Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 11 2018


Zyrox: Uhh... ._.'

Fire: You dork!~<3 ;P Zyrox:Hey!

For more infomation >> MMD OverTime~FireXZyrox (Model Test) - Duration: 0:32.


Katalog Tupperware US & Canada Februari 2018 - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Katalog Tupperware US & Canada Februari 2018 - Duration: 4:26.


1000 DOLLAR SKATE OUTFIT - Duration: 10:18.

For more infomation >> 1000 DOLLAR SKATE OUTFIT - Duration: 10:18.


JAPANESE EAR CLEANING SALON |Ear hair cutting, ear wax removal and sensual massages - Duration: 18:22.

Wow this is BAD!


Why was that in my ear?!

Ok guys, hold on tight, ears open!

In the last episode we found out the difference between Japanese EAR MUCK

and Western Ear Muck. I got my own customized ear stick...

And this time it will get SENSUAL.

I was invited to go to a Japanese spa....

However this spa is specializing in EARS.

I am at Ebisu in Tokyo now and will take my handmade ear stick...

to a spa that has become more popular with foreigners in Japan these days.

Let's go to the Ear SPA!

I just checked their homepage but...

I found something funny there.

They have a commercial slogan there, let me read it to you.

When just feeling relaxed, isn't enough for you anymore...

Give your ears the urgent relief they need.

Your Mind...

Your Body...

Your Sprit... will be so relaxed... relaxed...

This sounds like fun. Let's go.

And here we are. Inside this building is the Spa "Bonita Bonito"

So let's relax, relax my mind, body and soul.

Let's go!

Right here...

Bonita Bonito.


Hello again there.

I am in your care. - Leave it to me.

Getting my ears cleaned by someone is a first experience for me.

I will make you feel good today.

Please lie down.


I already feel super relaxed now.

This seat is like lying on a marshmallow.

Now I feel a little bit less nervous.

I shall be the first one in your life to see inside your ears.

Oh dear... my ears...

What is this thing? - It's called an Earscope.

It will show me what's inside your ears with a camera.

The inside of my ear will now have it's world debut.

Oh gosh I am so nervous. Sorry it might be dirty!

I was told not to clean it beforehand.

You came here to clean it. It's ok.

Oh wow....

Like this...

The dark area there is your eardrum.

And there are some hairs here.

It's natural to have hairs inside your ears here.

They block sweat, dust etc from entering.

I feel very embarrassed.

I will make this whole area clean.

I will first take things with a cotton bud and then cut these hairs.

What? Is that alright to cut them? - That's fine.

They will grow back within one month.

My hairs look really long. It looks like I am hairy.

They are in the way of the camera and cleaning. That's why I will cut them.

One thing I am really worried about is... is it safe to do this?

We have formed an official organization.

People come to learn from us to receive a certificate.

In order to get that certificate, they have to learn a lot.

First study, and then explore the ears...

Yes only after having finished the studies.

It's the ear driver's license.

Let me first cut the hairs outside your ears.


What an ear razor?!

Your ears are as small as a child's.

What? - Yes they are as small as kid's ears.

What I have kids ears?!

Well, females have to shave a lot in society, right?

But shaving my ears is a first for me.

To be honest, I brought my very own ear stick with me.

It's a handmade piece for me. Could you use it a little?

Are you sure? Okay let me try.

I will use this stick to push the acupuncture spots on your ears.

What do you mean by that?

Ears have the acupuncture points of the whole body on them.

They make the shape of an embryo.

At the earlobe there is the face, the eyes, the mouth and such.

So when you are tired, massaging your earlobes is good.

Here is the neck, the back and the hip.

Here are the legs.

The middle is the heart and the intestines.

Just looking at this I can tell that your neck might be stiff.

Yeah I have been under a lot of stress.

Yeah I can tell that you have a stiff neck.

And your hips are also a bit stiff.

You can tell all of that by just looking at it?

This part here stands out. That's how I tell. - WOW.

Can you use my ear stick to push those points?

It's made quite hard, so it won't bend.

That makes it a good earstick to push your acupuncture spots.

But for inside your ears, we would need a thinner stick, that bends more.

That would also not damage your ear's insides. Let me start.

This point here helps you to be less annoyed.

Are you alright? - I am good.

Next is the stress acupuncture spot. - This hurts quite a lot.

Wow. I have a lot of stress.

I will go in deeper...

Inside the ears is the Vagus Nerve.

It's a nerve that is similar to the ones in your armpits and your breasts.

If I touch this it tickles, right. - Yeah.

When breasts are touched it feels good, right?

This one here is another erogenous zone.

Same nerve as the breasts.

That's why cleaning your ears feels good for everyone.

I can tell, it feels good.

Japanese people get their ears cleaned by their mothers, with their head on her lap.

We all share that memory of relaxation.

I don't have any memories like that, so I thought I might not feel relaxed.

Since its the same nerve though, it really hits home.

Wow that surprised me.

Next we will go further inside the ears. I added some lotion to this.

I will cleanse your ears now.

Wow my ears look really slimy.

My earwax looks quite soft. - Yes.

Foreigners tend to have soft ear mug.

Oh my dear...

This is weird but it feels good.

The image on the screen looks gross though.

Next I will cut the ear hairs.

Do you have to cut them?

I have to cut them, or I won't see well.

This is a bit dangerous.

I can feel that.

I can feel you cutting the hairs in my ear.

You feel that? - Yes I do.

Wow it's getting tidy in there.

You stopped breathing?

I did. Can you reach deeper into my ears now?

Let me take the hairs I cut out.

This feels good.

This feels so good.

It's weird.

I will take the dirt out of your deeper ear area.

You reached into it deeper! There is so much wax.

Oh no it looks like custard pudding.

This is bad.

Everyone I am so sorry!

It looks like this. It's only a little bit.

Wishy wash wishy wash-

Scrub scrub scrub...

Look how pretty my ears are!

All the wax is gone now.

I feel so refreshed now.

Feel so refreshed.

Next is this one. - What is that?

It looks like some bird. - It's bird feathers.

What the heck is this?

Doesn't it feel good? I love it.

Time to see what's in your other ear.

WHAT?! There is something in my ear!? What is it? What is THAT!?

It looks like some sort of hair.

What is that. There is something in my ear.

Oh god...

There are some hairs there too... - Those are your own hairs.

If you do this, will you hear better?

I think that doesn't really change.

But people who have so much wax that it blocks their hearing, say that.

Do people from abroad visit you? - Yes recently we get a lot.

Where do they come from? - All over the world. Like Saudi Arabia.

But also America, France, Germany and Israel.

But also India and such.

First timers? - Yes it was their first time.

Some people will also ask travel companies to take them here.

But also a hotel concierge called us saying their guests wanted to come.

I feel refreshed. She took all hairs out.

Wow this looks bad.

You just took the black thing out, didn't you?

I think we just got it. - Can I see it?

Must be this one. - Let's have a look.

Can I see it?

This one here. It's small.

It's tiny. Can you see it with the camera?

Wow it looks huge.

What is this? Rubbish? - Some sort of.

Why!? Why was that in my ear?

People who keep dogs or cats often have their hairs in their ears.

But I don't have any pets!

Wow that's a lot of caramel.


I am making some funny faces right there.


Just seeing how it gets cleaned feels good.

Can you speak English? - Me and my staff are learning it.

We are learning English. - For your customers. - Yes.

Wow. Nobody has ever given me this kind of relaxation treatment.

Wow some stuff is sticking to it. What is it?

It's also ear wax. - It looks like plates.

I feel so cleansed.

I feel so clean.

- Finished. - My ear is sparkly.

Nice one.

That was a first time experience for me.

Next is the massage. - What I get a massage? This is great.

Mind ... Body--- Spirit!


What shall I do with this microphone?

This feel good... oh my...

Oh no... I might fall asleep while we are still filming ...

My ears have never ever been so clean...

I am sorry. Gosh this is embarrassing.


Thank you so much. I feel so refreshed.

Seriously thank you

Did you feel good? - Yes I did.

I feel like new born, reborn.

How is your neck? - It's super relaxed.

What? This is amazing.

Ears are amazing.

Director: Please say your ending statement... - Yes.... (yawn)

This was my first Japanese ear cleaning experience.

You use different tools and think about a lot of things.

We use traditional ear cleaning techniques and recent technology.

Ear cleaning has evolved.

So traditional ear sticks and recent technology, I could try it all today.

That was a fun experience.

I thought it was just cleaning my ears and feeling cleaner.

But I could feel this all over my body.


This feels good. This feels so good.

Ears have the acupuncture spots of the body, so massaging them is massaging the body.

I think this spa is a Japan only experience.

If you are curious guys, try it.

This was fun.

Thank you so much. - Thank you too.

I feel so refreshed.

Is this a Tokyo only place? - We are also in Wakayama and Osaka.

Are there many ear spas in Japan?

These are quite rare. Our ear spa has just 20 members at this point.

and there are only a few branches around Japan.

That's why you are always booked? - Yes.

In Wakayama we go to hot springs, and hotels for the treatment.

Cleansing ears after a hot bath feels good.

If we did that to me, I would fall asleep.

I felt so good, I struggled reporting.

Thank you. Be sure to come in your free time some time.

I will visit again. Thank you.

For more infomation >> JAPANESE EAR CLEANING SALON |Ear hair cutting, ear wax removal and sensual massages - Duration: 18:22.


What is DIFFERENCE between JAPAN and YOUT COUNTRY? : Ask visitors from foreign countries in JAPAN. - Duration: 8:55.

It's something that characterizes a lot of things in Japanese people.

There is a normalized or generalized

standard of clothing.

They don't really like physical contact and, that and in my country...

Hey guys, its Cathy Cat! And today we are here in Harajuku

and we're gonna go and ask foreigners,

what is the biggest difference between their country and Japan.

Let's go and ask foreigners in Japan!

But what do you think is the biggest difference between China and Japan in your opinion.

Maybe it's the public's (people)


I mean, people are always

very polite to you, and

there are a lot of rules in the public.

You need to turn your telephone to silent in the train and those types of things.

And maybe in China people

are not so polite sometimes, but yeah.

I mean, we are improving it as well.

So what do you think, is the biggest difference from Japan compared to Texas?

The streets are cleaner.

-Oh right! -Yeah.

And everyone like, follows the rules I guess.

More definitely, exactly what she just said. You know, it's cleaner.

It's a lot...

Although it's crowded. It's very crowded here as well.

Comparing Japan and France, especially Paris

what in your opinion is the biggest difference?

I won't say that French are not nice, because it's not true!


Everybody is

always smiling and...

There are lots of rules and they follow these rules.

They are really open-minded, I think. Yes.

I don't know if it's good to say that about French people.

But, it's something that characterizes a lot of things in Japanese people.

They are always here to help you!

That was very appreciative, when we were asking for

the way or any indication.

Everybody is here to help you, and that was great.

Now we need to ask one question

cause many French, many people in Japan admire France and French foods.

So how is it coming living in France, coming to Japan? How's the food for you guys?

-So good! -Yeah, it's delicious everywhere!

We have tried lots of different foods like

new's like, oto... otoga...



Yakitori, Ramen...

And sushi! Sushi also!

In France the only Japanese food

which is spread all over the world is the sushi's

and you don't really know the other kind of Japanese people which exist

And we were really surprised that you had so much diversity in the production.

So what is the biggest difference between Japan and Poland?

Lifestyle, culture...

Food, of course!

What do you think like, stood out for you?

Is like, we don't do that in Poland, for example.

We don't, we are not so friendly. We are we are more

Like, closed and not open minded

and they look in your eyes

They smile and they like to be in touch with me. So it's really nice, yeah.

What do you think is the biggest difference between Japan and India?

There are lots of buildings that are so much tall.

And they have

(more) advanced technology than India.

And the subways are very complicated.

-We don't have metro's in Poland. -No?!

No, we don't have metro's. We only have two lines in Warsaw, in the capital.

And here it's 100 lines or even more, yeah.

So this is a huge difference, yeah.

We have a vast network of metro's in Delhi.

In Mumbai also.

What do you think is the biggest difference between Germany and Japan?

Like, one thing you'd say is definitely very very different.

Maybe expressiveness in some sort of way.

Like, if you look around here you can see that there are so many different people.

Like, people that are very conservative and people that are very outgoing.

And I think in Germany most people have like

there is a normalized or generalized

standard of clothing.

-The H&M culture? -Yeah, right right.

I'm one of them as well, so... Okay...

But that's it. I think that's it.

So what do you think in your opinion is the biggest difference between Australia and Japan?

The biggest thing we've noticed is...

In the streets and the traffic, not a lot of noise.

No people beating horns. It's, it's very quiet.

Everybody goes about their business very quietly and when in Melbourne and Cannes

it's yeah, there's lots and lots of noise.

Where it seems to be very quiet here. It's very relaxing.

Same thing, very quiet.

Very organized.

Very clean!

Mexico and Japan. If you compare them, what's the biggest difference?

-Values. -Values?


Okay. Which values do you think are different?

The respect. More respectful than in Mexico.

Really, really.

The respect, you said.

People are in here are kind of like...

I don't know how to describe with...

...with other words, but shy.

They don't really like physical contact and, that and in my country...

It's not that we don't respect that personal space.

But is like, it's not something as taken as serious as in here.

So yeah, I think that's like one of the biggest differences.

What's the biggest difference between France and Japan?

People in Japan are more...

More open minded and in France people are more closed minded.

So everyone's like, not good.

When they look at you say, they'll tell you bad things and insult you.

I don't like it so... When I'm in Japan everyone is like, "oh, kirei, kirei, kawaii!

and I never gets bad returns.

Oh, I know what you mean.

Like in Europe you, just to explain this to people from other countries.

In Europe what happens when you sometimes walk down the street

people will say negative things out loud, right?

Probably something with your hair as well, right?

But I don't care, because I think I don't need to dress like everyone wants me to.

-You want to dress like YOU want. -Yes, that's it!

But now in Japan people usually generally say positive things

they won't say negative things which is a big thing there.

Good! Well, those were actually all the questions!

Thank you so much for your time!

People compared their country

and they compared it with Japan.

And you've seen that

I'm just gonna add what I can compare with Germany and Japan.

Generally, what I can see here, the trains! Oh my god, they're so great!

There are on time!

However on the other way in Germany we have the Autobahn

where you can like, totally like, drive with no speed limit.

While in Japan like, the fastest you can really go is like

100 kilometres...?

Which is not that fast. I mean, people do drive faster

but they don't drive that fast on the streets, which surprised me.

But now I'm used to it.

So probably if I go back next time to Germany

I'll get a bit of a reverse culture shock because people drive so fast.

Actually kind of dangerous...

So the trains are on time. But the working conditions here are quite a lot tougher than back in Germany.

They're also less holidays. We have more holidays in Germany and less holidays here.

There's loads of unpaid overtime and things like that.

But they're trying to change that in Japan right now as well.

People are smaller, which I think is a good thing because...

Oh my god, why are Germans so tall??

I was always the smallest girl in class!

And I'm like, you know, a hundred sixty centimetres.

Why am I always the smallest in those school years?? Oh god, the trauma...

Let's cut to different scene.

What I can find is, Japanese people in comparison a very very food conscious

I mean, we all love food generally, and wherever you're from

but they're very very food conscious.

They really really gourmets.

They will go to different places and stand in line for up to two three hours. Just to get something nice.

They're very very conscious of good food.

We're good food happens, where you can get good food.

They make great food!

Very very food conscious and in contrast in Germany. We're more

food conscious in a level, in a different level about the ingredients.

So is that organic? Are the eggs free-range? Stuff like that.

So we pay more attention to actually the ingredients?

And if they actually, come from a good environment and don't have too many, you know...

ingredients in the ingredients.

You know, additives and stuff like that, also.

So we pay great attention to that instead.

So. Both of bit things.

I must say, I really struggle getting free-range eggs here in Japan

as it's one of the things that people don't pay so much attention to.

But on the other side, they're all so tasty.

How could you say, no?

So yeah, a couple things comparing Japan and Germany.

If there's anything you would like to add from your country.

What's different in your country, in comparison to Japan.

Let us know in the box below, looking forward to reading your comments and seeing what you think.

Also, look at each other's comments and don't forget to comment on each other's comments.

As it's always nice to see you guys start a conversation there.

Hope you have a lovely day, catch you soon on Ask Japanese.


For more infomation >> What is DIFFERENCE between JAPAN and YOUT COUNTRY? : Ask visitors from foreign countries in JAPAN. - Duration: 8:55.


Le Féminisme est Responsable du Silence des Hommes Victimes - Les media - Duration: 8:36.

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TOP 10 Easy Chocolate Cake Recipes | How to Make the Most Amazing Chocolate Cake | Best Recipes

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