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Military Films "ATTACK OF THE PARTIZAN ORDER" Military Film 1941-45! War Movie HD Video! - Duration: 1:17:01.Military Films "ATTACK OF THE PARTIZAN ORDER" Military Film 1941-45! War Movie HD Video!
BY POPULAR DEMAND--Near Death Experience (Condensed)- NDE PODCAST - Duration: 18:11.and so actually that is the topic of this discussion today is my near-death
experience in fact you know were it not for my son Liam and also for my very
strong absolute belief that our lives have a purpose and that we die when we
are done and so I have faith in that process and so I feel as much as I I
don't have a fear of death and especially now that my son is there I
you know I have once in here with Daenerys believe me that is a pole I
mean I want I miss him you know I want to be with him but I know that I only
have a short time here this life is so short and in fact that's what I'm really
really a wick and so I wish you'd relax on that but on the other hand I wanted
to get excited and get going because life is life is so sure I'm so aware of
how short it is granted it's not as short for most of us as it as it was for
Noah you know I do have this sense that it may be that he had done what he came
here to do and so today the discussion is near-death experiences so and so how
that was to happen was that I of course had this had this very rare form of a
heart attack it was called it was it was called a spontaneous coronary artery
dissection or a scan here again I'm gonna say one more time this is another
thing having of this this is very rare very rare but lo and behold I find the
Google is a wonderful thing Google is a wonderful thing for somebody like me who
has these weird things happen I looked up spontaneous coronary artery
artery dissection and it took me right to what do you think other women who are
like 30-something years old physically fit non-smoking regular
people and so so I do make it through an emergency surgery just fine
ATS went so I just say perfectly still for 12 hours with this catheter in my
leg in my femoral artery and they said something about that it would just
puncture my heart or something I swear so they said I had to stay completely
still so they had given me some some sedatives to stay still and then 12
hours later they came in to remove the catheter by now it's Good Friday it was
it was Good Friday we were supposed to be headed to New Orleanians with our
friends with some friends for Easter but obviously the trip had been canceled the
next day in recovery and I have this catheter in my femoral artery that has
to be removed and they come in actually gets nothing it's not a big deal and
well this is half my my husband is in the room with me my parents and my
grandparents happened to be outside and my father-in-law happens to be outside
they know just a minute we just got to get this thing I'll only take a second
they acted like it was gonna be as simple as taking out some stitches or
removing a cast or something and the acting was really a no-brainer
there wasn't a doctor there it was just a nurse two nurses in it like a student
nurse then the nurse is this big guy it was a big blonde guy and he had arms as
big as my thighs which I knew because he had his he had them down by my thighs he
was lifted back the blanket and he was going to you know remove the catheter
and so I just kind of looked away for a minute and I'm looking over a cross I'm
looking for my bed I'm looking over at the two female nurses the is the
Connecticut older veteran nurse and a student nurse and their faces look
shocked all of a sudden and then I hear the hair the words it's a bleed and then
I look down and I see just this geyser gushing up out of my groin area and then
I hear they nurse the big nurse say to my husband hold her down and my husband
then holds me down the shoulders holds me he's over at my head
he's holding me down at the shoulders and he's doing this big nurse's doing a
lot of this pressing down on my my hips and my groin I just feel things cracking
and tearing underneath his underneath and I hear I'm see something about the
bed is broken I can get the bed to lift up she's had too much blood thinner
something you know long yeah things along this line I'm kind of starting to
lose consciousness and it really really is incredibly painful I look up at my
husband he looks down at me and the look on his face is clearly that he thinks
I'm gonna die from there I float up and I'm watching from the ceiling as they
walk him towards the door and I see I can look down as though there's no roof
on this place and I can see my family out in the hallway and and then I can
see myself laying in the bed and the the crash cart coming through and the the
code team the the respiratory team come in there to try and resuscitate me and I
worked in a hospital for several years so I knew about code blues and I knew
about about the special crash cart and all that stuff I knew about it I'd seen
it you know seen it so I knew and so I didn't hear the code blue being called I
know about the code blue because my grandmother told me later I'm floating
up I'm watching that happen I don't really see them I see them just start to
kind of gather around my body but I don't I don't see them do any work on it
and the next thing I know I am I'm off in this incredible place that's just
full of light and it's the most it's this soft pink sort of light and I just
feel I just feel suddenly just completely warm and safe and like I know
every like every answer that I had like all these baffling questions and things
that were confusing me all the time or just immediately lifted and cleared I
knew everything I knew that I had died all right yeah I knew where I knew what
it was I knew that I was dying I knew that I was going to like basically
heaven or whatever I felt different from other people experience I guess I didn't
see like it necessarily a guide angels sort of person walking me I felt
like I was this really tiny tiny person on like a godlike mountain like it was
like it was like I was a little samba Lina in God's palm of his hands or
something like he was he was all around me but too big for me to take in like
too big for me like his face and he was just way too big for me to get like a
look at his face his or her face but I was definitely being carried by this
godlike entity which I think I'm comfortable with if thinking I'm in in
masculine sort of fatherly terms I think probably because I didn't have that
great of a relationship I didn't have like a nurturing cozy father so maybe
that's why but I'm real comfortable with with that characterization which is I
think above anything I believe that that what we manifest in our in our
experience of afterlife is what we imagined it to be you know I think that
that what we feel comfortable with and what we've always thought of it as and
what references to our own expectations is what will end up happening so in
terms of God and heaven and all that so I think that that is really what it is
it's all the same thing it's just that we take our beliefs into it so that's
what manifests it was the most perfect place it was just wonderful now I didn't
have a sense of who I was I didn't have a sense that I was leaving anyone behind
I didn't it didn't have that at all I did have a sense that I was going home I
had a sense that I was that I was finally going home that I was gonna
finally find the place where I belonged death and that there were people that
there were people just waiting there with open arms and a place at the table
they couldn't wait they were so excited to see me and that was sort of what I'd
been waiting for in my life that I didn't get and so that sounds really
really cool but I did it definitely didn't have any sense of my son's I
didn't have any sense I was leaving my sons behind or that I was didn't have
that at all I did have I had this sort of life review I was being I was walking
the whole time I was moving with movie I was in all time I was in movements and
the whole time there was this sweet sound it was like it was like everything
was experienced in all of the senses like it was like
there was a sweet sound there was a sweet soft smell and the light and
everything was just in that like the air was warm and soft everything was just
perfect and it was experienced on every and in every sense and beyond up with
these senses in pot it's just really really hard to explain but being that
I'm a writer it's my job to so I keep trying I keep trying to explain it but I
do see on all sides of me I'm headed to sort of down this this tunnel it wasn't
a narrow tunnel it was like a hallway like a corridor and on all sides of it
was my life playing scenes of my life and and the sense that I was getting was
that this this God that was carrying me it was kind of carrying me like I was
like a baby bird or something like close to his chest I could smell him and feel
it and it was just kind of carrying me there certain walking but like floating
it was like a smooth smooth movement but I wasn't walking I was definitely not
walking I was definitely being carried which is different than I've heard
people describe so far I haven't seen anyone that I recognize in fact I don't
see anyone that I recognize but of course in my my grandparents hadn't died
yet or anything so there I didn't really I wasn't that close to anybody who died
yet so that's that's sort of an interesting thing too maybe that's why
but so so so far I hadn't seen anyone that I that I recognized but yet at the
same time I recognized everybody I was everything was familiar and wonderful
definitely didn't feel like I was in this foreign scary place whatsoever I
felt like I totally belong there more than I belong to anywhere in my whole
life everything was perfect every kind of insecurity or there was just none if
that was it was was existed anymore and I sense that this godlike person or
whatever this godlike entity was was really happy with the way that I'd lived
with the kind of person that I was and the job that I was doing but then this
is when I was asked about going back and told that my mission really wasn't done
yet that it was too soon for me to go but because I've been through so I
didn't because gonna be so tough for me when I went
back he wanted me to have a commitment he wanted me to understand it was gonna
be tough when I went back and that I had a choice he wanted me to be committed to
to to going back if I went back he that's what he wanted me have a choice
didn't want to force me to go and I said no way I do not want to go back I don't
want to go back this is neat and I was told if you don't go back you have to
learn all the lessons again you'll have to do it all over again you don't get to
you know get past anything you just get to start over maybe take a rest right
now and I was like no I don't care I don't want to go back right now I just
it's too wonderful here and then I saw my son's then he showed me my sons and
they were totally different their hearts were broken
they had their circumstances their family their life could not sustain the
loss of their mother they had no one no one that was going to come in to fill in
for me no one was going to love them unconditionally and the outside world
would not know that they were orphans because they would have family all
around them they wouldn't know how alone they were and so I immediately said I've
got to get back I've got to get back I knew my mission and you one of my most
important purposes in life was to stop this cycle of abuse and my family and to
love my kids unconditionally and to be a teacher of unconditional love and
empathy and compassion and so I went back and I went back with the
understanding that I wasn't gonna remember everything right away and that
I had the fight of a lifetime ahead of me but that I had everything that I
needed already I had everything that I needed to to win the battle I had within
me already of course I am a master of repressed
memories so I go back and I don't remember anything all I remember is that
it happened a and that that I had chosen to come back because my sons needed me
that's really about all that I that I remembered of the whole thing at first
at first it would eventually come back to me as would most of my childhood
memories I would eventually get all of the memory back
I mean you know just about all of it I think I think I would get everything
back as far as I saw it to where I was about like anybody else I remembered my
childhood as well as anybody else eventually I have a few years left where
I'm going to just keep pushing things down and then in a few years an epiphany
is gonna come and I will stop pushing things down and wave after wave of
realization will come to me and and I will be transformed it will be really
really tough but life will be transformed and I'll be new but I regain
consciousness and I realized that the place is covered with blood I mean and
the nurses are just sweating and they're like I mean it's clear that everyone has
been through a hugely traumatic event that it that much is very very clear to
me the male nurse says well you gave us quite a scare there you know let's teach
you out let's go that the female there's shit I heard her say let's get you out
of these let's get you out of these things and some clean clothes and so
they like whipping me around they're moving you know really quickly picking
up all these blood-soaked linens changing my clothes probably me cleaning
it all off propping me up in bed wiping me down getting me to look decent clean
and within just a few seconds they're like all the evidence of whatever this
trauma was it was gone and they said that my family your family's been
waiting out in the hallway this entire time we need to you know we really ought
to go get them but I had no idea what they meant I mean like she said this
entire time as though as though I'd been there this entire time which I certainly
hadn't been I had no idea whether than going on except for that I was in so
much pain that I had a feeling that I got the sense that resuscitating me had
been a brutal brutal process so in walks my so they they go gay up in the door I
realize of course when I came to that my husband is no longer there because I
don't really remember that he got moved to the door I don't remember you know
the part about starting to float up and seeing him get move that I have no
memory of that right now at this point the last thing that I remember was
looking up his face and saying I think I said why are they doing this to me and
then I love consciousness and so that was the last
thing I remembered was seeing that look on his face that was a clear look of
that he knew I was gonna die and I can't I couldn't for the life of me make out
what else was with that look was it like a she's gonna die
thank God or she's gonna die I'm you know I'm not I can't make out what the
it was just this realization that I was gonna die
without an Associated feeling to it like that makes me sad that makes me happy
that makes so that was haunting me for the longest time that I couldn't figure
out what he felt about it it seemed like clearly he knew I was
gonna die but I couldn't tell what he felt about it so they let it go to the
door and they let in my family in walks first my grandparents and they're beside
themselves they're they're just you know hysterical and fathers looks like he's
got you know just tears streaming down his face my grandmother's cry she's like
oh my god we thought you were gonna lose you they
they called code blue two times and they came rushing in here and you know we
just thought we thought we're gonna lose you this is you know and she came it
gave me this hug and it was a so so that was how I knew he knew about the code
blue and all that I really hope it would had no idea had she not said that my
father-in-law then walked in and he was you know looked white as a ghost
he looked super scared and gave me a little kiss and they went and sat down
on the windowsill and then my parents and my husband came wandering in talking
to each other not even looking at me didn't rush over to me didn't give me a
hug didn't say oh my god how you know tragic was nothing they were talking to
each other and ignoring me and it was like we were coming with up with the
plan or something I couldn't imagine what they were talking about but their
heads were down they were definitely they didn't come up and talk to me or
anything and it was very strange but and I was still disoriented and I wasn't
ready to assess with anything man at this point I was just everything was so
disorienting and weird that's basically all I remember about that I remember
trying to kind of say something about that I had this near-death experience a
little mentioned something about it and my mother turned around and kind of said
she said you're out you're sedated or something like that
and that was basically it I knew a near-death experience I knew that I
needed to go back and be there to offer my children the unconditional love that
they deserved it also didn't deserve I needed to be an example of love and
compassion in a place where there where it was sorely lacking I didn't have a
full understanding of it at the time but in retrospect afterwards I did realize
that I was warned that I was gonna be coming back to fight the Battle of a
lifetime that it was a battle against ego evil laziness everything
lovelessness and the reason that I had to be stripped down as I was it was
necessary that I know that the only weapons that I had were going to be love
and the truth and also my faith in God so those are the indestructible parts of
me and I needed to learn that that was the most important lesson was that the
world or whoever was watching needed to see that I was able to win I was able to
be victorious with only those things on my side not money on my side not
connections not power not even support not even the loving family I only had
just the love I had for my son's love God had for me and the truth the power
of the truth so I would have to believe that no pinning in and please come back
I will talk with you later bye for now empowering those who yearn
for more love intimacy in passion in the relationships and lives find the my
ransom notes podcast at evening ransom dot-com join us next
time on the my ransom notes Noah podcast the podcast for newly opening and
Awakening hearts
CGI 3D Animated Short Film: "Electroshock Animated Short Film" by ESMA - Duration: 8:25.Trust me Mady you need a man, a real one.
Sure! There is no way I end up with a loser in a lost town like my mom did...
...I wish i'd get a tough guy who could protect me.
Like I said , a mature man.
Well, not too much...
In short...
...I need a hero!
Hey Mady, what's up?
-Mady, I was wondering if you'd like to... -Hey Kid!
My toaster only grills one side. Could you come and fix it for me?
- Goodbye miss Mady. - Bye Niky!
So cute!
You are so sensitive Sheriff!
And how about a date with a sensitive man, Mady?
My toaster only grills one side.
Dumb-ass !
If a single grain of sand sounded like "I love you!" I 'd bring all the desert to your feet!
Hey Sheriff, look! Your mustache only grows one side!
I need a hero!
I am...
Electroshock is here to save the day!
Electroshock, always there for you!
Your hero is here, Mady.
This town needs me!
Electroshock is here to save the day!
I 'm never gonna make it.
I can do it! Show her what your made of!
Last news!
Look at this sucker !
Look! It was Buck all along!
Hey Buck, you just wrecked the town!
- Hey, Look! It's Electro-Dumb! -Shhh... Here he comes!
He just stopped the god damn truck with his forehead!
Buck? Are you alright?
My hero!
One year later...
Buck? Are you listening to me?
- What's the problem, Sweetheart? - The problem is your Sweetheart is doing...
... everything in the damn house the cooking, the shopping, the laundry...
...and on top of it I have to wash the dishes all by myself...
...just because Mister Electroshock is not even able to fix up a goddamn fuse.
Gosh, I should have listen to mom! She is married to a slob but at least, he is a rich one!
When I think I had the Sheriff after me all these years and I never...
Ты Позови, Песня о Любви в Мужском Исполнении, Игорь Ачкасов - Duration: 5:20.You Call, Song of Love, Igor Achkasov
Tera hone laga hoon | whatsapp status Video-30 seconds | - Duration: 0:56.Subscribe My Channel
LES 7 PAYS DU MONDE QUI ONT EU UNE COURTE EXISTENCE 💀 - Duration: 11:23.-------------------------------------------
NEFFEX - Save Me [Copyright Free] Subtitle - Duration: 2:46.-------------------------------------------
ALİEXPRESS ÜZERİNDEN ALABİLECEĞİNİZ EN KALİTELİ MİKROFONLAR ! - Duration: 4:14.-------------------------------------------
All about respect? PewDiePie is copying me! - Duration: 1:49.If you don't speak Spanish turn on the captions so you understand what I'm saying.
There are some things that are very characteristic on my channel.
One of the is "Coffee time"
And this is a clip of "Coffee time"
Coffee time
There is a very small channel, this person is just starting
And he's copying exactly what I do.
This person barely has subscribers
He's copying "Coffee time"
and I think it's not fare that he's copying something that is so characteristic on my channel
Here you can see he's video.
He came from Switzerland to Japan just to copy my vlogs about Japan
The guy even dyed his hair! When have you seen a YouTuber with dyed hair?
By the way...
I don't want to talk more about this person
And in case somebody is interested, I'm selling this chair
If somebody is interested just let me know
And it does this...
Maybe not.
12 Bollywood Actors Who Did Hair Transplant Surgery | You Won't Believe - Duration: 5:36.12 Bollywood Actors Who Did Hair Transplant Surgery | You Won't Believe
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