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First Date Idea And Second Date Advice for Generation Z and Millennial Daters in 2018 Episode 8 - Duration: 3:18.
I like to just you know jump. You know something very casual. A little romantic.
And the person is kind of weirded out I'm gonna wonder about you Cray A Dates
for new generation of daters. What rules out someone for second date? Part 2 -
Rachel Someone being really self-absorbed and
only talking about themselves and like obviously a really really bad
personality but mostly being self-absorbed because I've gone on some
dates with some guys and a whole time all they are is talking about themselves
they've done this they've gone here and they like this and like that they never
ask you what you like because at the end of the day why would you want to be with
someone that doesn't really want to know anything about you. So I really don't
want to know anything about them if they don't want to reciprocate so that really
narrows out a guy for me. Yeah I don't even text it back the next
day. That's a hard one. That's so hard. If somebody comes across I guess as absurdly obnoxious maybe if
they're in tank top. I don't know? I don't know you know, like okay wait this is a
bad answer because I'm trying to think
its so hard. Yeah, I would say just very obnoxious like if you're immediately put off by
somebody. I read you can tell within seven seconds whether or not you're
gonna hit it off with somebody but you know throw science aside give them like
ten seconds and see but yeah. an attitude I guess. What's a good place
for first date. Oh that's hard to say. I would say a good place for a first date
of something kind of casual. Definitely somewhere comfortable. I had a lot of very
interesting dates. Theme park is the way to go. Coffee shop. A lot of people like to go
to the movies. I would say something like museums, park. I like to just you know
jump in. I'm very adventurous person. Nothing so structured. It's not a lot of
pressure. Like a really cool museum. Quiet intimate. But you can also have a
lot of fun. A nice hideaway. Very casual and low key. That's a good that's a good place. Where
you can kind of sit . Get to know each other know on any level. Get to know each other's personality.
better. And talk . A little romantic. Get your adrenaline going. That's an ideal
first date. What's a bad place for a first date? That's really interesting one.
Somewhere loud. Overpriced coffee. It seems so generic. With a lot of
pressure. A fancy restaurant. School function. A no. Makes sense. Family picnic. It would be an
absolute no. A lot of people like to go to bars for their first meeting. To a club or something. If it goes bad. And the person is weirded out for some reason. I've never had a first date at bar for this very reason. Going to a movie. That's sure an easy. Not ideal not ideal at all. They don't have a chance to get to know someone.
To talk to the person that they came there to talk to.
I'm sitting next to you watching something else I'm not gonna pay attention. I think
it's sort of pointless for a first date to sit in a theater and not talk to
somebody. It's used as like a leeway. A really bad impression. I'm gonna wonder
about you. Cray Z Dates like, share, SUBSCRIBE
YouTube SchmoWind 2018 (Like Rewind, But Schmo) - Duration: 2:27.
faint, tender cellos
(faintly, inside prism) hey, hey, heeeeyyyyy
wassa, wassa, wassa, (repeating)
somebody touch'a my spaghet (bitconnect)
I think this marks a moment in YouTube history (sorry)
we'll probably just get all fat and sassy
eating tide pods…what's goin on, people?
the world's not the way it used to be, no no no
tide pods / I mean, I'm trippin balls (x2)
I shoulda put the cameras down / what am I gonna do?
touch my spaghet, mine too
we'll probably sit around, get fat and sassy
eat breat, get fat and sassy
cook some soups, get fat and sassy
just get all fat and sassy
sit around, get fat and sassy
eat desserts, get fat and sassy
cook some soups, get fat and sassy
just get all fat and sassy
no, no, no, no, no, no, no
what the heck is goin on, people?
no, no, no, no, no, no, no
use tide pods for washing--not eating
I'm pretty sure this has never happened, ever
I'm ashamed of myself and I promise to be better
the goal with my content is always to entertain
I don't expect to be forgivain (sorry)
launch a normal car in space
you can tell it's real because it looks so fake (distant sound of flat earthers gyrating wildly)
launch a normal car in space
he knows the way (THE WAAAAAAAY)
wassa wassa wassa (repeated ad infinitum)
BITCONNEEEEEECT (sorry, trippin balls)
BITCONNEEEEEEEEECT (no, no, fat and sassy)
BITCONNEEEEEEEEECT (echoes into the chasm of space)
before you have to up and go (before you go)
make sure to watch another episode (a video, yeah)
and you can get the track to (true)
if that's somethin that you'd like to do (WHOOO)
what a year it was! wait, what? it's not over?
in that case, let's find some new memes, stat
I'll bring the flashlight, you bring the magnifying glass
and send em our way, now HAVE A GREAT DAY AND A GREAT LIFE (echoes into the chasm of space)
Best way to download youtube videos, save youtube videos - Duration: 4:00.
Subscribe the channel for technology tricks and news
Pushkar Camel Fair | India's Coolest Festival? - Duration: 18:29.
What's up? You're watching Vagabrothers,
and for some reason we have mustaches.
That's because we're at the largest camel gathering in the world,
the Pushkar Camel Fair in Rajasthan, India.
Let's go.
Right now we are on the fairgrounds of the Pushkar Camel Festival.
This is one of the largest camel gatherings in the entire world.
It's also a holy Hindu pilgrimage site all mashed up into one.
It's going to be wild; it's going to be chaotic. Let's go.
I'm stoked to be back at the Pushkar Camel Festival.
I was here nine years ago
shortly after graduating college after traveling through India for a month.
This time we're coming back with a different mission.
Before I was just chilling, having fun, relaxing.
And now we're here to make a VR film.
We're going to be making a 360 video of this entire experience,
but first things first, we need to get into character.
There are tons of nomads who come throughout the whole desert.
It's a tribe called the Reika who are nomads.
They were originally the caretakers of the Maharajah's camels
and have lived for centuries in kind of a pastoral nomad tradition.
They all gather here once a year around the full moon, which is a holy day
It's a holy pilgrimage site; so basically everyone behind
this is buying and selling camels for the first week and then paying homage to Pushkar Lake,
which is a holy temple for Rama.
First things first, we've got to get dressed like the locals.
I know I've loved this beard for a long time,
but it's time for a change. I'm going full Rajasthani.
I want to look like Maharaja.
Gone? Yes, okay, just mustache. Yes.
You are like in paradise right now.
As he reclines into the seat,
you look so happy right there.
Is this good? Are you excited?
It's going to be a bittersweet moment.
Done yes, okay, just mustache yeah, thank you
All right well the transformation is complete.
I first rocked a mustache nine years ago when I came to India,
and all the locals were telling me that to get a mustache
like a Rajasthani, you just have to pull on the ends.
So I started doing it and that's kind of how my mustache grew for anyone else who is wondering.
But as I am rediscovering what it feels like to have a chin,
Alex's transformation is continuing behind me.
So Alex, how are you feeling?
Not excited, dude.
What is happening?
WTF is that? Extra.
He is giving me a forehead hand-job.
OMG. Your style, bro. Looks so funny.
You seriously look like a New Zealand Army officer from World War One
I can't see right now because my face is getting the most intense rub down of all time.
I have no idea what's happening right now.
So while the men are busy buying and selling camels on the outskirts of the city,
the women come in to the center of town
to the marketplace where they're basically buying local textiles, super colorful beautiful textiles, and
selling camel products to help support the family.
This is important because in recent years the nomadic pastoral lifestyle that they've enjoyed
for hundreds of years has been coming harder
National parks and private lands are encroaching on their grazing grounds
So they need to find a way to supplement the income,
and one of the ways to do is this.
They've also started selling female camels here at Pushkar,
which they never did before because they're necessary to keep the herd numbers high.
It's not a good sign, but hopefully they find a way to keep this lifestyle continuing in the future.
All right right now we are actually in the outskirts of the fair,
but this is where everybody's camped out.
This is where they bring all their animals, and it's kind of like a livestock show.
People are inspecting horses.
They have a special type of horse here called Marwadi,
and those were like warrior horses for the Maharajahs, back in the day.
This place is a giant carnival.
That little girl back there has the best sense of balance I've ever seen.
As we've mentioned Puskar is a holy city for Hindus.
It's one of the top five holy pilgrimage sites in all of India.
On these weeks pilgrims come from across India to bathe in the holy lake of Pushkar.
Basically, the reason they're bathing in this lake is because it's believed
that it's going to wash away all of their sins.
So like Mark said people come from all over Rajasthan,
all over India to come here during this special week
to basically cleanse themselves of all the bad deeds in the past.
We're going to go down to the Gots and show you more about that when we get there.
We were just in the middle of a VR shop,
and we were joined by a friendly local.
Out behind us is the lake at Pushkar.
This is what all of the event centers around.
The lake is considered holy to Hindus.
In Hindu mythology the creator of the universe, Brahma,
had a battle with a demon in which he killed the demon,
and three lotus petals fell down from his sword and
from those lotus petals sprouted this lake.
It's believed that bathing in the lake will wash away all of your sins
because during the festival all the gods come here.
They bless the devotees, and that's why you're seeing pilgrims coming from all over India.
It's all about bathing in the lake,
and so behind us is a got.
A got is an Indian...
basically like a step down to the water.
And it's where people bathe, both for cleaning themselves in rivers and doing laundry,
but in this case, it has a holy significance.
We're not supposed to get much closer than we are because we're respecting people's privacy.
You're not supposed to film people while they're bathing,
but behind us is where all the action's happening.
They also light candles, put them out on the lake,
and it's just generally an amazingly spiritual scene.
We're able to film the ceremony because it does not involve bathing.
It's a real treat to be able to be here
and to capture it on VR.
The experience is going to be surreal.
All right, yes, good morning.
Welcome back to day two at Pushkar.
It's just as hot, if not maybe a little bit hotter today,
but there's still plenty to explore.
We're going to be heading in kind of closer to the lake today.
We're going to be trying tons of food.
It's a lot of stuff going to happen.
Yeah, today is the Saturday of the festival.
Tomorrow is the last day.
A lot of the camel trading is wrapped up
and some of the camel herders have left town.
But the holy ceremony starts now.
Tomorrow will be the culmination of the religious event on the full moon.
We're just really soaking this all up.
It's a lot to take in, so let's go explore.
One thing I've learned about India is that all of the honking
it's actually like a form of echolocation and sonar.
Basically by honking you're letting people know that you're coming
so they don't walk down the middle of the street and get hit by you.
We are at the closing ceremonies.
There are musicians; there are camel racers;
There are people who are going to be carrying pots of water on their head,
and we're going to try to capture it in VR right now.
There are thousands of people in the stadium.
It's the most I've seen all week,
and we're going to finish this amazing festival with a bang.
It's been a wild couple of days.
When we showed up, a lot of the major competitions had already finished:
the longest mustache competition, the camel beauty contest,
but our good luck is that everything is kind of coming together here.
You've got the best mustache, the most beautiful camels.
Oh there they are. Hold up, we've got to go.
We've got to go take a look at the mustaches.
That is a mustache!
Your name? How much time?
15 years. How long?
Two meters.
Are you the winner this year? No.
Who's the winner?
Winner is not go. Oh wow.
But very good.
I'm not a big mustache person.
I was forced into making this mustache for Movember,
but these guys live Movember every month.
To be completely honest,
this entire festival has just been chaotic and insane.
There're just so many crazy things unfolding around you at all times,
but today is the culmination of the entire event.
It's closing ceremony. There're going to be camel races;
There're going to be strength competitions.
We've got the longest mustaches, potentially in the world here,
and we have plenty of camels who seem to be relatively friendly.
But then again you never really want to trust a camel
because I don't know what he's going to do to me right now.
Ahh. He's nice.
We haven't told you but all this sort of music here
is super typical of Rajasthan.
And little known fact, but gypsy or Roma people from Europe
supposedly originated from northwestern India a couple hundred years ago
You can see the roots, the resemblance.
It's kind of crazy, and it's really awesome.
All right ladies and...
All right ladies and
Let's do it. I'm going.
All right ladies ....[laughter]
Wait. Wait.
All right ladies and gentlemen, well that was the Pushkar Camel Festival.
Insane experience.
Definitely one for your bucket list.
If you enjoyed it as much as we did,
make sure you give a big thumbs -up,
share it with your friends, subscribe and turn
on notifications if you haven't already.
If you have not seen the VR film we made from Pushkar
or the ones we made from Rajasthan, Machu Picchu, and Venice Beach, California,
make sure you check those out.
We'll put links down below in the info box.
There's also a full series for Rajasthan.
In the meantime stay curious, keep exploring,
and we will see you on the road.
Peace. Namaste.
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Is there water in Africa?
-- What are you doing in Turkey? - I am schooling here. I am a student. I study in the department of business administration. I school in Mersin (a city in Turkey) . And I live with my parents.
-- How many years have you been here? -- Le'ts say 5 years. I have been here for 5 years.
Ehhh... I can say firmly that Turkish people really love black people. They have not done any harm to us and none of them have been against us. I think they are good people.
We had some problems when we were in high school. Some Turkish people stare at us weirdly and say "Look! There's a black person here". They also point fingers at us. We have lived through a lot but it's all good.
I have been in Turkey for 6 years and I am a primary school teacher.
Ermmmm... As a mixed race lady, I have not experienced any harm while living in Turkey. Just that Turkish people are very inquisitive.
There are very few mixed race and black people here in Turkey and because this is a new thing to them, they tend to stare at us a lot.
At first I wasn't really comfortable with it but now I no longer see it as a problem.
I have gained more self confidence over the years.
And talking about what difficulties I have faced? I haven't faced any.
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