Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 10 2018

Hey everyone!

Brayden here coming to you with a Disney news update, as it looks like the next Disney Park

to be built is going be themed around outer space, aerodynamic flight, and futuristic

travel and be the only one of its kind in the world named Tokyo DisneySky.

This rumored new Disney Park comes to us from TDR Explorer who broke this story last week

from a leading Japanese newspaper which stated that Tokyo Disney Resort is making plans for

a third park, this time named DisneySky.

Why didn't we see this coming, Tokyo Disneyland, DisneySea, of course it's DisneySky!

If you didn't know, Tokyo Disney is a pretty special resort, as it is the only resort not

owned fully or even partially by Disney, instead, Disney runs the creative, while another company

owns and operates the resort.

For a resort not owned by Disney it runs remarkably well, it's generally regarded as one of

the most well kept resorts in the world, it always looks impeccable, and, with it being

owned by a third party company, we don't have to worry about Disney's current budget

to get stuff, because, as has happened here, the company who owns the resort has said hey,

we're going to invest another 4 and a half billion dollars in our resort over the next

ten years, and then Disney can just get to work!

Small fraction of that 4 and half billion is already confirmed to be going to multi-year

expansion project across both current parks.

The resort is getting Soarin' in DisneySea.

In Tokyo Disneyland we're getting a Beauty and The Beast-themed land as well as ride,

a Big Hero 6 attraction, and new entertainment and meet-and-greet locations will open at

through 2020.

And now, with billions ready to go, it looks like the next Disney Park is coming to Tokyo

with Tokyo DisneySky, get this, within the next four years, possibly by 2022!

That's how long it's going to take to get us one ride here in the World with Guardians

in Epcot!

Getting to the details of the rumored park, it is going to be a sky and space themed park

currently said to feature a jet plane simulator and moving walkways.

Look like we could get something Peoplemover esque at a larger scale than ever before with

people moving around via technology rather than just walking.

Speaking of the emphasis on technology, there would be no paper tickets, with guests instead

doing everything from a mobile app, sounds pretty cool.

Here's where all the major speculation begins though, because beyond a jet plane simulator,

the technology, and the sky and space theme, we could see anything come to this new park.

What do I mean by anything?

Perhaps a version of Star Wars Galaxy's Edge?

That would definitely fit in with the space theme, perhaps Pandora - The World of Avatar

from the Animal Kingdom.

Last year Bob Iger teased that Pandora could be coming to more resorts around the world.

Here's the one thing that will make DisneySky so unique, it doesn't have a lot of space

to work with, currently rumored to be residing in current parking space.

So, given the small space it has to work with, to make it this grand new park, with a name

like DisneySky, it would be fitting to make this the most vertical Disney Park ever, that's

the word we've been hearing.

Where you have rides on top of people movers on top of jet plane simulators.

Avatar Land, Star Wars Lands.

Just picturing it, it just sounds so incredible.

Could we see the outer space restaurant we're getting here in the World in Epcot also in


That would be awesome!

The Japanese newspaper claims the DisneySky park will go from its current rumor status

to an officially confirmed project this spring.

There's definitely something in the works over in Tokyo, as word of a new park has been

drumming up since last November, and now we're getting more specific details as to what it

could entail.

There was a Frozen-themed port that was announced for Tokyo DisneySea that later disappeared

from the current expansion plans.

Could we, just once, be seeing money intended for property tie in attractions instead being

rerouted toward new original attractions in this new original DisneySky park?

Let me know what you guys think about this new rumored Disney park in the works, a vertically-built

theme park with original attractions and even property attractions all themed around the

sky and space sounds so incredible.

Be sure to check out our Mary Poppins possibly confirmed video we released yesterday.

The Magic Weekly is on the way!

If you'd like to be notified when we drop new Disney News updates, be sure to subscribe

and hit that bell!

Thanks so much for Watching, I'll talk to you soon, this is Brayden, have a magical


For more infomation >> NEW DISNEY PARK DisneySky Coming to Tokyo Disneyland?! - Disney News Update - Duration: 5:01.


PATHS OF HATE - Hope Of Morning [Music Video] - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> PATHS OF HATE - Hope Of Morning [Music Video] - Duration: 3:53.


Chakra To Chakra A New Test Of Partnership - Duration: 7:19.

Chakra To Chakra A New Test Of Partnership

by Olivia Apuchin,

Relationships are amazing opportunities to meet Spirit face-to-face and to refine ourselves

even more.

Our beloveds hold up mirrors for us, sometimes reflecting back beauty and other times showing

us our deepest fears, wounds and insecurities.

Whatever the mirror may be reflecting back, relationships are invitations to commune with

our Selves on higher levels.

In relationships, like within the ceremonies of marriage for example, something is both

dying within us and also rebirthing.

We are dying to our single selves, our individual selves, and rebirthing in to the One � the

partnership � uniting in a sacred union with one another.

Because relationships present such delicate opportunities for growth, we can approach

them on levels far surpassing the body and mind, touching each other in the energetic

and committing to one another in an even deeper way.

By committing to each other in the energetic, we are laying strong foundations providing

us with reliable containers to hold ourselves and our partners as we live and love together

with one another.

In this way we look to the seven chakras on the body to make this energetic commitment.

Chakras are vortices of energy, or energy centers, spinning in a clockwise direction.

We find them about two to three inches above the physical body, with our first one being

at our Root, and the seventh being at our Crown.

The first five chakras, from root to throat, are the Earth Chakras nourished primarily

by Mother Earth.

The sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth chakras are known as the Sky Chakras.

With our partners, we examine each of the chakras together and make the energetic commitment

to each other at of our seven energy centers, aligning each of them for an even deeper commitment.

At the first chakra: How are you going to build your home, your foundation, together?


How will you support with one another in meeting your most basic needs?

Can you help each other with your most fundamental survival needs?

Can you reveal your true Self to this person?

Do you feel safe?

And can you deeply trust one another?

This is where you will learn whether you have a strong enough foundation together to keep


At the second chakra: How will you hold them in a sacred container supporting them as they

learn themselves and grow over the years?

Are you willing to accept the other person in all of her/his fullness � the good the

bad and the ugly?

Do you embrace the Other in his/her entirety of being?

Will you invite the Other to express both his/her gifts, talents, as well as their faults

and imperfections?

What about your physical connection?

Do you have amazing sex together?

At the third chakra, the core: Do you respect and honour each other�s respective power

and unique expression of Self in the world?

Without competing with each other or feeling threatened by the Other?

How will you contribute to supporting one another in this way?

How will you compliment the Other and his/her role and essence?

At the fourth chakra, the heart center: Do you vow to unconditionally love the Other?

Do you truly care about the other person with warmth, beauty, compassion and grace?

Is your love actually unconditional or are there conditions?

Not unconditional love meaning the Other can do no wrong.

Unconditioned love rooted in honoring and respecting the Other.

At the fifth chakra: How can you support one another in expressing each other�s voice?

How can you respect the other as he/she stands impeccably in their truth?

Do you respect the other�s opinions, beliefs, perspectives, ideas � even if they differ

from yours?

Do you vow to be a good listener?

Can you make a commitment to hear the Other deeply?

Are you willing to be a sacred witness for your partner through thick and thin?

Can you hold space for them and invite them to have the courage to say what needs to be

said, when it needs to be said?

At the sixth chakra, the third eye: Do your visions for your life�s Journeys align?

Do you both hold the same ideas about the future with one another?

Do your pictures of what you want and your lives look similar to one another?

How will you support the other in dreaming this vision in to being?

How will you help one another breath life in to their Journey in the world?

At the seventh chakra, the crown: Do you share similar spiritual beliefs?

How can you have a joint spiritual practice?

Are you willing to support one another in each other�s respective spiritual Journeys

� even if they differ?

Many times, couples will have a strong physical connection and great sex with each other,

along with deeply loving each other, uniting the second and fourth chakras.

Yet they overlook the connection on other levels such as whether they share the same

fundamental values, whether they align spiritually with one another, or whether they will respect

and honour the other�s personal power and expression in the world.

Or say � they think they�ve married their fourth chakras in unconditional love � when

really they place condition after condition on one another and their love for each other.

You must go through these seven levels of deep commitment to one another � required

for fulfilling each other�s various needs.

Because if you have a few harmonized and yet not the others, it�s going to leave things

unfulfilled � and not work in the long run.

Putting the work in at each of these levels invites a deeper, more lasting and fulfilling

relationship with one another.

If you�re already in partnership with some one, and one or more of the above seem off,

you can also use this map to tune in to where the relationship needs some help.

In this way the partnership can still go on, we now just know the chakras wanting for balance

and harmony.

Many of us search and search for the perfect partners, looking outside ourselves for the

Other to complete us and make us whole.

When one relationship ends, we move to the next, hoping the next partner will in fact

be that perfect match.

If we�re lucky this lasts a few months at the max, before the honeymoon period ends.

Instead, we can stop the search outside of ourselves and turn our focus inward to look

for answers within.

With this realization, we stop the chase for the perfect partner and instead become the

right partners ourselves.

This series of initiations and energetic commitments involving each chakra transforms us in to

better versions of ourselves, allowing us to become the right partners ourselves and

embrace our relationships with even deeper love and meaning.

For more infomation >> Chakra To Chakra A New Test Of Partnership - Duration: 7:19.


World Of Tanks - Participe do Beta WoT 1.0 - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> World Of Tanks - Participe do Beta WoT 1.0 - Duration: 1:17.


Art History and Visual Studies at UVic - Duration: 1:28.


At UVic, there's definitely a lot more to

art history and visual studies than most people think there is.

There is a huge diversity of the way you can approach it.

We have stuff like virtual reality, we have the study of video games.

We have film studies.

It's so broad and could really match whatever interest that you have personally.

I think visual intelligence and visual literacy are more and more important.

We have all these images thrown at us, but not many of us know how to interact with them

critically, and interpret them as expressing different ways of thinking

and different political aims.

And so that I think, is what's becoming more relevant.

By knowing and studying art history, you can understand how people created these things

and what are the stories behind them.

Victoria is a really great city to be wanting to get into heritage and art institutions.

They have a very vibrant arts community.

There's lots of art galleries.

There's the Royal BC Museum.

And just a lot of people interested in the arts here.

And so I find that there're so many places in Victoria that you can apply art historical

skills and also gain experience in that field.

UVic gives you multiple ways of learning.

It can really give you an edge.


For more infomation >> Art History and Visual Studies at UVic - Duration: 1:28.


Solo: A Star Wars Story teaser EXCEPT there's only one person in the shot - Duration: 0:30.


For more infomation >> Solo: A Star Wars Story teaser EXCEPT there's only one person in the shot - Duration: 0:30.


Toy Haul - Tesco Sale - Action Figures, Pop Vinyls, Black Panther, Batman & FNAF Sister Location!!! - Duration: 13:03.

Hey guys me host supersorrell, thank you very much you a look my god, it's big bag of stuff

Tesco is the last place you would have thought that you'd find this cool stuff, but

Apparently my ex ESCOs. He's good

Well, it's not my taste coz I always the big Tesco at York

And they have a really big toy section, so I really picked up some stuff, and I went available body fuck

Everything was on sale everything this bag was on sale that is just insane, but first things first

I have an Amazon delivery today. I'm just bubbling in the bag for the video, but

Yeah, we had an Amazon delivery today, so let's operate this open

Yes gonna be it's finally out

This is DC Universe movie Batman Gotham by a Gaslight

It's the bat against the butcher of Gotham City as the turn after the centuries experiencing a golden hair of discovery in industry as

Showcased by influent businessman Bruce Wayne's World Fair down in the darkest alleys however. There is a killer on the loose

Preying on the city's women this killer is

Precise as he is cruel Police Commissioner James Gordon tries to calm the fears of Gotham citizens over the butcher named Jack the Ripper

Batman does some detective work of his own with the help of sultry and so sure-footed Selina Kyle

Witness a world in flames as the killers controlled savagery meets the calculated stealth of the Dark Knight oh

This also contains a sneak peek at DC universes next animated movie Suicide Squad hell to pay

So I've been looking at that. Oh yeah, Batman's Gotham by gas lights. Can't wait to give that a wash tonight

Awesome we die for that's come out. The ghouls graphic novel is amazing, so let's hope that done well in the movie

Oh my bins full no we're time to have a full bed


Let's get on with the hall

So it just goes everything like sitting this far the woods on the sail, so I couldn't resist picking these up

Things I want to share with you

First thing I wanna share with you we got the

Phone app sister location we've got two more of the mystery boxes

These will mark down in my local tes Cotes just

399 couldn't resist rubbing them so 399 that's really good for a mystery meaning normally these things run about five or six maybe in seven

Pounds penny where you go, so?

Hopefully we'll have something really awesome, and I'll open these at the end of the video. I would really like obviously

Pumpkin chica by dad we're gonna get that but I would settle for golden Freddy cupcake and

Or maybe by Laura. I'm likable Laura

Just because I've now I've met the voice of the law as you know from Horicon so that would be a little keepsake

So yeah, I'll open those at the end of this video guys

There's only two so it's no point doing the video based on them

so I'll open those at the end of this end of this video, so

Guys I finally got around to picking up the third in the installment of the DC Batman collection

This is by I forgot the name eagle Moss. This is by Eagle Moss, and this is number three in the series

I'm born to kill

I'm just on them and then I didn't pick that up the other day today

Please don't tell me a little bit the day oh

No this hero, he is whoo


Yeah, I didn't pick these other than a bank the lot ha ha I thought I picked these a fault

I thought because I'm already but I haven't this is my Eagle Moss

And they've got to be in a couple of days

I think it's not one now this has been out quite a while

We're gonna be getting vol 4, which is the phases of death and then volume 5 is the Dark Knight Returns?

I don't need number 5 because I already own the dying man returns

Back in this bag of threat

So there is the bond to kill the legend of Iron Man?

Vol 3 in the collection. Oh, so this is where he gets his

Damian Wayne he's an assassin

Ma legend continues

So issue 4 is your on the 7th of February so within a couple of days

and then it's when he first a February we get issue 5


Issue far as the phases of death which I do want

Issue 5 is the Dark Knight Returns?

If you do subscribe other as a bunch of stuff you can get a premium subscription you can get the Bruce Wayne fugitive

Collection as well

Yeah, I'm not bothered about subscribe. I'm just gonna pick up the ones that obviously the longer they keep coming to Stars

You know I'll keep picking them up

Let's keep digging in the bag

So the first of the action figures

Bray Wyatt in the mutant form could resist picking these up finally

We didn't have the John Cena in my star though

I wanted the big tin man looking John Cena, but they didn't have him

I think you're like a Frankenstein one, but this this look called. He's like an alligator I

Like the mutants the mutants are fun. I

Also picked up in the same series

Slightly open let's pull it open on the way home mutants finn balor

You can't be Finn Balor is amazing and that's a really cool obviously demon keepsake

Keep it with the same vibe again guys, I didn't get all of them

I just got my favorite three except that I've done seen her a really why John Cena wasn't bothered for Brock Lesnar or Stardust

So that leaves sting in he's like a city's a scorpion waiting awesome

They love Slee the Scorpion Deathlock was one of his moves


had to get that


If you want to see a review of those on the channel guys

Please let me know in the comments if you're interested in seeing the do between mutants their review

Next up guys this is really super awesome. I can't believe I finally got it guys. You know I've been hunting high and low for

Hey Cherie

Somebody hit this by the way


Have to search all the way to the back

And then there was like a bunch of stuff putting front to make it look like there were no more

Push them to one side, and she was there's like yes, somebody was hoping to come back and pick out of layer

For them awesome was hiding me for a friend, but I got there first and found Cherie

She's the sister of T'Challa hurry in

Designs unawares my brain in power come back here awesome

Can't wait for the movie. It's only a few weeks away now

Super excited and I've got this to review as well now cherie

Really excited that we got sure you guys

And the final item today

Cos 3 on blu-ray I can't ever go shopping and not pick up a blu-ray

Supersoul Junior's gonna really like watching that with me. That's a filler. We can watch it together

I didn't go in the cinema to see it

we were too busy with the baby when that came out I

Think it came out not long after she was born so we didn't end up going to the cinema

But yeah cars three haven't seen yet need to watch it

provided spoilers at this point

So let me just quickly find some spots to show these

Let's try and find some space

Correctness to have that bad about me if anyone knows who that oh that youtuber is that I'm doing an impression of

Take a snap in the comments below he's a fellow toy review where I'll give you that much

Right so sister location

Let's give these a little well, let's see what we got

It's gonna plastic over these first some easier

I'm a little big thunder 5/9 nothing. There's gonna be the five nights movie as well. Not sure how that's coming along but

the are doing a five nice movie

Here's box on the one

It's like I said

We are really hunting for maybe AB Elora

The pumpkin Chico would be nice


Think this may be asked Freddy, I'm guessing Freddy it felt like I had a top oh

Yes supersorrell is spot on Freddy

Okay number two

What wishes come true. I'm number two this feels like a

Water-filled language oh

It's a foxy I think I have this one yeah, I already have this one ah

I got a duplicate new

That means foxy will be going on anyway guys

If anyone still needs foxy

from that collection

Let me know in its original baggie

Use that box that one's less ripped

in the original box

So guys if anyone wants to buy that from me check out my eBay you can find the link in the description below

And you can pick that up the cost

Plus postage

But we did get a nice birdie

Okay guys other than the duplicate what oh, did you enjoy everything that we picked up today? What are your thoughts on it?

Please let me know in the comments down below to enjoy the vlog at the beginning. Let us know

Thank you very much. You guys as always. I'm your host supersorrell and our speech again soon may the force be with you. Bye



For more infomation >> Toy Haul - Tesco Sale - Action Figures, Pop Vinyls, Black Panther, Batman & FNAF Sister Location!!! - Duration: 13:03.


Top 10 Dumbest Olympic Moments - Duration: 6:06.

Welcome back everyone - its a video about the Olympics today - its a huge event with

most countries in the world taking part and fielding their very best athletes to see who

comes out on top across dozens of different events.

Its run by humans though so mistakes do happen - these are the most famous of them all.

My name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Dumbest Olympic Moments.

Starting off at number 10 we have The Flag Mistake.

At the 2012 London Olympics, the womens football match between North Korea and Columbia was


The North Korean team refused to start the game when the SOUTH Korean flag was shown

next to their names on the big screen.

Anyone who knows Korean history will know why this was a huge mistake.

They did eventually agree to play but the error went down as one of the dumbest in olympic


Next up at number 9 we have Eric Moussambani.

In 2000, Eric Moussambani represented Equatorial Guinea in the mens 100m freestyle.

The strange thing was, Eric had only learnt to swim 8 months before - in a 20m pool.

He participated in the qualifying heats as part of a wildcard system designed to encourage

developing countries without expensive facilities to compete in swimming events.

Amazingly, the two other swimmers in his heat were disqualified for two false starts.

That left Eric by himself.

All he had to do was complete the swim.

He managed to do it.

The crowd loved him and he despite being knocked out in the next round, he gained fans all

over the world.

Erics fearlessness was praised but many people felt that this level of competition shouldnt

be at the olympics.

What do you guys think?

Moving on to number 8 we have Lindsey Jacobellis.

In 2006, his American snowboarder became world famous for essentially throwing away a gold


After a comfortable lead throughout the race, Lindsey decided to pull a trick on one of

the last snow mounds and this happened.


Ohhh dear - well they always say pride comes before the fall.

Lindsey ended up coming second there to Tanja Friden from Switzerland.

The lesson to learn here is if youre in a speed race, don't try and do tricks - its

not worth it.

At number 7 now we have the Fire Extinguisher.

This one comes from Rio 2016 Olympic Torch run Security as the torch was paraded by runners

around Brazil.

Concerns over the Zika virus and riots over the cost of the olympics meant that security

was tightened.

For many people, that meant something like this should not have been allowed to happen.


Some people see the torch as the symbol of the olympics - I wonder what theyd think if

it was put out before the first event …

Moving on to number 6 we have The Kick.

This one comes from the 2008 Olympics where Cuban Taekwondo fighter Angel Matos was facing

off against Kazakhstans Arman Chilmanov.

It was a close fight and at one point, the referee gave them a minute to recover from

their injuries.

During that time, the referees awarded Chilmanov the win.

Matos did not aceept the loss graciously - he decided to kick the referee in the face.


Coming in at number 5 we have Losing The Key.

Many people were worried about things going wrong at the 2016 Rio Olympics or even them

being stopped altogether by protests - but nobody saw this coming.

Two days before the games officially began, organizers lost the key to one of the stadiums


One whole entrance was closed off because they had lost they key.

Officials had to use wire cutters to essentially break in to their own stadium.

Kinda makes you wonder why its so easy to break in …

Next up at number 4 we have Grilled Pigeon.

This one is a lesson in planning.

As part of the 1988 Seoul Olympic opening ceremony - a bunch of white doves were released

as symbol of world peace.

They flew out over the arena and a few of them went and perched on the unlit Olympic


Thats were they stayed until the cauldron was lit.

At that point, a number of the doves were burned alive or seriously injured.


Moving on to number 3 we have Pokemon Go.

This one comes from the 2016 Olympics where French fencer Enzo Lefort was in the middle

of an intense match when his phone fell out of his suit.


Some people were shocked, others were confused but I think everyone would find it a bit funny

if they knew why he had his phone on him in the first place.

In a post match interview, Enzo said he had been playing Pokemon Go before and had forgotten

to leave his phone on the side.

Thats how addictive phone games can be …

OK at number 2 now we have the Cameraman.

This one isnt from the Olympics, its actually from the World Championships but it involves

Usain Bolt and its too good to leave off the list.

After winning a race, Usain was taking a stroll alongside the track when this happened.


Luckily, neither he nor the camera man was seriously injured - but it did raise some

questions about wether or not segways are the best mode of transport for camera crew

at sporting events.

What do you guys think?

Maybe he just needed some practice …

And finally at number 1 we have the 1972 Mens Basketball.

This was the olympic game that has gone down in history as the most controversial.

After a hard fought game between the US and Soviet Union, the Americans finally took a

1 point lead in the last seconds of the game.

With 3 seconds on the clock, the Soviet coaches called a time out - it was too late though

- the US had already won and was celebrating.

However, due to a number of confusing and clearly incorrect decisions, the clock was


The US barely had time to set up their defence before the Soviets scored in a last ditch


The US refused to accept their silver medals and many say this is the most scandalous Olympic

decision ever made.

Well there you go, some dumb olympic moments.

Its all part of the fun and games though - are you guys excited for the next winter or summer


Whats your favourite event?

Let me know - my name is Danny Burke, thanks as always for watching guys and Ill see you

all in the next video …

For more infomation >> Top 10 Dumbest Olympic Moments - Duration: 6:06.


Why do Olympians bite their medals? | Burning Questions - Duration: 4:45.

The gold medal is the ultimate accolade in sport,

the symbol of years and years of training, dedication,

and sacrifice.

But what if I told you... Drum roll, please.

Thank you. ..that the gold medal is not actually

made of gold at all.

Well, maybe a little bit,

but it's not as gold as you think it is.

That's just one of the many strange facts

about the gold medal you probably never wanted to know

but are about to find out.

I'm not allowed to try it on? Yeah, cool.

I'm gonna have to put it down. It's so heavy, mate.




You're probably used to seeing athletes bite their

gold medals on the podium.

But have you ever wondered why they do this?

Sure, some do it because they think

they're filled with chocolate,

but that is not always the case.

To answer this question and to get to the bottom

of what's actually in a gold medal,

we have to take a trip back in time

to the very first Olympic Games.

I am going to eat this, if that's all right?

Back in ancient Greece, only one winner per event

was crowned. No silver, no bronze.

And what did they get to show for all

their hard work and dedication?

An olive wreath.

Is that it?

It was actually Aristophanes, the Greek playwright

who is known as the Father of Comedy, who first wondered why

victorious athletes weren't decorated with something

a bit flashier.

We don't think he was joking this time.

The answer is the athletes were supposed to compete

not for possessions but for honour.

Flash forward 1,500 years, and the Olympic spirit was revived.

It's 1896 and the first modern Olympic Games in Athens.

Winners were actually awarded with a silver medal,

with bronze going to second place.

But in 1904, winners hit the jackpot.

They were awarded with solid gold medals,

albeit smaller ones.

This lasted until 1912 when the onset of the First World War

put and end to that gold rush.

These days, the exact size, shape,

and composition of the medals is determined

by the IOC, the International Olympic Committee.

You might be surprised to learn that gold medals are actually

made of silver and plated in at least 6g of gold.

That's roughly three gold teeth.

Sometimes the materials they use are even more exotic.

10 of the 200-odd gold medals awarded at Sochi 2014

were embedded with pieces of the Chelyabinsk - hey! -

meteorite, which crashed into a lake in central Russia

the year before, giving ten lucky athletes

a special cosmic treat.

So far, though, none have been made with chocolate.

So what are they worth?

The monetary value of the metal in the medal alone

is about $500.

But of course, its actual worth to the athletes

who manage to win one, well, that's priceless.

Or is it?

Famous medals, or medals with some history behind them,

have sold for in excess of $1 million

at auction, such as one of the metals worn

by Jesse Owens in 1936

which sold for around $1.5 million.

So just how difficult is it to win a gold medal?

Statistically, very.

Approximately 10,000 people have ever won one.

What? Just 10,000.

But these odds go up significantly

if you're from Norway.

The tiny Nordic nation has won more gold medals per capita

than any other country in the world.

Approximately one for every 14,000 people in the country.

It also helps if your name happens to be Michael Phelps.

The American is the most decorated Olympian

with 23 golds, with three silvers,

and two bronze thrown in for good measure.

Norwegian biathlete Ole Einar Bjørndalen

is the most decorated Winter Olympian

with eight gold medals, four silvers,

and a bronze to his name.

American Eddie Eagan is still the only person

ever to have won a gold medal in both a summer sport

at the Summer Olympics and a winter sport

at the Winter Olympics, taking top honours in the boxing

at Antwerp back in 1920.

There's the US number-one team.

And following it up with another gold

in the four-man bob at Lake Placid 12 years later.

So back to that biting.

The tradition of biting into shiny, gold things

dates back to merchants who would

bite their coins to make sure they weren't lead forgeries.

That's because, historically,

gold was alloyed with other harder metals

to make it harder.

So if biting the coin left teeth marks,

the merchant would know it was a fake.

These days, the biting might be for show.

But it's become as much a part of the Olympic tradition

as the medals themselves.

But if you're ever lucky enough to win a medal, be careful.

German luge slider David Möller chipped his tooth

on his silver medal back in Vancouver 2010.

Ironically, he's got a gold tooth now.

I mean, I'm not sure if that's true.

I just... No, yeah, I did just make that up, yep.

So there you have it.

I hope you enjoyed this edition of Burning Questions.

Don't forget to leave your burning questions

in the comments.

Stick around here for more Olympic facts and stories

or go to

We've got you covered.

For more infomation >> Why do Olympians bite their medals? | Burning Questions - Duration: 4:45.


My favorite animators on YouTube | AskBloop #056 - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> My favorite animators on YouTube | AskBloop #056 - Duration: 2:36.


Filet Mignon Recipe in Mushroom Cream Sauce - Duration: 5:47.

Hey everyone, its Natasha of I'm gonna show you how to

make a fancy, restaurant quality, filet mignon at home. This is our go-to recipe

for filet mignon. It's so juicy, flavorful and unforgettably good. This is a simple,

one pan meal that comes together in 30 minutes. So let's get started. It's smart

to have everything prepped and ready to go when you need it. The prep is easy.

Start by thickly slicing one pound of mushrooms, set those aside for later

and finely dice 1 small onion. Place a large heavy bottomed pan over

medium-high heat and melt in two Tbsp of butter and one Tbsp

of oil. Once the butter is done sizzling, add sliced mushrooms and cook for about

6 minutes or until they're softened and most of the mushroom liquid has

evaporated. Now add your diced onions and stir for another 3 minutes or until the

onions are softened. Meanwhile strip 1 Tbsp of fresh thyme leaves from

their stems like so and finely chop. Also peel and finely chop 4 garlic cloves.

Once the onions are softened, add minced garlic 1/4 tsp of salt 1/8 of a

tsp of black pepper and 1 tsp of fresh thyme. Cook, stirring

constantly for 2 minutes or until the garlic is fragrant then turn off the

heat and transfer the mushrooms to a large plate. Wipe the pan clean with a

wet paper towel. You'll need four beef tenderloin steaks about 6 ounces each

and ideally one and a half inches thick. Season steaks all over with 1 tsp

of salt and a quarter tsp of black pepper. Place the same pan over

medium-high heat and add 2 Tbsp of butter and one Tbsp of oil. When

the butter is hot and finished foaming, add the seasoned steaks and sear 3 to 5

minutes per side, turning once for medium-rare. Keep in mind,

thinner steaks will take less time and thicker steaks will take longer.

Once the steaks are at your desired doneness,

remove them from the pan and put them on the plate with the mushrooms. In the same

pan add half a cup of red wine and boil it down about three minutes or until

reduced by half, scraping the bottom to deglaze. Add one and a half cups of beef

broth and boil until 2/3 cups of liquid remains in the pan. It takes about five

to seven minutes. Now stir in 1/2 cup of cream and boil another two minutes or

until the sauce is slightly thickened. You can season the sauce with more salt

and pepper if desired then place the steaks and the mushrooms

back in the pan with any accumulated juices. Spoon some hot mushroom sauce

over the steaks and as soon as they're warmed through, take them off the heat.

We've got the filet mignon, we've got the flowers and we've got a date night in

with the cameraman, who also happens to be my husband who's patiently waiting

for this. Okay, aprons off, we're gonna do a taste test! All right and I like my

steak medium-well so I'll go grab one of the slimmer ones and lots of extra

mushroom sauce. This is super good over mashed potatoes because it serves like a

gravy, one of the best tasting gravies you'll

ever try. Oh my goodness! Did you know, filet mignon was this easy?

I mean, this comes together quickly and it has so much amazing flavor. All right,

finish my mountain of mushroom sauce, I just keep adding it on. Okay, here we go.

Slice the roux, get in close because you're gonna want to see this juiciness.

Do you see that? All right, I can't bite into that big old piece, I need something

a little more bite-sized, all right there we go. Wow!

I mean, that just melts in your mouth and pan searing it that way

seals in all the natural delicious flavors. This is so juicy and that creamy

mushroom sauce acts like a gravy so this is perfect over mashed potatoes. Then all

you need is a side of asparagus and you've got one memorable, romantic dinner.

Make this for your next date night in and it'll be a dinner to remember. If you

guys like this video, give me a great big thumbs up below, make sure to subscribe

to our Channel and we'll see you later. Alright cameraman, who also happens to

be my husband, time for your sample. Wow! Wait, what, what

did you say? I didn't hear you. Cut me another one! For the win!

It's good, huh you probably want more than sample. All right, we're gonna enjoy

our dinner, we'll see you guys later. If you guys want more date night recipes,

check out some of our favorites right over here and click below to subscribe

and when you do click that little Bell icon, that will make sure you never miss

one of our recipes. We'll see you later!

For more infomation >> Filet Mignon Recipe in Mushroom Cream Sauce - Duration: 5:47.



*intro music*

hey guys what's up it's amanda and welcome back to my channel it's been a

while since I did a sit down video umm I started off the year with no voice so

that was great it was such a great time I decided I want to sit down here and do

another video for you guys and if you want to support me on more platforms

please please please follow me on twitter follow me on instagram sign up

for my patreon and just support me everywhere please thanks it's all gonna

be in the description below if you're on this video it's either because you are

trying to find a way to tell your parents that it's okay to be whatever

sexuality or gender you may be and you're trying to find a way to just

explain it to them and this is the video for you or you're also a parent that is

just searching on the internet something about how cope with my child being not

straight or something along those lines that is why you're here and that is why

you're on this video what I want to say to start off with is that it's okay

everything is okay there's nothing wrong nothing bad nothing is bad if you're on

this video your child probably has come out as something other than straight and

I'm gonna tell you how to deal with that and how to cope with that and how to

come to terms with it number one you can't change it nothing you do will

change your child's sexuality due to the fact that that is how they are and that

is who they are and this is how they always will be so please do not try to

change them don't do anything along those lines number two you have to

accept them they got the courage and the confidence to be able to come to you and

tell you that they are insert something here they got the confidence and they

felt good enough to be able to come to you and talk to you about that and a lot

of a lot of lot a lot a lot a lot of kids or even adults or anyone do not

have that confidence so due to the fact that they actually came to you and told you

means that they have trust within you and that they connect with you and that they

feel like they can talk to you about it and due to the fact that they did that I

think that you should be quite happy and feel good about yourself because trust

me a lot of people don't have the strength or the connection to be able to

do that with their parents number three your child right now is probably going

through a lot probably you're in one of the first people that they told and they

did that because they wanted to do it before they tell other people and they

wanted you guys to know before other people know so they are probably going

through a lot right now so they don't need you guys to be pushing them down or

to be insulting them or making them feel any less than they should please don't do

that number four there are support groups for parents that are going

through this and you can probably find anyone in your local like city and stuff

and these support groups are not places to bash your child they're actually

places to learn how to accept your child and more about the lgbtq+ community and

they're really good to go to so if you really need that and if you're trying so

hard to accept it and you just can't those are really good opportunities and

really good resources to go to and number five is to just love them they

are your child there's nothing different about them they just like the same sex or

like everyone or they're just full of love what's so bad about that so

mainly my overall thing to you is to not not not not not make them feel shit

not make them feel bad don't make them feel like they are not normal or

anything like that because trust me the suicide rate for LGBTQ plus teens

child's young adults everything keeps going up it literally keeps going up

and that's due to the fact that they feel like they aren't normal that they

couldn't be themselves and that just is so sad and you being their parents is

like you are the number one people that they care about and you are the number

one people that they want to love them they want you to love them they want you

to accept them and they don't want you to be ashamed of them and I think that's

something that you should think about and that you should really like put into

your heart and I hope that you can if you have any questions or anything at

all comments or something and you're a parent or a sibling or anyone that needs

help with someone that just came out to them please leave comment or you can

also message me on here or email me or anything I'm glad to help

so I hope that this video has brought you something anything at least and I

hope that you are happy and I hope you're still loving your child the way

that you should be if you like this video please give it a big thumbs up and

subscribe below and I'll see you next time and rememberlive life don't think

twice I'm out of here

For more infomation >> WHAT TO DO IF YOUR CHILD IS GAY // LGBTQ+ - Duration: 4:16.


YouTube Suspends Ads From Logan Paul's Channel After Dead Rat Clip - Duration: 1:53.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

Logan Paul has gone from disrespecting the dead to disrespecting dead animals and it

seems that YouTube has had enough.

The platform has temporarily suspended ads from the vlogger's channel.

Things erupted after Paul proved that he has not bounced back after his suicide forest

scandal by getting himself in another sticky situation after PETA called him out for using

a taser on a dead rat.

One day after his big return, Logan was filmed laughing, "no rat comes into my house without

getting tased."

He then fired a stun gun into two dead rats on his patio.

PETA's Senior VP Lisa Lange called the footage "repulsive" and said its existence showed

that Paul has not learned from his Suicide Forest misstep.

"This sort of content has no place on YouTube or anywhere else, as it could desensitize

young people to cruelty to animals, so PETA is calling on the platform to remove it."

The platform did not remove the video but it did take a step into making sure Logan

feels the repercussions of his insensitive behavior.

YouTube tweeted a statement saying,

"In response to Logan Paul's recent pattern of behavior, we've temporarily suspended

ads on his channels."

A YouTube rep also told the Guardian on Friday that Paul's behavior is "potentially damaging"

to the platform's entire community of creators.

"This is not a decision we made lightly, however, we believe he has exhibited a pattern of behavior

in his videos that makes his channel not only unsuitable for advertisers, but also potentially

damaging to the broader creator community."

While making his apology tour stop at Good Morning America last week, Paul spoke about

how tough it's been following his suicide forest scandal.

He described himself as a good guy who made a bad decision and he promised to think as

many as "three times" before posting videos in the future.

Maybe he should shoot for four next time.

That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe

to Complex on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> YouTube Suspends Ads From Logan Paul's Channel After Dead Rat Clip - Duration: 1:53.


World Of Tanks - Batalhas Classificatórias: 1ª Temporada 2018 - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> World Of Tanks - Batalhas Classificatórias: 1ª Temporada 2018 - Duration: 2:46.


2018 Is A Powerful 11 Master Year And Here's What Numerology - Duration: 5:03.

2018 Is A Powerful 11 Master Year And Here�s What Numerology Has To Say About It

by Conscious Reminder

Numerologically speaking, the year 2018 is indeed very special.

This is because 2+0+1+8= 11.

11 signifies the power of divine energy.

It strengthens leadership, gives inspiration and brings about new beginnings.

Just a couple of weeks into the New Year and we have already seen great catalysts for change

when the women at the Golden Globes all came together and sported black in solidarity with

each other.

Similarly, this year is very crucial for personal changes as well.

It is the time when we reach inside ourselves and connect to the higher powers and our own


We are more empowered than ever before to bring on great changes in our lives and those

of others.

11 signifies a great shift, when the normative is no longer functional and it is brought

on by reconnecting with the original source of our being.

A Doorway Think of 2018 as a portal.

When you walk through this portal you will be stepping over all your failures which you

have conceived in your mind.

Your insecurities, the what-ifs and it-is-too-late; whatever it is, when you have moved beyond

these mental crutches, you�d be able to see a whole new world of potential.

You will have to get over that little voice in your head which belittles you and limits


The Global Impact We haven�t distanced ourselves enough from

the complete chaos that 2017 was.

Everything which we had always believed in was shaken to its core.

Be it the political situation of the country, the impact on environment of our actions,

the beliefs which we had held on dearly, all were stirred up violently, one way or the


In a way it is a good thing because now we are more aware than before.

We have seen for ourselves where we are lacking.

Now that we are in 2018, the year of action, we can turn this awareness into action and

work together to bring back some semblance of order to the chaos we ourselves have created.

This change will be brought on at the individual level, at the level of the family and friendships

as well as at global scale.

Yin and Yang 11 can yet be broken down to 2 but it is not.

Instead it is denoted with 11/2 because it has twin forces working beneath its surface.

11 is the masculine energy, of action.

2 is the feminine energy which draws from intuition and sensitivity towards things.

The two forces though opposite in nature, complete each other.

Without the one, there can be no other.

And in this world where all old systems are slowly crumbling down, we need this dual force

of energy to once again reign in the chaos.

We will have to be aware of our surroundings and bring balance between the masculine and

feminine within ourselves as well as the world.

This balance is what the world needs.

And to do that we will have to discard those dynamics which are no longer fruitful.

Individual Themes for the Master Year Within the global context of the Master year,

we also have our own personal themes which are determined by our birthdays.

For example, if your birthday falls on 25 may, your theme would be 2+5+5+2+0+1+8= 23=


Read on to know about the individual themes from your date of birth.

#1- Fresh beginnings and innovation.

#2- Better feeling of connectedness in relationships- personal as well as professional.

#3- Creativity, be it art, music, writing or any other.

#4- Building something new, organising to get things done.

#5- Traveling and having fun.

#6- Emotional matters, of family and relationships.

#7- Connection to the divine.

#8- Leaderships and achieving your dreams.

#9- Letting go of the old, transformation.

#11/2- Inspiration, for self and for others.

#22/4- Teamwork and creating milestones with your companions.

For more infomation >> 2018 Is A Powerful 11 Master Year And Here's What Numerology - Duration: 5:03.


Compare Moving Company Prices | Get 7 FREE Moving Quotes & Save 35% - Duration: 1:02.

Are you about to move and need to hire a reliable professional moving company to transport your

items with the utmost attention to details.?

If so, you've come to the right place.

We've done the leg work for you to sort and identify those national moving companies that

are trustworthy and have a good long standing reputation in the industry.

Excellent customer satisfaction is their number one priority.

We work with the best in the industry based on fair pricing, attention to details, services

offered, and coverage against accidents, damage, or loss.

Our FREE, no-obligation moving quotes allow you to compare and contrast prices, terms,

and additional moving services.

Most consumers have been able to save up to 35% while having a stress-free move.

To request your FREE, no-obligation moving quotes, please visit:

USA Moving Companies dot com

And have a happy moving experience!

For more infomation >> Compare Moving Company Prices | Get 7 FREE Moving Quotes & Save 35% - Duration: 1:02.


10 Little Ways To Know That You're Dealing With A Narcissist - Duration: 3:27.

10 Little Ways To Know That You're Dealing With A Narcissist

When it comes to determining whether the person you know is a narcissist, people often make

it more complicated than it needs to be.

Actually, narcissists cannot be blatantly spotted.

There are no physical blood tests, MRIs, or exact determinations that can identify narcissism.

Even therapists have to go on their observations of the behavior, attitudes, and reactions

that a person presents to determine narcissism.

Fortunately, we have some clues indicating that you are actually dealing with a narcissist.

#1 - Concerned with their image

They like to reflect themselves on a mirror overtime it is available.

They want to make sure everything is neat and beautiful.

Alternatively, they constantly check their reputation in social media along with their

uploaded pictures.

#2 - They don't love themselves

Narcissists do not love themselves since they always want to change themselves to make others

love them.

Unfortunately, this cannot be noticed unless you see that they quickly regret and change

appearance every now and then.

#3 - Empathy drama

They pretend to care about others, but they definitely do not.

You can notice it clearly because they usually exaggerate their care.

Be careful.

#4 - Doing Good deeds

What makes good deeds from narcissists and ordinary people different is that narcissists

seek immediate reward.

They want to be recognized and they want to make sure they get the fame after doing that.

#5 - Playing victim

It starts to be more and more annoying.

Narcissists will make you see them as victim.

You usually do not notice it until you realize why you feel guilty of the mistakes you didn't


#6 - Gaslighting

Manipulating the real world of others is the ability of narcissists.

They really can change your view to the narcissists since your perspective is blurred and reflected.

#7 - They take everything personally

You really cannot advice or suggests narcissists to do something better.

The reason is because their distorted readily makes them the righteous people in the world.

They also think advice is insult against them.

#8 - They cannot make connection

You can see narcissists can fail easily in any kind of relationship because they are

just extremely annoying.

If you have a narcissistic friend, you can notice it easily since the friends just do

not have energy to talk with the narcissist.

#9 - Narcissists can be empaths

Empaths can turn into narcissists if they are hurt so badly that they just cannot believe

the world they live in and prefer choosing their imagination instead.

#10 - Narcissists aren't always mean

Some of them really just play victim, but they are still narcissists.

All in all, that's all the 10 little ways to know that you're dealing with a narcissist.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 10 Little Ways To Know That You're Dealing With A Narcissist - Duration: 3:27.


COD WWII SHOVEL STREAM - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> COD WWII SHOVEL STREAM - Duration: 5:06.



hi friends today I'm going to show you an extremely popular South Indian recipe

called rasam Rasam is pretty much like a soup that you have during winters or

even any other time it's very easy to make and it's very delicious hope you

like it let's look at the ingredients I have taken here 1/2 cup of cooked - dal

if you don't have it no worries it's optional I have taken a lemon sized

tamarind and I have soaked it in some water let it soak for about 10 to 15

minutes take in 2 teaspoons of jaggery 1 teaspoon of urad dal 1/2 a teaspoon of methi

seeds 2 teaspoons of rasam powder 1 teaspoon of jeera 1 teaspoon of turmeric

1 garlic clove and 2 teaspoons of mustard seeds and half a teaspoon of red

chili powder and since it's a soup we need some water and some oil let's get

started with the flame to medium high and add about 4 teaspoons of oil spread

the oil across the pot just like this once the oil is hot add the mustard

seeds let them crackle enough just give it a quick toss like that next

up add the urad dal

Pinch of hing next add the garlic clove

some turmeric powder red chili powder

rasam powder and now add the methi seeds

give everything a very nice mix let all these spices fry well in the oil now add

the cooked dal to the tadka give it a good mix mixing well it will take about

thirty seconds or so part some water

again makes it well

the mixture comes to a boil we'll add the salt give it a toss and let it cook

we've been cooking on a medium-high flame so within 2-3 minutes the mixture

comes to a boil as it does so add the tamarind pulp mix everything really well

now we are going to add some more water since we want to even out the

consistency and thin it a bit

add the jaggery powder

keep starting in between making sure nothing sticks to the pot overall we are

gonna boil this rasam for about five to seven minutes on a medium high flame

now it's been boiling for about seven minutes switch off the flame and the

rasam is ready go ahead and garnish it with some coriander leaves serve it in a

bowl you can enjoy it with some hot rice or even just like that you know it

tastes that good and it's very soothing especially in the cold weather give it a

try and I'm very sure that you will love it I'm gonna have it with some hot rice

if you liked today's recipe please don't forget to like subscribe and comment

thank you



Steven Universe and Stevonnie Live Tutorial Sunday Feb 11! Come Join Us! - Duration: 10:07.

-Hey everyone, I'm Lizfaerie -Hi guys, I'm Joey -...And today we're going

to talk about the next livestream that we're going to be doing on the channel.

we're going to be continuing the last stream that we did. We're going to

continue making our Stevonnie doll that we started last week. Here's the finished

doll. Let me go show this to the camera. So here's the finished doll, as I showed you guys last week, the clothes are

all removable. Here's the outfit without the jacket. And you can use this pattern

to make both a Stevonnie and a Steven. And here's my Steven that I haven't

finished yet. we're going to be doing the next

stream on Sunday, Sunday the 11th at 4 o'clock Pacific Standard Time

thanks to all of you guys that joined us for the last stream -Yeah, thanks so much, we appreciate all the,

everyone that came in and watched our first live stream, ever -Yeah, and it...

-...and contributed in the chat. It was really nice hearing from you guys -Yeah. And it was our first live

stream so we're really glad that you guys were able to bear with it, to bear with

us through it. And there were a couple of mishaps, and I will get to that later in

the video. So in the last stream we watched a playlist of Steven Universe

episodes. We're gonna do the same thing in this next live stream, but this time

we're actually going to start from the very first episode and we're just gonna

watch all the episodes of the first season in order. So if you guys want to

join us with doing that then you can go and find the episodes in whatever place

you can find them in. I don't really know...Hulu or something like

that, I think they might be on. -Or yeah, possibly on Hulu or maybe the Cartoon Network app or something like that?

-Yeah, the Cartoon Network app has some of the episodes.

I'm not sure if it has all of the ones from the first season or not. -And then

I'm pretty sure that soon, if not already in your area, they've just released the

Steven Universe Season 1 on DVD I believe so -Yeah, yeah that's true. So if

you can find that, then that's even better. But we're going to, we... I

don't know if we'll be able to find it. We'll see if we

can find it. But if not, we'll just watch the digital copies that we already have.

So while we're watching the episodes, I'm gonna be continuing with the Stevonnie. I

already made the star shirt last week. So this next week we're going to continue

with making this coat. We've got the fur collar and some brown liner on a lighter

brown coat. We're also going to be making these shorts. These

are just denim blue and light blue shorts. And I'll be showing you how to

make the size for both the Stevonnie and the Steven. The one for the Stevonnie is

a little bit shorter at the waist, and a little bit bigger at the back. So I also

have this pair of flip-flops for the Steven. Maybe it would look better if I

put it on the Steven.

Okay, so if you guys joined us for the last livestream, you may have noticed

that there were a couple of mishaps with the pattern. What had happened was that I

actually had printed out a previous version, a rough draft version of the

pattern. So it had one row, one of the stitches in one of the rows was actually

incorrect. So I'll show you what I mean by that in a moment, but it basically

made it so that one side of the star is like, one side of the star is like jogged

over just a little bit at the very top. And it doesn't really look like

completely bad. Like, you could still use that version of it if you wanted to. But

the revised version just looks a lot cleaner. And I also did check to make

sure, just to make sure that it was in fact the rough draft pattern that was

incorrect and not the pattern that's, the version of the pattern that's on Ravelry

for sale. That version of the pattern is correct. So if you bought the pattern and

want to make the version that is listed on the pattern, that version is the one

that doesn't have like the weird jog over stitch. That was just in a previous

version of the pattern. So... so at the end of this next livestream, just so that if

you already made the shirt and you want to just keep what you already did, I'm gonna

make the shirt again, but I'll do it all the way at the end. Just so that we don't

have to redo the same exact thing that we did at the beginning of the first

livestream. So let me just show you guys real quick what I mean about the stitch

being jogged over, just to show you what the two different rows look like. So that

you can decide if you want to keep the old version, or if you want to keep the

new version that's correct with the pattern. Okay so here are the two

different versions of the pattern. The one on the right is the one that we made

during the first live stream and the one that Steven is actually wearing is the

correct version. You can maybe tell that the correct version is a little cleaner

of a star shape. And the row that's incorrect, you might already be able to

tell, is this row right here. This stitch is on the wrong side.

Basically, this one stitch here should be this... this stitch here should be yellow

and this stitch here should be red. So basically I just did this row backwards.

And the funny thing is that if you turn it around it's actually correct on the

wrong side of the shirt instead of on the right side. So if you had the

patience you could actually snip all of these and sew them in and it would be

correct on this side, but that would be a little difficult to do since all of

these tails are kind of short. But if you wanted to just keep this version of the

shirt it would still work, but you might want to... you might have to work a little

harder to outline the star correctly, to get it to have a really nice clean star

shape like how this one has. And if you missed the last stream then we're going

to remake that star shirt at the end of this stream so you can just follow along

and do the whole pattern this time. So you didn't really miss anything in that

case, so... -That was our pilot episode. Didn't exactly go as well as we'd hoped. -They never do.

-Right. -So, with that in mind, here's a few other things that you're going to need

for the revised version of the pattern. Some materials you'll need for this

project are: a crochet hook. I'll be using a size "E" (3.5 mm) for the entire project.

a pair of scissors a yarn needle some bobby pins or stitch markers to

keep track of your stitches I'll be using this light gray zipper for

Stevonnie's coat to make it functional. You don't have to do this if you don't want to.

I'll also be shortening the zipper to

three and a half inches, to make it the right size. If you're making a Stevonnie

doll, you'll need to make my realistic body doll tutorial. And if you're making

a Steven doll you'll need to make my basic doll tutorial.

For the Stevonnie doll's body I'm gonna use warm brown yarn from Red Heart Super Saver. And I'll use

black from Red Heart for her hair and eyes. For the Steven doll's body, I'll use

buff from Red Heart, and I'll use black for the hair and eyes for this doll too.

Remember, I'll be making the dolls ahead of time. So if you want to follow along,

you should make the dolls ahead too. I'll put a link to my basic and realistic

doll tutorials in the description below. To make their hair, I'll be using the

same techniques I used in my crochet curly hair video, and my curly yarn hair

tutorials. Those links will also be in the description below.

Some yarns you'll need for the doll costumes we'll be making during the

livestream are: red and golden yellow crochet thread for the star shirt and

denim blue and ice blue for the shorts these crochet threads are all from Loops

& Threads Woolike yarn. And for Stevonnie's coat, you'll need a light and dark

brown worsted weight yarn. I'm using toast from Red Heart Soft and chocolate

from Caron Simply Soft. And for the collar, I'm using Lion Brand Homespun

yarn in Hepplewhite. I forgot to add last time that you'll also need some pink gem

beads to make the dolls' gems. I'll put a link in the description to the gems I

used and to sew the beads on, I'll be using pink thread and a beading needle.

and of course if you want a written version of this pattern you can find one in my

Ravelry store. You can find the link in the description below, or click the link

at the top of the screen.

So, um, that's all that we're going to need for the pattern. So one more thing

that I wanted to tell you guys before we go. If you guys missed the stream while

it was broadcasting live, I'm gonna be uploading an edited version to the

channel in a couple of weeks, depending on how long it takes me to edit the

video. But if you want to see the full unedited stream, you can find that on

Patreon, at patreon dot com slash faerie rings. You can find that link in the

description below. And if you sign up for Patreon, then you'll also be eligible for

a discount on next month's livestream pattern. We're going to be making Alice

from Alice in Wonderland. So if you are interested in that, then go check out

Patreon. And I believe that's it. -And that's it...So... -So we'll see you guys on Sunday! -Hopefully we'll see you on Sunday! Okay, bye guys!

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