Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 29 2017


Sweetheart, don't look at me like that It's going to be amazing!

Oh God

This is a disaster!

Who's the genius?

Who puts a girl in heels on a subway grate?

Miss Monroe Eat a Snickers


You get a little cranky when you're hungry


Much better

This scene will never make the cut


For more infomation >> Snickers Marilyn Super Bowl Ad Feat. Willem Dafoe - Duration: 0:51.


BTS - "Butterfly" - Hitomi Flor (Female Cover) Sub Esp/Eng - Duration: 2:30.

Don't think of anything

Don't say anything, not even a word

Hey! Oh! Just give me a smile

I still can't believe it. All of this seems like a dream

Hey! Oh! Don't try to disappear

Is it true? Is it true?

You. You...

You're so beautiful, that I'm scared

Untrue? Untrue?

You! You! You!

Will you stay by my side?

Will you promise me?

If I let go of your hand, you'll fly away and break...

I'm scared scared scared of that!

Will you stop time?

If this moment passes, as though it hadn't happened...

I'm scared scared scared I'll lose you!

Butterfly, like a butterfly...

Just like a Butterfly!

Butterfly, like a butterfly...

Just like a Butterfly

For more infomation >> BTS - "Butterfly" - Hitomi Flor (Female Cover) Sub Esp/Eng - Duration: 2:30.




by Edward Morgan

Many believe that alcoholism is a spiritual disease, and that at the very least there

are real spiritual consequences of alcohol consumption.

Yet, is ubiquitous in our society, a strange culture which simultaneously prohibits those

mind-altering substances which elevate consciousness and help us to live more meaningful lives.

Alcohol is decidedly more dangerous than cannabis, magic mushrooms, ayahuasca, LSD, and so many

other drugs, but our cultural addiction to booze is evident everywhere.

Research has shown that even moderate alcohol consumption is extremely detrimental to your


Research has shown over and again that alcohol is the most destructive drug known, and if

you look at the etymology of the word itself, it�s clear there is a spiritual dimension

to this substance, one that consumes lives and happiness, prohibiting people from living

joyous, full lives.

�The word �Alcohol� comes from the Arabic �al-kuhl� which means �BODY EATING SPIRIT�,

and gives root origins to the English term for �ghoul�.

In Middle Eastern folklore, a �ghoul� is an evil demon thought to eat human bodies,

either as stolen corpses or as children.

The words �alembic� and �alcohol�, both metaphors for aqua vitae or �life water�

and �spirit�, often refer to a distilled liquid that came from magical explorations

in Middle Eastern alchemy.� ~Zahrah Sita So why then are so many of us interested in

seeking oblivion with booze?

Surely the supply is put in front of us by the alcohol industry, but why is the demand

so high?

�The contortions we go through just not to be ourselves for a few hours!� ~Keith

Richards, Life, an autobiography In a recent interview with London Real, the

world�s leading expert on addiction, Gabor Mat� was asked by host Brian Rose about


Rose first tells a very common story of how consuming alcohol on a daily basis is normal

for people who�ve experienced something in their past which darkly colors their world.

Mat�s reply speaks to so many of us, for it breaks down the drivers behind alcohol

consumption in our fast-paced, money and success driven culture.

He says:

�It�s an archetypal story.

First of all you�re hurt as a child, and then you have to compensate for it.

So you compensate in two ways.

One is by becoming a �success�.� When despite all of your best efforts in your successes,

and your ability to impress people, the gnawing pain still shows up, now you use something

to soothe the pain.

And what do you say about somebody who drinks too much?

There�s an old expression.

When someone has drunk too much, there used to be an old saying.

�They�re feeling no pain.�� ~Gabor Mat�

In a sick society it makes sense that so many of us are addicted to painkillers, the number

one of which is alcohol.

We are simply wanting to feel no pain.

When you consider the depth of the opioid epidemic today, you have to wonder how we

can heal this massive spiritual illness, and hope is to be found in the wisdom of those

healers who understand the roots of the problems individuals attempt to

face on their own.



A Bad Moms Christmas (2017) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Teaser Fragman / Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> A Bad Moms Christmas (2017) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Teaser Fragman / Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell - Duration: 1:45.


How to get YouTube 2017 Layout with Dark Theme for Free!![Official Video] - Duration: 1:04.

Welcome to Tech Hack Series.....

Today I'm going to show you how to

Get YouTube 2017 layout & Dark Theme for free

First of all-Open your favorite Browser.

This is Classic YouTube Version

Now, write-

Then click here.

then click this blue button

Now,this is the YouTube 2017 layout

See the change

Between the previous one &

New One!

Now, click the image icon to

Enable the Dark Theme of YouTube.

That's all!

Ya! It's Done....

Don't Forget to like & Subscribe!

Good Bye!

For more infomation >> How to get YouTube 2017 Layout with Dark Theme for Free!![Official Video] - Duration: 1:04.


Pakistan Likely To Test Ukrainian Oplot t@nk - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Pakistan Likely To Test Ukrainian Oplot t@nk - Duration: 1:44.


11 things People Used To Believe About Women's Bodies - Duration: 7:56.

Some of the most bananas beliefs throughout history revolved around women and their magical


But can we blame the old-timey patriarchy?


We can also blame shoddy studies, and being superstitious as heck.

While we clearly haven't figured out all the mysteries of the universe...

"Your body is a wonderland"

...we've definitely debunked all of these old-fashioned theories!

​Menses kill bees

Pliny the Elder, an Ancient Roman philosopher, compiled an encyclopedia called Natural History,

with a section totally devoted to the alleged "powers" of menstruating women.

According to good ole Pliny, side effects of Aunt Flo included dimming the reflection

of mirrors, driving dogs crazy, and killing entire swarms of bees.

He also believed that if a woman's menstrual blood was somehow exposed to lightning during

a thunderstorm, the storm would be driven away.

Controlling the weather with your uterus?

Take THAT, Thor.

Chicks have less teeth

Aristotle, Ancient Greek philosopher and scientist, might have been a genius, but his views on

women were...uh…problematic.

He believed his lady friends to be "incomplete" versions of men, with less of everything — brains,

brawn, and strangely, even teeth!

A-Stot argued that men were superior, thanks to their "intellectual virtue in completeness,"

and gals were meant to serve them.


Fast-forward to currently serving some serious girlboss.

Uterus u-turn

The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates invented the term "hysteria," which meant pretty

much anything that went wrong with a woman's health.

And the cause?

A "wandering uterus."

And another ancient Greek, Aretaeus of Cappadocia said that the womb is "closely resembling

an animal" and "moves itself hither and thither."

And people believed it.

For centuries.

Even after more was understood about the female body and its functions, "hysteria" continued

to be used as a diagnosis.

Thanks for man-splaining it, guys.

Sexual feelin'

Victorian Era sex was super taboo.

While men could indulge their sexual fantasies, horny women were considered low class.

Women were meant to endure sex, not enjoy it.

A famous, though false, anecdote claims that Queen Victoria once advised her daughter to

endure her wedding night by doing one thing: "Lie back and think of England."

Women even went to the doctor to be relieved of their sexual urges, which were assumed

to be just another case of "hysteria."

Symptoms included erotic fantasies and irritability.

As treatment, doctors would manually stimulate the woman, eventually leading to the invention

of the vibrator.

And no one admitted that this treatment was really… orgasms.

We're guessing the average Victorian chick could handle "multiple doctor visits!"

Itty bitty

Back in the Victorian era, people thought solo sex was not only immoral, it could lead

to developmental delays, such as girls being flat-chested.

In 1875, Dr. John Cowan wrote in The Science of a New Life that,

"...girls who have followed masturbating habits… are apt to be flat-breasted, or, as we term

it, flat-chested."

Myths about the dangers of solo-sex were so pervasive that people went nuts preventing

their children from touching their bathing suit areas.

Victorian doctors even sliced and diced the genitals of young girls to prevent the practice.

Maybe we'd be better off hitting the books, instead?

Not so fast.

Reading infertility

These days, women usually outnumber men in universities, but it was once thought that

women who read too much would become infertile.

Harvard professor Edward H. Clarke thought that while women are capable of learning,

too much studying could lead to infertility.

Clarke recommended that girls receive limited schooling, so as not to damage their baby-makers.

Thankfully, well-educated women disproved Clarke's theories, risking life and womb,

with both reading and writing!

An 1885 study by Annie Howes, and an 1887 paper by Mary Putnam Jacobi, debunked Clarke's

ridiculous theory.

End of story.

Baby uggo

In 1995, author Julia Epstein wrote for the Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities about

the centuries-old debate over whether or not... "...imaginative activity in the minds of pregnant

women could explain birthmarks and birth malformations."

You see, in the 18th century, people believed women's thoughts could affect her baby's


It was widely recommended that women avoid "unwholesome" things, lest they deform their

developing child.

Important science in a time when no one took showers.

Monthly visitor

The idea that a woman on her period is somehow unclean dates back to forever.

Even in the biblical book of Leviticus, not only was a woman on her period unclean, so

was everything she wore and touched.

According to 13th century philosopher and theologian Albertus Magnus, quote, "Menstrual

matter is extremely venomous," and gives off "fumes" which can poison children.

These ideas persisted in Western culture well past the point you'd think people would have

stopped buying into it.

In the 1920s, a doctor named Bela Schick described an alleged "menstrual toxin" that was secreted

in a menstruating woman's sweat and had the power to cause flowers to wilt.

But this isn't women's health unless we talk about tampons...

Tampax virgin

When Tampax was introduced in the 1930s, many people thought they shouldn't be used by young

girls, because according to, like, everyone, a tampon would result in the loss of virginity.

Consumer Reports released an article in the 1940s giving virgins the "OK" to use tampons.

And in case there's still any confusion, the only thing that can make someone lose their

virginity is actually having sex.

Speaking of how that works...

Preggo on demand

In 2012, Missouri Congressman Todd Akin made a ridiculous claim about rape victims.

"If it's a legitimate rape…uh… the female body has ways to shut that whole thing down."

But he's not the only one to have that belief.

In 1995, North Carolina state representative Henry Aldridge, said that rape victims cannot

conceive a child as "the juices don't flow" and "the body functions don't work."

Pennsylvania state legislator Stephen Freind claimed in 1988 that the odds of a rape victim

becoming pregnant were "one in millions and millions and millions."

Um, hi?

Did everyone skip sex ed in 7th grade?

The impossibility of rape leading to conception has even been used as a legal defense since

at least the 13th century.

A historian at the University of Birmingham unearthed a British legal text from 1290 that

says, "...without a woman's consent she could not conceive."

What's that about women being inferior, Aristotle?

Work it

While women today have it much better, things are still far from perfect.

A recent global study showed that three out of four women believe their country has unequal


Nearly half of the women in the world say they don't personally feel they have equal

status to men.

One in five people still believe that women are inferior to men.

And the bees are dying, even when we aren't on our periods.

We might live in a more enlightened time, but there's still work to be done.

So get out there and read, pleasure yourself, and live your life.

So, generations from now, this will all be history!

"Who run the world?


Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> 11 things People Used To Believe About Women's Bodies - Duration: 7:56.


How to Draw Animals Easy - Unicorn for Kids. DIY Coloring Pages. Art for Kids. Step by Step Drawing - Duration: 1:43.

How to Draw Animals Easy - Unicorn for Kids. DIY Coloring Pages. Art for Kids. Step by Step Drawing

For more infomation >> How to Draw Animals Easy - Unicorn for Kids. DIY Coloring Pages. Art for Kids. Step by Step Drawing - Duration: 1:43.


The Answer 【Volkswagen】 - Duration: 1:13.

Leaving us with this unsolvable equation




Eleven, finally

For more infomation >> The Answer 【Volkswagen】 - Duration: 1:13.


Ten Funny and Interesting Finnish Words (Compound Words) - with subtitles - Duration: 4:24.

Hello once again everyone, and welcome back to 'English Tips for Finns' and this

is video number 22.

I could be wrong about this, but I think Finnish is a more concrete language than

English. For example, the word for computer is 'tietokone' and that's

literally translated as 'knowledge machine'. Tieto - knowledge; kone - machine.

The word for railway is 'rautatie', and it's literally translated as 'Iron Road'.

Rauta - iron; tie - road. I guess to a Finnish person these words aren't

funny because you just grow up speaking them -- and they're so natural. But if

you're learning Finnish you can kind of imagine how interesting and funny they

sound. Actually, now that I think about it, I would like to know how this

goes for you as a Finnish speaker learning English. Are there words that are

kind of funny in the same way? If there are, please write them in the

comments below. It would be interesting to hear. I made a list of these kinds

of words, and I'm going to show you a slide with those words on them. You

should pause the video, you should think how to translate them literally -- so the

way we don't say it in English -- and then how...and then translate how we would say

them in English. Then, after that first slide, I will talk about each one

So...oh, and please like the video, subscribe to my channel. share it with

others, follow me on Twitter and maybe enrol in my course '50 Common English

Mistakes Made by Finns'. All that information is in the description box below, and let's get started.

Once again, think of how to translate these

words literally, and in the way we really would translate them into English.

For more infomation >> Ten Funny and Interesting Finnish Words (Compound Words) - with subtitles - Duration: 4:24.


Złoto - indywidualista - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> Złoto - indywidualista - Duration: 5:47.


How Tom Holland Got Ripped To Play Spider-Man - Duration: 4:42.

Once upon a time, Tom Holland was best known for starring in the stage version of Billy

Elliot and the 2012 disaster flick The Impossible.

Of course, that all changed when the British actor appeared in Captain America: Civil War,

donning the iconic Spider-Man suit to fight against Steve Rogers.

"What's up everybody?!"

Marvel fans everywhere thought Holland absolutely killed it as Peter Parker and they also agreed

he looked ripped as everybody's favorite web-slinger.

He might've even made some of his co-stars jealous for how well-liked he was in the flick.

"Listen, Tom's a little a------,alright?

Tom has his own base camp, he has like an entourage, he's a lot.

He's a lot to deal with."

But how did he physically transform from a scrawny tot into one of the world's most famous


Here's everything you need to know about how Tom Holland turned himself into Spider-Man.

Shaking it into shape

Unlike a certain actor who's best known for playing Star-Lord, Tom Holland was in great

shape long before landing the role of Spider-Man.

He started out taking hip-hop dance lessons in England as a kid and went on to study ballet

for two years in hopes of landing the title role in Billy Elliot.

In addition to helping him get bigger, Holland's dance background has really aided him as an


He told Interview Magazine, "I'm very happy I had that training.

It's been so valuable to my career, and I've used it on almost everything I've done since."

That experience certainly came into good use when he cross-dressed for Lip Sync Battle

with exactly zero fear of losing any dude cred.

Hitting the mats

Every Avenger has his or her particular skillset.

Iron Man flies and blasts stuff.

Black Widow does martial arts.

Spider-Man climbs walls, does flips, and makes Olympic gold medalists look like old men.

Of course, Peter Parker got his acrobatic skills courtesy of a radioactive spider bite.

Tom Holland, on the other hand, gained his gymnastic abilities after years of hard work,

dedication, and risking his neck.

Like his dancing history, he credits his stage work on Billy Elliot with his earliest exposure

to gymnastics.

"They trained me in gymnastics while I was during that show and it's just something I

kept up while finishing the show and for my auditions for Spider-Man."

Holland is also into free running, a form of parkour that emphasizes "creative expression."

In other words, it involves a lot of acrobatics, not to mention some semi-dangerous stunts.

Speaking with Metro, Holland once explained, "Me and my mates go free running all the time….I've

probably jumped four meters on to grass and two meters between buildings."

In addition to keeping him agile and limber—which is essential if you're going to play the wall-crawler

himself—Holland's gymnastic abilities might've helped him land the role of Spider-Man in

the first place.

During the audition process, he transformed what would've been a run-of-the-mill screen

test into an eye-catching exercise of his flipping skills.

"And I basically did a somersault into frame and a somersault out of frame; I need them

to know that I've got some gymnastics abilities and stuff."

Considering Tom Holland is the guy currently wearing the Spidey suit, it looks like his

acrobatic skills paid off.

"Finally, here we go."

Changing things up

Another training technique Tom Holland has adopted to swell up to Spider-Man size is

circuit training.

This controversial exercise involves wearing an elevation mask while performing multiple

sets of reps, like burpees or bicep curling, one after another, with almost no rest in

between stations.

And that's not the only experimental exercise he's tried; he's also given electronic muscle

stimulation a whirl along the way, too.

"And they put pads on you and you workout while the pade electrocute you.

And it sucks.

It really really sucks."

And while he had some trouble with it at first …

"I tell you, I did it once and I didn't go to the toilet for two days."

...He's since given it another go, hopefully with less troubling consequences.

Punching it out

If you want to be an Avenger, sooner or later you're going to throw down with some bad guys.

Luckily, Holland is big into combat sports.

Not only is he an MMA fan, showing up at UFC events, he also spends quite a bit of time

in the gym, learning all he can about the sweet science.

As a result, Holland totally knows what he's doing when he pulls on a pair of gloves.

"My mind just got blown.

His might be as well."

When he's not punishing those punching bags, Holland also does every other gym activity

imaginable, including chin-ups, side lateral raises, and even borrowing Thor's hammer to

beat on some massive tires.

So, perhaps one of the most effective elements of his workout regime is how consistently

he hits the gym, while still mixing up his routines.

"Ah, that was awesome."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> How Tom Holland Got Ripped To Play Spider-Man - Duration: 4:42.


This Week on Windows: Ultimate Game Sale, Windows 10 S, and Fate of the Furious - Duration: 6:45.


Welcome to This Week on Windows, your home for

all things Windows.

>> That's right.

Now with the recent launch of the Surface Laptop comes a brand

new way to experience Windows with Windows 10 S.

What is Windows 10 S you say?

Well, we have our very own Windows Blog Editor-in-Chief

Mollie Ruiz-Hopper break down what Windows 10 S can do.

Check this out.

>> This is Windows 10 S running on a Surface Laptop.

Windows 10 S is a new Windows experience that offers the full

power, familiarity, and productivity of Windows 10.

It is streamlined for security, simplicity,

superior performance.

Windows 10 S enables a secure operating system environment by

running Microsoft verified apps exclusively from the Windows Store

And of course Windows 10S comes built-in with Windows Hello,

Windows Ink, Cortana, Windows Defender, Paint 3D and more.

Let's take a closer look at some of the features and

benefits of Windows 10 S.

Windows 10S offers the full power of the Windows 10

operating system.

Windows 10 S only runs Microsoft verified apps from the Windows Store

The apps run in a safe container as well.

To help maintain that consistency and speed,

Windows 10 S users will be protected from malware with

Windows Defender as the default.

And, we'll have the ability to use additional anti-virus

software available in the Windows Store.

Windows 10 S runs the rich desktop Office apps,

such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook and OneNote.

You'll be able to download all of these right from

the Windows Store.

The Windows Store also has the apps that consumers, schools and

businesses use today, including Hulu, Pandora,

Autodesk Sketchbook, Netflix, Duolingo, NPR One, Facebook,

Instagram, Drawboard PDF, FluidMath, and so much more.

Also coming soon to the Windows store are apps like Spotify and


And of course, the store will continue to welcome great new

apps all the time.

For the web, Microsoft Edge is the browser that's been built

for Windows 10.

And with the Windows 10 Creators Update, it is safer against

phishing sites than Google Chrome on Chromebooks.

Microsoft Edge is great for students and home users alike,

ensuring compatibility with the sites college students and

universities use.

New features in Microsoft Edge, like the new tab preview bar,

make it easy for students to research and

manage school projects.

The ability to set tabs aside is another great way to stay

organized and keeps research just two clicks away without

cluttering up your browsing experience.


And with support for Windows Ink, you can write directly on

web pages and Microsoft Edge, use Windows Ink work space and

even use Ink in apps like OneNote.

Of course,

Windows 10 S can run any browser in the Windows Store and

from Microsoft Edge, can launch any search engine you choose.

Windows 10 S is available,

beginning today on Surface Laptop.

And additional devices running Windows 10 S from our partners,

will be available, at a variety of price points, and

retailers including the Microsoft Store, Best Buy,

Amazon, Costco, and more, in the coming months.

So that's a quick look at Windows 10 S,

a new Windows experience streamlined for security,

simplicity, and superior performance.

You can learn more about Windows 10 S over on the Windows Blog at

Thanks for watching.

>> This week the Windows Store brings you a new feature for

Sling TV, and one ultimate game sale.

>> Sling TV the a la carte live tv service let's you personalize

your channel line up.

Now brings Windows 10 users a new cloud dvr.

Now you can dvr up to 50 hours of your favorite movies and

tv for only $5 a month more.

Services start at $20 a month.

>> Speaking of the Windows Store,

now is the time to check out the movies and tv section for

the latest installment in a blockbuster franchise.

>> All right, team, listen up.

This crew is about family, but the game is changed now.

>> Get Fate of the Furious now, and for a limited time, when you

purchase the film, you'll get a free in-game item for

the Rocket League game on Xbox One.

For more deets, check out the URL below.


Speaking of video games, now is the time to get your hands on

some of your favorite titles.

I'll have Larry Hryb, Xbox Live's Major Nelson,

tell you why.

>> Thanks, guys.

It's the sale gamers have been waiting for.

Check out The Ultimate Game Sale in the game section of the Windows Store

For a limited time, check out more than 350 games, hardware,

and accessories, all on sale including top rated games like,

Gears of War 4, Halo Wars 2 Ultimate Edition,

and Resident Evil 7, to name a few.

Check out the Ultimate Game Sale in the games section

of the Windows Store and for more details on this

Ultimate Game Sale, head to my blog at

>> You can also get in on the Ultimate Game Face sweepstakes

for some incredible prizes.

Wanna learn more?

Check out the URL below.

>> Grrrrr, did I win?

>> No. Blerg

Did you know Windows desktop themes are now free to download

in the Windows Store?

Thanks to the Windows 10 Creators Update,

you can now customize your desktop like never before.

Here's how to make your PC yours.

If you have the Creators Update, you can open Settings,

select Personalization, then Themes,

then Get more themes in the Store link.

Once downloaded, you can launch your new theme from

the Windows Store or click it on Settings, then Personalization,

Themes, and then Apply a theme.

The theme you choose will automatically assign an accent

color to your desktop, But it's also easy to customize your own.

Open Settings, select Personalization, then Themes.

Now you can select Color,

then pick any of the wide range of colors.

You can also select Custom Colors for even more options.

That's our show for this week but

remember to keep it right here each and every week.

I'm Chaitanya >> And I am Kate and thanks for

watching This Week on Windows.


For more infomation >> This Week on Windows: Ultimate Game Sale, Windows 10 S, and Fate of the Furious - Duration: 6:45.


Хит Бузовой признан самой популярной песней лета 2017 (29.06.2017.) - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Хит Бузовой признан самой популярной песней лета 2017 (29.06.2017.) - Duration: 0:52.


Farming Simulator 17 AUTO LOAD MODS - Duration: 21:20.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You some Autoload mods you can use to load and transport Bales Or Pallet.

Pirnay RE95T Trailer 4 Design Setup

CMS Balle Trailer Two Models CMS C21T 3 Design Setup CMS 12 2 Design Setup

You can make Road trains With all the trailer you will see in this video

And Last The UAL SCRIPT FOR FS17 INCL. SAMPLE MODs Mod Pack Include The Fliegl DPW180 Stoll Balenspike Stoll Palletfork

To find the action keys check your Control panel Up And Left in your Screen

If you want after the aytoload to use the fasten tension belts you must press upload key ( Most trailers Y KEY) and then the L KEY

Ultima 1.5 Bales This trailer have some issues with this bale type

I try to drive carefully not for me but for the following tractors

I miss a tractor ???????????????

Stupid Νοοb

Ops :p

Stoll Balenspike

I will use the Weidemann Loader to test Autoload Stoll Palletfork

First Autoload fork That can Catch the FLIEGL PALLET FILLING SYSTEM pallet

Pallet test

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 AUTO LOAD MODS - Duration: 21:20.


Kleines Fräulein Muffet | Deutsche Kinderlieder | Vorschulische Lieder | Reime Für Babies | Wiegen - Duration: 1:05:21.

Little Miss Muffet

Sat on a tuffet,

Eating her curds and whey;

Along came a spider,

Who sat down beside her,

And frightened Miss Muffet away.

Little Miss Muffet

Sat on a tuffet,

Eating her curds and whey;

Along came a spider,

Who sat down beside her,

And frightened Miss Muffet away.

Little Miss Muffet

Sat on a tuffet,

Eating her curds and whey;

Along came a spider,

Who sat down beside her,

And frightened Miss Muffet away.

For more infomation >> Kleines Fräulein Muffet | Deutsche Kinderlieder | Vorschulische Lieder | Reime Für Babies | Wiegen - Duration: 1:05:21.


☯ Feedback on TianDe cosmetics - Duration: 0:35.

This cosmetics

Tiande makeup very

good and


that our team


for a year already,

take this makeup


There are

very good drugs

for treatment.

And helps


For more infomation >> ☯ Feedback on TianDe cosmetics - Duration: 0:35.


¡Kate del Castillo denuncia al gobierno mexicano! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> ¡Kate del Castillo denuncia al gobierno mexicano! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 1:23.


Disneyland June 25th, 2017 [CC] - Duration: 5:12.

[Nothing Broken by Kevin MacLeod plays throughout]

For more infomation >> Disneyland June 25th, 2017 [CC] - Duration: 5:12.


This Man Changed Everything We Know About Sneakers - Duration: 4:09.

I could give a sh*t less about the currect state of fashion.

What is that one particular cool thing.

I don't think anybody can say that anymore.

Fashion is in

the coolest time ever

because of accessibility,

and that equally makes it

the worst time


of all this never ending

chaos of information

to keep up with forever changing trends

to keep up with social media.

I could sit here and try to act like I know what's going on with the industry

and the fashion world,

but I really truly think that nobody knows what's happening right now.

My name is Chad Muska, and I'm a skateboarder and a creator.

I think if I had to explain to somebody, what it is I do,

it would be a different answer each day.

I wake up,

I think,

and I create.


What do you create?

I create….

I create.

From the beginning like, I was always like, as soon as I was able to like, have my name

on a board or on a shirt, or anything like, I've always wanted to be very involved with

that process.

And when they asked me if I wanted to have a shoe, I was so hyped, you know, and that's

when I started to sketch concepts and gather some things I was inspired by.

So this was my first shoe that I had out on ES footwear.

Sometime around '96 I would say.

It was just the Muska shoe.

I just started kind of coming up with concepts and sketching some ideas, and then got to work.

So there's a stash pocket in the tongue.

I was inspired by like, roos, kangaroos.

I don't know if you remember those.

They had the little stash on the side.

And I always thought that was cool as a kid, seeing those, I was like "ah, it got a little

pocket on there."

And, amongst other uses for it, it became the birth of the stash pocket.

So from the success of the ES shoe, sponned circa basically,

And it was sort of just the evolution of kind of where I left off.

The idea was to, create the most technical skate shoe ever.

So we had like, airbags in the back and there was an airbag in the front even as well.

This was kind of new at the time, like, bonding the rubber to the toe.

This was a fun time in shoe design for me because not only did we start this company

from scratch, but the ability to create anything that I wanted to come up with at this time

was there.

And there was really not a lot of resistance.

This is the skytop one.

Now looking at this shoe it looks fairly simple.

Doesn't look like anything special.

But at the time, in skateboarding kind of stirred up a lot of thing just based on the

height alone.

Skinny jeans had been hittin', but the high top didn't really hit with it.

And I just, kinda saw that as a cool look.

Not only looking at it as like, a shoe, but thinking, how does that shoe apply from a

head to toe look.

The first season it came out, it was like, not happening.

I heard stories of sales reps going into shops and not even taking it out.

I felt a lot of doubt from a lot of people on

And I had heard my other friend hit me up and was like, "holy sh*t, Kanye West just

came into supreme and bought some of those,

bought your kicks."

And I was like "no, that's crazy, like, no way."

This photo circulated and I was like "Oh sh*t Jay-Z's rocking them," and then some

other video came up and then like,

from there it was just like, all of a sudden, it was just like, pretty much overnight,

just everywhere.

You know, Slash had them on, and then it was like, Heidi Klum had them on, the Olsen Twins,

and this and like, Just this random mix of people, you know and

not to mention all the rappers, then into the Justin Bieber's, uh,

Lil' Wayne, and I just ran right…

I just couldn't believe it, I just, you know, it was like wow, it was just…


There's a lot that goes on to a company, you know, it's not just, make a T shirt

and sell it.

They see the success, but they don't see all those things that went into making that


The years of work and the years of failure.

Never stop working at what you love to do, but also know that like, there will be a lot

of disappointment along the way in order to be successful and then once your successful,

that's not where,

Your, your job stops, that's where it begins.

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