Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 18 2018

I am in Kalambaka at the 2nd Gymnasium

I will meet with Kostas again, we will do another training before he leaves

until he comes I will show you this place

and I will warm up

actulally he came I will show you the place afterwards

- how are you? - good

this is Vaggelis

we will start from here

we will go further

before the last time we did parkour

have you done it again?


have you done before?



bravo and when did you stop?

5 years ago

and ok

tell us your name

Vaggelis Gountanas

- Have you done parkour before? - no

- Is it your 1st time? - Yes

- and how do you feel? - good

Stressful in front of the camera

we will start with balance at this

we will do 3 cycles

we will definitely fall

they are to far behind

I wanted to do it 3 times, but we will do it only one as it seems

it took us 6 minutes

how many times did you fall?


- how many times did you fall? - 3

3?? hahaha

challenge from Kostas

from there precision to it

will you try?

your turn

don't do it at the top, do it at the down wall

- do 1 frontflip - nothing else?

1 frontflip

we will show Vaggelis how to do precision


let's find something small first, there

you find 1 spot near the ground or even the ground

a line, let's say this one here

we have this spot

you are in this line

which are these squares

you jump

try to land with the balls of your foot, which are here

and when you land bend a little your knees

not like this


you didn't bend your knees

do 5 from here

5 good and then you will go further

use your hands

so Vaggelis went off from the precisions

his shoes are not well

for precisions

he will keep the camera in the precision we want to do

and the he will do the other things

it's been one and a half hours

and we have done only




let's find an other one

I thought it was higher

let's go in here to try frontflip and backflip I will do frontflips

I will do backflips

will you do any flips?

we will catch you

he is good

I will really try frontflips

the first is scary

I would say try only backflip

and Gountanas only the backflip

these were my frontflips

now Kostas will try backflip and I will try it afterwards

Vaggelis will you try?

maybe and Vaggelis


- I want to watch it, now - 1 more

very good Kostas is my turn now

after he watch the video and I take off the glasses because I am feeling dizzy

we will wear our sweatshirts now

we will do a challenge and

we will leave soon because night is coming

and also we will show some basic things about parkour to Vaggelis because we have neglected him today

sorry Vaggelis

it's ok

how are you?

something should go wrong every time let's do this again, he said

how did you feel?


are you ok?

do you want me to teach you some simple things

have you learn how to roll?

I know but I can not do it on the asphalt

you will not do it on the asphalt, do on the grass

will you do now?

I can not do now

he doesn't do us the honor

I did the others

first you will do safety

or step vault

you put both your hands

you leave this and you pass your foot from within

try it

put your right foot there


slightly bent legs

you raise your back leg

and you roll

I do not know if I'll get it now

yeah because other times you get it!

that was it guys

we leave this

let's go outside

let's see from calisthenics what can you do


leave it leave it, you will break you knees


- drop you butt - the ass

- you will say the butt , so many people watching us

grab this

assistance squats

look how I am

how many can you do?


I like 6that I have put videos for pull ups and he have subscribe and he doesn't watch those videos

for push ups, I said pull ups before

I don't watch YouTube

I don't care, you should

why do I make the videos? who watching them?


do this with your hand

do this and go down

without moving your waist

tighten your abs

don't be like this

what do you believe? will he do it ever?


say "nope"

that was the video guys I will see you in the next one


For more infomation >> Almost fell with my head - Duration: 17:00.



For more infomation >> KITCHEN GADGET TESTING - KEBAB MAKER - Duration: 18:23.


TheFatRat - Oblivion - Shuffle Dance - Cutting Shape cực chất - Minh Diễn - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> TheFatRat - Oblivion - Shuffle Dance - Cutting Shape cực chất - Minh Diễn - Duration: 1:11.


MILITARY FILMS "SECRET CHAMPION OF CAPTAIN BELOV" 1941-45! Military Movies # military films - Duration: 2:40:32.

MILITARY FILMS "SECRET CHAMPION OF CAPTAIN BELOV" 1941-45! Military Movies # military films

For more infomation >> MILITARY FILMS "SECRET CHAMPION OF CAPTAIN BELOV" 1941-45! Military Movies # military films - Duration: 2:40:32.


Olympians, visitors celebrate Lunar New Year's holiday at PyeongChang Olympics - Duration: 2:58.

The Lunar New Year, or Seollal, is overlapping with the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics,

so the athletes, reporters and even spectators in the host cities of Pyeongchang and Gangneung

... took time out to celebrate the holiday.

Lee Ji-won shows us how they spent Seol there.

At the Korea House in Gangneung Olympic Park, a traditional ritual was held on the morning

of Seol for athletes and officials who were not able to spend the holiday with their families.

Culture Minister Do Jong-hwan and the President of the Korea Sports and Olympic Committee,

Lee Ki-heung, were in attendance as well as Team Korea's lugers, who represented the athletes,...

as the rest are busy preparing for or competing in their events.

It's the first time such a ceremony has been held during the Winter Olympics.

"I'm the eldest son, so I should be in charge of these rituals at home, but I haven't been

able to for the past few years due to my training.

Spending the Lunar New Year like this makes me feel better and reminds me of my family

as well."

While most know the traditions like the back of their hand,... for others,... the ceremony

is a brand new experience.

"I was a little bit nervous before because it was my first time to celebrate Seollal.

And indeed to take part in it was still a little bit different but it was a good experience."

The ritual was also laid on for reporters and volunteers working at the Olympics during

the holiday.

Together with Gangwon-do Province Governor Choi Moon-soon, Koreans at the Gangwon Media

Center in Gangneung greeted their ancestors.

"And at a lot of festivals and events in the area,... including the Gangneung Traditional

Culture and Play Experience, visitors can also enjoy Korea's traditional games and get

a firsthand feel for the Lunar New Year."

From the traditional board game Yutnori,... to the simpler tuho or pitch-pot and jaegichagi

or hacky sack,... the games spark cheers, screams and groans from the players.

In another corner, booths offer handicraft activities,... including paper flower making,

so visitors from overseas can take part of their Korean experience back home with them.

"I think it's interesting for the foreign spectators who come to the Olympic Games because

it seems to be a part of Korean tradition, like the calligraphy which we don't know very

much in Germany."

The events are in line with Korea's efforts to make the PyeongChang Winter Olympics a

"culture Olympics,"... and the timing of the Seollal holiday provided the organizers with

the perfect opportunity to show international visitors a slice of the country's traditional


And for Koreans, it made their Olympic experience all the more unforgettable.

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News, Gangneung.

For more infomation >> Olympians, visitors celebrate Lunar New Year's holiday at PyeongChang Olympics - Duration: 2:58.


These typically Swiss things! 🇨🇭 - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> These typically Swiss things! 🇨🇭 - Duration: 6:05.


PSHS B2023 Sublimation and Deposition Diamond 030614252627 - Duration: 6:03.

This is dry ice

submerged in water.

But wait - how can ice be dry? And why is it called "dry ice"?

All of your burning questions will be answered shortly.

Dry ice is actually not ice, but rather, frozen carbon dioxide.

With this being the case, what coined the term "dry ice"?

Well, "dry ice" is actually the name of Dry Ice corporation, which first tested frozen carbon dioxide

for railroad cars to be able to refrigerate food while transporting them.

Well, now that we know the origin of the term,

The next thing to ask is: "Why call it dry ice?"

Well, this has something to do with its distinct characteristics

that differentiates it from it's more common brother:

regular ice

The things that they have in common are that they are both solids and that they are both relatively cold.

However, the chemical composition is completely different, since normal ice is just made from water, when it solidifies or freezes,

but dry ice is made from carbon dioxide molecules.

This means that the phase changes they undergo are

completely different

As you can see, and probably know by now, dry ice is solid, which currently, is turning into gas

without passing through the liquid state. This process is called sublimation -

when a solid turns into gas without going to the liquid state first.

The compressed carbon dioxide molecules are turning into gas as the pressure is decreasing as

they are spreading out and away from each other and the temperature is increasing

Sublimation is the phase change which a solid turns into a gas without

passing through the liquid phase. This is very uncommon

because it skips the liquid phase before turning into a gas

Pretty weird, right? But it does happen.

The reason that it's so unique is the fact that it bypasses the liquid state, just like what he said.

Turning the solid - a solid,

straight in the gas without turning into a liquid first.

However, not all substances have the capacity to do this.

Another example of sublimation is when you use mothballs.

Unfortunately one of our group members cannot be exposed to naphthalene, which is a key component of mothballs

Consequently, we can't use them for our demonstration

And he also isn't here right now. Okay, so, moving on. If the opposite of freezing is melting and the same goes for

evaporation and condensation

then the counterpart of sublimation is

deposition. Being the reverse of sublimation,

the process is flipped, now gas to solid,

but also without passing through the liquid state

It is also uncommon like its counterpart. One example we haven't mentioned yet is snow.

Snow. *awkward laugh*

We don't have that here right now

But basically what happens is that the water vapor comes in contact with a very low temperature and therefore turns into ice or snowflakes.

The factors that affect changes are both temperature and pressure. If the temperature goes down,

the molecules start to move less and less. Just like how they would as stated in the Kinetic Molecular Theory,

Right there. And

When you add pressure to something, this will cause the molecules to move closer and closer together.

As mentioned before, dry ice is just frozen carbon dioxide.

Therefore if you heat it up enough, it will have enough energy to move freely

So that it's from solid, it will have enough energy, and that it will go straight into gas quickly bypassing the liquid state.

Same logic applies for deposition, but the other way around. In the water cycle,

There is snow, which does not happen in tropical countries. Since rain is formed from condensed water vapor,

Snow is formed from depositing water vapor. Because of this, snow is much much colder than rain.

When snow falls from the sky, this season is what we call winter.

It's much colder during the season.

Also, when the season ends, snow piled up from winter will turn back into water vapor, which is the process of sublimation.

And now we have our experiment: the sublimation and deposition of iodine


So, warning: don't do this at home without adult supervision, and don't forget to read the MSDS or material safety data sheet of

Iodine. So as you can see, these are iodine prills. Wow. And I put some in advance and now we're going to heat them up.

Make sure that you are being supervised by an adult while doing this, because using

Materials that have been tampered with, or faulty materials will probably make this thing explode.

As you can see, the solid iodine is now turning into purple smoke. This process is called sublimation.

Woah, see it's so pretty. It's so beautiful. Like me. *cringe*

Sure, why not. And now, stop that, we're going to cool them down, cool the gas down, and, it's going to slowly turn

back into a solid

Which is the process of deposition.

Right there, you see those flakes there? Those are, those were gas. Yeah, there.

Eventually all of the gas will turn back into solids, and, become iodine prills again.

Don't touch the bottom of the beaker.

It's really hot. Yeah.

Anyway, that-

Well, that does it for our video, hope you learned something new today, and, have a nice day.

*random beatboxing for sound effects

For more infomation >> PSHS B2023 Sublimation and Deposition Diamond 030614252627 - Duration: 6:03.


ユーチューバー養成講座の先生のチャンネルをみつけたけど。。。Japanese YouTuber School Sucks... - Duration: 3:48.

Hey, kids it's me PDRsan

Since I made the Japanese YouTube School video

I've been trying to find Jun-sensei's channel

and I finally have


I did some research, but couldn't find anything

How did you find his channel?


*mumbles something*


One of my viewers told me on twitter

Wow, you really can't do anything by yourself can you?

Shit it!







Remember how angry Mimei was the last time you did a kamehameha indoors!?!?


So today we will be checking The teacher of the YouTube School's channel

but first

No matter what his channel is like you have to promise me

1. That you won't go and send hate to his channel

2. Don't go to his channel and go on a disliking spree

Got it?

These two things are

Not okay


Let's click this link that my follower Yuse-san sent me

and check out Jun-sensei's videos



Let's check out a different video

Hi and welcome to the Yo-kai Watch Channel

(insert name of the gatcha)

I did the gatcha 14 times

and this is what I got

What am I supposed to say to this....

Hey, can you help me out here....

Oh, right...

Let's just watch one more video


I was wondering if you needed anymore teacher at your YouTube school

After watching this I figured one thing out

the reason they showed some crappy Snow video when they introduced Jun-sensei on that TV show

is because his whole channel is Yo-kai Watch

They'd probably get in trouble if they showed any of his videos

That's so fucking sad...

Please give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video(^o^)b and don't forget to subscribe ^^

Would any of you consider going to a YouTuber school?

Also if you would like to go, what kind of things would you like to learn (Don't worry I'm not going to start a school XD)

and check out my last video if you haven't!


For more infomation >> ユーチューバー養成講座の先生のチャンネルをみつけたけど。。。Japanese YouTuber School Sucks... - Duration: 3:48.


GTA5 AT Venice Beach VLOG 🌴 - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> GTA5 AT Venice Beach VLOG 🌴 - Duration: 5:38.

------------------------------------------- All Weapons & All Skins - Duration: 10:21.

For more infomation >> All Weapons & All Skins - Duration: 10:21.


【日韓夫婦】韓国美容室で髪を切ったら旦那が鈴木◯平さんに?!最近流行りのタンバルモリショートに挑戦💓한국어자막有 - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> 【日韓夫婦】韓国美容室で髪を切ったら旦那が鈴木◯平さんに?!最近流行りのタンバルモリショートに挑戦💓한국어자막有 - Duration: 4:16.


Буэнос-Айрес. Орёл и Решка. Перезагрузка. АМЕРИКА - Duration: 51:00.

Nastya: Does my hair remind you of…

Anton: …a blonde? Top of the morning everyone!

This is once again Heads and Tails Reloaded and we are kicking off our passionate week-end!

Nastya: All because we're in Buenos Aires!

I don't know about you,

but I intend to partake in excitement next to men who are as hot as Argentinian steak.

Anton: Men who are hot like steaks?

Anton: Heads!

Nastya: Tails!

Anton: How?

How do you win the flip for the gold card three straight times?

I am telling this is as one Jew to another, it's incredibly Jewish of you. Is this how it's gonna be all season?

Nastya: You can leave now.

Anton: The Probability theory will get your butt next time, just wait.

Nastya: I am really loving how this season began!

Keep it up! Enjoy this small break to appreciate beauty!

We'll spend this week-end in Latin America's

largest and most beautiful city of Buenos Aires.

When you think of Buenos Aires

your ears immediately hear tango music…

mixed with sounds of the vintage engines…

and the smell of grilled meat…

6 years ago Zhanna and Andrey struggled to find

any kind of entertainment that didn't involve tango.

Reloaded will continue on this quest.

I was advised not to exchange my dollars at the bank,

because exchange rate is much higher

on the black market.

My fellow colleague saved around $30 on a 100 just on the rate difference exactly two years ago.

Such considerable 30% difference is unheard of anywhere else in the world.

Unfortunately for Reloaded season there won't be any freebies this time around.

Black market was shut down by a newly elected President.

I barely landed and here's a first difference already.

No more black market, so I can simply use an exchange kiosk in the airport.

It may be primitive, but I can't help myself!

I just love limos!

So why not get one here to drive me around?

This time I'll go with retro style.

This is how Argentinians pimped out a classic Citroen.

It is now a stretch.

As I promised, my driver is as hot and appetizing as a local steak!

Here's the deal.

The expensive taxis are parked over here.

Keep going and you can save a lot by hopping on an airport express,

but if you won't stop there you'll save even more with a municipal bus which takes the same road.

Route #45 will take you downtown Buenos Aires for just 35 cents.

Can you smell the sweet scent of savings?

It's nice that they haven't changed the fare.

This bus is trying to play me dirty.

This ride is really funny looking.

Interior reminds me of a scrapyard, but it gives plenty of leg room!

It changes gears like a tractor!

The sun is so menacing already I feel like I need sunscreen ASAP.

The black seats were so hot I could barely sit down.

I basically paid $400 for my own torture,

but look at all of the attention that I'm getting!

Would you look at all of that?

I would never guess that I'm in Latin America by looking at the architecture around me.

Before I could even get off the bus I was already right in the middle of a noteworthy Buenos Aires sight.

No, not this bus stop, of course, but the widest street in the World!

It spreads 110 meters wide, which is longer than a football field!

140 meters really if you count the two side streets.

The main avenue was named July 9th and was built over 100 years' time.

While Buenos Aires kept on growing and getting wider so did the main street.

It takes an average person 2 minutes to cross the World's widest boulevard.

That is if you discount the stops at the traffic lights.

A minute and a half total, but my walk was up-tempo.

Feels like the time in Buenos Aires stopped in the 20th Century

and natives are not in a hurry to change anything.

Instead they go out of their way to preserve all things old-fashioned, like street signs, stores and buildings.

The limo I rented feels less like a limo and more like a time machine

that delivered me from our time back to the 1930s.

The era when tango was born in Buenos Aires.

I always enjoyed watching videos of Argentinians dancing in the street.

It's mesmerizing and very romantic.

During my stay I want to at least get a glimpse of that legendary atmosphere.

I will do my best to embrace this experience.

Buenos Aires definitely gives me flashbacks of Europe.

One street corner looks like Madrid,

another one like Paris,

while this street reminds me a lot of Barcelona.

Yet don't think for one minute that Buenos Aires doesn't have tricks up its own sleeve.

Sight #1 – The Women's Bridge.

What does it look like to you?

Get a closer look.

Author's idea was that this bridge depicts a couple dancing tango.

If you don't see it that's on you.

Shtick #2 – A giant steel flower that is 23 meters tall.

It was a gift to Buenos Aires from an Argentinian sculptor Eduardo Catalano.

All year around at 8AM the flower opens its petals towards the sun and closes them at sunset.

According to the sculptor, the flower symbolizes the spring everlasting.

Attraction #3 – The Pink House.

Try and guess what it is?

This isn't Barbie's home, no.

This house is a Presidential Palace.

Last time Heads and Tails came to visit Argentina's President was a woman,

so the pink color pattern made sense.

Now a man runs this Country and I wonder if he ever thought about redecorating.

All jokes aside, the wall paint became pink over time,

because back in the day bull's blood was added to the paint to keep it firm.

They haven't used blood in a long time, but the color is now considered traditional.

Should your eyes get tired of pompous architecture,

walk to vibrant el Caminito Street.

Every Latin American stereotype can be spotted on el Caminito.

Small colorful houses, cozy restaurants

and of course you hear tango seemingly at each and every doorstep.

This is a place where you go to see and feel the genuine Buenos Aires atmosphere.

Here, in the birthplace of tango, dancers perfected their craft for over a 100 years.

The entire city and this dance move cheek to cheek and it impossible to separate the two.

Just like we can't imagine Paris deprived of the Eifel Tower, London without Big Ben or New Your City missing a Statue of Liberty.

Professional dancers perform right on the sidewalk and can include literally anyone.

Senhorita! Can I have this dance? Would you let me teach you?

Zhanna: I'll admit, this dance got me so excited!

I get the feeling in my bones that I won't escape dancing either.

Despite having tons of options in regards to affordable housing,

Buenos Aires is famous for couch surfing.

This is the best way to get to know local traditions and you get a free sleep-over!

I went on a local website and found the most flamboyant host in the city.

Raul Duke. Professional tango instructor and couch surfer,

having registered 9 years ago.

Raul: This is my house. You're in Buenos Aires now. Please have a seat.

So cool!

What a collection! Old school radio is on.

Argentinians like to show their history through things.

While we keep most of our photos in albums, they put them out for everyone to see.

Vintage speakers, posters, dishes are all emitting this city's true spirit.

Raul is a great host.

I got my own sofa, blanket and clean sheets.

He also gave me access to his terrace.

This is super!

Feels like a nice tiny hotel.

Besides BBQ grill this patio has a great view.

All of it for free.

I'm glad I won the toss and have a gold card in Buenos Aires.

I won't have to sleep on some old geezer's love seat.

Since I'm living it up I'll be renting a suite in a 5* hotel – Alvear Palace.

$1200 for the week-end.

Neat. Antiquated style is everywhere.

Room isn't large, very comfy.

It seems they even worked on newer paint and parts to make them look older.

Very stylish, nothing extra.

Look at this endless carpet!

Mirrors are everywhere!

I need to answer.

The room is the best! Very soft bed.

Sheets look and feel great too. Beautiful interior!

It was the reception.

They wanted to know if everything was up to my liking.

I told them this is great and didn't lie, I love it.

Let's see the bathroom.

I love the large mirror, lots of gilded details.

I haven't been on a scales for about a year.

Intriguing! Here you go!

29.4 kilos with the shoes on!

I barely get eat anything with all this traveling!

Raul let me stay for free on one condition.

I have to hear a lecture on his 30 year experience in tango.

Raul: There are dozens of stories about where tango came from,

but I have a favorite one.

Tipsy sailors would start dancing with each other in port bars to attract attention from young girl waitresses.

As time passed, the dance became more elegant and its popularity spread.

Anton: I always thought of tango an intimate dance between a man and woman,

so that story surprised me a bit.

Raul: I'm a tango instructor and I only work with women,

but you are welcome to join us tonight.

Anton: I have two left feet when it comes to dancing,

so it's brave of him to invite me.

Should be interesting, I may not learn dancing,

but how can I miss a chance to see Argentinian hotties move their bodies in a seductive way?

I wonder how much do I really weigh.

No way! No! I haven't eaten anything for 5 days.

Besides bread.

Turn the camera off now you hear?

Give me the tape, I'll burn it!

I'm at a famous local eatery, because I want to try famous local street food called choripan.

What did he say?

Should I go in the kitchen and give them a hand?

Who wants one? I do!

While I await my order let me tell you about one of the biggest misconceptions about Argentinians.

They are famous for their steaks, but they cook all kinds of delicacies as long as meat is beef and it's grilled.

Sausages, meat rolls, offal stuffed hot dogs!

I waited for 25 minutes to be served this.

Meet a popular Argentinian snack Choripan.

Chori means sausage, pan means bread.

Simple, like a hot dog.

The difference is they use real meat on theirs.

Nothing too difficult, yet it tastes delicious.

It's 5PM and I'm here for

my free tango lesson from my host Raul.

I meant to say I'm here to see some females moving passionately.

This evening's gonna be hot!

I was gonna tell Raul I have a bum ankle,

but I might not be the only one

with a bad joint in the room.

No way out now.

I forgot again.

She's saying I'm tense. I know that!

How can I not be tense?

I'm pretty popular! You smell really nice. Is that cream?

Shall we?

Argentinians came up with a fast way to learn tango for those vacationers who have cash – a tango taxi.

Only it's a pro dancer, not an actual cab.

Meet my guide, his job is to reveal all of tango's secrets in one night.

I'll learn about history, see the best stage in town and learn to dance of course.

Tango taxi costs $50 per hour.

How many people here do what you do?

Luke: About 16 now, but there are always newcomers.

Nastya: So the service is quite popular?

Luke: Very much so, because we also serve as bodyguards.

Parts of Buenos Aires can be unsafe.

First off Luke brought me to a House of Tango,

where the Buenos Aires' finest perform on stage for the rich tourists.

Interior is reminiscent of an opera house or a theatre,

but here attendees are also being served dinner.

Luke: This is used to be a home of Carlos Gardel,

a famed composer who wrote a brilliant por Una Cabeza.

Do you remember the dance scene in Scent of a Woman?

Gardel is our National hero, so his home was turned into a House of Tango.

Nastya: One seat in the VIP lodge is $280 including dinner.

Of course, according to tango taxi's rules I'm paying for Luke too.

Here it is! Famous Argentinian steak!

Looks thick and juicy.

Although I ordered mine well-done it tastes very succulent and tender!

My new friend seems to be enjoying it too.

I'm finishing my side potatoes, so let's start the show!

I understand now why Luke said that this place was the first order of business.

After seeing such a performance, even a dead man will want to try tango.

The House of Tango is for the rich and uppity.

Real people get their tango on at milonga, a customary dance party.

Here you can see young chics with tattoos next senior ladies.

Young macho looking guys and the silver foxes.

They all dance tango only.

It's like I went back 100 years,

the music and the dress code.

If this will be your first milonga here are some heads up tips.

Talking is not permitted,

the only accepted dialect is the language of your body.

A touch expresses a lot more than words.

In tango partners are dancing cheek to cheek,

so I'd stay away from eating garlic that day too.

After the show Luke took me to a dance class for my first ever tango lesson.

Luke: Tango is like having sex through dancing and the man is in charge.

You have to fully trust and obey me. Follow my lead, otherwise – no tango.

After just one lesson I was lacking confidence for sure.

I would need years of training.

Tango is like natural selection for me at this point.

This time I'll have to take an "L".

I can't do it bruh.

It's a one thing to hang out with Raul,

but this is completely out of my league.

This is high society and I got on some white sneaks.

Keep making excuses Anton and blaming your shoes.

I encourage you to travel

and dare to try new experiences.

Never in my life had I imagined that

I would be dancing tango in Buenos Aires in the middle of the main street.

Dare to dream. No one will ever do it for you!

There's really not that much you can waste big sums on in Buenos Aires,

so I decided to treat myself to a short but expensive tour to Valdes peninsula.

The whole Valdes is a National park reserve.

Rare animal kinds are numbered here by dozens.

I'm mostly interested in seeing the most unusual of all – an elephant seal.

We know him as an Awaiter internet meme.

No other Heads and Tails host had ever seen them.

A tourist on a tight budget can also afford to take an out of town tour.

Let's get to know about more local traditions!

I'm taking a trip to Escancia Don Silvano

That took a hefty $40 chunk from my total.

I can afford it, because I barely spent any money the 1st day in Buenos Aires.

Right away I learned about gauchos - Argentinian folk heroes.

Gaucho means cowboy and you can't imagine them without a horse!

Of course I'm going to ride one.

Don't worry I'm skinny.

I think she's pissed.

We'll eat later! Keep going you stubborn!

It just wants to eat and bite me!

After horseback riding all guests are treated to a favorite gaucho drink – mate.

It's being served in a special cup called calebas.

Pour mate, add some hot water and sip.

The straw prevents small pieces from your mouth.

Tastes pretty bitter and tart, but it gives you quite a kick!

Imagine tea and coffee having kids – that's mate.

Very energetic drink filled with caffeine, but also lots of vitamins and antioxidants.

We didn't even take a break before our cooking class

where I'll learn how to mold empanadas!

This traditional dish is gauchos' favorite snack.

Basically it's a dumpling, but it is fried not boiled.

I'm actually pretty decent.

I'm good enough to be a union leader!

Next stop – the horse show.

Gauchos were very nimble dudes and had to create ways to compete amongst themselves.

Their favorite horseback challenge was to pick up a tiny ring with what seems like the size of a chopstick.

A ring is later exchanged for a kiss from a pretty girl.

C'mon we've got steaks waiting for us.

Valdes peninsula stretches over around 3,625 km2.

A car is a must have in these parts.

You must be my guide, hola.

Guide: Nice to meet you. Welcome to reserve island!

Now this is what I call a bang for your buck!

Including airfare and personal guide my trip's price tag was $1000.

Guide: The best part about reserve is that you get a peek into wilderness and see animals in their natural habitat.

You can interact with wildlife here. No cars, no crowds. This place is magical.

Numerous kinds of wild animal live here.

Guanaco, penguins, foxes, armadillos and all kinds of pretty birds.

Driving through Valdes reminds me of safari.

When you see movement you have to halt your driver.

Is that kangaroo?

A tiny kangaroo!

Guide: Nastya, this isn't kangaroo. This is mara.

It's something between a hare and capybara.

Nastya: It looks just like a kangaroo.

Guide: We don't have kangaroos in Patagonia.

Look at this, there's a lone flamingo!

This is real nature.

On left side of the road there's a kangaroo, I mean mara.

Flamingo on the right. Incredible!

This one reminds of an elegant deer.

It's Bambi!

Can you hear that sound?

That's not a bird!

Thus guanaco warns the herd of danger!

We are heading towards the coast where

Awatiers await for me!

My babies!

They're so cute!

I'm about to partake in something super exclusive, but I want to keep you intrigued.

The moment I've been waiting for!

La Parilla dinner!

Parilla means meat on the grill.

Gauchos always ate meat so it is a focal dish.

Honestly speaking gauchos didn't eat chicken, they never even saw one back then.

This is how a steak should look like.

All covered by a price of an admission!

Best beef I ever tasted.

An unreal amount of meat.

I thought I spent $40 on a horse ride,

but this much steak would definitely cost over $100 in the city.

What? I already paid for it.

For the 1st time ever a member of Heads and Tails will see a live elephant seal.

I can't say I like the stench but they look fantastic.

So that's what elephant seals are like!

Huge, furry, clumsy larvae!

Each weighs a few tons equaling my SUV!

Next to it I look microscopic.

Are they farting? And they burp.

Guide: No. They make sound with their noses

when they push out salt from sea water.

I thought it was indigestion.

You must keep your distance when interacting with elephant seals.

They might look clumsy and cute but in reality they are very aggressive animals.

Males are constantly scrambling to get female's attention.

They bite each other's necks and howl.

Yet females have their own choosing criteria,

they cannot resist a male with a longest trunk.

During the fight male's trunks increase in size by 30cm.

Guide: Trunks begin growing after 5 years when a male reaches maturity.

At that time they peak in size and reach 4 meter in length while weighing 3,5 tons.

Right now the larger ones are in the open sea.

All the males with the longest trunk are out sea hunting.

Their wives and kids are waiting for them at the beach.

Not many trunks to be seen.

It's disappointing to find out that seals with longest trunks can be seen here

for only a couple of days a year. I call fraud.

If you ever find our hidden bottle be sure to take a tango lesson or two.

Believe me you won't regret it.

It turns it is realistic to break away from dance captivity in Buenos Aires, but what's the point?

If you only have two days in this city be sure to stroll its timeworn streets…

make new friends with very approachable locals…

and even if your knees are shaking, definitely give the real Argentinian tango at least one go!

You'll never find a better place for that in the entire World!

Nastya: Hey! Hey! So glad to see you!

You're eating? Good for you!

You know you need to eat more to be safe in the wind!

Anton: Have a piece. This is real Argentinian steak.

Get used to eating with your hands too,

cause in next city I'll be the one who'll wins the coin toss baby!

Nastya: Overall I really liked this place.

Guys, we'll see in the next city in the next episode.

Also take two minutes to watch some tango videos,

perhaps you'll want to take lessons. It's splendid!

Anton: Only if you're 30+!

Tango is for folks over 40 and 50.

Nastya: That's magnificent!

Anton: We're young, we need something like salsa!

For more infomation >> Буэнос-Айрес. Орёл и Решка. Перезагрузка. АМЕРИКА - Duration: 51:00.


Incheon Airport's new terminal processing over a quarter of passengers - Duration: 0:43.

It's been exactly a month since the new second terminal opened at Incheon International Airport

on January 18th.

And since then, around 1-point-6 million people have used the terminal,... which is around

27 percent of all the airport's passengers.

Thanks to the new terminal... the Korea Airports Corporation says passenger flow has been smooth,

even with the Lunar New Year holiday and the PyeongChang Olympics.

Officials attributed that to the new terminal's waiting area, which is three times bigger

than the first one, as well as smart services, which have shortened waiting times by 30 percent.

Incheon Airport can now handle up to 72 million passengers a year.

For more infomation >> Incheon Airport's new terminal processing over a quarter of passengers - Duration: 0:43.


kids learning | Magnet Letters & Numbers For Your Kids | - Duration: 3:12.

Kids Learning | magnet letters & Numbers For Your kids

Buy These Items For Your Lovely kids


For more infomation >> kids learning | Magnet Letters & Numbers For Your Kids | - Duration: 3:12.


Saç Ekimi Yaptırmadan Dikkat! - Milano Klinik - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Saç Ekimi Yaptırmadan Dikkat! - Milano Klinik - Duration: 2:21.


💋 Jessica Rabbit (Realistic) Makeup Tutorial | Maria Pol - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> 💋 Jessica Rabbit (Realistic) Makeup Tutorial | Maria Pol - Duration: 4:20.


How to Bind CrouchJump/DuckJump in CSGO Working 2018 - TrickyTorials - Duration: 2:07.

Hit Like, leave a comment and do Subscribe for more!

For more infomation >> How to Bind CrouchJump/DuckJump in CSGO Working 2018 - TrickyTorials - Duration: 2:07.


Oscars' Shots - "The Post" - Duration: 3:29.

You hear "The Washington Post", you automatically think about the Watergate scandal.

- So, can I ask you a hypotetical question? - Oh dear, I don't like hypotetical questions...

- Well, I don't think you're gonna like a real one either.

- Do you have the papers?

- Not yet.

You think about the Watergate, in mind there will be pictures of infamous outgoing of Richard Nixon

and American failure in Vietnam.

The subject of apprehensions in the 60's nad 70's still remains alive in the minds of Americans.

All the more so because current moods in the US are very similar to those from half a century ago.

Steven Spielberg decided to reach for the history from that period, to look at the present day.

"The Post" (2017) is almost a prequel of memorable "All the President's Men" (1976, dir. Alan J. Pakula),

which treated directly about press releases revealing the Watergate scandal.

In the latest film, Spielberg goes back for a few months from those events.

The Washington Post is in disarray, serving as a local journal,

marginalized by national "Times".

The owner of the newspaper, Katherine Graham (Meryl Streep) is trying to ensure the safe existence of the family business,

shifting between potential shareholders.

At the same time, the Times, through the publication of secret Pentagon documents

sparks off the first media battles with the government.

The papers also reach the desk of the chief editor of "Washington Post", Ben Bradlee (Tom Hanks).

The protagonists must decide whether to take a risk and join the murderous fight for freedom of the press.

Fight, which can mean the end of the entire newspaper and their so far quite peaceful life.

Spielberg, as he is, is quite simple in narration of this story, although he's also very precise on emotional build-up

and the whole production is well done

The greatest advantage of the film is, however, to find these old contexts and fit them into the present.

Very interestin is the motif of personal connections of newspaper employees,

which pose them with a moral dilemma:

publish information that will destroy their friends,

or treat those inconvenient reports with silence and thus betray the idea of their own work.

Katherine is faced with this problem, whose consent to the article will ruin Robert McNamara's career

a long-term US secretary of defense, whom he has known and respected for years.

I thought I won't say it anymore, but it is Graham by Meryl Streep that keeps this film on the edge.

After years of further undeserved nominations for overexpression, quite one-dimensional roles,

the actress finally returns in a much more subdued version,

balancing on the verge of huge uncertainties and commitment to the cause.

Streep's character had to take care of the newspaper after a personal tragedy, the suicidal death of her husband.

And while chic and elegance help her in the summit discussions,

in the management of the daily itself she lacks self-confidence,

she's showing great shyness and embarrassment.

The actress then provides a nuanced, multidimensional portrait of the character.

Definitely worth of Oscar nomination.

Equally worthy of Oscar nomination is the Spielberg movie itself,

which can be deadly simple, but it is also very eloquent in all this.

For more infomation >> Oscars' Shots - "The Post" - Duration: 3:29.


Exploring Reykjavik! | Iceland Travel Vlog #10 | Kenickie Cher - Duration: 8:49.

Good morning guys

welcome to a new video

Today we have only half a day left in Reykjavik

before we have to go return the car

and then

get to... Keflavik

Yeah we're gonna be staying in Keflavik tonight


since we only have half a day

we're just gonna go look at some local sights

and probably walk around some more

So I'll see you later!

We're here at Hallgrims church

This impressive building

is the tallest building in Reykjavik

the main city

the capital city

and it rises at 244 feet

So, it's a very impressive church

One of the reasons why I love walking around cities

is because you can find cool architecture like this

If you guys don't know by now

I'm an... architecture


Ok I'm not really a freak

I just really like to

look at buildings and

interesting architecture around the world

and around cities

So this is the Harpa

which is a concert hall in Reykjavik

So right here

there's the architectural model for this building

and this is the facade that we've seen from outside

And in here

in this architectural model

they've highlighted the dichroic film

more clearly

and you can see it like

if I move back and forth

you can see it changes colors

according to the light that hits it

It's really cool

I mean if I had more time

I would probably explore this place

but I don't really have much time today so

I'm just gonna

try to see as much as I can

Wow look at the stairs

It's now about 6pm

and we're going to dinner

at a place near the hotel

Ok so this

is the hotel

and we're having

our dinner here at Langbest

From the outside it looks like one of those

industrial area


that houses the coffeeshop or something

I think a lot of buildings here

they kinda look like that. See?

Even the hotel itself

has that industrial area look

But, we shall see how it looks like inside

this place has gotten lots of reviews

maybe because it's close to all the hotels

without walking too far

Pizzeria and steakhouse

and let's go in

So now we're going in

The place looks cosy

It's like a casual place

where you can just

order and then sit down and have your food

It's quite nice

So here's our food

We got ourselves

2 sandwiches with egg and hashed browns

and we've got a beef steak

with fries

and a lamb fillet with

a baked potato

and they look really nice

Guys I forgot to film this yesterday

so I'm doing it now

Thank you for watching my video

You can like and subscribe to my channel

You can follow me on Twitter and Instagram

and I will see you in the next video

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