Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 10 2018

Just over 50 years ago, oil was discovered here in Dubai.

It helped build this modern metropolis

but the resource accounts for less than one percent of the state's GDP.

The city is now a global business hub and luxury tourist destination

that boasts the world's tallest building and a police force that drive supercars.

So how did Dubai get so rich?

One of the main sources of Dubai's wealth is from its prosperous maritime activities.

It was once a modest fishing town, which by the early twentieth century

had become an important trading port.

Its location, close to both Iran and the entrance to the Persian Gulf,

attracted merchants from all over the region.

Today, Dubai's main cargo port Jebel Ali is the busiest port in the Middle East

and arguably the United Arab Emirates' most valuable commercial asset.

A big reason for the shipping terminal's success is that it's located inside

the Jebel Ali Free Zone, also known as Jafza.

Spread over 57 square kilometers, Jafza is the world's largest economic free zone.

It's one of more than twenty other industry specific free zones dotted around Dubai

all set up by the government.

These zones attract businesses with tax breaks, custom duty benefits

and no foreign ownership restrictions, all within a developed infrastructure

that is run by an independent authority, helping streamline bureaucracy.

Within Jafza are now several thousand companies,

accounting for more than 20 percent of total foreign investment in the UAE.

The zone employs close to 150,000 people, helping generate more than

$80 billion worth of trade, which accounts for 21 percent of Dubai's GDP.

Extensive development in the city has come at a cost however.

The UAE has the world's sixth largest migrant population,

with foreigners making up more than 80 percent of the people living in the country.

The majority of that workforce is made up of South Asians working on construction sites

for low wages and long hours in poor conditions,

often unable to return home because their passports are withheld.

But in 2017 following global criticism, the UAE's Federal National Council

passed a new bill that gives workers 30 days paid vacation every year,

one day off a week, medical insurance, and a contract before starting work.

But for Dubai's rulers and investors, this cheap workforce helped it become

one of the world's fastest growing metropolitan areas.

It's important to note that while Dubai is the largest and most populous state in the UAE,

the richest state is Abu Dhabi, the country's capital city.

It currently holds 9 percent of the world's proven oil reserves.

Back in the 1930s Abu Dhabi began to discover its rich oil reserves

while its neighbor Dubai had failed to find any.

This occurred around the same time as the decline of the pearl industry,

the gulf's main source of income, creating friction between the two emirates.

Tensions escalated into an armed conflict following a border dispute in 1947.

British intervention did lessen hostilities, but it didn't stop Dubai falling into a deep depression,

leaving many residents starving and having to flee to other parts of the gulf.

It was clear that something had to change.

Enter Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum.

Soon after becoming the ruler of Dubai in 1958,

he decided to go on a bit of an infrastructure spending spree.

To do this, the Sheikh took out big loans in addition to the money still coming in

from the state's maritime trading activities.

He spent the money establishing private companies

which then built electricity lines, telephone services, more ports and Dubai's first airport.

Much of the development in Dubai and across the Emirates

has been facilitated by the British government.

The two countries' relationship began back in the late 19th century

when the U.K. agreed with the Sheikhs to establish the region

as a British protectorate in return for diplomatic concessions.

It's clear to see that the U.K. still maintains a strong business relationship

with the Emirates, particularly Dubai.

That is the London Gateway Port, a new deep-sea container terminal,

25 miles east of the city.

It's one of the U.K.'s main links between London

and 90 other cities around the world

and yet it's owned and operated by DP World, a company based in Dubai.

It was 1966 when the U.K. and Dubai relationship became increasingly lucrative

following the gulf state's discovery of its first oil field.

When announcing the news however, Sheikh Rashid said:

The city though, wasn't dependant on selling oil in order to thrive.

Instead the oil was used to fund Sheikh Rashid's existing strategy

of basing Dubai's economy around trade, tourism and finance.

That decision now looks like a good one

as the world increases its use of renewable energy

and moves away from a reliance on oil.

Dubai now has the world's busiest airport for international passenger traffic,

confirming its position as a gateway to the East.

But it's no longer just a stopover, it's also become

a destination for millions of visitors.

The state's vast infrastructure made this possible,

but for many years it was largely unused.

Now with an ever more globalized planet, Sheikh Rashid's gamble

of borrowing tens of billions of dollars looks to have paid off

having turned this once quiet backwater

into one of the world's most powerful cities.

For more infomation >> How did Dubai get so rich? | CNBC Explains - Duration: 6:07.


Stylish Tile at HGTV Dream Home 2018 - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Stylish Tile at HGTV Dream Home 2018 - Duration: 1:07.


Gloria Groove - Bumbum de Ouro (Clipe Oficial) REAÇÃO - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> Gloria Groove - Bumbum de Ouro (Clipe Oficial) REAÇÃO - Duration: 5:06.


Badshahat Ka Khatma | Manto ki Kahani, Agastya ki Zubani | Saadat Hasan Manto - Duration: 19:27.

Telephone bell rang.

Manmohan picked the receiver.

Said "Hello ...

Four Four Four Five Seven".

Thin voice came from the other side.

"Sorry... wrong number."

Manmohan put the receiver on cradle

and started reading the book.

He had read

this book for almost twenty times.

Not because there was a something special in it.

But the office was deserted.

For a week this office

was in possession of Manmohan.

Because the owner, who was his friend,

went out somewhere for a loan.

Since Manmohan had

had no place to live,

he had come to this office from the pavement.

He wanted only one thing in his life,

love of a woman.

"If I get love of a woman,

my life will change."

Friend used to say,

"You will not do the job even then".

Manmohan used to answer,

"Work? I will become a work by myself."

Friends used to say, "Then

start affair with someone".

And Manmohan used to answer.


I have no faith in affair

which begins from the side of man".

Lunch time was approaching.

Suddenly telephone rang.

He picked up the receiver and said


The same thin voice came from the other side

"Four Four Four Five Seven?"

Manmohan answered. "Yes".

The female voice asked.

"Who are you?"


Whom do you want to talk to?"

The lade voice answered, "With you."

Manmohan asked surprisingly, "With me?"

"Yes... with you...

any problem"?

Manmohan said uncomfortably, "No... Absolutely not".

There was silence

for a few seconds. Then Manmohan said,

"You wanted to talk to me?"

The voice said, "Yes."

"So say something."

"Do not understand what to say...

you say something from your end."

"I have told you my name.

I use to live in this office.

Earlier I used to sleep on the pavement. Now for a week,

I sleep on the big desk of this office."

The voice smiled.

"Did you sleep on the pavement under mosquito net?"

Manmohan laughed.

"Its long time that to sleep on pavement.

This office is in my possession for about a week.

Now I am comfortably here."

The voice smiled. "How come?"

Manmohan answered. "A book was found.

I read it for twenty times."

Voice laughed.

"You are quite an interesting guy."

Manmohan said.

"Thanks a lot."

The voice asked after a while.

"What is your 'shagal'?"


"I mean what do you do?"

"What do I do???


I wander all day long

and sleep here at night."

Voices asked. "Do you like this type of life?"

"I had never thought over it.

Since now you have asked,

so I am asking myself whether

I am happy with this life

or not?"

"Got the answer?"

Manmohan said,

"No... but I'm sure that such a life

must be good to me."

Voice laughed.

Manmohan said. "Your laugh is very soothing."

Voice said.

"Thank you!"

And disconnected phone.

Manmohan kept standing for a while with receiver in hand.

Then put it on cradle

with smiling face and left.

Next morning, at eight o'clock,

when Manmohan was sleeping at the office's big table,

telephone bell rang.

Taking the yawns he picked up the receiver.

Voice came from other side,

"Adab Arz Manmohan Sahib!"

"Adab Arz!" Manmohan was stunned.

"Oh, you... Adab Arz."

Voice came, "Are you asleep?"

"Yes... after coming here, my habit is changed.

If I go back on pavement,

it will be problematic for me.

"The voice smiled. "Why?"

"I had to wake up before 5 o'clock in the morning."

Voice laughed. Manmohan asked.

"Yesterday you suddenly disconnected the telephone."

Voice said,

"Why did you compliment my laughter?"

Manmohan said,

"How strange?

Should not one praise anything

that is beautiful?"

"Not at all."

"This condition you can't apply on me...

I have not allowed any condition

to prevail on me."

"You do not care about my wrath."

"Before that, I

do not want to offend myself...

If I do not praise you for your laughter

then my soul will hurt...

and my soul is a great love for me."

After a little silence, the voice came from the other side.

"Ok. Tell me about your hobbies."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... any job... any work...?"

Manmohan laughed.

"No work at all...

Although photography is bit of my hobby."

"Well ... then you should have a good camera?"

Manmohan laughed.

"I do not have my own camera.

I fulfil my hobby by hiring camera from my friends.

If I earn sometimes,

I have chosen a camera to buy."

Voices asked. "Which Camera?"

Manmohan replied.

"Egzakata. It's Reflex camera."

After some quiet the

voice came, "I was thinking something."


"You didn't ask my name or telephone number?"

"I did not feel asking for?"


"Whatever is your name,

it doesn't matter.

You know my number. That's all."

The voice smiled.

"You are weird man."

Manmohan also smiled.

"Yes... something like that."

A few seconds there was silence.

"You started thinking again?"

"Yes, I am not finding anything to talk to."

"So disconnect the telephone ...."

The voice became a bit harsh.

"You are so rude... Disconnect the telephone.

Ok. I'll disconnect it."

Manmohan also put the receiver

and smiled.

After half an hour when Manmohan was ready to go out,

again the telephone bell rang.

He picked up the receiver.

Voice came. "Mr. Manmohan?"

Manmohan answered. "Yes. Irshad?"

Voice smiled.

"The Irshad is that my anguish has gone away."

Manmohan said smiling.

"Great pleasure."

"While having breakfast I thought

that I shouldn't spoil you...

Had you had your breakfast?"

"I was about to go out when

you called up."

"Oh... then you go."

"No, I am not in hurry,

and today I do not even have money.

So I won't take breakfast today."

Voice asked.

"Should I send you a few bucks?"

Manmohan answered. "Send it.

You will also figure in

my list of lenders."

"Then I will not send."

"Your wish."

"I am disconnecting the phone."


Manmohan put the receiver,

smiled and left the office.

He came back

at ten o'clock at night.

Lying on table he started thinking.

"Who is this lady who calls him?"

The clock turned at eleven

and the telephone bell rang.

Manmohan received the call.


Voice came from other side.

"Mr. Manmohan."

"Yes... Manmohan... Irshad."

"The Irshad is that I tried a lot in the day.

Where were you?"

"I don't work. Still I go to work."

"What work?"


"When did you come back?"

"At ten o'clock."

"What had you been doing now?"

"Laying on the table was making

your picture with your voice."

"Made it?"

"No... couldn't."

"Do not try...

I'm pretty ugly."


if you are really ugly then disconnect the telephone.

I hate ugliness."

The voice smiled.

"Then I'm beautiful.

I do not want to create hatred in your heart."

After a little quietness

Manmohan asked,

"Started thinking again?"

Voice stunned.

"No... I was going to ask you that..."

"Think properly, before asking."

Voice laughed.

"Want to hear a song?"


Voice cleansed its throat.

Then a ghazal of Ghalib began.

There was a depth in the voice.

When Ghazal was over,

Manmohan said. "Excelent."

Voice said. "Thank you"

and disconnected telephone.

Now, laying on the big table of the office,

Manmohan resounded

Ghalib's ghazal for whole night.

Wake up early in the morning

and started waiting for telephone.

But the telephone bell

did not rang whole day.

At around seven o'clock in the evening,

when the bell rang, Manmohan lifted the receiver

and asked loudely. "Who?"

It was same voice. "Myself."

Manmohan's tone was tenacious.

"Where had you been so long?"

Voice said.


"I'm waiting since morning..."

The voice said.

"I'll make call whenever I wish..."

"I'll make call whenever I wish..."

Manmohan said in between.

"Look, stop this rubbish.

If you have to make call,

fix up timings.

I don't like waiting."

Voice smiled.

"I'm sorry for today.

The phone will come in the morning and evening from tomorrow."

"That's fine."

Voice laughed.

"I did not know you are so bad."

Manmohan smiled.

"Excuse me.

Waiting for me is very intolerable and I

start punishing myself."

"How come?"

"Your telephone did not rang in the morning...

and I remained frustrated the whole day."

The voice drowned in sympathy.

"I wish I could not make this mistake...

I intentionally did the telephone in the morning."


"Wanted to know,

if you wait?"

Manmohan laughed. "Excellent...

well disconnect phone now. I am going to have meal."

"How long will it be?"

"After half an hour."

Manmohan returned after half an hour,

and the phone rang.

They Kept talking till late.

Now every morning and evening, Manmohan received her call.

They used to talk for hours.

But never did Manmohan ask her telephone number

or name.

. In the beginning, he tried to draw

her picture on the screen of thoughts

with the help of her voice.

But now he was completely

into voice.

The voice was looks.

The voice was face. The voice was body.

The voice was heart.

The telephonic relationship continued for almost a month.

Then Manmohan came to know through letter from his friend

that loan was granted.

In seven-eight days, he is was about to reach Bombay.


read the letter

and became sad.

When telephone came, Manmohan told her

that 'Badshaht' of office

is left only for a few days.

She asked. "Why?"

Manmohan answered.

"The loan is sanctioned...

Now the office will start functioning."

"Do not have a telephone at your friend's house."

"There are many friends who have telephone at their home.

But I can't

give you their numbers."


"I don't want your voice to be heard

by any other person."


"I will be jealous."

She smiled.

"It is a big problem. Well...

on the last day when your 'Badshahat' will come to an end,

I'll give you my number."


Manmohan's sadness turned away.

He started waiting for the day when

his 'Badshahat' will come to an end in the office.

Next day when the telephone rang,

Manmohan told her.

"You said that on last day,

you would tell me your number."


"It means you will give me your address...

I will be able to see you."

"You can see me whenever you want... can see even today.

Anyway... I have got a gift for you."

Manmohan said in an emotive voice,

"What can be a bigger gift than meeting you?"

"I've bought an Edgacta camera for you."


"I'll give you on condition that

you will take my photo first."

Manmohan smiled.

"I'll decide on this condition

when we'll meet."

After a while she said,

"I will not telephone you tomorrow and day after."

Manmohan asked. "Why?"

"I'm going out with my loved ones.

I'll be absent for only two days. Sorry."

Despite hearing this, Manmohan stayed in the office whole day.

Next morning felt depressed.

He thought that the depression is

probably because her telephone will not come.

By noon he was more depressed.

In the evening, he felt pain in his chest.

Next day he was broke out in fever.

In unconsciousness of fever

he kept speaking to

the voice continuously.

In the evening, his condition worsened.

He looked at the clock.

He looked at the clock.

The strange voices in his ears were echoing.

Like thousands of telephonic speakers...

all around were voices.

When the real telephone bell rang,

his ears did not reach to it at first.

When heard the voice, he was stunned.

Woke up and went

to the telephone.

Trembling and taking support of the wall,

he lifted the receiver

and said, rejoicing his lips.


The girl from the other side said. "Hello ...


Manmohan's voice faltered. "Yes


"Speak up loud ..."

Manmohan wanted to say something.

But his voice dimmed.

Voice came. "I came back early...

I was trying your phone for long time... Where were you?"

Manmohan's head was moving.

The voice came,

"What has happened to you?"

Manmohan said with great difficulty,

"My 'Badshahat'

has come to an end today."

Blood came out of his mouth

and ran towards the neck

in form of a thin streak.

The sound came from other side. "Take note of my number...

Five Not Three One Four, Five Not Three One Four...

Call me in the morning."

By saying this, she put the receiver.

Manmohan fell by his face

on the telephone...

Blood came out of his mouth in form of bubbles and

his 'Badshahat' came to an end.

If you want to hear some more stories of Manto,

please like, subscribe, share and ring the bell

of this channel... and wait for

next week's notification...

Another story of Manto, with me...

For more infomation >> Badshahat Ka Khatma | Manto ki Kahani, Agastya ki Zubani | Saadat Hasan Manto - Duration: 19:27.


'DISCLOSURE' Is Vladimir Putin set to announce to the world - Duration: 4:05.

'DISCLOSURE' Is Vladimir Putin set to announce to the world that aliens are here on Earth

RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin could be the man to make world history by announcing

intelligent aliens exist and have visited Earth, a conspiracy theorist has claimed after

spending a week in Moscow calling on the Kremlin to acknowledge extraterrestrials.


The Paradigm Research Group (PRG) based in the US believes an unproven conspiracy theory

that world powers are concealing a massive secret that intelligent aliens regularly visit

Earth and work with governments under top-secret projects.

Steve Bassett, PRG founder, is the only registered lobbyist in the US on the issue of so-called

alien disclosure.

However, he does not believe Donald Trump is the man to tell the world the truth and

headed to Russia to try to push for Mr Putin to take the lead.

US citizen, Mr Bassett, spent a week in Russia trying to convince Mr Putin of the importance

of lifting an alleged "truth embargo" that he claims stops world leaders telling the

public the truth about aliens.

Mr Bassett believes the alleged embargo has been in place since at least 1947 when a flying

saucer allegedly crash landed at Roswell, New Mexico.

He was interviewed for a Russian documentary during his visit, and has now released unedited

clips from the interview.

Mr Bassett told REN TV: "I have specifically brought up my intrigue as to why Putin did

not take this legacy in the 26 years since the end of the Cold War and make the announcement

to be the disclosure president.

"I sort of understand, but given that the nation and head of state that makes the first

official confirmation of the ET presence, that nation will immediately move to the centre

of the stage.

"In the view of the people it will be elevated to an incredible stature as the bringer of

the most profound thing ever, it is an incredible opportunity.

"If I had two minutes with Putin, my only question would be why do you not tell people

about the ET presence.

I believe Vladimir Putin is well aware of the ET presence."

While in Moscow, Mr Bassett also held meetings with a number of groups addressing alleged

extraterrestrial phenomena in Russia.

These groups included a number of former Soviet and Russian military and agency officials.

Mr Bassett said: "There has always been a considerable, open engagement of extraterrestrial

related phenomena within Russia and the Soviet Union by the public and the government."

A PRG statement said: "In the full interview held at REN TV's studio Bassett covered a

broad range of topics including various considerations that might prompt Russian President Vladimir

Putin to make the first formal acknowledgment by a head of state regarding an extraterrestrial

presence engaging the human race.

"In this regard the interview was unprecedented as it is the first time anyone has made this

argument on Russian media inside or outside Russia.

"PRG has repeatedly stated in American media that Vladimir Putin is the most likely head

of state at this time to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence and provide new

evidence from Russian military sources to back up the announcement.

"Should that happen the geopolitical consequences for the United States would be considerable."

For additional information see video clips from the article link below in our description.

For more infomation >> 'DISCLOSURE' Is Vladimir Putin set to announce to the world - Duration: 4:05.


Cameras - Duration: 0:43.

There are several types of cameras

This camera look nice!

I like camera because they all make you look different

I like camera because they all make me look different

I like to look different on different cameras



Ouuuu, this camera is different!



Cameras, Camera!

For more infomation >> Cameras - Duration: 0:43.


Avrupalılar vs Sambacılar Denayer Gomis vs Mariano Maicon YouTube - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Avrupalılar vs Sambacılar Denayer Gomis vs Mariano Maicon YouTube - Duration: 1:01.


sister nike shoe crush feet stomp stand full weight {4K} - Duration: 0:19.

sister nike shoe crush feet stomp stand full weight {4K}

For more infomation >> sister nike shoe crush feet stomp stand full weight {4K} - Duration: 0:19.


dear body. | #DearBodyProject [CC] - Duration: 1:19.

Dear Body,

I've been treating you really bad for a while now.

I've been putting so much bad stuff inside of you lately and it's starting to show.

In my skin, in my hair, everywhere.

I wish I could love you the way you are.

Instead of listening to you, I've been screaming for help.

Yet no one seems to hear me.

This life shit is really boring and um...

it's not for me but I'm just going to keep living, you know.

If I had to go to Jonesboro for one more year.

*laughing in background*

You got it? *laughing*

You've been begging for me stop and do what you know is good for me but I won't listen.

So you had to show me the hard way.

Everything happens for a reason.

No matter how big or small something may be, there's always a lesson that comes out of it.

You can never fully appreciate what you had until it's gone.

I have to learn to listen to you before it's too late.

This is only temporary but I may get what I've been wishing for one day.

And that day is when everything temporary will become permanent.

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