Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 10 2018

We all have terrible ideas, but few of them change the whole course of history and end

in the deaths and misery of millions of people.

So no matter how bad your ideas are, don't worry, because you'll feel better once you

take a look at some of the worst ideas in history.

The disaster artist

20th century engineer Thomas Midgley was a very smart guy who put his mind to solving

some of the biggest practical problems of his time.

Unfortunately, his solutions had the unintended side effect of nearly destroying the entire


Midgley's first major scientific contribution was adding lead to gasoline in order to make

it more dependable for car engines.

It worked, but since lead is also toxic, it damaged the environment and caused widespread

health issues for decades, which shouldn't have been a surprise.

"As early as the year 100 BC, it was common knowledge in Ancient Rome that lead could

cause insanity and eventually incur death."

That was kid stuff, though, compared to Midgely's efforts to make refrigerators safer and less


To do this, he headed up the team that invented the coolant Freon, which allowed fridges and

air conditioners to be mass produced more safely.

Freon was also the first mass market chlorofluorocarbon, and if that rings a bell, it's because Freon

and other CFCs are the primary cause of the destruction of the ozone layer.

By the time anybody figured this out, though, the damage was done, and the world's governments

have spent decades and untold trillions of dollars trying to fix the damage.

Thanks a lot, Midgley!

I am curious yellow

In 1863, German chemist Julius Wilbrand was working on some new chemicals when he invented

Trinitrotoluene, a simple yellow dye.

Almost thirty years later, though, another chemist discovered that Trinitrotoluene had

another interesting property besides making your pants look like bananas: under the right

conditions, it would totally explode.

Within a decade the German military was manufacturing new munitions filled with the substance, which

they gave the shorter nickname "TNT."

So the next time you fold your laundry, just do it very, very carefully.

Watership down

When the British decided to colonize Australia, they brought with them lots of iffy ideas,

like the movie Kangaroo Jack.

"And, I can sing!

I said a hip/hop/the hippy/ the hippy to the hip hip hop and you don't stop the rock/to

the bang bang boogie…"

But maybe the worst idea came courtesy of Thomas Austin.

Bored with the local hunting game, he decided to import two dozen rabbits so he could breed

them for live target practice.

One major problem, though: since rabbits aren't native to Australia, they have no natural


And considering rabbits are most famous for breeding very quickly, well, you can guess

what happened next.

Within seven years, Austin estimated he had killed more than 14,000 rabbits on his property


By 1940, there were an estimated 800 million rabbits in Australia, all descended from Austin's

original group.

And that was a massive disaster for the Australian ecosystem, with rabbits contributing to the

extinction of numerous plant and animal species.

Throughout the 20th century, the Australian government has embarked on extreme measures

to kill the rabbit population.

"Since the rabbit's public enemy number one Down Under, this time the farmers rejoiced

over a good day's work; a big harvest of rabbit skins."

Besides huge rabbit hunts, the government also released the deadly biotoxin myxomatosis

in 1950, and rabbit haemorrhagic disease in the 1990's.

But even though these diseases have ravaged the rabbit population, the bunnies continue

to thrive.

160 years after Austin's terrible idea, Australia is still trying to figure out a solution to

the rabbit plague.

Red sparrow

In the 1950s, the Chinese government concluded that one of their biggest problems was the

common sparrow, which ate grain from the farms.

Chinese scientists estimated that for every 1 million sparrows killed, there would be

enough surplus food for 60,000 people.

The course was clear: the sparrows had to go.

The government rallied the population to hunt down and kill every sparrow they could find,

leading to the elimination of hundreds of millions of birds.

However, it turned out that sparrows played a very important role in the Chinese ecosystem,

because the main part of their diet wasn't grain at all - it was locusts.

Without sparrows to keep them in check, the locust population went haywire, leading to

vast swarms the blotted out the sky and devoured everything in their wake.

The nation was plunged into a famine that lasted three years, and by the time it passed,

over 30 million people had died from starvation.

Once upon a time in India

The Enfield was a front-loading rifle used by the British Empire in the 1850's.

Bullets for the gun came in paper cartridges that soldiers had to tear the top off with

their teeth before loading.

The cartridges themselves were greased with pig and cow lard.

This caused a major problem with the Indian soldiers serving in the British colonial forces,

because pigs and cows were off limits according to their religions.

If they consumed products from these animals, it would make them unclean.

Rumors spread that the English planned to convert India to Christianity by making them

impure, igniting years of festering disdain for the colonial government.

Huge groups of soldiers rebelled against English rule, and a full-blown civil war ignited,

which lasted for months.

Even though England technically won, the native Indian culture reasserted itself, leading

to stronger national character that eventually lead to their independence.

More proof of the power of bacon.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Absolute Worst Ideas In Human History - Duration: 5:51.


দেখুন খালেদার রায় পর্যবেক্ষনে বাংলাদেশে আসছে ইইউ পার্লামেন্ট প্রতিনিধিদলl EU parliamentary delegati - Duration: 1:12.

bangladesh topnews

For more infomation >> দেখুন খালেদার রায় পর্যবেক্ষনে বাংলাদেশে আসছে ইইউ পার্লামেন্ট প্রতিনিধিদলl EU parliamentary delegati - Duration: 1:12.


Sailor Moon Crystal Staffel 3 DVD Blu-ray Review 4K | German Deutsch | 🇩🇪 - Duration: 2:55.

Hello and welcome to my Moonpride channel!

My Blu Ray to Sailor Moon Crystal Season 3 arrived on time.

Thank you Kaze for that !!!

And here we also see the beautiful cover of the second half of season 3.

The back cover shows some pictures from the anime and a short description about the content of the series.

Inside we find a listing of the names of the episodes of Acts 33 to 38.

As an extra, these two well-designed postcards are included, unfortunately, no magnets like in the last Blu Ray.

The booklet contains brief descriptions of the individual episodes, as well as a collection of sketches Characters or items. Let's flip through it!

In the menu, we can of course change the language to Japanese, so also add German subtitles.

Unfortunately, there are no extras, but the quality of the Blu Ray is still great and I'm looking forward to enjoying the rest of the episodes.

What do you say to the Blu Ray or DVD?

Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for watching Minna San! Matane.

For more infomation >> Sailor Moon Crystal Staffel 3 DVD Blu-ray Review 4K | German Deutsch | 🇩🇪 - Duration: 2:55.


Futsal Russia, Kazakhstan, Portugal, Spain, the European championship Finals Betting with phone - Duration: 2:26.


Soon the Champions League, WE SUPPLY READY

Hello everyone, this is the betting from the phone.

In this video, in addition to the bid to the match for 3rd place and the final,

I want to comment on semifinal matches. So


who is interested only in the rate, you can go to the end

video, bet, as always, will be there.

I'll start with the match of Kazakhstan And Spain.

After the match fans Kazakhstan has written to me

a few angry comments.

So, dear fans Kazakhstan, what I did

stake on the fact that Kazakhstani people Do not score more than two goals

does not mean that I underestimate your team.

I made this bet because that Spaniards are still champions

Europe and

play well in defense and little is missed.

And in the semifinals I, of course, was a fan of Kazakhstan.

And in the course of the match, seeing

how Kazakhs try and how badly the goalkeeper plays

the Spaniards bet on the 4th goal of Kazakhstan and played


To me

it would be doubly more pleasant, if the Kazakhs won

1-0 or 2-0 and reached the final.

But the game has developed differently


And, in my opinion, in another way it was formed because of ridiculous

goals missed by the goalkeeper Spaniards Paco


I do not know, maybe already age affects

37 years old), can just play did not go.

But such mistakes in

his performance, I used to not observed.

And, of course, I will comment on about the match Russia - Portugal.

The bet in this match came, no questions.

It's different.

And the fact is that our frankly sued.

When already the Portuguese there were 5 fouls and each subsequent

the foul would be punished with the appointment 10-meter penalty

the judge is not fixated at first candid foul on Robinho,

when the Portuguese in a subcategory rushed to his feet - the ball

the Portuguese did not touch, but the judge did not whistle.

When the goalkeeper of the Portuguese played with hands outside

the penalty judge did not whistle, the Portuguese scored in the empty

gate, and Robinho received yellow!

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Such mistakes in favor of I counted the Portuguese

7 pieces, but for their detailed

parsing will require a lot of time.

And now let's move on to the rates for the match for third place

and the finals of the European Championship on futsal.

In the match Russia Kazakhstan, in the special rates section

I put on the fact that Kazakhstan will not score 3 goals in a row


coefficient of 1.28.

In the match Portugal Spain in the classics put on

total goals in the match 4.5 more for the coefficient of 1.64.

Total factor express train 2






For more infomation >> Futsal Russia, Kazakhstan, Portugal, Spain, the European championship Finals Betting with phone - Duration: 2:26.


The Reasons Why INFJs Are Obsessed by Toxic People - Duration: 3:19.

The Reasons Why INFJs Are Haunted by Toxic People

INFJs seem cold from outside, while they are actually soft-hearted people.

They just cannot run away from people especially those who can change their life like toxic


Toxic people can drastically change INFJs life, and there are some reasons why they

cannot run away easily from them.

INFJs are called the protectors.

However, that protection can go against our own better judgement.

Their characteristics always make them to care and "fix" their partner, or friend

who is actually a toxic person, they unconsciously sabotage their own feelings.

Desperately wanting to give love, INFJs start losing the one thing they need the most, which

is self-love.

In this short video, I'm going to share with you some reasons why INFJs are haunted by

toxic people.

But before we jump to the lists, if you're new to our channel, make sure to click the

subscribe button below, and don't forget to like this video if you find this information

is helpful to you.

#1 - Unfinished business

In any kind of relationship, conflicts often happen.

However, sometimes the conflicts do not end well, leaving the INFJs in the disadvantageous

position with pain and desperation.

However, it is worth noting that INFJ basically cannot fight back.

The reason is because they just don't have heart to tell the truth that the other party

is actually the one should redeem herself.

This unfinished problem actually haunts the INFJs especially they don't have anything

to do.

The memories will go back, and it makes the matter worse.

#2 - Necessary interaction

You just cannot avoid the person completely because the person lives in the same circle

as you do.

It can be your family member, co-worker, or anyone who is still needed.

Unfortunately, that kind of person is really bad that you just cannot stand with them quite


That is why you should limit yourself from interacting with the person.

That way, you won't feel miserable despite of being haunted.

#3 - Constant reminders

Sometimes, you just do not have control over the exposure from these toxic people.

For example, you often see the people on social media feed.

There is no way to unseen what you have seen.

That is why you are constantly bombarded with those toxic people.

#4 - You cannot move on

Sometime, you regret your decision to withdraw from the toxic people.

After all, they are people who were really nice and kind to you.

You still cannot let go those toxic people, and that is why you are haunted by the toxic


All in all, that's some of the reasons why INFJs are haunted by toxic people.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> The Reasons Why INFJs Are Obsessed by Toxic People - Duration: 3:19.


Cost of living in Japan - Duration: 5:19.

for the theme: money money money

Seba is explaining us today, how much it cost to live in Japan

Hello guys and welcome to a new video, I'm Sebastiano Serafini from Japan

if you're new to this channel, leave a comment, a like and subscribe!

and share it especially with your friends, and turn obviusly the notifications on!

Today I wanted to respond at some comments, that a lot of you did ask

"how lucky you are, that you live in Japan" and

"Japan is too expensive, I could never live there!" and so on...

I can confirm that to live in Japan is a bit expensive, but I think that to live in Italy is also expensive

In my opinion if you save some money and with some efforts

you can really live in Japan without problems

well, Tokyo is maybe a bit more expensive than other cities

but if you come with a student visa, you have the possibility to work

So, with this video, I'm going to explain you how to live in Japan, with not so much money

until you don't find a work, that gives you the possibility to earn more money.

First of all, let's say that if you live in Tokyo, it cost more than in other parts of Japan,

because it's the main city.

Osaka it's a bit cheaper, and also if you live in the country

if you go to live in some small towns, outside the city, the rent will cost less

but also in Tokyo the prices change,

a lot of people say they live in Tokyo, but maybe they live in Saitama or Chiba

these two are prefectures, near Tokyo

there are some in the West, East and North of Tokyo

they can also live in Kanagawa, maybe

and this is considered Tokyo.

It's not that strange for a Japanese to do 1h by train, to go to work

and you can always say that you live in Tokyo!

but with a cheaper rent and a bigger house

and apart from that the prices change from the south to the north of the Yamanote line (circular train line)

the Yamanote line is basically in the center and the south part is more expensive, than the one in the north

from Shinjuku to Meguro are the most expenive ones

you need to consider, that if you're students you can work 28 hours a week,

and you will earn around 1.000yen per hour (9-10€)

so in a month you will earn around 80.000yen, so it's not that bad,

and then I asked some people in Japan and in average you spend 10.000 to 30.000yen for food and home utensils,

then you spend around 10.000yen if you go outside eating,

it's not that much, like you can put away 10euros for food and

and maybe 20euros if you maybe go to Karaoke

so, it's not that expensive like a lot of people think

so, if you want to live outside Tokyo, you will need like 100.000yen

with working and with saving some money, you can do it,

if you're ok in living in a dormitory or in a guest house

you can save a lot of money

the student visa is like the expensive part

but if you save money before you come to Japan,

you will survive in Japan

and once you've learned the language, you can maybe find a better job

please don't think that you can't do it!

because with a little effort, everyone can live in Japan! I'm sure

so you save money for the plane

the first school fees

once you did that,

you come to Japan and do some jobs, also as dishwasher

to live in Japan is not impossible, not like learning flying!

if you want to live in Tokyo, you will need 120.000yen at the beginning, for sure

and 150.000yen if you want to live a little more comfortable

so with around 1.000 euro you can do it!

I hope this video was useful

I try to respond at these kind of questions, but they're a bit shallow,

because I spend like a lot in food!

but please, don't be sad

it's not impossible!

and everyone can live in Japan!

I hope that with my videos, you appreciate more Japan

because, when I read comments, where you tell me that you appreciate Japan more thanks to me,

I really appreciate that!

and thats like the goal for me!

and if I read comments where you say that I'm lucky, I just say no! no! no!

make a commitment and your dream will come true!

I count on you and support you!

in any case, I will upload videos, to keep you company!

See you tomorrow with another video at 2pm (GMT+1) don't forget to subscribe and share! BYE

For more infomation >> Cost of living in Japan - Duration: 5:19.


My new winterbeater and cheap fixes for it pt3 - Duration: 36:40.

Welcome back to Sipa's garage.

This is the last part of my winterbeater fixes. At least for the moment.

In last part I got the engine running like a new.

As you may notice.

Works pretty well. So no need to do anything about that.

So now I'm going to fix the remaining things.

First one being the noisy power steering pump.

But before that one thing.

One morning I noticed that there was no heat coming at all to inside the car.

And when I popped the hood, all this were soaked in coolant and the hoses were completely empty.

So not much coolant left in the system.

So I took this random bolt and the old radiator cap off.

Because the bolt or the cap was leaking.

So i replaced the cap with new 2bar one and the bolt with the correct OEM bleeding screw.

And after that the coolant has not leaked anymore.

Hopefully that is permanent thing.

It's still bit wet under here, so this could still leak little bit or it's just old coolant left.

I may need to replace the radiator or not. We'll see.

I need to keep an eye on that.

But then to replace that power steering pump.

I have already removed the cooling fan and the shroud.

You can get the fan off by putting 32mm wrench here and hit it with hammer to opposite direction that you would normally loosen bolt.

If it's stuck, just spray wd40 or crc to the nut/thread and maybe wait for a day.

And then try hitting again.

It took couple of days to remove this so that's why I took this off in advance.

And you can then take the shroud off with the fan.

But yeah I did that in advance to avoid spending exces time getting that off.

And now when that is off, I got pretty good access to the the belts and pulleys here.

And I will take this airbox off here to get even more room to work.

So lets do that.

That is wrong type bolt for that.

And it was totally stuck.

But now it's loose.

I will then take off the inlet hose for the pump. It's the one down here.

I will take that off first because it should drain the pump and the oil reservoir pretty much empty.

And it's in the bucket.

Then I will loosen the pressure side pipe.

There will be oil here also.

Now the pump is draining at the moment, but before we can take it off, this belt needs to come loose first.

It's pretty easy. Just loosen the tensioner using this bolt here.

And take the belt off.

That's now easy to remove completely.

And if the belt is in bad condition, this is a good moment to get new one.

To remove the pump you need to take off these two 13mm bolts here.

And at the back there is third shorter one that goes to the oil pan.

So just open those three bolts and you can pull this out.

Yeah... This sounds interesting.

I probably won't be able to show the third bolt but i will now open these two first.

And those are off. I now need to find the third one by feel and remove it also.

And the pump is now removed, and it's this one here.

And here I have another one that I removed from some crashed e36. This should be fine.

So I will replace the broken one with this.

It looks like the pressure side outlet is banjo in e36 and some other one in e39.

So I need to move this to the new pump.

And this bracket seems to be different in e39 and in e36.

So I need to swap this also.

Easy peasy.

So lets remove these.

Then the belt goes back in.

Loosen the tensioner.


And it's now ready to pour in new oil. Just basic atf oil.

Because the cap says ATF oil only.

I will use basic 220 ATF from mobil.

So yeah. Now when the system is almost empty of oil, top the oil reservoir with oil which is 220 ATF from mobil in this case.

Close the cap, start the car and rotate the steering wheel until the pump stops doing strange noises.

You can the stop the engine and check if you need to put more oil.

And you are pretty much done.

And swapping the pump did work.

It still makes some noise, but i can't hear it inside the car anymore so that's fine for me.

So almost free fix this time. The kind of fix I like.

Next job is fixing the airbag light so lets see how that's done.

So yeah. This is almost the last job that needs to be done which is fixing the airbag light.

I already know what is the fault, but I will show here what the car says.

I did read the fault codes when I was buying this, but lets do that again.

The fault codes can be read from the round diagnostic connector and I will use the carsoft again because it's fast to use.

So lets read the airbag system.

And yes.

it says that the belt tensioner circuit at drivers side is faulty.

And also belt switch on that side. What ever that even means.

If here would also be some voltage errors and unit internal fault codes.

Which normally means that you need to replace the box itself.

But it now only complains about the stuff in drivers seat. And it's common that the connectors down there get loose over time.

In the BMW TIS there is even fault description for this.

So this is quite common problem because bmw even has ready solution for this.

So we need to take off the drivers seat and replace the connectors.

There is even partnumber for the kit to fix this. I have it in the box there, I will show it for you.

So with that this should be fixed.

Also the previous owner said that sometimes when the seat is moved, the light goes off, which confirms that the connectors are the problem.

So this is quite clear. So lets see how the kit to fix this looks like, take of the seat and replace the harness.

And here I have this box from Germany including some OEM part goodness.

Or this may have not even come from Germany, but in any case this was ordered from bmwautoparts.

Which sells BMW original pars very cheaply.

I will put the link to description if you also need some parts.

First in the box we have some precious plastics from bmw worth 170€

Which is the inner piece of the bumper that also holds the temp sensor that we changed in the first part.

But this is not for my car. This goes to Petri's car which has m-sport bumper.

So "small" M-addition to the price, because version of this plastic piece costs about 30€

But i was so cheap that I didn't wan't to buy even the cheaper ones for this car.

And what else we have here. Yeah there is some parts to my turbo project. Lets leave those there.

And here is the harness we need to replace.

This is the one. Doesn't look very special.

This was about 20€ so it doesn't cause me to go bankrupt.

And the seat can be taken off by opening the 4 bolts in the corners, that may have been even torx ones.

Yeah. Those are all torx bolts.

And before you can lift off the seat, you need to also disconnect the other stuff under the seat.

The size seems to be T50.

Then forward.

And it seems that this fault may have been tried to fix before. Because these don't look 100% original.

Someone has just wrapped these wires here.

But yeah. Here is the first wire to fix this.

This connector goes to the belt tensioner here.

So that gets replaced.


The wire needs to then go here.

This connector may go somewhere here.

And this...

And the rest of this goes somewhere here also. Not sure yet.

I have to look closer to this.

But first I will open these and take off the old wires.

And I will need to solder the wires somewhere her.

And use zip ties to keep the wires from tangling everywhere.

Should be simple.

Well yeah. i did remember the instruction bit worng. But it clear now when I looked those again.

This wire is now held by the zip ties.

And this connector here replaces this big connector here for the belt tensioner. The old wires are not anymore used, so I did cut those away.

The signals for the belt tensioner now go through this new connector.

And these wires are soldered to the car wiring.

So only seat heating goes trough this old connector.

So this connector here and this one here gets replaced.

So one of these, probably the big one has the contact problem.

So next this gets soldered inside the car.

The instructions even had colors for these wires but these two are just black.

So maybe the polarity doesn't matter.

So lets solder in these and then put the seat back in.

And I did went ahead little bit and already took of the covering sock for the wires.

And did cut away the old wires. Now I will strip these ends.

The instructions had exact measurements how long these wires need to be, how to crimp these etc.

But fuck that. I will just solder these here and it will be fine.

And fine for this car also.

The shrink tubes are too long.

And before I install the seat it would be good to vacuum this floor.

Because this is quite filthy under the seat.

There is even bobby pin here.

Wonder how long ago that was lost here.

But yeah. No colors here so I just connect these how they happen to go.

Hopefully that is ok.

Maybe the colors matter in the newer models.


Am I too lazy to get the heat gun. Yes I am.

Then some tape.

Okay. I will now vacuum all this and the put the seat back in.

I also need to find new bolt here.

Someone has ruined the threads on this bolt.

That is not going back.

I need to find replacement.

So yeah. This connector goes in first.

Which way. This.

Oh. I broke it.

The summer is not coming...

Then this. The instructions said that use zip ties to mount the wires S-shape.

But how..

It's in.

Then the zip ties. And my light keeps falling off.

Yeah. The instructions said to use zip ties.

Oh. Not that far.


And it's done. I think putting the the wires with zip ties like this prevents extra stress from the connector which also prevents this fault from happening again.

Like that. And then that trigger wire or what ever this is.

Now I can tilt the seat back, bolt it down and lets clear the fault codes.

And now we can clear the fault codes.


It's done. No power off and on.

I did power cycle the car and lets read the fault codes again.

Yeah all clear. No fault codes. Lets check that there is no airbag light in the dash.

Yeah no airbag light. And yeah I seem to run low on gas.

And now when the engine is running, there is no fault lights visible.

The empty tank warning is also because the car is not currently level.

But all is clear and there is nothing that would prevent passing the MOT check.

And talking about e39 seats.

I have these leather comfort seat that are going to our e39 touring.

These are electric seats with all the options you can get.

Adjustable lumbar support, heating and even massage function.

And I also got this switch panel. If my camera focuses..

Which has the buttons for seat heating and the massage function.

So I'm planning to install these to our e39 touring.

And also as you can see, this leather is not in the best shape.

So if you are interested how to fix this leather looking like new.

And retrofit these electronic seats to the car.

Comment below and I can also make video of that.

I was not planning that but if you are interested of that kind of thing, I can do video about that.

And when you buy the cheapest car there is available, there is all kinds of things you can find.

This here was some point the power cable to the block heater.

I was wondering why it feels that the engine is not warm, no matte how long I keep this plugged in.

Well no wonder when the power cable looks like this.

I didn't see this when looking and the engine bay, because the headers are on the way.

But when I went under the car, I did see this.

Seems that I also need to replace this before the really cold weather comes.

This is quite fascinating. If you can see this.

This has been laying against asphalt for quite long time.

And here I have new defa cable to replace that.

This was only 20€ in local autoparts store. Hopefully the engine will now heat up.

But i can't film how to put this back in because it's so tight and dark spot.

So you have to believe me that I have installed this and the block heater works.

The interior heater has always worked but the engine block heater not.

And then the last job in this video.

This "air condition" panel.

This doesn't even have A/C.

This is so "prices starting at" model that there isn't even A/C. only these mechanic dials here.

But there is no back light in this.

The automatic A/C panel is light with led, but this may have regular bulbs in here.

I didn't find anything on google how to change the bulb.

But if I have to guess, these dials need to come out.

Like that.

And as i was guessing there is screws here.

Which probably need to come off.

And this panel is here should..

lift off. Yes it does.

And here are the bulbs. Just normal type.

So I was right.

I will go the the local autoparts store to get new ones.

And here are the new bulbs. 1.2w model.

Just push these in. No orientation here.

Woks both ways.

Broken one off.

New in.

Do we have light.


So panel goes back.

The the dials.

And it works.

Yeah. That was last job for this video.

And that was all I had for this video.

Wow. Quite slippery here.

Even when this is only 2 liters, the Finland's roads are sometimes so slippery..

That i can get this sideways even at third gear. As you just did see.

I was looking one with bigger engine, but i'm not disappointed for this smaller one.

This 2 liter m52 has surprisingly good low end torque.

I didn't even remember how good this is.

But of course if you try to floor this, it just dies completely. No action.

But very torqy engine for every day driving. Not fast at all thought.

But really good for normal driving.

And enough power to get car sideways at winter.

But to summarize the fixes that I have done.

The noisy blower motor was fixed by changing it.

And when the blower was not always working, changing the driver unit fixed that.

The outside temp gauge did show wrong.

-40 all the time.

The new sensor did fix that.

For the misfiring engine and sluggish throttle response.

The coils did help for that.

And about that. I have changed two coils, and it now again feels that one is broken.

So it's the basic thing that pretty much everyone is done. I need to replace all of those.

Which is the thing that I do the cars that I'm going to keep longer. Just swap all coils to new ones.

It's not even that expensive. The original coils are made by bosch or bremi.

And at least those bremi coils you can find for 30€ piece from ebay.

And about 160-170€ for whole set.

I can put link to those if you have need for new ones.

If this doesn't get better by changing one last coil, I will need to get set for this too.

But not yet, because I'm not going to keep this forever, so i'm trying to keep everything cheap.

And the engine was lacking power also.

And that was fixed by changing that cam sensor.

That's because the engine goes to fault mode if the signal is missing.

And the gas pedal did also help little bit.

But mostly it did improve the pedal wheel. Originally it was quite horrible.

What else.

The power steering pump was noisy and that was fixed by replacing it.

It's not perfect even after but I can't hear it inside, so it's fine.

The airbag light was on and the harness under the seat was broken.

Which wasn't expensive to fix.

The bulb in the A/C panel was dead and that got replaced.

What else was there. Tires at least.

What this all did cost.

The car itself was.. wow. it's still slippery here.

The car was 1100€

the blower fan was about 100€

Driver unit about 20€

The cam sensor was about 100€

The temp sensor was 20€

20€ here and there. Well lets say about 1400€ for the parts and car (forget the lights so about 1600€)

Plus some parts that I already had.

And with tires 1800€ without 1600€

Tires were going for this car first.

But I noticed that our family hauler e39 touring didn't have the best winter tires anymore.

So I did put the new tires under that and took the ties from that to this car.

Those weren't perfect but but still million times better than what this came.

So the tires you did saw are not under this car currently.

But yeah... i have already destroyed the tires that this now has by drifting all the time.

So for next winter, I'm going to again get new tires for the touring and put back the tires I bought for this.

So count in the cost for those or not.

But about 1500€ for fully working BMW isn't that bad.

And if you don't know, e39 is really good car to drive.

Even with those 15" fatty tires and stock suspension the driving feel and the steering response is top notch.

Even when people say that the e30 etc. is best BMW to drive, I would say that the e39 is better and even the best on my opinion.

And with some tweaks, even better.

But even like this is joy to drive.

There is really good feel for the road and the steering centers really fast.

And some other things about this particular car. Because this has the small 2 liter engine.

This has the getrag as gearbox. Not the better ZF.

But because this isn't e36 which some bay ricer has grinded the syncro rings broken.

The gears go in really smooth without any problems.

But still the feels isn't as good that you have with the ZF.

But it works so it's fine.

And mechanically this car feels to be in really good shape.

Minor thing being this clutch pedal that feels funky as hell.

But the clutch is probably original with 400k on the clock so it may be at the end of it's life.

Lets see how long that holds.

But i will drive this winter with this car.

And probably the next winter also, because I haven't got time to touch my e36.

So I have get this MOT checked in some point.

For that i need to fix the jacking point back there which is now inside the side skirt because of rust.

And also the big ball joints on the rear axle make quite a noise. So those need to fixed.

So the part 4 may come in the summer.

But yeah. This was all for this video.

I will drift this for est of the winter and give this for my dad to drive the summer.

So until the next video.

For more infomation >> My new winterbeater and cheap fixes for it pt3 - Duration: 36:40.


THIS WILL CHANGE YOU! Navy Seal Admiral William H. McRaven [MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH] - Duration: 19:03.

it's been almost 37 years to the day that I graduated from UT I remember a

lot of things about that day I remember I had a throbbing headache from a party

the night before I remember I had a serious girlfriend who I later married

that's important to remember by the way and I remember I was getting

commissioned in the Navy that day but of all the things I remember I don't have a

clue who the commencement speaker was and I certainly don't remember anything

they said so acknowledging that fact if I can't make this commencement speech

memorable I won't least try to make it short so

the university slogan is what starts here changes the world well I've got to

admit I kind of like it what starts here changes the world tonight there are

almost 8,000 students or there more than 8,000 students graduated from UT

so that great paragon of analytical rigor says that the average

American will meet 10,000 people in their lifetime 10,000 people that's a

lot of folks but if every one of you changed the lives of just ten people and

each one of those people change the lives of another 10 people and another

10 then in five generations 125 years the class of 2014 will have changed the

lives of 800 million people 800 million people think about it

over twice the population of the United States go one more generation and you

can change the entire population of the world eight billion people if you think

it's hard to change the lives of ten people change their lives forever you're

wrong I saw it happen every day in Iraq and

Afghanistan a young army officer makes a decision to go left instead of right

down a road in Baghdad and the ten soldiers with him are saved from a

close-in ambush in kandahar province Afghanistan a noncommissioned officer

from the Female Engagement Team senses that something isn't right

and directs the infantry platoon away from a 500-pound I Edie saving the lives

of a dozen soldiers but if you think about it not only were those soldiers

say by the decisions of one person but their children were saved and their

children's children generations were saved by one decision one person but

changing the world can happen anywhere and anyone can do it so what starts here

can indeed change the world but the question is what will the world look

like after you change it well I'm confident that it will look much much

better but if you'll humor this old sailor for just a moment I have a few

suggestions that may help you on your way to a better world and while these

lessons were learned during my time in the military I can assure you that it

matters not whether you ever served a day in uniform it matters not your

gender your ethnic or religious background your orientation or your

social status our struggles in this world are similar and the lessons to

overcome those struggles and to move forward changing ourselves and changing

the world around us will apply equally to all I've been a Navy SEAL for 36

years but it all began when I left UT for basic SEAL training in Coronado

California basic SEAL training is six months a long torturous runs in the soft

sand midnight swims in the cold water off San Diego obstacle courses unending

calisthenics days without sleep and always being cold wet and miserable it

is six months of being constantly harassed by professionally trained

warriors who seek to find the weak of mind and

body and eliminate them from ever becoming a Navy SEAL but the training

also seeks to find those students who can lead in an environment of constant

stress chaos failure and hardships to me basic SEAL training was a lifetime of

challenges crammed into six months so here the 10 lessons I learned from basic

SEAL training that hopefully will be of value to you as you move forward in life

every morning in SEAL training my instructors who at the time were all

Vietnam veterans which show up in my barracks room and the first thing they

do is inspect my bed if you did it right the corners would be square the covers

would be pulled tight the pillows centered just under the headboard and

the extra blanket folded neatly at the foot of the rack it was a simple task

mundane at best but every morning we were required to make our bed to

perfection it seemed a little ridiculous at the time particularly in light of the

fact that we were aspiring to be real warriors tough battle-hardened seals but

the wisdom of this simple act has been proven to me many times over if you made

your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day

it will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another

task and another and another and by the end of the day that one task

completed will have turned into mini task completed making your bed will also

reinforce the fact but the little things in life matter if you can't do the

little things right you'll never be able to do the big things right and if by

chance you have a miserable day you will come home to a bed that is made that you

made and a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be

better so if you want to change the world start off by making your bed

during seal training the students during training the students are all broken

down into boat crews each crew is seven students three on each side of a small

rubber boat and one Coxon to help guide the dinghy

every day your boat crew forms up on the beach and is instructed to get through

the surf zone and paddle several miles down the coast in the winter the surf

off San Diego can get to be eight to ten feet high and it is exceedingly

difficult to paddle route through the plunging surf unless everyone digs in

every paddle must be synchronized to the stroke count of the coxswain everyone

must exert equal effort or the boat will turn against the wave and be

unceremoniously dumped back on the beach for the boat to make it to its

destination everyone must paddle you can't change

the world alone you will need some help and to truly get from your starting

point to your destination takes friends colleagues the good will of strangers

and a strong Coxon to guide you if you want to change the world find someone to

help you paddle over a few weeks of difficult training my seal class which

started with 150 men was down to just 42 there were now six boat crews of seven

men each I was in the boat with the tall guys but the best boat crew we had was

made up of little guys the Munchkin crew we called him

no one was over five foot five the Munchkin boat crew had one American

Indian one African American one Polish American one Greek American one Italian

American and two tough kids from the Midwest

they out paddled out ran and out swam all the other boat crews the big men and

the other boat crews will always make good-natured fun of the tiny little

flippers the munchkins put on their tiny little feet prior to every swim but

somehow these little guys from every corner of the nation in the world always

had the last laugh sewing faster than everyone and reaching

the shore long before the rest of us SEAL training was a great equalizer

nothing mattered but your will to succeed not your color not your ethnic

background not your education not your social status if you want to change the

world measure a person by the size of their heart not by the size of their

flippers several times a week the instructors would line up the class and

do a uniform inspection it was exceptionally thorough your hat had to

be perfectly starched your uniform immaculately pressed your belt buckle

shiny and void of any smudges but it seemed that no matter how much effort

you put into starting your hat or freshen your uniform or polishing your

belt buckle it just wasn't good enough the instructors would find something

wrong for failing uniform inspection the student had to run fully clothed into

the surf zone then wet from head to toe roll around on the beach until every

part of your body was covered with sand the effect was known as sugar cookie

you stayed in the uniform the rest of the day cold wet and Sandy

there were many a student who just couldn't accept the fact that all their

efforts were in vain that no matter how hard they tried to get the uniform right

it went unappreciated those students didn't make it through training those

students didn't understand the purpose of the drill you were never going to

succeed you were never gonna have a perfect uniform the instructors weren't

going to allow it sometimes no matter how well you prepare or how well you

perform you still end up as a sugar cookie it's just the way life is

sometimes if you want to change the world get over being a sugar cookie and

keep moving forward every day during training you were

challenged with multiple physical events long runs long swims obstacle courses

hours of calisthenics something designed to test your mettle every event had

standards times you had to meet if you failed to meet those times those

standards your name was posted on a list and at the end of the day those on the

list were invited to a circus a circus was two hours of additional calisthenics

designed to wear you down to break your spirit to force you to quit no one

wanted a circus a circus myth that for that day you didn't measure up

a circus meant more fatigue and more fatigue meant that the following day

would be more difficult and more circuses were likely but at some time

during seal training everyone everyone made the circus list but an interesting

and interesting thing happened to those who were constantly on the list over

time those students who did two hours of extra calisthenics got stronger and

stronger the pain of the circuses built inner

strength and physical resiliency life is filled with circuses you will fail you

will likely fail often it will be painful it will be discouraging at times

it will test you to your very core but if you don't if you want to change the

world don't be afraid of the circuses at least twice a week the trainees were

required to run the obstacle course the obstacle course contain 25 obstacles

including the 10-foot wall a 30-foot cargo net a barbed wire crawl to name a

few but the most challenging obstacle was the slide for life

it had a three level 30-foot tower at one end and a one level Tower at the

other in between was a 200-foot long rope you had to climb the three tiered

Tower and once at the top you grabbed the rope

swung underneath the rope and pulled yourself hand over hand until you got to

the other end the record for the obstacle course had stood for years when

my class began in 1977 the record seemed unbeatable until one day a student

decided to go down the slide for life headfirst instead of swinging his body

underneath the rope and inching his way down he bravely mounted the top of the

rope and thrust himself forward it was a dangerous move seemingly foolish and

fraught with risk failure could be an injury and being dropped from the course

without hesitation the students slid down the Rope perilously fast instead of

several minutes it only took him half that time and by the end of the course

he had broken the record if you want to change the world sometimes you have to

slide down the obstacles headfirst during the land warfare phase of

training the students are flown out to San Clemente Island which lies off the

coast of San Diego the waters off San Clemente are a breeding ground for the

great white sharks to pass SEAL training they're a series of long swims it must

be completed one is the night swim before the swim the instructors joyfully

brief the students on all the species of sharks that inhabit the waters off San

Clemente they assure you however that no student

has ever been eaten by a shark at least not that they can remember but you were

also taught that if a shark begins to circle your position stand your ground

do not swim away do not act afraid and if the shark

hungry for a midnight snack darts towards you then summons up all your

strength and punch him in the snout and you will turn and swim away there are a

lot of sharks in the world if you hope to complete the swim you will have to

deal with them so if you want to change the world don't back down from the

Sharks as Navy SEAL is one of our jobs is to conduct underwater attacks against

enemy shipping we practice this technique extensively during training

the ship attack mission is where a pair of sealed divers is dropped off outside

an enemy harbor and then swims well over two miles underwater using nothing but a

depth gauge and a compass to get to the target during the entire swim even well

below the surface there is some light that comes through it is comforting to

know that there is open water above you but as you approach the ship which is

tied to appear the light begins to fade the steel structure of the ship blocks

the moonlight it blocks the surrounding street lamps it blocks all ambient light

to be successful in your mission you have to swim under the ship and find the

keel the centerline and the deepest part of the ship this is your objective but

the keel is also the darkest part of the ship where you cannot see your hand in

front of your face where the noise from the ship's machinery is deafening and

where it gets to be easily disoriented and you can fail every SEAL knows that

under the keel at that darkest moment of the mission is a time when you need to

be calm when you must be called when you must be

composed when all your tactical skills your physical power and your inner

strength must be brought to bear if you want to change the world you must be

your very best in the darkest moments the ninth week of training is referred

to as hell week it is six days of no sleep constant physical and mental

harassment and one special day at the mud flats the mud flats are an area

between San Diego and Tijuana where the water runs off and creates the Tijuana

sloughs a swampy patch of terrain where the mud will engulf you it is on

Wednesday of hell week that you paddle down in the mud flats and spend the next

15 hours trying to survive this freezing cold the howling wind and the incessant

pressure to quit from the instructors as the Sun began to set that Wednesday

evening my training class having committed some egregious infraction of

the rules was ordered into the mud the mud consumed each man till there was

nothing visible but our heads the instructors told us we could leave

the mud if only five men would quit only five men just five men and we could get

out of the oppressive cold looking around the mud flat it was apparent that

some students were about to give up it was still over eight hours till the Sun

came up eight more hours of bone-chilling cold a chattering teeth

and the shivering moans of the trainees were so loud it was hard to hear

anything and then one voice began to echo through the night

one voice raised in song the song was terribly out of tune but sung with great

enthusiasm one voice became two and two became three and before long everyone in

the class was singing the instructors threatened us with more time in the mud

if we kept up the singing but the singing persisted and somehow the mud

seemed a little warmer and the wind a little tamer and the dawn not so far

away if I have learned anything in my time traveling the world it is the power

of hope the power of one person the Washington a Lincoln King Mandela and

even a young girl from Pakistan Malala one person can change the world by

giving people hope so if you want to change the world start singing when

you're up to your neck and mud finally a seal training there's a bell a brass

bell that hangs in the center of the compound for all the students to see all

you have to do quit all you have to do to quit is ring the bell ring the bell

and you no longer have to wake up at five o'clock

ring the bell and you no longer have to be in the freezing cold swims ring the

bell and you no longer have to do the runs the obstacle course the PT and you

no longer have to endure the hardships of training all you have to do is ring

the bell to get out if you want to change the world don't ever ever ring

the bell to the class of 2014 you are moments away from graduating moments

away from beginning your journey through life moments away from starting to

change the world for the better it will not be easy but you are the

class of 2014 the class that can affect the lives of 800 million people in the

next century start each day with a task completed find someone to help you

through life respect everyone know that life is not fair and that you will fail

often but if you take some risks step up on the time through the toughest faced

down the bullies lift up the downtrodden and never ever give up if you do these

things the next generation and the generations

that follow will live in a world far better than the one we have today and

what started here will indeed have changed the world for the better thank

you very much fucking horns

For more infomation >> THIS WILL CHANGE YOU! Navy Seal Admiral William H. McRaven [MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH] - Duration: 19:03.


STRANGE THAI FOOD CHALLENGE | Kaio ft MyPersonalPizza & Giacomo Hawkman - Duration: 3:18.

strange thai food challenge - kaio ft mypersonalpizza giacomo hawkman the system

For more infomation >> STRANGE THAI FOOD CHALLENGE | Kaio ft MyPersonalPizza & Giacomo Hawkman - Duration: 3:18.


Mons - Megu Doran - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Mons - Megu Doran - Duration: 1:38.


IAS आसान सवाल जो आपको नहीं पता - Trickiest questions you can't answer- IAS interview question answer - Duration: 3:41.

Hello Friends!

Sometimes in interviews or exams such questions are asked, which appear quite difficult

and even great minds fail to answer.

But after thinking about them logically, they become easy.

What is required, is presence of mind and carefully understanding of what is being asked.

Such questions are also called 'Tricky Questions'.

Here we shall share such fresh questions, so stay with us.

You are watching YouTube channel WiseMunch.

Subscribe and don't forget to click the bell icon to get notified about new content.

Which star is closest to Earth?

Think for a while!

Alpha Centauri... or Proxima Centauri...?

Are you thinking the same?

Then you are wrong.

Nearest star to 'Earth' is being asked, not the nearest star to our solar system.

That's why Alpha Centauri is not right answer, but it is the Sun.

Our own Sun is the nearest star to the Earth.

Which planet has maximum number of satellites in our solar system?

Is your answer Jupiter or Saturn?

Hmm…. None of these.

Try to understand the question carefully.

It is asking about satellites, not natural satellites in particular.

That's why these are called tricky questions.

Our own Earth has maximum number of satellites. These are thousands in number.

It has one natural satellites - the Moon, and other are man made satellites.

In exams, often series related questions are asked.

So, here is a question related to series.

Find the next digit in the series that you are seeing on the screen.

Pause and think for a while.

Seems difficult?

Then here is one more series. Both the series have same logic. Guess!

Still not able to solve?

Then the answer is -

Observe both the series carefully,

In both the series numbers are in ascending order.

So any number which is larger than the previous number, is a valid answer.

Some time, we make the questions quite complex in our own mind,

but when we think out of the box, answers seems quite simple.

43, 22, 65 - What are these ?

Natural numbers? Hmm... you may be right.

But another explanation is -

These are not numbers,

but a way to represent numbers in decimal number system,

which has the base of 10.

A number can be represented in many ways.

E.g. , 43 can be represented in various number systems like this -

In Decimal Number System - 43

In Binary Number System - 101011

In Hexadecimal Number System - 2B

In Octal Number System - 53

If you have studied computer science, then you should be knowing these very well.

Similarly, few more forms of 43 are on your screen.

So, these were few tricky questions.

If you also know any such tricky question, do share in the comment section below.

Share, like and and don't forget to subscribe.

We will keep on sharing such logical, fact based knowledge with you.


For more infomation >> IAS आसान सवाल जो आपको नहीं पता - Trickiest questions you can't answer- IAS interview question answer - Duration: 3:41.







MakerThink Knight Precision 3D Printer Unboxing! - Duration: 19:00.

Hey everyone! Another big 3D printer and this one is really really heavy.

So I might have to call on my elves to help me later.

But let's give it a shot. Let's see how far I can get.

So we have some acrylic panels here.

This is the printer bed and it's heavy-duty I am telling you.

They have some aluminum rods in the box too. I'm going to show you in a second.

Let me put this on the top of the other box first.

This is a big aluminum rod. I don't know what this is for yet. I'm going to put it aside

I will move all the foam first. Because there's super heavy metal in the box.

In here there are just some 3D printed parts and a lot of filament.

I am also putting these aside. And they sent a router, not sure why. I'll just put it aside.

More filament. As usual some tools along with the 3D printers.

In this box we have the cable, the spatula and some bearings maybe for the spool holder. Let's put it all aside.

I don't think I can do it, it is way too heavy. But I can work on the other parts first.

Okay I will just leave it here.

Well there's no way I can put that on this. So I'm going to get my elves to help me.

I have to keep going and see what I have to do next. There's still something in the box.

Next step I am going to put the Z-axis in.

This part there is a groove here. Is that called a groove? In Chinese we call it 沟槽(gōu cáo).

I will show you later. Oh maybe you can see it from here.

Let me get my screws first.

I think the motor probably on this side, because the screw goes in there.

I see.

So the longer screw goes at the bottom and the shorter screw goes on the top.

Because there's label on the bag.

I have to call on my elves again, be right back.

So the printer is the assembled. It is heavy and rigid.

Because they're using 10 millimeter thick machined aluminum plate.

On this end there is a micrometer for adjusting Z-aixs and on the other end is the induction sensor.

Now let's look at the top.

There is a Raspberry Pi here, it is running OctoPrint. My friend Gina Häußge, she's the developer of OctoPrint.

I will let her tell you all about it.

Hi, I'm Gina Häußge also known as Foosel and I'm the creator and main developer of OctoPrint.

Octoprint is a web interface for 3D printers that allows you to control and monitor all aspects of your printer and the ongoing print jobs.

Right from within any browser on your network.

You can also create time-lapse recordings of your prints and on top of that,

there's also a fancy plugin system included that allows extending the core functionality in various cool directions.

Octoprint runs basically everywhere, be it the cheap computer like a Raspberry Pi.

Or that old laptop you've still get lying around.

It is Free and Open Source software.

I'm going to put Gina's links in the description box.

Please consider visiting her channel or support her on her Patreon.

She does fantastic things for the 3D printer community.

So underneath the Raspberry Pi, I don't think you can see it.

There is a Smoothieboard 3D printer controller. They also use it for CNC and laser cutter machines.

I think it's a pretty good choice, but I'm talking to them about maybe using a Duet board.

Maybe it is more suitable for this and after all this is just a prototype.

They are going to make some changes later.

Here obviously they're using the power supply.

But this one, at first I thought it is stepper motor.

Because usually for most 3D printers, it would be stepper motor.

But this one turns out to be servo.

In the front there is the motor and at the back there is the sensor.

So with the servo, it always knows it's position.

I'm excited to see how it performs. And on the side we have ball screws instead of belts for X and Y-axis.

This is pretty unusual. But let's see how it works.

All the parts here seems heavy, industrial and good quality.

I'm already connected to OctoPrint. So now I'm going to try to level the bed.

Okay, I think it is levelled. Now I will load the filament.

Now I'm going to set the temperature to 190ºC.

I think that's it.

Let's feed in some filament.

Okay now it is coming out.

So I'm going to use a test print from a friend of mine. Her name is Lydia .

She's an amazing young lady and she has her own 3D printing channel.

But like a lot of women in the 3D printing and STEM community

she just doesn't get the amount of traffic that she deserves.

So I'm going to put her link in the description box so you can go check out and see what she has done.

Now I am going to download her Maker Coin.

This is the Maker Coin she used to test her printer.

Now we're in Simplify3D. I'm just going to drop that. It just drops right in the middle of the build plate.

Now Lydia's advice is to print at 200%, so I'm going to do that. Change it all to 200%.

It automatically scales that.

I think this one needs support, so I'm going to check generate support material.

And this is just from the MakerThink people this profile, so as is I'm just going to use that.

And it looks good.

So the build time is 4 hours 15 minutes.

I'm going to "Save the Toolpaths to Disk" because later I have to upload it to OctoPrint.

Okay I'm just going to drag that G-Code file right onto the octoprint window.

And there it is, makercoin.gcode.

Everything seems right.

It has a big heavy heated bed, so I'm just going to let it heat up a little bit first. I think that's a good idea.

Okay, everything seems ready to go. Let's print it.

Looks good.

All these objects are printed at 0.15.

It looks clean, take a look at the benchyboat. The layer is fine.

But I guess I can dial it in a bit because I'm using Simplify3D.

The MakerMuse torture cube, it is a little bit stringy and there are some small blobs on the side.

But for the first print I think it is more than acceptable.

So what's the verdict? There is no verdict. This is just a pre-production 3D printer.

And the MakerThink company sent it to me so that you guys can see what improvement they can make and change.

We are going through some discussions of what they can do to improve it.

But as you know I'm not super technical. They sent it to me so that you guys can see how it works.

And maybe give them some feedback. They respect feedback from the community.

Unlike some of the Chinese companies that are not so responsive, this one is.

They are open to any suggestions.

So I am going to put their address in the description box. Feel free to contact them anytime

and tell them what you think what they can do better to improve printer in this class.

Remember if I can do it anyone can do it!

Please subscribe and see you all next time!

For more infomation >> MakerThink Knight Precision 3D Printer Unboxing! - Duration: 19:00.


Joyce to Go - Healthy Living - Duration: 0:32.



















For more infomation >> Joyce to Go - Healthy Living - Duration: 0:32.


[TT] der-materialspezialist FIRESTORM - Duration: 6:17.

With his new FIRESTORM "der-materialspezialist" tries to whirl the whole short pimple genre.

If the new development is as sensational as promised at the table, we show you in this video - have fun!

That FIRESTORM is quite a novelty, you can already see on the appearance of its unprecended surface.

The very wide, conically formed nubs come with strikingly shiny, non-fluted pimple heads.

Underneath there's an orange, compact, medium hard sponge.

The smell and the strong curvature lead us to the assumption

that it's tuned with a maximum of speed glue effect.

The first test shows high speed potential

and a surprisingly high amount of spin.

The rubber is not very spin sensitive on frontally hit balls,

tangentially hit balls, however, slip through.

FIRESTORM is able to produce a good amount of undercut at your own service.

At the table, FIRESTORM behaves as promised.

Speed, catault effect and potency are on a very high level.

Surprisingly, all strikes you can play with inverted rubber are also playable with FIRESTORM, including topspin.

On passive blocks the rubber reacts benevolent and less spin sensitive with good control.

It's easy to open up the game or to counter attack on the opponents service.

The efficiency of FIRESTORM grows with the speed of your opppnents game.

Even non athletic players are able to produce fast, hard, low and dangerous blocks with a very high disruptive effect.

Balls with flutter, spin or simply sink very fast to the baseline.

In our opinion FIRESTORM is a probate solution for people who want to switch equipment because of the new polyballs.

Even long pimple players who want to keep disruptive effects in their game could give it a try.

It's really a small revolution in the short pimple segment.

For more infomation >> [TT] der-materialspezialist FIRESTORM - Duration: 6:17.


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For more infomation >> 20 New Lipstick Tutorials and Lip Art Ideas Feb 2018 You Should Try - Duration: 10:37.


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For more infomation >> Dota 2 Cheaters: Zeus plays with 100% MAPHACK! - Duration: 6:01.


Malibu Mansion Attack Part 1 | Iron Man 3 (2013) Movie Clip 4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 4:26.

Right there is fine.

You're not the Mandarin.

Are you? Are you?

You don't remember. (CHUCKLES)

Why am I not surprised?

Don't take it personally. I don't remember what I had for breakfast.

JARVIS: Gluten-free waffles, sir.

That's right.

Okay, look, I need to be alone with you, someplace not here.

It's urgent.

Normally, I'd go for that sort of thing, but now I'm in a committed relationship.


- With her. PEPPER: - Tony?

- Is somebody there? - Yeah,

- it's Maya Hansen. - Ah...

Old botanist pal

that I used to know, barely.

Please don't tell me there's a 12-year-old kid

waiting in the car that I've never met.

He's 13.

No, I need your help.

But, what for? Why now?

Because I read the papers and frankly, I don't think you'll last the week.

I'll be fine.

PEPPER: I'm sorry, with Happy in the hospital,

I didn't know we were expecting guests.

- We weren't. - And old girlfriends.

- She's not, really. - No, not really. I...

- it was just one night. TONY: - Yep.

That's how you did it, isn't it?

- It was a great night. PEPPER: - Yep. Well, you know.

- You saved yourself a world of pain. - What?

MAYA: - I'm sure. - Trust me. We're going out of town.

Okay. We've been through this.

- Nope. - Yep!

- The man says no. - Immediately and indefinitely.

TONY: - Honey... - Great idea. Let's go.

I'm sorry, that's a terrible idea. Please don't touch her bags.

This is how normal people behave.

TONY: I can't protect you out there.

Is... Is that normal?

- Sadly, that is very normal. - Yes, this is normal!

It's a big bunny. Relax about it!

Calm down.

- I got this for you. - I'm aware of that.

You still haven't even told me you liked it.

I don't like it.

I asked you three... You don't like it.

- We are leaving the house. MAYA: - Guys?

That's not even up for discussion.

- Can we, um... - I said no. What?

Do we need to worry about that?





I got you.

I got you first.

Like I said, we can't stay here.



Move! I'm right behind you.


Get her. I'm gonna find a way around.

Stop stopping. Get her. Get outside.






Ch, my God. Tony!



JARVIS: Sir, Ms Potts is clear of the structure.







Jarvis, where's my flight power?

Working on it, sir. This is a prototype.


For more infomation >> Malibu Mansion Attack Part 1 | Iron Man 3 (2013) Movie Clip 4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 4:26.


Malibu Mansion Attack Part 2 | Iron Man 3 (2013) Movie Clip 4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 4:29.



Move! I'm right behind you.


Get her. I'm gonna find a way around.

Stop stopping. Get her. Get outside.






Ch, my God. Tony!



JARVIS: Sir, Ms Potts is clear of the structure.







Jarvis, where's my flight power?

Working on it, sir. This is a prototype.



That's one.

Sir, the suit is not combat ready.

That's two.












Sir, take a deep breath.



Flight power restored.

For more infomation >> Malibu Mansion Attack Part 2 | Iron Man 3 (2013) Movie Clip 4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 4:29.


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