yet

got no flow down here yet

For more infomation >> Downhill track @ Racepark Schulenberg -subtitled- - Duration: 2:22.


[学生不坏]主题曲-巧克力唷(Despacito-cover by Elden'sTube Team) - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> [学生不坏]主题曲-巧克力唷(Despacito-cover by Elden'sTube Team) - Duration: 1:31.


Casper Tiny House (208 Sq Ft) | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 4:22.


For more infomation >> Casper Tiny House (208 Sq Ft) | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 4:22.


Let's Play Kona Part 5 ( Blind ) - Duration: 47:32.

Let's Play Kona

For more infomation >> Let's Play Kona Part 5 ( Blind ) - Duration: 47:32.


(Warum) FUNKTIONIERT CHARTTECHNIK? - Duration: 13:02.

For more infomation >> (Warum) FUNKTIONIERT CHARTTECHNIK? - Duration: 13:02.


【Minecraft】マイクラの全ブロックでピラミッド Part111【ゆっくり実況】 - Duration: 12:18.

Hello, this is Teryi.

Good evening, it is slowly.

Thank you for your viewing.

Thanks dear.

Well, the game is resumed with a remarkable sense of tension.

Several tens of seconds is heavier each month in the world regenerate, and, we sound shift on during the recording is has become the spoilers of after a few seconds.

You'll have raised immediately after the game resumed.

This is also the old days, by which I noticed when you Nether capture under conditions difficult aside mobs.

Only up to a range of chunk immediately after the game resumed loaded, I think I know are unlikely to count the springing maximum number of mobs.

So it seems springing up easy Wasawasa nearby.

I did surprisingly easily survived because was expecting.

In, but I thought suddenly, to stop immediately the escape key immediately after the game resumed might ants.

Since also chunk is loaded while you are probably stop, the game resumed after a few tens of seconds, maybe the sound shift problem on the recording is eliminated. I think to try next time.

Well, last time or lost to reach the first Nether fortress, but was mutual hostility to the zombie pig man, wizard skeleton's head was gathered smoothly.

In, while Shi fell being fearful and Daruma-san, you have ready to go back to the pyramid base because food came reduced.

Is not there is food if zombie meat.

Is not it a waste Once you eat.

Well, even give up the weapons and armor of zombie Pig Man, drop goods it is the responsibility is starting in the tightly hand.

But to try to leave will be infested trying Hikitomeyo me.

I feel to say whether made to escape.

In, the last time was repeatedly fails with di spawn aim, but I was variously think of a way to release the anger mode.

According to the official English wiki, more than to leave as 40m has become a condition of anger mode is released, it will be dependent on luck to somehow in the Nether fortress.

By'll gush here and there I come chase, it'll be difficult to take distance.

So too, is the conclusion that should be used a method of temporarily leaving the Nether fortress.

By continue to proceed in a certain direction in the Nether in a hurry, it is that the outrun to the area where the time being of the anger mode transmission is not performed, I think I can unexpectedly.

Speaking of whether the previous times, it 's had earnestly fled in a certain direction.

Dangerous, I'm glad to notice. Durability value of the armor is imperceptibly dangerous waters.

Though it was Ninomai undersea temple after breath.

In, we made a physical unique Barrier in a hurry Nezarakku. Narrow and calms down.

Well anyway experience value 36, because the helmet made in synthesis is high cost, whether or not sufficient.

Come to think of it, but it still remains of Alex's skin.

When the first play of version 1.8 in the tie height, I'm remains forcibly skin replaced him. I think that trying to return to Steve from the new plan.

Then, they ran out of experience values ​​in snugly award. Surprisingly now I might be lucky.

I'll have been a waste of luck also.

No, routinely at 4 body eyes from the game resumed, we get the 9 th head of the wizard skeleton.

This is destined to die in another wizard war.

Anyway is ensuring the 3 pieces of beacon at this point. It became after head three to the target number.

Well but, it is a little disappointing feeling was to get honest here. Though I wanted to collect a little more smash his head.

I No person of bad luck will feel rewarding.

Well of earlier, but is the story of zombie pig man of anger release, well-considered and when you come back to again Nether fortress, is required not seem to be aware of the anger timer.

Calculated to within a maximum of 40 seconds of anger timer Once, I would be back within anger again, mobs will de-spawn at the time away 128m before that.

In other words, it No such should have been released anger when you come back.

Matada, because the play of the drawing distance 10 chunk, if there is a lag of chunk processing, I think that there is also a possibility that the zombie pig man of anger mode slip through remains.

The next time you come to the Nether fortress, not perhaps be better to approach the dizzy To Nether fortress just in case.

Also I thing's a hassle if it fails.

Well, caters When you return to the pyramid sites, wizard game, beacon mounted on a mule escape plan, it is busy with the confirmation of the abandoned village plan.

Uo chopper, until the duration of the trauma effect expires I want a break.

I abnormal status of the real.

In, busy, zombies have come out crawling.

Not a do you ignore.

A moment I thought so, but did not after all be ignored.

By the way, I came out a subsequent straw straw, but the weather is like the instability, it seems or did not burn or burn.

Is this, Will has changed brightness in the rain and thunderstorms?

It 's difficult to understand in the desert.

Well, Magou it without wizard skeleton of the head, there are six in conjunction with the stockpile.

Since already beacon are making one, if after three you collect your head, building material collected for this project is completed.

Wizard warfare it three times after.

In, or fight if three times the wizard game, I was thinking for a long time, this is the first ground war, the next step is or wants narrowing pun with the two-body simultaneous summons.

Well food before that, since then outing of the languid indoor school to hunt the steak of the original, it switches to the carrot of gold.

I thing we did while not eat the staple food.

In the ideal of keep satiety state when the fight, is a reasonable reason that it is better good Haramochi.

Mean to say that, and probably enough to planning the end, we have prepared a little one stack.

It 's gold has been reduced considerably.

Although I thought later, it may be better to leave a little longer was good for the gold apples of the upper.

Well, in a departure to the wizard war.

So far wizard is not be fought only in the passage of the underground, and, for the first time to fight without potions, and a little nervous indeed.

Battle place, chose the grassland close to the respawn base.

I thing there that it's desert cactus to Sakkuri the Nether star.

Well, I feel like that somehow glowing. I think because of the gas.

It 's hard to tell.

Since the Well of imminent anymore beacon enters the hand, this is the last to rely on RS lamp.

Well, in again, first to just below about 15m.

Its height, spread digging barely put space the level 4 beacon.

And, as mobs is not young, if Shikitsumere the gap without beacon set, this is at the ready.

And I did forget issued a diamond for the start-up.

Well, beacon effect is like the submarine temple, is tolerance and heart recovery.

It should be noted that, Why do not you make effective use of brown glass that was too made before inadvertently, it has become dirty beacon.

I felt that was blown against digging cloudy hot spring.

If Kasanere the glass well up to this point, the beacon any event will not be bombed.

Well, I am invincible, which has received the beacon effect. Tension is I have faded.

Worries, I gonna wonder if the bow hits.

Long-term warfare choice. Witherspoon also will recover, but it does not lose if resilience.

Come, come. And one-to-one fair and square of the game.

I say fair and square using a beacon?

Hot spring only is blown.

And, there? Why the cow is being targeted?

And kill Shun, I stay away.

Well, I did not know honestly this is.

When I fought in the previous wizard and underground Speaking of, but Wither as if I am not there was that went away slowly while digging a stone.

That phenomenon, went to defeat the mobs who were in the vicinity of the cave, and it was was the will you do to say.

I do not care, effective range of the beacon is I'm 50m.

Well anyway, because you will not enter the desert there are no animals, is My God is no unlikely Nether star is lost in the cactus.

And, more than that has hit the animal, the need to clad in a body a beacon armor is unlikely.

In other words, No fight fair and square the animal to the shield.

I not have been such a struggle like.

It came suddenly came something I.

Uo here is the enchanted diamonds, is cowardly to speak, I say that there is only paper equipment.

Barely escape for me to partner?

It's a time to eat the gold apples of the upper what now. Resistant even should somehow made, if any.

It is already moving away when the thought.

I not you and the other party after all.

Then, finally wizard gave me a little calm.

It did caught in Savannah plateau.

Very much like you want to dig a tunnel, where it is can be to shave up to nearly half physical strength.

Then chasing the wizard, Savannah plateau became a battlefield.

In, and able to cut the strength of the last wizard in the success of the horse also up to nearly half, is Gachinko game you come up here.

It I was useless beacon after all.

It does not help Anna mon. After all is a hot spring that was blown.

Fu. It was cut to the heart half. If it were not for the resistance of the top of the gold apple it was dangerous.

It I was a little remaining 1 minute.

In, it Is not die dried up with it anyway?

All right. Whether it will be such a thing, we had prepared a beacon.

If I wanted to direct, and they, just before returning to the effect range of the beacon, has expired the effect of the wizard.

It I was useless beacon eventually to the end.

Now that there was a variety, this time with the way recording is up to here.

Well the time being, but was defeated in the Nogado without the potion, did not go somehow convinced.

Next time doing occasionally a bonus target, then is expected to be the last of the Nether fortress advance.

Two-body simultaneous summoning of whizzers No a new bonus goal?

It means a very If you do not he even one head chasing biceps, is reluctant.

I thought Toka to decoy summoned more Iron Golem of physical strength, but the wizard is not sure whether me hit the Iron Golem.

So, we will work hard the next time.

see you next time. Buying and selling.

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