Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 10 2018

(Group Assignment)

We have a group assignment.

But they're not here again.

- Geez... / - Hello, Yunseung.

- Oh, you're a freshman. / - Yes.

Alright then.


- You should say hello to your... / - Hello.

Can you be a bit more bright?


Stop it. Stop it!


Hey, freshman.

Yes, Yunseung.

There should be some files in my locker.

Can you go get them?

My locker code is 4885.

Yes. 4887?



- Hurry back. / - Yes, alright.

- Yunseung. / - Yeah.

I remember up to 60.

What are you talking about?

There's no 6 or 0.

It's 4885.


- Is that too hard? / - No.

- Hurry back. / - Yes.


What's taking these guys so long?

Man, the indoor pool here is nice.

Hello, Yunseung.


Where were you? We have a group assignment.

I met my fiance's parents.

Dressed like that?

My fiance's mom likes to keep things casual.

What's that on your head?

It's a bouquet for my fiance's mom.

Hey, sit down.

- Yunseung. / - Yeah.

0000 didn't work.

There is no 0!

No 0 in the passcode!

Four zeroes?

Here. I'll write it down.


- Hurry back. / - Yes.

Wow, I'm always doing all the work.

When are the others getting here?


What are your plans for tomorrow?

- I need to find a new part-time job. / - Hey!

Do you take me for a fool?


Do you take him for a fool?

- You were late too. / - Yunseung.

Hold still.


Do you take him for a fool?

It's not like that...

Just stay out of this!

Hey! You'd better act right in front of him!


What the...

Yunseung, why are you down here?

Stand up.

It just happened...

Your clothes got all dirty.

Let me wipe this off.

- Look at this mess. / - But...

There. Nice and clean.

You look nice. Gosh...

This is nice and clean?

You look good.

You're the biggest problem here.

We can't work like this, guys.

We'll only get chewed out.

- Yunseung! / - Yeah.

I made a presentation.

- You made one? / - Yes.

You're the best, Huiryeong.

Let's all watch.

I'll start group 6's presentation on...

- Traditional Korean games. / - Why's it so blurry?

- Yes? / - Make it bolder.


- Among traditional Korean games... / - What is that?

What is that?

Why is he standing there so boldly?

I don't like Bonobono!

Don't get sulky.

Get rid of Bonobono.


No, no!

Just let him live!

Alright, fine!

Just get Bonobono out of there!


The first traditional Korean game is yut.

The yut scores are

do, gae, geol, yut

and Bo.

What? Hey!

It's not Bo. It's mo!

Stop showing Bonobono!


In yut, you can catch your opponent...

Not him again!

Or carry your own teammates.

Stop showing Bonobono!

Now there are two of them!

No more Bonobono!


Next is the Korean seesaw.

For Korean seesaw, people stand on each end...

- And jump. / - Hey...


Something just flashed by.


Show me the one on the right again.


Him. Him!

Why is Bonobono playing Korean seesaw?

Then should I have him hold the seesaw?

No! No!

Get rid of Bonobono!


Next is the pile driving game.

The outcome of the pile driving game

is determined by rock, scissors, Bonobono.

- Hey... / - That's when...

- Yes? / - Rock, paper, Bonobono?

And why is that one showing a seashell?

Who is that?

Why is Bonobono there?

No more Bonobono!


Next is ssireum.

In ssireum, two people try to trip each other...

- In a sand ring... / - Stop it!

Stop it now!

Stop this!

Why is he wearing Bonobono pants?

Then should I get rid of the pants?

No! No!


A blind date? Alright.

Yunseung, I have to go see my fiance's mother.

Don't go!

- Don't be ridiculous! / - Yunseung!

The passcode didn't work so I brought your locker.

It's 4885! 4885!

I hate group assignments!

For more infomation >> Group Assignment | 조별 과제 [Gag Concert / 2018.02.10] - Duration: 5:03.


Pigeon Magic Troupe 2 | 비둘기 마술단2 [Gag Concert / 2018.02.10] - Duration: 2:03.

(Pigeon Magic Troupe 2)

He's back again.

The Pigeon Magic Troupe brings you hope and dreams.

It's Mr. Gwon!

Hello, everyone.

I'm magician Gwon Jaegwan

of the Pigeon Magic Troupe.

Before I show you my big trick...

I'll show you a simple mind trick.

I'll show you right now.

Audience member up front.

Can you please stand up?



I have some animal photos.

Among these animals,

pick the one you like most.

Make sure I don't see it.

Just show the audience.

- Put it back here. / - Yes.

I'm not looking.

The animal...

You chose...


The rabbit.

No. I didn't pick the rabbit.

The animal...

You chose...

Is the rabbit.


I picked the tiger.

You all saw the tiger I picked.

Tiger? Like this one?

This? This?

I picked the rabbit.

- Applause! / - Applause!

For more infomation >> Pigeon Magic Troupe 2 | 비둘기 마술단2 [Gag Concert / 2018.02.10] - Duration: 2:03.


Countryside Love | 촌's Love [Gag Concert / 2018.02.10] - Duration: 4:27.

(Countryside Love)

Boy... This is tiring.

So tiring..

Hey, where were you?

Your TV wasn't working

so I stood outside holding the antenna.

With a friend like you,

I don't have to get married.

I won't get married either.


That girl from Seoul...

- She's so pretty. / - She's so pretty.


What's your deal?


You think a hick like you can be with a Seoul girl?

Why can we be together?

You don't even know the abbreviations

young people use.

I know all the abbreviations. Why wouldn't I?

- You know? / - I know!

What's F4F?

Do you know F4F?

You don't, do you?

You don't know.

I know F4F!

What is it? Tell me if you know!

What's F4F?

Delicious seafood stir-fry.

So you know.

I told you so!

If you want to eat it, don't ogle her.

You'd better not play dirty.


I left my pen at home.

Out of my way.

You need a pen? You need a pen?

Use it as a brush.

What the...

You cheater...

You're trying to get a girl with a brush?

I'll make it so you have no teeth to brush.

Get off me! Looks like a brush will get me married.

Brush, brush, brush, brush!

What's the use of having only a brush?

She needs ink.

Where is there ink now?

Use this to write.

You ogler!

You're trying to get a girl with ink?

- Ink. / - Oh, please!

- I'm getting married! / - I'm getting married!

- Let's go! / - Let's go!


Why are you both shouting?

- You! / - What's your deal?

Do you want to take part in this war too?

Things are going to get really ugly.

What are you talking about?

I'm not interested!

You guys getting married first...

This is...

- The way of life! / - That's right.

- So you know. / - We know.


Why is that girl out here again?

- No... / - This won't do.

Stand aside.

Look here!

I think you're younger than I am.

Do you take me for a fool?

Oh, geez...

Am I your friend? Well am I?

Starting today, you're my girlfriend!

- Get over here. / - Move it.

Get all this confetti out of here.

Friend? Friend?

♪ My friend, time sure has passed ♪

♪ We're both getting old together ♪

What are you doing, fool?

- What was that? / - What is this?

I'm drooling. I'm drooling!

I smell something delicious...

I got some soup on me.

- Lucky me. / - What the...

- Why would you eat that? / - You're eating a shirt!

- I can eat what I want! / - Hi, Minji.

You're coming today?


Is there a nice bar around here anywhere?

There's a tent bar downtown.

I have a tab there. Let's go.

No! The mart nearby makes the best grilled squid.

- That place is the best. / - Guys!

Don't you guys have any pride?

So what if this girl is looking for a nice bar?

- Why does it matter to you two? / - Right...

And you.

Why would you look for a nice bar here?


(Bartender Seo Dongwon)

Oh... I feel drunk...

On you.

Excuse me.

I'd like something different.

Your lips.

You win.

For more infomation >> Countryside Love | 촌's Love [Gag Concert / 2018.02.10] - Duration: 4:27.



For more infomation >> BABAMA SİGARA İÇTİM ŞAKASI!! (KORKUNÇ ŞAKA) - Duration: 7:37.


Rankings Outside the Rankings | 순위 밖 순위 [Gag Concert / 2018.02.10] - Duration: 3:40.

(Rankings Outside the Rankings)

Hello, viewers.

It's time to talk about rankings outside the rankings.

I'm not even in the ranking for male celebrities

that would make your heart race with one look.

I'm the man nobody wants to look at, Yang Seonil.


What do you say when your significant other

wants to borrow money?

That's why we looked into it.

Top 3 comments said when your significant other

asks to borrow money.


Let's break up.


Is this why you're dating me?


I told you not to invest in Bitcoin!

If you couldn't break up with someone because

you were afraid you'd never get your money back

should relate to this.

Unfortunately, these didn't make the top 3.

Comment said when your significant other

asks to borrow money. 65th!


Can I borrow some money?

Did you beat someone up again?


Honey, can I borrow some money?



The interest is 10% a year,

you need to put up collateral

and pay the entire sum at the set date.

Got it?



Honey, can I borrow $50?



Gosh, I'm such a swell guy.

You sure met a great boyfriend!


Honey, can I borrow some money?

- Honey. / - Yeah?

You have to win this time.


Honey, can I borrow some money?

This is only our first day as a couple.


Honey, can I borrow some money?

Just $2,000.

$2,000? What do you need all that for?

For cosmetic surgery.

That's not enough.

Here's $20,000. Let me get my housing deposit.

These aren't the only rankings outside the rankings.

Guys, some of you have younger sisters.

What do you say when you run into

your younger sister at the club?

That's why we looked into it.

Top 3 comments a guy says when he runs into

his little sister at the club.


Why would you show up here?


Why are you dancing?


Why are you pole dancing?

If you think the only club

for your sister is the fitness club,

you should relate to these.

Unfortunately, these didn't make the top 3.

What a guy says when he runs into

his little sister at the club. 56th!


There used to be pretty girls in Gangnam.


Come here.


Taehun! I'll never go clubbing again!

Did you eat the dumplings in the fridge?


Excuse me, would you like a drink...

Excuse me, how about a drink..

Excuse me, would you like a drink?


- Soyeong! / - Taehun!

I got you now! I'm telling mom.

Taehun, here's $50.

Enjoy your time here, miss.



Have we met before?

Let's get a drink.



Taehun! I'll never go clubbing again!


- I'm sorry... / - I told you if I caught you clubbing...

I'd shave your head!

Now I'm going to...

For more infomation >> Rankings Outside the Rankings | 순위 밖 순위 [Gag Concert / 2018.02.10] - Duration: 3:40.


DIY Ep 6: How To Make A Wall Hanging Sculpture | #WallhangingArt | Mahnoor Rizvi | YouTube. - Duration: 5:33.

Hey guys ! what's up my name is Mahnoor Rizvi and welcome back to my channel.

Today I am making a wall hanging sculpture that is made out of wire.

So, Stay tune with me through out the video I am gonna show you how it's done.

So, first step drawing.

As I am making an eagle or you can say a falcon sculpture.

I am doing the basic drawing .. I am not really adding that much details in it.

So, if you guys are gonna try this out then keep that in mind that it doesn't matter if

you draw basic drawing.

because wire itself add details.

For this DIY I am using copper wire, So, let's get started.

So, here I am placing the wire according to the drawing and I just wanna tell you guys

that it does look like a mess at first but trust me just keep working on that according

to the drawing and it will come in a shape you want.

Keep twisting the wire with one another

Have you guys noticed that every single wire is coming together.

Well that is because I am placing it according to what I have draw and also I am twisting

it with each other.

Alright guys our wall hanging sculpture is ready.

Now this part is completely optional as I want to hang it

on a white wall so, I am giving it a black spray color.

After it gets completely dry I add a crystal button on its eye as it does look more cool

like this.

Alright it is ready now to hang on a wall.

Alright guys If you like this video your friends might like it too so please help me out here

and share this to your friends, Also give this video a thumbs up, And don't forget to

hit the button subscribe.

And check out my main channel on YouTube Thank You!! for watching this video.

For more infomation >> DIY Ep 6: How To Make A Wall Hanging Sculpture | #WallhangingArt | Mahnoor Rizvi | YouTube. - Duration: 5:33.


【 MMD ll Bii ll Vietsub CC】 You can't hide from us - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> 【 MMD ll Bii ll Vietsub CC】 You can't hide from us - Duration: 3:37.


Wheels On The Bus | Junior Squad | Kindergarten Songs | Nursery Rhymes For Babies by Kids Tv - Duration: 2:25.

The wheels on the bus..

The wheels on the bus..

The wheels on the bus go round and round..

round and round round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round..

All through the town.

The people on the bus go side to side

Side to side, Side to side

The people on the bus go side to side

All through the town.

The engine on the bus goes vroom vroom vroom!

vroom vroom vroom, vroom vroom vroom....

The engine on the bus goes vroom vroom vroom!

All through the town.

The wheels on the bus..

The wheels on the bus..

The door on the bus comes open and shut.

Open and shut open and shut

The door on the bus comes open and shut.

All through the town.

The driver on the bus says sit on down..

Sit on down sit on down

The driver on the bus says sit on down..

All through the town.

The babies on the bus say uwah uwah uwah!

Uwah uwah uwah, uwah uwah uwah.

The babies on the bus say uwah uwah uwah!

All through the town.

The wheels on the bus..

The wheels on the bus..

The mommies and the daddies say I love you,

I love you I love you

The mommies and the daddies say I love you,

All through the town.

The wheels on the bus..

The wheels on the bus..

The wheels on the bus..

The wheels on the bus..

For more infomation >> Wheels On The Bus | Junior Squad | Kindergarten Songs | Nursery Rhymes For Babies by Kids Tv - Duration: 2:25.


Bongsunga School | 봉숭아학당 [Gag Concert / 2018.02.10] - Duration: 17:59.

(Bongsunga School)


I'm the teacher of Bongsunga School, Kim Daehui.

Let's get started with Bongsunga School!

Who's that?

What the...


Who are you?

Hello. I speak my mind.

I'm Park Eojun of "I'm a Hagfish."

Park Eojun?

So what brings you here?

Let's all speak our minds.

Many people leave their trash behind

at the movie theater

when they get popcorn and a soda.

That's true.

I should speak my mind to those people.

Let's boldly tell them!

Tell them what?

Can I eat the rest of that popcorn?

No? Then I'll just eat what you spilled.

What are you doing?

I didn't think they'd react like this.

This is based on a comic on current events.

He spoke his mind.

Comedy is really hard.

- You speak your mind. / - Teacher.

Please tell me now if you have something to say.

- Go sit down! / - Thank you!

He needs to change his character again.

What character will you be next episode?

I can't wait to see.

I'm moving to a different country next episode.

Now it's time for our bodies to become healthy.

Hello, everyone.

We will keep you all healthy.

We're the hut yoga team.

Not hot yoga. We're the hut yoga team.

If you just give us a minute,

you can have a healthy figure like us.

This is the first move.

This is a great move for students

that are still growing.

First, raise your arm to the sky.

- Then your leg. / - Raise, raise.

One more time. Extend the arms.

- Then your leg. / - Raise, raise.

Let's put it all together now.

5, 6, 7, 8.

- This is the hut body. / - Hut line.

But that was...

How is that yoga?

I'll show you the second move now.

The second move is good for

housewives that have to do

a lot of housework.

- First, stretch your sides. / - Extend.

- The other way. / - Extend.

- Breathe and once again. / - Extend.

- One last time. / - Extend.

Let's put it all together now.

5, 6, 7, 8.

- This is the hut body. / - Hut line.

Go sit down.

Everyone, I hope you all have a good night!

Next is Wu Eongjae!

- ♪ I'm back, back, back, back again ♪ / - Alright.

- Teacher. / - Yeah.

I drink burdock tea instead of barley tea.

I'm Wu Eongjae.

What is he always pointing at?

- Teacher. / - Yeah?

- There are those times. / - What times?

- There are those times. / - What do you mean?

♪ There are those times ♪

♪ When your mom seems satisfied at ♪

♪ A short haircut she got at the salon ♪

♪ But then my mom asked my dad ♪

♪ Who she looks like ♪

♪ And she's excited about his response ♪

♪ My dad saw my mom's hair and said ♪

♪ You look like your father, dear ♪

♪ My mom heard that and said ♪

♪ I'll kill you, boy ♪

♪ What my dad needs is two bags ♪

♪ Of money to cross the Styx ♪

I wonder how these two are doing.


I enjoy watching you two on

"Same Bed, Different Dreams."

Hello, I'm Songvely.

I love Korea and I love marriage.

Hello. I'm the goddess of China.

I'm Chunami.

- Chunam? / - Chunami.

How do you two spend your time alone?

We play a fun game.

Catch me if you can.

Chunam, catch me if you can!

Got you!

It's my turn now, Songvely.

Catch me if you can.

Stop chasing me!

Stop chasing me! Stop chasing me!

Stop chasing me! Stop chasing me!

You caught me! You're so fast!

Songvely, I'll give you a present.

Dang it...

Kissing me wasn't in the script.

You must be crazy!

If we both die,

I really wish you'd die first. I love you.

I love you.

- We'll go sit down. / - Alright.

Next is Twisty!

I'm Twisty!

I'm Twisty!

I know. Say hello since you're up here.

Not if you tell me to!

Then don't, fool!

I will since you told me not to.

Hello, everyone!

I always do the opposite!

Why did you get so twisted?

That's why the others won't hang out with you.

- They won't hang out with me. / - It's true.

That's why I brought this to have fun with them!

What do you need that tape for?

I'll use this to yank out their leg hairs!

Even picturing it sounds painful.

Don't do it! And don't do it on yourself.

- Don't do it on myself? / - Yeah.

Then I'll do it to myself!

Yeah, just do it on your leg hairs.

Do not do it on your sideburn right here.

- Don't do my sideburn? / - Yeah.

Then I'll do my sideburn!

Yeah, don't make it look real by taking your wig off

and putting it on your actual sideburn.

Don't take off my wig and do it on my real sideburn?

Then I'll take off my wig...

And do it on my real hair...

I'll put it on my real sideburn!

No, no.


I'll do it on my own sideburn!

Tear it off slowly.

Don't yank it off fast!

- Don't yank it off fast? / - Yeah, it hurts.

Then I'll yank it off fast!

Look at this! Look at this!

Look at this!

Alright, you did it for real. Alright.

Alright. All your other parts are fine...

But do not do it on your left arm pit!

Your left arm pit.

You're in big trouble if you do that!

Why do you seem so pleased?

- Don't do my left arm pit? / - Don't do it!

Then I'll do my left arm pit!

I'll do it on my left arm pit...

I'll do it on my left arm pit...

Get it from here...

- Right here... / - I'll do it on my own.

I'll do it on my left arm pit...

Don't press down so hard...

It doesn't look nice.

That's too...

I'll do it on my left arm pit!

Please! Please tear it off slowly!

Don't yank it off!

You must never yank it off!

Then I'll yank it off!

This is like waxing.

- Alright, you did it! / - I did it...

But you must never... You...

- You... / - Quiet.

Why are you so excited today?

You'd better not try to be funny

by putting tape all over your body

and asking the others to pull them off all at once.

If you do, you're in big trouble.

Don't do it.

I won't stand for that.

Don't ask the others for help?

Then I'll ask them for help!

- Help me! / - Alright!


This isn't right!

Why did I come up with this character?

Lift your head up.

You asked for help.

Why do you keep hitting my head?

Oh, no!

Hurry and do it.

1, 2...


I don't know where to rub first!

Teacher... But...

It hurts everywhere

but this area feels weird.

What are you saying?

Go sit down now.

- Goody-bye. / - What the...

Now you're all obedient.

Good work.

Next is the handsome Geunji!

Hello, teacher.

I have a cursed body.

I'm CB Ryu Geunji.

How are you cursed? You're in great shape.

- Teacher. / - Yeah.

When I look in the mirror...

- It's so hard. / - Why?

Even if I look into a full-length mirror,

my entire body won't fit because of my height.

If I want to see my entire body...

Hold on.

A bit more.

Now I can see all of myself!

I don't think you have to go that far back.

You seem really pleased.

Will you help me?

- What is that? / - That's enough!

I almost died.

Now you're even using the band?

I'm crying from being sad, teacher.


- Teacher. / - Yeah.

It's so hard for me to go to the gym these days.

Why is it hard to go to the gym?

When I go to the gym, people only stare at me.

How do you exercise? Why do they stare at you?

It's nothing special. I just...

Wear whatever like this...

And exercise like this.

The people all stare at me.

Hey, hey.

Of course they'd stare at you

if you exercise shirtless!

Oh, really?

I had no idea!

I think you knew.


I'm going to start working out today.


There are more people here than the gym.

Why would you do this here?

Teacher, this body of mine...

I hate it, I hate it.

- Go sit down. / - I hate you too, teacher!

Please focus. Next is...

A fun class! It's history!

That's so boring!

It is not boring!

Hello, teacher!

We're the fun-loving brothers.

The Fun Bros! Yes, baby!

So exciting, so exciting!

So exciting, so exciting!

Yes, baby. Just watching you guys is fun.

What will you talk about today?

Teacher, we'll show you how world history

doesn't have to be boring and it can be fun.


1596, "The Compendium of Materia Medica"

by Li Shizhen.

If you want more energy,

you must eat eel!

Where do I get eel in this cold winter?

- Eels are in the swamp! / - Where?

In the swamp!

♪ New face, new face ♪

♪ New, new, new face ♪

New face! Yeah!

So exciting, so exciting!

This is so hard!

Teacher, we'll show you how national history

doesn't have to be boring and it can be fun.


1792, Bak Jiwon's waterwheel.

The waterwheel.

This is a waterwheel that is turned

by the power of water.

How does this turn?

- Like this! / - How?

Like this!

My head hurts.

What are you doing? I'm right next to you.

What? You're next to us?

♪ Next to us, next to us ♪

♪ Right, right, right next to us ♪

This has been the Fun Bros!

So exciting, so exciting!

Alright, good work.

Next is Gangnam!

That's so weak for a man!

- Everyone say it. Man! / - Man!

- Louder! Man! / - Man!

- Man! / - Man!

I'm the strong man, Gangnam!

Kids these days are too weak like them.

I'm saying a man shouldn't be this weak.

Kids need to be powerful!

Look at this.

The "Baby on Board" sign.

- This sign is too weak. / - Weak!

This is why people just think it's a cute sign.

Make the face powerful!

Baby Jigsaw! BJ!


Make his eyes powerful!

Fiery eyes! FE!


Make his body powerful!

A buff baby. BB!

Shin Dosi, did you come down from the mountain?

I will survive. I will survive.

I will survive in nature!


I moved to the mountains to escape the city.

My surname is Shin and my name is Dosi.

Who are you?

I'm Shin Dosi.

Yes, Dosi.

How do you find drinking water on the mountain?

The clean water found in nature is great for you.

I try to find the water vein and if I find one,

you just start digging with a pickaxe.

Do you find underground water?

My back gets sore.

- Alright, go sit down. / - Before I do...

I brought something from the countryside.

- This is a gift. / - What is it?

- Try some. / - What is it?

You too, teacher.

This is rare stuff.

It smells savory.

It tastes savory too. What is this?

I made it myself...

- Is it sesame oil? / - It's my oil.

Alright, calm down.

The principal will be here soon.



People come first.

I am the 19th principal of Bongsunga School,

Moon Gyojang.

Recently, I recorded subway announcements

to donate my talents.

- Would you like to hear it? / - Yes.

This station is Sadang. Sadang Station.

Sadang comes first.

Sadang. Sadang comes first.

I love you.

It's graduation season these days.

There are many things to do during graduation.

First, a sad speech fwom the pwincipal.

A sad speech from the principal.

Taking photos with your pwofessors.

Taking photos with your professors.

Lastly, the awards for model student, best gwades,

impwoved gwades, perfect attendance,

and wegularity are given out.

The awards for model student, best grades,

improved grades... What came after that?

Awards for perfect attendance and

regularity are given out.

Dear, what award did you get as a student?

How about you, dear?

I love you.

Do any of the students here have any concerns?

- Me! / - Me!

CB Ryu Geunji.

These days, I keep exercising

but I won't get bigger.

What should I do?

That's when increasing the weights come first.

- Come on out! / - Increase the weights?

Alright, lift up the weights.

Wow... I don't think I can do this.

No, I'm going to break my back.

I think I'm going to break my back.

Pardon me.

Hold on...

- He's in trouble. / - Pardon me.

No, no, no.

It looks like his muscles are about to burst

and his face too!

Everyone, have a week filled with laughs.

Luck, luck, luck, luck!

For more infomation >> Bongsunga School | 봉숭아학당 [Gag Concert / 2018.02.10] - Duration: 17:59.


Mobile Man [Özkan Gül] Instagram Videos - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> Mobile Man [Özkan Gül] Instagram Videos - Duration: 10:16.


[Vietsub] R rated Harry Potter - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> [Vietsub] R rated Harry Potter - Duration: 4:59.


Tết Xa - Khắc Minh [ Lyric Video HD ] #FSRMusic - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Tết Xa - Khắc Minh [ Lyric Video HD ] #FSRMusic - Duration: 4:26.


We Need to Talk 1987 | 대화가 필요해 1987 [Gag Concert / 2018.02.10] - Duration: 6:37.

(We Need to Talk 1987)

Let's eat.

What's going on here?

Why is nobody home?


Dad, were you eating by yourself?


Come home on time to eat

when it's time for dinner, boy!

Look at the time!

I'm sorry, sir.


You're here too, Bongseon!

Bongseon, you're just fine. Don't worry.


I heard tomato juice is good for you

so I made some just for you.

How nice! Alright!

This is good for you!

Tomato juice!

Bongseon, you're the only one who looks after me.

How strange.

Other dads are usually really awkward with

their son's girlfriend.


You brat...

You can't compare my relationship with her

with other people!

Bongseon and I

are closer than family. Alright?

Bongseon, even if you marry Daehui later,

you're not my daughter-in-law.

You're just my daughter!

Thank you, sir.

Sure, sure.

Daehui, I like Bongseon a lot more than I like you.

I also like you a lot more than I like Daehui, sir.

- Bongseon. / - Yes?

Come on. What's with "sir?"

Just call me dad.


How nice!


- Ah. / - Oh, thank you.

That's delicious!

Oh, right.

I have to return a book to the library by today!

I forgot.

Come on, boy!

Get your head on straight!

He's out of his mind.


Are you two fine eating by yourselves?

What is it?

Is it awkward for you two without me around?


Not at all.

The two of us can have

a nice dinner together.

We're very close. Right?


This is great!

Yes, sir...

I'll be right back.

Let's eat.

- Sir... / - Bongseon...

- Sir... / - Bongseon...

You go first.

You go ahead, sir.


You go first.

You go ahead, sir.

- Sir... / - Bongseon...

Yeah, so anyway...

I was going to bring this up earlier.

Your necklace.


Did Daehui buy you that?

It looks like a cheap and lame design.

You call that a necklace?


I'll buy you a nice one

so just throw that in the trash right now.

My grandmother left this behind for me.

Let's eat.


I think you really look young for your age.

Oh, stop it.

I'm all wrinkly.


You have a lot of hair

so you look really young.

I wear a wig.

Let's eat.


Is Daehui home?

- Sejin! / - Sejin!


I'm so happy to see you, Sejin!

Sejin! So great to see you!

You sit here. Go on. Come on.

Yeah, it's so good that you came.


Sejin! Boy, how long has it been?

I was here yesterday.

Wow! You're back after a day?

You came right back.

You should just live here!

Eat up. Go ahead.

Dig in.

- Eat. / - I already ate.

- Eat again! Eat again! / - Okay...

- Eat again! / - Yes...

- Eat again... / - Alright, I'll eat.

So where's Daehui?

He went to the library.

Oh, the library?

I should get to the library too.

- Sejin! / - Sejin!

- How could you leave? / - Sejin!

Oh, no!

- Why'd he leave? / - He should eat with us!

Let's eat together!

Please join us!

Aren't you hungry?

Let's eat together!

Let's eat together!

Join us for dinner!

- Please! / - Join us!

Eat with us! Eat with us!

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