Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 10 2018

--Mans rectum falls out after playing a video game.

Yep I couldn't make this kind of stuff up if I tried.

So this man is from Southeast China and he rushed to the hospital in the middle of the

night after he sat on the toilet for 30 minutes trying to go number 2- and he pushed so hard

that his rectum actually fell out of his body.

Also the whole time he was on the toilet he was playing a video game so that's how that

ties in.

The doctor examined him and found a massive 16 centimeter lump that was sticking out of

his anus.

Scans of this man show a ball shaped-bulge emerging from the anus- as well as bruises

and blood spots along the patients intestinal wall.

The doctor on the case said the cause of the descent of the prolapse this time was the

long duration of time spent on the toilet trying to go to the bathroom- this actually

weakens the muscles in the pelvis.

Its important when you go into the washroom you don't play video games on your phone

or get distracted on your phone as this prolongs the time you spend in the bathroom.

The man was diagnosed with a rectal pro-lapse.

Which is when the end of the intestines loses its attachment within the body and falls out.

yeah that doesn't sound very pleasant.

The doctor who treated the patient has said that this situation was particularly severe-he

said- The patient had rectal pro-lapse since he was 4 years old- the bulge was able to

retract- but he did not treat the condition and the situation got worse- and now he requires


Surgeons were able to remove the lump and the man is now in recovery.

So that's good news at least.

Hey guys welcome back to lp im court mcginley.

I hope youre having a wonderful weekend so far.

Let me know what you've been getting up to down in the comments.

I know Valentines day is on Wednesday so let me know if any of you are making plans for


I remember when I was in grade school we would decorate paper bags and tape them to the front

of our desk then at the end of the day we would go around and put our little valentines

we made for our friends in there bags.

Yeah being a kid was great.

Let me know what you have planned in the comments.

Also make sure you stay tuned until the end of the video as I will be answering your questions.

And don't forget to show us some love by giving this video a big thumbs up.

Alright as you guys know we have a lot of interesting stories headed your way so without

further adue lets get started.

--Next the 2018 Winter Olympics kicked off in South Korea Friday morning.

The games started at 8pm local time with an amazing firework display- a dancing white

tiger and a choreographed dance of drummers in a stadium packed with around 35 thousand


Many people were excited to see the unified Korean team march together carrying the unification


Moon Jae- the South Korea president watched from the stands near Kim Jong Un.

Canada is also really making a name for themselves this year as they sent over 200 athletes for

105 events.

The nation is now started competing in curling mixed doubles- luge and ski jumping.

Personally I cant wait to see what medals they bring home.

Another sight to be seen was the Russian athletes- 168 Russian athletes marched under the Olympic

athletes from Russia banner.

After the Russian doping scandal -resulting in the nation being banned by the International

Olympic committee people wernt sure what to expect.

But Some athletes were still invited to compete.

And if they win then the Olympic flag will fly and the Olympic anthem will be played.

And as always the opening ceremony ended with a magnificent display of the lighting of the

Olympic cauldron.

Let me know down in the comments which winter sport you most enjoy watching- for me its

figure skating – Ski jumping and bobsleigh.

Let me know yours below.

--Next- President Trump signs budget deal ending government shutdown.

Yesterday Trump signed a 400 billion budget deal that sharply boosts spending and swells

the federal deficit- ending a brief federal government shutdown that happened while most

Americans were sleeping and most government offices were closed.

The House and Senate approved a bill to keep the government funded through March 23rd.

The house voted 240 to 186 to approve the bill.

Yesterday morning Trump tweeted- Just signed bill.

Our military will now be stronger than ever before.

We love and need our military and gave them everything- and more.

First time this has happened in a long time.

Also means Jobs- jobs-jobs.

--Next- Logan Paul faces backlash from PETA after using a taser on a dead rat.

Yeah PETAs one group you don't want to piss off.

For those of you who don't know PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

and they are an American Animal rights organization.

One of Logans recent videos caught PETAs attention and they arnt happy.

PETA say they are angry because- In a video Logan posted on February 5th you see him pulling

a fish out of the water- comments its still breathing and then puts it on the ground.

Later In the same video Logan uses a Taser on 2 dead rats.

PETAs senior vice president Lisa Lange told TMZ that they consider this video to be repulsive.

PETA has called out Youtube saying- this sort of content has no place on youtube or anywhere

else- as it could desensitize young people to cruelty to animals, PETA is calling on

the platform to remove it.

Yeah like I said before PETA is one group you don't want to piss off.

They make sure their voices are heard.

Like I mentioned in yesterdays video- In this past week Logan already had ads taken off

his videos.

So I wonder now that PETAs getting involved if further steps will be taken.

I guess we will have to wait and see.

--Next- Eurostar announces London to Amsterdam service opening in April.

The new service is kicking off April 4th and will be a travel time of 3 hours and 41 minutes.

Eurostar will be running 2 services a day.

This is pretty convenient as now people will no longer have to take this short flight-

they can now just travel by train.

Nicolas Petrovic- the chief executive on this has this to say- The launch of our service

to the Netherlands represents an exciting advance in cross Channel travel and begins

a new era in international high speed rail.

With direct services from the UK to Netherlands- France and Belgium- we are transforming the

links between the UK and 3 of Europes top trading nations.

Its been reported that over 4 million passengers travel between London and Amsterdam via air

travel every year- So this train is sure to benefit many people.

--And its that time of the video where I answer your questions and comments- Miriam Acuna

said- I love your channel so much- I really hope you get to a million subscribers hashtag

notification squad- Thank you so much love you too- and yes we hope so too were trying.

Next- Emily Arthers said- When you said my name during the video I felt so happy to think

an amazing person like you saw it- Well thank you so much- and you are an amazing person-

Thank you for spreading your positivity.

Next- Fear Lion Mouse asked- who does the research in this channel- that would be me.

I look up all the stories and then I script for my self and when Landon films he scripts

for himself.

Next- Stever_Mtd asked- whats the best part of your job?

The actual video or the planning- ooh that's tough I really like looking for stories but

I also really like filming too.

If I had to pick id go with filming.

Next- Bubby lover 12 asked- What type of pet do you want?

A dog 100 percent.

When my husband and I move into our new house this summer were definitely getting a dog.

My whole life growing up we had dogs so I really miss not having one.

And there you guys go that's all the news stories I have for you today.

Thank you so much for watching- we really appreciate it. and ill catch you in the next


For more infomation >> Man's Rectum Falls Out After Playing Video Games - Duration: 6:26.


Prayer Breakfast Crowd Keeps Their Seats Until Trump Introduces - Duration: 3:45.

Prayer Breakfast Crowd Keeps Their Seats Until Trump Introduces 1 Special Little Girl

Thursday�s National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., was rather subdued until

one little girl captured the hearts of the entire room.

During the event, President Donald Trump gave a speech to attendees at the breakfast designed

to bring together those who share in an admiration of Jesus.

The crowd remained seated for much of the speech until the president introduced 9-year-old

Sophia Marie Campa Peters, a Texas native who suffers from a crippling disease with

symptoms similar to a disease called Moyamoya.

�Here with us today is another symbol of hope, a very brave 9-year-old girl named Sophia

Marie Campa Peters,� Trump told the crowd.

�Sophia suffers from a rare disease that has caused her to have many strokes.

At one point, the doctors told Sofia that she would not be able to walk.

Sophia replied, �If you�re only going to talk about what I can�t do, then I don�t

want to hear it.

Just let me try to walk.'�

As noted by The Daily Caller, Peters� doctors have said that she has �God on her side,�

according to the commander in chief.

The statement prompted those in attendance to rise to their feet and applaud the brave

young girl.

And while Peters may have been a new face to attendees at the breakfast, she is a familiar

symbol of strength in the Trump administration.

Prior to a major brain surgery Peters underwent in January, White House press secretary Sarah

Huckabee Sanders spoke passionately about the girl during an emotional media briefing,

asking those in attendance to pray for the young girl.

�Today, an inspiring family and brave little girl from Brownfield, Texas, are facing a

challenge that is inspiring their friends and neighbors and now, hopefully, a nation,�

Sanders said.

�Nine-year-old Sophia Maria Peters suffers from a rare disease that causes the blood

vessels in her brain to narrow and close.

Three years ago this condition resulted in four massive strokes.

The strokes left her partially paralyzed.�

Sanders continued, stating that the young girl had �undergone numerous surgeries,

� but done so �with a fearless exuberance for life.�

According to the White House press secretary, Peters was told she would never be able to

walk again, however, the fearless 9-year-old succeeded in walking, leaving her doctors


�When they asked how she was doing these things, she had a simple answer: �Because

I am awesome,'� Sanders said.

This year marks Trump�s second year attending the National Prayer Breakfast, and as reported

by The Washington Post, he made no policy promises.

His speech focused on faith and its importance in shaping America throughout the country�s


�America is a nation of believers, and together we are strengthened by the power of prayer,�

he said.

What do you think?

Scroll down to comment below.

For more infomation >> Prayer Breakfast Crowd Keeps Their Seats Until Trump Introduces - Duration: 3:45.


Breaking Down Nainoa Langer's Style - Duration: 6:29.

Hello every single one of you humans and welcome back to one of these videos

where I break down the style of one of my favorite filmmakers. This time I

wanted to talk about Nainoa Langer. He makes travel videos for Beautiful Destinations

as well as his own personal YouTube and Instagram feeds. He has a very unique and

immersive style and today I just wanted to take a look at a few of the

techniques that he uses to create that. If there's any one type of shot that's

going to stand out in a Nainoa Langer video it's probably the use of hyperlapses

and timelapses. These types of shots show the passing of time but they

also emphasize architecture, which is a very important part of a location.

Whether it's a hyperlapse, a timelapse, or any other kind of shot, every image

has a very prominent, and often human, subject. This is even taken as far as to

include these head-on portraits of people and animals. The most important thing

about a country or a location is the people and animals that call that

place home, so these types of shots are very important for identifying with that

location. The cinematography in a Nainoa Langer video really emphasizes two key

elements: that's depth and movement. He takes advantage of every layer of depth

available in the shot, placing a lot of objects in the foreground and having a

really clear emphasis on the parallax between the foreground, midground, and

background. Many shots also feature very prominent atmospheric elements. That

could be smoke, fire, water, rain, snow. Anything that floats around in the air,

Nainoa Langer will point a camera at it. This element of depth is really emphasized by

the use of movement, whether that be of the camera or things in the shot. There

are very few static shots used. The camera is always moving through, around,

over, or under the action. It's this use of depth and movement that really makes

it feel like you're not bound to a static camera. Instead of observing this

place from a distance, you are moving through the location seeing things from

multiple angles. All right so now that we've looked at a few different filming

techniques let's talk about editing. The prominent colors used in a Nainoa Langer

video or red, teal, grey, and green, and these colors are often very

desaturated. This desaturated look is quite unorthodox when compared to the

traditional vibrant colourful style of travel films, but he makes up for the

desaturated colors with a very strong contrast. He's not afraid to feature a

blown out sky or crushed shadows. One more subtle editing technique that you

might not even notice in his videos is the grouping of similar shots into their

own sequences. A good example of this is the Let's Go video that he made in

Venice for Beautiful Destinations. As we all know, Venice is an extremely popular

destination for trips like honeymoons, and he emphasizes that aspect of the

city through this sequence, which includes a few candid shots of different

couples as well as these roses and a shot of these locks. It's a really subtle

touch that you might not even notice but it's really great for placing emphasis

on things that are important and organizing the edit. Moving on, Nainoa Langer

will often extend a motion by carrying it through multiple shots. A good example is

this clip from Thailand where the downward motion of one shot leads into

the same downward motion of the next. One way that he links these shots together

is by using transitions. You'll see him using a lot of quick mask, blur, and wipe

transitions as well as this transition where something passes in front of the

camera. He does make use of the luma fade but he often turns up the tolerance a

lot so that you don't get those hard edges. It pretty much just looks like a

crossfade except it emphasizes the shapes and contrast of that shot. No

matter what transitions are being used, they only last a few frames and are used

to place emphasis on match cuts. A match cut is a cut between two clips that

feature very similar color, composition, or movement, and those by Nainoa Langer are

honestly some of the best out there. They're honestly a little obnoxious but

in a really good way. By combining clips in this way he manages to make some

absolutely incredible transitions no matter what the effect used is. A

transition truly does not matter at all if the shots on either side of it

don't make sense, and this is a great example of that. The transitions and

effects are never allowed to dominate the video. A good travel video is more

something you feel than something you watch. You don't want to walk away from

that and remember a single effect, a single transition. You want people to

remember that as one fluid experience. Sound design in a Nainoa Langer video is

often very subtle and just places emphasis on important visual elements.

Sound design in his videos honestly doesn't need to be that

extensive because of how well he works with the music, making sure that the

visuals match the flow, working with those rises and falls. And all with these

different elements from the depth and the movement to the transitions and

sound design, all of that comes together into a single very immersive experience.

A good travel film shows you what it feels like to visit a place, and Nainoa

does that by giving the spotlight to everything: the people, the animals, the

architecture, the atmosphere. By placing emphasis on all of these different

elements and using cinematography and editing to make you feel immersed, he

creates a video that really makes you feel like you're actually there. And that

is why he is and will continue to be one of my absolute favorite filmmakers.

And because of that I think it would be really cool if Nainoa saw this video.

So if you agree and would like to contribute to the group effort of making

that happen, feel free to send it in his direction on

Instagram or Twitter, I would really appreciate it. And if you

enjoyed this video, do feel free to show your support by leaving a like or even

subscribing to my channel. I upload new filmmaking tutorials every single

Saturday. Keep creating and I'll see you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Breaking Down Nainoa Langer's Style - Duration: 6:29.


Top 5 Places You Should Never Put Your iPhone - Duration: 3:24.

Its no wonder so many of us are addicted to our phones.

I mean they help us get in contact with people- show us how to get somewhere-we can basically

look up the meaning to anything- check in on our friends latest updates- it does a lot.

But recently more and more studies have been popping up about the health risks between

cell phones and health related problems.

Its important to know whats safe and whats not and that's what were going to be talking

about today.

Hey youtube im court mcginley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know-what do you mostly use your phone for?

Let me know your answers down in the comments.

And before we get started I just want to remind all of you to please subscribe to this awesome

channel if you havnt already- we bring you guys awesome videos 6 days a week.

And show us some love by giving this video a big thumbs up and let me know down in the

comments what other top 5 lists you like to see me do.

Alright without further a due lets get started on our list of the top 5 Places You Should

Never Put Your iPhone Starting off at our number 5 spot--A cold

environment- yeah I can vouch for this one.

During the wintertime in Canada even if my phone is in my bag or winter jacket the battery

power will still die super fast.

It never fails and its really annoying.

Definitely don't accidently leave your phone in the car over night in the winter.

Condensation can actually form on the inside of the phone when its reintroduced to warm


And as you know moisture is the enemy of every electronic device.

And its just as damaging to leave your phone in the heat.

Direct sunlight and heat can damage the battery of your cell phone.

So if your enjoying a day at the beach or driving around make sure your phone is covered

up or in the shade.

In at number 4--Your bra- yup im guilt of this one.

I used to work at cineplex and I had to wear a uni9form.

And my pants didn't have pockets so I would put in in my bra soon after I realized how

freaking dangerous this was and stopped.

So yes any women or young ladies out there who are doing this is super dangerous so don't

do it.

Technically there is no link between breast cancer and carrying your phone in your bra.

But breast surgeon Lisa Baily does believe that phone related breast cancer may be more

common then its currently said to be.

Yeah its just better to be safe than sorry.

at number 3--Front pant pockets- now I need all the guys watching to really pay attention

to this one.

Researchers at a clinic in Cleveland found that exposure to cell phones actually negatively

impact sperm- increasing free radicals by up to 85 percent in exposed samples.

So yeah basically it could cause you to have fertility issues.

It also can weaken the pelvic area and reduce bone density.

So yeah keep your phone in your back pocket- purse, sweater pocket- backpack- theres lots

of other options.

So if you want little babies one day no phone in the front pocket.

Coming in at number 2--Under your pillow- so aside from the whole radiation thing- your

phone is going to have a negative impact on your health if its interrupting your sleep.

Clearly- unless you're a deep sleeper when an alert goes off on your phone or it vibrates

its going to wake you up.

Lack of sleep is actually linked to several health issues.

So instead of putting your phone under your pillow or on the bedside table you might want

to put it somewhere on the other side of your room like on your dresser or desk.

This will also be beneficial in the morning because you will actually have to get up and

out of bed to turn your alarm off instead of just hitting the snooze button and rolling

back over to sleep.

And at number 1--In at stroller- yeah this one surprised me.

A study was actually done which found that children who were born to mothers that used

cell phones excessively during pregnancy and frequently around their babies after they

were born were more than 50 percent more likely to suffer from a range of behavioural problems.

So make sure you keep those phones out of the reach of your little ones.

And there you go thats our list of the top 5 Places You Should Never Put Your iPhone.

Let me know down in the comments if your guilty of putting your phones in any of these places.

Thank you all so much for watching it means a lot to us.

And as always ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Places You Should Never Put Your iPhone - Duration: 3:24.


Ascension Portals - Duration: 19:08.

Ascension Phase Complete!

What�s Next

by Laura Eisenhower

As we have completed the phase of Ascension called a Stellar Activation Cycle, to me,

we have completed the journey of the Tree of Knowledge, which I feel represents our

DNA in duality, the understanding of it and how to re-integrate it, through finding knowledge

of self.

It has been distorted and true knowledge has been targeted with mind-control, which leaves

many people stunted in their growth.

But for those who have focused in on the inner journey and self-development, you may be feeling

ready to fully embody your Wholeness and fully step into your Divine Power and Truth.

divine power

This is a process of restoration that connects to the Stargates on Earth and a co-creative

expansion and integration of polarity, which resolves reversals and energetic pollution

to the Earth grids and our internal and the external Elements.

The challenge of finding knowledge is that it can drain us, confuse us and overwhelm

us, because societal conditioning and programmings don�t hold any space for initiations or

doing the inner work, so our shadow work and dark night of the Soul experiences have had

to be managed, while still attempting to function in a human realm where most things are externalized

or more about appearances.

No more impostors allowed, no more fragments and fractures to our true make up � this

rebirth is about conquering more than we can even begin to wrap our heads around and it

is manifesting an advanced human vessel who holds ultimate seniority to all parasitic,

vampiric and destructive groups, forces and agendas.

Only digression can make us vulnerable, but the flow of the Cosmos and Earth is lifting

us out of that, if we can just hold hands with Mother Gaia.

Enjoy this next cycle of Ascension.

There is a frequency split occurring at subatomic levels and in every

moment we have the choice to choose a Higher Earth experience, which entails choosing between

an artificial timelines, false Ascension or an Organic one ~ The best way to know

the difference and stay in the Organic flow, is to know your own Soul and devote

to your process of growth ~ recognizing that life, your body and Nature are the

greatest teachers in physical reality.

The Soul is the one holding the essence and imprints of the

larger picture, like where and who we have ever been ~ Spirit penetrates it

with Divinity and guidance and so


this connection is bringing about true liberation!

� Laura Eisenhower

For more infomation >> Ascension Portals - Duration: 19:08.


100 videos and 74 subscribers - Duration: 3:27.

- What's up challengers?

How you doing?

I was bouncing YouTube yesterday and I found

this amazing video.

(upbeat music)

- Video number a hundred, whoo!

So yeah, welcome to video number 100.

I'd say it's pretty good that I've gotten

to upload a hundred good videos for you guys,

over the past couple of months, basically.

And so what I'm gonna go into is that,

right now I have,

I'm gonna check right now.

Right now I have approximately 70-ish subscribers.

I'm just looking at, yeah,

oh wait no.

If I go to my page

Just click on the link over there,

I have 74 subscribers, so--

- What you just saw was a video of Marquez Brownlee.

This video is eight years ago.

I found this amazing,

this video extremely inspirational,

because Marquez today has 5.7 million subscribers.

He is one of the most influential tech reporters

in the world, and then this is a video of him today.

(upbeat music)

- He what is up guys, (faint speaking)

and welcome to the 2018 What's On My Smartphone video.

Now I'm pretty sure, I've mentioned at least once or twice

in previous videos, that my setup does not change that much

from year to year on my phone.


- You see it's the same style.

It's the same vibe,

and my message for you today, is just to remember,

that it takes hard consistent work to make success.

There's no such thing as an overnight success.

Marquez had 74 subscribers after making 100 videos,

and he was proud about that.

He was happy about it.

And I think it's important to remember

that if you're really passionate about things, don't stop.

Most people I know would stop after just a few videos,

if they only had 74 subscribers,

but I feel a lot of what kind of made Marquez

succeed is that he kept on creating.

He kept on doing things he was passionate about.

He kept being true to himself and his voice,

and suddenly he hit that tipping point,

that made everything change for him.

So, I think it's important to remember that

in your everyday life, in your business,

whatever you're trying to achieve,

whatever your goals you have,

just keep on pushing.

Keep on creating, and be true to yourself,

and be patient.

I mean, (mumbles) says this all the time.

I think it's so true.

You need to be patient in order

to be able to succeed, okay.

So that it.

My name is Thomas.

Hope you enjoy this video.

If you did, give it a thumbs up.

Leave a comment, let me know what you think,

and have an amazing week, bye!

For more infomation >> 100 videos and 74 subscribers - Duration: 3:27.


First Trip To Disney's Animal Kingdom Pandora World Of Avatar: Na'vi River Journey, Banshee, Dessert - Duration: 11:47.

Good morning! Are you excited to go to Anima Kingdom! Yes, it's my one of my favorite parks.

Yeah, it was actually always one of our favorite parks, and now that there's

Pandora, we're really excited to go. It'll be our first time to see it - can't wait!

It's a beautiful park and it's gonna be a nice day.

We survived the bag check!

While we waited for a friend to meet us at Animal Kingdom, we hung out at the

Rainforest Cafe. That's always fun. You can go in and see the fish, and the

animatronics in there, and run under that elephant!

Getting ready to go into Animal Kingdom. Super excited! We made good use of our

Memory Maker photo package. We're trying to get all the pictures that we

can, taken by the Photo Pass photographers. This is like a Magic Shot.

Yeah, it should have Pumbaa and Timon in it!

Announcer: Look closely. Keep an eye out. You never know what might appear, or who, as you begin a day of adventures in Disney's Animal Kingdom!

We're inside! There's the Tree of Life! That's an amazing sight, day or night.

Really cool at night because it lights up and animals are projected on it. They

move, and very cool!

Headed to Pandora!

Are you excited to be here, Cohen? Uh huh!

Going into Pandora.

Welcome to the valley of Mo' Ara, Pandora.

You see all sorts of strange plants!

The wait time for Flight of Passage is right now at 210 minutes. It's just a little after

nine o'clock and the park opened to the public at 9:00 am and to resort guests at

8:00 am for Early Magic Hours.

So many weird plants!

There's blue flowers up there! Do you see the blue flowers, Cohen?

And they all light up at night.

The Ma'vi River Journey is an 80-minute wait.

We're gonna get in that line right now.

There's the floating mountains!


Here's some of the bottoms of the Floating Mountains.

It has an interesting queue with all the different plant life, and vines, and the roof.

Its got information about Na'vi culture.

Now we're into the main queue.

The Shaman of Song is singing in the Na'vi language.

Find a drum!

Cohen's playing a drum.

That's cool!

One of the cool Mech suits from the movie.

And here's where you can buy, or adopt,

might be a better word, a Banshee.

They're animatronic.

They sit on your shoulder by a magnetic little clip that goes under

your shirt or coat. And pretty cool. They move around and make noises.

There's one.

It's like a puppet and you have a remote over there.

And it attaches to your shoulder if you want to wear it. Yeah, if you want to wear it on your shoulder. I just like to hold mine though. Yeah, that would be me...I'd just walk around with it. Very cool!

Does the Banshee choose you, or do you choose the Banshee?

So it'a a mutual bond, so you need to choose the Banshee, but the Banshee also needs to accept.

This is where you can have your own Avatar made of your face. You get scanned.

And you'll come out with one of these. It looks like you. There's someone over

there now getting his scan.

How much is it now to get one?

$74.99 plus tax.

How long does it take?

The scanning process is at least 5-7 minutes,

And you come back roughly in an hour to pick it up.


Oh, he ate my camera!

There's some cool snacks here. That's a Rice Krispies Treat, or a Vein Pod.

This right here is called the Pandorean Tree Spores, but they're actually coconut

brownie bites!

Clear gummies.

Cilia. Those look like cilia.

Build your own Navi bracelet or necklace $19.99. And feathers! Let's make one!

Very cool gift shop. Very unique merchandise revolving around the world of Pandora.

We're at Pongu Pongu. Frozen beverages, draft beer, and a specialty snack spot.

Cool Na'vi hut.

You can get frozen beverages.

Some that light up. There's draft beer. water.

A Pongu Lumpia snack. It's a pineapple cream cheese roll.

And it's right next to Satu'li Canteen.

We're going into the Satu'li Canteen now. There's seating for guests that

are eating here only. This is the main restaurant in Pandora. Pongu Pongu is

more Grab 'n Go stuff, but this is a sit-down restaurant here.

And on the wall of the Satu'li Canteen, they have some official documents from the Alpha

Centauri expeditions.

It's called a Night Blossom.

Its got Boba balls in it; pear, limeade, apple.

How did you like yours, Daniel?

It wasn't great.

What is in that?? It's like super sour!

Well it's not for everybody. Might not be for anybody at this table!

What did you get, Donna?

It's called a Pandoran Sunrise.

Tastes like pineapple juice. Okay. But it tastes really good!

Has some Powerade mixed in with it.

And it's in a souvenir Flute Cup.

All I can taster is Powerade.

Strong on the Powerade, huh? Yes, very strong Powerade. I just love that it's juice mixed with Powerade!

That's a Blueberry Cream Cheese dessert.

That's actually very good. If you like cheesecake.

So, Blueberry Cream Cheese.

Get his reaction.

I have a very expressive face.

Is that egg on top?!?

Ha ha! No!

But it does kind of look like an egg.

This is white chocolate.

Try that.

Daniel's not so great on that one.

It's ok.

What's the yellow part...egg yolk?!?

Ha ha! It's not egg yolk!

It's lemon curd.

It's a little better with the lemon in it.

So, mix it together.

Oh, yeah. So put it together in one bite.

My turn to try it. What's the white thing on top of the lemon curd? Whipped cream?

Marshmallow cream?

It's kind of hard. Hard? Strange!

Okay, what did you think?

I liked it!

Cool! You like cheesecake though, a lot. You mix all the flavors together, I think it's better.

These are the coconut brownie bites.

Those eyes say it's good!

Too much coconut! Too much coconut for you!!!

For more infomation >> First Trip To Disney's Animal Kingdom Pandora World Of Avatar: Na'vi River Journey, Banshee, Dessert - Duration: 11:47.


How to remove watermark from Free Screen Recorder 6.5.0 for FREE? - Duration: 2:14.


For more infomation >> How to remove watermark from Free Screen Recorder 6.5.0 for FREE? - Duration: 2:14.


new skyblock server coming soon - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> new skyblock server coming soon - Duration: 4:33.


Roblox Rocitizens Everything About Limited Items - Duration: 9:43.

Hey all you people out there.

It's E3k0D0ll here, and I got something I have been waiting to bring to your guys's

attention for a very long time.

This, I have to say, is what I love the MOST about Rocitizens and it is also the reason

I keep coming back for more and more every time I ask myself, "Hmm, what game am I

gunna play today?"

So guys, I am going to tell you everything I know about Limited items in this game.


Don't leave!

If you are like, what the heck are those and why should I even care about limited items?

Hold that thought, because I will answer your dying question very shortly.

There will be two parts to this video because I have a lot to tell you guys.

So please, stay tuned.

When I ask people in chat for limited items, they wonder what they are.

My definition of them is, "Items you can get only during events or holidays."

There are a lot of limited items.

Just to name a few, at the Egypt Event, you could get a Sarcophagus Replica.

At the true colors event, you could get many items ranging from a colorful refrigerator

to trampolines.

During the halloween season, you could get many spooky and decorative items.

During the Christmas holiday, you could get a nice car called the "Sleigher" or a limited

item that looks like a model of a city.

If we go to the Rocitizens Gaming Page, you will notice that if you scroll down, under

about, you will see something called "Game Badges."

These display all of the exhibits that occurred.

These events are where lots of the limited items came from.

I don't think they are coming back anytime soon.

So because of this, we will later be discussing ways that allow you to get your hands on limited


But for now, let's move on to the next topic of why you would ever consider wanting them.

The first reason I think you should consider getting them is because they are stylish and

fun items to have.

There are lots of things you can do with limited items.

One of them includes building a wall of multicolored lamps, stacking a bunch of hot tubs together

to have the most epic hot tub party.

Thanks to my friend, Lily, who came up with this idea...She was able to make halloween

rugs flash a variety of different colors.

You could make an epic rainbow living room where the furniture is more entertaining than

the actual tv screen.

Why not create a bar of dead skeletons while you are at it?

I just happened to stumble upon this guy's house


You can also show off an epic soul jar which I really wish I had but, can't get it...Sigh...I

mean the possibilities are endless.

Look at what this guy did.

He cloned his city model and turned his house into a bi- Woah.

Oh no.

I am stuck in a fire.

You guys need to help me out here!

I'm a little stuck!

The Devil has called me to his underworld.


Rest in Peace...

Anyways, moving on to reason number two why you should get them.

Not many people have limited items.

We are just going to spawn onto a regular random server and then we are going to go

look and see how many people have limited items on this populated server.

I don't see any.

Next house...I don't see any.

Next house.





Let's look in here...nope.

See what I mean?

Ok how about the villa.

Uh, you weren't suppose to see this.

Nope...this just contradicted everything I just said.

Therefore, I am a h-- Oh, well the person left so I guess it doesn't count.

Let's go over to this guy's house.

He doesn't have any limited items, so…I'm right.

If this next example doesn't convince you to get them, then I don't know what will.

This here is my friend Lily and her house.

Hey Lily.

She is just going to wander off and we are going to tour her delicious, amazing home.

Did I say, "Delicious?"

I meant, "Beautiful amazing home."

If this house doesn't scream limited items to you guys, I don't know what does.

Let's go into the house.

Here, we got one of her halloween rooms.

This is the lighter version.

It's got a lot of limited halloween items.

The next one is her rainbow room.

I am just going to show you me sitting by the fire.

Relax, take in all the colors.

Next room (I love this room), is her luminescent halloween room.

Look at this guys.

It's so cool!

I'm just going to sit in a dead person's lap and take in the view.

This would be a good idea for a luminescent party or something.

I don't know.

So many things you an do guys, so many things.

Next we got her kitchen here and I am here because of the candy, I was attracted to it.

I am going to eat some now.

I have a huge sweet tooth.

Let's move on to outside.

She definitely has this more pastel themed house and I love it.

I also love all the paintings that she decorates the exterior of her fence with.

It looks awesome.

Great job Lily, I am so glad I met you because now I get to view this awesome house...awesome


This is like, a dream come true for me.

Have I convinced you to get these items yet?

If so, how do you get them?

This is what I did: I became a committed collector and did my research.

First thing I did was, I took a look at all the different limited items I wanted.

These items are all from the True Colors event, and there is only one way you can get them,

which I will explain later.

The next up is the Halloween Items, and I'm pretty sure the same items come around yearly,

or maybe there are different halloween items each year…I'm not too sure.

These are all the items I really wanted though.

Alright, so the next thing I did guys, was, I visited this website and the link will be

in the description for it.

It's extremely helpful.

It's a Rocitizens wiki and it's on furniture.

It has a lot of information on items...just any furniture items in Rocitizens.

There are common items, limited items (which is what we are going to look at), and then

the unused items which have not been brought into the game.

If we scroll down a little bit more, you will see the name of each item, the cost of each

item, the description of the item, the actions and effects of the item, as well as the variants

of the item.

Also, you will notice these dots down here and let me explain that to you.

One person on the forum asked, "What are the dots under the limiteds?"

This is what they are: "Introducing the new Rarity Rating.

The Rarity Rating will be applied to all limiteds.

It rates them on a level of 5 dots depending on how rare it is to find the limited.

This also includes different colors of the same objects since some variants of the same

item are rarer than others.

One dot means it's really common and five means it's nearly impossible to find."

Based on my personal experience, I would say that the wiki does a pretty good job at rating

a limited item's rarity.

So I think that you guys should definitely use this website if you are looking to become

a collector.

A good way to find limited items, is to join a Rocitizens trading community.

"Anybody wanna trade stuff?"

The fact that it was posted 27 days ago is the problem.

The wiki we have been looking at is pretty inactive so I moved on to a few other sites

to see if any other groups were active, and I did not have much luck with that.

So instead, I would recommend is the Rocitizens Community club because it has 151,000+ members

and it's public.

So let's click on that.

They also have a wall here.

You can ask people about limited items and they are probably going to be pretty likely

to get back to you.

There are so many members and it's just a great way to communicate to ask for limited


Method two of finding limited items is jumping server to server.

Question: Are you tired of joining your friend's server over and over again, when you just

want to go on another server so that you can find limited items?

Go over to "Servers."

You will find a variety of different servers.

First we go the "VIP Servers."

Here is some information about's where your friends can play privately with

you or a group of people.

Next is, "Servers My Friends Are In."

That's the one you want to avoid if you want to go track down some more limited items.

Here we have, "Other Servers."

You want to find the one that doesn't say 20/20.

Find something below that number so that you can actually physically join it.

So here is a good example.

19/20 or below that.

So then we can join a random server from this list.

Like I said earlier, it is rare to find people with limited items.

If you are uninterested for whatever reason to ask people on the Rocitizens Club Page

if they have a particular limited item you are looking for, then you can always use this


But, it takes time and like I said, not everyone has them.

Also, some items you will find more than others, and that's how I came to find the value

of each item.

If you want to do this, keep on jumping and break a leg…that means good luck....Good

luck with that!

By now I have probably said, "Limited item" well over a hundred times.

Well, sorry if you are annoyed with me but I am going to have to use it a few more because

I have a part two video coming up and it will be sharing the rest of the content I

wasn't able to get to in this video.

I thank you all for stopping by and I am looking forward to seeing you all next time!

Thanks a lot and peace!

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