Pipas nos seus melhores dias.
first day
I swear I do not know what happened!
I think it was the neighbor's cat, but I apologize for him.
what is this
what is this!!
ah, what is this!!
what is this here!
Look at this!
Look at this!!
I bought it yesterday!!
I'll think about it.
For more infomation >> What happen when you have a puppy Beagle 🏡 - Duration: 1:49.-------------------------------------------
Aldrich Killian & Pepper 'It's My Brain' Scene | Iron Man 3 (2013) Movie Clip 4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 4:25.
Hey, guy.
Merry Christmas.
KILLIAN: After years dodging the President's ban
on "immoral" biotech research,
my think tank
now has a little something in the pipeline.
It's an idea we like to call EXTREMIS.
I'm gonna turn your lights down.
Regard the human brain.
Uh... Wait, hold on, hold on.
That's... That's the universe. My bad.
But if I do that...
That's the brain.
Strangely mimetic, though, wouldn't you say?
Wow, that's amazing.
Thanks, it's mine.
This. You're inside my head.
It's a... It's a live feed.
Come on up, I'll prove it to you.
Come on.
Now, pinch my arm.
- I can take it. Pinch me. (CHUCKLES)
(GASPS) What is that?
It's the primary somatosensory cortex. It's the brain's pain centre.
But this is what I wanted to show you.
Now, EXTREMIS harnesses our bioelectrical potential
and it goes here.
This is essentially an empty slot and what this tells us
is that our mind,
our entire DNA, in fact,
is destined to be upgraded.
(WHISPERS) Oh, wait...
(CHIMES) - Hello?
TONY: - Is this Forehead of Security? - What?
You know, look... I got a real job. What do you want?
I'm working. I've got something going on, here.
What, harassing interns?
Let me tell you something. Do you know what happened
when I told people I was Iron Man's bodyguard?
- They would laugh in my face. (TONY CHUCKLES)
I had to leave while I still had a shred of dignity.
Now I got a real job. I'm watching Pepper.
What's going on? Fill me in.
- For real? - Yeah.
All right. So, she's meeting up with this scientist.
- Rich guy. Handsome. - Right.
I couldn't make his face, at first. Right? You know I'm good with faces.
- Oh, yeah, you're the best.
Aldrich Killian. We actually met the guy back in...
Where were we in '99?
- The science conference? - Um...
- Switzerland. - Right, right, exactly.
Killian. No... I don't remember that guy.
Of course you don't remember. He's not a blond with a big rack.
At first, it was fine. They were tanking business.
But now it's, like, getting weird. He's showing her his big brain.
- His what?
Hold on. See?
Look at what? You, watching them?
Flip the screen, and then we can get started.
I'm not a tech genius like you. Just trust me. Get down here.
Flip the screen. Then I can see what they're doing.
I can't! I don't know how to flip the screen!
Don't talk to me like that any more. You're not my boss.
All right? I don't work for you.
And I don't trust this guy. He's got another guy with him.
He's shifty.
- Relax.
Tell them to go out for a drink or something.
You know what? You should take more of an interest in what's going on here.
This woman's the best thing that ever happened to you
and you're just ignoring her.
- A giant brain? - Yeah.
There's a giant brain. There's a shifty character.
I'm gonna follow this guy. I'm gonna run his plates and I'm gonna...
You know, if it gets rough, so be it.
I miss you, Happy.
Yeah, I miss you, too. But the way it used to be.
Now you're off with the super-friends.
I don't know what's going on with you any more.
- The world's getting weird. - Hey!
(STAMMERING) I hate to cut you off.
- Do you have your Taser on you?
You should probably go over there and zap her.
Yeah, nice.
Imagine if you could hack into the hard drive of any living organism
and recode its DNA.
- That would be incredible. - Hmm.
Unfortunately, to my ears, it also sounds highly weaponisable.
As in, enhanced soldiers, private armies, and Tony is...
Tony, Tony.
You know, I invited Tony to join AIM 13 years ago.
He turned me down.
But something tells me now there's a new genius on the throne
who doesn't have to answer to Tony any more
and who has slightly less of an ego.
It's gonna be a no, Aldrich.
As much as I'd like to help you.
Court primary could be low-turnout election - Duration: 1:20.
CİTY CAR DRİVİNG(İLK BAKIŞ)!!! - Duration: 11:12.
VENDRE SUR AMAZON: Je répond à toutes vos questions - Duration: 42:04.
Top 10 Crazy Things That Elon Musk Has Done - Duration: 7:13.
Elon Musk - founder of Tesla, SpaceX and a whole bunch of other companies.
There doesnt seem to be a week that goes by these days without him making the news.
Usually its because one of his companies is doing something big or innovotive but sometimes
- its because Elons eccentric side has been revealed.
If you want to create the empire that hes done, you have to have a big imagination like
his - and perhaps be a little bit crazy, in a good way.
My name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Crazy Things Elon Musk Has Done.
Starting off at number 10 we have Making Flamethrowers.
Elon founded the Boring Company in 2016 as a personal hobby to solve traffic problems
by digging big holes for traffic to use.
As part of his funding for the company, he sold boring company hats and said that if
they sell out - he would start selling flamethrowers.
The hats sold out and so came the flamethrowers.
They are priced at $500 each and shoot real fire.
Within a few hours they had made 3.5 million dollars.
So yeah, if you wanna get rich guys, just sell flamethrowers.
Don't know why I didnt think of that …
At number 9 now we have Paid For College By Partying.
It sounds crazy but Elon Musk found away to make ends meet at while he was studying at
college - he would throw parties.
He lived with one other person in a 10 bedroom house so they had a lot of room for house
Elon would charge guests $5 each to get in.
Elon wouldnt even drink at the parties, he would stay sober for the whole night so that
he could keep an eye on everything.
He ran it like a business and it made him some decent money.
No hangover the next day too!
Moving on to number 8 we have the Hyperloop.
At the moment, humans have 4 modes of long distance travel: plane, trains, automobiles
and boats.
Elon has come up with a crazy sounding 5th one: the Hyperloop.
The company is planning to involve passangers in a pod being shot through sealed tubes at
600 mph.
The designers claim it would be immune to weather and would never crash.
It would take you 6 hours to drive from LA to San Francisco.
The first Hyperloop is being planned for that route and will make that journey just 30 minutes.
Imagine that.
At number 7 now we have Blastar.
In 1984, at the age of 12, Elon coded a game called Blastar and got 500 dollars for it
when its code was published in a South African Magazine.
Thats the equivalent of 1,200 dollars.
In 2015, a Google engineer found the code and remade in HTML5 so that everyone can play
Thats right.
If you go to blastar-1984.appspot.com - you can play the game that Elon created when he
was 12 years old …
Moving on to number 6 we have the Caffeine Boost.
Elon once said that when he was busy starting up his companies, he had so much work that
he had to stay away.
So, he consumed a lot of caffeine.
Every day he would drink 6 cans of coke and several cups of coffee without fail.
Thats a lot.
My eye is starting to twitch just thinking about that …
Next up at number 5 we have Saying AI Could Destroy.
This one depends on your views on AI - some people think Elon is wrong but others totally
Hes warned that at the current rate of progress, Artificial Intelligence could become more
powerful than humans and even lead to our own extinction.
In an interview with Vanity Fair he clarified that he doesnt think this will come in the
form of terminator style robots, but rather a computer algorithm.
If we give too much power to programmes that dictate the way the world is run, what happens
when something goes wrong?
Will it be too late?
Moving on to number 4 we have Proposing To Nuke Mars.
In 2015, Elon Musk appeared on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert and when the topic of
Mars came up - Elon proposed that we should nuke it.
He didnt mean just for fun - his idea is that by dropping nukes over the north and south
poles of Mars to create pockets of intense nuclear fusion that would warm Mars up and
turn frozen CO2 there into gas.
This could create a basic atmosphere to help turn Mars into a more Earth like planet for
humans to live on …
At number 3 we have Own James Bonds Car.
As a kid in South Africa, Elon Musk was fascinated by the cool cars in James Bond movies.
One of his favourites was the Lotus Esprit submarine car.
It featured in The Spy Who Loved Me and would transform into a submarine when it hit the
In 2013, the car from the movie went up for auction and Elon bought it for 866 thousand
He said he was disappointed it didnt actually turn into a submarine like the movie but that
hes going to upgrade it himself to make it do that.
Like you do.
Coming in at number 2 we have Inspired Iron Man.
Elon didnt actively do this one - he did it by just being himself.
In 2007, Iron Man actor Robert Downey Jr visited the SpaceX headquarters for a tour.
He said that as Elon showed him round, he observed some of his -accessible eccentricities-
… thats a fancy way of saying he liked his moves.
When Downey Jr came to play Iron Man, he admitted he used some of Elons characteristics as inspiration.
Elon even got a came in Iron Man 2 so I guess theyre even!
And finally at number 1 we have Sending A Car Into Space.
This might not only be the craziest thing Elon has done, it might be one of the craziest
things anyone has done.
When Space X did their first full test launch of the Falcon Heavy rocket, they needed a
weight to make all the calculations work.
Normally there would be cargo or astronauts, but not this time.
So, Elon thought it would be a good idea to send one of his Tesla Roadsters up there.
Strapped into the passenger seat was a crash test dummy called Starman.
The car and its driver will shoot past Mars and then continue to orbit the sun for potentially
billions of years if its not interrupted.
Whats more likely though is that it will be salvaged and put in a museum when space travel
becomes normal for humans.
And if it does, Im sure well have Elon Musk to thank for that at least a bit.
Which fact did you find the most interesting?
Do you want any more Elon Musk videos?
Is Elon Musk watching this?
Almost certainly not.
In he meantime guys, Im Danny Burke, thanks as always for watching and Ill see you all
in the next video.
Tony Stark vs Ellen Brandt & Eric Savin | Iron Man 3 (2013) Movie Clip 4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 4:27.
(GASPS) BRANDT: - Actually, I am.
(GRUNTS) SHERIFF: - Hey, hey, hey!
What's all this about? What the hell is going on here?
- It's called an arrest. (GRUNTS)
(GROANS) - Sheriff, is it?
Yes, ma'am, it is. And you are?
Homeland Security. We good here?
No, we're not "good." (CHUCKLES HUMOURLESSLY)
I need a little more information than that.
BRANDT: Well, I think it's a little above your pay grade, Sheriff.
SHERIFF: Yeah? Well, why don't you
get on the horn to Nashville and, uh, upgrade me?
All right. You know what? I was hoping to do this the smart way,
but, uh, the fun way is always good.
Deputy, get this woman out of...
Hey, hot wings, you want to party? Come on, you and me, let's go.
- Crazy, huh? - Yep.
Watch this.
You walked right into this one. I've dated hotter chicks than you.
(BREATHING HEAVILY) That's all you got?
A cheap trick and a cheesy one-liner?
Sweetheart, that could be the name of my autobiography.
HARLEY: Let me go! SAVIN: (MOCKINGLY) Help me!
Hey, kid, what would you like for Christmas?
Mr Stark, I am so sorry.
No, no, no. I think he was trying to say,
"I want my goddamn file."
It's not your fault, kid.
Remember what I told you about bullies?
TONY: You like that, Westworld?
That's the thing about smart guys,
- we always cover our ass. (POWERING UP)
Dallet promotes values in court campaign - Duration: 6:50.
Film Review 1 - Iris (Apfel) - Duration: 3:14.
I recently watched the film Iris on Netflix. It's about Iris Apfel who is a
bit of a fashion icon in the fashion industry. Iris was an interior designer
in her younger years. In 1950 her and her husband started the company Old World
Weavers to reproduce remarkable fabrics from the past for her interior design
clients. She sort of accidentally stumbled into fashion later in life and
I say accidentally because in an interview she mentions that she never
really planned much in her life. She just went with opportunities that came up as
time passed. Her love of textiles in the interior design world easily translated
into a love of accessories and fashion apparel. For many years through her
travels for Old World Weavers she collected a ton of jewelry and clothing.
Her first big opportunity to step into the fashion world was being invited to
show her Couture costume jewelry collection at The MET here in New York.
In the beginning of the movie I had a really hard time relating to Iris.
I think visually we interpret fashion in very different ways. She goes for the
mores more concept where I tend to go for the less is more concept. She is a
full-on creative soul. I have a hard time appreciating loud colorful and large
objects but as I watched I started appreciating her view more and more.
I'm glad that I stayed open-minded and continued to watch the rest of the film
because she says a few things in the film that really resonate with me. She
says in the film, "I can't judge it's better to be happy than well-dressed."
I say something very similar in the intro of my article Why Fashion Designers Don't
Dress Fashionably. That people I meet automatically expect me to judge what
they're wearing because I'm a fashion designer. But it's actually more the
opposite. The longer I'm in the fashion industry the more open-minded I become
about what people wear. Style is very personal and there are a lot of emotions
for each person connected to what they're wearing and why. So there is no
right or wrong there's just what's right for you. And when she talks about not
having kids she very realistically says, "You can't have everything." Or when she
talks about designers these days saying that designers don't know how to sew or
drape anymore and that it's all about the media
attention. I mean I can't argue with that look at me I'm a fashion designer making
YouTube videos. But I will say that I do know how to sew,
drape, pattern-make, and knit, among many other fashion design related skills. So I
have done my due diligence in learning my craft. I can really relate with Iris
on her perspective on fashion and style but how we interpret those concepts is
where the difference comes in. Which is a great thing because that's what brings
out individual style. Her and I use these concepts in very different ways which
shows the difference in personality and taste. She says that her style doesn't
really come from the intellectual it's more of a gut feeling and she says that
she doesn't have rules because she would only break them. And I think that's where
we're very different my style comes from creating rules and turning styling into
a science and this is what works for me.
Your questions, our answers | HuzefaTV - Duration: 6:58.
My laptop is here...
What are you wearing?
It´s not looking good!
Huzefa, please continue!
Go and change your clothes.
What is that?
It´s not looking good!
Come on!
You are looking ugly.
Oke, I am playing with my dolls, thank you!
What kind of messages are those...
Sugar? I am not Sugar!
Which language can you speak better, Enlish or German?
I can speak German better than English.
Now say that in English
Yeah, I can´t
I did not understand anything!
Wait, I want to do that!
Cinco destinos culturales para conocer en Miami | Del 1 al 5 | El Espectador - Duration: 2:24.
রেড ভ্যালভেট কেক | Red Velvet Cake Recipe | Sister's Kitchen - Duration: 2:44.
রেড ভ্যালভেট কেক | Red Velvet Cake Recipe
Screnock pledges to recuse himself if necessary - Duration: 7:00.
Snapchat ReDesign Update Review || Snapchat update review by TECH HUB URDU in urdu/hindi - Duration: 5:56.
Secret Behavioral Marketing Hacks You Won't Notice Till Now - Duration: 6:10.
My name is May Beaubrun and I'm a Board Certified Behavior Analyst with Brett
DiNovi and Associates I'd like to talk about stimulus generalization and marketing
Stimulus generalization is the tendency for the conditioned stimulus to evoke similar
responses act the response has been invoked for example if you're afraid of
one type of sake you may exhibit fear for other or all types of snakes or
either things that look like snakes like a garden hose that might be in the grass
the most classic example of stimulus generalization is a little Albert
experiment where the researchers condition a little boy to fear a white
rat what the researchers observed was that the boy experience seamless
analyzation by also being afraid of other similar stimuli like a dog a
rabbit a fur coat Santa's white beard and even one of the experimenters white
hair so in other words stimulus channelization is a similar stimuli
trigger that will evoke a similar response in other words suicide nation
means a similar stimuli trigger will evoke similar responses so how similar
do these stimuli need to be so what a particular brain uses the same exact
design for most of its products so
whether it's a box of funfetti or it's the box of red velvet cake or the
toaster strudel or like the chocolate chip break apart cookies or the cinnamon
buns or whatever the case is he's always right there the logos on there the pill
berries the Pillsbury doughboys on everything so that as soon as you slick
once you see the brand if you let's say you do the funfetti
kake's in Europe you're you know a big fan of that once you see that little guy
on something else you're like you know what this probably isn't bad either and
you're gonna you're gonna grab it up and see that girl I'm common stimuli okay
exactly so that's why people in marketing do it the other thing that
people do often is the knock off so when a competing brand new is a similar
packaging design of an already established brand for its own product so
that US consumers will confuse the knockoff
we just advertised this is kind of like what a knockoff would be so the
intention is that consumers confuse the knockoff with the original product
they've seen advertised so it's kind of like a trick to get you to buy what
their product is so let's look at a couple of examples so we have two
markers here one says Sharpie and the other that looks like it says purple so
with these two markers although the when you pronounce them they sound very
differently but they look a lot the same the other is our Manhattan baking soda
versus owning humor baking soda again the packages look really really
similar but they are indeed two different products so on a different
level what which is different but what I'm trying to do with the hackneyed
human behavior shirt is I took out factors within the seal there's no name
in it I took out meant multiple things so that way it's not proprietary it's
not about Britain or sir shoes it's about but it still has similar factors
so I I purposely did that to get away from it being about the company but
being about the science because we already have the brand so now I want to
pair the SERT the yellow circle without all the details in it and then start
making it about the concept which is hacking behavior rather than the company
so interesting I love you're noting those critical features illness which is
which is where we're gonna go now okay
really funny they really are so it's a marketing tactic to try to transfer skin
birth control so what you already feel about Sharpie what you feel about oil of
olay what you feel about Capri Sun and Arm and Hammer
like can you know can they get the consumers to transfer that same similars
control to their knockoff brands um because they want to make some money so
in other words get more people to buy products because it's it's almost like a
well-established brand with that dr. pepper being here you guys all really
nice it's trying to be dr. pepper so how did you guys know that so I wouldn't
kind of like tied in a little bit I got the color what else the medical title uh
yeah it's a bull fine uh-huh I knew there's a lot of variability in the
color and the proportions of the can that are red yeah
like I think the color schemes are similar like there's like red white kind
of blues kind of Silver's but like the that the proportions I would agree with
that I think something that you hit on earlier that's really really important
to this conversation is that generalization and discrimination are
two sides of the same coin so we're seeing all of these cans together so it
helps us to generalize these are all dr. pepper but but typically there's some
kind of line or some kind of gradient in and where you're gonna stop saying this
is dr. pepper and yeah and that's that's you're gonna generalize to a point and
then you're gonna discriminate and where that line is it may be different no
longer dr. pepper now dr. strapper I'm discriminating that and I'm generalizing
this so I think that you know when when we're talking about training to
generalization teaching to generalization consider those boundaries
and things like that and it's it's relevant here like where would you
discriminate versus generalize that this is dr. pepper so we can see that
civilization is definitely a marking tactic that's used by lots of different
A.S.K. Maid Cafe Throughout The Years Since 2015 - Duration: 1:18.
*Music starts playing*
*Butler & Maid Cafe 2015*
*A.S.K. Maid Cafe 2016*
*Pull a shot*
*RAGE Maid Cafe 2017*
*Anime Saiko Maid Cafe 2017*
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