Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 10 2018

Here we are, going far To save all that we love.

If we give what we've got, We will make it through.

Here we are like the sun, Shining bright on your world today - Make evil go away!

Code Lyoko - We will stand alone. Code Lyoko - Be there when you call

Code Lyoko - We will stand real tall Code Lyoko - Stronger after all!

It's been quite a time since I last came here.

Almost 2 months...

I... didn't had enough courage to come back here since... my father...

What am I doing here now...?

Home sweet home...

My bedroom...

Mr. Puck...

I used to play with him here... I...

Calm down, Aelita...

Who's going to change your diapers, Aelita? Who is it? It's daddy. Oh yes it is!

Oh honey, you're so wrong, daddy isn't.


New memories of my past!

He's so cute! How should I call him?

Thank you, mommy!


When Aelita and I get back from this little trip we have a lot to eat, it smells awesome, dear.



Why did you let me die?


Mom! - Aelita!

Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! MOMMY!!!!

Mommy! Mommy, no! Mommy!!




I knew I'd find you here.

You never came back here after what happened to your father. Are you okay?

XANA's back. This means my father died and it's my fault.

Stop with this nonsense, Aelita.

What? You think this is "nonsense"?

Well... of course! Your father, by putting himself in that situation, already knew he'd die. He saved us from XANA.

But if I run the program faster I would-- - BUT you tried to SAVE HIM!

Your father would be proud!

Come on now, smile! We have a trip to attend to!

Get hyped!

What was that question...? 3.4, no! 3.5... THE 3.6! The one about photosynthesis!

... which option was C!

Option A you mean. Photosynthesis occur in a celular level, not in a muscular one.

I'm going to fail.

Stop with that! - Why?

Because I didn't study!

And I'd rather not hear the right answers.

Who doesn't study for a Mrs. Hertz test?


Don't you say-- you study?!

Don't leave me on this boat alone, come on!

Odd, you just need to know by heart.

Good luck to make him study.

... if it was only at science, I don't even want to know his grade at History.

Be careful, the history teacher is difficult.

True, but we have a trip, our teacher wont do anything today.

It's working! The Skid's garage is being created!

I can't believe this!

It worked! Lets get started!

I actually recreated the Skid! What will you do now... XANA?

I'll deliver the tests! - Hey William sit next to me, I need help for this test!

Sit down! I'll give you some informations about this school trip as well reveal your grades on this last test.

Come on students, move. It rang 5 minutes ago, I'll start writting down your absense.

I need an advice about Yumi. - What do you mean? An advice?

Then don't get admired at the poorly grade you had, Ulrich!

I'm so... so... sorr-- wait... was it that bad?

You have 60 minutes to do the test. The first part has 4 questions and the second one 5.

I swear to you it will be a one-time only thing. I couldn't study because of Lyoko. - Yumi, I didn't study either!

Okay everyone pack your stuff, the bus is already waiting for us outside, except for you, Odd. You will remain here as your grade was the lowest in the whole class.

Uh.. but-but teacher I- I'll study for the next one, I promise!

Oh really? Like you said you'd study for this one? Sorry Odd but the answer is no.

So is everyone except me going? Ulrich had 49, what about him?!

49 is not 3.

Ugh, come on!

Wait, what's Odd doing there?

The usual, trying to get in, hidden.

You 3, move NOW! I'll count to 3 and then close the do-- but what the-Odd! What are you doing here?

I am here for the trip.

No, you aren't. I know you are forbidden.

And who's going to stop me? You?

You will go immediatly to your dorm, study history and when I get back from the trip we're going to tell Delmas

of your comment challenging my authority.

Ugh what's going on? For some oddly reason the bus isn't going any faster!

For more infomation >> CODE LYOKO - EP99 - In XANA's Claws - Duration: 25:42.


Stylish Tile at HGTV Dream Home 2018 - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Stylish Tile at HGTV Dream Home 2018 - Duration: 1:07.


Gloria Groove - Bumbum de Ouro (Clipe Oficial) REAÇÃO - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> Gloria Groove - Bumbum de Ouro (Clipe Oficial) REAÇÃO - Duration: 5:06.


Badshahat Ka Khatma | Manto ki Kahani, Agastya ki Zubani | Saadat Hasan Manto - Duration: 19:27.

Telephone bell rang.

Manmohan picked the receiver.

Said "Hello ...

Four Four Four Five Seven".

Thin voice came from the other side.

"Sorry... wrong number."

Manmohan put the receiver on cradle

and started reading the book.

He had read

this book for almost twenty times.

Not because there was a something special in it.

But the office was deserted.

For a week this office

was in possession of Manmohan.

Because the owner, who was his friend,

went out somewhere for a loan.

Since Manmohan had

had no place to live,

he had come to this office from the pavement.

He wanted only one thing in his life,

love of a woman.

"If I get love of a woman,

my life will change."

Friend used to say,

"You will not do the job even then".

Manmohan used to answer,

"Work? I will become a work by myself."

Friends used to say, "Then

start affair with someone".

And Manmohan used to answer.


I have no faith in affair

which begins from the side of man".

Lunch time was approaching.

Suddenly telephone rang.

He picked up the receiver and said


The same thin voice came from the other side

"Four Four Four Five Seven?"

Manmohan answered. "Yes".

The female voice asked.

"Who are you?"


Whom do you want to talk to?"

The lade voice answered, "With you."

Manmohan asked surprisingly, "With me?"

"Yes... with you...

any problem"?

Manmohan said uncomfortably, "No... Absolutely not".

There was silence

for a few seconds. Then Manmohan said,

"You wanted to talk to me?"

The voice said, "Yes."

"So say something."

"Do not understand what to say...

you say something from your end."

"I have told you my name.

I use to live in this office.

Earlier I used to sleep on the pavement. Now for a week,

I sleep on the big desk of this office."

The voice smiled.

"Did you sleep on the pavement under mosquito net?"

Manmohan laughed.

"Its long time that to sleep on pavement.

This office is in my possession for about a week.

Now I am comfortably here."

The voice smiled. "How come?"

Manmohan answered. "A book was found.

I read it for twenty times."

Voice laughed.

"You are quite an interesting guy."

Manmohan said.

"Thanks a lot."

The voice asked after a while.

"What is your 'shagal'?"


"I mean what do you do?"

"What do I do???


I wander all day long

and sleep here at night."

Voices asked. "Do you like this type of life?"

"I had never thought over it.

Since now you have asked,

so I am asking myself whether

I am happy with this life

or not?"

"Got the answer?"

Manmohan said,

"No... but I'm sure that such a life

must be good to me."

Voice laughed.

Manmohan said. "Your laugh is very soothing."

Voice said.

"Thank you!"

And disconnected phone.

Manmohan kept standing for a while with receiver in hand.

Then put it on cradle

with smiling face and left.

Next morning, at eight o'clock,

when Manmohan was sleeping at the office's big table,

telephone bell rang.

Taking the yawns he picked up the receiver.

Voice came from other side,

"Adab Arz Manmohan Sahib!"

"Adab Arz!" Manmohan was stunned.

"Oh, you... Adab Arz."

Voice came, "Are you asleep?"

"Yes... after coming here, my habit is changed.

If I go back on pavement,

it will be problematic for me.

"The voice smiled. "Why?"

"I had to wake up before 5 o'clock in the morning."

Voice laughed. Manmohan asked.

"Yesterday you suddenly disconnected the telephone."

Voice said,

"Why did you compliment my laughter?"

Manmohan said,

"How strange?

Should not one praise anything

that is beautiful?"

"Not at all."

"This condition you can't apply on me...

I have not allowed any condition

to prevail on me."

"You do not care about my wrath."

"Before that, I

do not want to offend myself...

If I do not praise you for your laughter

then my soul will hurt...

and my soul is a great love for me."

After a little silence, the voice came from the other side.

"Ok. Tell me about your hobbies."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... any job... any work...?"

Manmohan laughed.

"No work at all...

Although photography is bit of my hobby."

"Well ... then you should have a good camera?"

Manmohan laughed.

"I do not have my own camera.

I fulfil my hobby by hiring camera from my friends.

If I earn sometimes,

I have chosen a camera to buy."

Voices asked. "Which Camera?"

Manmohan replied.

"Egzakata. It's Reflex camera."

After some quiet the

voice came, "I was thinking something."


"You didn't ask my name or telephone number?"

"I did not feel asking for?"


"Whatever is your name,

it doesn't matter.

You know my number. That's all."

The voice smiled.

"You are weird man."

Manmohan also smiled.

"Yes... something like that."

A few seconds there was silence.

"You started thinking again?"

"Yes, I am not finding anything to talk to."

"So disconnect the telephone ...."

The voice became a bit harsh.

"You are so rude... Disconnect the telephone.

Ok. I'll disconnect it."

Manmohan also put the receiver

and smiled.

After half an hour when Manmohan was ready to go out,

again the telephone bell rang.

He picked up the receiver.

Voice came. "Mr. Manmohan?"

Manmohan answered. "Yes. Irshad?"

Voice smiled.

"The Irshad is that my anguish has gone away."

Manmohan said smiling.

"Great pleasure."

"While having breakfast I thought

that I shouldn't spoil you...

Had you had your breakfast?"

"I was about to go out when

you called up."

"Oh... then you go."

"No, I am not in hurry,

and today I do not even have money.

So I won't take breakfast today."

Voice asked.

"Should I send you a few bucks?"

Manmohan answered. "Send it.

You will also figure in

my list of lenders."

"Then I will not send."

"Your wish."

"I am disconnecting the phone."


Manmohan put the receiver,

smiled and left the office.

He came back

at ten o'clock at night.

Lying on table he started thinking.

"Who is this lady who calls him?"

The clock turned at eleven

and the telephone bell rang.

Manmohan received the call.


Voice came from other side.

"Mr. Manmohan."

"Yes... Manmohan... Irshad."

"The Irshad is that I tried a lot in the day.

Where were you?"

"I don't work. Still I go to work."

"What work?"


"When did you come back?"

"At ten o'clock."

"What had you been doing now?"

"Laying on the table was making

your picture with your voice."

"Made it?"

"No... couldn't."

"Do not try...

I'm pretty ugly."


if you are really ugly then disconnect the telephone.

I hate ugliness."

The voice smiled.

"Then I'm beautiful.

I do not want to create hatred in your heart."

After a little quietness

Manmohan asked,

"Started thinking again?"

Voice stunned.

"No... I was going to ask you that..."

"Think properly, before asking."

Voice laughed.

"Want to hear a song?"


Voice cleansed its throat.

Then a ghazal of Ghalib began.

There was a depth in the voice.

When Ghazal was over,

Manmohan said. "Excelent."

Voice said. "Thank you"

and disconnected telephone.

Now, laying on the big table of the office,

Manmohan resounded

Ghalib's ghazal for whole night.

Wake up early in the morning

and started waiting for telephone.

But the telephone bell

did not rang whole day.

At around seven o'clock in the evening,

when the bell rang, Manmohan lifted the receiver

and asked loudely. "Who?"

It was same voice. "Myself."

Manmohan's tone was tenacious.

"Where had you been so long?"

Voice said.


"I'm waiting since morning..."

The voice said.

"I'll make call whenever I wish..."

"I'll make call whenever I wish..."

Manmohan said in between.

"Look, stop this rubbish.

If you have to make call,

fix up timings.

I don't like waiting."

Voice smiled.

"I'm sorry for today.

The phone will come in the morning and evening from tomorrow."

"That's fine."

Voice laughed.

"I did not know you are so bad."

Manmohan smiled.

"Excuse me.

Waiting for me is very intolerable and I

start punishing myself."

"How come?"

"Your telephone did not rang in the morning...

and I remained frustrated the whole day."

The voice drowned in sympathy.

"I wish I could not make this mistake...

I intentionally did the telephone in the morning."


"Wanted to know,

if you wait?"

Manmohan laughed. "Excellent...

well disconnect phone now. I am going to have meal."

"How long will it be?"

"After half an hour."

Manmohan returned after half an hour,

and the phone rang.

They Kept talking till late.

Now every morning and evening, Manmohan received her call.

They used to talk for hours.

But never did Manmohan ask her telephone number

or name.

. In the beginning, he tried to draw

her picture on the screen of thoughts

with the help of her voice.

But now he was completely

into voice.

The voice was looks.

The voice was face. The voice was body.

The voice was heart.

The telephonic relationship continued for almost a month.

Then Manmohan came to know through letter from his friend

that loan was granted.

In seven-eight days, he is was about to reach Bombay.


read the letter

and became sad.

When telephone came, Manmohan told her

that 'Badshaht' of office

is left only for a few days.

She asked. "Why?"

Manmohan answered.

"The loan is sanctioned...

Now the office will start functioning."

"Do not have a telephone at your friend's house."

"There are many friends who have telephone at their home.

But I can't

give you their numbers."


"I don't want your voice to be heard

by any other person."


"I will be jealous."

She smiled.

"It is a big problem. Well...

on the last day when your 'Badshahat' will come to an end,

I'll give you my number."


Manmohan's sadness turned away.

He started waiting for the day when

his 'Badshahat' will come to an end in the office.

Next day when the telephone rang,

Manmohan told her.

"You said that on last day,

you would tell me your number."


"It means you will give me your address...

I will be able to see you."

"You can see me whenever you want... can see even today.

Anyway... I have got a gift for you."

Manmohan said in an emotive voice,

"What can be a bigger gift than meeting you?"

"I've bought an Edgacta camera for you."


"I'll give you on condition that

you will take my photo first."

Manmohan smiled.

"I'll decide on this condition

when we'll meet."

After a while she said,

"I will not telephone you tomorrow and day after."

Manmohan asked. "Why?"

"I'm going out with my loved ones.

I'll be absent for only two days. Sorry."

Despite hearing this, Manmohan stayed in the office whole day.

Next morning felt depressed.

He thought that the depression is

probably because her telephone will not come.

By noon he was more depressed.

In the evening, he felt pain in his chest.

Next day he was broke out in fever.

In unconsciousness of fever

he kept speaking to

the voice continuously.

In the evening, his condition worsened.

He looked at the clock.

He looked at the clock.

The strange voices in his ears were echoing.

Like thousands of telephonic speakers...

all around were voices.

When the real telephone bell rang,

his ears did not reach to it at first.

When heard the voice, he was stunned.

Woke up and went

to the telephone.

Trembling and taking support of the wall,

he lifted the receiver

and said, rejoicing his lips.


The girl from the other side said. "Hello ...


Manmohan's voice faltered. "Yes


"Speak up loud ..."

Manmohan wanted to say something.

But his voice dimmed.

Voice came. "I came back early...

I was trying your phone for long time... Where were you?"

Manmohan's head was moving.

The voice came,

"What has happened to you?"

Manmohan said with great difficulty,

"My 'Badshahat'

has come to an end today."

Blood came out of his mouth

and ran towards the neck

in form of a thin streak.

The sound came from other side. "Take note of my number...

Five Not Three One Four, Five Not Three One Four...

Call me in the morning."

By saying this, she put the receiver.

Manmohan fell by his face

on the telephone...

Blood came out of his mouth in form of bubbles and

his 'Badshahat' came to an end.

If you want to hear some more stories of Manto,

please like, subscribe, share and ring the bell

of this channel... and wait for

next week's notification...

Another story of Manto, with me...

For more infomation >> Badshahat Ka Khatma | Manto ki Kahani, Agastya ki Zubani | Saadat Hasan Manto - Duration: 19:27.


consegimos a saske uchija{naruto online} - Duration: 6:53.

For more infomation >> consegimos a saske uchija{naruto online} - Duration: 6:53.


Imra & Mon El SECRETS REVEALED? Amy Jackson Talks MAJOR News? -Supergirl Season 3 - Duration: 7:23.

he's do enough with her

I don't know

thank you being honest

I fell in love with you the first me and where I swear to you that I will always

be honest to you okay I I respect and love you this is more difficult than

anything I could have feather but we will work through it okay


I haven't been completely honest with you it was knew there was a risk when

brainy and I planned this mission what mission it's time for me to tell you the

truth about why we're really here

I can also have some very very exciting news with sense of Supergirl right

Lightning Lad cosmic boy an ultra boy are we

what is good YouTube Warstu Here with a video on Supergirl season 3 so as we

know Supergirl season 3 episode 13 ended with an epic scene of mono tellin satin

girl that he wasn't sure if he still was in love with Cara zor-el and then she

returned the favor by dropping an f-bomb on her by saying oh by the way in me and

brainy returned back to your old timeline for a mission that you don't

even know about and that's light left everyone with Supergirl conspiracy

theories and then we have Amy Jackson in the video just before this video started

dropping an f-bomb on their Instagram stories confirming that we're getting

some more lesion of superhero characters Lightning Lad who who she actually was

in a romantic relationship with in at the current boat comic books Saturn guy

is cosmic boy and ultra boy and the thing I find very interesting about this

is all the other Legion of super-heroes members so we've got brainy

we've got ma now we have Lightning Lad cosmic boy and altar boy they're all

boys why are you introducing more girls so is this to do with the secret mission

of why Saturn girl Emre actually returned to our timeline because she

knew in doing so he could fall for Cara again but what's actually the biggest

problem is halting is one l was the only one alive he had to wait Saturn go up

so if Saturn girl came back to do a secret mission without MA now knowing

it's a bit odd because ma now woke up first so there's a lot of conspiracy

theories going around but it's definitely confirmed that we are getting

some more Legionnaires more Legion of super-heroes being a Lightning Lad

cotton boy an ultra boy so the biggest theory going around the internet now is

to do with Saturn girl's sister is Saturn go sister the third world killer

and that is why they have returned to save Saturn girl's sister another thing

that's going into that is Sutton go sisters dead died in the future and that

is why she wants to return to the 20th 21st 20th century or our current

timeline 2018 I guess you could say that is why she wants to return to our

timeline to save her sister but I think it could

be more likely that it's connected to these other Legion of super-heroes

because when Mon L was talking to Cara earlier in the season he inferred that

he kind of had to had dealt with death but everything he said about the future

implied there was mass carnage of death in the future that like everything was

wrecked everything was destroyed and then he kind of reviewed revealed to

hang her john jones hank henshaw i guess you could say

martian manhunter that's it was a political relationship to reunite the

Earth's different planets so it's it's very interesting because it's hard to

see where the seasons going and then you have to factor in that we got to wait 12

weeks till the show can come back for so yes amy jackson has confirmed a massive

bombshell but what is his secret mission I think it's to do with these new

characters Lightning Lad cosmic boy all Troy but at the same time I do think

that in my sister if that is the case she could be a world killer there's a

theory going around that Lane and Luther could be a world killer because she's

adopted I don't really think that's the case but also there's another theory

well not theory just think that it's kind of strange that Kara zor-el has a

connections she had the nightmare dreams about rain she know what rain looked

like she had the nightmare dreams about purity and that's how they

figured out that purity was Julia but they haven't had any dreams about who

put Hess talents is so it would be quite funny if pestilence turned out to be

Saturn girl and I was thrown the f-bomb but if petals is actually Sango then

it's gonna be a bit misleading and why they said that she's returned a brainy

to do some secret mission that Monell didn't know about because Baron I'm on

our is in charge of the Legion of super-heroes he formed it because of

Supergirl and Supergirl is their hero I guess you could say so this video is

about a lot of different things but let me know guys what do you think this

secret mission is do you think it's been revealed do you think it's to bring

these Legion of superhero characters back to life do you think it's to save

Umrah sister who is a world killer or to bring her back to life which in theory

be messing the time up and mono seems wiser than Barry Allen because he goes

on about not being able to change the timeline because their DNA needs to be

kept intact in order to go back into the future but then there's rumors about the

Legion of super-heroes actually ending there kind of time in the show in

episode 17 which is pretty early soon as it's 23 episodes in this season or is it

the fact that him was actually secretly a world killer there's so much to talk

about guys but I don't know you super girl fans like to comment with your

theories down below so comment down below with all your theories about

everything I'm speaking about are you hyped about the details that Amy Jackson

has personally revealed on her Instagram anyway guys please like scrub and

comment I will be doing Supergirl videos throughout the whole break so don't

worry guys I've got lots of supergirls theories conspiracy videos coming up so

don't worry guys as Supergirl videos are going nowhere but we will be adding

legends or tomorrow back to the schedule as legends of tomorrow is gonna be

awesome with the mystery of malice because I've seen the problem with these

TV shows at the moment is super girls got more mystery than the flash the

flash is built around mysteries who is the first flash who resumed who sabotage

the only mystery we got in flash at the moment is who is mr. ego and everyone's

like mr. ego is confirmed it's confirmed to be dawn Allen's mystery girl

explained Easter Island no that's not the case well it could be so the masked

mystery is gonna be quite interested in legends tomorrow the reason I bring

enough as most people that watch Supergirl watch all the shows a live

please like subscribe and comment would be awesome join team Wall Street by

hitting the bell button now hello and I will catch you in the comment section

anyway guys I'll catch you in another video very soon


For more infomation >> Imra & Mon El SECRETS REVEALED? Amy Jackson Talks MAJOR News? -Supergirl Season 3 - Duration: 7:23.


সরাসরি আজকের সারাদিনের বাংলা খবর ১১ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 10:55.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সারাদিনের বাংলা খবর ১১ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 10:55.


Top 10 Shocking Attempts On The Queen's Life - Duration: 7:59.

Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing Channel on the Internet!

I am Rebecca Felgate and today we're back talking about good ol Queeny baby.

Now I love a good Queen, however there are some people out there that are not so into

the Monarchy, in fact they hate it so much that they have tried to actively sabotage


Join me as we talk about the Top 10 Shocking Attempts on the Queen's Life.

Before we get into this video, I just want to remind you guys that we have merch for

sale at Most Amazing

10 - Bombs at the Palace In the Second World War, the German Luftwaffe

bombed Buckingham Palace, home of the Queen and her family.

At the time, her father was king and she was in her late teens.

She was at home in the palace when a German bomb landed in the quadrangle of the palace.

Another bomb destroyed the on site chapel.

Luckily all family members survived, and the monarch's decision to stay in England throughout

the war won them favour with the public.

The Queen mother once said: "the children will not leave unless I do.

I shall not leave unless their father does, and the king will not leave the country in

any circumstances, whatever."

9 – The Michael Fagan Incident While I am not sure that we could factually

call this an attempt on the Queen's life, the Michael Fagan incident was definitely

a threat to her safety.

In 1982 Michael Fagan famously broke into Buckingham Palace and infiltrated the Queen's

bedroom in what was one of the biggest lapses in security at the palace in the 20th Century.

While he conceivably could have harmed the Queen, this didn't seem to be his intent.

His mother seemed to suggest he simply wanted to talk to the Queen, which may have been

the case.

Fagan was later committed to a psychiatric facility.

Next up, the Queen's life was in real jeopardy due to a case of mistaken identity at number


8 - Guard Nearly Shot Her The Queen is known for enjoying a stroll around

the palace ground, and often she does so when she can't sleep.

A former guard revealed how he nearly shot the Queen at 3am one morning when he mistook

her for an intruder.

The guard was about to fire when he saw the intruder none other than Her Majesty, the

Queen of England.

He told newspaper, TheTimes, he had responded by saying "bloody hell, Your Majesty, I

nearly shot you."

Apparently the Queen saw the funny side and retorted "That's quite all right.

Next time I'll ring through beforehand so you don't have to shoot me."

7 - The Mall Attack In 1981, as Queen Elizabeth II rode down the

Mall in London, a teenager fired 6 blanks shots at her and her horse.

The Queen was on route to the Trooping the Colour ceremony and was on here 19 year old

horse, Burmese, who was startled by the shots.

Luckily the Queen managed to bring her horse under control and avoided being thrown off,

as she could have been.

The 17 year old who fired the shots, Marcus Sarjeant, had failed stints in the army and


He sent a letter to Buckingham Palace prior to the incident telling the Queen not to go

to the ceremony as there was an assassin waiting to kill her.

The letter arrived three days after the incident.

Obviously, this is not quote the same as some of the other assassination attempts as he

did fire blanks, but he was clearly slightly crazed and had claimed he wanted to be famous.

So next up at number 6, we have a shocking threat against the Queen's great grandson….

How sick is that!

It seems that a lot of terrorist conversation happens on an app called Telegram – which

is like an encrypted messaging app.

One totally repugnant ISIS fanatic posted a picture of Prince George next to his school

in Battersea with a caption of School Starts Early.

Prince George is just 4 years old, so even a hint at a threat, let alone a fully-fledged

plot, is pretty abhorrent.

5 - Jihadi VJ Day Attempt In 2015, it was revealed that then UK Prime

Minister, David Cameron, had ordered the assassination of a British Jihadi in Syria after he directed

a plot to kill the Queen.

The Jihadi was killed by a RAF drone strike amid fears the terror attack was to take place

in the UK.

Allegedly, Khan was killed plotting to attack a VJ commemoration service in August of 2015.

4 – IRA Attempts Times were especially tense between the UK

and Ireland in the 1980s.

The IRA saw the British royal family as legitimate targets and had made threats surrounding her

silver Jubilee visit to Northern Ireland in 1977.

Despite her visit going without issue, a few years later in 1981 as the Queen visited the

Shetland Island to open the Sullom Voe Oil Terminal, a bomb was planted by the IRA.

Luckily for the Queen, no one was hurt when the 7lb device was detonated as it had not

detonated properly.

The incident at the time was passed off as an electrical fault and was much more serious

than authorities were prepared to admit in the 80s.

3 Dunedin Attack 1981 was a hard year for the Queen…as we

already know she was shot at on the Mall, but she faced a much more real threat in New

Zealand when another teenager used real bullets to try and shoot her with a .22 rifle.

As the Queen was on tour with her husband, Prince Philip, shots rang out near here motorcade.

The New Zealand Police hushed up the incident, but did place Christopher John Lewis, the

17 year old responsible, under arrest.

He had tried to shoot at the Queen and missed.

2 - ISIS Remembrance Day In 2014, Islamic terrorists were foiled in

a plot to assassinate the Queen on Remembrance Day.

Allegedly, conspirators were planning to stab the Queen as she laid a wreath to mark the

end of World War I.

The terrorists ranged between ages 19 to 27 and were on the receiving end of raids and

we arrested following the investigation.

The Queen still attended Remembrance Day services as usual.

1 - The Lithgow Plot The Lithgow plot was a credible and planned

out attack on the Queen and Prince Philip in Australia in 1970.

The perpetrators were Australian IRA sympathizers who planned to kill the Queen on her trip

to Sydney.

The conspirators rolled a large wooden log onto train tracks, in hope of derailing the

royal carriage the queen was travelling in.

Luckily for the monarch, the train was travelling at slow speeds when it came across the log,

meaning it was not derailed, although her journey was slowed significantly.

Had it been going faster, it would have smashed through an embankment and the Queen would

likely have been badly injured, if not killed.

So that was a pretty interesting trip down history's lane.

Who knew that the Queen's life has been on the line on so many occasions… it makes

her 91 years of life seem all the more incredible.

I know the monarchy isn't for everyone, but for me…I say long live the Queen…she's

just such a babe!

Let me know if you liked this video in the comments box and whether or not I should make

more Queen videos!

For now I have been your most amazing host, Rebecca Felgate….

For more infomation >> Top 10 Shocking Attempts On The Queen's Life - Duration: 7:59.


'DISCLOSURE' Is Vladimir Putin set to announce to the world - Duration: 4:05.

'DISCLOSURE' Is Vladimir Putin set to announce to the world that aliens are here on Earth

RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin could be the man to make world history by announcing

intelligent aliens exist and have visited Earth, a conspiracy theorist has claimed after

spending a week in Moscow calling on the Kremlin to acknowledge extraterrestrials.


The Paradigm Research Group (PRG) based in the US believes an unproven conspiracy theory

that world powers are concealing a massive secret that intelligent aliens regularly visit

Earth and work with governments under top-secret projects.

Steve Bassett, PRG founder, is the only registered lobbyist in the US on the issue of so-called

alien disclosure.

However, he does not believe Donald Trump is the man to tell the world the truth and

headed to Russia to try to push for Mr Putin to take the lead.

US citizen, Mr Bassett, spent a week in Russia trying to convince Mr Putin of the importance

of lifting an alleged "truth embargo" that he claims stops world leaders telling the

public the truth about aliens.

Mr Bassett believes the alleged embargo has been in place since at least 1947 when a flying

saucer allegedly crash landed at Roswell, New Mexico.

He was interviewed for a Russian documentary during his visit, and has now released unedited

clips from the interview.

Mr Bassett told REN TV: "I have specifically brought up my intrigue as to why Putin did

not take this legacy in the 26 years since the end of the Cold War and make the announcement

to be the disclosure president.

"I sort of understand, but given that the nation and head of state that makes the first

official confirmation of the ET presence, that nation will immediately move to the centre

of the stage.

"In the view of the people it will be elevated to an incredible stature as the bringer of

the most profound thing ever, it is an incredible opportunity.

"If I had two minutes with Putin, my only question would be why do you not tell people

about the ET presence.

I believe Vladimir Putin is well aware of the ET presence."

While in Moscow, Mr Bassett also held meetings with a number of groups addressing alleged

extraterrestrial phenomena in Russia.

These groups included a number of former Soviet and Russian military and agency officials.

Mr Bassett said: "There has always been a considerable, open engagement of extraterrestrial

related phenomena within Russia and the Soviet Union by the public and the government."

A PRG statement said: "In the full interview held at REN TV's studio Bassett covered a

broad range of topics including various considerations that might prompt Russian President Vladimir

Putin to make the first formal acknowledgment by a head of state regarding an extraterrestrial

presence engaging the human race.

"In this regard the interview was unprecedented as it is the first time anyone has made this

argument on Russian media inside or outside Russia.

"PRG has repeatedly stated in American media that Vladimir Putin is the most likely head

of state at this time to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence and provide new

evidence from Russian military sources to back up the announcement.

"Should that happen the geopolitical consequences for the United States would be considerable."

For additional information see video clips from the article link below in our description.

For more infomation >> 'DISCLOSURE' Is Vladimir Putin set to announce to the world - Duration: 4:05.


Cameras - Duration: 0:43.

There are several types of cameras

This camera look nice!

I like camera because they all make you look different

I like camera because they all make me look different

I like to look different on different cameras



Ouuuu, this camera is different!



Cameras, Camera!

For more infomation >> Cameras - Duration: 0:43.


Rocket League - NOVA SEASON !! - Duration: 2:14:00.

For more infomation >> Rocket League - NOVA SEASON !! - Duration: 2:14:00.


How Do Skiers Win Races? - Duration: 2:41.

The 2018 Winter Olympics is bringing together top athletes from 89 nations, and alpine skiing

is one of its signature sports.

All athletes do what they can to get an edge, but for alpine skiers, even the tiniest edge

counts because these races can be won by one one hundredth of a second.

And sometimes, it all comes down to the right wax.

To maximize their speed, skiers want to have as little friction as possible between their

skis and the surface they're skiing on.

Ski wax—which looks, feels, and melts a lot like candle wax—makes this possible.

When you melt wax onto ski bases, they absorb it like a sponge.

As a skier skis, this wax gradually leaks out, providing a slippery layer between them

and the snow.

Seems simple enough.

The hard part is picking the right wax, because the conditions for every race are different.

Everything from the day's temperature and humidity to the wetness of the snow matters.

The term 'wetness' refers to the snow ratio: the ratio of snow crystals to liquid

water in a given volume of snow.

Snow that's considered "wet" has a low ratio of around 10 to 1: meaning for every

10 centimeters of snow, you get one centimeter of liquid water,

which helps the flakes stick together.

Dry snow has a higher ratio, like 20 or 30 to 1, so it's light and powdery.

The closer the temperature is to 0 degrees Celsius when the snow falls, the wetter it is.

And wet snow can stick to the skis, creating a kind of suction effect that slows them down.

To combat that, racers use a softer wax made up of more fluorocarbons, short carbon chains

containing fluorine, which repel water better.

When the snow is dry, its crystals can penetrate the bottoms of the skis, messing with how

the ski glides.

So in dry snow conditions, skiers use a wax that's even harder than the crystallized

water thanks to a greater proportion of hydrocarbons—long chains of carbon atoms bonded to hydrogens.

But it still isn't as simple as choosing one or the other.

These waxes come in slightly different formulations for different temperature ranges, and they

can be layered to create the perfect combination.

So there's no miracle wax that's the fastest every time.

A better wax selection for the day's conditions can't make up for a bobble, though—that's

racer speak for a mistake.

But if a race comes down to hundredths of a second, a solid understanding of the physics

of wax and friction could win the day.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, brought to you by our patrons on Patreon.

If you want to help us pick questions like this to answer and get access to some cool

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For more infomation >> How Do Skiers Win Races? - Duration: 2:41.


81-year-old ailing US citizen ordered back to Iranian prison - Duration: 7:38.

For more infomation >> 81-year-old ailing US citizen ordered back to Iranian prison - Duration: 7:38.


sister nike shoe crush feet stomp stand full weight {4K} - Duration: 0:19.

sister nike shoe crush feet stomp stand full weight {4K}

For more infomation >> sister nike shoe crush feet stomp stand full weight {4K} - Duration: 0:19.


Dem senator criticizes Pence for not standing for Korean team at Olympics - Duration: 2:16.

Dem senator criticizes Pence for not standing for Korean team at Olympics.

Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy (Conn.) on Saturday criticized Vice President Pence after news

outlets reported that Pence refused to stand for the entrance of the combined Korea team

at the 2018 Winter Olympics opening ceremony.

In a tweet, Murphy likened Pence's refusal to stand for the team representing athletes

from both North and South Korea to both Pence and President Trump's opposition to NFL players

taking a knee during the national anthem before football games.

"Why does Pence hate the opening ceremonies?

Oh wait...he's a using ceremony at a sporting event to protest something else.

Where have I seen that before?"

Murphy tweeted.

Pence left an Indianapolis Colts game that he was attending last year after players from

the opposing San Francisco 49ers knelt in protest during the national anthem.

His departure sparked criticism from NFL players and Democrats.

"I left today's Colts game because President Trump and I will not dignify any event that

disrespects our soldiers, our Flag, or our National Anthem," Pence said in a statement

at the time.

"At a time when so many Americans are inspiring our nation with their courage, resolve, and

resilience, now, more than ever, we should rally around our Flag and everything that

unites us."

Trump sparked a feud with the football league in September when he called on NFL team owners

to fire players who protested during the anthem, a move that triggered dozens more protests

from players across the country.

The 2018 Winter Olympics, held in Pyeongchang, South Korea, have sparked a new wave of cooperation

between North and South Korea, prompting the two countries to sponsor a joint Olympics

team for the first time.

Cooperation brought on by the Olympic Games has also reportedly triggered the first invitation

from North Korea for diplomatic talks between the two nations in more than a decade.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Dem senator criticizes Pence for not standing for Korean team at Olympics - Duration: 2:16.



hi guys welcome back to my channel so today I'm going to show you how to

completely change your look and make you look so much more awake with 3 steps

that will literally take you maybe two minutes it completely changes my whole

look every time I do it and I don't know why I don't do it but usually I'm just

lazy obviously so I'm gonna do that right now I'm gonna just jump into this

video but before I do don't forget to subscribe to my channel like this video

and go like me go follow me on Instagram I'm gonna be doing a huge 10k giveaway

when I get to that so if you subscribe to my youtube follow me on Instagram and

also tag me in your Instagram store you'll be entered the re extra time so

that is awesome yeah so go do that yes alright so let's just jump into this

video so it all has to do with the eyes so I'm just gonna show you one eye at a

time just to show you so first step is just to grab your bronzer I'm gonna use

the NARS Laguna bronzer just cuz that's what I have which sadly fell alright so

I'm just gonna take a little lending brush and I'm just going to do a just

little warm crease in my eye it doesn't have to be dramatic or

anything it's just gonna warm up that eye again nothing major and that's

literally it that's ugh what ten seconds and then I'm

gonna take this a little pencil brush and just dip it into that bronzer and go

against my lash line

and I like to smoke it out just a touch look at the difference already and then

what I like to do is take some highlighter I'm going to use the white

one and then you first put it in your brow and then your inner corner and I

like to bring it down kind of in my lower lashline just a touch and then one

last step you take some mascara I like to use the Maybelline total sanitation

and that's it look how much more awake and amazing your eyes look I'm gonna

quickly go ahead and do the other eyes so I can show you the handsome so this

is the final look so you can see how just those three steps have just like

completely trance transform my face and all just with bronzer highlighter and

mascara voila you don't even need a shadow

completely different look so that is just amazing so I thought I would just

do this video for you really quick I hope you enjoyed it again don't forget

to like this video and subscribe to my channel go follow me on Instagram thank

you guys so much for watching na

For more infomation >> 3 STEP LIFE CHANGING MAKEUP - Duration: 3:57.


Video: Street flooding expected from heavy downpours - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Video: Street flooding expected from heavy downpours - Duration: 2:49.


We Do "Anti" Valentine's Day Makeup 💄👻💁🏻 - Duration: 9:47.

- Hey NaturallyCurly world, I'm Grace.

- And I'm April.

- And today, April is gonna be doing

my anti-Valentine's Day makeup.

- So today is about love,

except the opposite of love.

And as we all know, the opposite of love

is actually not hate, it's apathy, it's blankness.

No emotion, so what I'm gonna do with Gracie today

is I'm gonna take all traces of life and love

and passion out of her and we are gonna make her look

like the apathetic, uncaring, unloving spirit

that I know she truly is because I am projecting.

- Deep down, I just don't care.

And that's what Valentine's Day is all about,

ladies and gentlemen.

- So right now we're gonna make you nice and matte.

We're not gonna do any sort of shine whatsoever

because we don't want light, we want dullness,

we want stillness, we want stagnation.

And we are just gonna go to town here.

(sneezing) - Sorry.

- God, Grace.

My goal here is to be the vampire that's creating the ghoul.

- Yeah, I'm already a vampire so now I get to experience

being a ghoul.

- She's already dead; she's been dead the whole time.

Oh my God, it's the sixth sense all over again.

- Everything about my personality makes sense now, internet.

♪ I'm a cool ghoul, I'm a, I'm a cool ghoul ♪

- [April] Blank.

- Canvas, all yours.

I'm not scared.

I'm not scared.

- Now the real work begins my protege.

Give into the dark side.

- Jesus Christ.

- Give in to your anti-feelings.

Next is we're gonna give you some contour

so we're gonna suck out these cheekbones.

- I mean, I already have great cheekbones.

- I'm gonna do a combo of these two guys

cause Grace is warm but the whole object

of this game is to make her nice and cool.

We're gonna make her look like she just came out of a swamp

and doesn't even know what love is.

- I mean, I look like that every morning

when I wake up anyways so maybe I just should have shot that

this morning but it's fine.

I'll look like that but glam now, right?

- Exactly, you'll look like that but glam.

- Cool.

- Like you but better.

- Yeah.

- Alright, so right along here

sweeping it in.

- What's that, why is it green?

- So this, it's green because you're a witch.

- But it's Valentine's Day not Halloween.

- First of all, Valentine's Day is just second Halloween.

It's Heart-A- Ween, basically.

- Oh, God.

- Now your inside is gonna match your outside.

You knew what this was, you knew what this was.

- I really didn't

- She's gonna come in here acting brand new

like she didn't know I was crazy.

- That's fair.

- Exactly.

- Oh God, oh God.

- We're not gonna streak, we're just gonna dot.

The aim is not to make her actually green.

We just wanna make her look a little sick by Grace standards

- Like I thought I was gonna look cute after this.

- Oh sweetie.


- I was like, oh it'll be like a cute look

that people can try at home.

- Aww, adorable.

Adorable, so innocent, so sweet.

We're gonna get rid of that.

So what we're gonna use right now is my Loreal

in Dark Slate.

This is all gonna be a bit subtle, we don't want her

to look super Halloween-y as much as I would love to do that

we want her to look just a little bit, double-take.

(chill music)

And then see, once we put her bottom lashes on,

- Bottom lashes? You're putting bottom lashes on me?

- Girl, yes.

- I've never worn bottom lashes before.

- Oh my God!

We are gonna prime her up with

Urban Decay's Eyeshadow Primer Potion.

(chill music)

- I figured I would try something different.

Usually, I go for lighter, brighter looks

so I figured, you know, it's Valentine's Day.

- Oh yeah, that's nice.

- It looked very dark but it's fine, it's fine.

- It is fine.

See the cool thing about doing experimental looks

is that if they come out asymmetrical,

I'm just like that's part of the experiment.

Just enjoy the ride.

- It's art.

- It's not about the journey.

I'm gonna reach back into my BH Cosmetics.

I think we're gonna go with this

nice navy-ish, cobalt-ish shade.

- That's so dark. Oh God.

- Shh. - Oh God.

I would never put a color this dark on my face, oh no.

- Oh baby, oh baby Gracie.

(chill music)

- Eyeliner.

I don't think I've ever put this much dark stuff

on my eyes, usually it's like a tiny little sweep.

- Ha.

It's so cute, you guys, what she thought

that this was gonna be.

- I don't know why I thought that.

- It's like she hasn't met me.

- I was just being optimistic.

- Okay.


- Oh great, we're just adding red to the blue bruise eye.

- Yep, we are just gonna give you a nice little wing here.

- Okay, wow, that doesn't feel like a little wing.

- We're gonna give you a nice giant wing here.

We're gonna give you an eagle wing.

- ♪ I'm like a bird, I have an eagle wing ♪

- Actually I kinda like this better

cause now it's just smudged redness.

It's just like I don't even care.

I didn't even care.

That's what we're going for.

- We're going for a "I didn't even care" look?

- Yeah, apathy.

- Yeah, wouldn't that just be like no makeup?

- You have to care about how much you don't care.

- Oh, okay.

- You have to let people know how much you don't care.

- You have to show people.

- Exactly, it takes a lot of work to look like

you don't give a crap.

- Did you just put alcohol on my face?

- [April] Did I?

- It smelled like alcohol.

- [April] Don't worry about it.

- If I have chemical burns from this,

I am charging you for my facial.

- [Guest] She actually looks like, you got stood up

on a date and you went home and you cried all night

and then you woke up. (laughs)

- Cried, fell asleep on my makeup.

- [Guest] Yes and then you woke up.

- Yeah.

It feels very dark.

- [April] I feel very dark so what are you trying to say

about darkness, Grace?

- Nothing.

- [April] That's what I thought.

That's what I thought, Grace.

- I'm just worried about the amount of pressure

you're applying to my eyebrow pencil.

- [April] How about you stay in your lane, Grace.


- I feel like my eyebrows are in my lane.


- I feel like you asked me to do this.

I'm feeling very attacked right now as a matter of fact.

- Oh no, I'm very happy that you acquiesced to my request.

Does it look like I'm bleeding out of my eyes?

(chill music)

What's next?

- So on her lippity-lips, we're gonna be going

back to our Ili Cosmetics and we're gonna be using

their Lip Tar in Hide and Seek.

Which, watch this, watch this, watch this.

It's like the villain from Ferngully.

- What color is this?

- It's brown and blue.

- Oh, like my eyes.

- Exactly.

- And my heart or something.

- Which we all know is impossible.

I did mean to make it subtle but then I started having fun.

- I don't think the word subtle is in your makeup vocabulary


She just dropped my lashes on my pants.

- So I have to get rid of the witness right now.

- (laughing) I just saw myself in the monitor

and I look like Marilyn Manson.

Especially with my hair like this.

I can't believe this is going on the internet.

This might be the worst thing that I've done

thus far in my career.

- So we're gonna put her a nice stripe

with this Clairol Color Crave.

We're gonna make it a stripe in gray

since she looks so good in gray.

- I don't know who's ever said that about me.



Oh my God. Okay. Um.

The eyeshadow application is masterfully done.

Can you see that?

- [April] Shut up, Grace.

- There's bottom lashes but they're going up.

Which is an amazing touch.

I think they should be going that way

but they're going this way.

You know, anti, that's the whole theme of this video.

So in the comments below, let us know

what your Valentine's looks are gonna be.

Are you gonna gonna go anti?

Are you gonna go with cute and flirty?

Let us know in the comments and don't forget to roast April.

- And go ahead and like, share, and subscribe as well

and we will see you guys next time.

- [Grace] Bye.

For more infomation >> We Do "Anti" Valentine's Day Makeup 💄👻💁🏻 - Duration: 9:47.


[Pattern/Tutorial] CRAW (Cubic-Right-Angle-Weave) - DIY (Beads, RAW) - Duration: 2:25.

Welcome to a new pattern with Grays Schmuckwerkstatt

Todays technique

You can use for the CRAW many different sorts of beads. I used for this tutorial seed beads (2,5 mm) [Ra].

I used different colors for the beads: Red (Current basisbeads for the CRAW), Gold (Beads added in the previous step), White (Current or long ago added beads)

Pick up:

Fix the work with two simple knots.

Sew through one of the Ra near the knot.

Pick up:

Sew again through the Ra, the thread is coming out.

Sew through the next Ra.

Pick up:

Sew through the nearby Ra of the last arc (golden bead), and the Ra, the thread is coming out (red bead).

Sew through the next Ra of the basis.

Pick up:

Sew through the nearby Ra of the last arc (golden bead), and the Ra, the thread is coming out (red bead).

Sew through the next Ra of the basis.

Sew through the nearby Ra from the first arc up (white bead).

Pick up:

Sew through the nearby Ra from the last arc (golden bead), the Ra between the arcs (red bead) and the Ra, the thread is coming out (white bead).

Sew through the first Ra of this round - not through the last added Ra.

Sew through the first 2 Ra of this new basis. This step is not necessary.

Sew through the next 2 Ra of this new basis. This step is not necessary.

Repeat all steps from step 4 to sew the next CRAW-cube.

After sewing some CRAW-cubes, your work will look like shown in this picture.

Change the position of the basis beads to sew around a corner.

I hope you enjoyed this pattern :-)

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

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