Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 10 2018



























Khlit Kolchi Moraya 7it bano 79ada Moraya Kaytsnaw

Bghawni Ghi Nmot A3chiri Tiri Fihom Matkhlihomch ITLOWAW







Khlit Kolchi Moraya 7it bano 79ada Moraya Kaytsnaw

Bghawni Ghi Nmot A3chiri Tiri Fihom Matkhlihomch ITLOWAW









Holla Zomi




























Khlit Kolchi Moraya 7it bano 79ada Moraya Kaytsnaw

Bghawni Ghi Nmot A3chiri Tiri Fihom Matkhlihomch ITLOWAW





Khlit Kolchi Moraya 7it bano 79ada Moraya Kaytsnaw

Bghawni Ghi Nmot A3chiri Tiri Fihom Matkhlihomch ITLOWAW









































Khlit Kolchi Moraya 7it bano 79ada Moraya Kaytsnaw

Bghawni Ghi Nmot A3chiri Tiri Fihom Matkhlihomch ITLOWAW

For more infomation >> Uzi Boy - G.K Ft AGFAYN BLOW (Officiel video) - Duration: 5:31.


Rafonix dzwoni do DanielMagical na live Bo ten go ponoć nawyzywał !! - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Rafonix dzwoni do DanielMagical na live Bo ten go ponoć nawyzywał !! - Duration: 1:22.


Sema, Logomuzun Tasarım Hikayesini Anlatıyor... | DEÜ-KOZA - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Sema, Logomuzun Tasarım Hikayesini Anlatıyor... | DEÜ-KOZA - Duration: 1:13.


Sam Sure - What about it? - Duration: 3:21.

Oh, You,

Strange, New,

Sway, Through,

But we don't see the morning till we're in tune

And I ask you to stay but you never do And its alright, down by the Northern Line

Cos I know we're going back to mine And its alright in Portobello Gold hiding

from the world Better take our time

And your body shakes in the pillow talk café And it's a way…


Do or die or do without it, what you wanna do about it?

It doesn't even matter if nobody ever knows about it.

So what about it?

Heartstrings Hang

Things In lucid dreams

But there must be a reason we're coming to

They said that it would fade but you never do

and its alright down by the waterside cos I know you're coming back to mine

and it's alright its all black and gold

and we shouldn't get too involved but its ok

for heavens sake everybody breaks

and it's a way, away

Do or die or do without it, what you wanna do about it?

It doesn't even matter if nobody ever knows about it.

So what about it?

So what about it?

So what about it?

So what about it?

and its alright down by the waterside cos I know you're coming back to mine

and it's alright its all black and gold

and we shouldn't get too involved but its ok

for heavens sake everybody breaks

and it's a way, away

Do or die or do without it, what you wanna do about it?

It doesn't even matter if nobody ever knows about it.

So what about it?

So what about it?

So what about it?

So what about it?

For more infomation >> Sam Sure - What about it? - Duration: 3:21.


N8 - $chemin (feat. Iseyanu) - Duration: 3:30.

N8 - $chemin (feat. Iseyanu)

For more infomation >> N8 - $chemin (feat. Iseyanu) - Duration: 3:30.


Top 3 Funniest and Craziest Farts On Live TV - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Top 3 Funniest and Craziest Farts On Live TV - Duration: 2:55.


Wolverine vs Sabretooth | X-Men (2000) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:59.

- I'm sorry, my dear. - Don't do this.

This is mine.

You owe me a scream.

Hey, bub, I'm not finished with you yet.

- Jean. - Scott, when I tell you, open your eyes.

- No! - Trust me.

You drop something?


- Thanks. - Don't mention it.

For more infomation >> Wolverine vs Sabretooth | X-Men (2000) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:59.


Man's Rectum Falls Out After Playing Video Games - Duration: 6:26.

--Mans rectum falls out after playing a video game.

Yep I couldn't make this kind of stuff up if I tried.

So this man is from Southeast China and he rushed to the hospital in the middle of the

night after he sat on the toilet for 30 minutes trying to go number 2- and he pushed so hard

that his rectum actually fell out of his body.

Also the whole time he was on the toilet he was playing a video game so that's how that

ties in.

The doctor examined him and found a massive 16 centimeter lump that was sticking out of

his anus.

Scans of this man show a ball shaped-bulge emerging from the anus- as well as bruises

and blood spots along the patients intestinal wall.

The doctor on the case said the cause of the descent of the prolapse this time was the

long duration of time spent on the toilet trying to go to the bathroom- this actually

weakens the muscles in the pelvis.

Its important when you go into the washroom you don't play video games on your phone

or get distracted on your phone as this prolongs the time you spend in the bathroom.

The man was diagnosed with a rectal pro-lapse.

Which is when the end of the intestines loses its attachment within the body and falls out.

yeah that doesn't sound very pleasant.

The doctor who treated the patient has said that this situation was particularly severe-he

said- The patient had rectal pro-lapse since he was 4 years old- the bulge was able to

retract- but he did not treat the condition and the situation got worse- and now he requires


Surgeons were able to remove the lump and the man is now in recovery.

So that's good news at least.

Hey guys welcome back to lp im court mcginley.

I hope youre having a wonderful weekend so far.

Let me know what you've been getting up to down in the comments.

I know Valentines day is on Wednesday so let me know if any of you are making plans for


I remember when I was in grade school we would decorate paper bags and tape them to the front

of our desk then at the end of the day we would go around and put our little valentines

we made for our friends in there bags.

Yeah being a kid was great.

Let me know what you have planned in the comments.

Also make sure you stay tuned until the end of the video as I will be answering your questions.

And don't forget to show us some love by giving this video a big thumbs up.

Alright as you guys know we have a lot of interesting stories headed your way so without

further adue lets get started.

--Next the 2018 Winter Olympics kicked off in South Korea Friday morning.

The games started at 8pm local time with an amazing firework display- a dancing white

tiger and a choreographed dance of drummers in a stadium packed with around 35 thousand


Many people were excited to see the unified Korean team march together carrying the unification


Moon Jae- the South Korea president watched from the stands near Kim Jong Un.

Canada is also really making a name for themselves this year as they sent over 200 athletes for

105 events.

The nation is now started competing in curling mixed doubles- luge and ski jumping.

Personally I cant wait to see what medals they bring home.

Another sight to be seen was the Russian athletes- 168 Russian athletes marched under the Olympic

athletes from Russia banner.

After the Russian doping scandal -resulting in the nation being banned by the International

Olympic committee people wernt sure what to expect.

But Some athletes were still invited to compete.

And if they win then the Olympic flag will fly and the Olympic anthem will be played.

And as always the opening ceremony ended with a magnificent display of the lighting of the

Olympic cauldron.

Let me know down in the comments which winter sport you most enjoy watching- for me its

figure skating – Ski jumping and bobsleigh.

Let me know yours below.

--Next- President Trump signs budget deal ending government shutdown.

Yesterday Trump signed a 400 billion budget deal that sharply boosts spending and swells

the federal deficit- ending a brief federal government shutdown that happened while most

Americans were sleeping and most government offices were closed.

The House and Senate approved a bill to keep the government funded through March 23rd.

The house voted 240 to 186 to approve the bill.

Yesterday morning Trump tweeted- Just signed bill.

Our military will now be stronger than ever before.

We love and need our military and gave them everything- and more.

First time this has happened in a long time.

Also means Jobs- jobs-jobs.

--Next- Logan Paul faces backlash from PETA after using a taser on a dead rat.

Yeah PETAs one group you don't want to piss off.

For those of you who don't know PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

and they are an American Animal rights organization.

One of Logans recent videos caught PETAs attention and they arnt happy.

PETA say they are angry because- In a video Logan posted on February 5th you see him pulling

a fish out of the water- comments its still breathing and then puts it on the ground.

Later In the same video Logan uses a Taser on 2 dead rats.

PETAs senior vice president Lisa Lange told TMZ that they consider this video to be repulsive.

PETA has called out Youtube saying- this sort of content has no place on youtube or anywhere

else- as it could desensitize young people to cruelty to animals, PETA is calling on

the platform to remove it.

Yeah like I said before PETA is one group you don't want to piss off.

They make sure their voices are heard.

Like I mentioned in yesterdays video- In this past week Logan already had ads taken off

his videos.

So I wonder now that PETAs getting involved if further steps will be taken.

I guess we will have to wait and see.

--Next- Eurostar announces London to Amsterdam service opening in April.

The new service is kicking off April 4th and will be a travel time of 3 hours and 41 minutes.

Eurostar will be running 2 services a day.

This is pretty convenient as now people will no longer have to take this short flight-

they can now just travel by train.

Nicolas Petrovic- the chief executive on this has this to say- The launch of our service

to the Netherlands represents an exciting advance in cross Channel travel and begins

a new era in international high speed rail.

With direct services from the UK to Netherlands- France and Belgium- we are transforming the

links between the UK and 3 of Europes top trading nations.

Its been reported that over 4 million passengers travel between London and Amsterdam via air

travel every year- So this train is sure to benefit many people.

--And its that time of the video where I answer your questions and comments- Miriam Acuna

said- I love your channel so much- I really hope you get to a million subscribers hashtag

notification squad- Thank you so much love you too- and yes we hope so too were trying.

Next- Emily Arthers said- When you said my name during the video I felt so happy to think

an amazing person like you saw it- Well thank you so much- and you are an amazing person-

Thank you for spreading your positivity.

Next- Fear Lion Mouse asked- who does the research in this channel- that would be me.

I look up all the stories and then I script for my self and when Landon films he scripts

for himself.

Next- Stever_Mtd asked- whats the best part of your job?

The actual video or the planning- ooh that's tough I really like looking for stories but

I also really like filming too.

If I had to pick id go with filming.

Next- Bubby lover 12 asked- What type of pet do you want?

A dog 100 percent.

When my husband and I move into our new house this summer were definitely getting a dog.

My whole life growing up we had dogs so I really miss not having one.

And there you guys go that's all the news stories I have for you today.

Thank you so much for watching- we really appreciate it. and ill catch you in the next


For more infomation >> Man's Rectum Falls Out After Playing Video Games - Duration: 6:26.


Prayer Breakfast Crowd Keeps Their Seats Until Trump Introduces - Duration: 3:45.

Prayer Breakfast Crowd Keeps Their Seats Until Trump Introduces 1 Special Little Girl

Thursday�s National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., was rather subdued until

one little girl captured the hearts of the entire room.

During the event, President Donald Trump gave a speech to attendees at the breakfast designed

to bring together those who share in an admiration of Jesus.

The crowd remained seated for much of the speech until the president introduced 9-year-old

Sophia Marie Campa Peters, a Texas native who suffers from a crippling disease with

symptoms similar to a disease called Moyamoya.

�Here with us today is another symbol of hope, a very brave 9-year-old girl named Sophia

Marie Campa Peters,� Trump told the crowd.

�Sophia suffers from a rare disease that has caused her to have many strokes.

At one point, the doctors told Sofia that she would not be able to walk.

Sophia replied, �If you�re only going to talk about what I can�t do, then I don�t

want to hear it.

Just let me try to walk.'�

As noted by The Daily Caller, Peters� doctors have said that she has �God on her side,�

according to the commander in chief.

The statement prompted those in attendance to rise to their feet and applaud the brave

young girl.

And while Peters may have been a new face to attendees at the breakfast, she is a familiar

symbol of strength in the Trump administration.

Prior to a major brain surgery Peters underwent in January, White House press secretary Sarah

Huckabee Sanders spoke passionately about the girl during an emotional media briefing,

asking those in attendance to pray for the young girl.

�Today, an inspiring family and brave little girl from Brownfield, Texas, are facing a

challenge that is inspiring their friends and neighbors and now, hopefully, a nation,�

Sanders said.

�Nine-year-old Sophia Maria Peters suffers from a rare disease that causes the blood

vessels in her brain to narrow and close.

Three years ago this condition resulted in four massive strokes.

The strokes left her partially paralyzed.�

Sanders continued, stating that the young girl had �undergone numerous surgeries,

� but done so �with a fearless exuberance for life.�

According to the White House press secretary, Peters was told she would never be able to

walk again, however, the fearless 9-year-old succeeded in walking, leaving her doctors


�When they asked how she was doing these things, she had a simple answer: �Because

I am awesome,'� Sanders said.

This year marks Trump�s second year attending the National Prayer Breakfast, and as reported

by The Washington Post, he made no policy promises.

His speech focused on faith and its importance in shaping America throughout the country�s


�America is a nation of believers, and together we are strengthened by the power of prayer,�

he said.

What do you think?

Scroll down to comment below.

For more infomation >> Prayer Breakfast Crowd Keeps Their Seats Until Trump Introduces - Duration: 3:45.


Is The School System Broken? - Duration: 5:37.


I can almost guarantee that everybody watching this video has at some point in their life

been to school or is perhaps at school right now.

Education is something we all have to go through, but for some of us it is an easier experience

than others.

Our school years are some of the most important years of our lives for development, but is

the school system serving us as well as it should be.

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, I am Rebecca Felgate and today

I am asking – Is The School System Broken?

Before we get started, I just want to remind all of you guys who like our videos to make

sure you hit that thumbs up button and leave us a comment with your opinion on a topic.


School is an excellent place for socialising and for a child to learn how to cope with

responsibilities and routine, but as an established system for educating young minds, is it still


Well, a lot of people think not.

The current style of authoritarian schooling that we have today was established in the

Industrial era, during which time, many people have pointed out, workers had more rigid careers,

many of which were focused on factory style production.

This factory approach to education, where children are expected to perform on command

without individualism to produce the same product, is very much still in place.

However, as creativity flourishes out there in the day to day world, it is seemingly being

crushed in the classroom.

One argument against the current system of schooling is that humans are not uniform creatures;

they're individuals who learn in different ways.

For example, I know that I am a very visual learner, you can tell me something, but until

I see it, I am unlikely to understand it.

The current one size fits all model, while easier to enact, doesn't nurture potential

in pupils who may need alternative methods of learning.

Similarly, people don't always learn at the same pace and the concern is, for those

who respond to different learning techniques that aren't available, and for those who

take a bit longer, they're being left behind by teachers.

A lot of people are concerned that Schools offer tick boxed based, inauthentic learning

– with kids cramming facts and formulas into their minds without understanding the

process of how things worl and the significance of historical events they're studying.

Exams, a traditional method for testing intelligence, are not always reflective of proficiency.

Two students of equal intelligence may perform totally differently in an exam setting, because,

let's face it, they're stressful.

Over recent years, doctors have reported a 68 per cent rise in self-harm among younger

children, and British News Publication, the Telegraph presents this data alongside an

argument that excessive school pressure is damaging to students mental health.

Of course, the counter argument is that adult life is filled with work related stresses

that come from the pressure of performing well at work and meeting tight deadlines,

so perhaps a small level of stress is helpful to kids, but is the current school system

getting this right and is it helping or hindering learning?

Touching back on the topic of creativity and the lack there of at school, a lot of people

are worried about the recent trend of axing arts topics and shortening breaks.

While a lot of people consider language, mathematics and sciences to be core skills, is this stunting

the growth of children who flourish at creative topics?

John Lennon famously underperformed at school, as did countless famous creators…but was

it the case of the school failing them?

School uniforms are sometimes a bone of contention too, with many people feeling that homogenising

pupils is bad for their creative expression, however the counter argument is that it allows

for a better focus on education, rather than fashion and removes any visual acknowledgement

of economic difference.

Another issue with the school system is the status of teachers.

It is well known that, in the United Kingdom and the United States, anyway, teachers aren't

paid great wages.

Some argue this discourages a lot of intelligent people from becoming teachers, meaning that

it may not be the people with the best minds educating the next generation, which is a


Whilst it is great, for salary reasons, that teachers generally a have good unions, some

think it is harder to get rid of an underperforming teacher than it would be to fire a person

who was not doing well in their job in other professions.

School systems are not the same worldwide, and it seems Finland is currently a leader

when it comes to education.

Their system of schooling appears to be more modern and less orthodox, but it works.

For example, children start school age 7, they have no standardised tests or grades

until age 16, school lasts just 5 hours and children get breaks after every lesson.

Class sizes are small to allow all children attention and a access to equipment and 93%

of pupils graduate, which is among the highest pass rate in the world.

So, is the School system broken?

That is up for debate, but it definitely seems to be outdated and not beneficial for all


There are examples, like in Finland, of ways the system can be updated to better suit the

modern era, but whether or not countries take that on board or not, who is to day.

If it isn't broken, failure to keep up with modernity could set back generations to come.

So…let us know what you think to this question – do you have any counter arguments?

Let me know in the comments section below.

For now, I am your host Rebecca Felgate – make sure you hit the thumbs up button and stay

subscribed for more videos.

If you want to continue on your questioning binge, why not check out our biggest What

ifs and our most popular answers.

For more infomation >> Is The School System Broken? - Duration: 5:37.


Gay Olympians Sent Groping Pic To Pence – He Responds With Something Better! - Duration: 5:49.

Gay Olympians Sent Groping Pic To Pence – He Responds With Something Better!

The left always claims to want to "start a conversation" or "create a dialogue"

claiming that people will never address or overcome their differences unless they "talk

about those differences."

Except, all those conversations seem to disintegrate into shouting matches, name calling, and accusations

of racism and bigotry if you dare disagree with them.

They only care about your opinions as long as they share them.

If not?

Well then you are the enemy and you should be shunned!

Yes, indeed bigotry and racism are bad….that is unless one happens to be Republican, Conservative,

white, or any other label deemed "inappropriate" by the PC police on the left as evidenced

by recent interactions between openly gay U.S. Olympic figure skater Adam Rippon.

According to a report published by USA Today on Wednesday, a member of Pence's staff

reached out to the U.S. Olympic Committee to set up a conversation between the 58-year-old

politician and the 28-year-old athlete back in January 2018.

A request that USA Today claims happened after Rippon stated he preferred to skip the standard

meet-and-greet event between Team USA athletes and the American delegation, which is being

led by Pence for this year's opening ceremony.

Christine Brennan reports in USA Today –

Vice President Pence is set to arrive [in Pyeongchang, South Korea] soon to lead the

official U.S. delegation to the 2018 Winter Olympic opening ceremony…

He was so concerned about the criticism he received from U.S. Olympic figure skater Adam

Rippon that his staff went to the extraordinary length of asking the U.S. Olympic Committee

to set up a conversation between the two – an offer Rippon turned down…

The spat between the vice president and the figure skater began when I asked Rippon last

month about Pence's selection for the ceremonial role…

"You mean Mike Pence, the same Mike Pence that funded gay conversion therapy?

I'm not buying it," Rippon said.

Except Pence never funded gay conversion therapy of any variety nor has he stated any intention

or interest in doing so.

Many gay rights advocates point to a statement made in 2000 during Pence's congressional

campaign, on his website where he states his belief that Congress should reauthorize a

law funding HIV/AIDS treatment, but "resources should be directed toward those institutions

which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior."

Pence is a known Christian conservative and his beliefs following accordingly.

Clearly, anyone not WITH them without question is against them.

Naturally, this makes Rippon some sort of leftist icon for refusing to speak to Pence.

According to Rippon, he turned down an offer to meet with Pence after going on a public

diatribe against Pence for his position on gay rights.

Jarrod Agen, the vice president's deputy chief of staff and communications director,

deny that such a meeting request was ever made or extended to Rippon in a statement

"The USA Today report is false and should be corrected.

The vice president's office did not reach out to set up a conversation with Mr. Rippon.

As we've said before, the Vice President is supporting all the U.S. athletes in the

Olympics and is hoping they all win medals.

But this story is just not accurate."

Naturally, Rippon could not leave this alone and took to Instagram along with openly gay

American freestyle skier Gus Kenworthy.

The gay duo shared their snapshot on their respective social media accounts.

Kenworthy shared his with the caption reading –

"The hashtag OpeningCeremony is a wrap and the 2018 Winter Olympic Gaymes are officially

under way!

I feel incredibly honored to be here in Korea competing for the US and I'm so proud to

be representing the LGBTQ community alongside this amazing guy!

Eat your heart out, Pence.

hashtag TeamUSA, hashtag TeamUSGay"

Kenworthy also took to Twitter to share pictures of him laying a big smooch on Rippon along

with the caption –

"We're here.

We're queer.

Get used to it.

hashtag Olympics hashtag OpeningCeremony"

Pence also responded to USA Today's latest report on Wednesday, taking a cue from President

Donald Trump's playbook and calling their claims "fake news" with a tweet stating

"Headed to the Olympics to cheer on hashtag TeamUSA.

One reporter trying to distort 18 yr old non-story to sow seeds of division.

We won't let that happen! hashtag FAKENEWS.

Our athletes are the best in the world and we are for ALL of them!

hashtag TEAMUSA"

It just never seems to occur to many in the gay community that this sort of forced acceptance

of their deviant lifestyles is what many object to.

Naked gay men marching in parades and shoving what goes on in their bedrooms in front of

small children, simply does not compute as wrong to many of these people as they find

ever more ways to parade their perversion for all to see, demanding all accept it as


Rippon told USA Today –

"If it were before my event, I would absolutely not go out of my way to meet somebody who

I felt has gone out of their way to not only show that they aren't a friend of a gay

person but that they think that they're sick," Rippon told USA Today.

"I wouldn't go out of my way to meet somebody like that."

As far as the blatant in your face queer parade on social media by Rippon and Kenworthy?

Well, Pence acted with grace and class, treating it like the rubbish it is and not dignifying

it with any sort of response at all.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Gay Olympians Sent Groping Pic To Pence – He Responds With Something Better! - Duration: 5:49.


Thanos vs Darkseid - Duration: 6:42.

Darkseid versus Thanos.

The Lord of Apokolips versus The Mad Titan.

The God of Evil versus an Eternal initially named Dione.

Yes, that's Thanos' real name.

Wonder why he ditched it.

Hey everyone!

Welcome to Versus, a video series we do on top 10 nerd where we take your favourite comic

book characters and see how they'd do in a hypothetical battle with one another.

Today we're looking at two of the comic industry's deadliest villains and throwing

into the ring together, to duke it out to see who comes out on top.

Let us know your picks with either hashtag Darkseid or hashtag Thanos in those comments


For the sake of this video, we'll be looking at these two without any objects that enhance

their abilities – specifically the infinity gems or gauntlet – although we will be discussing

the 'what ifs' briefly if Thanos did use it in their fight.

With all that said, let's dive in.

Before we start sizing these two up, let's take a brief look at their individual origins.

Darkseid first appeared in 1970's Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen number 134 with a cameo, but

later made his official debut the next year in Foever People issue 1.

A bit of an odd start, but that's because that Jimmy Olsen issue was his creator Jack

Kirby's first debut issue at DC comics, and naturally Kirby had started crafting new

characters to add into the DC universe.

He's one of Kirby's New Gods – a species that appeared in their own solo title the

same year.

They are natives of the planets New Genesis and Apokolips, with the latter being the planet

Darkseid rules.

Initially, Kirby wanted this to be a limited series, but because of sales, DC demanded

that it continue to run, to which critics have noted that in later years, it's easy

to spot plot holes.

Anyway, Darkseid eventually became a villain of Superman and Batman's, among other DC

heroes, after the New Gods, Forever People and Mister Miracle titles were cancelled.

His origins tells of how he was second in line to the throne of Apokolips and killed

his brother to claim it.

The power he gained turned him into a stone like creature, and after killing off the majority

of his family so he would be the supreme monarch, he began growing restless about other deities,

and starting to attempt to invade and conquer other places where deities roamed.

With the goal of eliminating all free will from the universe in order to shape it into

his own image, Darkseid sought out the Anti-Life Equation, and targeted Earth, believing that

he could piece the equation together through the minds of humans, where he believed most

of it could be found.

The New 52 continuity changed up his origin quite a bit, having him be a farmer who tricked

the deities of his world and killed them all, then created Apokolips himself.

Darkseid has killed gods before, like Zeus, and has been killed (despite being resurrected)

by Anti-Monitor.

Now, what about Thanos?

Thanos had an interesting upbringing.

He was born with Deviant Syndrome, which physically made him appear like the Eternals cousin race

and enemies, the Deviants.

His mother practically disowned him because of this, and the syndrome highly effected

his more youth years.

At an early age he became obsessed with death and nihilism, which eventually led to him

falling in love with Lady Death, and trying to prove his worthiness to her by not only

killing his family and other Eternals, but also by seeking out universal power in the

form of the Cosmic Cube.

In addition to that, we can't forget to mention that Thanos is a bit of a Darkseid/New

Gods rip off – Jim Starlin has stated that Thanos was very much inspired by Kirby's

New Gods, and editor Roy Thomas pushed for him to appear more like Darkseid as opposed

to the initial inspiration, Metron.

Side note, we've also seen both Darkseid and Thanos in their baby forms over the years,

and it's just as amazing as you'd imagine it to be.

That being said, Baby Darkseid was pretty homicidal, so there's that.

Being an Eternal, Thanos has always had an advantage, especially since he in particular

has a mutant-Eternal heritage which allows for him to be capable of bionic amplification,

mysticism, and power bestowed to him by the entity Death.

He also has the run of the mill superhuman strength, speed, durability, and longevity.

Plus he's capable of energy manipulation on an atomic level, telepathy, telekinesis,

can absorb and project vast quantities of cosmic energy and manipulate matter, and has

mastered teleportation, time travel, and travel through alternate universes.

His intellect is immense, and he's versed in many different fields of advanced science,

with inventions like the Infinity Gauntlet.

Which, when wielded, allowed for him to defeat the likes of cosmic entities such as Love,

Hate, Chaos, Order, the Stranger and Galactus.

Gauntlet and gems aside, he's also banned from Death's realm, so literally cannot



What about Darkseid?

Being one of the New Gods, he's immensely powerful.

His primary ability is use of the Omega Beams that stem from something called the Omega


These beams have a lot of uses – they can completely obliterate a target, or severely

weaken, like in the case of Superman.

They can also resurrect anyone who has been killed by them, or grant power, as was the

case with Mary Marvel.

At times, he's been able to take on the whole Justice League at once, crush a lantern

ring with his own hands, has caught Superman off guard and reacted within nanoseconds,

can increase his own size and has been able to hold his own against the likes of Zeus.

Plus, he can regenerate if he's been disintegrated, which makes him pretty much impossible to


He's omnipotent, can manipulate mass and energy, can fly and teleport, has that run

of the mill superhuman strength, speed, durability and longevity.

Onto the fight!

An initial brawl would see Darkseid using his omega beams on Thanos, potentially weakening

him quite a bit.

But Thanos' retaliation – and healing – would be swift.

Both are immortal, and both pack a punch in hand to hand combat and matter manipulation.

At the end of the day though, Darkseid is innately omnipotent, whereas Thanos needs

to do some ground work in order to achieve that – his efforts with the Infinity Gauntlet

and the Cosmic Cube attest to that.

But without having acquired these objects, or having the time to carry out a well thought

out scheme, Thanos just doesn't hold up to the power that Darkseid already wields.

Darkseid is a god, and while Thanos as an Eternal is practically straddling the line

between god and all powerful immortal, he just isn't quite up to par with the DC villain.

Perhaps it would be a more equal fight if Thanos had the powers of the infinity gems

in place – the soul gem and reality gem would surely hurt Darkseid, altering reality

and reverting him to a state prior to his creation of Apokolips (if we stick to his

new 52 origin story), and with the endless possibilities that the gems and gauntlet provide

Thanos, he's at least on par with the God of Evil, and arguably, with his wit and intellect,

capable of outsmarting Darkseid and defeating him once and for all.

But we're looking at these two characters at their base level.

So the winner?


Even if the two continued to duke it out and Thanos managed to consistently hold his own,

the Mad titan has a history of being self-conscious to a fault – something that we see after

he loses the Gauntlet, and all of his efforts are undone.

He's got a bit of an inadequacy complex that can have negative effects on his goals

to, you know, conquer the universe.

So there we have it!

Do you agree with our choice?

Let us know who your pick would be with either hashtag Darkseid or hashtag Thanos.

If you dug this video, please show us some love by hitting that like button, and if you're

new, hit that subscribe button to hang out with us more!

We've also got a ton of other nerdy videos for you to check out, including some other

great Versus ones, so feel free to take a look at our Versus playlist flashing on your

screen right now.

In the meantime, thanks for watching!

I've been Kelly Paoli and this has been top 10 nerd.

Catch you all in the next one!

For more infomation >> Thanos vs Darkseid - Duration: 6:42.


Breaking Down Nainoa Langer's Style - Duration: 6:29.

Hello every single one of you humans and welcome back to one of these videos

where I break down the style of one of my favorite filmmakers. This time I

wanted to talk about Nainoa Langer. He makes travel videos for Beautiful Destinations

as well as his own personal YouTube and Instagram feeds. He has a very unique and

immersive style and today I just wanted to take a look at a few of the

techniques that he uses to create that. If there's any one type of shot that's

going to stand out in a Nainoa Langer video it's probably the use of hyperlapses

and timelapses. These types of shots show the passing of time but they

also emphasize architecture, which is a very important part of a location.

Whether it's a hyperlapse, a timelapse, or any other kind of shot, every image

has a very prominent, and often human, subject. This is even taken as far as to

include these head-on portraits of people and animals. The most important thing

about a country or a location is the people and animals that call that

place home, so these types of shots are very important for identifying with that

location. The cinematography in a Nainoa Langer video really emphasizes two key

elements: that's depth and movement. He takes advantage of every layer of depth

available in the shot, placing a lot of objects in the foreground and having a

really clear emphasis on the parallax between the foreground, midground, and

background. Many shots also feature very prominent atmospheric elements. That

could be smoke, fire, water, rain, snow. Anything that floats around in the air,

Nainoa Langer will point a camera at it. This element of depth is really emphasized by

the use of movement, whether that be of the camera or things in the shot. There

are very few static shots used. The camera is always moving through, around,

over, or under the action. It's this use of depth and movement that really makes

it feel like you're not bound to a static camera. Instead of observing this

place from a distance, you are moving through the location seeing things from

multiple angles. All right so now that we've looked at a few different filming

techniques let's talk about editing. The prominent colors used in a Nainoa Langer

video or red, teal, grey, and green, and these colors are often very

desaturated. This desaturated look is quite unorthodox when compared to the

traditional vibrant colourful style of travel films, but he makes up for the

desaturated colors with a very strong contrast. He's not afraid to feature a

blown out sky or crushed shadows. One more subtle editing technique that you

might not even notice in his videos is the grouping of similar shots into their

own sequences. A good example of this is the Let's Go video that he made in

Venice for Beautiful Destinations. As we all know, Venice is an extremely popular

destination for trips like honeymoons, and he emphasizes that aspect of the

city through this sequence, which includes a few candid shots of different

couples as well as these roses and a shot of these locks. It's a really subtle

touch that you might not even notice but it's really great for placing emphasis

on things that are important and organizing the edit. Moving on, Nainoa Langer

will often extend a motion by carrying it through multiple shots. A good example is

this clip from Thailand where the downward motion of one shot leads into

the same downward motion of the next. One way that he links these shots together

is by using transitions. You'll see him using a lot of quick mask, blur, and wipe

transitions as well as this transition where something passes in front of the

camera. He does make use of the luma fade but he often turns up the tolerance a

lot so that you don't get those hard edges. It pretty much just looks like a

crossfade except it emphasizes the shapes and contrast of that shot. No

matter what transitions are being used, they only last a few frames and are used

to place emphasis on match cuts. A match cut is a cut between two clips that

feature very similar color, composition, or movement, and those by Nainoa Langer are

honestly some of the best out there. They're honestly a little obnoxious but

in a really good way. By combining clips in this way he manages to make some

absolutely incredible transitions no matter what the effect used is. A

transition truly does not matter at all if the shots on either side of it

don't make sense, and this is a great example of that. The transitions and

effects are never allowed to dominate the video. A good travel video is more

something you feel than something you watch. You don't want to walk away from

that and remember a single effect, a single transition. You want people to

remember that as one fluid experience. Sound design in a Nainoa Langer video is

often very subtle and just places emphasis on important visual elements.

Sound design in his videos honestly doesn't need to be that

extensive because of how well he works with the music, making sure that the

visuals match the flow, working with those rises and falls. And all with these

different elements from the depth and the movement to the transitions and

sound design, all of that comes together into a single very immersive experience.

A good travel film shows you what it feels like to visit a place, and Nainoa

does that by giving the spotlight to everything: the people, the animals, the

architecture, the atmosphere. By placing emphasis on all of these different

elements and using cinematography and editing to make you feel immersed, he

creates a video that really makes you feel like you're actually there. And that

is why he is and will continue to be one of my absolute favorite filmmakers.

And because of that I think it would be really cool if Nainoa saw this video.

So if you agree and would like to contribute to the group effort of making

that happen, feel free to send it in his direction on

Instagram or Twitter, I would really appreciate it. And if you

enjoyed this video, do feel free to show your support by leaving a like or even

subscribing to my channel. I upload new filmmaking tutorials every single

Saturday. Keep creating and I'll see you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Breaking Down Nainoa Langer's Style - Duration: 6:29.


Top 5 Places You Should Never Put Your iPhone - Duration: 3:24.

Its no wonder so many of us are addicted to our phones.

I mean they help us get in contact with people- show us how to get somewhere-we can basically

look up the meaning to anything- check in on our friends latest updates- it does a lot.

But recently more and more studies have been popping up about the health risks between

cell phones and health related problems.

Its important to know whats safe and whats not and that's what were going to be talking

about today.

Hey youtube im court mcginley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know-what do you mostly use your phone for?

Let me know your answers down in the comments.

And before we get started I just want to remind all of you to please subscribe to this awesome

channel if you havnt already- we bring you guys awesome videos 6 days a week.

And show us some love by giving this video a big thumbs up and let me know down in the

comments what other top 5 lists you like to see me do.

Alright without further a due lets get started on our list of the top 5 Places You Should

Never Put Your iPhone Starting off at our number 5 spot--A cold

environment- yeah I can vouch for this one.

During the wintertime in Canada even if my phone is in my bag or winter jacket the battery

power will still die super fast.

It never fails and its really annoying.

Definitely don't accidently leave your phone in the car over night in the winter.

Condensation can actually form on the inside of the phone when its reintroduced to warm


And as you know moisture is the enemy of every electronic device.

And its just as damaging to leave your phone in the heat.

Direct sunlight and heat can damage the battery of your cell phone.

So if your enjoying a day at the beach or driving around make sure your phone is covered

up or in the shade.

In at number 4--Your bra- yup im guilt of this one.

I used to work at cineplex and I had to wear a uni9form.

And my pants didn't have pockets so I would put in in my bra soon after I realized how

freaking dangerous this was and stopped.

So yes any women or young ladies out there who are doing this is super dangerous so don't

do it.

Technically there is no link between breast cancer and carrying your phone in your bra.

But breast surgeon Lisa Baily does believe that phone related breast cancer may be more

common then its currently said to be.

Yeah its just better to be safe than sorry.

at number 3--Front pant pockets- now I need all the guys watching to really pay attention

to this one.

Researchers at a clinic in Cleveland found that exposure to cell phones actually negatively

impact sperm- increasing free radicals by up to 85 percent in exposed samples.

So yeah basically it could cause you to have fertility issues.

It also can weaken the pelvic area and reduce bone density.

So yeah keep your phone in your back pocket- purse, sweater pocket- backpack- theres lots

of other options.

So if you want little babies one day no phone in the front pocket.

Coming in at number 2--Under your pillow- so aside from the whole radiation thing- your

phone is going to have a negative impact on your health if its interrupting your sleep.

Clearly- unless you're a deep sleeper when an alert goes off on your phone or it vibrates

its going to wake you up.

Lack of sleep is actually linked to several health issues.

So instead of putting your phone under your pillow or on the bedside table you might want

to put it somewhere on the other side of your room like on your dresser or desk.

This will also be beneficial in the morning because you will actually have to get up and

out of bed to turn your alarm off instead of just hitting the snooze button and rolling

back over to sleep.

And at number 1--In at stroller- yeah this one surprised me.

A study was actually done which found that children who were born to mothers that used

cell phones excessively during pregnancy and frequently around their babies after they

were born were more than 50 percent more likely to suffer from a range of behavioural problems.

So make sure you keep those phones out of the reach of your little ones.

And there you go thats our list of the top 5 Places You Should Never Put Your iPhone.

Let me know down in the comments if your guilty of putting your phones in any of these places.

Thank you all so much for watching it means a lot to us.

And as always ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Places You Should Never Put Your iPhone - Duration: 3:24.


Ascension Portals - Duration: 19:08.

Ascension Phase Complete!

What�s Next

by Laura Eisenhower

As we have completed the phase of Ascension called a Stellar Activation Cycle, to me,

we have completed the journey of the Tree of Knowledge, which I feel represents our

DNA in duality, the understanding of it and how to re-integrate it, through finding knowledge

of self.

It has been distorted and true knowledge has been targeted with mind-control, which leaves

many people stunted in their growth.

But for those who have focused in on the inner journey and self-development, you may be feeling

ready to fully embody your Wholeness and fully step into your Divine Power and Truth.

divine power

This is a process of restoration that connects to the Stargates on Earth and a co-creative

expansion and integration of polarity, which resolves reversals and energetic pollution

to the Earth grids and our internal and the external Elements.

The challenge of finding knowledge is that it can drain us, confuse us and overwhelm

us, because societal conditioning and programmings don�t hold any space for initiations or

doing the inner work, so our shadow work and dark night of the Soul experiences have had

to be managed, while still attempting to function in a human realm where most things are externalized

or more about appearances.

No more impostors allowed, no more fragments and fractures to our true make up � this

rebirth is about conquering more than we can even begin to wrap our heads around and it

is manifesting an advanced human vessel who holds ultimate seniority to all parasitic,

vampiric and destructive groups, forces and agendas.

Only digression can make us vulnerable, but the flow of the Cosmos and Earth is lifting

us out of that, if we can just hold hands with Mother Gaia.

Enjoy this next cycle of Ascension.

There is a frequency split occurring at subatomic levels and in every

moment we have the choice to choose a Higher Earth experience, which entails choosing between

an artificial timelines, false Ascension or an Organic one ~ The best way to know

the difference and stay in the Organic flow, is to know your own Soul and devote

to your process of growth ~ recognizing that life, your body and Nature are the

greatest teachers in physical reality.

The Soul is the one holding the essence and imprints of the

larger picture, like where and who we have ever been ~ Spirit penetrates it

with Divinity and guidance and so


this connection is bringing about true liberation!

� Laura Eisenhower

For more infomation >> Ascension Portals - Duration: 19:08.


Tony Stark Meets Yinsen & Killian | Iron Man 3 (2013) Movie Clip 4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 4:28.

I'm going to start again.

Let's track this from the beginning.


(SINGING) ♪ Yo listen up here's a story

♪ About a little guy that lives in a blue world

♪ And all day and all night and everything he sees

♪ Is just blue like him inside and outside

♪ Blue is his house with a blue little window

♪ And a blue Corvette

♪ And everything is blue for him and himself

♪ And everybody around

♪ 'Cause he ain't got nobody... ♪



Half hour till the ball drops.

- Hey, do you wanna... - Tony Stark?

- Great speech, man! HAPPY: - I got you, pal.

I gave a speech? How was it?

- Edifying. - Unintelligible.

- Really? - Mmm-hmm.

It's my favourite kind. A winning combo.

- Where are we going? - Uh, to town, on each other.

Probably back in your room

because I also want to see your research.

Okay, you can see my research,

but that's... I'm not gonna show you my "town."

Mr Stark.

Ho Yinsen.

Ah, I finally met a man called "Ho."


I would like to introduce you to our guest, Dr Wu.

- Oh, this guy. Hey. - Mr Stark.

(GREETS IN MANDARIN) - You're a heart doctor.

She's going to need a cardiologist after I...


- Bye. - Perhaps another time?

TONY: It started in Bern, Switzerland. 1999.


- The old days. KILLIAN: - Mr Stark!

TONY: I never thought they would come back to bite me.

Why would they?

Oh, wow! Hey, Tony!

Aldrich Killian. (STUTTERING) I'm a big fan of your work.

- My work? - Who isn't? He means me.

Well, of course, but, Ms Hansen,

my organisation's been tracking your research since year two of MIT.

TONY: Yeah, we're full.

Oh, wow, he made it. He made the cut.

What floor you going to, pal?

Well, now, that is an appropriate question.

The ground floor, actually,

of a proposal I'm putting together myself.

It's a privately funded think tank called Advanced Idea Mechanics.

- Uh... - She'll take both.

One to throw away and one to not call.

"Advanced Idea Mechanics" or "AIM," for short. Do you get it?

- I see that, because it's on your T-shirt. - Aw!

Ladies, follow the mullet. Ladies first.

Thank you, I'll call you.


I'm titillated by the notion of working with you.

- Yeah? - I'll ditch these clowns.

I'll see you up on the roof in five minutes.

Just gonna try and get my beak wet real quick.

You know what I'm talking about?

I'll see you up there.

TONY: Damn betcha.

Come on! I thought that was just a theory.

Well, it was.

If I'm right, we can access the area of the brain

- that governs repair... TONY: - Wow.

MAYA: ...and chemically recode it.

That's incredible. Essentially, you're hacking into the genetic...

BOTH: ...operating system...

- ...of a living organism. - Exactly.

- Yes. - Wow.

Is that... Can you...

- What? - Can you not touch my plant?

It's not... She doesn't like it. She prefers...

She's not like the others. Come on. Let's go in the bedroom.

- Happy... - Hmm. That's cute...

Leave her ficus alone.

Because... And, no, seriously, don't.

TONY: And you're starting with plants.

MAYA: For now, yeah. TONY: Huh.

I'm calling it EXTREMIS.

- Well, it's... BOTH: - Human application.

Exactly, exactly.

- Dendritic revitalisation. - It's revolutionary.

- Disease prevention... - Change the world.

...even limb regrowth.

You're the most gifted woman I've ever met.


- In Switzerland. - Hmm. That's better.

- Aw, you're seeing things. - This week.

(CHUCKLES) You almost bought it, didn't you?


This is what I'm talking about, the glitch.

Have you checked the telomerase algorithm?

- The what? HAPPY: - Down!

Stay down! Stay down, boss.

- We're good. - Stay down.

You... You're... You're right on me. I made it.

What the hell was that?


- What was that? MAYA: - It's a glitch in my work. It's...

She was just talking about it. Glitches happen.

HAPPY: It's not Y2K.


HAPPY: - Happy New Year. MAYA: - Happy New Year.

All right. I'll see you in the morning. Good night.

HAPPY: - You good? - Yeah.

HAPPY: - I'll be right outside. - Okay, cool.


TONY: So, why am I telling you this?

Because I had just created demons

and I didn't even know it.

- Yeah, those were good times. (DOOR CLOSES)

Then I moved on.

For more infomation >> Tony Stark Meets Yinsen & Killian | Iron Man 3 (2013) Movie Clip 4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 4:28.


PROJEKT ICO - TAYLOR - Duration: 12:41.

Hi hi all of you I am amok and welcome to you in the next episode of cryptocurren on my channel

today I would like to introduce to you another project which is the smarttaylor project

and I want to tell you in a nutshell

the movie will probably last 10 minutes, because I would like to present it all nicely

We'll go to the site, the blog, the plans and the team, and so on and so on

but at the very beginning I want to tell you that you should have your paws up if you like such projects

Now I would like to introduce you to the taylor project, taylor is an intelligent helper to trading cryptocurrency

easy-to-use transactional platrofma that helps people earn small profits many times a day

that is, it will simply be as if the self-made did

taylor monitors main stock exchanges and conducts technical analyzes to find investment opportunities, i.e. so-called bots

then signal to the user the potential profitable trade that can be automated with one click of a button!

once the trade starts, taylor will monitor the automation process and, of course, he will send you information, for example

Bitcoin started to drop by 5% and you know and then you get information, I'm sorry right away for my vote but I'm sick!

and I'm still curing

and then going on to it is just a bot that will inform you that, for example, the cryptocurrency is in perfect time to buy

for example, it dropped by 5% and you wanted to earn, because, for example, it may fall, the bot will know that it falls, until the bot finds it an ideal moment to buy

and you go in then you buy and you are on the plus side, so it will look more or less the app on your phone

this is everything on the iphone made but it will probably also on the android which we will find out soon

the features of the application include signal reception, the taylor monitoring bank analyzes hundreds of coins in real time looking for investment opportunities for immediate entry

you start trading, you decide how much you want to invest and the profit you want, and let our business bot do a lot of work

that is, simply automated bot, set and forget, our commercial bot will do all the necessary steps to start your trade

by placing purchase and sale orders and checking to do so

so everything will be automatic and here's another thing, get a signal of potentially profitable entry into the trade

are you tired of reading innumerable articles from cryptocurrencies in which crypto-currency to invest, you do not know, you do not know what to invest in, you pay yourself money

you set the bot the same thing is done, you have to decode the candles on the chart, all the candles that are on the charts, someone does not know it

and simply would like to start with cryptocurrencies, taylor is the best investment in which it is worth to invest some money, because by investing you support the project

and we'll go further, our market monitor is a solution that lets you stop worrying about technical details and lets you focus on the fun part of trading, generating profits

you will receive a signal with a potentially profitable opportunity to trade, many signals will be sent during the day, which means many chances for earnings

or just one cryptocurrency will get a signal, the second cryptocurrency will drop, you will get another signal, and so on

here is a roadmap, or presenting plans for the future, in the first quarter of 2017, the first monitoring bot was developed

a telegram created using a signal bot, more than 1,100 members so far, probably now at this time is a little more, telegram you will find in the description

second quarter of 2017, software for checking destop, kryptoscalpel software was developed, here you can click check on bitcointalk

third quarter 2017 checking the correctness of computer software, service concept and brand development, advisors and team building, private sale of tokens

fourth quarter of 2017, mobile application, development of facilities, monitoring, promotion of public sale of tokens, development of mobile applications, nice

the first quarter of this year, launching the beta version of mobile applications, you can download, as you will not forget the link you will find in the description, the event generating the token, the sale of tokens

second quarter of this year, launch of taylor mobile application, new trade monitoring strategies, so there will be new changes, how it all looks with sales

I already give you this token, in short, the chips will be 10 million, of which 6.5 million are available for purchase

sale starts on February 19, so for a few days and ends on March 20, so it will last one month and you can buy it for only 0.0007 ETH

the minimum amount is 0.01 ETH and the maximum 50 ETH, so practically everyone will be able to afford it, twart capital, which is the capital which the creators want to achieve this 5000 ETH

I do not convert it into dollars, it's up to millions of dollars, you can only pay ETH, if you upload something else, you will not get it back

it looks with distribution, private and public sale is 76%, that is everything that sells when selling tokens, that is 76%, the founders will get 10%,

50% will get at the end of the 6th month after the sale of the chips, and 50% at the end of the 12th month, that is 10% from the pot

the team will get 7%, and of course bounty, 7% will also get, because people have to promote the brand, prices and discounts as it presents

in the first week you will have a 20% discount, or 1 TAY, because the shortcut from this cryptocurrency is 0.00070 ETH, that is not much, but that's not enough

this is probably around 1 dollar or less, the next rebate will be next week, at the end of February, 1 TAY is 0.00079 ETH, next week it will be 8% discount, and will cost 0.00086 ETH and the price set at the end of the sale

the most profitable is to buy at the beginning, there is a founder team, co-founder, system engineer after graduation, Fabio Seixas and Thiago Regis are co-founders

head of marketing, community manager, and the rest of the team that presents themselves so well, the advisory council, or counselors, helpers, are also here,

here we have partners, intelligent transaction control, and FAQ, but this is not the end, I would like to introduce you to a blog, a blog from taylor

I will show you how the mission of cryptocurrency and creators looks like, cryptocurrency is the mission of Taylor, why we do what we do, taylor is business like any other, our team consists of cryptocurrency enthusiasts

dreaming about time in history when financial systems are controlled by people for people here is our mission, they want to change it so that someone does not manage it, so that it would be private control

that the state or someone else can not get to you, that it will not be revised, our mission is to provide cryptocurrencies to all traders, we want to expand the integration of people from all over the world and all areas of life into crypto currency arena

back up the creation of products that cover the whole process, we want to help all people regardless of the technical predisposition to benefit from the financial benefits offered by the cryptocurrency trade

that is, as I mentioned, it will be simple investments related to bots that will help people who are first or just start with cryptocurrencies and can not cope on the market

and thanks taylor you will be able to earn, or anything, certainly not lose, maybe there is a small risk but I still do not know it because I did not enter the market and we will see how it will show time

Taylor's vision, we imagine a world in which cryptocurrencies are massively adopted and are the basis in the normal life of people all over the world, I think so too, cryptocurrencies are the future

and they also know it will be so, and 95% of chances will be in our portfolios for 10 years and it will be a payment currency,

now the market is crazy but hopefully everything will improve, and we will pay cryptocurrencies in the future, because it is a very future thing

we are going to provide a solution that will make the cryptocurrency trading more leap and simple, and we want to pave the way for people who will hesitate to take part in cryptocurrencies because of their complexity

main values are transparency, from the very beginning we took care that everyone who is interested in the teylor project, took into account all its achievements and challenges, we have implemented a road map or roadmap

and we communicate our operations using a telegram and newsletter, service excellence, a guarantee that the tokens are of the highest quality, the taylora traffic signaling service will be monitored

to anticipate any problems in case of any problems that appear on the surface they will be quickly repaired, commitment to innovation, security, excellent customer service, team development

why we think cryptocurrencies are the future of financial systems, as I said a moment ago, exactly that will be because in the past few years blockchain technology, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have dominated talks in the financial services industry

the main players in the industry planned how these technologies could fit into their future strategies and that's how it will look, all the information you can read on the taylor blog

the link to the blog, of course, is in the description, if you would like to read more information, of course, everything is in the description, I will forgive you for my voice, he told you your favorite youtuber amok

and see you in the next episode, maybe one day I'll get a copy of smarttaylor if the owners agree to present the project later

see you and come to the website of course the link is in the description and invest, hey

For more infomation >> PROJEKT ICO - TAYLOR - Duration: 12:41.


Healthy Snacks for the diabetics وجبات خفيفة صحية لمرضى السكري (English Subtitled) - Duration: 4:15.

Hello all, How are you doing, hope all doing well.

Today's topic I'm going to talk about healthy snacks that the diabetics can use without

being worried, as diabetics should watch out for what they eat, especially food rich of sugar and unhealthy fats.

First and foremost the snacks which you are going to know about, are rich of high fibers,

healthy fats and high protein content.

These nutrients will help keep your blood sugar levels under control.

The first snack is "Hard-Boiled Eggs".

In one study, 65 people with type 2 diabetes ate two eggs daily for 12 weeks.

By the end of the study, they experienced significant reductions in their fasting blood sugar levels.

They also had lower hemoglobin A1c, which is a measure of long-term blood sugar control.

You can enjoy a hard-boiled egg or two for a snack on their own.One large hard-boiled

egg provides 6 grams of protein, which is helpful for diabetes because it keeps your

blood sugar from rising too high after you eat.

Second health snack diabetics can eat is "Handful of Almonds".

A 28-gram serving of almonds provides more than 15 vitamins and minerals, including 32%

of the recommended daily intake for manganese, 19% for magnesium and 17% for Vitamin B.

In one study, 58 people who included almonds in their diets every day for 24 weeks experienced

a 3% decrease in their long-term blood sugar levels.

In another study, 20 adults with diabetes who consumed 60 grams of almonds daily for

four weeks experienced a 9% reduction in their blood sugar levels.

Since almonds are quite high in calories, it is best to limit your portion size to about

a handful when eating them as a snack.

Third health snack is "Avocado".

The high fiber content and monounsaturated fatty acids in avocados make them a diabetes-friendly food.

Snacking on avocado may help manage your blood sugar levels.

Since avocados are quite high in calories, it is best to stick with a serving size of one-fourth to one-half an avocado.

Fourth snack is "Sliced Apples with Peanut Butter".

Apples are rich in several nutrients, including B vitamins, vitamin C and potassium, while

peanut butter provides significant amounts of vitamin E, magnesium and manganese, all

of which are known to help manage diabetes.

One medium apple combined with 28 grams of peanut butter provides almost 7 grams of fiber,

which is helpful for keeping your blood sugar under control.

Fifth snack is "Cottage Cheese".

A half-cup (about 110-gram) serving of small-curd cottage cheese provides several vitamins and

minerals, in addition to almost 14 grams of protein and only 4 grams of carbs.

Interestingly, eating cottage cheese may help manage your blood sugar.

Sixth and last snack is "Popcorn".

Popcorn is a very popular and healthy whole-grain snack food.

One cup (8 grams) of air-popped popcorn contains just 31 calories.

In addition, popcorn provides 1 gram of fibers.

Since most prepackaged popcorn is full of salt, trans fats and other unhealthy ingredients,

it is healthiest to air-pop your own.

You can do it home, buy buying it's own machine which is really straightforward to use.

I hope you liked the video and got the benefits of it, wish you having a nice day and see

you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Healthy Snacks for the diabetics وجبات خفيفة صحية لمرضى السكري (English Subtitled) - Duration: 4:15.


Hypixelde Minecraft SKY WARS - ERDEM ERDOĞDU DESTEK - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Hypixelde Minecraft SKY WARS - ERDEM ERDOĞDU DESTEK - Duration: 4:00.


How to Get Past the Fear of What People Think - Duration: 16:09.

whoa connection on both seriously well we're just gonna go with it I cut off I

cut off and that's just what was supposed to happen this week

hi Karen can you hear me and see me and supposedly I have low connection good

morning everybody it's Saturday and I'm going to good morning um take a Sabbath

tomorrow like I'm really working hard hi Marilyn to take a true Sabbath every

week like truly take a true Sabbath which is not easy nor who's really

trying to figure out what this all looks like you know empire wise or whatever

okay so once again I have a live facebook teach for you all so I am live

on both my pages so if one of them goes down good Lord just go to the other page

um a little update on everything I'm working to grow my hi Laura hi Kelly and

Nicole and joy um I am working to grow my youtube channel it has not it has

been difficult to get you all on my facebook audience over there so I really

ask that you go over there and subscribe we're working on getting monetization

because mama needs to pay some bills right so um but so I just did something

huge yesterday and it sparked this topic for hi Kristin for this week's live

Facebook teach so you all know that I do Theory Thursdays I've been doing that

for a while at this point I added take care Tuesday's not too long ago and um

unbeknownst to me and God had another plan I have now added Faith Wrestle

Friday so yesterday was my first my first my first faith wrestle friday

which was that's pretty telling actually because literally when I was closed

captioning the Facebook upload every time I said rest wrestle it said Russell

and I had to change it I said faith wrestle Friday whatever I think it's a

catchy name I'm gonna keep it but of course since I launched what many would

say is pretty risky and I was pretty scared to launch faith wrestle

Friday a video about my faith that's fairly scary and so it prompted today's

topic for my live face book teach because how often do we hold ourselves

back and not show up as who we truly are in this world because we fear what other

people will think like how often do you not see what you really feel or what you

really want or what you think about a situation because you allow your you

allow your fear to hold you back because you project your fear and someone else's

mind and are fearful of what they're gonna think about you because here's the

deal like like I've talked about in many of my videos there's no amount of

perfection that you can be to prevent you from being judged shamed or

criticized or blamed in this world and even by people who love you so how often

do you hold yourself back yeah Amy I do that every day yep

I I think a lot of people are holding themselves back and so there's a couple

there's a couple things that we I could teach on when it comes to this topic I

mean obviously Michelle really so we know it's not weird that's God Michelle

was just talking about this with a friend yesterday um so like whose

opinions really matter in your life because when my friend my new friend

Christy challenged me to make my work about Jesus and I was like I think I

could do faith wrestle Friday and I was like no way I cannot do that my audience

will not receive that half my audience will not receive that and so and it

reminded me of whose opinions really matter and this is a question that we

talked about in the rising ever upward curriculum and you come to a workshop

with me we talked about this it's one of the sessions in Brene's work like my

not all of your guys's opinions matter to me

like because if I was trying to please everyone in my audience all of my people

on Twitter all of my people on Instagram all of my people on both my Facebook

pages all of my people on YouTube like I would never show up as myself I would be

paralyzed in fear of trying to please everybody and this is so true for women

I shared this in my last workshop like women where people-pleasing and

caretaking as a badge and it's not it's a way that you don't show up in this

world as yourself it's a way that you attempt to not be shamed blamed

criticized or judged in this world we cannot people please we cannot please

everybody in our lives because when we're doing that we are sacrificing us

our truth I'm so like I can't that's that whole different this this is a

Brene quote so I share this especially my plexus business when I train teams on

this but like I care I care very much about what my audiences think about me I

care and you need to care about what people think too because if you lose

your capacity to care about what people think you lose your capacity to connect

with them if I don't care at all what people think about me I will not be able

to connect with them like my fear about yesterday and launching faiths wrestle

Friday Russell Russell whatever like that was up in me one because it's

probably the enemy to it's shame in my old stories that I'm telling myself but

three I do care what my audience thinks about me because I am connected with

them I have relationships with them friendships with them they help me grow

I help them grow however I cannot be defined by what you think of me because

again if I am defined by what you think of me I lose my capacity for courage

I lose my capacity to show up as myself flaws and all standing in my sacred

truth whether or not you like it

so whose opinions really matter so that's one teach from Brene is the whole

like caring about what people think versus being defined by what people

think then in the rising strong curriculum like when you actually come

to a workshop I look so much tired on one phone than I do on the other I'm

only in my slim I mean I had coffee yet

one of the assignment that we do on criticism in hi Jenny the the assignment

that we do on criticism in the rising ever upward work is it's such an

interesting assignment literally there's a one-inch box on the page

one-inch box and you are allowed to write names of people whose opinions

really matter to you and that one-inch box you're not allowed to write really

really small you're not allowed to write outside the box it's a one-inch box and

so when I do this training like for example with my plexus team like I don't

care if you're even at the top of a network marketing company the opinions

of thousands of people on your team don't matter to you like they don't like

they are not the ones who really matter to you if you are a boss at a huge

corporation same thing like my facebook audience not every single person so like

it is at one inch box and why we have you do that is because at the end of the

day who are your people who are your people that see you that love you with

your flaws because of your vulnerabilities and imperfections not in

spite of them or despite of them they love you because of them who are those

people that reflect back to you what you need to work on and what you need to

hold on to like who are those people that challenge you and love you well

they're not hundreds of them it's names that fit in a one-inch box that's it

it is that difference of caring versus being defined that is always the

question in the right and the Brene brown stuff that we do like they're not

in the arena I don't know how many times I say that like I miraculously have not

gotten a horrible comment yet on faith wrestle Friday I will get them and I'm

sure if I checked my numbers I had some people and follow me and that's okay

they're not in the arena the arena is always going to have people in it that

only buy the cheap seats they sit at the top of the arena and they hurl criticism

and judgment and blame but they are not willing to get up on that stage with you

and stand in their sacred truth and support you in yours they're not in the

arena with you they're not on that stage they're not showing up who in your life

is in your arena who are your people and it's not everybody it can't be that's

impossible and that doesn't mean that we're not connected with all those

people that love us right like what a huge tribe at this point I am undone

every day when they try and my tribe grew so much yesterday and it was so

overwhelming like and yet like I can't please all of them because then I will

never ever be able to stand in my sacred truth and be true to me so my best quote

in all of this in fact I'm trying to make a t-shirt with this quote

especially for my workshop my rising ever upper reunion coming up

I'm not having good luck and making this t-shirt I probably need to talk to

Christy about that um my favorite quote I have no idea where I came up with this

it's been a while that I'm came up with this but your perception of my story

does not change my truth when you are finding yourself getting tripped up

and stuck and being defined by what people think and that you are carrying

too much about what people think it is that fears holding you back from being

who you really are you need to make that your mantra your perception of my story

my story does not change my truth because like we've talked about a lot

and four agreements and all of those things like your response to me is more

about you than it is about me just like my response to you is more about me than

it is about you I honestly I'll be honest every watched

my TED talk yesterday my donut effect TED talk so I checked my numbers they're

not awesome whatever but damn that's a good TED talk I love that TED talk like

and we would have so much freedom if we reminded ourself of this truth of our

truth and truly showed up in our world you know like so I also teased like a

little bit of us like the surprise and this like because I had a surprise

yesterday scary God showed up like in so many ways the surprise and all of this

work is that if you are brave enough which you are brave enough you simply

just have to harness it if you are brave enough to show up in this world as

you're vulnerable self authentic owning all the parts of your story flaws and oh

you'll be surprised by who may come into that tiny 1-inch box they only come into

your life though if you really show up

they don't if you don't show up as yourself you have to show up you have to

live your life in an authentic way know who your audience is yep absolutely

vulnerability without boundaries is not vulnerability now everybody has earned

the right to hear my story just because I live super transparently between what

transparent doesn't mean that you all know my most intimate details of my life

but the surprise that came out of one of God there are so many surprises think

about it one of the surprises that came out yesterday was that when you do take

that risk when you really show up as your whole self you you'll risk being

criticized and you'll be so surprised by who does show up and who says me too oh

my gosh I can't wait to go on this with you let's dream with you because I'm in

it too and holy hell we're not supposed to do this shit by herself

or not lastly whose opinions really matter are you making sure that you're

asking yourself what your truth is and

where is your higher power because the person whose opinion really mattered to

me and it's not really a person but it is it's God and at the same time here's

a little bit of that permission of the end he loves me flaws and all always

he's big enough to handle my anger with him some days in the doubt and things

like that but at the end of the day I want to make sure that I am shining his

light into this world which that is the light of someone who loves you

unconditionally so I didn't really think I was gonna say that um no I'm not sorry

sorry about that okay can I cry on every Facebook light

all right that's what I got I'm not gonna read your comments because I'm

gonna cry more and I really want me my coffee my bulletproof copy so I will

respond to your comments with my thumbs thank you for being here I appreciate it

um it means more than I mean please go over to youtube and subscribe and please

share those videos with people that you love I got some really exciting stuff

coming out lots of things in the pipeline that I'm

excited about so make sure to follow on Tuesdays for take care Tuesday and

Friday or Thursday therapy Thursday and Friday for faith wrestle Friday because

God's ups into something and yeah so thank you make it a great great weekend

stay warm and safe I think it's like literally snowing and most of the middle

of the country and yes we know that you Californians or people on the west coast

have flowers we love you anyways I love you all thank

you for being here

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