Lame intro!!! Fuuuu!!!!
[Bleep] Bullshit!
Hey, Welcome
F**k this Shit I quit!
Trump ki gaand fati hai
Hello YouTubers, I am MemeboyYT and You are watching Memeboy's Channel.
Of course they're ur channel ffs bro...
Video without advertising, a choice - Duration: 3:21.-------------------------------------------
Water Gun Coloring Pages | Learn Colors For Kids | Coloring Page For Kids | Coloring Page Kids Tv - Duration: 10:04.Water Gun Coloring Pages
Learn Colors For Kids
[Nightcore] Radja - Titik Noda (With English Subtitles) - Duration: 3:10.That afternoon the sky became dark, cloudy even more thickened
sounded raindrops, all add to the pain
his love has gone away from the spot, she lived now with a disappointed heart
the rain fell more and more rapidly, so tears
she cried reassuringly, her abandoned self
his love has gone away from the spot, he lived now with a disappointed heart
his love has gone away from the spot, he lived now with a disappointed heart
his love has gone away... from the spot
she lived now with a disappointed heart
with a disappointed heart.
Shanto - Tumi Amar Poraner Poran Bangla Full Album Song / Bulbul Audio / Official Full Audio Jukbox - Duration: 48:46.Please Subscribe My Channel
VALENTINE'S WEEK BAKCHODI || What is Valentine's Day ? - Duration: 12:07.-------------------------------------------
10 TRICKS AFTER NEW DE_NUKE CS:GO UPDATE - Duration: 5:28.You will see some fresh tricks on new updated Nuke.
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Use my code to get special bonus money on site.
Hey guys, NadeKing here.
I haven't really done any fast videos after big CS:GO updates, but this time I am making
the video right after the update, to bring you new tips and tricks fast as possible.
Keep in mind that Nuke could change again, as there are some bugs and spots, they probably
don't want us to use.
In today's video, I am giving away another Asimov, like the video and join with the Steam
group as I will be picking a random winner from the Steam group.
I announce giveaway winners on Monday, so make sure you check out my Twitter once in a while.
Let's go.
Let's start off with a cool boost spot on A bombsite.
Just make a 2-man boost on the hut and you can get up here.
Great spot for defending the bombsite.
Just make sure you don't overuse this spot.
And it's kinda one and done spot, as you can't move anywhere from here.
So, if the enemy team has the info that you are in this boost spot, rather jump down from here.
Next up heaven smoke.
In my opinion easiest one out here.
Make sure this glass is broken.
Get stuck in this position.
Aim up from this post and take the height from here.
Plenty of room for mistakes and works perfectly, they can only see through the tiny gap like
this, but this won't help them much.
Definitely must know and easy smoke to throw.
A bombsite.
You can also jump to this position.
It works on the other side as well.
Kinda similar positions to the previously presented boost spot, these will just give
you some different angles again.
Try these spots out till you can, as they may fix these positions in the future updates.
You can still get on this box at the ramp, by jumping like this.
Easy solo trick.
These wallhacks on this ladder are still working.
Thank you Valve.
Use them well.
And if you stand here and jump you can actually spot if anyone is hiding under the stairs.
Really noob annoying spot here, but if you are aware of this wallhack you can spot anyone
from here beforehand.
Easy as that.
T spawn.
Here you can see the official fastest route to the silo.
My movement is awful, you could probably do it better.
This may help you to get nice entry frag in the really early round.
You can also surf on this thing and get quicker onto the A bombsite.
If you do it right, people may call you the speed demon.
T roof.
Take a position like this.
Break the glass and aim about here, run and use left click to throw the molly.
This will land on the hut roof and no one can camp on the hut as the molotov spreads
nicely all over the hut roof.
Although as you can see, it has to be really accurate to spread that wide, if you make
even a slight mistake the molly won't spread that wide.
If you find something better, please let us know in the comment section.
Again T roof.
Because of the new roof windows you can actually throw cool afterplant mollies.
I just show you one pretty simple lineup here.
Make sure bomb is planted somewhere here.
Now break the windows, stand on this black dot.
Aim like shown and jump throw.
If they don't have a smoke they are screwed.
These windows make A bombsite afterplant scenarios a lot different as you can basically win the
round from the T roof when everyone throws this molly and they don't have a smoke
to deny the molotov.
I showed you in one of my previous videos that you could actually see through this blue
box, this model bug still exisits.
And from CT spawn as well.
At the right distance, you can see through some objects.
It's 2018 and even if it doesn't make a much of a difference..
It's still ridiculous if things disappear like this.
And the last tip for this video.
This tip stands for my nickname NadeKing.
Get stuck right here, break the glass aim almost in the corner and left click throw
the grenade.
It explodes nicely on the silo, so if someone is there he will get serious damage.
You can even gamble your eco round like this and throw couple of nades to the silo, it
may get you a nice entry frag.
By the way, if T's do the default smoke wall outside you can try to make a play now by
climbing quickly on the roof and catch someone off guard while they are going to the secret.
Try it out.
Also, let me know in the comment section how did you like the new update and Nuke changes so far.
We will see you in the next video.
Thanks for watching!
MakerThink Knight Precision 3D Printer Unboxing! - Duration: 19:00.Hey everyone! Another big 3D printer and this one is really really heavy.
So I might have to call on my elves to help me later.
But let's give it a shot. Let's see how far I can get.
So we have some acrylic panels here.
This is the printer bed and it's heavy-duty I am telling you.
They have some aluminum rods in the box too. I'm going to show you in a second.
Let me put this on the top of the other box first.
This is a big aluminum rod. I don't know what this is for yet. I'm going to put it aside
I will move all the foam first. Because there's super heavy metal in the box.
In here there are just some 3D printed parts and a lot of filament.
I am also putting these aside. And they sent a router, not sure why. I'll just put it aside.
More filament. As usual some tools along with the 3D printers.
In this box we have the cable, the spatula and some bearings maybe for the spool holder. Let's put it all aside.
I don't think I can do it, it is way too heavy. But I can work on the other parts first.
Okay I will just leave it here.
Well there's no way I can put that on this. So I'm going to get my elves to help me.
I have to keep going and see what I have to do next. There's still something in the box.
Next step I am going to put the Z-axis in.
This part there is a groove here. Is that called a groove? In Chinese we call it 沟槽(gōu cáo).
I will show you later. Oh maybe you can see it from here.
Let me get my screws first.
I think the motor probably on this side, because the screw goes in there.
I see.
So the longer screw goes at the bottom and the shorter screw goes on the top.
Because there's label on the bag.
I have to call on my elves again, be right back.
So the printer is the assembled. It is heavy and rigid.
Because they're using 10 millimeter thick machined aluminum plate.
On this end there is a micrometer for adjusting Z-aixs and on the other end is the induction sensor.
Now let's look at the top.
There is a Raspberry Pi here, it is running OctoPrint. My friend Gina Häußge, she's the developer of OctoPrint.
I will let her tell you all about it.
Hi, I'm Gina Häußge also known as Foosel and I'm the creator and main developer of OctoPrint.
Octoprint is a web interface for 3D printers that allows you to control and monitor all aspects of your printer and the ongoing print jobs.
Right from within any browser on your network.
You can also create time-lapse recordings of your prints and on top of that,
there's also a fancy plugin system included that allows extending the core functionality in various cool directions.
Octoprint runs basically everywhere, be it the cheap computer like a Raspberry Pi.
Or that old laptop you've still get lying around.
It is Free and Open Source software.
I'm going to put Gina's links in the description box.
Please consider visiting her channel or support her on her Patreon.
She does fantastic things for the 3D printer community.
So underneath the Raspberry Pi, I don't think you can see it.
There is a Smoothieboard 3D printer controller. They also use it for CNC and laser cutter machines.
I think it's a pretty good choice, but I'm talking to them about maybe using a Duet board.
Maybe it is more suitable for this and after all this is just a prototype.
They are going to make some changes later.
Here obviously they're using the power supply.
But this one, at first I thought it is stepper motor.
Because usually for most 3D printers, it would be stepper motor.
But this one turns out to be servo.
In the front there is the motor and at the back there is the sensor.
So with the servo, it always knows it's position.
I'm excited to see how it performs. And on the side we have ball screws instead of belts for X and Y-axis.
This is pretty unusual. But let's see how it works.
All the parts here seems heavy, industrial and good quality.
I'm already connected to OctoPrint. So now I'm going to try to level the bed.
Okay, I think it is levelled. Now I will load the filament.
Now I'm going to set the temperature to 190ºC.
I think that's it.
Let's feed in some filament.
Okay now it is coming out.
So I'm going to use a test print from a friend of mine. Her name is Lydia .
She's an amazing young lady and she has her own 3D printing channel.
But like a lot of women in the 3D printing and STEM community
she just doesn't get the amount of traffic that she deserves.
So I'm going to put her link in the description box so you can go check out and see what she has done.
Now I am going to download her Maker Coin.
This is the Maker Coin she used to test her printer.
Now we're in Simplify3D. I'm just going to drop that. It just drops right in the middle of the build plate.
Now Lydia's advice is to print at 200%, so I'm going to do that. Change it all to 200%.
It automatically scales that.
I think this one needs support, so I'm going to check generate support material.
And this is just from the MakerThink people this profile, so as is I'm just going to use that.
And it looks good.
So the build time is 4 hours 15 minutes.
I'm going to "Save the Toolpaths to Disk" because later I have to upload it to OctoPrint.
Okay I'm just going to drag that G-Code file right onto the octoprint window.
And there it is, makercoin.gcode.
Everything seems right.
It has a big heavy heated bed, so I'm just going to let it heat up a little bit first. I think that's a good idea.
Okay, everything seems ready to go. Let's print it.
Looks good.
All these objects are printed at 0.15.
It looks clean, take a look at the benchyboat. The layer is fine.
But I guess I can dial it in a bit because I'm using Simplify3D.
The MakerMuse torture cube, it is a little bit stringy and there are some small blobs on the side.
But for the first print I think it is more than acceptable.
So what's the verdict? There is no verdict. This is just a pre-production 3D printer.
And the MakerThink company sent it to me so that you guys can see what improvement they can make and change.
We are going through some discussions of what they can do to improve it.
But as you know I'm not super technical. They sent it to me so that you guys can see how it works.
And maybe give them some feedback. They respect feedback from the community.
Unlike some of the Chinese companies that are not so responsive, this one is.
They are open to any suggestions.
So I am going to put their address in the description box. Feel free to contact them anytime
and tell them what you think what they can do better to improve printer in this class.
Remember if I can do it anyone can do it!
Please subscribe and see you all next time!
CVS Boards the Trump Train, Hikes Wages After Tax Cuts - Duration: 4:31.CVS Boards the Trump Train, Hikes Wages After Tax Cuts
One of the most well-recognized retail pharmacy outlets in America announced this week that
it plans to spike its starting wage and launch a new paid parental leave program in April.
In explaining the motivation behind this unexpected generosity, the retailer pointed to the tax
reform bill President Donald Trump signed into law in late 2017.
CVS Health, a nationwide conglomerate responsible for the CVS Pharmacy that lines the corner
of practically every town in the United States, revealed in a news brief Thursday that it
seeks to �enable employees to share in the tax savings created by the U.S. Tax Cuts and
Jobs Act.�
CVS� new plan specifically calls for boosting its starting pay for hourly employees from
$9 an hour to $11 per hour, not increasing its employees� health care premiums for
the current year and launching a paid parental leave program.
�Effective April 1, 2018, full-time employees who welcome a new child into their home can
take up to four weeks away from work at 100% of their pay to ensure the newest addition
to their family gets off to a strong start in life,� CVS announced.
CVS� customers are also slated to benefit, as the retailer plans to use its tax savings
to fund �investments in data analytics, care management solutions and store service
offering pilots to improve health outcomes and lower costs for patients.�
�As part of our ongoing commitment to the patients, customers and communities we serve,
we said that we would invest our tax savings back into our business, and that�s exactly
what we�re doing,� said CVS Health president and CEO Larry Merlo.
�Today, we�re building on the investments we�ve been making in our employees, in their
wages, benefits and career development.
It�s our employees who drive our performance and we appreciate how hard they work every
day to deliver on our purpose of helping people on their path to better health.�
According to an updated list maintained by the Americans for Tax Reform, CVS is one of
over 330 companies that responded to Trump�s tax bill by raising wages, doling out bonuses,
launching parental leave programs and/or improving their employees� 401k plans.
The list also includes the likes of American Airlines, Best Buy, Charter Communications,
FirstBank, Home Depot, Honeywell, Walmart and the Walt Disney Company.
Millions of employees throughout America are slated to benefit from these generous handouts,
including the 240,000 who work at CVS.
Despite the never-ending stream of positive news for American workers, the Democrat Party
continues to criticize the president�s tax reform bill, characterizing the wage increases
and bonuses as mere �crumbs.�
Democrats such as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi have likewise accused the bill of being
nothing but a handout to the rich and wealthy.
Yet polls show support for the bill rising dramatically: �Although 26 percent of Americans
approved of the package in mid-December, as lawmakers were putting the final touches on
it, support in the latest poll rose to 44 percent,� The Washington Post reported in
early February.
The president�s own approval rating has likewise spiked from a 37 percent low in December
to a high of 42.3 percent in early February.
What do you think about Democrats' continued claims that the tax reform bill is nothing
but a handout to the rich and wealthy?
Scroll down to comment below!
First video of ASL series - Duration: 6:24.Good morning and welcome to first video of American Sign Language, ASL, series
Now, if you notice (messed up signing)
notice I, that I'm signing English (SEE), not ASL
Why? I'm still learning ASL myself
I practiced a lot before making this video
Since I'm a student, I will not teach ASL
But I can give you two resources that I'm using to learn ASL
First: ROCHELLE BARLOW, (sign name) Rochelle
She makes videos on YOUTUBE
Very good videos, she's awesome
So awesome that she has her own website
Very good
Her website offers 30 days of class
You will learn a lot
You will, I did
Second, second: good, BILL VICARS, (sign name) Bill
He's a teacher at an university
He makes videos on YOUTUBE
And has his own website
Very good website
{Website} offers first 100 signs, dictionary, jokes, quizzes, and more
Amazing website
I'm sure that there's more resources than these two
but I like them the most
I hit my ring!
I'll be careful, I'll be careful
My goal is to share my learning progess
and how I remember difficult to remember signs or difficult to execute signs
My memory TRICKS
they're going to be weird, I'm weird
My other goal is to become comfortable signing ASL
That is going to be hard
ASL grammar
hard to remember
I'll give an example
English: tomorrow, I need to buy more milk
ASL: tomorrow, more milk, I buy
Yeah, grammars: DIFFERENT!
Very different
It's going to be hard for me
I need to sign English for my husband
He's also learning
Then switch to ASL to practice myself
That's hard, that's hard
Now, schedule of this series
I'm going to upload last Saturday of every month
If that change, I will let you know, let you know ASAP
but for now, last Saturday of every month
Yeah, that's it, that's it
If you enjoy this video, please press like
If you have any questions, please drop them in the comment below
I will see you next Saturday. Bye
TOP 10 Girl party wedding Gowns children baby kids flower Girl Dress collection - Duration: 0:33.TOP 10 Girl party wedding Gowns children baby kids flower Girl Dress collection
NASIL YOUTUBER OLUNUR ??? - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
DIY Paper Heart Showpiece | VALENTINES DAY CRAFT IDEAS | EMMA DIY #29 - Duration: 12:32.DIY Paper Heart Showpiece | VALENTINES DAY CRAFT IDEAS | EMMA DIY #29
Ты Слёзы Льёшь, Просто Обалденная Песня | Леонид Максименко - Duration: 3:06.You're Tearing Lies, Leonid Maksimenko
MOST DISTURBING THING EVER?? (2018 REACT) - Duration: 11:37.Charmeager Here!
I wanted to start this video by giving you a self defense lesson.
When someone points a gun at you, what do you do?
Hands up don't shoot, hands up don't shoot, hands up don't shoot, hands up don't shoot.
Just in case that wasn't enough self defense for you, try this one.
So what i'd like to do is demonstrate a technique that I like to call, defense against a guy
in a chair.
Excuse me.
Welcome to deep in the internet episode five!
It's been a couple days since my last post, but I have a good reason.
I feel like I rushed episode 4, and it wasn't as good as it could have been.
So I took a little more time with this one to try and find better videos and improve
my channel overall.
So in order to give myself more time to make quality videos I'll now be posting every Friday
so that way I don't have that rushed feeling to make videos, and so each week I can improve
on the quality little by little until I get it where I want it.
So every Friday, stay tuned.
And I know it's February, but it's never too
early to get into the Christmas spirit.
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas,
only a hippopotamus will do.
don't want a doll, no wrinky dinky toy.
I want a hippopotamus to play with and enjoy.
Karaoke videos like this are my favorite.
He's actually a really good singer.
All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, my two front teeth, see my two front teeth.
Back on the topic of karaoke, I hope I don't get copyrighted for this one, but I feel like
I have to show it to you.
[Wonderful singing]
This guy mostly does anime intro karaoke, but as soon as I saw the Hannah Montana thumbnail
I had to click on it.
[More wonderful singing]
The news is usually boring, but sometimes you have to wonder what the hell they we're
My brother used to break in our house and steal the tv
But now, he's dead.
These next guys are hilarious.
Hey guys, my name is Freddy and this is Lucy.
As we all know Pugs are really dumb, but today I'm gonna prove it.
I'm going to give lucy the choice between one single chicken nugget or a hundred dollars.
I wonder which one she'll go for!
Let's find out!
Oh goddammit lucy.
They're a really new channel so I'll put a link to them at the end of this video.
I want you to imagine for a second, the perfect performance.
Luckily you don't have to imagine it, I can show you.
[Unintelligible screeching]
This is the whole video, and warning, your ears are about to die.
[More screeching]
Humans are an amazing species.
We create beautiful, amazing works of art.
Just like this next video.
[No idea]
It's time for the creepy video of the day.
Hey there kids, come on over and try my chicky lumps.
Lots of lovely lumps for you.
Chicky lumps.
Chicky lumps.
Excuse me?
I'm sorry you're disappointed by the way I look .
You see,
I'm just a little misshapen chicky lump.
I can't help it that I'm different.
Just cover me in breadcrumbs.
And pop me on your plate.
There's no need to hesitate.
Do it!
No need to hesitate.
Touch the chicky lump!
I can't wait.
Touch it!
Join us!
This guy's an insanely good youtuber with only three thousand subscribers!
So I'm gonna put a link to his channel at the end of this video as well.
This next guy, made a diss track on a potato.
[Rap beat]
And to everyone's surprise, the potato did a reaction video.
Okay bro, you indian looking mother ******, I'm coming for you.
I'm gonna keep our music theme going with the next video.
[Gruntled singing]
What's the most bizarre think you can think of?
We'll think again.
[Piano music and singing where did my horsey go?]
I'm finally convinced to go totally paperless.
This next ad has convinced me.
The environmental impact caused from printing bills on paper in unnecessary and often unpredictable.
Don Economico, Go Paperless.
I'm really risking a lot by putting my full focus into youtube.
If I don't end up being successful I'm gonna end up like this guy.
This next video is called the aspiring janitor.
This is my broom.
I uh like to sweep, and clean my house with it.
My apartment, sometimes the street, sometimes other people's houses.
Whatever's dusty or dirty I see.
I like this broom especially because, it's plastic and the angle the brushes are cut.
One day all the bristles will break off this broom.
And it'll be time to move on.
Maybe for a future broom.
But never a vacuum.
This next video has so much work put into it,
but it's only got 25 views.
Let's help them out.
You know, Niz Naz, creating you was the best magic scroll spell ever spent money on.
Yes, I am a great illusion of you Zim Zam.
So, what do you want to do now?
Don't look at the camera.
You're ruining my shot!
You're supposed to be looking the other way, where the monster is!
And don't forget to subscribe!
So we can keep playing!
Close the door Zim Zam!
Are there ever UFOs in your head?
Luckily, you're not the only one.
There are UFOs in my head.
They keep telling me to turn paper into stars.
But I am not god.
Nothing comes from my fingers.
I've seen them before.
In order to create something from nothing, but all I ever do, is harass the air.
Sorry mister air I never meant to be violent towards you.
It's just the UFOs in my head!
[Off key birthday song]
That's enough of that.
This guy not only has a song for every age, but also every day of the year as well.
He's extremely committed to the birthday genre.
Which is a genre I didn't know existed until today.
He doesn't have a whole lot of views on his videos though.
I think he could get a lot more by spicing it up like this:
[Epic rap]
Alright that's all I have time for today and sun's starting to reflect in my face.
So it's time to go.
Don't forget to watch the other videos in this series.
And let me know in the comments what you thought the weirdest video was.
Tweet me if you want to collab link down below as as always thank you so much for watching.
I will see
you in the next video.
Evangeline Lilly Movies List - Duration: 0:55.Evangeline Lilly Movies List
What's In My Purse | Small Bag Edition - Duration: 3:58.Hey guys welcome back to my channel.
So today I am going to be showing you what is inside my purse.
These videos used to be hella popular back in the day with beauty gurus and youtubers.
I don't know if they're still popular but I've never done one so I figured I might as
well and go do one as well.
So this is my small bag edition.
If you would like to see what is in my big bag or normal everyday bag please comment
down below let me know.
So don't mind my hair.
I am wearing a wig today because I am having a bad hair day.
That is the great things about wigs.
Before we go ahead and open up my purse make sure you go ahead hit that subscribe button
for me.
Okay so let's go ahead and dive right in to my purse.
So I always try to keep some hand cream in my purse because especially this time of year
in winter my hands get really super super dry.
Now this is the Georgia Peach and Sweet Tea from Bath and Body Works.
They have a really great selection of hand lotions and in perfect travel size as well.
So because my bag is small I can really only carry one makeup product with me to touch
up throughout the day.
So that would be my lip product and today I am wearing Kat Von D's Studded lipstick
in the shade OG Lolita.
It's actually the shade I'm wearing right now.
This is what the shade looks like.
I love the packaging.
Even her monogram is marked on the lipstick.
It is so cool.
So of course you can't apply your lipstick and do any touchups without a makeup mirror.
So I carry one of those around as well.
I always carry a tweezer because it always so happens that you'll be out in the natural
light and look in the mirror and be like oops I forgot to pluck that hair so it's always
good to carry one of these.
I like to carry some nail glue because I do wear press on fake nails so if one just does
happen to pop off then I can easily fix it.
I also like to carry some of my business cards with me because you just never know who you're
going to run into.
So because it is a smaller bag I can't fit a wallet in there so I just kind of take out
my most important cards so like I have my ID my credit card and of course I can't forget
my Inner Circle Delta Bingo card.
I also either usually carry some mints or it will be gum.
I also do carry a few pills in my bag with me as well because I do suffer from migraines
so if I feel one coming on then I can quickly nip it in the butt and take a pill.
So last thing that fits in my small purse is my house keys but what makes them special
is the keychain that they're on.
How cute is he?
Oh my god I love him.
It also acts as a great weapon too if you're walking alone at night.
All these spikes you can just pow pow.
I haven't named him yet.
I think he deserves a cute name so if you have any ideas for him please comment them
down below.
Okay guys that's it.
That's all I pretty much fit into a small purse.
Like I said if you do want to see what's in my large everyday bag let me know.
I like to call that my Mary Poppin's bag because I do pretty much carry anything and everything
in there so I think that would make a great video.
I can film that for you.
Thank you guys so much for watching.
You know what to do.
Make sure you go ahead like the video, give it a thumbs up.
Leave some comments down below.
Make sure you're subscribed.
Also be sure to follow me on social media.
All those links will be down below.
Thank you guys and I will see you next time.
SLIME IN 1 MINUTE CHALLENGE! - Duration: 2:02.Slime in 1 minute challenge!
(Music Starts)
Internet Tutorial in Telugu #11| change Lables, Themes, Categories in gmail account | Learn Internet - Duration: 11:36.
gmail setting tutorial coming on next video.
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