Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 29 2017

Launch an online course! It'll be easy they say! It'll be fun! It will make you

five figures in one week. Um.. not quite I want to bring you behind the scenes of

my most recent launch for YouTube boot camp I want to give you the best tips I

have for launching a new program. My program launch mistakes and my

step-by-step launch strategy by bringing you along that week in a vlog style

video. That's right I vlogged the entire week I was

launching my course so you could see what launching actually looks like so

stay tuned. Hey guys welcome back to another episode of just the tips with

Trena where I provide online entrepreneurs tips and tricks on how to

create a video content strategy that works for them and their business if you

aren't subscribed to this channel you're going to make sure you want to do so

because today I'm going to share with you my launch strategy and next week I'm

going to be sharing with you everything I did in my pre-launch phase to make it

as less stressful as possible so you're going to want to make sure you're

subscribed and let's just jump right on into my launch vlog so I actually

started launching I had an open cart after a five-day challenge I opened the

cart to early bird pricing on June 2nd and I opened early bird pricing to my

challenge takers and my email list I gave them 48 hours to sign up and then I

released it to the public I also had two live workshops or webinars or

master classes whatever you want to call them and launched to them at full price as

well I closed the door on my program on June 12th so it was basically open at

full price for seven whole days so let's see what my week looked like so it's

Tuesday right now apologies got a messy house going on and I missed Monday but

I'll catch you up one Monday here in a minute but right now I'm getting ready

to make some lunch because I'm going live on my Facebook group at noon one

and two and then live on my business page at 3:00

I'm going to grab some lunch here I'm making a salad real quick and I'll bring

you along for the ride and keep updating you on what I'm doing during this launch

to try to make it as successful as possible so if you're thinking about

launching maybe this can give you a little insight into how a launch happens

and what you can do and fYI I'm pretty much a one-woman team I will share with

you the two investments I need for this launch later on in this video so keep

watching I just inhaled some lunch right before I'm going alive the first time in

my Facebook group to talk to one of my students about how she finds time to do

YouTube videos even though she has three kids and two businesses and basically

this is my office it's my bedroom because we're currently living in a

temporary apartment so I make it work this is the background that people see

on all of my live and I just deal with it

and I'm going to flip the camera around and show you what my setup looks like

here so this is how I go live and my camera set up in front of my desk I'm in

front of a window so it gives me a lot of light and I'm going to be using be

live TV to go live in my Facebook group today I'm using be live so that I can

interview Kristen and we can have like two windows like the split window so we

can talk back and forth and everybody can see the both of us so I gotta get

going because it starts in two minutes okay one live done three more to go so I

got on my Facebook group page and I talked with one of the students that

took my course prior to this session so I know a lot of people struggles with

video is how to do it how to have the time so I was really pushing Kristen to

answer questions like how do you find the time how do you incorporate it being

a mom how do you film with kids just get people out of that mindset that they

need all this time to do it so that they will buy the course to learn all of my

strategies right and so that's what I was pushing with Kristen and then in the

next live I have Rachel who's on a bunch of social platform so Instagram snapchat

Facebook all of that and with her I want to really push the idea that she uses

YouTube videos across all the plat so how she can use them across all the

platforms so I'm going to be asking her questions like how are you going to

repurpose your videos how do you distinguish what you share on your blog

versus your YouTube channel to get those types of questions going in people's

ideas as well and so I want to show you why I decided to use be ycv by flipping

this over real quick because you can do the split screen so people can hear us

both talking and we can also see each other so that's why I like to use be

live TV and it's super simple if you need a tutorial on it let me know that

in the comment section and and I can totally do a quick tutorial on how I use

be live TV in my launch so even though I'm launching it doesn't mean my clients

don't me Mia so now I got to publish a video for my client and get that video

rolling for her so she can start getting views on that video all right so it's

just finished pushing out my clients video so I do for clients is I pretty

much do all the backend YouTube stuff optimize a it fill out the description

box and then I push it out everywhere share it and I also always embed my

clients videos into my website because that signifies to YouTube that the video

is valuable because it's embedded into a website so I always embed my clients

videos into my website and then push it on all social media platforms to help

getting it ranked and she's already ranking for three of her keyword so

success so I got like twenty minutes before my next live and my Facebooker

I'm just kind of challeng talk ilat trying to get the brain rolling again

and so you might be thinking this is a lot of stuff that I do and it is and the

funny thing is I don't have any help other than my husband obviously but I

don't have anybody on my team I do this all myself so when people say they can't

do a launch the way they want to because they don't have the money to invest in a

team you just have to be super organized and when it means super organized you

have to get a lot of the stuff done prior to your launch so I would have

like to launch this program in before June but I need to prep

everything I need to have everything ready to go because I can't be doing a

hundred things at once so I already finished the course and had people go

through it and so I don't have to worry about creating the content I have all of

my social media already scheduled so I'm not worrying about having to post on

social media and I have my plan of exactly what I want to do every single

day so I'm not thinking on the cusp of what I need to do so I'm going to give

her to my calendar real quick to show you how I planned out this launch so

these are the calendars that I have now used to plan this launch and I'm also

missing April because there was a lot of stuff that I did in April but my

daughter took it down and played with it so you see the little red things are all

the things that had to be done by that day so I knew exactly what I needed to

get done he also had all my emails planned which emails needed to go when

webinars that I did lives that I wanted to do those days so I know exactly what

I was doing leading up to I think this was when the

cart opened and so then moving into June I had everything listed out and so when

bonus days were when people have to see certain things what my master class was

more lives and I actually decided to bump up this to here so that's why

there's some arrows they do have a couple classes

I mean course videos I wanted to update based on new content that is out about

YouTube so YouTube bootcamp is ever-evolving that's basically how I

planned it all out on this calendar so they can go back and look at it so then

I also put a lot of the stuff in Trello I'm a huge Trello user now thanks to

think creative collective they I took their course on Trello and it's really

helped me stay organized and stay on task to get things done when I say I'm

by myself I'm by myself two days a week so the house is

basically empty on Tuesdays and Wednesdays so there are kids here on

Monday Thursday and generally on Friday as well so I'm basically going hardcore

two days a week like ten hours of work you know Mondays

and Thursdays my mom comes here and watches the kids I don't really get a

lot done because I have a little baby who's five months and she pretty much

watches the two-year-old so I'm in charge of the five month old so don't

get a lot done except on that time so the key to the story is be organized

before you want have as much done as possible before you get in and yeah so

let's get ready for the second live so the first live I couldn't figure out how

to turn my webcam on so I had to use my computer camera and I hate using my

computer camera because I have to look up with my webcam I can look like

directly in so get ready for live in for two so I just got done my messy closet I

just got done with my four lives let me show you what I had to set up for my one

live where I was talking about my post at wall check this out this is my

professional video studio so I didn't even realize that I couldn't go live on

my phone through be live TV which is what I was doing all day today and so to

be able to show the post of wall and not be on the computer I had to drag the

laptop over here on a chair on top of my box of shoes with the ring light like

five minutes before us first ago I but in that live I just talked about how I

broke down my entire course and what was great about doing this live during my

launch was I was able to break down everything that was in those sections so

that they could hear what was all in my course so I told them like exactly what

the post is had on so that they heard what was in my course so that it not

only did it teach them how to organize a course on their own but also was giving

them the information on what was in the course of all it's a pretty cool

strategy that I just came up randomly on the fly I'm currently losing my voice so

I think I'm going to take a break the rest of the day I may just hit up the

bed and relax a minute because the kids home in about an hour all right so it's

the morning of the master class and as you can tell I'm still in bed I've got

breakfast in my coffee cup sitting over there I'm just working on some

last-minute things I went through the master class slides just to check for

typos I practice it set it out loud went through it and those are a couple other

things to really optimize the master class because I'm testing something new

I'm going to let the master class be live on the YouTube for anybody to join

and so if people are joining I still want to get them on my list so I have a

worksheet for my master class so what I did is I got a link to a lead box and so

when anybody who joins once that worksheet because they're not on my list

that they didn't get it prior to the course prior to the master class they

would have to opt in to get that worksheet so create a lead box got the

link made a bitly link put it in the description box so while I am teaching I

can tell people that if they want the worksheet I'm referencing make sure to

click the description box below because you can grab it right now so what that

does is gets me more opt-ins from people who are finding me live on YouTube and

potentially retarget them with my post webinar master class whatever you want

to call it emails to join my program I just set that all up I did set an

automation in my convertkit so every time somebody opts in live on that lead

box I'm going to tag them as new opt-ins from class just to see how many I get

and I'll keep you updated as far as what else I'm doing today I set up a chat box

on my website so if people go there look at my program they aren't sure if it's

for them or not they can chat me directly right there on the website now

some thoughts about all I did so far the most so 10 o'clock I was hoping to maybe

get a run in just to get all this like anxiety and stress and all that out

before but if I don't know timeis okay no biggie oh and I did put a

timer on the mass DM boot camp enrollment page so that people know I

got an email last night saying they weren't sure when it closed because I

didn't have to date my mistake so now I do have a timer and the timer that I use

is deadline funnel I believe I'll put all the links to all the programs that

I'm using throughout this third assets launch in the description box so that I

don't say it or you're curious and I didn't say it everything will be in the

description box so this is what's happening on a Wednesday and then what's

really cool is tonight Ashlyn Carter she is my copywriter and she decided to

enroll in YouTube boot camp she's going to come on live in my

Facebook group to talk to my Facebook group about why she decided to enroll so

I'm really hoping that these one-on-one interviews in the Facebook group will

really put people over the edge to actually join and get through any of

those pain points that they're having like having the time and not having the

resources and stuff like that I'm hoping speaking to real-life people will make

them see oh I can do this too so I'll keep you updated maybe the next time you

see me I'll be dressed you want to know what happens right before a masterclass

where you're going to pretty much pitch your product you're sitting you're

adding some more slides to your presentation because you realized you

needed to add something that you didn't you're also fixing your sales page

because you left out some information you needed to put and yeah that's pretty

much where we're at right now I'm just right now going through my slideshow

updating a few things making sure the links are clickable I'm dressed showered

hair done makeup did everything ready to go - the tractor that is mowing a field

outside my window so hopefully that stops before the master class was pretty

loud let me show you what I'm doing for this master class that I haven't done

before that I want to test out okay so what I'm doing is I created a live

stream in YouTube it is how to create a YouTube channel

for your business let me just click on edit here and I actually optimize the

this video the way I would any other video so that title is based on research

I did I have tags based on research and I filled out the description box with

the tags and then when I go live it's going to be public so anybody can watch

it and I have a tweet to go live when I go live and so what's different about

this is I'm going to try to go live and to still capture people's emails well

I'm live I have an opt-in link right here to get the workbook that I'm

talking about in the master class so if somebody finds me on this video while

I'm live or after I'm live and they want to get the workbook that I talked about

in this class they have to click here and opt-in to my email list to get the

workbook YouTube live has comments over here to the side when the pool is down

there has a live chat right here and that's how I've been doing chats for

most of my lives I've really been liking doing workshops and master classes like

this on YouTube because I don't have to worry about embedding it anywhere paying

for anything because YouTube is free and it also benefits my youtube channel so

why not use it on my youtube channel so that's how I've pretty much been doing

webinars I've never bought a webinar platform prior to just doing it on my

youtube channel I was embedding the video code into my website and having

like a page for my website to host the Bo webinar and then inserting code for a

chat tango chat box as well but dude that is too much work I've just been

using YouTube live using it's helped grow my channel oh yeah one other thing

I can show you while we're waiting if one things I decided to do this blog is

to get people more excited and to make some height for it so I've created a

happy camper board so every time somebody enrolls I put their name up

here on a post-it and I document it on Instagram stories so that I

then people get excited that they were tagged people watching you're like oh

this is really cool maybe I want to be a part of this so she's been a way to

create hype and get people excited for YouTube bootcamp and also thank those

that have signed up by shopping them out on Instagram so that's been pretty cool

I actually stole that idea from Alex Beadon she did it at the end of last

year 2016 with her signature program that she had opened at the end of year

so I did steal that from her I can't say that is totally original but I like the

idea and so I did it alright so now we're well into Thursday and I have

involved in about 24 hours vlog so last I left to I was having my

master class time in master class that went well a lot of content but just so

I'm being real and open with you guys I only had one person buy during the

master class so I don't want you to think and get discouraged it's no one

buys I only had one I had a hundred and eighty-five people sign up and I could

tell there are about 25 people there consistently through the whole thing

even through the pitch and then replay we're now at about a hundred in five

views and so far one person bought live and three more people have bought since

the replay has been up so that's where we're at so I was a little discouraged

after sorry my daughter's out there playing and he's playing their eyes a

little discouraged because I thought I had this amazing master class and I know

I'm not the only one that feels this way sometimes you put all of this work into

a master class and you think it's like the best thing ever and then nothing

happens last night I had Akron Carter I

interviewed her in the Facebook group she's a copywriter and asked you know

why she wanted to join facebook youtube boot camp and what really appealed to

her with that program then this morning I had Shirley on interviewing her doing

the same thing just so people who are on the fence

you to bootcamp can hear why other people decided to buy why they decided

to take next step and then this afternoon I'm having a client on

Facebook with me to share you know what she has seen since we've been on YouTube

since I've been helping her and doing her YouTube and then I'm doing an encore

of the master class tonight and I have another student who signed up

for the summer cycle that I asked if she would let me interview her on Saturday

so I'm trying out all these different strategies and techniques to see you

know what sticks what works and I'll break it all down to you

so my battery is running low I'm trying to eat some dinner here before it's nap

time lunch before it's nap time and then I have to live this afternoon in an

encore of the master class tonight right good morning is now ready morning pretty

much just woke up like this um nothing just this whole vlogging thing so I'll

catch you up on what happened yesterday think I last dropped off at lunchtime

but last night at 8 p.m. I did a encore of my master class in my Facebook group

and I haven't done a master class yet in my Facebook group so I thought that

would be a different way to reach people because I have been doing it on Facebook

and yesterday I did turn the video on Facebook to unlisted so the only people

that could watch that video were the people with the replay links and then I

did the Facebook live so now that people in my facebook group can now watch the

master class until probably Saturday and then I'll turn that off because I don't

want people to think that you know they can get that content all the time um so

yeah today I'm talking to one of my students who already took the course and

interviewing her in my Facebook group I'm also there's another student in my

group that kind of taking the course kinda did it take the course but she has

the course material and so she's going to talk about the course material and

I suspected her YouTube channel today in my Facebook group since Facebook a lot

today I also have an email going out with like fast action bonuses are like

slash bonuses so I'm sending out the option to get another channel on it from

me a masterclass flash bonus if you sign up in the next

two days you get that masterclass a channel on it and a camera-shy model

because I know a lot of people have confidence issues on camera so I do have

a camera shine model people have 24 hours or 48 hours adderall I'm losing it

here of to grab those bonuses as well and then the doors are closing

three days of launch left so you really got a good idea of what my marketing

strategy for launching looked like and also how using video and your launch

strategy can really be a game-changer now I will tell you that I did wrap up

my program launch that Monday and I had people signing up last-minute still I

think I was still talking to people like an hour out by the time the door closed

I didn't reach my goal of 25 people but I did get 23 and that is way more than

any of my other programs that I have launched prior to this one and also more

money than I made with my other programs I did not reach a 5k launch I was just

under at around $8,000 but it was successful I have an amazing group of

women in this youtube boot camp cycle to really grow their channel learn more

about them and to support them in using YouTube for their business so even

though you may get promised these big returns and expect these amazing things

at the launch just be real with yourself that might

not happen you may just have to adjust your goals and strategies and accept it

don't let it get you down pivot and try something new try YouTube live next time

try Facebook live try interviewing your clients on Facebook live just try

whatever you need to see what works for you if you want to see a full breakdown

of I launched I wrote an entire in-depth

blog post over of my website Trina little calm I have it linked in the

description box and you can click right up here as well to check that out and if

you want to use YouTube in your next launch strategy like I did very heavily

during this launch strategy make sure you grab my YouTube checklist this

checklist is going to break down everything that you need to make sure

you have setup to get to have your YouTube channel be successful so you can

grab that again by clicking here or going down into the description box

below now I want to hear from you what have you struggled with when it comes to

launching a program where do you get hung up let me know in the comments down

below remember if you like this content and you want to see next week's episode

on everything I did in the pre-wash make sure you subscribe to my channel right

now by clicking this button right here and check out my most recent video by

clicking right here thank you guys so much for watching I really appreciate

the time that you take to watch this and I will see you next week bye

For more infomation >> Tips For Launching A Course - Behind The Scenes Of A Launch - Duration: 25:15.


Computer vs Humans In BASKETBALL | The Sport of Science - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Computer vs Humans In BASKETBALL | The Sport of Science - Duration: 2:54.


Just Friends - Talking Tom and Friends | Season 2 Episode 3 - Duration: 11:08.


Dun, dun, dun, dun.


'Sup Angela?


Dearest Angela.




Too manly.

Too mouthwashy.

Oh, that's because it is mouthwash.


Hey, Tom, quick question.

Are we going casual dress or are we going dress to impress?

Well, I don't know who we'd be trying to impress.

This is just a friend event, right?

Oh, great.

That's exactly what I was thinking.

Me wearing something formal would be as silly as you giving me flowers.

How crazy would that be?

No romantic tension, no holding hands, and definitely no exchanging candy...

Yeah. Sounds like the perfect non-romantic evening.


So, uh, pick me up in an hour?

No I will not because that would be like a date!

Right, buddy?

Good point, pal!

Hey, Tom!

Getting ready for your big date with Angela?

Ah, ah, ah, it's not a date!

Then why do you smell like mouthwash?

The Barf-a-Coaster!

Get ready to be hurled through six--

Through six stories of high-intensity, barf-causing thrills!

Ride the new Barf-a-Coaster!


You know the Barf-a-Coaster commercial word for word.


Tonight, I face the Barf-a-Coaster.

There will be barf.

And that barf will be my barf!

Not for me, thank you.

But that's okay, we'll just all spit up.

I mean, split up.


We can't split up.

We have to stick together.

Because we're friends.

And this is a friend event.


I can't go to the carnival.

I have an emergency-online-chat with my long-distance girlfriend, Xenon...

She's real.

Hi, Xenon!

Cancel this chat, Ben, all right?

Tonight is about friends, not girlfriends.


We need everybody there to keep this from being romantic.

Sorry, guys. Xenon is facing a serious crisis.

She's trying to organize her books by usefulness and as you can imagine, it's gotten pretty


That's where Ben comes in.

You're going!

You can't use a laptop if you don't have a lap!

Let go of me, you maniac!

Great, now she's frozen.

Hello? Xenon?


It's okay, Tom.

We can still go out on a friend event with just the four of us.


You are so smart, Angela.


Careful with the compliments.

If you guys keep this up, I'm going to barf before I get there.

Let's go!


Do you smell that?

Where else are you going to get the glorious aromas of fried food, a petting zoo, and Tom's

mouthwash in one convenient place.

Here's the barf plan.

They shut down the Barf-a-Coaster early to power-wash it, because of all the barf.


We can grab some stomach ammo.

Which will come up in our barf!

Let's start with something a little less night-ruining.

Oh, look!

I bet I can win one of those.

Ooh, and then I can carry a prize around and make everyone so jealous!

You mean like you would do on a date?

Good save, Hank.


This is why it's great that everyone's here.

Because friends look out for each other.

Okay, let's have some fun… friends-style!

I write your name on everything/ I would like to run and jump with you/ My heart beats for

you / you... you are my life/ my life, my life, my life / I'm always here for you--

You can always count on me / you… you are so strong / so much funner than I could ever


I have to admit -- I was a little worried about tonight, but I feel like we're really

making this work.

Yeah, it's nice being in a big group of friends.

Wait a minute... where's Hank?


They have a Bongo and McGillicuddy mallet game.

If I hit it hard enough to ring the top bell, Bongo makes lieutenant!


Oh yeah, oh yeah!

Wow, Hank.

You're strong.

Oh, it's actually more about finding the sweet spot on the mallet.


Ladies and gentlemen, we got ourselves a natural here.

You know, there's a smack-off tournament in an hour.


Sorry, he's a little preoccupied right now due to a friend event.


Yeah, that doesn't sound like a thing.

Now, smacking stuff with a mallet... that's a thing, am I right, folks?

But I guess someone else will have to take this baby home.

A Bongo and McGillicuddy trophy?

And now, I must take my leave of you.

You understand.

No, no!

You can't do this to us

It's okay.

A three-person friend event can still work.


Because it's not two people.

Let's hit the Barf-a-Coaster!

Well, I like the idea of barfing... but I don't love the idea of barfing.

Sorry, Ginger.



Let's just go to the Ferris Wheel instead.


This thing looks so exciting.

Oh, after you.

Thanks Ginger.


You're quite the little gentleman.



You left me no choice!

I gave you every opportunity to barf with me.

You brought this on yourselves!


Sorry, not sorry!

Come back!

Man, you stink at friend events.

Stomach ammo!


Ugh, I'm going to get you for this, Ginger!


Just the two of us now.

No, not true!

As long as I've got my eyes on Ginger, we're technically not alone together!

Then get your eyes on Ginger!

Got him.

He's on the ground.

He's running fast.

No, don't go behind the tilt-a-whirl... don't go behind the tilt-a-whirl... no!

He went behind the tilt-a-whirl.

It's all right, Tom.

We'll just ignore each other for a few loops, and before we know it, this will all…

Why are we not moving?

Child on a thrill ride.

Repeat, child on a thrill ride.

All rides are shut down until further notice.


Looks like Ginger finally made it to the Barf-a-Coaster.

Good for Ginger.

Don't panic.

Not a problem.


We have a problem.

Oh, really?

He's unstrapped himself.

And he's running down the track.

Well, it shouldn't take long to catch him.

This is going to take a super long time.

Oh, come on!

We apologize that our rides are basically no good for the rest of the night.

The rest of the night?!


Can anyone hear us?

Two friends!


It's no use.

They can't hear us over the carnival music down there.

And I used to like carnival music.

That trophy is mine!

This is so much better than barfing.

So... the two of us are stuck… alone... together at the top of a Ferris Wheel.

No big deal.

Friends get stuck on rides every day.


But um, maybe you should stop touching me, um, with your knee?

Oh, uh, not a lot of room.

You know what?

Let's play a very innocent, friendly game until they fix this.


Try to guess what I'm looking at.

A view of the town like you've never seen it before.

Lit up under a beautiful starry sky.

Uh... pretty much.

Oh, hey, look.

A shooting star.

I'm getting down.

Angela, what are you doing?

Is it my mouthwash?

This is too romantically dangerous.

So I'm going to crawl down the side of this Ferris Wheel.

At least that's just regular dangerous.

And kind of dumb!


Just to be clear, I'm holding your hand for safety.


I am so glad you're here… for safety.


You know, this is actually kind of cool.

I don't know why more people don't exit Ferris Wheels this way.

That's why.

This was such a mistake!

No, no, no, do not say that.

We could not stay up at the top like that.

No, Tom!

I'm talking about spending the whole night pretending like this wasn't a date!

If we had just admitted that we liked each other, we could have stayed up in that gondola.

Okay, yeah, it wasn't so bad up there.

I was thinking about holding your hand.

I was thinking about holding your hand too!

Oh my gosh, you were?

No way!

We both wanted to hold each other's hands.

Oh, but let's not do that now, because gravity.

I'm slipping!


Before I fall...

I wished this was a date all along.

I did too, Tom.

I did too.


Well this is kind of embarrassing.

Not if you think about how fast we climbed down.

I mean, we're pretty agile.

Huh, yeah I guess we are.

Did you mean what you just said, though?

About um...

Yeah, Angela.

Forget friend events.



You've got to hide me.

I've got a lot of angry carnies after me.

I'm sorry, Ginger.

We're a little busy right now.

We're on a date.

Oh, barf.

Not in my face.

There he is!

Get that kid!

I don't feel so -- blegh!

For more infomation >> Just Friends - Talking Tom and Friends | Season 2 Episode 3 - Duration: 11:08.


Why Old Souls Are Generally Not Accepted By Friends and Family - Duration: 4:31.

Why Old Souls Are Generally Not Accepted By Friends and Family


�It is old age, rather than death, that is to be contrasted with life.

Old age is life�s parody, whereas death transforms life into a destiny: in a way it

preserves it by giving it the absolute dimension.

Death does away with time.� � Simone de Beauvoir

The very fact that the concept of time is a parameter created by human beings is evident

when some people grow old at 18 while others stay young even at the ripe old age of 90.

However, jokes aside there has always been a resistance to change that we have experienced

growing up.

Anything new that we wanted to try out was always met with some form of resistance whether

mild or firm.

For instance, take the quintessential idea that we may have had growing up in a capitalistic


In our exploration of the self, we often venture into unknown territories and end up questioning

beliefs and values.

It is because of this self exploration that you may finally decide that your true calling

is as an artist and you decide to drop out.

Or you might respond to the global threat of overpopulation and adopt a child instead

of having one.

Decisions of these nature give this impression to the people around you that you are not

what is quite mature.

Maturity or rather the lack of it is a pertinent problem pernicious among a lot of people.

For example, there was a case where one partner in a marriage was suffering from obesity,

and the other partner served as their carer.

The moment the obese person started to lose weight to become more healthy the dynamics

of the whole relationship collapsed.


Because the relationship depended on the carer keeping their role and their identity of �nurturer�

in the relationship which now wasn�t possible.

At some point, the dream-like perception that we each create to make our lives and relationship

feel safe and comforting is shattered once a person doesn�t behave as they �should�


While we may not be governed by hard cold logic and line of programming like robots,

but we sure do behave like them some of the times.

Old souls can be seen as strange people because they often hold unconventional ideals and

standards of living.

They often feel a sense of separation from themselves and the �real world� because

things like obtaining great wealth, owning a lot of expensive possessions, and other

traits of living a materialistic lifestyle aren�t really an interest to them.

In a world fueled by consumerism this can seem kind of weird to most people.

Having a different set of expectations and ideas about living can make it hard to feel

like anyone truly understands you and what drives you in life.

As you evolve over time your self-awareness increases and you�re able to firmly identify

your beliefs about life and this world.

The problem with old souls is that often they can see a multitude of possibilities within

the spectrum of life and instead of freeing them to create whichever destiny they believe

would suit them they instead can become inhibited by the very freedom they�ve established.

For more infomation >> Why Old Souls Are Generally Not Accepted By Friends and Family - Duration: 4:31.


Goldman No Longer Believes Republicans Can Repeal Obamacare Here - politics - Duration: 12:51.

Goldman No Longer Believes Republicans Can Repeal Obamacare: Here's Why

One month after Goldman gave up on Trump being able to pass any major (or minor) tax package

in 2017, overnight - in the aftermath of Senate GOP's deplorable failure to find the needed

51 votes to " repeal and replace" Obamacare- Goldman's Washington analyst Alec Phillips

throws up his hands, and no longer believes that passage of Obamacare is possible.

In a note that looks at the current state of health legislation, titled appropriately

enough "Nearing the End", Goldman summarizes that Senate Republican leaders have postponed

the vote on health legislation that had been tentatively scheduled this week.

A vote is possible in two weeks, but further delays are possible.

Phillips does note that there are still some arguments in favor of eventual enactment:

Republicans will be under pressure to follow through on a long-standing political commitment,

and the estimated deficit reduction and tax cuts in the health bill could be useful in

passing tax legislation later.

Fixing the existing program for the coming year will also be necessary.

However, he is skeptical and says that "these factors are likely to be outweighed by the

political obstacles.

Estimates of the potential increase in the uninsured population seem unlikely to improve

substantially even after revisions to the bill.

Public support for the effort is also weak, and intraparty divisions appear to pose too

many obstacles.

At this point, enactment of broad health legislation like the House passed or the Senate is contemplating

seems unlikely."

That said, Goldman is not too worried about the implications of the Senate's failure,

saying that "the prospects for passage should also be somewhat less important to broader

financial markets than they might have been several months ago.

The debate over health legislation is likely to end�either with enactment or a failed

vote�by mid- to late July, allowing the rest of the budget process to proceed, eventually

leading to consideration of tax legislation.

In the less likely scenario that broad health legislation is enacted, there would be few

near-term economic effects as most of the changes do not take effect until 2020."

Goldman's full note:

Health Legislation: Nearing the End

Markets are once again focused on the potential for a congressional vote on health legislation,

this time regarding the Senate�s Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA).

This is presumably due to the need to move beyond the health bill before tax legislation

can be addressed, as discussed below, and because of the broader signal that passage

of a health bill might send regarding the rest of the Trump agenda.

However, the effort to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been set back once again

with the announcement that no vote will be held for at least another two weeks.

At that point, there are three potential options:

Passage: If Senate Republican leaders are able to muster a majority in favor of a health

bill, the bill would move back to the House for at least one more vote.

The outcome there would depend on the details of the final product, but a bill that can

manage to win support of 50 of 52 politically diverse Senate Republicans would probably

be able to pass the House and become law.

Defeat: Major legislation is rarely rejected on the House or Senate floor, since congressional

leaders usually know whether there is adequate support.

However, it is clearly possible that this bill could end in a failed vote; if Senate

Republican leaders determine that there is very little chance of ever coming up with

an acceptable compromise, they might allow a vote against the bill to provide a more

definitive end to the process and, possibly, as a way to pivot to a short-term bipartisan

effort to stabilize the individual health insurance market for 2018.

Delay: As of this writing, Senate Republican leaders have opted to delay the vote for at

least two weeks, until the week of July 10.

A delay could be interpreted as a sign that Republican leaders believe there is a chance

of gaining support over the next two weeks for a modified bill.

However, it might also simply signal that leaders are not quite ready to give up on

the effort, even if they recognize that the odds of eventual enactment are low.

Further delays cannot be ruled out, though we would be very surprised if the Senate debate

continues past late July.

The situation is fluid but at this point our expectation is that the Senate will ultimately

fail to pass broad health legislation similar to the House-passed bill or the recently introduced

Senate legislation.

While we see this as a fairly close call, our view is based on the following considerations:

Coverage estimates: While it is certainly possible that the Congressional Budget Office

(CBO) will estimate that the next iteration of the Senate proposal will increase the projected

uninsured population by less than the 22 million increase it estimated would result under the

most recent proposal, this seems unlikely to change substantially.

Repeal of the individual mandate alone has been estimated to reduce coverage by 15 million,

and the repeal of the Medicaid expansion and the cap on the future growth rate of the program

would reduce coverage further.

Public support: The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is much more popular than the pending legislation,

and even among Republican voters views are mixed (Exhibit 1).

One problem congressional Republicans face is that public sentiment regarding the ACA

has shifted since the debate began, possibly because the public has become more aware of

the coverage expansion under the ACA.

Thin margins: Even with Vice President Pence casting the tie-breaking vote, 50 of 52 Republicans

would need to support the bill.

This means bridging the gap between the most conservative senators (shown at the top of

Exhibit 2) and centrist Republicans (toward the bottom of Exhibit 2) and those representing

swing states (to the left of Exhibit 2).

Medicaid politics: 20 Republican senators represent states that have expanded Medicaid

under the ACA.

While many of them appear likely to support the bill, the proposed cuts have been difficult

for some expansion-state Republicans to support, including Senators Capito, Heller, Murkowski

and Portman.

Exhibit 1: The ACA has become more popular recently

Of course, there are arguments in favor of eventual passage.

These include:

Campaign commitments: After House Republican leaders postponed a long-awaited vote on their

health legislation earlier this year, it had appeared that debate might turn to other issues

on the agenda.

However, the health effort was of such political consequence that Republican leaders ultimately

returned to the issue.

It is possible that congressional Republicans will continue to press the issue until health

legislation is enacted, even if it takes a while longer.

That said, our sense is that Senate Republican leaders like Sen. McConnell have a limited

appetite for further debate on health care, as discussed below.

Fiscal benefits: The Senate health legislation has two potential benefits for the rest of

the fiscal agenda.

First, CBO estimates that the bill would reduce the deficit by $321 billion over the next

ten years.

These savings could potentially be redirected toward other legislative efforts, like tax


Second, the bill repeals the taxes enacted in the ACA, reducing revenues by $563 billion

over ten years.

By offsetting these tax cuts with the spending cuts in the health legislation, this would

relieve pressure on congressional Republicans to address the repeal of ACA taxes in tax

reform legislation later.

That said, our expectation is that the final Senate bill, if it passed, would probably

not save more than the $119bn the House bill was estimated to save.

While helpful, this would not meaningfully change the outlook for tax reform.

Fixing the existing program: The Senate legislation includes $50bn over the next four years for

this purpose, as well as explicit funding for cost-sharing reduction (CSR) payments

(the uncertainty surrounding the Trump Administration�s willingness to continue making CSR payments

had led some insurers to increase their proposed premiums for 2018).

If the Senate does not approve the pending legislation or something similar, congressional

Republicans may attempt to pass a more narrowly focused package to stabilize the individual

insurance market which includes the subsidized plans offered through �exchanges�.

While the health debate is clearly relevant, in our view it is becoming less important

to the broader agenda, for a few reasons:

The debate on the current health bill will end soon, one way or the other: Market participants

have focused on the health vote in large part because it is seen as a prerequisite to passing

tax reform.

The health bill is being considered under the 2017 budget cycle, through the �reconciliation�

process that allows for Senate passage with a simple majority (i.e., potentially only

Republican votes).

Since Congress can consider only one reconciliation bill for tax and spending per budget cycle,

and budget cycles cannot overlap, Congress must conclude its debate on the healthcare

bill before it can formally begin considering tax reform.

If the Senate passes the bill in the next few weeks, the process could then turn to

the FY18 budget resolution, followed by tax reform.

But it seems unlikely that the Senate will debate health legislation after July, so whether

it passes or whether it fails, health legislation seems unlikely to delay tax legislation much


There isn�t much signaling value left: Earlier this year, the health debate was seen as a

signal of how successful the Trump Administration and congressional Republicans might be in

getting other aspects of the agenda through Congress.

However, at this stage, it seems fairly clear that intraparty disputes and a thin margin

in the Senate have made sweeping reforms difficult.

As a result, eventual Senate passage of the health legislation wouldn�t meaningfully

change our expectation of what might be possible regarding tax reform, for example.

Health legislation is unlikely to have substantial economic effects in the near-term.

While the current legislative debate on health care could have important consequences for

those enrolled in subsidized benefits and, to a lesser extent, enrollees in the individual

market more generally, it seems unlikely to meaningfully affect the economic outlook,

for two main reasons.

First, most of the reduction in benefits would take place in 2020 and beyond.

In 2018 and 2019, the bill would actually increase the deficit by about $30bn each year,

as the value of the tax cuts starting in 2018 more than offsets the spending cuts.

Second, the ACA�s disinflationary effect is unlikely to reverse as a result of this


We previously estimated that two policies accounted for most of the policy-related slowdown

in medical inflation over the last couple of years: the cuts to the growth rate of Medicare

reimbursements and the shift of the uninsured into the Medicaid program, which pays less

for a given service than most other sources of coverage.

The legislation would not reverse the Medicare cuts.

If legislation is enacted it might result in a gradual reversal of the coverage effect

but probably only in 2020 and beyond.

Over coming days, we expect to hear more regarding potential modifications to the original Senate


If progress is made during the remainder of the week, it is possible that a revised CBO

estimate could be produced not long after the Senate returns from recess on July 11.

A vote looks possible anytime between late in the week of July 10 and the end of July,

though at this point the odds seem stacked against Senate passage.

For more infomation >> Goldman No Longer Believes Republicans Can Repeal Obamacare Here - politics - Duration: 12:51.


Moringa Juice - The Best Detox Diet Drink For Belly Fat Loss - 100% Natural Remedy - Morning Routine - Duration: 3:26.

hey guys I am nisa homey and welcome back to my channel. today I am sharing a

requested recipe with moringa powder many of you tried my moringa juice recipe and

has got good results so today I am sharing a moringa juice with moringa

powder I have already shared a complete video

on how to make moringa powder at home the links will be updated in the description

box below so please do check it out moringa is a nutrient-dense superfood and

adding moringa in fresh or powdered form in your morning routine will accelerate

your metabolism, keeps your energy levels up, makes your skin radiate with a

healthy glow, helps in fat burning, and you can also get a relief from chronic

inflammation. moringa helps to lose weight, prevent and treat Type 2 diabetes, moringa

helps to lower cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, the high calcium content in

moringa leaves makes it a perfect natural remedy for arthritis and above all

moringa fully nourish and energies your body

I have already shared the health benefits of moringa the video links will

be updated in the description box below so please do check it out

moringa is such a nutrient-dense food that your body feels deeply nourished

and as a result it helps to balance your appetite. moringa can be very cleansing

for the body it helps to remove bad toxins and moringa helps to support liver

function. now to make this drink into a glass or a cup add in 1/2 teaspoon

moringa powder add in little lukewarm water

note that the water should not be very hot as very hot water may alter its

nutritional properties. now mix it really well and allow the moringa powder to soak

in the water for about a minute, then add in the rest of the warm water squeeze in

half a lemon and add in 1 teaspoon honey. honey is entirely optional, it helps to

balance the subtle bitterness of moringa leaves

now mix it really well and my hundred percent natural moringa juice is ready to

consume. have this on empty stomach in the morning for best result and for best

absorption of moringa and once you start having this for a few days you will

notice a considerable change in your body. you can slowly

increase moringa powder to 1 teaspoon or even more as your body adjusts to moringa

this juice is an excellent natural supplement for those with hormonal

issues. Moringa is full of beneficial enzymes and is prebiotic and it helps to

restore positive balance to gut flora. moringa has anti parasite properties and

has been used to kill parasites in humans for centuries. moringa has

stimulating effect on metabolism which causes the body to burn calories faster,

curb your appetite, and helps to burn fat, please do check the description box

below for more information and ingredients list. how do you store moringa

powder? it is best to store moringa powder in a glass container rather than a

plastic container to preserve its vitamin A content, and you should also

make sure to keep it in a cool dark place away from sunlight. so do try to

include this superfood in your diet and get its benefit. I will be sharing more

recipes with moringa powder so please make sure that you have clicked the

subscribe button so that you can stay updated when I post new videos thank you

for watching and until next time take care bye bye

For more infomation >> Moringa Juice - The Best Detox Diet Drink For Belly Fat Loss - 100% Natural Remedy - Morning Routine - Duration: 3:26.


Kwak Pureunhaneul (곽푸른하늘) - Mold (곰팡이) (Korean / Hungarian / English subtitles) - Duration: 3:32.

"This song is Kwak Pureunhaneul's self-reflection of her young, immature and fragile self."

I have no words in my mouth

And I don't wanna leave

I have nothing in my hands

And what my eyes see is

this seat I'm sitting down on

This seat I'm sitting down on

My heart grew on its own

And you're engraved in my heart

You gnaw my breath day by day

There's nothing I can do

I just wait and see

I just wait and see

I can't stop you, please

I can't stop you, please

I can't stop you, please

I can't stop you, please

For more infomation >> Kwak Pureunhaneul (곽푸른하늘) - Mold (곰팡이) (Korean / Hungarian / English subtitles) - Duration: 3:32.


New Nail Art 2017 IThe Best Nail Art Designs Compilation june 2017I part 22I DIY nail art Life Hacks - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> New Nail Art 2017 IThe Best Nail Art Designs Compilation june 2017I part 22I DIY nail art Life Hacks - Duration: 4:24.


Hello Again YouTube! Mr.Sercan - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Hello Again YouTube! Mr.Sercan - Duration: 3:08.


Learn Sea Animals 🐠 Animals for Kids 🦀 Finger Family 🎼 Nursery Rhyme 🎈Kids Toys 🦈 Kids Fun - Duration: 2:33.

Learn Sea Animals


For more infomation >> Learn Sea Animals 🐠 Animals for Kids 🦀 Finger Family 🎼 Nursery Rhyme 🎈Kids Toys 🦈 Kids Fun - Duration: 2:33.


Tỷ Phú Canada Bị Bắt Cóc và Tra Tấn Ở Trung Quốc | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 9:45.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

you won't believe why the CCP

kidnapped and tortured this billionaire.

Actually, if you watch this channel a lot

you probably will.

Hi, welcome to China Uncensored,

I'm your host Chris Chappell.

Chinese police have kidnapped and detained a Chinese born Canadian billionaire

Uhm, no that's a different Chinese born Canadian billionaire.

Apparently this is not a great time to be a Chinese billionaire.

Today I'm talking about Sun Qian.

She's the co-founder of Beijing Leadman biochemistry company.

She and her husband are worth an estimated 3.5 billion yuan,

according to the Hurun report, which tracks China's wealthy.

But her situation is a little different from those other billionaires.

Back in February,

20 policemen ransacked her home in Beijing and arrested her.

According to her lawyer in China,

in detention she's been shackled, pepper-sprayed

and not allowed to sleep.

So what heinous crime did Sun Qian commit?




No no no, her crime was much...

much worse.

She was meditating!

That's right, meditating!

Sun Qian practices Falun Gong.

Falun Gong is a meditation system the Chinese Communist Party

has been persecuting for nearly 20 years.

As the Beijing first procurator branch said:

"Sun Qian was using a heretical religious organization

to undermine the law,

which she did,

by meditating

in the privacy of her own home.

Now, meditating may sound pretty innocent,

especially compared to all the horrible things corrupt Chinese officials have done.

But if you've been watching China Uncensored for a while,

you know that there's nothing, nothing

the CCP fears more than Falun Gong

and it's dangerous principles of Truth, Compassion and Tolerance,

except possibly giant spiders.

What's that, Shelley?

They're not afraid of spiders?

So just Falun Gong then.

These people quietly standing there.

And peacefully sitting there.

I mean the way they close their eyes is kind of menacing.

How could you not kidnap and torture people for doing that.

But wait, you say.

Sun Qian is a Canadian citizen.

What right do Chinese police have to detain her for so long?

Well, even though she is a Canadian citizen,

she also has a Chinese passport.

And China doesn't recognize dual citizenship.

It's part of the Communist Party's attitude

that ethnically Chinese people anywhere in the world

belong to China regardless of citizenship

or international law,

or objective reality.

And yes, that does also apply to ethnically Chinese pandas.

Speaking of international law,

isn't there any way Sun Qian lawyer can at least get her deported to Canada?

Well, guess what.

She doesn't have a lawyer anymore.

He was forced to drop her as a client

because partners in his law firm told him that

if he represents Ms. Sun, or any other Falun Gong case,

they will cancel his contract to continue working with the firm.

That was after the local justice bureau,

put pressure on both the law firm and the lawyer.

In China, justice isn't blind,

it's dead.

Now what I want to make clear is

Sun Qian wasn't publicly doing any Falun Gong related activities in China.

She wasn't handing out flyers about the practice,

protesting the parties persecution

or even doing the Falun Gong meditation exercises outdoors.

After years of suffering from health issues,

in 2014, she tried the Falun Gong exercises.

She credits Falun Gong with alleviating her illnesses

and continued to practice.

So clearly, detaining her for meditating in her own home in Beijing

is a bit of an overreaction.

But this is the Communist Party,

the same people who sent undercover police

to watch the twelve-year-old daughter of a Chinese human rights activist

while she was at school...

in the bathroom.

Yeah, I'm not sure if the party knows the meaning of the word 'overreaction'.

So now, how should we as citizens of the free world,

respond to the Chinese regime absurd torture of Sun Qian?

By keeping it as quiet as possible

at least that was the response from Canada's ambassador to China - John McCallum.

When he was asked about Sun's case,

he said: "it doesn't help the person in detention,

if we broadcast their situation in public,

so I think for those cases almost all the time,

it's better to proceed in a low-profile way."

You see, outside pressure won't help Sun.

And it could even jeopardize

all the potentials sweet deals between Canada and China.

Like that one where a Chinese company can buy a Canadian company

that handled military contracts

without a security review.

Or that free trade agreement.

Or that extradition treaty,

which should be sounding completely psychotic right about now.

So you can see why some people in the Canadian government

might want to, you know, proceed it in a low-profile way.

But all the evidence suggests that

if the goal is to actually get Sun Qian released,

then lots and lots of media attention is exactly what's needed right now.

According to her former lawyer,

in the early days of her detention,

she was kept in a small darkened room

and that only stopped after the Canadian Embassy became involved.

And in another case of a Canadian Falun Gong practitioner being detained in China,

it was the Canadian public outcry

that helped stop him from being tortured.

And after his case started to be a diplomatic embarrassment to China and Canada,

he was released from a labor camp

and sent back to Canada.

Fortunately, there is a group of Canadian members of parliament,

who are publicly calling for Sun Qian release.

MP Peter Kent said:

"We think the Canadian government should be far more forceful

in representing this Canadian citizen"

But there's one Canadian

who's willing to stand up to the Chinese Communist Party even more.

Miss World Canada and friend of the show

- Anastasia Lin.

This week,

she gave a speech at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva,

calling for Sun's release.

And what was China's response to a beauty queen being the only one man enough

to call them out for torturing a Canadian citizen?

They said:

"Falun Gong is not her religion but an evil cult.

and also an anti China organization"

"The government of China has arranged help

for those tricked into practicing Falun Gong.

Oh right, I get it.

Sun Qian, a woman who built a multi-million dollar company from scratch

is actually really dumb.

She was tricked into thinking her health improved

when practicing Falun Gong.

But you see, what's actually improving her health

it's being chained to a chair

and pepper sprayed in the face

until the can is empty

and then sitting in her pepper spray cloth for 10 days.right

It's all right here in the Communist Party's best-selling book

Ten steps to perfect health

with Chinese characteristics.

Let's see.

Step one:

admit that you're not as healthy as you look

or feel

or doctors tell you are.

Step two:

ask the Chinese police for help

and it looks like steps three through ten are all just various torture methods.

Make sense.

No wonder this book is a mandatory bestseller in China

Of course, Anastasia Lin is also taking a risk by speaking out.

She's guilty of the same things Sun is,

being a Chinese born Canadian citizen

who practices Falun Gong

Though really, Anastasia's situation is even worse.

She's gotten so much publicity

that really doesn't protect her from the Chinese Communist Party.

I mean, imagine if they tried to do something to her.


There'd be a huge public outcry

which according to Canadian ambassador

would only make things worse for her... somehow.

And in a way, Anastasia Lin and Sun Qian

are even more of a problem for the Communist Party

than other Falun Gong practitioners.

Because as you saw earlier,

the party wants to pretend that people who practice Falun Gong

are just dumb, mislead sheeple,

all people who don't know any better.

Surely no one educated or successful like a Chinese billionaire

or an international beauty queen

would ever practice Falun Gong.

So Sun Qian is in trouble.

And I bet you'd like to help put pressure on both the Chinese Communist Party

and the Canadian government to rescue her.

Anastasia Lin has started this petition online.

It demands the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

do everything he can to bring Sun Qian home.

Come on Trudeau, stop hugging those pandas,

you're just going to have to send them back to China anyway.

I signed the petition.

And I hope you do too.

So click the link below or at the end of this video

and sign your name to rescue Sun Qian.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again on your host Chris Chappell.

See you next time.

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