Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 10 2018

(Pigeon Magic Troupe 2)

He's back again.

The Pigeon Magic Troupe brings you hope and dreams.

It's Mr. Gwon!

Hello, everyone.

I'm magician Gwon Jaegwan

of the Pigeon Magic Troupe.

Before I show you my big trick...

I'll show you a simple mind trick.

I'll show you right now.

Audience member up front.

Can you please stand up?



I have some animal photos.

Among these animals,

pick the one you like most.

Make sure I don't see it.

Just show the audience.

- Put it back here. / - Yes.

I'm not looking.

The animal...

You chose...


The rabbit.

No. I didn't pick the rabbit.

The animal...

You chose...

Is the rabbit.


I picked the tiger.

You all saw the tiger I picked.

Tiger? Like this one?

This? This?

I picked the rabbit.

- Applause! / - Applause!

For more infomation >> Pigeon Magic Troupe 2 | 비둘기 마술단2 [Gag Concert / 2018.02.10] - Duration: 2:03.


Lethal Weapon Season 2 Promo "The 2018 Lethal Weapon Games" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Lethal Weapon Season 2 Promo "The 2018 Lethal Weapon Games" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:37.


Countryside Love | 촌's Love [Gag Concert / 2018.02.10] - Duration: 4:27.

(Countryside Love)

Boy... This is tiring.

So tiring..

Hey, where were you?

Your TV wasn't working

so I stood outside holding the antenna.

With a friend like you,

I don't have to get married.

I won't get married either.


That girl from Seoul...

- She's so pretty. / - She's so pretty.


What's your deal?


You think a hick like you can be with a Seoul girl?

Why can we be together?

You don't even know the abbreviations

young people use.

I know all the abbreviations. Why wouldn't I?

- You know? / - I know!

What's F4F?

Do you know F4F?

You don't, do you?

You don't know.

I know F4F!

What is it? Tell me if you know!

What's F4F?

Delicious seafood stir-fry.

So you know.

I told you so!

If you want to eat it, don't ogle her.

You'd better not play dirty.


I left my pen at home.

Out of my way.

You need a pen? You need a pen?

Use it as a brush.

What the...

You cheater...

You're trying to get a girl with a brush?

I'll make it so you have no teeth to brush.

Get off me! Looks like a brush will get me married.

Brush, brush, brush, brush!

What's the use of having only a brush?

She needs ink.

Where is there ink now?

Use this to write.

You ogler!

You're trying to get a girl with ink?

- Ink. / - Oh, please!

- I'm getting married! / - I'm getting married!

- Let's go! / - Let's go!


Why are you both shouting?

- You! / - What's your deal?

Do you want to take part in this war too?

Things are going to get really ugly.

What are you talking about?

I'm not interested!

You guys getting married first...

This is...

- The way of life! / - That's right.

- So you know. / - We know.


Why is that girl out here again?

- No... / - This won't do.

Stand aside.

Look here!

I think you're younger than I am.

Do you take me for a fool?

Oh, geez...

Am I your friend? Well am I?

Starting today, you're my girlfriend!

- Get over here. / - Move it.

Get all this confetti out of here.

Friend? Friend?

♪ My friend, time sure has passed ♪

♪ We're both getting old together ♪

What are you doing, fool?

- What was that? / - What is this?

I'm drooling. I'm drooling!

I smell something delicious...

I got some soup on me.

- Lucky me. / - What the...

- Why would you eat that? / - You're eating a shirt!

- I can eat what I want! / - Hi, Minji.

You're coming today?


Is there a nice bar around here anywhere?

There's a tent bar downtown.

I have a tab there. Let's go.

No! The mart nearby makes the best grilled squid.

- That place is the best. / - Guys!

Don't you guys have any pride?

So what if this girl is looking for a nice bar?

- Why does it matter to you two? / - Right...

And you.

Why would you look for a nice bar here?


(Bartender Seo Dongwon)

Oh... I feel drunk...

On you.

Excuse me.

I'd like something different.

Your lips.

You win.

For more infomation >> Countryside Love | 촌's Love [Gag Concert / 2018.02.10] - Duration: 4:27.



For more infomation >> BABAMA SİGARA İÇTİM ŞAKASI!! (KORKUNÇ ŞAKA) - Duration: 7:37.


Rankings Outside the Rankings | 순위 밖 순위 [Gag Concert / 2018.02.10] - Duration: 3:40.

(Rankings Outside the Rankings)

Hello, viewers.

It's time to talk about rankings outside the rankings.

I'm not even in the ranking for male celebrities

that would make your heart race with one look.

I'm the man nobody wants to look at, Yang Seonil.


What do you say when your significant other

wants to borrow money?

That's why we looked into it.

Top 3 comments said when your significant other

asks to borrow money.


Let's break up.


Is this why you're dating me?


I told you not to invest in Bitcoin!

If you couldn't break up with someone because

you were afraid you'd never get your money back

should relate to this.

Unfortunately, these didn't make the top 3.

Comment said when your significant other

asks to borrow money. 65th!


Can I borrow some money?

Did you beat someone up again?


Honey, can I borrow some money?



The interest is 10% a year,

you need to put up collateral

and pay the entire sum at the set date.

Got it?



Honey, can I borrow $50?



Gosh, I'm such a swell guy.

You sure met a great boyfriend!


Honey, can I borrow some money?

- Honey. / - Yeah?

You have to win this time.


Honey, can I borrow some money?

This is only our first day as a couple.


Honey, can I borrow some money?

Just $2,000.

$2,000? What do you need all that for?

For cosmetic surgery.

That's not enough.

Here's $20,000. Let me get my housing deposit.

These aren't the only rankings outside the rankings.

Guys, some of you have younger sisters.

What do you say when you run into

your younger sister at the club?

That's why we looked into it.

Top 3 comments a guy says when he runs into

his little sister at the club.


Why would you show up here?


Why are you dancing?


Why are you pole dancing?

If you think the only club

for your sister is the fitness club,

you should relate to these.

Unfortunately, these didn't make the top 3.

What a guy says when he runs into

his little sister at the club. 56th!


There used to be pretty girls in Gangnam.


Come here.


Taehun! I'll never go clubbing again!

Did you eat the dumplings in the fridge?


Excuse me, would you like a drink...

Excuse me, how about a drink..

Excuse me, would you like a drink?


- Soyeong! / - Taehun!

I got you now! I'm telling mom.

Taehun, here's $50.

Enjoy your time here, miss.



Have we met before?

Let's get a drink.



Taehun! I'll never go clubbing again!


- I'm sorry... / - I told you if I caught you clubbing...

I'd shave your head!

Now I'm going to...

For more infomation >> Rankings Outside the Rankings | 순위 밖 순위 [Gag Concert / 2018.02.10] - Duration: 3:40.


DIY Ep 6: How To Make A Wall Hanging Sculpture | #WallhangingArt | Mahnoor Rizvi | YouTube. - Duration: 5:33.

Hey guys ! what's up my name is Mahnoor Rizvi and welcome back to my channel.

Today I am making a wall hanging sculpture that is made out of wire.

So, Stay tune with me through out the video I am gonna show you how it's done.

So, first step drawing.

As I am making an eagle or you can say a falcon sculpture.

I am doing the basic drawing .. I am not really adding that much details in it.

So, if you guys are gonna try this out then keep that in mind that it doesn't matter if

you draw basic drawing.

because wire itself add details.

For this DIY I am using copper wire, So, let's get started.

So, here I am placing the wire according to the drawing and I just wanna tell you guys

that it does look like a mess at first but trust me just keep working on that according

to the drawing and it will come in a shape you want.

Keep twisting the wire with one another

Have you guys noticed that every single wire is coming together.

Well that is because I am placing it according to what I have draw and also I am twisting

it with each other.

Alright guys our wall hanging sculpture is ready.

Now this part is completely optional as I want to hang it

on a white wall so, I am giving it a black spray color.

After it gets completely dry I add a crystal button on its eye as it does look more cool

like this.

Alright it is ready now to hang on a wall.

Alright guys If you like this video your friends might like it too so please help me out here

and share this to your friends, Also give this video a thumbs up, And don't forget to

hit the button subscribe.

And check out my main channel on YouTube Thank You!! for watching this video.

For more infomation >> DIY Ep 6: How To Make A Wall Hanging Sculpture | #WallhangingArt | Mahnoor Rizvi | YouTube. - Duration: 5:33.


2 NAIL ART ST VALENTIN #2 * LISA BLABLA - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> 2 NAIL ART ST VALENTIN #2 * LISA BLABLA - Duration: 5:26.


How to Draw a Celtic Love Knot: Step by Step - Duration: 4:21.

Hi, Tom here, and in this video I'll show you a simple way to draw a double

Love Heart Celtic Knot...

The first step is to draw a square, on its side...

next draw a smaller square inside the first square, keep an even gap

between the two squares,

now draw a line the same thickness as this gap, between the two squares,

across the center,

next we can add a double line at right angles to this line that

we've just drawn, to make a cross within the square...

now we can erase the ends of the first double line that we drew

and from this double line at the top, on the left, we can continue these lines in

a semicircle to the left point of the square, so it matches up with the other

parallel lines; notice how the double line goes over and under,

we can now repeat this shape, another semicircle over and under on the left,

and again on the lower right, another semicircle, and again over and under,

and now we need one more semicircle on the top right, but this one

needs to be under, from the middle of the side of the square here, to over, as it

goes to the right hand point of our square, which is on its side,

now we can erase these guidelines, these little bits of lines that we no longer need,

the center cross needs the upright double line on top, so I'll just darken

this line and then erase the bits of the line that goes at right-angles

underneath it, the next step is to darken the lines and make them even, and now we

can add some tone, if you think of this Celtic Knot for a moment as roads and

bridges, you could add a graded tone to either

side of each bridge, there are seven bridges in total, I think,

there are also two hearts entwined...

once you have added the shading we can blend this shading with softer marks, so it's a

more gradual tone, for this drawing I'm using a 4B pencil, but I'm pressing down

quite firmly, so it can get very dark and then press down less firmly to make it

lighter and therefore you get a graded tone...

we could also darken the outside edges of all of the lines

and indeed, we could make the whole Celtic Knot even darker, if you want it

to look more solid and more dramatic,

so in this drawing we could add some color too...

I think I'll use a dark red pencil and add it to this Celtic Knot to make it

look even more dramatic, there are many ways that you could color in your

drawing or you could just leave it as a line drawing: I post a new video every

week on my youtube channel Circle Line Art School: Please subscribe now to stay up to date

with all the drawings that I make. If you'd like to learn more please visit

Thank you for watching and see you next time!

For more infomation >> How to Draw a Celtic Love Knot: Step by Step - Duration: 4:21.


【 MMD ll Bii ll Vietsub CC】 You can't hide from us - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> 【 MMD ll Bii ll Vietsub CC】 You can't hide from us - Duration: 3:37.


How To Apply Eyebrow Pencil For Beginners | Simple Professional Makeup Tips - Duration: 24:28.

Hi this video is about how to apply eyebrow pencil for beginners

my name is Melissa van Dijk and I'm a professional makeup artist and welcome

on my youtube channel and don't forget to hit the subscribe button underneath

to stay tuned for further videos and now without further ado let's get right into

this video when it comes to applying some products to your eyebrows and you

need to know how you can apply them correctly and you can also use normal

products which are already on the market for so long so you don't have to use

especially eyebrow products because you can get also cheaper ones and you might

have these already at home so I'm going to show you now step by step how you can

reach this goal but at first I like to show you what you will need to get your

eyebrows done so at first I will start with a brow and lash comb you can also

use a spoolie but it's totally up to you what you have at home on what you prefer

I'm going to use this side right here for my eyebrows then you will need a

brown eyeliner or just a normal eyeliner in your shade which matches with your

eyebrows so I have this one in a dark brown shade and the cooler the tone the

better your eyebrows will look afterwards so if you have like orangey

reddish brows then just keep it to this shade but if you have brownish blonde

brows then always make sure that you have a grayish undertone to it so that

it looks a little bit more ashier because this will give you a natural

look and if it looks too warm then it can look a little bit strange I'm going

to give you a swatch about an eye pencil that it's cold tone and an eye pencil

that's warm toned later on then you will need an angle brush and also some

concealer to clean up any mistakes which you will have

get later on if you are not sure how to do it and also an sharpener to get a sharp tip

to get also a nice job done I just swatched to shades on the back of

my hand so that you can see the difference so this one is a little bit

darker but it's a little cool toned and this one is more lighter and it also has

this earthly turn to it so it's a little bit more like a brownish orange shade so

I'm going to take this one right here but not that dark and this one will give

you a better look later on than this one so if it's cool toned if it has more

like a grayish and also if you can see the cold in it then this shade right

here is better for you and if you are using this one right here then it can

look unnatural and this is what I meant when it has a cool toned underneath and

if it has a warm turn on it so just keep this in mind and be careful if you are

using one of those shades for step number one you're going to take the lash

and brow comb or spoolie so it's totally up to you it will do the same thing and

brush through your brows so I'm going to choose this side right here and this

side is for the lashes so I'm going to take the brow side and I'm going to brush through my

brows so that they are in shape and then I can focus later on where I'm going to

just get the three points right so that I have the perfect brow shape later on

so it's really important that you can get them in shape so that you can brush

through them especially if you have applied the foundation also a little bit

on top of your browser so that you will see your actual color if you need to you

can also sharpen the tip of your eyeliner and it's so important that you

have a very pointy tip because then you can get also some hair so you can draw

on some hairs and it will give you also better lines and also a better finish so

this is also essential don't do it with just rounded tip because otherwise you

can just mess it up a little bit more for the next start we are going to

measure the three main points so that you know where your brow should start

where the arch is and where it ends and for that you're going to take your

angle brush the thinner the brush the better and your eyeliner well your brow pencil

and then you're going to measure at first where it starts so where your brow

should start for that you're going to hold the brush against your nostril

straight up so that it crosses your inner corner of your eye so like this

and as you can see my brow starts exactly where the brush is and also

where it belongs so that it just goes along the inner corner and now I'm going

to do a little dot right here so the dot just needs to be visible for

yourself so that you know where the brow should start now we are going to measure

where it should end and for that you are going to take the brush not where your

nose is right here but where the crack is so where you're winging exactly is so

like this and it should pass the other corner of your nose so I need to look

down so that I can see which will be for myself so like this so it should go

along the other corner of your eye this is where your brow should end.

so I just made the dot for myself so that I can see it later on you can't

just take concealer and just wipe it away so that you won't see it anymore

this is just your mapping out whether your brow shape should end, start and where the arch is

now when it comes to the arch you're going to hold the brush again

right here where the wing is and it should cross your pupil so I'm going to

look down so that I can see it for myself like this

and I'm going to do a dot right here even though it's now a little bit higher

the dot but I still know where I should do the arch now these are now the main

three points and now you can start to fill in and also create your brow shape

now step number three you are going to take your spoolie again or your

lash and brow comb and you're going to brush your hair brows down so that you

can start creating the shape for your brow but just well I'm not going to do

it in the front part the front part will be my last part well my last step and my

last part which I'm going to fill in so I'm going to focus on the middle and

onto the brow tail so I'm going to brush it hand downwards and now I can start to

create a line so this is where my arches and this is where it ends so I'm going

to start right here but still where my natural brow has are

so if you have very thin brows you can just over draw it a little bit but I

wouldn't do it too much because otherwise it look it will look fake so

we still want to keep it quite natural and if you have very thin brows then

don't overdraw too much because otherwise you will look a little awful I would say so I'm going

with my natural hairs I'm just going to define them a little bit more so I'm

going to create a straight line right here until the point of the arch now you

always can take your brown lash comb and brush it into your brow hairs so we want

we don't want to get a very strong line we just want to keep a shape to it

little strokes will be the best like this now we can move on to the end

so when I just draw my point on you I know towards the end of my brown

tail like this so we are going to create a shape and as

you can see this is now where I have no hairs but this is where my actual arch

should be so I'm just going to over draw it a little bit not too much and later

on we will do the other thing the lower part right here and then we'll brush the

hairs up but for the moment it will look a little bit strange but you always can

take your brush and broke home and spoolie to just fade the color a little bit

so and now we will move on to the next step

now for the next step we are going to focus on this line right here so now we

are going to brush up our hairs with the spoolie or brow&lash comb and we are

going to define the lower part too as we did on top so we are going to brush them

up and now because you know where the arch is you know exactly where you

should stop so I'm going to start kind of in the middle just before the first

three or four hairs which I have for now I'm just going to draw a line and I keep

the line straight so I'm not going to do a curve in it but I keep it straight and

straight so I'm going to start right here in my brow hairs

and then I always can take the coob again and brush the color into my brown

hair so that it isn't that hard anymore

straight line now we are going to focus on the tail and I'm going to match up

with the last hair which I have right here

you always can get the color mixed in with your natural hairs

and later on we can do a sharp point at the end but this is now my main point

where I'm going to focus later on we can map it out a little bit sharper but as

you know as long as you know where the brow should end this is the point where

you know that it's long enough or it's short enough so it depends on your eye

shape and also on how big your is but this is now good for me so I'm just going to keep it towards the end

you can go a little bit more intense at the end at the brow tail but just keep

it softer in the middle of your brows and especially in the front of your

brows so now we have created also a line on the lower part and now we can move on

to the next step now for the next step we are going to fill in our brow part

like the middle where your actual brow hairs are so I'm going to take the lash

&brow comb again and I'm just going to brush through them so that they

are in place and as you can see my brows are having a little bit of a different

shape so just you know this point right here because I'm going to cancel it out

later on with some concealer but this is still my point where I should be careful

and also be aware where my brow should end so now we can fill in the middle

part now we just can't take the eye brow pencil and just do little strokes and if

you need to like this area right here I'm going to fill it out a little bit

more just do little strokes

and then you will see that it would just create automatically a little bit more of a

sharper line right here now always take the brow and lash comb or a spoolie and

brush the color through your actual brow hairs so that they will mix in with

everything together so that it won't look that harsh just on one point and

now with my arch I'm just going to define my arch a little bit more because

there's where I'm missing some hairs

so now you can start filling in the areas where you need to and it looks a little bit

messy around but it also depends on how creamy your pencil is so if you have

a very stiff pencil then it won't look that smudgy but if you have a smoother pencil

like I have which I also prepare then it will really melts in with your actual

brow hairs which I personally really like

so now we have created a really nice brow tail

and now we can move on to the front part when it comes to the front part as you

can see I have my hairs which are going straight up so I'm going to follow the

same shape as they are but if you have like more fluffy hairs and they aren't

really in shape and later on I will share a tip with you how you can get

them in shape but for the moment I'm just going to take my eyebrow pencil and

I'm just going to follow and do little strokes like my hairs are in the front

so I'm just going to do a harsh line in the front because this will look

unnatural so just keep it well I'm doing my strokes to fill in the front area and

where you have spare areas you always can fill it in with the pencil and I'm

always going to use my brush and lash comb to get to the hairs and these will also

automatically fill in the areas where I need to use a little color so now for

this part right here today a little bit more over line I'm just going to

slightly really light-handed creating a line and I can brush with my

brush with my brow and lash comb through the hair so that it will look a little bit more even

and this is really good if you have a very soft and also creamy

eyebrow pencil because if you have a very stiff pencil then it won't mix

exactly like you want with your brow hairs so I really don't need to use that

much I just can't keep it very soft and just really light handle to brush

through my hair and if you need to you can also wiggle like you're with with

your mascara so that your eyebrow hairs are really coated with the eye pencil well

with the eyebrow pencil

like this and now we can move on to the final point and this is where you can

clean up any smudgeness around your eyebrows just that you can get a very

sharp eye brow look now when it comes to cleaning up your eyebrow well around

your eyebrow then you can take your angled brush which you used before to

map out where your brow should start and and where the arch is and you can take your

concealer so the concealer will cancel out any mistakes which you have done

or any smudgeness like I have around my eyes and you can also cancel out the points which

you have created so now I'm just going to dip in a little bit into the

concealer I can start cleaning my eyebrow shape so now that I know where

it should start and then where the art is I know where I should cancel it out

where there is too much so now let's start with this part right here so as you can see

it has smudged quite a lot because I also brush through my hair and I'm going

to clean up with the concealer and when it comes to clean the cleaning up with a

concealer always just use the back of your hand as kind of or just use a towel

or a tissue where it just can get rid of any color so that you want just mess up

the rest of eye makeup look or your face

now we can just sharpen also the end of the brown tail and don't use too much

concealer because otherwise you aren't able to blend it so if you have done

already your eye makeup and let's say it goes like this then don't use too much

concealer just work it into the skin as long as you can blend it out because if

you have used too much then you just need a little bit more space where you

can blend it out and if you have already your beautiful eye makeup on then you

aren't able to blend it out so this is what I like to suggest you now for

the brow tail I'm going to just use it exactly where just created the line

I'm also cancelling out the dots now with no product I'm just going to wipe the dot away

and then I like to use some concealer on top

to create a very sharp line right here

you can also use your finger to wipe it away

but you really need to focus on where you really need some concealer

now we can focus on the front part

so I'm not doing any curves I'm just keeping it straight and then I can turn

a brush to blend it into the skin

so just do this side again

like this now we can move on to the top part and there we'll do the same so I'm

going to really just focus on where I need to clean it up and with an angle

brush you are really able to focus and create a line as you did with the

eyebrow pencil and now I can turn the brush and blend it into the skin

now where the arch is I used to well I just use a little bit more eyebrow pencil on

the top where the arch is and I'm just going around it

so that I still have the area where I've filled in the missing part

so now for the front

now blend it out if you need to you can also use this part right here but I

haven't really smudge the front part right here so it's not really essential if I'm

going to use little bit of product right here but it's more like a brow tail which

was a little smudgy and then you still can go in with your brow and lash comb

and go once again through your brows and if you are happy with the shape then we

can move on to the last thing to keep your eyebrow hairs in place you can take

your spoolie or your brow and lash comb just wipe the product of it off so that you

have a clean one and you can take some hairspray and now you can just set them

with some hairspray and just brush through them so that they will stay in place

all day long so I'm just going to take some hairspray on the brow side right here

and now I can take my mirror and just brush through them so that they will

stay where I want them to stay so if you are very fluffy eyebrows and you really

will need to get this done and then they will also lay down

like this

and this is how you can just use a little bit of hairspray and get them set

for the rest of your day so you don't have to worry about that they are going

to just curl them back at the well where they just used to be and now they just

will stick well on another and then they won't move so now I have done also the

other eyebrow part and I filled them and as I said before step by step and also

the same way I filled this one in as I did on the other side and when it comes to

get them even and it takes practice and it also depends on if you want to

create for like a fake eyebrow and also an unnatural or if you want to

create a natural eyebrow so your face isn't symmetrical and for example this

eye also higher and this eyebrows are higher than this one on my face

personally so you always have to see what you want to create and your baby

won't see it until someone tells you that you have this eye higher or this

one looks a little bit different than this eye and so on so it's all about

getting it symmetrical is nearly impossible it's it's possible if you are

using or if you are spending a lot of time with your eyebrows but if you have

a lot like I have then you are happy with your eyebrows normally and you

don't exactly want to fill them in every time you're doing a makeup so it also

depends on how thin your eyebrows are if you have very thin eyebrows you always

can add more and you're a little bit more flexible on how you can create a

shape if you have thicker brows like I do then you just need to play with it

what you have because you don't want what I personally don't want to tweeze

around my personal eyebrow shape because I'm happy with the eyebrows hairs which

I have so I'm just going to twist a little bit on this part part here and in

the middle and then I'm done so it also depends on

how your eyebrow looks like when it's natural and how many hairs you have and

if you have thick or thin eyebrows so if your thin eyebrows or if you have shorter

eyebrows you can play around with so many different shapes if you have thick

eyebrows then you can tweeze them but I personally wouldn't do it because then

you always have to retweeze them a lot because you will see the growing hair

around eyebrow shape so that's what I can tell you what my experience and now

as you can see that I'm done with my eyebrows this is now the finished result

of it if you want you don't have to use an eyebrow pencil you can also use

powder or you just can use an eyebrow like gel and just brush them through it

so it's always what you prefer this is now how you can create eyebrows well

create our brows with eyebrow pencil and just hope that you like it I hope that

this tutorial was helpful for you and if you still have any questions then let me

know any comments section and don't forget to give it a thumbs up even

though it's on YouTube and share it if you feel that it's helpful for you and

try it at home and let me know if it works for you and if you wanted them

going a little bit more in depth and just let me know I can still do another

tutorial about it and thank you so much for watching and if you want to know how

to fill in your eyebrows with eye shadow or with them some brow powder this is

right here and if you want to subscribe to my channel this is right in the

corner thank you so much for supporting me and I will see you soon bye

For more infomation >> How To Apply Eyebrow Pencil For Beginners | Simple Professional Makeup Tips - Duration: 24:28.


German - Duration: 10:21.

For more infomation >> German - Duration: 10:21.


Wheels On The Bus | Junior Squad | Kindergarten Songs | Nursery Rhymes For Babies by Kids Tv - Duration: 2:25.

The wheels on the bus..

The wheels on the bus..

The wheels on the bus go round and round..

round and round round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round..

All through the town.

The people on the bus go side to side

Side to side, Side to side

The people on the bus go side to side

All through the town.

The engine on the bus goes vroom vroom vroom!

vroom vroom vroom, vroom vroom vroom....

The engine on the bus goes vroom vroom vroom!

All through the town.

The wheels on the bus..

The wheels on the bus..

The door on the bus comes open and shut.

Open and shut open and shut

The door on the bus comes open and shut.

All through the town.

The driver on the bus says sit on down..

Sit on down sit on down

The driver on the bus says sit on down..

All through the town.

The babies on the bus say uwah uwah uwah!

Uwah uwah uwah, uwah uwah uwah.

The babies on the bus say uwah uwah uwah!

All through the town.

The wheels on the bus..

The wheels on the bus..

The mommies and the daddies say I love you,

I love you I love you

The mommies and the daddies say I love you,

All through the town.

The wheels on the bus..

The wheels on the bus..

The wheels on the bus..

The wheels on the bus..

For more infomation >> Wheels On The Bus | Junior Squad | Kindergarten Songs | Nursery Rhymes For Babies by Kids Tv - Duration: 2:25.


Friends With BO | Teensplain - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Friends With BO | Teensplain - Duration: 3:08.


Momentary Home Shopping | 잠깐만 홈쇼핑 [Gag Concert / 2018.02.10] - Duration: 3:52.

(Momentary Home Shopping)


This is Momentary Home Shopping with Lee Munjae

and we'll start now.

The product I'd like to show you today

is a leather jacket.

We'll bring in Designer Yoo Minsang

and talk with you all.


- Hello. / - Hello.

- Hello. / - Hello.


- I'm the designer, Yoo Minsang. / - Nice to meet you.

- Hello. / - Good to be here.

Don't be surprised, people.

Our product

is made up of 100% natural cow hide.

That's right.

Take a look.

This cow was slaughtered to make that leather.

Hold on. Such sad eyes...

Her name was Big Eyes.

Why would you bring this up? It's so sad.

Please don't misunderstand. I'm an animal lover.

- That's why it's surprising! / - Yes...

Don't you all want one?

Please call now.

The number is 02-9189-9406...

1 plus tangent squared x is sequence squared x.

Isn't that the trigonometric function?

I love you, customer.

Operators are available from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Yes, you'd like to place an order?

It is 6 o'clock.


Take the order!

What's with that guy?

We'll cut to a quick commercial break.

My dad protects the world!

He gets rid of bad air

and makes the air clean!

What does your dad do?

He makes boilers.

Yoo Minsang's leather jacket.

How was that related?

That was completely irrelevant!

That's right.

And Yoo Minsang's leather jacket

is available in various colors and sizes.

Take a look.

We have black, coal and ink.

And as you can see...

We have large, L and big.

All 6 are the same jacket!

And that's not all, people.

Our product is worn by

one of the hottest celebrities right now.

Gosh! Who is it?

Take a look.

Oh, dear...

It looks great on him, doesn't it?

He is very hot these days...


You're that happy?

Well... What do you mean?

You can have this then.

No, that's not what I meant.

Take it.

What do I do with this now?

That's right.

And for our product,

the color will never fade even if it gets wet.

So now, I'll put our product in water.


Even if you put it in water...

- There's no problem. / - The color won't fade.


Take a look.

The color didn't fade at all.

But everything else changed.

Now we'd like to show you all

how our product fits on our model.



Hold on!

Why is he the model?

The back is torn open!

You tore the back!

That's right, our product is very functional.

It's even tough against fire.

Yes, because it's cow hide.

It won't go bad.

I smell meat!


What are you doing?

It's beef jerky!

It is not beef jerky!


Let's cut to a commercial break.

♪ Black bean instant noodles ♪

On Sunday, I'm the chef!

Yoo Minsang's leather jacket.

That was irrelevant!

That was...

Why are you laughing?

Don't you all want one, people?

Please call now.

This has been Yoo Minsang's pork wraps.

What are you talking about?

It's the best!

For more infomation >> Momentary Home Shopping | 잠깐만 홈쇼핑 [Gag Concert / 2018.02.10] - Duration: 3:52.


DeluCat Daily#15-Cram school/Tuition centre(Short animation) - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> DeluCat Daily#15-Cram school/Tuition centre(Short animation) - Duration: 6:21.


15 New Hairstyles For Girls Feb 2018 💇😱 Beautiful Hairstyles and Hair Color Transformation To Try - Duration: 10:24.

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