New romantic classical, it's non copyrighted music! Psalms - Miguel Johnson. This is classical music in romantic mood. Here you are music for video background!
The Lion's Gate and the Infinite Power of Eight - Duration: 10:54.The Lion�s Gate and the Infinite Power of Eight
In the past few days i have seen so many references to the Lion�s Gate, which we have just passed
through, on 8/8, but no one mentions anything about exactly where this term comes from,
and why the 8th of August is the day of the Lion�s Gate.
So, as a bit of an addendum to my last post, perhaps i can shed some light on the subject.
The Lion�s Gate is one of four gates through which the Sun passes every year.
These gates are precisely at the midpoint (15 degrees) of the fixed signs, Taurus, Leo,
Scorpio, and Aquarius.
The are, the Bull�s Gate, in Taurus, Lion�s Gate in Leo, Eagle�s Gate in Scorpio, and
the Angel�s Gate in Aquarius.
zodiacYou will find some very interesting information about the Bull, Lion, Eagle, and
Angel, (or Man) in the writings of Rudolf Steiner, where basically he says that humans
are a combination of all of these: the digestive system is related to the Bull (cows are really
all stomach), the rhythmic system, (i.e. the heart and lungs) is related to the Lion, the
head (and the process of mind and thought) is related to the Eagle (which is the resurrected
Scorpio), and the Angel is related to the true, awakened human.
Man as Symphony of the Creative Word:
So we find these gates in the middle of the fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius,
which also is the middle of each 90 degree quadrant of the zodiac.
The circle with the cardinal points is divided in 4, and this divides those quadrants, making
a total of 8 equal parts to the zodiac.
Notice the symbol for the number 8 is really just the infinity symbol turned on its side.
So i am going to speculate that these 4 gates are the places where infinity enters the equation,
and the miraculous happens.
For example, the Bull�s Gate in Taurus (fixed earth) can be the place where the seed that
has been planted actually sprouts.
It is a radical transformation, and really, to me anyway, qualifies as a miracle.
Yes, we have scientific explanations for what happens at that moment, but it is a moment
when infinity, life itself, enters the picture.
At the cardinal points, 0 degrees Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, we see the manifest
change, but at these gates is where the miracle takes place in secret.
So the Lion�s Gate, what could that be?
I am wondering if it has to do with the moment of enlightenment of the human being, where
our innate infinite potential spontaneously activates.
As I explained in my last article, the middle of the fixed signs is a transformational moment
where awareness of the opposite sign flashes across the circle, So here, into the human
heart, (Leo), the Angel (Aquarius) enters, so to speak.
We could say that the miracle that happens at the Lion�s Gate is really the heartbeat,
and how for some inexplicably miraculous reason it continues to happen.
In this video below, Drunvalo Melchizedek shares some very powerful information about
what he calls the �tiny space of the heart�, which i have also mentioned in relation to
some other spiritual teachers, including Ramana Maharishi and Adi Da.
Although they use different words to describe it, I am convinced they are all talking about
the same thing.
Drunvalo explains how there is a very tiny process that begins in the heart with the
�pacemaker� cells, at the sino-atrial node, where three elements, magnesium, calcium,
and phosphorus, combine in a microscopic interaction that starts the process of the heartbeat,
and then it is amplified through the chambers of the heart, to become quite a forceful impulse.
He goes on to explain that this impulse can magnify to the point where it is infinite.
Drunvalo�s Cosmic Grace
So it quickly becomes clear that we have the power to connect to the Infinite, through
the heart, and, in fact, that is truly what we ARE.
The heart is not of duality, it is of unity, infinity and oneness.
When the heart awakens, the head is illuminated, and the two halves of the brain are resolved.
Imagine a world of humans cured of the duality disease.
So perhaps this is the process of the Lion�s Gate, the process of the awakening of the
heart to what is eternal.
Because it is wholeness, then it is the ultimate force of healing too.
Disease can only exist in duality.
This is Eternity, the place of no death.
And this Infinite Radiance is the only true medicine.
Also, let�s notice that infinity is not on the number line.
What does that mean?
It means that if you start counting to infinity, you will never get there.
But �everything is nothing with a twist�, as Kurt Vonnegut said.
We could say that twist is the torus, which the �new science� is finding to be inherent
in all life, micro to macro.
Could Zero actually be Infinity already?
The point is, why bother counting to Infinity when that is where you are already?
This is a metaphor that can be very practically applied in our approach to life.
How does life progress when we live at infinity, where all is already accomplished, complete,
whole, and perfect?
The Zero Point IS Infinity.
This is the life of infinite oneness.
I am wondering if this doesn�t make a whole new way of living available to us, where everything
spontaneously self-generates, without cause, or effect, where we act spontaneously in harmony
with Universal Law.
Could that be the way it is already, but we just don�t see it?
The source of light casts no shadow.
Does the Sun have a shadow? of course not.
So when the heart awakens, we become the Sun.
Immediately, the shadow is gone.
Could liberation be that effortless?
Of course!
How could it be any different?
So if we simultaneously embody the cross of all 4 Gates, this could be a complete resurrection
and awakening, in, as, and beyond the body, into Source Consciousness beyond all duality.
This is the �crux� of the �matter�.
Notice that this �tiny space� of the heart is not in the chakra circuit, either.
It is not the heart chakra.
The chakra circuit is a bit like a treadmill, down the front of the body, and up the spine.
When attention is trapped there, somewhere in that circuit, experience, high and low
is constantly reinforced.
We go from heaven to hell and back again.
We repeat the same types of experience and lessons, the wheel of karma, cause and effect,
time and space.
The circuit of the awakened heart is the shortcut.
It comes directly from Source, at the heart, and returns directly to Source, above the
crown, and illuminates the whole body in the process, much like the filament in a light
It bypasses the endless ladder of achievement.
It is accessible to anyone who has the capacity to rest attention in the heart.
Often we�ll find that it is the most simple, kind, and ordinary people who have this capacity,
where those of us who have been well trained to live in the head may have a much harder
time accessing this miracle.
We are so conditioned to believe in accomplishment, that we can�t imagine a gift so effortless.
Even though it has an effortless quality, it�s important to remember that these gates
are the points in the zodiac of the most fixed, most consolidated energy, so it can feel very
It can give rise to feelings of stuckness, exhaustion, and lethargy.
But the caterpillar in its cocoon, or the seed underground, are in this kind of position
as the transformation happens.
It is the most dense place, but most ripe with potential.
The Lion�s gate happens more than once a year, however.
It is happening in myriad ways all the time in astrological cycles, from micro to macro.
It is found with every waxing sesquiquadrate, or 135 degree aspect, between any pair of
This is 90 degrees, plus 45 degrees.
The 135 degree and 45 degree angles are always carrying the transformational power of 8.
Right now there are several of these aspects operating, between major planets.
Specifically, the position of Jupiter, in the last degrees of Leo, and into the beginning
of Virgo, is making sesquiquadrates to both Pluto and Uranus, of the now infamous Pluto/Uranus
square, which has been kicking our butts now for the last 5 years.
And Jupiter is exactly square to Saturn, which is also semi square Pluto and sesquiquadrate
So the Jupiter Saturn square is acting powerfully on the Pluto Uranus square.
The process of having to make the awakening real, here on earth, is just beginning.
The way i see it, the tables are turning.
Don�t give up !!
We are in an 8 year too, 2015.
Let�s allow the remembrance of our own Infinity.
This is the time when the caterpillar emerges from the cocoon.
This is the moment the water boils.
This is the time when the sleepers wake.
Sạch mụn, tắm trắng và lại se khít lỗ chân lông hiệu quả chỉ với lon bia 10 ngàn đồng - Duration: 3:20.-------------------------------------------
Bad Drivers Of The Netherlands #1 01-05-2017 | 26-06-2017 - Duration: 3:01.Gray car from the left doesn't give way to the camera car
Very close call between the green van and the gray van
Gray car in front stops to let in the white van from the right who doesn't have the right of way
Yellow-ish car drives to red which was already red for at least 2 seconds
Cyclist crosses the road without signaling and only looks at the very last moment
Gray car doesn't give way at the road narrowing and even stear towards the camera car
Girl runs through orange light and almost gets hit by the camera car
Cyclist runs through red light and almost gets hit by the camera car
Black car doesn't give way at the road narrowing
Blue-ish car doesn't give way at the road narrowing
Work van almost cuts in front of the camera car
Camera car almost hits a couple of birds
Cyclist drives onto the road without even looking
Gray car cuts in front of camera car
Gray car almost cuts in front of camera car
Fire Trucks for Children, Fire Engines for Kids, Toddlers and Babies | Videos for Kids|DACchannel - Duration: 7:58.-------------------------------------------
Logan Paul | SECOND VERSE LEAKED!! BY 2 LOGANGSTERS!! **NOT CLICKBAIT** - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
Pewdiepie中文cc字幕- 成為指尖陀螺之王!! - Duration: 10:21.-------------------------------------------
Three CNN Employees 'Resign' Over 'Russia Collusion' Fake News - politics - Duration: 5:40.Three CNN Employees 'Resign' Over 'Russia Collusion' Fake News Retraction
A few days ago we noted that CNN was forced to retract one of their bombshell 'Russian
collusion' stories when it was apparently revealed that the whole thing was nothing
more than their latest, anonymously-sourced fake news debacle.
Like most CNN stories on the topic, this one carried a salacious title ("Congress was investigating
a Russian investment fund with ties to Trump officials") which implied some nefarious plot
by the Trump administration to stage a coup in the United States.
Within 36 hours, however, CNN was forced to retract the story and issue an apology to
Anthony Scaramucci (presumably for the whole libel thing).
That story did not meet CNN's editorial standards and has been retracted.
Links to the story have been disabled.
CNN apologizes to Mr. Scaramucci.
Now, according to a new report from the Washington Post, the fake story has resulted in the 'resignation'
of three CNN 'journalists, including the Pulitzer Prize winner, Thomas Frank
Now for the consequences.
CNN announced on Monday afternoon that three network officials are leaving their jobs over
the incident: Frank, the reporter on the story; Eric Lichtblau, a recent CNN addition from
the New York Times who edited the piece; and Lex Haris, the executive editor of �CNN
Investigates.� The moves follow an investigation carried out by CNN executives over the weekend,
with the conclusion that longstanding network procedures for publishing stories weren�t
properly followed.
�There was a significant breakdown in process,� says a CNN source.
�There were editorial checks and balances within the organization that weren�t met.�
The official CNN statement: �In the aftermath of the retraction of a story published on, CNN has accepted the resignations of the employees involved in the story�s
Regarding the personnel changes, a CNN source said, �The individuals all stated that they
accepted responsibility and wanted to resign.� A compelling wrinkle in the saga of the story
springs from the careful language in the editor�s note: �That story did not meet CNN�s editorial
standards and has been retracted.
Links to the story have been disabled.
CNN apologizes to Mr. Scaramucci,� it reads.
CNN is not bailing on all the factual representations in the story, however.
�We pulled it down not because we disproved it,� says a CNN source, adding that there
was �enough concern� on some factual points that �given the breach in process, we decided
to pull it down.� Of course, this is hardly the first time CNN
has been caught reporting fake news recently (see "Looks Like CNN's Anonymous Sources Got
This One Wrong") and we doubt it will be the last.
For those who missed it, our original post on the retraction is below:
Thursday afternoon, CNN posted a story, by none other than Pulitzer-Prize-winning reporter
Thomas Frank, claiming that "Congress was investigating a Russian investment fund with
ties to Trump officials."
The story was perfect fodder for 'The Left' as it provided yet more 'confirmation' that
sources 'confirmed' Trump and his team were up to something nefarious with The Russians...
Highlights included...
Congress is investigating a little-known Russian investment fund.
The fund CEO met in January with a member of the Trump transition team.
"If you're going to get your nose under the tent, that's a good place to start," said
Ludema, a Georgetown University economics professor.
"I'm sure their objective is to get rid of all the sanctions against the financial institutions.
But RDIF is one [sanctioned organizations] where a number of prominent U.S. investors
have been involved."
A fund spokeswoman says there was no discussion about lifting sanctions.
Scaramucci's comments alarmed Democratic Senators Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Ben
Cardin of Maryland, who asked Mnuchin investigate whether Scaramucci sought to "facilitate prohibited
transactions" or promised to waive or lift sanctions against Russia.
Sounds great right?
Well, despite the 'facts' they reported, 36 hours later (quietly late on a Friday night),
CNN decided to delete the story and issue a retraction, apologizing to Mr. Scaramucci
(presumably for lying?)
On June 22, 2017, published a story connecting Anthony Scaramucci with investigations
into the Russian Direct Investment Fund.
That story did not meet CNN's editorial standards and has been retracted.
Links to the story have been disabled.
CNN apologizes to Mr. Scaramucci.
Despite their deletion of the story, thanks to The Wayback-Machine, we can see what the
original story said.
Is it any wonder that Americans are becoming increasingly frustrated by the media's attention
to the 'Russia' narrative that is is constantly spewed with no mind
for factual reporting?
Coloring the alphabet | Drawing to house | How do children learn color alphabets & colorful houses - Duration: 17:00.Coloring the alphabet | Drawing to house | How do children learn color alphabets & colorful houses
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