Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 18 2018

Hope You Enjoy ^^

For more infomation >> /Nightcore/ → FRIENDS (Cover by BLYE) ✗ - Duration: 3:22.


쇼터 - girlfriend - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> 쇼터 - girlfriend - Duration: 5:13.


La spiruline pour l'escalade : mon AVIS après mon TEST ● Vidéo 2/2 - Duration: 11:51.

For more infomation >> La spiruline pour l'escalade : mon AVIS après mon TEST ● Vidéo 2/2 - Duration: 11:51.


Pastor Stephen Pinto - Bitten But Not Beaten - Duration: 2:17:28.

For more infomation >> Pastor Stephen Pinto - Bitten But Not Beaten - Duration: 2:17:28.


Show us your Legacy of Discord Video! [VOICE] - Duration: 1:37.

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Try to keep the video length below 1 minute.

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I will compile and post it once i see enough videos.

Thanks those who stay with ZakoJ and support as always.

I will see you guys soon on my next Live Stream.

For more infomation >> Show us your Legacy of Discord Video! [VOICE] - Duration: 1:37.


Kangana Ranaut Share Her Love, Pain & Anger For Hrithik Roshan -A Must Watch - Duration: 16:06.

Kangana talks about Hrithik On An Event

For more infomation >> Kangana Ranaut Share Her Love, Pain & Anger For Hrithik Roshan -A Must Watch - Duration: 16:06.


Анекдот дня из Одессы! Анекдоты про семейную жизнь! (18.02.2018) - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Анекдот дня из Одессы! Анекдоты про семейную жизнь! (18.02.2018) - Duration: 1:10.


GALATASARAY | Günün Galatasaray Haberleri | 18 Şubat 2018 | Youtube - Duration: 11:26.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Günün Galatasaray Haberleri | 18 Şubat 2018 | Youtube - Duration: 11:26.


Tân Vua Hài Kịch 💥 Thất Hình Đại Tội ⚡️ Các trận đánh Thánh Kỵ Sĩ ☄️ Tập 6 - Duration: 10:15.

For more infomation >> Tân Vua Hài Kịch 💥 Thất Hình Đại Tội ⚡️ Các trận đánh Thánh Kỵ Sĩ ☄️ Tập 6 - Duration: 10:15.


Sail Video Blog 15: Surviving Storms - Spending Christmas as Wintering Liveaboards in Greece - Duration: 16:03.

So in the last blog we said goodbye to our friends Craig and Jamie. We also had

to make a decision about whether we were going to go to Sicily or not.

It wasn't a good idea to try and get across to Sicily; it would have been a

two or three day voyage and we weren't sure about our engine, the windlass and

various other things so it was a good decision to stay where we were safe with

the storms passing through, where we could sort out things in our boat.

We were about to leave to go to Lefkas but this massive tank came in. Our anchor

is probably underneath it somewhere cos laid it out really nice and far to be

secure. So we decided we're gonna wait; we have to wait and we're just

identifying the flags on top and day shapes and we're listening out

for sounds to see if there are any sound signals as it turns to starboard or if it goes

engines astern or any of those things. So the big ship has got to dock

and the little Greek fishing boat has come along and to grab his stern line, so

they threw the line over to him and he got his boat hook out to grab that line and

now I think the Greek fisherman is going to take that line to shore.

So we finally left back to Lefkas; we had to pick up some parts and so to

get to Lefkas we went through the canal which we're becoming quite

familiar with now. When we arrived in Lefkas - as we were mooring up stern-too

on the town quay we were dropping our anchor and the whole windlass just kind

of fell apart. In Europe when you more up it's mainly Bows-too or stern-too and so

you have to put your anchor out to hold the boat out away from the quay so once

the anchor dropped we were really concerned about how it be possible to

tighten the anchor up if the windlass which is the winch that pulls up the

chain if that was completely mangled how we would do that. We saw some examples of

boats that obviously had been crashing against the quay; their anchor must have

dragged and they'd been rubbing against the quay and we could see like massive

gaping holes in the stern of their boat and we didn't want to happening to our boat.

So luckily you know when you come into marina most of them have lazy lines so

the lazy line would be attached to either chains which i think is the case

in Lefkas Marina or it will be attached to a massive block of concrete.

So we booked ourself into Lefkas Marina for the winter and it really was just

in the nick of time because the weather had already start to turn but it just

deteriorated after that and big storm started coming in. The storm that came

straight after we arrived at marina was the first of many storms really.

So we realised that - you know - we needed to stay in Lefkas Marina for the

winter; we were going to be kind of stuck here. The flights all stop to Preveza.

It's a six-hour journey to Athens so you're quite kind of isolated here. The

decision to stay in Lefkas Marina was also a little bit daunting because we

didn't really know what we were going to do here for six months. We realised there

was a community in Lefkas Marina; we found the room that looked like there

was lots of things going on. The first thing that you know really introduced us

to other people was a dock party. Everyone who's living aboard comes to

this party you bring the dish and you get to meet all the people that are

going to be living in this marina for the winter. A fantastic group of people so

we decided that we were going to get involved with everything going. So one of

the groups was a knitting group that met in the cafe in the marina. It's the only

cafe that stays open, everything else closes down. So it's really quite cozy,

you go in there, everyone gets a nice cup of tea and we learn how to knit. I

mean it's something I would never imagine doing - me knitting - but I have

learnt how to knit. Rowan, my daughter is much better than me but it

was great; it's this new skill, something that might come in handy. I'm

still working my way through a piece of knitting that I started at the beginning

of winter but that's one of the groups.

Do you mind if I get you knitting?

Yeh, someone told me about all the other things that's going on in Lefkas.

One of the things was horse riding so I decided to find out where the horse

riding was. We just cycled miles to go meet Janet.

What is it? Lemon, lemon mmm. These sticks are prepared for next year and flattened

to hit the olives off the trees.

The way that Janet teaches horse riding is a real gentle method. I thought it was

really easy - you get on and off you go - but I realised there's so much more to it.

The other thing that we joined was a group on Sunday. So a couple of people

that live aboard, they plan these routes - these walking routes - around the island.

The kids absolutely love it, and we love it because you get to meet everybody

else every Sunday. It's active and you get to see some really beautiful

places around Lefkas. So the only thing that we found quite difficult was

the fact that we were the only family living this life so nobody else who's

homeschooling with their kids and that was really difficult so when we

discovered that a boat had arrived and it was Clive and Nick with their two

kids we were so overjoyed when we realized that they decided they were

going to stay for the winter. So we're wondering how much they celebrated

Christmas here. Obviously everything's bustling back in England

before Christmas.

So this is the Friday before Christmas and we found this square which is really lovely

It's got a really nice Christmas tree but it's pretty quiet, not much going on.

I don't know where everyone is. I kind of thought would be nice to go and sit

in there but um there's no one else around, so it's kind of strange no one's here.

This is the Christmas fair in Vliho Yacht Club.

And even Father Christmas turned up which the kids were really excited about!

So then New Year, they open up the cafe especially for all the liveaboards.

That was the end of 2017. It was really an amazing year for us. A lot of our

dreams came true.

So after Christmas they celebrate the Epiphany here. The Greek Orthodox Church

celebrate it. It's quite a big thing so we went down because we really want to see

how they celebrated it. So we're here in Lefkas for the Epiphany and everybody is

selling oranges everywhere.

but everyone started gathering on the bridge because they wanted to see the

cross when it's thrown in the water

coming out they all have his oranges and they dip them in the water it represents

the Holy Trinity everyone gathers around the ward sir they throw a cross into the

water people have to jump in and try and get

it didn't stop chucking oranges in it was quite a tiny really skinny scene and

a performant synthol aarhus patria juice or pure superb but in another group that

we joined was the guitar group and it is brilliant on thursdays there's a man

that comes down from the mountains and he teaches guitar it's free so we've

been going for an hour on thursdays learning some new techniques and

something to practice in the weekday

we've made the most of being in this one place for six months but we really

really we want to travel again we knew we had to spend his time to get things

ready but we're excited about going off dropping the lines and being free again

guitar teacher said that this was the worst winter in ten years he says never

had so much rain

we didn't expect to be in one place in the winter with such terrible weather

we kind of got away from that but um but that is wintering wintering means you've

got to find somewhere a safe haven somewhere there's quite a few times I

wondered at what we were doing and whether we should have stayed England's

sent to the school penny we make the most of it and we met loads of good

people so we've still got a few months to go and and we still got quite kind of

jobs that we need to do on a boat you have got your footage routine to staying

fit and healthy eating as well


so I trying to great way to stop doing

the next few blogs are going to be about some of the other amazing places we've

discovered on left us island how we actually managed to get off the island

and explore the mainland a bit so we're right at the top the mountain now

I'm going sailing around the wind

so thank you for watching these videos if you like them then please keep

subscribing on the youtube channel like us on Facebook and share with everybody

and also if you want to please do help support the creation editing and

producing of the videos you can support us on patreon to keep making these

videos thank you

For more infomation >> Sail Video Blog 15: Surviving Storms - Spending Christmas as Wintering Liveaboards in Greece - Duration: 16:03.


পিতা মাতা সন্তানের প্রতি দয়া করে কেন ? || Bangla Waz New Short Video || Sheikh Motiur Rahman Madani - Duration: 3:47.

পিতা মাতা সন্তানের প্রতি দয়া করে কেন ? || Bangla Waz New Short Video

For more infomation >> পিতা মাতা সন্তানের প্রতি দয়া করে কেন ? || Bangla Waz New Short Video || Sheikh Motiur Rahman Madani - Duration: 3:47.


C'est quoi le CASH OUT dans les PARIS SPORTIFS ? - Duration: 7:30.

For more infomation >> C'est quoi le CASH OUT dans les PARIS SPORTIFS ? - Duration: 7:30.


NGS "Extra 12" (أخطاء تصوير الحلقة 36 Episode 36 bloopers) - Duration: 8:16.

Hello everyone. This is a blooper video for episode 36

If you didn't watch episode 36 I recommend you to watch it before this video. It's already in the description box. Now Enjoy!

Which is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on NES

Unfortunately most of them have voted "Yes"

Those who voted yes, what were you thinking? you want to ruin my life??

But wait! I am the one who put this poll

So I am the one mmbbmb...

By the way

I'll do something that Dr Jekyll couldn't achieve

I will gain... not gain.

Camera man:Start from the beginning?

Is it passible ermmmm

Is it possible that the designers ddrrrrm


Is it....

Is it possible that the designers didn't run tests out the game?

Wasn't there a wise person among them that should say the gameplay was broken???

You know what? These kind of novels not errmm

Darn! almost got it!

Camera man: Action

Camera man: No No wait a moment

Camera man: Let's do it again

Camera man: Wait once more

Camera man: Here we go

Camera man: Action

I will change the fate of humanity ....

Wait! Wait! I forgot the line

Hassan: You can still continue and take of you glasses

,so you won't miss the old shot

Camera man: Wait until I say Action


Camera man:No No

Camera man: Action

Why I am holding my thought?


Camera man: Don't get so much closer Abdulrahman: Huh? Why?

Camera man: Only a little Hassan: *sarcasm* you almost ate us


Camera man: No wait. You moved so fast


Finally I appeared in the real world!

and I choose errrmm

Hassan: *sarcasm* Real world!!

Salem: You should say" Finally I appeared in the real world! and I choose Nostalgic Shadow to hide in him!"

Salem: That's it, nothing more


I am "Nostalgic Hyde"!

Finally I appeared in the real world!

and I choose Nostalgics.... Shadow

Salem: Almost had it. Try gain

I died because of the failure Jekyll

Because he.... Wait what?

Camera man: Wait

*Reading the script*

I died because of the failure Jekyll

No wait! Hold on


*Reading the script*

Camera man: Look, you can act a little then see the script and continue

Abdulrahman: No, it's not a long sentence but you know..

I need to memorize it more

Anyway, I'll go back to

Nostalgic Sh....Nostolgic?

I can't pronounce it

Salem: "Nostalgic"

Abdulrahman: Nostalgic Shadow

Camera man:Why you didn't keep looking forward?

Abdulrahman: What forward?!

I am savage against these things..wait

Camera man: Rise the controller


Like this?

Camera man: Yes

I am afraid of...What afraid??

I am savage against these things

Let me try again

I am afraid..I am savage against these things. They don't scare my of course

I am afraid...I am savage..Okay okay

Camera man: Okay look forward and rise the controller

I am savvv... savage?

Abdulrahman: Sorry Sorry Camera man: Don't worry, take you time

Camera man: Rise your hands

I am savage against these things

They don't scare my of course

No this one is like a Coca Cola commercial video

That's all about Hyde and I'll let Nostalgic Shadow continue in my place

Where is the flask??

Let's try again

Because the light almost blinded me

Camera man: Go on

I am free once again!

I can do whatever I want!

I can't get up

The couch is way too low

I am free once again!

I can do whatever I want!

Camera man: Walk!

Salem: Why did you stand still? You are supposed to walk

Abdulrahman: You were staring at me

Salem: I was looking to the camera


Japanese version!


Once more

Camera man: stand still a little


Japanese version!


Japanese version!


Now I will Shoo...Okay..

Hassan: *sarcasm* I will Shoot

Abdulrahman: "Now I'll go to kill victims!" Okay..Sorry


Japanese version!


Did I just break it?

Oh! Really?

Camera man: Come on, move


Camera man: Keep going...Scream

Camera man: What you have done??

Hassan: Did it just opened? Abdulrahman: Yes it did


Camera man: Keep going! Abdulrahman: Oh! okay

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> NGS "Extra 12" (أخطاء تصوير الحلقة 36 Episode 36 bloopers) - Duration: 8:16.


【Kman夾娃娃】頂到就開爪?這設定...。航海王炎帝艾斯。クレーンゲーム Claw crane UFOキャッチャー#249 - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> 【Kman夾娃娃】頂到就開爪?這設定...。航海王炎帝艾斯。クレーンゲーム Claw crane UFOキャッチャー#249 - Duration: 3:53.


A Jew's journy to mexico ended up in meeting Jesus! - Duration: 7:47.

I came back down the hill

and I said, "You know Mike,"

"all this time the truth was"

"right in front of our noses!"

I was born into a Jewish family

both my mom and my dad

came from broken homes.

Both of them just had

miserable family life

and knew very little about parenting

they had terrible examples

from their parents.

Just shy of my 12th birthday

it was decided that they would

send me to a boarding school

that began a 6 year journey of

adapting to things that I just

was not prepared to adapt to.

No parents around,

influenced by anything, everything...

Eventually got introduced to drugs

and by the time I graduated

from prep school

became a very regular drug user.

Marijuana became LSD and LSD became

all kinds of amphetamines and pills...

Basically just was looking for the next high

the next party, the next pleasure.

Got into Syracuse University

my sophomore year, my buddy came

to visit me and he said,

"You know last summer I went to California"

"I had the greatest time!"

"Why don't we just quit school?"

We wound up settling in a small town

in Southern Oregon.

We actually acquired some property

a 20 acre piece of property that had

a log house and a cabin.

We decided let's move into the cabin

and rent out the house.

We found four other hippies

looking for a place to live.

That went on for a couple months

until one day

something pretty drastic happened.

Got a phone call:

they were on their way back,

and they had a van full of drugs,

their van went off the side of the road

stuff went flying all over the place.

The police arrived and now

all four of them were in jail.

Police cars were driving

seemed like they were all over

where our property was and so

we're introduced to a new thing

at that particular time called


We decided we're gonna

hitchhike to Mexico.

We went to the main crossroad of town.

The first car that picked us up was

a guy and he started telling us

about Jesus.

Talking about scripture verses

and not only was I not interested

I didn't even understand what he was saying.

We spent the night that day at this ranch

and the next morning they took us

to the coast highway

and we stuck out our thumbs

and the first car that picked us up

was a Christian family.

And they started asking us questions

about God and whether we believed in Jesus

and sharing the gospel with us.

Couple hundred miles south

we wind up in Mendocino

And we're standing on the Coast Highway.

A pickup truck pulls about 100 ft away from us.

A guy gets out of the passenger side,

comes right up to me, and he says,

"Do you know that Jesus loves you?"

We wound up who knows where

I don't remember what happened,

and I think I'm probably glad

I don't remember what happened.

There were a couple times I thought

we were gonna get killed...

It was pretty bizarre, and we were pretty lost.

About three weeks later

we made it back up to Oregon.

Something inside of me, I had this desire

I want to get a hold of this book

this Bible.

So I went into town and in a drugstore

I saw a Bible and I bought the Bible

and I took it home and

opened to the New Testament.

Now it was really important to me

that Mike not know what I was doing

because I thought

he would make fun of me

and so I would go up and

and I began to read.

I was just overwhelmed

with the gospel, the story of Jesus

I couldn't stop reading.

After I think probably 2, 2½ weeks

I began to read my journal of my trip,

and I got to the part where

that guy that came up to me

outside of Mendocino

had asked me to pray and

I remember feeling like I really

wanted to do that when he had asked me

and I never did, and so I took a walk

and I walked up behind where a house was

up this kind of hill

and I closed my eyes and I just said,

"God if you're there, if you're real,"

"I want to know."

I opened my eyes and

I just knew - I knew God was real.

I came back down the hill

Mike was there.

I said, "You know, Mike"

"all this time the truth was"

"right in front of our noses!"

And he said, "Yeah, I know."

We start talking and it turns out

the daughter of the realtor was

a Christian woman and she had

given Mike a Bible.

He was reading it and hiding it from me

at the same time that I was

reading the one I got

and hiding it from him.

So we just started all a sudden

talking about God.

And then we started getting letters from

these guys that were in jail - we hadn't

seen them in probably about a month or so

and all four of them

without speaking to each other

had met Christians in prison

and had become believers in Jesus.

We wound up getting invited to a church

people just embraced us,

and I started going to church

and hearing the gospel presented

and I remember in those early days

just every time there was an altar call

I raised my hand I just wanted God in my life

I wanted him to to forgive and

to wash the sin out of my heart

and as I would go I would actually

physically feel that God has taken

this 20 year old young man

who had no purpose, no reason

no desire to do anything...

I started to just read the Word of God

and I get to read the Old Testament

and just everything fit together

and even to the point of

my own sense of Jewishness.

Really for the first time

I really felt like I was Jewish.

I love now to be in situations

and to say what I often say to people,

"You know Jesus wasn't a Christian"

"Jesus was a Jew!"

The New Testament is Jewish.

I could just feel my life just

being totally changed and

falling in love with this Jesus who had

every answer for every question that I had.

Jesus has become

everything to me.

For more infomation >> A Jew's journy to mexico ended up in meeting Jesus! - Duration: 7:47.


24" or 26" ?! ( STREETTRIALS BIKE) - Duration: 3:42.

Hi, it's Jimmy!

I hope you are well !

Today it's been aweek that I ride with this new bike,

with this Inspired Hex 26 inches

Many of you ask me in comments

what is the best between 24 and 26 inch!

So today we will see a small comparative

24 vs 26 inches

Let's go !

So for this comparison I will base myself on my personal experience

We're going to talk about the Inspired Fourplay for the 24 inch,

and the Inspired Hex for the 26 inch.

We're not going to lie, the Inspired Hex is a bit of an Inspired Fourplay with 26 inch wheels.

The 2 frames are very similar,

The chain tensioner and the general construction of the frame,

It's almost identical

Only the geometry changes

and the chainstay allow 26-inch wheels on the Inspired Hex.

So you're going to ask me: But what does it change in riding?

During riding, the Hex, will be much longer.

We will feel that the wheelbase is longer and that the chainstay are longer!

The bike will be more stable in general,

but more stability means less nervousness.

The 26 inches will be less nervous than a 24 inch,

and the 24 inch will be more for play !

With 24 inches, it will be much easier to send tricks,

for 180, 360, for all tricks in rotation.

It will be much easier with small wheels.

The 24 inch also has a shorter wheelbase

So the bike will be shorter, more nervous and it will help a lot for tricks!

From my personal experience, I saw that it was a riding habit.

It will take a little power for 180 and 360.

On the other hand for the footjam whip I am much more regular.

The larger wheel adds a lot of stability

and now I get this tricks all the time while I was not very regular with the 24 inch.

In bunny up and manual, it also requires a time of adaptation.

It's a little longer to lift

But once you're used it's exactly the same!

I had a little more trouble staying in manual after a bunny up on the 26 inch

Now that I have adjusted my riding, I stay a little further back and it is super easy !

For all trials stuff,

The Hex is on top!

I caught myself passing the same line as on the fourplay, but with more ease on the Inspired Hex.

While that makes only few session that I ride with this bike !

For gap and crossing,

the longer wheelbase and the larger wheels allow more ease on this kind of line !

As for hook up and sidehop, I am also more comfortable on the Hex

But it can come from geometry a little more trials orientedl!

In summary, if you are more focused tricks,

if you want to become the next Danny Macaskill or Fabio Wibmer

by doing a lot of tricks while doing trial,

I recommend the 24 inch.

You will have a bike more nervous, more lively

and it will allow you to land your tricks more easily.

On the other hand, if you want a more trial oriented riding,

with fewer tricks,

I advise you the Hex,

You will be much more comfortable on all trials stuff,

You will enjoy this bike a lot !

Finally, if you want to buy a street trials bike to progress technically

and then have more ease on your MTB, Enduro, XC bike or other

I advise you the 26 inch,

the position will be more similar to your MTB than a 24 inch.

It will be easier to transmit what you have learned from your street trial to your MTB

And it will be perfect !

I would like to remind you that this comparison is based on my personal experience

This is my feeling by still having some habit of the 24 inch and taking in hand this 26 inch.

It is a small comparative, I will come back in more detail if you are interested!

If you hesitate between these 2 bikes,

look on which side you want to focus your riding!

These 2 bikes are really good!

You will progress very quickly with whatever your choice!

Also know that these 2 models are available on I put you the link in the description.

Here, I hope that this comparison will help you!

I hope you enjoyed this video!

Feel free to put a like if you like it,

to subscribe on the channel,

and we'll see you soon for a next video!

See you !

For more infomation >> 24" or 26" ?! ( STREETTRIALS BIKE) - Duration: 3:42.


Speakers in the car door. Fiberglass in detail. p.2/2 - Duration: 24:36.

For more infomation >> Speakers in the car door. Fiberglass in detail. p.2/2 - Duration: 24:36.


Natural Lemon Essential Oil/Homemade Lemon Essential Oil for Clear,Glowing & Brighter Skin Rani G - Duration: 7:58.

Please SUBSCRIBE Rani G Health and Beauty Tips

For more infomation >> Natural Lemon Essential Oil/Homemade Lemon Essential Oil for Clear,Glowing & Brighter Skin Rani G - Duration: 7:58.


Shocking Real Age Of Oru Adaar Love Actors And Actresses | You Won't Believe - Duration: 2:44.

Shocking Real Age Of Oru Adaar Love Actors And Actresses | You Won't Believe

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