Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 10 2018

Chakra To Chakra A New Test Of Partnership

by Olivia Apuchin,

Relationships are amazing opportunities to meet Spirit face-to-face and to refine ourselves

even more.

Our beloveds hold up mirrors for us, sometimes reflecting back beauty and other times showing

us our deepest fears, wounds and insecurities.

Whatever the mirror may be reflecting back, relationships are invitations to commune with

our Selves on higher levels.

In relationships, like within the ceremonies of marriage for example, something is both

dying within us and also rebirthing.

We are dying to our single selves, our individual selves, and rebirthing in to the One � the

partnership � uniting in a sacred union with one another.

Because relationships present such delicate opportunities for growth, we can approach

them on levels far surpassing the body and mind, touching each other in the energetic

and committing to one another in an even deeper way.

By committing to each other in the energetic, we are laying strong foundations providing

us with reliable containers to hold ourselves and our partners as we live and love together

with one another.

In this way we look to the seven chakras on the body to make this energetic commitment.

Chakras are vortices of energy, or energy centers, spinning in a clockwise direction.

We find them about two to three inches above the physical body, with our first one being

at our Root, and the seventh being at our Crown.

The first five chakras, from root to throat, are the Earth Chakras nourished primarily

by Mother Earth.

The sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth chakras are known as the Sky Chakras.

With our partners, we examine each of the chakras together and make the energetic commitment

to each other at of our seven energy centers, aligning each of them for an even deeper commitment.

At the first chakra: How are you going to build your home, your foundation, together?


How will you support with one another in meeting your most basic needs?

Can you help each other with your most fundamental survival needs?

Can you reveal your true Self to this person?

Do you feel safe?

And can you deeply trust one another?

This is where you will learn whether you have a strong enough foundation together to keep


At the second chakra: How will you hold them in a sacred container supporting them as they

learn themselves and grow over the years?

Are you willing to accept the other person in all of her/his fullness � the good the

bad and the ugly?

Do you embrace the Other in his/her entirety of being?

Will you invite the Other to express both his/her gifts, talents, as well as their faults

and imperfections?

What about your physical connection?

Do you have amazing sex together?

At the third chakra, the core: Do you respect and honour each other�s respective power

and unique expression of Self in the world?

Without competing with each other or feeling threatened by the Other?

How will you contribute to supporting one another in this way?

How will you compliment the Other and his/her role and essence?

At the fourth chakra, the heart center: Do you vow to unconditionally love the Other?

Do you truly care about the other person with warmth, beauty, compassion and grace?

Is your love actually unconditional or are there conditions?

Not unconditional love meaning the Other can do no wrong.

Unconditioned love rooted in honoring and respecting the Other.

At the fifth chakra: How can you support one another in expressing each other�s voice?

How can you respect the other as he/she stands impeccably in their truth?

Do you respect the other�s opinions, beliefs, perspectives, ideas � even if they differ

from yours?

Do you vow to be a good listener?

Can you make a commitment to hear the Other deeply?

Are you willing to be a sacred witness for your partner through thick and thin?

Can you hold space for them and invite them to have the courage to say what needs to be

said, when it needs to be said?

At the sixth chakra, the third eye: Do your visions for your life�s Journeys align?

Do you both hold the same ideas about the future with one another?

Do your pictures of what you want and your lives look similar to one another?

How will you support the other in dreaming this vision in to being?

How will you help one another breath life in to their Journey in the world?

At the seventh chakra, the crown: Do you share similar spiritual beliefs?

How can you have a joint spiritual practice?

Are you willing to support one another in each other�s respective spiritual Journeys

� even if they differ?

Many times, couples will have a strong physical connection and great sex with each other,

along with deeply loving each other, uniting the second and fourth chakras.

Yet they overlook the connection on other levels such as whether they share the same

fundamental values, whether they align spiritually with one another, or whether they will respect

and honour the other�s personal power and expression in the world.

Or say � they think they�ve married their fourth chakras in unconditional love � when

really they place condition after condition on one another and their love for each other.

You must go through these seven levels of deep commitment to one another � required

for fulfilling each other�s various needs.

Because if you have a few harmonized and yet not the others, it�s going to leave things

unfulfilled � and not work in the long run.

Putting the work in at each of these levels invites a deeper, more lasting and fulfilling

relationship with one another.

If you�re already in partnership with some one, and one or more of the above seem off,

you can also use this map to tune in to where the relationship needs some help.

In this way the partnership can still go on, we now just know the chakras wanting for balance

and harmony.

Many of us search and search for the perfect partners, looking outside ourselves for the

Other to complete us and make us whole.

When one relationship ends, we move to the next, hoping the next partner will in fact

be that perfect match.

If we�re lucky this lasts a few months at the max, before the honeymoon period ends.

Instead, we can stop the search outside of ourselves and turn our focus inward to look

for answers within.

With this realization, we stop the chase for the perfect partner and instead become the

right partners ourselves.

This series of initiations and energetic commitments involving each chakra transforms us in to

better versions of ourselves, allowing us to become the right partners ourselves and

embrace our relationships with even deeper love and meaning.

For more infomation >> Chakra To Chakra A New Test Of Partnership - Duration: 7:19.


Solo: A Star Wars Story teaser EXCEPT there's only one person in the shot - Duration: 0:30.


For more infomation >> Solo: A Star Wars Story teaser EXCEPT there's only one person in the shot - Duration: 0:30.


Beyblade Burst vs Metal Fight - Blast Zone Kid's First Anniversary Vid! Best Beyblades - Duration: 3:59.

hi guys welcome to the Blast Zone look where we are one year ago I was

doing a video about Beyblades why I like Beyblade metal fight better than beyblade

burst but now we will talk about them again and see if my opinion is changed

if I like metal fight versus first before we do that I know what you're

really most excited about this video the announcement of giveaway. what you

see on my screen right now are the finalists for the Spriggan Requiem the

first two to comment went a Spriggan Requiem hurry up and comnment or else

you won't get the Spriggan Requiem. I just want to thank each and every one of

my subscribers and everyone who entered to win i had 1000s of entrants

I'm sorry guys if you did not win it we can only give away 2. keep trying

maybe you don't know you could probably win it speaking of giveaways you see

what I'm wearing right here it's my new Blast Zone TShirt my news giveaway

three new t-shirts from my store you could pick any design you want so be

sure to enter that triples your chances the wind one two three or four a chances

to win so be sure into my new giveaway a year ago from today I was talking about

these beyblades Y metal fight it was better than first know when I talk about

them again I'm gonna talk about first first why I like them I love them now

because they just have so much cool features also the reason I like them is

their design to Kara told me in Hasbro really stepped up the game and made

their designs much cool I just love them their designs are so cool you know how a

year ago I said they burst way too fast in battles well now I like that because

the bowels go quicker it makes us have a lot of

more fun battles etics blows it battle now let's talk about

metal fight the reason I like metal fight when they rip it's so explosive

like and I like that because it makes it look so cool like

when they are battle they usually punch and they knock out another reason is

they're a lot less expensive than worse the disadvantages when you first get

them or battle them or you have it for a long time they break another

disadvantage for Babli mattified you know how saying like their discs usually

break the bottom part they break - just like this the disadvantages is for birth

sometimes they can be very expensive when you put these c-cups on and the

first battle Narnia through and clicks which one I like the best metal fight

versus first I like

I like both of them because they're both awesome and fun but the biggest reason I

love being late it's because I met a lot of you guys you guys are awesome and my

friends I meant a lot of friends playing beyblade with them just like the blast

zone squad and I love making friends playing with beyblades it's really

awesome and fun thank you so much for coming back to the blast zone thank you

guys for supporting me this whole one year and don't forget to enter our

awesome new giveaway three t-shirts if you're in that finalists group you get

to choose any t-shirt you want don't forget after this video to go check out

my new store unti scream they have awesome new t-shirts and you design tell

me in the comments below which design you like best bye guys

For more infomation >> Beyblade Burst vs Metal Fight - Blast Zone Kid's First Anniversary Vid! Best Beyblades - Duration: 3:59.


My favorite animators on YouTube | AskBloop #056 - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> My favorite animators on YouTube | AskBloop #056 - Duration: 2:36.


YouTube Suspends Ads From Logan Paul's Channel After Dead Rat Clip - Duration: 1:53.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

Logan Paul has gone from disrespecting the dead to disrespecting dead animals and it

seems that YouTube has had enough.

The platform has temporarily suspended ads from the vlogger's channel.

Things erupted after Paul proved that he has not bounced back after his suicide forest

scandal by getting himself in another sticky situation after PETA called him out for using

a taser on a dead rat.

One day after his big return, Logan was filmed laughing, "no rat comes into my house without

getting tased."

He then fired a stun gun into two dead rats on his patio.

PETA's Senior VP Lisa Lange called the footage "repulsive" and said its existence showed

that Paul has not learned from his Suicide Forest misstep.

"This sort of content has no place on YouTube or anywhere else, as it could desensitize

young people to cruelty to animals, so PETA is calling on the platform to remove it."

The platform did not remove the video but it did take a step into making sure Logan

feels the repercussions of his insensitive behavior.

YouTube tweeted a statement saying,

"In response to Logan Paul's recent pattern of behavior, we've temporarily suspended

ads on his channels."

A YouTube rep also told the Guardian on Friday that Paul's behavior is "potentially damaging"

to the platform's entire community of creators.

"This is not a decision we made lightly, however, we believe he has exhibited a pattern of behavior

in his videos that makes his channel not only unsuitable for advertisers, but also potentially

damaging to the broader creator community."

While making his apology tour stop at Good Morning America last week, Paul spoke about

how tough it's been following his suicide forest scandal.

He described himself as a good guy who made a bad decision and he promised to think as

many as "three times" before posting videos in the future.

Maybe he should shoot for four next time.

That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe

to Complex on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> YouTube Suspends Ads From Logan Paul's Channel After Dead Rat Clip - Duration: 1:53.


Makara Rashi Vara Bhavishya (February 12 to February 18) in Kannada - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Makara Rashi Vara Bhavishya (February 12 to February 18) in Kannada - Duration: 1:08.


10 Little Ways To Know That You're Dealing With A Narcissist - Duration: 3:27.

10 Little Ways To Know That You're Dealing With A Narcissist

When it comes to determining whether the person you know is a narcissist, people often make

it more complicated than it needs to be.

Actually, narcissists cannot be blatantly spotted.

There are no physical blood tests, MRIs, or exact determinations that can identify narcissism.

Even therapists have to go on their observations of the behavior, attitudes, and reactions

that a person presents to determine narcissism.

Fortunately, we have some clues indicating that you are actually dealing with a narcissist.

#1 - Concerned with their image

They like to reflect themselves on a mirror overtime it is available.

They want to make sure everything is neat and beautiful.

Alternatively, they constantly check their reputation in social media along with their

uploaded pictures.

#2 - They don't love themselves

Narcissists do not love themselves since they always want to change themselves to make others

love them.

Unfortunately, this cannot be noticed unless you see that they quickly regret and change

appearance every now and then.

#3 - Empathy drama

They pretend to care about others, but they definitely do not.

You can notice it clearly because they usually exaggerate their care.

Be careful.

#4 - Doing Good deeds

What makes good deeds from narcissists and ordinary people different is that narcissists

seek immediate reward.

They want to be recognized and they want to make sure they get the fame after doing that.

#5 - Playing victim

It starts to be more and more annoying.

Narcissists will make you see them as victim.

You usually do not notice it until you realize why you feel guilty of the mistakes you didn't


#6 - Gaslighting

Manipulating the real world of others is the ability of narcissists.

They really can change your view to the narcissists since your perspective is blurred and reflected.

#7 - They take everything personally

You really cannot advice or suggests narcissists to do something better.

The reason is because their distorted readily makes them the righteous people in the world.

They also think advice is insult against them.

#8 - They cannot make connection

You can see narcissists can fail easily in any kind of relationship because they are

just extremely annoying.

If you have a narcissistic friend, you can notice it easily since the friends just do

not have energy to talk with the narcissist.

#9 - Narcissists can be empaths

Empaths can turn into narcissists if they are hurt so badly that they just cannot believe

the world they live in and prefer choosing their imagination instead.

#10 - Narcissists aren't always mean

Some of them really just play victim, but they are still narcissists.

All in all, that's all the 10 little ways to know that you're dealing with a narcissist.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 10 Little Ways To Know That You're Dealing With A Narcissist - Duration: 3:27.


Kumbha Rashi Vara Bhavishya (February 12 to February 18) in Kannada - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Kumbha Rashi Vara Bhavishya (February 12 to February 18) in Kannada - Duration: 1:04.


COD WWII SHOVEL STREAM - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> COD WWII SHOVEL STREAM - Duration: 5:06.



hi friends today I'm going to show you an extremely popular South Indian recipe

called rasam Rasam is pretty much like a soup that you have during winters or

even any other time it's very easy to make and it's very delicious hope you

like it let's look at the ingredients I have taken here 1/2 cup of cooked - dal

if you don't have it no worries it's optional I have taken a lemon sized

tamarind and I have soaked it in some water let it soak for about 10 to 15

minutes take in 2 teaspoons of jaggery 1 teaspoon of urad dal 1/2 a teaspoon of methi

seeds 2 teaspoons of rasam powder 1 teaspoon of jeera 1 teaspoon of turmeric

1 garlic clove and 2 teaspoons of mustard seeds and half a teaspoon of red

chili powder and since it's a soup we need some water and some oil let's get

started with the flame to medium high and add about 4 teaspoons of oil spread

the oil across the pot just like this once the oil is hot add the mustard

seeds let them crackle enough just give it a quick toss like that next

up add the urad dal

Pinch of hing next add the garlic clove

some turmeric powder red chili powder

rasam powder and now add the methi seeds

give everything a very nice mix let all these spices fry well in the oil now add

the cooked dal to the tadka give it a good mix mixing well it will take about

thirty seconds or so part some water

again makes it well

the mixture comes to a boil we'll add the salt give it a toss and let it cook

we've been cooking on a medium-high flame so within 2-3 minutes the mixture

comes to a boil as it does so add the tamarind pulp mix everything really well

now we are going to add some more water since we want to even out the

consistency and thin it a bit

add the jaggery powder

keep starting in between making sure nothing sticks to the pot overall we are

gonna boil this rasam for about five to seven minutes on a medium high flame

now it's been boiling for about seven minutes switch off the flame and the

rasam is ready go ahead and garnish it with some coriander leaves serve it in a

bowl you can enjoy it with some hot rice or even just like that you know it

tastes that good and it's very soothing especially in the cold weather give it a

try and I'm very sure that you will love it I'm gonna have it with some hot rice

if you liked today's recipe please don't forget to like subscribe and comment

thank you

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