What's up guys, Rogue-9 here!
I recently received a tip on Twitter that Blackbeard's guns have significantly different
recoil when you attach the shield, so there's only one thing for it, we need a couple of
experiments to find out what the deal is!
Testing was pretty straightforward, I picked a nice box to stand against on Theme park,
so that I could always be a set distance away from the wall I was shooting at (around 9m
in this case) and used both of Blackbeard's guns to fire off a couple of magazines with
and without the shield attached.
I set up both guns to have baseline recoil, so no attachments apart from the ACOG.
For single fire tests, I set up a mouse macro to shoot exactly 7 shots in quick succession
and as you can see, the results for the SR-25 are pretty straightforward.
The recoil is worse in every way with the shield attached.
You have greater muzzle climb as well as greater horizontal and vertical dispersion.
So firing the gun rapidly will be a little more challenging but that being said, even
without managing the recoil at all and without any recoil reducing attachments, your first
three or four shots will still land on target if you aim centre mass at reasonable combat
With recoil mitigating attachments the negative effect of the shield becomes more pronounced
and it looks as if the recoil more or less doubles but even then, the actual impact on
gameplay should be minimal.
The recoil just goes from almost zero to still very manageable.
Now for the Mk17, you would expect the effect to be exactly the same, right?
But you would be mistaken!
I tested the gun first in full auto mode and as you can see, the muzzle climb is maybe
a little bit stronger while the horizontal dispersion seems less pronounced and the vertical
dispersion is zero as soon as you attach the shield.
To me, the pattern with the shield attached looks odd and that makes me believe this might
be unintended behaviour.
I mean, surely this cannot be by design, especially since the effect is so different for the SR-25.
If you switch the Mk17 to single fire, you end up with similar results.
Greater muzzle climb with each shot, horizontal dispersion that is a little bit smaller and
vertical dispersion that is zero.
What does this mean in terms of getting kills with the MK17?
I would say, not an awful lot.
The additional muzzle climb (even without any recoil reducing attachments) is minimal
and the weird, perfectly aligned shots in terms of vertical dispersion are neither an
advantage or disadvantage really.
Once you attach a grip and muzzle brake, the recoil improves both with and without the
shield attached and the results stay essentially the same: slightly greater muzzle climb, a
bit less horizontal dispersion and zero vertical dispersion.
So for me, the bottom line would be that with the SR-25, be aware that your recoil will
be slightly tougher to manage although the gun stays relatively easy to handle (especially
once you attach a grip and muzzle brake).
With the MK17 the recoil will be weird but effectively the same in terms of how difficult
to manage it is.
What are your thoughts on the MK17's recoil with shield?
Intended or bug?
Leave your comments below and with that, it's already time to say goodbye, short and sweet!
Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed the video and I will see you in the next episode!
For more infomation >> Blackbeard recoil: shield vs no shield - Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 3:55.-------------------------------------------
chadén echma3 شدان الشمع - Duration: 7:53.
POP BEAT ► "P E R F E C T" ◄ Reggae Fusion Instrumental 2018 | Reggae | Dancehall | Pop Type Beat - Duration: 2:29.
Proverbs for every day. Vladimir Butromeev. №54. It's not my business - Duration: 1:10.
The House Party Protocol - All Suits | Iron Man 3 (2013) Movie Clip 4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 4:25.
You're not gonna freak out on me, right?
TONY: I hope not.
Oh, my God.
(SIGHS) He's strung up over the oil tanker. They're gonna light him up, man.
Viking funeral. Public execution.
Yeah, death by oil.
Okay. That's good.
Now give me cameras A through E and we'll do a full tech rehearsal.
Is your gun up?
Yep. What do I do?
Stay on my six, cover high and don't shoot me in the back.
Six, high, back. All right.
You see that? Nailed it.
Yeah, you really killed the glass.
You think I was aiming for the bulb?
You can't hit a bulb at this distance.
- I repeat, hostiles on east unit 12. - I'm out. Give me...
- You got extra magazines? - They're not universal, Tony.
I know what I'm doing, I make this stuff. Give me another one.
- One of yours. - I don't have one that fits that gun.
You've got, like, five of them.
Here's what I'm going to do.
Save my spot, ready?
- What'd you see? - Too fast. Nothing.
Here we go. (CLEARS THROAT)
Three guys, one girl, all armed.
God, I would kill for some armour right now.
- You're right. We need backup. - Yeah, a bunch.
You know what?
(WHOOSHING) RHODEY: - Is that...
- Are those... - Yeah.
Merry Christmas, buddy.
TONY: Jarvis, target EXTREMIS heat signatures.
Disable with extreme prejudice.
Take them to church.
JARVIS: Gentlemen.
TONY: Incoming!
Jarvis, get Igor to steady this thing.
This is how you've been managing your down time, huh?
Everybody needs a hobby.
Heartbreaker, help Red Snapper out, will you?
TONY: Nice timing.
Oh, yeah. That's awesome. Give me a suit, okay?
Oh, I'm sorry, they're only coded to me.
What does that mean? I got you covered.
JARVIS: Good evening, Colonel. Can I give you a lift?
Very funny.
Mat4yo & Ashtin Larold: "Devils and Hazmats" (Prod. HoopsandHipHop) - Duration: 3:22.
[Mat4yo] Here's the tactics
Get the rap fans and the jazz fanatics
The brass is blastin'
It's Mat and Ashtin
Back with the classic antics
That'll make the band go spastic
[Ashtin] Only alive for the crowd's reaction
Been far too long this was bound to happen
Ever since me and Mat smashed the last one
We been ready for the sequel
Lights, Camera, Action!
[Mat4yo] The masses praise when they're mesmerized
So think twice and spend your Pennywise
On these class clown hybrid scientists
Spitting pesticides that made Jekyll hide
[Ashtin] Together like birds of a feather fly
Throw beats on the fire and set to fry
I've severed ties with all of Heaven's finest
With rhymes that lie inside the Devil's mind
[Mat4yo] You might call me a pipsqueak
I'm gonna need some convincing
'Cause I got a technique that will leave you bopped like
Ready to pound ya to mincemeat
Then I feed ya to the gypsies
[Ashtin] Schwifty like Morty and Rick
Ya'll got mini verse raps that I store in the whip
Going world to world shooting portals at kids
While our foes take real fake doors to success
[Mat4yo] We're performing these tricks like a circus act
Coming hot off the top like a thermos cap
We're all hungry for work but
I'm thirsty for my craft
Someone pass me a glass
[Ashtin] You can pick any track
It's like taking a master class
Spread dread like I'm Parallax
Feel the aftermath of every paragraph I rap
[Mat4yo] Relax!
[Mat4yo & Ashtin] And sit back for the magic act
[Ashtin] You're off and on
But we're often awesome
[Mat4yo] Putting cats in coffins when you plug the aux in
[Ashtin] I'm off the sauce
[Mat4yo] But we're onto something!
[Mat4yo & Ashtin] 'Cause bars are one thing we've got in common
[Ashtin] The sharpest marksmen on target
[Mat4yo] Better call a squadron in
We're causing arson, man
[Ashtin] 'Cause you'll get burnt by the devil when hell comes
[Mat4yo] But if you step on Mat
[Mat4yo & Ashtin] Just know you're not welcome
[Mat4yo] I confuse a waitress when I tell one
My style's so rare
But it's so well done
I know it wasn't on the menu
But looking at the way I raise steaks
I'll seldom sell one
This is hell's kitchen and you're a breadcrumb
Cooking rhymes with the fire on my emblem
So when I spit bloody raw and cement tough
I'll have every chef in a pickle-esque bedlam
So get some with a glass of wine
I'm like Grade A meat
You're pasteur prime
And I'll ask real nice
"Please pass the mic"
Or I'll slap some fines on a mad cow hide
Eating grass all night trying to call it a feast
The secret ingredient's squash in the beef
It's a BarBQ and A
Just say cheese
And I'll grill these beats
Over bars that I heat
[Ashtin] Stay workin in the lab like chemists
Skill levels higher than Hollywood rent is
Been this way since we were prepubescent
There was never anything that you could do to prevent this
Endless with the skill we show
Relentless with the shade we throw
Oh no the deadly duo is home
`We leavin lyrcial criminals stone cold in the snow
Two sides of the same coin
Two sides of the brain joined
Not twins but compare us to Yin Yang
And we spit game that'll leave an 808 moist
[Mat4yo] You better make noise
[Ashtin] Destroy the opposition like dust mites
We're bringing tanks to a gunfight
We keep it goin like the Energizer bunny on a treadmill
From sun down to the sunlight
[Mat4yo] Some might call me a rhymer
With comic style
Got logic with legs that could walk a mile
Meanwhile you could spit fresh squeezed on a tropic isle
But wouldn't wash with a crock o'Dial
[Ashtin] Been off a while but we're far from rusty
We could make Kung Fu Kenny sit down humbly
Trust me put together we could run the country
I'm a handsome young devil but my tempers ugly
[Mat4yo] We drop these bars so happenstance
That the lunk alarm's our new laughing track
Scratch that
You know we burn up a rap with Ash
But we're dangerously good when it also has Mat
[Ashtin] We run the track let me tie my shoes
We just find it so hard to lose
[Mat4yo] What's new?
[Mat4yo & Ashtin] Haters keep hating
I get drunk off of boo's
ZKO X ZKM - Dil (Official Instrumental) [ Zack Knight Type Beat ] - Duration: 2:41.
Different Uses of the Term "Demons" in the Bible? - Duration: 4:59.
Thank you very much Randi, and let's go to our callers. First up - and again the number
to dial, 888-ASK-HANK. Thomas, a Canadian listener in Toronto, Ontario
Canada. Hi Thomas.
Oh hi Hank, how're you doing tonight?
I'm doing great, thanks.
Great. I just had a question about demons. And
specifically it's related to how the word demon is used in the Old Testament
in reference to idol, and then how it's used in the New Testament and we're all
like everyone's aware we know how Jesus references to demons but Paul also
references sacrificing to demons, and in revelation 18:2 it talks about demons
that were inhabiting Babylon.
Yeah. Babylon the Great, the haunt of demons as
John puts it in the book of Revelation, and this is really an indication
that what the biblical narrative includes is the reality that we not only
struggle against the world and the flesh, but we also struggle against
principalities and powers in high places. And that is precisely why we are called
to put on the full armor of God so that we can take our stand, and after we have
done everything to stand, as I've said on the Bible Answer Man broadcast many times
Thomas, I don't think it is our place, it is our prerogative, to figure out where
the temptations are coming from.
But it is to fortify ourselves by putting on
the covering that is provided for us in Ephesians 6:10 through 20. But Babylon
was emblematic of a city that was the haunt of demons. Emblematic, and that's
why John uses this very illustration
of a city that had gone astray. A city that had led its inhabitants into the
worship of the Prince of Darkness and his minions, as opposed to responding to
the light that they had been given.
Yeah I understand that, but when I look at
the kind of-- I think Revelation 18:2 is making a reference to a parallel
judgement that God was about to bring upon the actual nation of Babylon in
Isaiah 21:9. I mean Isaiah is filled with the
prophecies against Babylon right? Especially the king of Babylon, but in that
Isaiah 21:9, Hank, it says it's specifically talking about the "gods," the
"images" and the broken things that'll fall down on the ground. Right? Similar
idea - there's a passage that talks about an idol that basically has
appeared like it has trembled and fell to the ground, similar to how Jesus
speaks about "demons tremble" in the New Testament. And all I'm just suggesting is
isn't it man that's created these gods? Rather than we're saying that there's
evil angels that are putting these gods in the minds of men?
Well both is true,
both are true, and that's a brilliant point on your part. I mean it's
true to say that we have created images and idols that cannot speak or
hear or do anything for us. It is also true that Satan - as it were - sits on our
shoulder and whispers into our ear. The whisper cannot be heard with the
physical ear, but it does penetrate the ear of the mind. Both are true, and if you
look at what Paul says in in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 where he says,
"Consider the people of Israel." - and now he's talking about the people to whom
God had revealed himself. "Do not those who eat the sacrifices participate in
the altar? Do I mean then, that a sacrifice
offered to an idol is anything? Or that an idol is anything? No. But the
sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons.
So there you see the correlation
of the two things that I think that you so brilliantly pointed out in the
prologue to your question.
[Terraria] Modo Experto: cambios en relación al modo normal - Duration: 8:09.
Monster Hunter: World - utensylia łowieckie quaza (w zasadzie recenzja) - Duration: 24:47.
NEW LEVI Bloody & Eren Season 3! When Will Attack on Titan Season 3 Trailer Drop? - Duration: 3:33.
oh my Levi is so wet here! Bloody bloody. So what's up guys Foxen here! Take a
look at this new promo shot for attack on Titan. I'm talking about an attack on
Titan season 3. This promo shot is coming from the magazine where attack on Titan
is published front cover picture too. When I first saw this I thought it was a shot
of the manga or at least some advertisement for it but no instead is
actually the magazine promoting the season 3 anime. The reason it's important
is because this is the first time they're doing so. In the promo shot you
got this very wet Levi's drenched in blood that is and on the right side you
have Eren with those Titan marks. For obvious reasons this is not a current
manga shot. You recently got that new video of Kenny vs. Levi that wasn't too
long ago and now we got this one. So why is this one important?
Alright so it's time to get your tinfoil hats on. This needs a little promo here
has started some speculation this time in favor of attack on Titan season 3
being a longer 24 episodes season. Why you might be wondering? It really comes
down to the shot that it shows. I'm not gonna go into spoilers just know that
Eren facing Levi like this never happens. It's actually a combination of
two completely different chapters from two different scenes. Two chapters by the
way that happened one after the other. Also you should know that this promo
shot has been used before. This was to promote a very special event going on in
the manga back in late 2016. There was a certain Titan battle going on.
It just happens to happen after the uprising arc you know the one. So now the
popular idea theory is that this is promoting stuff that's coming in the
anime in other words the longer arc. So let me know what you think about that? Do
you buy it or is this just randomly grasping for some hope? Really quickly
let me also bring up something else that a lot of you have been asking me about
season 3. When are you gonna get that a juicy juicy trailer? The answer to that
is really really soon at least that's what I think. If you look at what
happened for attack on Titan in season 2 they drop the trailer pretty much for
Christmas. Time wise that was 3 months and a week give or take before attack on
Titan season 2 debuted on April 1st. If you go based on that
combined with the fact that some anime season begins on the 1st of July this
means that the trailer could come out early March or possibly late February
which is pretty soon. However there is one important differences this time
around. Temember that attack on titan season 2
movie that you can't watch? Well that season 2 movie just hit
theaters in Japan a couple weeks back. It should still be in theaters over there.
Anyway the important part here is that they did show some type of teaser
trailer at the end of the movie in other words this thing already exists. So mark
my words any day now but hey that's just an attack on Titan
season 3 trailer prediction? Sure that works! Anyway let me hear from you
do you think this new promo picture confirms a longer 24 episode season
3? Or is it again more false or random hope? Also when do you think the season
3 trailer will drop? Place your bets now! If I had to pick my money is on February
24th. If I'm right do you have to buy me lunch! By the way if you enjoyed this
video definitely give it a Colossal thumbs up and subscribe! In case you're new to
the channel I put out several attack on Titan videos every week and attack on
Titan isn't the only thing! Go ahead and show some love to REM if you're a real fan
I'm also working on some stuff for Dragon Ball super right now so
definitely subscribe and I'll see you guys later
Super low graphics on the Final Fantasy XV benchmark! FPS boost (i5 750 + Budget GT 1030 / Intel HD) - Duration: 5:51.
While the full PC version of Final Fantasy XV will be released in March, Square Enix
has blessed us with a free benchmark tool that will let you know how well the game will
run on your computer before you have to buy it.
Before continuing I just want to say.
Thank you, Square Enix, I really wish more games did this.
Now, turns out there are ways to tweak the game running on the benchmark to produce some
really interesting results that might hint at what we can achieve when the full game
This is, after all, the LowSpecGamer, a channel where I like to push entry-level hardware
to its limits and tweak game graphics to their ridiculous minimum.
The free benchmark tool for the upcoming Final Fantasy XV, linked in the description, has
a limited number of presets for settings and a number of resolutions...
but turns out you can tweak the way the game runs with a lot of detail using a tool made
by modder DrDaxxy linked in the description.
After you download it all you need to do is to extract its content into the install directory
of the Benchmark, usually in Program Files, Square Enix, Final Fantasy XV Benchmark.
You can then use the light config file as a base to create a custom config file and load it
into the benchmark.
To load that file we need to add some launch options into the game.
To do that, find the ffxv.exe (Not the ffxvbench.exe), create a shortcut and open its properties.
At the end of the target field, you can add a set of launch commands that I have added
in the description and if you are curious about all available commands they are documented
on the GitHub page for the tool.
The first command must be directed to the location of your custom config file, the second
determines the language of the game and the third makes it fullscreen.
Now everytime you run the benchmark from the shortcut it will load the configuration file.
Now, let get to the actual interesting part and tweak the configuration file a bit.
Even on the lowest preset, there are a couple of things we can do.
Display Resolution controls the normal external resolution of the game, and render resolution
controls the internal resolution and this means you can drop the render resolution of
3D elements without affecting UI readability which can provide a ton of extra performance
on weak GPUs.
Now, if we want to play around with shadows there are two options available.
First is ShadowDistanceScaling that controls shadow render distance.
If you drop it o 1 you basically get no shadows around the player and a giant infinite shadow
in a circle after a certain distance.
Good start.
Then there is ShadowResolution which controls... well... the resolution of shadows.
Setting it to 0 crashes the game but setting it to 1 pretty much kills all shadows all around
making everything look shiny and a bit weird but providing quite a significant boost
in performance.
Finally, we have ModelLODScaling and, oh boy, if you set to 1 this happens...
That... is her face…
Nothing... is rendering correctly, is that how chocobos look now?
HAHAHA, oh god that degraded quickly!
Right, so here is what happens.
In order to preserve resources, the game manages the number of polygons of different model
depending on the distance to the camera like, you know, like any regular LOD system, but you seem to be
able to use this variable to have some control on the number of polygons available for models
and the more things are on screen the lower and weirder it gets.
You do not have to go to this extremes tough.
Just dropping the variable to a 10 makes it way more tolerable while still severely limiting
the quality of the models.
How much of an impact does this have?
My first testing PC consisted of a first generation i5 750, which an old but still pretty reliable
cheap quad core and the GT 1030, Nvidia's newest low-end GPU.
Running the game on the light preset and 720p gave interesting results, with a score of
The game manages to keep itself over 30 fps even while travelling through the world...
or even during the combat scene.
I ran into some freezes due to CPU bottleneck when loading new areas here and there but...
for a modern game running on an old CPU and cheap GPU this is really impressive.
Well done again Square Enix.
If we apply the shadows tweaks, reduce the LOD to 10 and leave resolution untouched on
720, the game climbs to between 40 and 50 during most of the benchmark and the CPU freezes
seem to be almost gone.
The overall score jumps to 4633, what an increase!
This is very encouraging.
Let's try something more extreme.
I have here the same Xiaomi Pro laptop that I used for my Assassin's Creed Origins video
that comes equipped with a mobile i5-8250u and an MX 150, but we are going to disable
the dedicated GPU and try to run the game on the Intel UHD 620, just to see how this will do an an
integrated GPU, with the settings forced to the minimum and an internal resolution of 640x360.
The game almost manages to maintain over 20 fps in most instances.
Not quite playable but certainly more than I expected for an integrated GPU.
Will this work on the full version of the game?
I guess we will find out eventually, but one can hope.
You can follow my videos also as articles in ModMy.
Link also in the description.
And thank you if you are on the Patreon contributors who help keep this videos coming.
RUSSIAN MOM REACTS TO MEXICAN RAP | Alemán - Millone$ como tú Ft. Akapellah | REACTION - Duration: 4:47.
Today we're gonna react to Aleman, Akapellah & Dezzy Hollow
Today we have rap music
As always, girls and weed
I think this is Akapellah
Total debauchery!
Pool party
That video effect makes it feel like you're high off weed
Hollyweed! You know there's hollywood but here it's hollyweed
They keep showing that girl in green panties
The water in the pool is beautiful
Why is nobody swimming?
Yeah, why is there nobody in the pool?
I hear a piano playing
I believe this guy is actually Colombian
That's Aleman!
He's surrounded by the asses
They have cool bucket hats, very colorful
What do you think about this?
I don't even know... I guess that's how teenagers have fun these days
That girl in green again
Do they have rich parents or what?
He's rapping in English
If you only knew what he's saying
And you know? -Yeah
So he only has one chorus at the end?!
He says: "My bitches, my bros"
I think those are sounds from porn
I'm telling you, it's total debauchery
Oh, they filmed an eclipse
That's probably fog in their heads
They smoke too much
It's a relaxing song actually, I liked it
The colors were very bright and contrast
And the pool is beautiful, but why nobody swims?
That's strange!
Everybody's wearing swimsuits but nobody swimming
That's not cool, not cool
And overall, I don't approve such behavior
It's like rich kids in Russia
They never do anything but party
I don't approve it as a mom
But the song was cool
Yeah, it was cool. But I do approve it
I approve those girls
That tattooed girl is just too much
I liked all girls
I didn't like the tattooed girl
She's a girl, and has tattoos, it doesn't look nice
One tattoo on an ankle or shoulder is fine
On her ass!
Well, okay ass is okay too
Or on the lower back. Butterfly on the lower back
One tattoo, that's all
Okay guys, let us know in the comments what you think about our reaction
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Also visit RussiansReact.com for merchandise
Radio host on how Trump's base reacts to president's agenda - Duration: 5:15.
Mandarin's Mansion - Fake Mandarin | Iron Man 3 (2013) Movie Clip 4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 4:28.
I wouldn't go in there for 20 minutes. (LAUGHS)
Now, which one of you is Vanessa?
- That's me. - Ah!
Did you know that fortune cookies aren't even Chinese?
There's some guy over here.
They're made by Americans, based on a Japanese recipe.
Bloody hell. Bloody hell.
Don't move.
I'm not moving. You want something? Take it.
Although the guns are all fake
because those wankers wouldn't trust me with the real ones.
- What? - Hey, do you fancy either of the birds?
TONY: Heard enough.
You're not him. The Mandarin, the real guy.
Where's the Mandarin? Where is he?
Whoa, whoa, whoa. He's here. He's here, but he's not here.
- He's here, but he's not here. - What do you mean?
It's complicated. Hey, it's complicated.
- It is. - It's complicated.
Uncomplicate it. Ladies, out.
Get out of the bed. Get into the bathroom.
WOMAN 1: Ew! WOMAN 2: Oh, Jesus.
My name is Trevor. Trevor Slattery.
TONY: What are you?
What are you, a decoy? You're a double, right?
What, you mean like an understudy? No, absolutely not.
Don't hurt the face! I'm an actor.
You got a minute to live. Fill it with words.
It's just a role. "The Mandarin," see, it's not real.
Then how did you get here, Trevor?
Well, I, um, had a little problem with, um, substances.
And I ended up doing things, no two ways about it,
in the street, that a man shouldn't do.
- Next? - Then,
they approached me about the role,
and they knew about the drugs.
What did they say? They'd get you off them?
They said they'd give me more.
They gave me things.
They gave me this palace. They gave me plastic surgery.
They gave me things.
Did you just nod off?
No, and a lovely speedboat.
And the thing was, he needed someone
to take credit for some accidental explosions.
- Killian? - Killian.
- He created you? - He created me.
Custom-made terror threat.
Yes. Yes.
His think tank thinked it up.
The pathology of a serial killer.
The manipulation of Western iconography.
(WITHOUT ACCENT) Ready for another lesson?
Blah, blah, blah.
(WITH ACCENT) Of course, it was my performance
that brought the Mandarin to life.
Your performance?
Where people died?
No, they didn't.
Look around you. The costumes, green screen.
Honestly, I wasn't on location for half this stuff.
And when I was, it was movie magic, love.
I'm sorry, but I got a best friend who's in a coma
and he might not wake up.
So you're gonna have to answer for that.
You're still going down, pal.
You under...
Okay, Trevor, what did you tell him?
- I didn't tell him anything. - Nothing?
You should have pressed the panic button.
Well, I panicked, but then I handled it.
Learn Animals Name and Sound for Kids - Learning Video Educational for Children Babies - Duration: 6:34.
Thanks Kids and Parents for watch my video !
Thanks Kids and Parents for watch my video !
Thanks Kids and Parents for watch my video !
Israeli Air Force hits targets in Syria - Duration: 3:31.
Star Wars - The Lived In Look - Duration: 1:54.
One of the things I like the most about Star Wars is its look, which is one that
shows a galaxy with a wide range of people living in it. It has the desolate,
run-down appearance of Tatooine through the pristine facilities operated by the
Empire and Republic. The real world has a wide range of landscapes, architectures,
and levels of upkeep. Science-fiction tends to portray only a small part of this
range, and while this is often due to budgetary limitations, it is still
refreshing to have a franchise display such diversity. This realism is increased
by including elements that we can all identify with, such as the diner operated
by Obi Wan's friend in "Attack of the Clones". He goes there seeking help, accepts a
drink from the waitress and sits at a booth to talk with his friend, a
familiar scene to many of us from our everyday lives.
"Shouldn't we be getting back to the cruiser?" "I'm hungry! I'm tired of those
government rations."A similar example is when Anakin and Ahsoka stop at a diner
for a meal while on deployment during "The Clone Wars" animated series, with
Anakin insisting that he wants some real food. Not all of us have been deployed to
war, but most still understand the comfort offered by a good meal such as
while on a long road trip. There are many examples of this visual
style in the Star Wars saga. The diners I mentioned are probably my favorite as
they are familiar images to me and help me visualize myself living in that world.
Do you have any favorites? Let me know in the comments.
Such are my thoughts on the look and feel of the Star Wars franchise. Let me know your own thoughts in the
comments and don't be shy of the like and subscribe buttons. You will also find
links to my Facebook and Patreon pages in the description where you can support
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How to sew a leather holster on an iPhone for carrying on a belt - Duration: 10:11.
Tony Stark vs Ellen Brandt & Eric Savin | Iron Man 3 (2013) Movie Clip 4K (+CC) - Duration: 4:27.
(GASPS) BRANDT: - Actually, I am.
(GRUNTS) SHERIFF: - Hey, hey, hey!
What's all this about? What the hell is going on here?
- It's called an arrest. (GRUNTS)
(GROANS) - Sheriff, is it?
Yes, ma'am, it is. And you are?
Homeland Security. We good here?
No, we're not "good." (CHUCKLES HUMOURLESSLY)
I need a little more information than that.
BRANDT: Well, I think it's a little above your pay grade, Sheriff.
SHERIFF: Yeah? Well, why don't you
get on the horn to Nashville and, uh, upgrade me?
All right. You know what? I was hoping to do this the smart way,
but, uh, the fun way is always good.
Deputy, get this woman out of...
Hey, hot wings, you want to party? Come on, you and me, let's go.
- Crazy, huh? - Yep.
Watch this.
You walked right into this one. I've dated hotter chicks than you.
(BREATHING HEAVILY) That's all you got?
A cheap trick and a cheesy one-liner?
Sweetheart, that could be the name of my autobiography.
HARLEY: Let me go! SAVIN: (MOCKINGLY) Help me!
Hey, kid, what would you like for Christmas?
Mr Stark, I am so sorry.
No, no, no. I think he was trying to say,
"I want my goddamn file."
It's not your fault, kid.
Remember what I told you about bullies?
TONY: You like that, Westworld?
That's the thing about smart guys,
- we always cover our ass. (POWERING UP)
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