Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 29 2017

According to a 2016 YouGov poll, only 43% of Americans know that Puerto Ricans are U.S.


While 41% believe they are not.

But Puerto Rico has been an American territory since the end of the Spanish-American war

in 1898.

For the 400 years prior to that, it was a Spanish colony.

In 1917, The Jones Act officially made Puerto Rican residents citizens of the United States.

And in 1950 President Harry Truman signed a law that officially made the island a commonwealth

under U.S. control.

In spite of the fact that Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the United States and its

residents are US citizens, Puerto Ricans do not get to enjoy many of the benefits that

come along with American citizenship.

For example, they aren't allowed to vote in U.S. presidential elections, even though

they do hold primaries for presidential candidates.

They have a representative in Washington, D.C. who is not allowed to vote on legislation

or other issues.

And they don't receive the same kind of federal financing as other states.

Of course, residents also don't have to pay a federal income tax, they have their

own Constitution, and they still get the full protection of the United States military.

So while there are obvious drawbacks and benefits to being a commonwealth rather than an official

state, residents on the island have typically remained divided about whether or not they

want to officially join the U.S. as the 51st state.

Or at least, there was a deep divide until predatory bankers from financial institutions

like Santander got their hands on the island and created one of the worst financial disasters

in modern history.

If Puerto Rico were a state entity, it would be allowed to get out from under its massive

cloud of debt by declaring bankruptcy.

Instead, the U.S. House of Representatives has appointed a financial committee that is

forcing regressive austerity measures on the people of Puerto Rico.

But things could change in the near future.

Earlier this month, voters in Puerto Rico approved a measure requesting statehood, by

more than 97%, but only 23% of the population actually showed up to vote.

Nevertheless, the measure will now be presented to Congress, who has the final say in whether

or not Puerto Rico can officially join the union.

To become the 51st state, Congress would have to pass a statute to admit Puerto Rico as

a state, and that's a conversation that has been going on for decades.

For more on this issue, let's go to Attorney Peter Mougey, who's working with the government

and citizens of Puerto Rico to hold Wall Street bankers accountable for their financial destruction

of Puerto Rico.

That's the only way you can describe it, is financial destruction.

Peter, give us some more history on Puerto Rico.

Why did the US decide to make them a commonwealth rather than a state to begin with?

Tell us a little bit about that history.

It's amazing.

Whether you look at the Philippines, Guam, which all came as part of the solution to

the Spanish American War, the world shrunk dramatically over the last couple of decades.

Back when this deal was cut in 1898, early 1900s, the world was huge.

The commonwealth, we couldn't have states that were so far away, so a lot of the reasoning,

the principles behind having a commonwealth or having territories, whether it be Guam,

the Philippines, and especially your Puerto Rico, it was just, they were so far away that

making them a state seemed just unfathomable, just because of the sheer distance.

Now, the world shrunk.

There's almost as many Puerto Ricans living in New York as there are in San Juan, so the

world has become smaller and the rationale for keeping Puerto Rico a commonwealth or

a territory are days gone by, decades old, and the principles and policies are outdated.

We should definitely take a fresh look at making Puerto Rico another state.

I've got to tell you.

The US, as you know, you followed this history a long time, has been the primary predator

in Puerto Rico.

I mean, when you really start understanding the history of how the US has been such a

predator, it's easy to really appreciate.

You've obviously spent a lot of time down in Puerto Rico.

Can you tell us how the residents you've encountered feel about having their island actually become

a US state after this vote?

What's your take?

It's kind of a mixed bag.

I think they fall into three separate camps.

One camp is to remain a commonwealth.

Another camp is to become a state.

The others is, just become their own territory.

One thing that's consistent amongst all three of those camps is, the pride in Puerto Rico,

the culture, the customs, the beautiful landscape, all of the natural resources.

I think it depends on who you talk to.

I think it depends how comfortable people are, but it's embarrassing what we've done,

the colonialism kind of component to what we've done in Puerto Rico, and stripped the

citizens of a lot of their rights.

We've taken away opportunities.

You go back to the Boston Tea Party.

We fought a war over taxation without representation, and we tax the Puerto Ricans heavily.

Everybody always points to the fact that they don't pay ... Puerto Ricans don't pay federal

income tax, but we more than make up for that here on the mainland by how much we tax Puerto

Ricans for their estate tax, which are hundreds of percent higher and don't have the cap that

we have in the states, that up to five or six million dollars isn't taxed.

Puerto Ricans don't have that luxury.

We tax them state taxes all the way down to the smallest amounts, so it's time to take

a fresh look at this.

Peter, you know what's always been so ugly about this story is the way that the right

wing, the conservatives, say, 'Well, if we make them a state, all we're really doing

is bringing into the United States more of a welfare state.'

As if, just making them a state, by doing that, it's going to be a bigger burden on

the US taxpayers.

Those are always the arguments that you hear the right wing talking about, but you don't

hear about the other side of that story.

It's almost as if the media has done such a poor job telling the story about how the

US has been such predators down there in Puerto Rico.


We know that the recent vote, even though the turnout was low, approved a measure to

move forward with statehood.

Where does it go now?

The state said, even though it was a small turnout, 23% turned out, 97% of that turnout

said, 'Yeah.

We want to become a state.'

Where does this go now and what is, in your take, the likelihood of that happening with

this particular Congress that we have right now?

In order for Puerto Rico to become a state, there has to be a joint resolution from both

Congress and the president.

As I think we both agree, that the likelihood of that happening is small, but as far as

the right wing side saying that this is another welfare state, the reason why Puerto Ricans

are going through a lot of the economic mess is because of some of the policies that we've

implemented there on the island.

They don't get the same, the type of favorable financing for, whether it be infrastructure

or incentives.

We yanked most of the incentives off the island in 2006, which had a devastating impact and

opened the door for these Wall Street banks to come in and start pitching borrowing and

debt raising as a way out of this problem.

We have helped create the mess with our policies and it's time we fix them and give the Puerto

Ricans the same type of access to our government decision making as the rest of the states

have obviously had for hundreds of years.

Peter, as I look at this history, it's almost as if, in 2006, we opened the door to every

Wall Street thug.

There's no other way to describe these predators.

They're Wall Street predators.

They are thugs who have taken these people's pension programs.

They've taken their life savings, and now they're complaining that they didn't have

anything ... They had nothing to do with the financial state of Puerto Rico.

They had nothing to do with the potential of bankruptcy here.

What is your take?

How bad was the predatory system that was coming directly from the United States Wall

Street when we let these criminals, these banking criminals, go down to Puerto Rico

and do what they wanted to do?

What's your take?

I'll tell you what.

We had another example.

We opened the door for allowing some of this to happen.

The 1940 Act, which is the act that prohibits affiliated transactions within companies,

so if you take Santander that you mentioned, or some of the other broker dealers on the

island, it alleviates those Chinese walls.

It has put fertilizer down.

It planted the fields for this type of conduct, where these firms came in and recommended


Why did they recommend they issue so much debt?

Because, they made fees on the underwriting deals.

They were underwriters.

They were consultants for these deals.

They put them in their own closed end funds and they sold them to their own clients.

That's illegal on the mainland, but it's not illegal in Puerto Rico.


Because, 1940, when the Investment Advisor Act was implemented, that seemed so far away

and remote that we couldn't police them, so we've never updated those protection policies

to protect investors, which opened the door for Wall Street to come in, issue bonds.

1.6 billion dollars in fees, Pap, over the last several years before this thing blew

up, Wall Street firms made on fees, syndicate, spreads, you name it.

Absolutely unbelievable what we've allowed to go on down there.

Now, who's left holding the bag?

Puerto Rican citizens that are left standing there with their investments blown up and

their island policies, economic policies, in shambles, in large part because of what

we've done down there.


These cats in Armani suits and Rolex watches, nobody's going to go to prison over this.


But look, I've got to ask you.

Would bankruptcy protection do anything to help the island's financial problems?

Are they so far gone at this point that they're ... How do they return, in part, from the

disaster of letting predatory Wall Street thugs go down there and do what they did?

Can they recover?

There is no doubt that they are too far down.

$72 billion.

There's more debt issued on the island than any place per capita on the mainland.


Because, this was all built on a house of cards, conflicts of interest.

Chapter 9 and Chapter 11 PROMESA, which is under President Obama.

PROMESA was established, took components of both Chapter 9 and Chapter 11.

It essentially gives Puerto Rico an opportunity to kind of tap the brakes, do an assessment,

kind of slow down the creditors from coming in and filing suit.

It's halted the litigation and kind of just kept everything at status quo.

But, there's no doubt, 72 billion dollars, they can't tax their way out of this.

All right.

Peter, thanks for joining me.


For more infomation >> Wall Street Thugs Sink Puerto Rico - Duration: 11:24.


Pamperswerbung: Steckt die Pharma dahinter? | 29.06.2017 | - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Pamperswerbung: Steckt die Pharma dahinter? | 29.06.2017 | - Duration: 1:46.


Tree Data Structure Explained In 2 Minutes - Duration: 1:54.

Tree is very a useful data structure.

Let's take a closer look at it.

Tree is a non-linear data structure, which can be portrayed as an upside-down tree with

its root at the top.

The root node has child nodes, which can have child nodes as well and so on.

Each node consists of a value and a link to its children.

Node which has a link to another node is a parent node.

The link between two nodes is called edge or branch.

Nodes that have the same parent are siblings.

Node with no children is called leaf.

A tree is recursive data structure.

Each child node can be a root node of a subtree.

For every tree, if it has n nodes, it has exactly n-1 branches.

There are two important properties.

The depth of the node, which is the number of edges from the root to the node.

And height of the node, which is the number of edges from the node to the deepest leaf.

What is the application of tree data structure?

Trees can be used for example to represent hierarchical data like a file system, to store

data which needs to be efficiently searchable or in network routing algorithms.

Thanks for watching.

If you enjoyed this video, please hit that like button.

And don't forget to subscribe, to see more videos like this in future.

For more infomation >> Tree Data Structure Explained In 2 Minutes - Duration: 1:54.



so, there's a new job everyone wants in town.

Well maybe just millennials and kids from Generation Z and that's the youtuber.

Some large creators are ambiguous at telling us how much they make while others show us

their analytics.

Something I rarely see is smaller creators talking about how much they make.

So, today I'm going to fill you in.

Now, I'm a small creator.

I've been on youtube for almost two years.

This September marks my second year.

I have over 3.5 thousand subscribers during the filming of this video.

Let me tell you right now that subscriber count doesn't matter in how much you make.

It's all about the views.

So, how YouTube works is that every time you reach the one hundred dollar threshold they

send you that one hundred dollars.

These are my social blade stats and yes I am in a network.

I'm in it for copyright purposes and fair use purposes, but I'm going to be talking

about it like I'm not in a network due to the fact most small youtubers aren't in networks.

So, keep in mind these numbers.

These numbers are how many views I get on a daily for all of my videos.

So, estimated monthly earnings $6-$94.

They have it about right because they're range is so huge.

Okay we're going to jump into my youtube analytics here.

So, in the last 28 days I earned $25.95.

So, when we look at all my public videos we see that the ad revenue correlates to how

much each video has views.

Once we switch to lifetime views we see that over my almost 2 years on youtube I've made

about $350.

Majority of that money coming from my highest viewed video, What is Operant conditioning.

Okay now wait a minute.

If this video is my 2nd most viewed video why isn't it the video in 2nd place that's

making me the most money?

So, I'm an education and vlog based channel.

Someone that does a beauty channel and talks about make up might make more than me.

Let me explain that right now.

Let's pretend you're the advertiser.

Let's pretend you want to sell make up, and say you want to create an ad.

If you want to advertise your make up line on youtube, you go to something called google


Let's get specific and say you want to sell your new brown lipstick.

You create this ad by thinking of keywords that people would search for in order to find

your brown lipstick.

For example, you can use keywords such as brown lipstick obviously, lipstick, make up,

and so forth.

So, when someone looks up how to put on lipstick.

Your ad may pop up in that video, but you will only get charged if the individual clicks

on that ad.

Each those words or phrases have different costs per click.

Thus different creators get paid differently depending on what kinds of ads are presented

on their content.

Let's actually search brown lipstick.

Brown lipstick has 10 thousand to 100 thousand average monthly searches, and competition

is high meaning that a lot of advertisers are using that key word in their ads.

The suggested bid is $1.03.

So, every time someone clicks your ad you're charged $1.03 and you're thinking hey that's

not that much but actually it is when you want more people to click that ad, and sometimes

when they click that ad they don't actually buy your product.

Okay so, let's compare that to someone like operant conditioning which is the highest

viewed video that I have.

Same amount of searches 10 thousand to 100 thousand, but the competition is low meaning

that not many advertisers want to advertise on the word operant conditioning.

Why would they?

What can you sell with operant conditioning?

22 cents per click which means I get less money on my videos compared to brown lipstick.

If you want to see more of this, give this video a thumbs up and maybe I'll make more.

I will see you guys next time.

Stay psyched.

For more infomation >> HOW MUCH SMALL YOUTUBERS MAKE | LESS THAN 5K SUBS - Duration: 4:12.


Audi MMI 3G+ how to force reboot navigation system - Duration: 1:23.

Hi! Today we are in Audi with MMI 3G+ system and I'm going to show you how to

force reboot the system because sometimes if the navigation is not

working properly, if you need to reboot it, if you need to force it to start again

there's a key combination that you can use to do it. So what you need to do is

press at the same time buttons: MENU, the control knob and the upper right button.

So let's do it, just present release them. And as you can

see screen is off, it hides inside the dashboard. After few seconds when the

system is up and running it will pop out. You can see the splash screen. Give it

few more seconds and after that you can use it as usually.

You have freshly started system. If before it was not

working correctly, if you have lags on your control knob, if the navigation was

not working as it should - those issues should be fixed by now. If not you should

use a diagnostic interface to the further diagnose those issues. OK!

Also you can check my other videos about activating cool stuff in Audi and other

cars. Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> Audi MMI 3G+ how to force reboot navigation system - Duration: 1:23.


McCain Institute Attracting Former Clinton Foundation Donors - Duration: 5:14.

McCain Institute Attracting Former Clinton Foundation Donors

BY Edmondo Burr

The McCain Institute is the new darling of powerful interest groups and foreign donors

seeking to influence U.S. policy after the demise of the Clinton Foundation.

Following Hillary Clinton�s defeat last November, donations to the Clinton Foundation

by foreign donors and the corporate sector dropped by as much as 87 percent and 37 percent.

The Last American Vagabond reports:

While this was clearly devastating news for the Clintons � essentially signaling a drastic

decline in their political clout � it has now become clear that the foundation of another

former U.S. presidential candidate has gained the favor of many of the Clinton Foundation�s

former donors.

Republican Senator John McCain (R-AZ), current chairman of the Senate�s Armed Services

Committee, has seen donations to the McCain Institute surge, particularly donations from

ostensibly �liberal� donors such as George Soros and other long-time Clinton backers.

The McCain Institute is meant to serve as the senator�s �legacy� upon his eventual

retirement and claims to be �dedicated to advancing human rights, dignity, democracy,

and freedom.� Like the Clinton Foundation, the McCain Institute is a tax-exempt, non-profit

foundation with approximately $8.1 million in assets.

However, the McCain Institute�s donor list has raised eyebrows among conservative groups

due to its uncanny similarity to that of the Clinton Foundation.

Among its donors are the neoliberal billionaire and �activist� George Soros, Evelyn and

Lynn de Rothschild, and the for-profit company Teneo.

Teneo was co-founded by Doug Band, a longtime associate of the Clinton family and counselor

to former President Bill Clinton, as well as an instrumental force in the creation of

the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI).

In addition to these individuals, many of the same foreign governments that were known

to donate massive sums to the Clintons have also bestowed their favor on the McCain Institute.

For instance, Saudi Arabia, a nation that funded 20 percent of Clinton�s failed 2016

presidential campaign, made a $1 million donation to the McCain Institute, a donation that both

the foundation and the senator himself have refused to explain.

Watch John McCain shut down a reporter who asked about the Saudis� $1 million donation

to the McCain Institute:

Foreign governments are forbidden from donating to U.S. politicians and often donate to non-profits

in order to gain privileged access to America�s most powerful lawmakers, an arrangement often

called �pay-to-play.� For instance, the Clinton Foundation received between $10 and

$25 million from the Saudi monarchy, with between $1 and $5 million more originating

from the group �Friends of Saudi Arabia,� which was co-founded by a �Saudi prince.�

The McCain Institute has also accepted more than $100,000 from the OCP Group, a Moroccan

state-run phosphate fertilizer company that operates in territory that it has illegally

occupied since 1975.

Morocco has been criticized by human rights groups who argue that the Moroccan government

consistently violates basic human rights and that its state-owned companies subject their

workers to gruesome conditions while exploiting the disputed territory�s natural resources.

The King of Morocco, not so coincidentally, was himself a major donor to the Clinton Foundation.

Hillary Clinton personally received a $12 million check from the king in return for

holding a CGI regional meeting in the country.

Critics of the McCain Institute have repeatedly pointed out the conflict of interest for the

Republican senator while also noting the institute�s similarities to the Clinton Foundation.�This

is a very real conflict of interest,� Craig Holman, a government affairs lobbyist at Public

Citizen, told the Daily Caller.

�This is the similar type of pattern we received with the Clinton Foundation in which

foreign governments and foreign interests were throwing a lot of money in the hopes

of trying to buy influence.�

Concerns have also been voiced regarding the role of the institute�s donors and McCain�s

personal leadership in the organization�s exclusive �Sedona Forum,� which critics

say is remarkably similar to the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) in that it hosts an annual

gathering of special interests and powerful political figures, resulting in the alleged

creation of pay-to-play schemes.

While McCain�s coherence may be fading, his political power in Washington still stands,

meaning that the McCain Institute will likely continue to attract the attention and funds

of powerful special interests and foreign governments.

For more infomation >> McCain Institute Attracting Former Clinton Foundation Donors - Duration: 5:14.


Foco de leds portátil LumiMuse 3 de Manfrotto para grabar vídeo con móviles💡 🎥 - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Foco de leds portátil LumiMuse 3 de Manfrotto para grabar vídeo con móviles💡 🎥 - Duration: 4:09.


Bebop Jazz Guitar Licks - Classic Bebop Sound Decoded - Advanced Jazz Guitar Lesson - Duration: 9:07.

(upbeat jazz guitar)

- Hi everybody, my name is Jens Larsen.

When you're working on a musical language like bebop,

it's important that you check out

some of the licks that are contained in that style

and try to figure out what are the components,

what are the musical concepts that are being used

and then try to incorporate those into your own playing.

In this video, I'm gonna give you

three bebop jazz licks,

and then I'm gonna analyze them and give you

some exercises to help you play them,

and then I'm gonna take the different components

that are contained in those licks and then

I'm gonna make two more licks so that you can

see how you can work on improvising lines

that sound more like bebop.

If you wanna learn more about jazz guitar,

about improvising over chord changes,

arpeggios, and scales, then subscribe to my channel.

If you don't want to miss anything,

then click the little bell notification icon

next to the subscribe button.

This video isn't sponsored by Disney,

even if I am sporting this

very attractive Daisy Duck band-aid.

I had a small incident yesterday

when I was cutting some watermelon.

Maybe it's Herbie Hancock getting back at me

for stealing all his chord voicings.

The examples that I'm using in this video

are all D7, resolving to G major,

and I think bebop, as a language,

is really something that's focused on the dominant chord,

so it makes more sense to use a progression like that,

but in fact, you can use these as ii-V-I licks as well.

(upbeat jazz guitar)

The first example uses some really common bebop trademarks.

One of them is to use small scale runs and 16th notes

to add some rhythmical variation to your lines.

So, in the first half of the first bar, we get this part.

(upbeat jazz guitar)

And this idea of just using this, and I wanna execute

that on guitar like this most of the time.

So using legato is just better for the phrasing, I find.

If you wanna make an exercise to get better at playing

these kinda things, you can actually do this through

a scale position, especially if you're playing

three notes per string, then you'll get something like this.

(upbeat jazz guitar)

And that's really easy to practice, you can try it through

a few positions, you don't need to spend, really, at all,

time on it, as long as your pull offs

are sorta up to it, so...

(upbeat jazz guitar)

Then that'll probably work quite well.

After the 16th note trill, so...

(upbeat jazz guitar)

We're coming out on the A,

and now I want to go to the third,

or the dominant, so the F#, and then that's

on the one, on the next bar, and I do that with

a chromatic enclosure, so... (upbeat jazz guitar)

Like this, and from here, I'm just playing the arpeggio,

so the D7 arpeggio, but what I'm doing is that

I'm using octave displacement.

This is something that's done quite often in bebop,

I have another video where I talk about this

in a bit more detail, but the idea is quite simple,

if you're playing an arpeggio, you can at any point

move the rest of the arpeggio an octave in any direction.

So, in this case, the arpeggio originally would have been...

(upbeat jazz guitar)

Like this, just descending from the third.

But instead, I'm going up, I'm moving the D

up an octave, and then I'm skipping from the F#

up to the D. (upbeat jazz guitar)

And then playing from there, and here I then do another

thing that's also quite common for bebop,

is to use the augmented triad on the dominant

to pull towards the one chord, and since I'm coming out

on the A here, I can go to this Bb,

which is, go to flat 13, and then play the augmented triad.

And then resolve that to the 9 of G major.

(upbeat jazz guitar)

The second example is starting on the C,

so the 7th or the D7, and then going up to D,

and from here, is descending in a triplet

down the Em7 arpeggio.

And then skipping up to A, and running down the scale.

And then we get a trill on the root in the b9.

Down to the 5th.

And then a leading note for the 3rd.

And then from the 3rd, I'm skipping up to the b9 again.

And then down the scale, I'm resolving to a B,

so this last part is, again, using the same

octave displacement right here, because if had done this,

this whole phrase... (upbeat jazz guitar)

Before it resolved to the B, it's actually coming

out of D harmonic minor, so it's like

a minor dominant, in fact. (upbeat jazz guitar)

And that would've been... (upbeat jazz guitar)

But then we displaced that octave.

And in the beginning, we had this triplet

movement with the arpeggio, so I'm playing a scale note,

then going up one step in the scale,

and then I'm playing down, sweeping down

to play the rest of the arpeggio.

(upbeat jazz guitar)

And you can turn that, you can practice that

and turn that into a scale exercise, like this.

(upbeat jazz guitar)

Another thing that can be useful to you guys,

because it's used quite a lot, is this trill,

so in the line I'm using this one.

But you can also just do that through the scale,

just to get used to it, and practice your legato

technique for that, and that could be something like this.

(upbeat jazz guitar)

Playing the diatonic 7th course as triplets

is something that's very typical for bebop,

and that's also how I'm starting the third example.

So I'm using the F# half diminished arpeggio

on the D7, because that's the arpeggio from the 3rd.

I'm starting with the leading note, so that's an F.

And then I'm, of course, going up to the F#

and playing the arpeggio as a triplet.

Ending up on the 9, which is, of course, an E

on the D7, and from here I have a small chromatic run.

I'm back on the E, and then I'm reaching down

to take the C, and sliding down to the G,

and then I have this small sort of a C major line.

Going to the b9 of the D7, so the Eb.

And then, again, using octave displacement,

I play this diminished arpeggio which is then,

the diminished arpeggio found on the third

of D7 in G harmonic minor, which is an F# diminished.

And then I'm ending with this sort of typical bebop phrase,

where I'm resolving to the B and then ending on the one and.

To help your work, I'm playing arpeggios like this,

I have this small exercise in this position.

(upbeat jazz guitar)

So what I'm doing here is just, I'm playing,

for each string, I find an arpeggio, and then I'm playing

the same type of arpeggio, because the difficult

part is probably to play, sort of, the one note per string

figure that we have here.

(upbeat jazz guitar)

So first, an F#, half diminished.

Then a C major 7.

Then a G major 7.

And then a D7.

Now let's see if we can make some new lines using

some of the ideas that was covered in the first three licks.

If we take this last idea with playing the arpeggios

as triplets with a leading note, and then use that

on a D7, then that could be something like this.

(upbeat jazz guitar)

And now that I'm here, I can use the idea that I talked

about in the first example, where I'm using sort of this

16 note scale run, so now I have...

(upbeat jazz guitar)

And then we can, of course, just go down the scale.

(upbeat jazz guitar)

And now, I can go to the F#, and then play

the same idea that I did in the second line, so...

But then up here.

And then resolve to the G.

So now we have... (upbeat jazz guitar)

For the next example, we can start with the trill idea,

so if I start here, that could be something like...

(upbeat jazz guitar)

And then a small scale run.

And then an Am7 arpeggio.

And, as I had in the third example,

the F# half diminished arpeggio.

And that could resolve up to the D,

and then add a small tag by going from D to A.

And then we have this line. (upbeat jazz guitar)

So the idea is here, of course, that you're trying

to identify the small building blocks of the lick,

and then try to get those into your playing,

so that can be the 16 note trill, like...

(upbeat jazz guitar)

And then play that another place in the scale.

(upbeat jazz guitar)

Or the other trill, which was a 16 note triplet, so...

(upbeat jazz guitar)

Or we can do the arpeggio played with a triplet.

(upbeat jazz guitar)

So, all these building blocks you can use to create

your own lines that sound more like bebop.

If you want to check out more stuff on just how many

music theory, chord voicings, and stuff like that,

and this is the first time you've seen one of my videos,

then subscribe to my channel.

I have a new lesson coming out every Thursday,

and I've been doing this for quite some time,

so there's already a lot of stuff

to check out on my channel.

If you wanna help me keep making all these videos,

then check out my Patreon page, I have a small community

on Patreon that help me and support me financially

so I find the time and also find the money to keep

on making all these videos, and I'm very grateful

for all the support that they're giving me.

That's about it for this week, thank you for watching,

and untill next week.

For more infomation >> Bebop Jazz Guitar Licks - Classic Bebop Sound Decoded - Advanced Jazz Guitar Lesson - Duration: 9:07.


Minecraft Katil Kim ? katil olup Tugay ' ı öldürdüm !!! - Duration: 27:50.

For more infomation >> Minecraft Katil Kim ? katil olup Tugay ' ı öldürdüm !!! - Duration: 27:50.


SUBFER - Need Me (ft. Cameryn) - Duration: 3:29.

I will grow on my own

Don't need to be told to be so bold

It's at the peak

Out of reach

But it's what I seek

I can't explain it

Do I take it?

Or just let it slip away?

I wonder why, why do I

Always try, try to climb

To the highest highs

Just to trip and fall?

But I get back up

I wonder why, why do I

Always try, try to climb

To the highest highs

Just to trip and fall?

But I get back up

Yeah I get back up

You used to be my one and all

I still get caught up in our rise and our fall

We were at our peak

Out of reach

Hearts on our sleeves

Now they're hidden

Deep within our walls

Secure and tucked away

Sometimes, I wonder why, why you and I

Stopped tryin'

But now I'm fine

Yeah, I've stopped cryin'

Yet, somehow, you still need me

Sometimes, I wonder why

Why did I, did I try to float in your vast sea

When, in reality

You need me

Yeah, you still need me

For more infomation >> SUBFER - Need Me (ft. Cameryn) - Duration: 3:29.


Spotify香港播放次數最多的歌曲 TOP50 - Duration: 12:11.

For more infomation >> Spotify香港播放次數最多的歌曲 TOP50 - Duration: 12:11.


Tatuando a | Sebastian Cava| El Buho de Papel - Duration: 5:40.

Very good ink junkies and welcome another week,

Today we have a special guest on Paper´s OWL

Sebastian Cava

He is a great photographer, best person

from Murcia

I will let you below in comments box

the links from your social networks, you have to visit your channel

and Subscribe

believe me he makes very good videos

today has come to be a tattoo and suffer a little pain

I hope so

It's a lie, I've already done it

We are cheating

We have done tattoo

the tattoo has been great

now what you will see is amazing

He is the best

because I'm nice

I am going to leave here the process

and so you can see how it has ended

See you later

For more infomation >> Tatuando a | Sebastian Cava| El Buho de Papel - Duration: 5:40.


Because I'm in love with you! - Y7W (71) English subtitles HD - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Because I'm in love with you! - Y7W (71) English subtitles HD - Duration: 3:20.


TOUCH MY BODY CHALLENGE w/ Corinna Kopf - Duration: 4:55.

Bonjour everybody I'm Harrison & im with the wonderful gorgeous Corinna, hey

we've decided to play the game with the game yeah

Challenge? challenge? game? it's a challenge right very close when we

thought I always Spacely my yes so close we're dana killer where do you want to

go first right yeah Oh most people use a blindfold but we're

mature so we're going to close your eyes and promise them open don't open your

local I love of mine and I'm guessing me each user finger mmm the other person is

going to direct that finger somewhere could be in those be teeth could be

unique at Oh your lip yeah is it Wow okay no my teeth a bocce

and I'm squishy yeah later oh they're never yeah

ah what ah you're a yeah I'm good at it I have two good ones I'm

just saving them huh better deficit to do do do do do I swear to god put your

but is it like you bending over and then just like your belly is it no I always a

boo no girl what was it it was raised you

oh my god oh my god and I'm camera it looks like you just fingering my butt I

di what what the hell is that your nose is a she's putting the key

what are you doing I don't like the silence your jaw no I don't know quick

come on open yeah was it some kind of foot ankle I don't

know how you're gonna get a lot your song stop okay

you're like stripping down which makes me really nervous what is that noise

stop what's going on where am i okay I'm worried nervous stop your ball hit

it again oh what'd you get your ball okay

so yoga here right my ball reaction the last one for me and then one more for

you okay Karla's get it night your neck has to be

your neck no yeah just off underboob was it I

swear it's on him really it's somewhat mostly I'm nervous

stop you got that over there it's your mom

come on man it's good oh she got it yah yah yah yah yah you don't have to do

that to you when you with you yeah it was great thank you

you got a spanking doesn't even hurt ah ah I'm Jamie I sing in a bit thank you

very much for watching that video I hope you enjoyed if you did make sure to give

it a one of it one of them and I made sure to subscribe and check out

Corinna's channel hey guys thanks for watching adios

For more infomation >> TOUCH MY BODY CHALLENGE w/ Corinna Kopf - Duration: 4:55.


Farruko - Mundo Aparte [Official Music Video] - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Farruko - Mundo Aparte [Official Music Video] - Duration: 3:32.


3 gruselige Rituale um den Teufel zu rufen | WorldCreepypasta - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> 3 gruselige Rituale um den Teufel zu rufen | WorldCreepypasta - Duration: 3:46.


One Simple Step To Influence Your DNA - Duration: 6:21.

One Simple Step To Influence Your DNA

by Edward Morgan

One of the things I do most when I discuss metaphysics is explore concepts related to

light and darkness and their integration.

It�s one of my passions.

I love duality at its core.

We�re made of it so we should know it quite well.

But I find those who wish to enter the heart center to a greater extent struggle with this

integration and thus find tremendous difficulty transitioning aspects of ego.

I understand people are where they must be, but I find that there is a consistent ingredient

that cycles through their consciousness which creates a strong filter and blocks the integration.

And perhaps it should.

But that ingredient without fail has been the transcending of the right/wrong paradigm.

It�s one of the most difficult lessons in this reality because we are so conditioned

to pick a side.

It�s always about good/bad, love/hate, better/worse, winning/losing, bigger/lesser, success/failure,

etc, etc, and from a young age few are excluded from this black and white path of learning

which becomes ingrained into every incoming frequency throughout our lives.

This consciousness then cycles into the victim/perpetrator mindset and begins to create dys-function

in the body and in relationships because the mindset aggressively pursues a morally correct

path over what is perceived as incorrect.

It becomes infatuated with what is the moral high ground at the expense of what it perceives

as immorality.

This causes seed programming based on the fear harmonic such as guilt, anger, envy,

resentment, anxiety to express themselves to the fullest into dis-ease.

Cancer for example thrives on guilt, resentment and anger, and those who have healed themselves

know this well because the dis-ease encourages either the transition to a more peaceful self

or face the consequence of death.

So within a victim/perpetrator mindset, the two energies within light and darkness can

never be integrated into one because the human interpreter separates them through fragmentation

(see my previous post on fragmentation of consciousness).

The interpreter does not see them as the same energy because one is perceived as positive

and the other as negative, despite them being one in the same.

Once the interpreter begins to align with both light and dark energies as one, the filter

dissolves along with the right/wrong paradigm and the victim/perpetrator mindset.

This is the beginning of change within the DNA field that allows a greater percentage

to be influenced via the compassion filter.

It changes our vibration instantly.

It no longer allows the creation of any harmonics within the body or external relationships

to be dominated or even entertained by the previous right/wrong filters of awareness.

And then we change.

Everything changes.

Our body changes.

Our relationships change.

Our view of other people changes.

Our view of the world changes.

Most of all, our love of self changes because we are no longer preoccupied about the past

pain or future anxiety that is so prevalent within the right/wrong paradigm.

And when the love of self changes, self-worth increases while authenticity skyrockets as

we become more true to who we are in the present.

So how do you do this?

You pay attention to the beauty of synchronicity.

You see the magic in all relationships (not just the ones you prefer).

You connect with the truth of others without the need to impose your own.

You find kindness and cooperation in places where anatgonism and confrontation thrive.

You see the benevolence in everyone and everything without the need to highlight what�s wrong

with the world.

You look for problems and solutions within rather than without.

That�s just the beginning of realizing your mastery.

The rest can�t be stated to you in any way because you must discover it on your own through

practical applications of all of the above.

Nobody can teach this to you but yourself.

The path is yours and you will need to walk it on your own to see it for what it is.

All that is required from you is to pay attention to that part of yourself that doesn�t think,

but breathes and listens to the peace that exists outside thought.

This can be achieved by simply walking in nature, exercising, yoga, meditating or engaging

in an activity that calms the mind.

In that space everything becomes clear.

Is it too difficult?

No worries.

There is no rush.

It is an incremental process.

It can take months, years or even decades.

For some it can take their entire lives.

It is what it is.

If you cannot transcend the right/wrong paradigm at this moment, take solace in the fact that

there is more magic within you that will wait until you can, and when you can, it will always

be the perfect time.

For more infomation >> One Simple Step To Influence Your DNA - Duration: 6:21.


My Neighbor, Charles | 이웃집 찰스 - Ep.118 [ENG/2017.06.29] - Duration: 48:27.

(The hot place for designs)

(Korea's landmark DDP)

(Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Jung-gu, Seoul)

(118th class at the foreigner school)

This is My Neighbor, Charles

where we meet foreigners living in Korea.

- Hello. / - Hello.

Do you guys like foreign pop songs?

I love Whitney Houston.

Whitney Houston.

♪ I have nothing, nothing ♪

You have nothing on your head.


Sayuri, you are funny today.

- So good. / - I'm funny.

Korea is foreign to me

so I like K-pop.

Today's guests are singers.

- But. / - For My Neighbor, Charles?

They are foreigners but they sing K-pop.

Please give them a warm welcome!


Come on out.

(4 handsome men make an entrance)

I love you!

Hello, we are EXP EDITION.

Hello, I'm Frankie.

I'm the team's cutest member.

♪ It's so nice ♪


Hello, I'm Hunter.

I'm the team's

silliest member.

What are you?

Silliest member.

Oh, silliest.

Hello, I'm Sime.

I'm team's biggest-chin member.

My chin is very big.

- Oh, your chin. / - Your chin is very big.

Hello, I'm Koki.

And I'm the cute youngest member.

(You guys are really K-pop singers?)

Yes, we came to Korea in order to be

K-pop idols.

We released a single just recently

titled, "Feel Like This."


- Would you like to hear it? / - Yes, please.

(Sweet a cappella)

(Wow, the harmony is amazing)

(Oh, my goodness)

They are not only handsome,

but also very good singers.

They remind me of NSYNC.

- EXP EDITION? / - Yes.

What does that mean?

We started out as EXP in New York.

EXP as in experiment.

This is because we are a K-pop idol group

without any Koreans.

If you read EXP EDITION as a single word,

it becomes expedition, which represents

our new chapter and adventures.

It's not easy being an idol.

Willpower alone can't make you one.

Let's take a look at how these young New Yorkers

are living their lives as idols.

(My Neighbor, Charles)

(What it means to be a rookie)

First step to be a rookie is the training camp.

Since the day EXP EDITION came to Korea,

they began living together.

(Frankie, the leader and main vocalist)

They have some rules among themselves.


Wake up.

We are going to be late. Come on.

(Hunter, rapper)

No matter what time they fell asleep,

they must wake up at 8 a.m.

Wake up, guys. we're going to be late.

Are you guys still jet-lagged?

They made their own rules because

they have their own way of living.

They are responsible for

their own meals.

(Is my milk okay?)

My milk.

They are very strict.

Look how they labeled their food

just in case they get mixed up.

(Frankie, Koki)

This way, no arguing.

"Why is there no food? You eat too much."

(American style)

They have such different tastes.

But what's this? Whose is it?

I ate a lot of eggs when I was a kid.

I still eat eggs a lot.

- Probably... / - Sime eats 7 to 8 eggs a day.

- Every day. / - He's insane.

(Everyone's own unique meals begin)

What do Koreans say

before they start eating?

- "Jal meok..." / - "Jal meogeoyo."

"Jal meok-get-seum-ni-da."

They seem a little clumsy.


You'll think again if you see this.

(Sime, Frankie, Hunter, Koki)

(Are you ready?)

♪ This forever moment, thinking of you ♪

♪ My reason to breathe ♪

♪ Without you, I'm hopeless ♪

("Feel Like This," their debut song released in April)

(Their harmony is perfect)

Do you want to try?

Wow, aren't they so good?

Is this song popular?

There's nothing.

Probably didn't place at all.

Where is it?

20th? 30th?

It's not even in the top 50.

Not at all.



She must be their CEO.

Ma'am, it seems like they need to do something

to get some popularity.

Yes. This Thursday at 7 p.m.

there's a festival at Yonsei University.

And then...

Did you contact "Music Bank?"

- "Music Bank..." / - Did you hear back?

Not yet.

- Not yet. / - Really?

- I want to be in "Music Bank." / - You want to?


They only have festivals and small performances,

but it's better than nothing at least.

They are getting ready to go practice.

What are you bringing?

I have a lot of Korean books.

You are bringing all them?

They are technically celebrities but

you really can't tell.

Hello, good morning.

Good morning.

(What's their car like?)

Idols' cars these days are very nice.

However, their car is the most

economical bus.

What are you doing?

Oh, studying Korean.

Did you make this yourself?

Yes, I made a lot of flash cards.

I have more.

There are a lot of words.

If becoming a successful K-pop idol

depended on Korean, it would've been easier.

But there is a lot more to that.

(Studying Korean in their spare time)

(Must go there now)

They have to be good at one more thing.

It's dancing.

I can already smell their sweat.

They never skip their dance practice.

We are going to practice the basics now.

The leader, Frankie, leads the practice.

He learned dancing from a professional in New York.

(He's not satisfied with something)

You are too stiff.

You have to be lighter and loose.

(Frankie is pretty good)

I can tell that Frankie is pretty good.

He's kind of lost.

One more time.

One more time.


(Guys, we have a long way to go)

(Oh, no)

One more time.

I'm not a dancer.

I always have a problem.

Dancing is too hard.

Even though it's hard, they have to do it

in order to become successful.

(Accurately without any mistakes)

(Perfect choreography is a must)

(The basic musicality is a must in this field)

(It's hard to survive even if you are good)

Survival itself is a war in

the K-pop world.

How did these young men

decide to walk such a difficult path?

The members were popular models

and musical actors in New York

before they became a team.

However, those weren't

their real dreams.

I've always loved the idea of a singing group.

I'd wake up really early, run to a dance class or

a vocal lesson then go to several auditions throughout

the day, then go to work at night.

I saw the audition for EXP EDITION

which was K-pop group with non-Koreans and

they said we'll be filming a documentary to showcase

the process of making a K-pop group.

(2014 New York audition, Sime)

The members, who were interested in K-pop

just went to the audition.

However, this was actually...

The current CEO's experiment,

preparing her thesis for her graduate school.

But then, people gave more

attention than expected.

So the members began to dream bigger.

That is the dream to be acknowledged in Korea.

Normal pop in America is very watered down

and very simple.

But it's usually not as intertwined with fashion,

dance, performance, and singing.

When I told my family and friends I was going to be

a K-pop idol, they said, "Who do you think you are?

You are going to be an idol?


But it's understandable for them to react that way.

5 songs?

(Deciding songs to sing at the gigs)

(Super Junior, our song, BTS)


You know how to sing "Shabang Shabang?"

(That's not an easy song)

(Singer: Frankie, Dancers: The rest)



♪ She just kills me ♪

(He has mastered trot songs)

(Very into it)

(Trying so hard)

(Tap, tap, tap)

(Stealing the attention)

(Alluring with singing)

(Seducing with dancing)

(They really killed it)

♪ She just kills me ♪

(We are pretty good)

Wow, they are good.

I like him more than Frankie.

I want to meet Park Hyunbin.

Park Hyunbin will be surprised

if you meet him.

(That evening)

They have a street performance in the evening.

Since they are rookies, they can't complain

about the stage and the waiting room.

It's very small.

(Does that even matter?)

(No time to complain, let's just practice)

(It's time to go on stage)

For rookies, street performance is a golden opportunity

to promote who they are.

- Hello. / - Hello.

1, 2, 3.

Hello, we are EXP EDITION.

(Tourists who were just passing by)

Are you here for shopping?





It's okay.

If they don't know you, you make them know you.

(Always starting with Super Junior's song)

Why do you sing Super Junior's song first?

(They aren't Super Junior)

(They sang this song the most after their debut song)

(Why don't you sing your own song?)

(They are good at K-pop)

The crowd's response isn't too bad.

Thank you.

They are just thankful for them to listen.

(Training camp, Dongjak, Seoul)

(They must really like Super Junior)

It was a dream.

It was a dream.

Do they want to be like Super Junior?


That wasn't it.

They sang Super Junior's song

in a TV show once.

They grabbed more attention than

they did when they released their debut song.

It still feels like a dream.

After this TV show,

we came back and slept.

In the morning we were like, "What happened?"

And forgot.

But a lot of people recognized us

and said that they saw us.

Recognition is the biggest happiness

for a rookie.

(We will be famous one day with our own song)

They perform at all corners, hoping that

at least one more person recognizes them.

(Starting with Super Junior's song as usual)

(Working hard)

They aren't upset about singing

someone else's song.

Not at all.

They rather feel happy about it.

(Do you know who we are?)


They feel that they are getting

more recognition.

- I saw you on TV. / - Really?

Thank you!

I saw you on TV.

They really do have some fans.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Do you know who they are?


I don't know. This is my first time seeing them.

(I'll look them up)

(That night)

You guys should take a rest.

Why are you all so serious?

They are monitoring their performance.

You guys were good.

Hold on.

"When we actually met..." What did you say?

When we actually met,

we like...


I can't understand you.

I can't.

He prepared a short speech before the performance.

"I've always wanted to meet Super Junior.

I was touched when we actually met because

you guys were so good to us."

(You practiced so much)

I've always wanted to meet Super Junior.

When we actually met,

- It was so fun. / - So much fun.

You said, "It was so fun."

It doesn't make sense.

I forgot everything.

(Sime is constantly making mistakes)

It was weird.

(I know that)

- He forgot everything. / - You forgot it all.

I did forget everything.

What should we do?

What should we do?

People make mistakes.

It doesn't have to be exactly as memorized.

Until your Korean gets better,

do as you practiced

because you can forget

and use wrong grammar,

hence, losing connection with the audience.

You lose the audience.

They'll lose their interest

because they don't know what you are saying.

I'm sorry.

(It's my fault)

Nothing's easy.

(It's not easy)

It's a holiday with no work.

He woke up so early when he could've slept in.

But then...

Koki, what's that on the wall?

This? This is our goal list.

When we came here,

we made this goal list together.

We will debut successfully.

We will reach number 1 on the Melon Charts.

We will be fluent in Korean.

The goals they set when they first came to Korea.

This paper is attached everywhere

in the apartment.

It's a way to remind them

and motivate them.

They are nowhere near yet

but they will achieve it one day.

What would be the most important one?

We need to focus more on our Korean,

if we want to achieve any other goals.

They became more desperate these days.

Frankie, some more bad comments.

Let me see. What is it?

"Their pronunciation sounds like a toothless

old man in my hometown, Daegu."

With 378 likes.

Are you serious?

A toothless old man? No!

We have teeth.

(I'd rather listen to google translate)

Most of the bad comments are about their Korean.

They try to be understandable, but it gets

difficult when their families see the comments

and get upset.

She's like, "I see all these articles.

I'm worried about you guys.

Death threats and

people saying bad things."

It's like, "No, we are okay."

She's like, "Are you really?" and I'm like, "I think so."


Like I said, you just can't think about it because

you'll just get upset.

It's like... You just go with it.

Just going to try not to read them anymore.

Frankie can't help but care about the bad comments,

but he says these aren't even that bad.

(Looking through his past photos)

A musical in high school.

He wanted to become a singer since he was young.

After he graduated from high school, he went to

New York to achieve his dream.

He was rejected from hundreds of auditions

but he never gave up.

That's because his best friend and an older brother

supported him by his side all the time.

We were so close but

he passed away 4 years ago

due to cancer.

(His brother passed away just before his debut)

It was very difficult.

So I always promised him that I would

follow my dreams and go very far.

And we were really close so

it was really hard to lose him.

But I think that a huge part

of the success I've had coming this far

has been a lot of him, helping.


I think about him every day.

I know he's always with me

and I know he's always protecting me and

so that always makes me feel a lot better.

You need to become successful for your brother!

(Focusing on Korean for now)

You need to study to become successful.

(They study at home on weeks they have a show)

They've been studying Korean for

4 years since they were in New York.

They can read and write

but they are having a hard time speaking.

That's because they learn

how to speak from a book.

(You know this too?)

"Gunyo" and "Neyo."

They are both used to express surprise.

Hunter coughs a lot.

So you'd say, "Hunter, you must've caught a cold!"

- Caught a cold. / - Caught a cold.

It says "neyo" can't be used to express something

that wasn't learned directly

from your own experience or when agreeing with

something said by someone else.

It's going in through one ear

and out the other.

Nothing will change by writing.

(They won't understand in future as well)

Get up, everyone.

They say the best lesson comes from experience.

(Shall we go to the playground?)


1, 2, 3.

Hello, we are EXP EDITION.

We live here.

We are a newly formed K-pop idol group.

K-pop? Where are you from?

Where are you from? Which country?

We are from New York.

I see.

Why did you come to Korea to do K-pop?

We love K-pop so much.

We wanted to become K-pop singers.

I see.

We would like to sing you our song...

- "Feel Like This." / - Right now?



(More people show up)

(Sounds good)

Good job!

They must've worked hard.

They are working hard.

I know.

It sounded very beautiful.

We live in the same apartment so we'll see often.

We'll often see.

We'll often see.

We'll see each other often.

(Learning on the spot)


They learned some Korean

and gained some fans. Very lucky.

Thank you.

The next day.

(It was very touching)

They have to practice again.



Are you okay?

My legs are sore.


My legs are sore.

Are you okay?

I'm okay.

(Practice room)

They came to practice

with their choreographer

for the performance that's in two days.

(Choreographer Hwang Jihu)

The basics?

They added dance because they sing more songs.

(It doesn't look that difficult)

Luckily, the dance is not too difficult.

(Like this?)

But then...


Sime, forward.


Oh, forward.

(Focusing on Sime)

Sime looks awkward.

Hands up.

(Right hand down)

(Right hand down)

The other hand.

(I can do it)

He tries his best

but his body is not helping out.


Same leg and arm.

Although he's confident in singing,

he's very weak when it comes to dancing.

He has harder time than others

whenever they learn new moves.

(Everyone together)

(Very anxious)

He never had this much difficulty

but he keeps making mistakes.

(Opposite direction)

(Is it because of his legs?)

Is it because of his sore legs

from this morning?


Growing up I had problems with my hip.

I wasn't actually allowed to do any

sort of physical exercise until I turned 17.

They didn't know what caused it.

It was just sort of happening.

I had to be on crutches for 2 years.

It's definitely better now.

It's only after rehearsals and

when I do work hard, that's when I feel it the most.

Practice for 5 minutes.

(What do I do)

The members know the best about

how hard Sime is trying and what kind

of hardship he is going through.

Look at my left leg.

- It hurts. / - I feel like this will hurt you more.

(Sime practices constantly)

I hope they rest during breaks.

It's better.

- Take a second and rest. / - I'm fine.

- You sure? / - Yeah.

- Everyone together. / - Yes.

(Will he be okay to continue practicing?)

Even though he's in pain,

he won't stop practicing.

It seems like Sime's body got heavier.

(Became worse than before)

He still tries his best.

(Sime leaves all of a sudden)

(Practice stops)

What's going on?


Just give me a minute.

(He doesn't even look back)

- You okay? / - It's fine.

- What is wrong? / - It's fine, I just need a minute.

Are you okay?

Alright, sit down.

It's the first time Sime is

acting like this.

Everyone is worried about him.

Do you want to just go home right now then?

No, what's the point? We have to get this done.

Is it because of his legs or

is there another reason?

Hey, it's okay. It's not the end of the world.

When I'm doing the moves my hips

start hurting again and then it's just getting worse.

And then I feel like I'm letting them down because

I'm not getting move and it's taking forever.

It's just like a waste of time.

You are always too hard on yourself

than you should be.

And nobody is like, "Oh, my god, Sime's

a bad dancer." Nobody is saying that.

Just come inside whenever you are ready.

(Don't worry, bro)

He felt bad because he was

dragging the team down.

There is...

Only one way to cheer him up.

Drinking together.

They often talk things out at barbeque restaurants.

They eat like New Yorkers,

but drink like Koreans.

(Koreans for sure)

My Korean friend taught me.

(He learned well)


This is the best stress reliever.

Do you feel better now?

(This is it)

(It's been awhile now)

These guys...

One more bottle of Soju, please.


And two more bottles of beer, please.

(Very happy)

It seems like you guys drank quite a bit.

Honestly, it didn't hit me that we were going to live

in Seoul up until like

the very last minute, you know what I mean?

When we were on the plane and when we were

heading over here. That's when I was like,

"Oh, we are all leaving everybody."

A lot of Korean people in the comments ask,

"When are you guys going back to New York?"

Honestly, my biggest fear is that...

I don't think this will happen but

that this will stop and then

we are back in New York

with the memories of doing all that.

That would be horrible.

Like to go back to all that stuff.

They don't want to think about even going back

after going through all of this.

Cheers to the journey that we've been on.

It's a lot to think about.

(Uncertain about future success)

They become more serious

talking about the uncertain future.

I was worried that they would be very sad.

But there's nothing to worry about.

(It seems like they are going to the army)

- I really like it. / - Does it hurt?

Maybe a little.

But it's good for your...

- Face? / - New skin?


(Good for skin regeneration)

(Skin regeneration dance)

(Let's end here)

You should go to sleep now.

I'm so tired.

I'm dying.

Good night.


They heard that they have

a very important meeting

in the morning so they came out early.

Who are they meeting?

- Hello. / - Hello.

(Who is it?)

Hello, we are EXP EDITION!

(Trot King Park Hyunbin)

It's Park Hyunbin.

- We got this for you. / - Thank you.

- Have a seat. / - Okay.

They really wanted to meet him.

Do you know me?

- Yes! / - How?

Trot is very similar to Portuguese music.

When I heard "Shabang Shabang," I was like, "Who is this?"

I really loved that song.

And you guys perform that song these days?


On stage...

I'm nervous.

(Oh, my god)

(Dead serious)

(Feels like they are auditioning)

(Glad to meet you)

(You guys are in)

These guys are really good.

They are much more

into the song than I am.

Try this part.

♪ She just kills me ♪

You sing too gracefully.

I don't sing that way.


♪ She just kills me ♪

♪ Dead drunk ♪

♪ I'm so drunk ♪

Your body...

(The original singer is different)

♪ Trust me just this once ♪

♪ I will only look at you ♪

These are all my songs.

They are envious him as he has so many

popular songs and he's very popular.

You are sitting here.

You are singing "Shabang Shabang."

You are meeting Park Hyunbin.

You need to know the reason behind everything.

Why are you sitting here?

The reason why you are going to

another meeting after this.

It will gradually build up

and you will understand everything.

It will come to you gradually.

To be honest,

often times I never see my juniors

after meeting like this.


Are you sad?

We will really try our best.

Don't give up.

It's so good to have a team.

You guys have each other.

I was always alone.

I will cheer for you guys.

Thank you.

(Time to go back)

What do we say?

It was nice meeting you.

1, 2, 3. It was nice meeting you!

Sit down.

You guys are too tall.

It was so nice seeing you!

I want to look taller.

(Let's practice)

Whatever you do, focus and know the reason.

Park Hyunbin taught them that.


(Boot camp training?)

Why are you guys doing this?

We need to be stronger.

So we have to practice more.

They are very determined.

We are going to have a full run-through.

They are going full out this time.

They want to give it their all.

Will they successfully perform?

(Will they be able to successfully perform?)

We'll find that out tomorrow.

(The day of performance)

It's finally the performance day.

What are you doing over there?

(They are good, I'm nervous)

Shouldn't you guys be practicing?

That's right. You can't let your guard down.

Especially Sime.

Sime, you can...

I can do it!

What is this?

Why are you writing this?

I was touched because they were good to me.

I was touched because they were good to me.

I was touched because they were good to me.

I was touched...

As long as things go as planned, it'll be fine.

He's clever.

(The girl idol group before them just finished)

It's finally their turn.

- Good job! / - Good luck.

Girls will love these guys.

(A huge number of audience)

Our boys bravely

enter the stage.

And how hard will they cheer?

(Rather mild)

It was expected but...

- Are you ready? / - Yes.

Let's go!

(They start strong)

(Super Junior's song as always)

This was the song they got popular with.

As long as they can be recognized,

they can sing hundreds or thousands of times.

(I know them!)

They finish the first song successfully.

Next is...

(It's a big obstacle they need to overcome)

Hello, we are EXP EDITION!

Did you guys watch "I Can See Your Voice?"

I've always wanted to meet Super Junior but

when I actually met them...

(It's okay, I can cheat)

I was touched because they were good to me.

(Thought he was clever)

I was touched because they were good to me.


I knew he was going to get caught.

The next song is our debut song, "Feel Like This."

Have you ever heard of it?

It's okay.

Sing along with us like this.

Feel like this, everyone.

Feel like this.

Let's go.

(We sing other people's songs more right now)

(Everyone's unsure of our potential)

(It's okay because we are just getting started)

(Please cheer on for us)

People think we are crazy. I think we are crazy.

We still wish "Feel Like This" would be on

the top chart and more people would know about it.

I mean, of course there is that

level of perfection that we have yet to...

I will continue to be working hard

and hopefully be getting better.

I've always wanted to meet Super Junior

but when we actually met, I was touched

because they were so good to me. Yes!

(This is the power of hard work)

EXP EDITION started out as

an experiment.

Please cheer on for them, becoming

one of the most successful K-pop idol groups!

(My Neighbor, Charles)

They are a really prepared group.

They have great determination.

I also like it because they seem desperate.

And there's that important figure

who made EXP EDITION into a K-pop star.

Please, welcome CEO Kim Bora.

You had a huge role.

Did you think that they would work hard

and become successful?

I didn't think that this was going to get big.

After they made a debut and

performed in the U.S. for a year,

they approached me first and told me that

they wanted to go and perform in Korea

along with other K-pop groups.

They brought up to me first that

they wanted to perform in front of Koreans.

You were studying Korean with flash cards.

Isn't it difficult to learn from a Korean teacher?

I watched Korean movies when I was in Croatia.

So I thought that it would be a little bit easier

but nope.

It's incredibly difficult.

And the Korean "yes" means

"no" in Croatian.

It's very confusing.

It's so confusing.

Very, very confusing.

I think it would be good to

date a Korean girl because

it would speed up learning Korean.

I just feel so happy looking

at these bright and optimistic four young men.

I wonder if they have any worries.

(We want to be popular)

Popularity is our concern and hope.

Some people in Korea might think that

we are only here as tourists,

that we're only here to have fun

and then go back to United States

to our lives and whatnot.

The fact that we are finally here and doing this...

It's a dream come true so

it would be really sad

if it ended and we have to go back.

What's your definition of success?

Probably getting at least in

the top 10 in music charts.

The speech after getting first place

in a music show is very important.

You know how it goes.

First place, EXP EDITION!

(Going crazy)

You are exaggerating too much.

Thank you and we love you, our fans.

We love you.

Rather than that, say

Our CEO...

Kim Bora...


In the past, Wonder Girls went to

United States.

They were huge in Korea but

they went about taking buses.

After seeing the video of them giving out

their own CDs and promoting themselves,

I thought that it's so respectful to come and

challenge yourselves to become a K-pop idol.

Aren't your parents worried?

That's why our families are kind of

worried about the reactions and

they can only see the bad comments about us

because they are usually in English.

So they can't read any of

the good Korean press about us.

So they are worried that we'll see that

and get depressed.

It seems like you think about

your older brother a lot, Frankie.

Watching my brother battle cancer for two years

and fight until the last day.

Because of him, I know that I'll never give up.

I know there isn't any obstacle

I can't overcome and

I know that he's always with me.

I see.

I see that you guys

are working so hard

away from home but

there are always haters, writing bad comments.

Usually foreign K-pop fans

write the negative comments.

EXP EDITION isn't Korean.

Why are they trying to do K-pop?

They are too big.

They can't sing.

They are ugly.

Negative comments mean interest.

People are interested in you

so they know who you are

and they've watched your show

and they've spent so much time

finding ways to write the hateful comments.

So they invested 5 minutes of

their lives to you guys.

So be thankful.

They must've been hurt

through negative comments.

So many times.

You live longer and stronger in harsh conditions.

That's a Korean proverb.

I guess I'll be living until I'm 200 years old.

Let's hear your determination

for your fans and to-be fans.

I just would say to any fans

or to anybody who has a dream

that you think it's impossible.

We, if you went three years back,

and the first time we met,

we would've never imagined that we would

be here

so just believe in yourself and you'll go very far.

You can do it!


Thank you so much.

We feel very motivated to see them coming to

Korea from New York to pursue your dreams.

Thank you so much for coming today and

we will cheer EXP EDITION on until

you become a successful K-pop idol group.

Good luck!

Thank you!

This concludes My Neighbor, Charles.

- See you next time. / - Good-bye.

Hello, we are EXP EDITION.

Don't you feel all cheered up?

1, 2, 3. We can do it!

Thank you for having us.


For more infomation >> My Neighbor, Charles | 이웃집 찰스 - Ep.118 [ENG/2017.06.29] - Duration: 48:27.


Seeing Dodie Live | Intertwined Tour | Machester 2017 - Duration: 26:25.

Also be prepared for a lot of this...

Gooood morning, good evening, good afternoon

I've almost my makeup

I just have to highlight and do my lipstick and stuff

but I've haven't cleaned my teeth yet, I've only been up for like...

I checked my wrist.. I don't wear I watch.. I can't tell the time...

an hour or two

I look like I've got pink eye

I put pink on my lower lash line

and I don't know if it looks alright

If you can't tell by the title of this video today I'm going to see

Dodie Clark aka doddleoddle aka dodie (lower case d)

in Machester *weird noise*

I have been around since 9000 subscribers

the first video I watched was

A Permanent Hug From You


over 800,000 subscribers later

I'm finally gonna be in the same room as her

and I'm so excited. I've taken the day off college

not that I had first lesson today anyway 'cause it got cancelled

I'm skipping my afternoon lessons

so that me ad my friend Nia

and my Dad's girlfriend Katie can all go

a little bit early, hopefully find out where she is

on her snapchat and stalk her lol

because I didn't get the ballot thingy

for the meet and greet sooo

we're gonna go stalk her

but I'm so excited. Nia's like

'I haven't listened to her music yet, who is this Rusty?'


You've known about this since October

and your just now saying

you haven't listened to her songs

and you have no idea who Rusty is.. okay.. cool

ow I just whacked my hand on this

Anyway I'm properly channelling my inner Dodie today

I have smarties nail polish

eye makeup is... yeah I did my eyeliner like Dodie's

The post that blew up on instagram

recently of me 'channelling my inner Dodie' in November

ha been going insane

so I was like... okay... sure

I figured if I channelled my inner Dodie and I do happen to run into her

I can be 'hey look... apparently we have the same'

and even (Nia) when I was like 'hey you're coming to this concert'

and she was like 'yeah sure'

when I 1st showed her Dodie's snapchat she was like

'I thought that was you for a second.. bit weird'

I'm super excited and I can't wait... I'm so happy

Anyway I have to go get ready 'cause Nia's gonna be here in like

an hour. I'm so excited

I need to charge my phone and clear the storage as well

Today's gonna be so much fun. I have no idea when you're gonna see this

'cause I have to post the Bulgaria vlogs first

I'm trying to decide whether to keep the bunches or not and whether

to make this into a crop top or not, but I don't know

'cause it's raining here and apparently it's raining in Manchester


I don't know...

But I feel adorable AF

So this photo (the dodie photo) is getting dangerously close to 1000 likes

and I don't know how I feel

Excuse me.. where is your dodie yellow?

Nia: I don't have any dodie yellow

OMG it's dodie yellow

Me: Say hi to VlogsWithLeigh

Nia: F*ck off

Me: No profanities on this channel please

Nia: I hate you :)

Me: okay...

Nia: I'm going to personally send you to hell

Me: Thanks... I've told you there's already a throne there waiting for me :)

Me: This is how people are gonna see you from now on...

... you're gonna be known as the person who send me hate on twitter and instagram (Nia: yay... the drowned rat)

Me: and tweets Dodie that I'm thirsty

Me: and now you're swearing

Nia: das me... my thumbs are numb... this is not nice

Me: I don't care. Do you want us to feel sorry for you? You're being mean right now

*Nia is shook*

Nia: I am allowed to be mean you are forcing me to stand in the rain...

... whilst you stand under a coat. You are not a nice friend.

Me: I am a nice friend (Nia: no you're not)

Me: I brought you to see Dodie and I paid for your ticket. I'm a nice friend.

*singing* queuing queuing all day long (Charlie & the Chocolate Factory :))

Me: Hello

Nia: No go away

Me: Hi

Nia: I will break your phone

Me: Go on then break Kevin.

Katie: Break Kevin? *shook*

Me: Do it.. I dare you

Nia: Try me

Me: I know you wont 'cause you're too much of a sweetheart

*Nia pokes Kevin*

*I am shook*

Me: Don't poke Kevin


Nia: Be ready for Han's solo








Dodie: Well I'll hide these too

- lol what? Excuse me Dodie :) -


Dodie: Without the sunglasses recorder bit I'm gonna try...

... and actually be cool *cute Dodie noise*

Dodie: I'm not cool so... but it's okay


Dodie:... crushes on girls

and erm

I told my friends in Essex this

that's where I come from, I know disgusting

and they go 'oh er like'

I'll say it in their accent... which I'm sorry, but they'd go

'You're not a lesbian though are you?'

and I'd go 'no, no of course no'

Someone in the crowd: SAAAME!

Dodie: and then erm... I set Demi Lovato as my background for pretty much everything

but again... I'm not a lesbian though

erm and then every time I looked at one of my best friends

my chest started to ache and I realised I really fancied her

Someone in the crowd: Relatable

Dodie: I'm not a lesbian though!!!

Well it turns out I am a little bit

of a lesbian

I am a bisexual being

and I am so lucky that I'm allowed to say that I'm proud of it

Someone in the crowd: I'm proud of you!

Dodie: Yeah, I am proud of it. Thank you very much

Er but I just want to say if you are not allowed to be proud -

why did that rhyme? - of who you are

and you're feeling a bit, you know, insecure about it

for annoying reasons... in this space

you are very welcome and you're very loved so...

- SHE -

Someone in the crowd: You mean everything to me!

- WHEN -

Dodie: Oh I know... wait, this is definitely going to be more Yorkshire


Crowd: Yorkshire! Yorkshire

Dodie: Ay up lads

I'm so sorry

Alright this is my last song

Anyway thank you so much, you have been great

Oh my god you have been so much fun, thank you

And I would like to ask would you be so kind as to sing along?



Dodie: Hello

What a surprise! Wow

All those funny jokes about how this was unexpected okay...


Okay so the ironic thing is I always flop when I introduce this song

You know why? Because I feel average

I feel like I'm not cool enough to do it

like I've said so many times

I know. Everyone will shout at you, but it doesn't matter

(Then it jumps for some reason *shrugs*)

Dodie: I need to learn to love myself and so do you

- 6/10 -

(So I was crying too much to film sorry)


For more infomation >> Seeing Dodie Live | Intertwined Tour | Machester 2017 - Duration: 26:25.


EastEnders' Peter Beale swaps Albert Square for huge Hollywood blockbuster - Duration: 2:51.

EastEnders' Peter Beale swaps Albert Square for huge Hollywood blockbuster

Beeb soap actor Ben Hardy is ditching Walford for a life of glitz and glamour. The 26-year-old former EastEnders hunk has nabbed himself a role in the upcoming biopic of iconic British band Queen which has been titled Bohemian Rhapsody.

And hes bagged himself a huge part too as hes been booked to play drummer Roger Taylor. HOLLYWOOD CAREER: Ben Hardy has been booked for another A lister film.

A source revealed: Ben caught the eye of producers and he has worked with director Bryan Singer on X-Men. After a couple of screen tests, bosses decided he was the perfect man for the job and signed him up.

Hes very excited. Ben has delved headfirst into the role too as hes locked himself away to learn how to play the drums before filming has even begun – proving hes fully committed to the gig.

They continued to The Sun: But hes got plenty of work to do before filming starts — hes even started taking drumming lessons to get up to scratch..

SKYS THE LIMIT: Ben starred in X-Men last year.

Soap stars: Then and now   Ever wondered what your favourite soap stars looked like back in the day? From EastEnders longest running character Ian Beale, to Corries Steve McDonald, check out our gallery to see how much theyve all changed.

      Jacinta Stapleton who played Amy Greenwood in Neighbours  .

SOAP HISTORY: Ben played Peter Beale for two years in the soap.

A source Ben will be swapping the likes of dad Ian Beale and Phill Mitchell for a superstar studded cast, including some big names like Rami Malek who is set to play Freddie Mercury.

The biopic is set to retell Queens story up until their appearance at the Live Aid concert in 1985. This isnt Bens first taste of the Hollywood life though.

Since ditching EastEnders after a two year run in 2015 it looks like the skys been the limit.

BETTER THINGS: Bens career has rocketed since leaving EastEnders.

Just last year the former Walford resident starred in X-Men: Apocalypse – and it looks like working alongside A list actors such as James McAvoy and Jennifer Lawrence has kick started a dazzling blockbuster career.

Guess theres no looking back now. Catch EastEnders tonight at 7:30pm on BBC One.

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