Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 30 2017

That was Ranger Paul, my name is Ranger Michi! Welcome to another episode of "Price Rangers Unplugged"!

In the next minutes we take a closer look at the Tanglewood O 12,

a 12-string acoustic guitar for 229 Euro (201 GBP, 256 USD).

The "O stands for orchestra

describing the body size.

Bottom, frame and neck of this guitar are made of mahogany, the fretboard is made of rosewood.

If you want to avoid missing any of our weekly new clips, just subscribe to our channel. If you want to share our clips... well, please share our clips.

According to the 12 tuners I spotted on the headstock I soon realized: It has 12 strings! But what's so special about that?

The E, A, G and D string are taken up an octave by another strung added,

the B and high E string are being doubled.

And that creates the special sound of a 12 string. Do you want to give it a try?

For sure!

Nice. Nice! But after nice there's nicer...

You could expect from a 12 string that it's harder to play - just because of the doubled string number -

but when playing the Tanglewood you'll soon get along with this new world

and will be able to produce these charming sounds. If this guitar can also handle a fierce treatment from Ranger Michi?

Fiercer treatment will not be your favourite playing style on the Tanglewood TWR O 12,

but since this is no classic campfire guitar theat wants to convince with high volume outputs that's totally okay for us.

It's like Ranger Paul already said: a guitar for charming sounds.

When taking a closer look at the Tanglewood's craftmanship I have to say I'm convinced to a great extent

They even attached a nice blingbling circle around the soundhole - which I particularly like,

but what we really don't know: where is it from?

It reads "designed in United Kingdom" - but where was it crafted? No clue!

The body surface is not smooth and even, it feel untreated and rough with gives it a real rustic charme.

You have to pay attention to the frame's sharp edges not to damage them (which is easy).

We also find sharp edges on the frets - not that we cutted our precious Ranger hands open - but a thorough fretjob looks different.

Please consider that this guitar and probably most 12 strings are quite top-heavy. We have 12 tuners on the headstock so that's no defect and usual.

I got a positive impression from the Tanglewood since it is plain and simple and has no bells and whistles.

So they obviously just focused on building a proper instrument.

They also put great effort on adjusting the intonation on bridge and saddle, great job!

Our verdict for the Tanglewood 12 string therefore is: Goldständer! (the golden guitar stand)

We hoped you liked our clip from the Unplugged series and join us next time

when we take a closer look at small and big guitars for tiny prices.

In the meantime we recommend reading our blog on

where you can improve your German while reading an article about the Tanglewood and all other tested instruments.

You can also find us on other social media like

Till nex time, have a nice day and... practice the guitar :-)!

For more infomation >> Tanglewood TWR O 12 - Duration: 5:41.


DIY Thermowell - Duration: 3:11.

Well today I'm making a poor man's fermenter thermowell.

All we need is a blow torch or some sort of heat source. A gas stove hob would be fine.

All we need is a blow torch or some sort of heat source. A gas stove hob would be fine.

A pair of pliers. A small saw.

And a cordless drill with a step drill in it.

And of course, the star of the show is a polycarbonate racking cane

And of course, the star of the show is a polycarbonate racking cane

and a grommet.

This is a half inch racking cane.

I'll be cutting the top off this, and sealing one end.

And that will go through the grommet and into the liquid in the fermenter.

Lets get started.


We're done?

Yep we're done. (Dog barks in agreement)

For more infomation >> DIY Thermowell - Duration: 3:11.


Cavalluccio - Musica per bambini piccoli - Duration: 36:13.

For more infomation >> Cavalluccio - Musica per bambini piccoli - Duration: 36:13.


Talented People Replay Awesomeness 1 (Palu clip is toad brigade) - Duration: 6:04.


For more infomation >> Talented People Replay Awesomeness 1 (Palu clip is toad brigade) - Duration: 6:04.


Death Tale of Danish Sultan – An 11 Year Old Boy of Srinagar | Nadiya Shafi Reports - Duration: 2:07.

He lives at corner

the footbridge having Jhelum on both sides

this is corner

that is bandsaw

they came from this side

he had no option to move

he jumped into Jehlum

They also had fired shell towards him

At the time of fateh khawani

they came and fired shells on the mourners

ladies and children where also present there

For more infomation >> Death Tale of Danish Sultan – An 11 Year Old Boy of Srinagar | Nadiya Shafi Reports - Duration: 2:07.


男女VS女生!|兩性健身的差別|科學解釋|12篇研究 - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> 男女VS女生!|兩性健身的差別|科學解釋|12篇研究 - Duration: 6:03.


SEO Driven #079 — Tobias Schwarz über technisches SEO und große Onpage Crawls - Duration: 13:21.

For more infomation >> SEO Driven #079 — Tobias Schwarz über technisches SEO und große Onpage Crawls - Duration: 13:21.


Червь обжора 🐛 веселая детская игра про червячков и гусениц от желейный медведь Валера - Duration: 14:01.

For more infomation >> Червь обжора 🐛 веселая детская игра про червячков и гусениц от желейный медведь Валера - Duration: 14:01.


Romantic Saxophone Music Instrumental Playlist: 2017 Session (saxophone instrumental love songs) - Duration: 1:00:26.

Title: Romantic Saxophone Music Instrumental Playlist: 2017 Session (saxophone instrumental love songs)

For more infomation >> Romantic Saxophone Music Instrumental Playlist: 2017 Session (saxophone instrumental love songs) - Duration: 1:00:26.


Excelから情報を結合 - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Excelから情報を結合 - Duration: 5:03.


How to Find Your Flow - Duration: 12:19.

There is this expectation that

we are always on up,

that we need to be always on up,

and always out.

We always need to be happy

or we always need to be

able to perform

at the peak level.

And what I noticed is that


someone is not constantly

performing at this peak level,

and usually this happens

with high achievers,

so it's kind of like...

I work with high achievers,

I'm a high achiever myself,


this is... the trap

that we get into

is that if we are not high achieving,


every single day,

all the time

at our peak performance

then we go inward

and we start to feel

guilty, self-doubt...

doubting our abilities,

it's like: what's wrong with me?

I can't do this.

And it's a negative spiral.

So, but actually,

what's happening is that

everything in life

is an ebb and a flow.


So, breathing out, breathing in,

breathing out, breathing in,

day, night,

day, night.


the ocean.

So you can think about the ocean,

ebb and flow, ebb and flow,

the tides.

It's the same thing

with your own

natural rhythms.

So your own natural rhythm,

you have a peak

and then... like you have...

a tide... an ebb and a flow,

an ebb and a flow

within you.


it is true for your business.

Since moving my business online

I have noticed this happening

more prominently

than I could observe that in the past.

In the past, I was running my business,

I've been running my business for almost nine years and so...

Actually it probably is nine years now.

So... in the past

it was very much offline,

the old way of doing things.

Like I would go to network meetings

once a week and...

some big events every month

and run workshops

every couple of months or so,

or every month.

If I look back now

I can see there were rhythms back then,

but I didn't know.

I wasn't aware of them

enough to notice

and to be able to work with those rhythms.

So I used to get burnt out quite a lot.

Now, online,

things are happening a lot faster

and I can actually observe things happening

on the daily basis.

So because networking

is not restricted

to once a week,

and going to big networking events

isn't restricted to once a month.

Online you've plugged into Facebook,

so it's like every day!

24/7 if you want to.

I wouldn't recommend that, but...

So it's instant

and it's constant.

And that has given me an opportunity

to really observe

and really watch the cycles.

And I`ve seen that with me,

so I've got an inner experience of it,

as well as with my clients,

I see what's happening

because I'm watching them as my clients

and online, as well.

And I see what's happening

with others.

Who are not maybe my clients

but they are there online,

and so I see them going through this.

Though, for most people

it's unconscious.

And what's happening is that

what we are trying to do is

push push push push,

push push push past that point


Well, actually,

the tide is going in.

So... and it's nothing wrong

to withdraw,

it's nothing wrong

to take that time

to go inward and spend a few days,

maybe a week,

maybe a couple of weeks

in contemplation,

in connecting with the Universe.

But, you see, most of us

are scared of this

because what we are scared of means is that

we are taking our hands

off our business,

or we are not...

pushing the business out there

which means nothing's happening.

So it feels like nothing's happening.

And we start to feel bad

about ourselves,

and so if you are a high performer, like I am,

or a high achiever, like I am,


that's a very dangerous cycle to go in.

Not to notice

when the tide goes in

and to go in with it


I guess reconnect,

but I don't like saying 'reconnect' and 'recharge'


once you learn to ride your cycles

when you are going out,

you shouldn't be losing your energy,

you shouldn't be disconnecting.

That would not be okay.

So... but for most of you that's what happens:

so they kind of push push push

and they get out of alignment,

they get disconnected,

they get drained,


And so especially

they need this,


I mean everybody needs it but those people,

they need this especially.

So if this is happening to you,

that you go through these...

let's say patches or patterns

of push push push

and then you are exhausted,

and you don't know what's happening...

And it's almost like:

Shall I go on holiday?

Shall I give up my business?

You know, things like that sometimes

come into our mind

when we are in that withdrawal stage.

And so instead of going into the downward spiral

what I would encourage you to do is to...

go inward consciously.

So take time

for yourself

and for connection,

for deepening your connection,

because that's what it's about.

So it's not for reconnecting,

it is for reconnecting

if you've got disconnected,

but when you've learned

not to get disconnected

what happens is you go inward

to go deeper in your connection,

to go deeper in your alignment,

to become more deeply anchored

into your power place.

Women have cycles.

So, natural cycles,

that are, you know, their periods

their menstruations.

So they have this cycle,

and this is a natural rhythm and cycle

that aligns them

with the cycles of the Universe,

so with the cosmic cycles.

When the woman has a period of menstruating

it's the time to go inward,

it's the natural time

when a woman doesn't want

to be getting out there

and pushing herself out

and doing...

all the things kind of out there.

It's a really natural time,

and we need to learn to honor that,

to go inward

to deepen our connection

with ourselves and spirit,

with the Universe, and be really in tune

with the cosmos.

Because that's where we receive

our divine inspiration,

that's where the creativity comes from.

So when we are like stretched

like a rubber band

pushing ourselves out all the time,

well, guess what happens?

It has to go back,

and usually it goes back by what?

Getting burnt out,

exhausted, tired,

getting sick

and things like that.

So my message for you this week is:

If you are feeling that you are

in this pattern of stop and start,

stop and start,

patchy performance,

start tuning into your own


So it doesn't matter

whether you are men and a woman,

with women it's just more obvious,

with man it's still there,

it's just not as obvious and so...

But when you start to learn

to listen to yourself

and be in tune

with your...

body and with your being

then you notice

there are natural cycles

when you have a push in creativity

and inspiration to go out,

and then there is a natural

tide going in

when you want to withdraw,

think, analyze,

maybe write, create...

So the inward work.

And then naturally there is the outward,

and then there will be inward,

and outward.

It's the same thing

that's happening with your business.

So your business is a living breathing organism.

Or like it's a being,

it's an entity.

So I know it may sound freaky for some of you,

but this is energetically,

that's what it is.

And so working with the cycles,

your cycles and your business ,

so having those attuned

and knowing when to go out,

the most effective time

to be out

and when it's time to go in.

And when you go in

it doesn't mean you disappear,

you stop interacting,

you stop answering emails of clients,

no, I don't mean that.

What I mean is that

there is the honoring

of the need

to be more inward.

So when you've learned to work

with your own cycles

and with the cycles in your own business,

what will happen

is that instead of feeling

that you've got this stop and start,

stop and start, stop and start

happening in your business

it will start to flow.

And it will start to flow naturally

and beautifully for you

where it's an ebb in and out,

in and out,

so it's a flow in and out, in and out.

But it is a flow.

Like the ocean

going in and out, in and out,

but it never stops.

Like a lemniscate, really.

So it's a beautiful energy

moving in and out

and circulating

properly, and efficiently, and effectively

rather than being blocked,

and then bursting somewhere.

Have you noticed that

even during the day,

one single day

you feel sometimes more projective

and sometimes more inward?

So for me, for example,

afternoon is more projective,

and the morning is more inward.

So more inward means

it's best time for me

to be creating content

like writing

and working on my new courses,

on the new resources,

and behind the scenes kind of things,

creating things.

So morning is the perfect time for me to do that.

Afternoon is the outward cycle for me.

So afternoon is usually better

for me to be going out on Facebook,

and interacting,

and e-mails

and all these other things.

So the same would be happening

throughout the week,

and then throughout the month.

So noticing your own cycles

and honoring them,

acknowledging them

and then working with them

will start to create a seamless flow

in your life and in your business.

Rather than you getting frustrated that:

'Oh, why am I not feeling like this?'

Why am I not at my high...

whatever the high peak for you is...

Why am I not feeling my high peak?

Well, it's natural.

So, learning

to not resist that

but to know:

'Oh, in the in...

When the tide is in

then there is something else

that I'm meant to be doing,

there is the deepening process.

And then you go out again,

then the deepening,

and then you go out again.

Alright I hope that serves you,

let me know if or does.

If you have any questions or comments

leave them in the comments below,

I love hearing from you.

I especially would love to hear from you

what you think about this.

Have you noticed

your own cycles?

Have you noticed the ebbs and flows

in you and in your business?

Let me know, I'd love to know.

And I'll see you in the next episode.

If you liked this video

subscribe to my channel,

and if you want to be

part of my inner circle

sign up to my Newsletter,

I send out inspirational tips

every week.

I'd love to connect with you

and I'd love to help you

make your biggest dream come true.

I'll see you in the next episode.

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