Thứ Bảy, 17 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 18 2018

Extreme Bike Sitting!!

*Blu-ray ver.*

For more infomation >> Pop Team Epic - Extreme Bike Sitting - Duration: 0:15.














For more infomation >> TASTE & SMELL CHALLENGE || HINDI KIDS FUNNY VIDEO || CHILDREN GAME - Duration: 10:25.


Elusive Target: The Twins!! #11 | Agent 47 | HITMAN 2016 (PC) Gameplay - Duration: 3:19:45.

For more infomation >> Elusive Target: The Twins!! #11 | Agent 47 | HITMAN 2016 (PC) Gameplay - Duration: 3:19:45.


Duty (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 0:59.

The husband fulfill his duty toward his wife,and like wise the wife toward her husband.

A wife does not have authority over her own body,but rather her husband and similarly

a husband does not have authority over his body,but rather his wife.

The husband fulfill his duty toward his wife,and like wise the wife toward her husband.

Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent for a time,to be free for prayer

but the return to one another so that Satan may not attempt you through your lack of self

control.This i say by concession,however no command

The husband fulfill his duty toward his wife,and like wise the wife toward her husband.

For more infomation >> Duty (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 0:59.


GALATASARAY | Son Sayfa | 18 ŞUBAT 2018 | Youtube - Duration: 10:59.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Son Sayfa | 18 ŞUBAT 2018 | Youtube - Duration: 10:59.


Pop Team Epic - Fishing/Pesca - Duration: 0:31.

- Nothing's biting

I got seaweed on me.

I caught a big one.

Looks just like you, Pipimi.

- What'd you say? What'd you say?

For more infomation >> Pop Team Epic - Fishing/Pesca - Duration: 0:31.


Numbers in Urdu Language - Learn Urdu Language - Duration: 5:32.

Hi everybody, Welcome back

in this lesson we will learn Numbers in Urdu language, from 1 to 20

in India and Pakistan, mostly people use these numbers

while they talking about prices or telling their telephone phone numbers

or talking about time

This lesson will help you to correctly pronounce Urdu numbers form 1 to 20

let's have a start

One = Aik

Two = Dou with soft "D" sound like in Arabic language

Three = Teen with soft "T" like in Arabic and Spanish language

Four = Chaar

Five = Panch

Six = Chay a little bit long sound

Seven = Saat with soft "T" like in Arabic or Spanish language

Eight = Aath with hard sound of "Th"

Nine = Noe you can read it as "Nue"

Ten = Das with short sound, don't read it as "Daas" or "Das" with hard "D" "D" is soft like in Arabic language

eleven = Gyaarah first say "Gyaa" and then "rah"

Twelve = Barah like in eleven, here is the same rule. first say "Baa" and then "rah"

Thirteen = Tairah once again the same, first say "Tai" and then "rah"

fourteen= Chodah (with soft "D") first say "Cho" and then "Dah" "The" sound like "The See"

fifteen = Pandrah with soft sound of "D" like in Arabic language.

first say "pand" and then "rah"

sixteen = Soolah first say "Soo" and then "lah"

seventeen = Satrah first say "sat" and then "Rah"

here don't make long sound of "a" like in seven which is "Saat". In here the sound is short like in Ten, which is "Das"

Satrah maybe sometime you hear long sound like "sataarah" which is Punjabi accent, however it's also acceptable

but the correct is "Sat-rah"

Eighteen = Atharah

You noticed? here the sound like "eight" which is "Aath" first say "Atha" and then "Rah"

Nineteen = Unees this is second last

You can read it here as "Un-nees" first say "Un" and then "nees"

and in the last, we have "Twenty"

Twenty = Bees

like we say "honey bee"

don't try to pronounce it as "Base" but "Bees"

in the last, let's have a quick revision

Zero = Zero [Sifar] in Urdu language, many people use it as "Zero" whereas the proper is "Sifar"

One = Aik

Two = Dou

Three = Teen

Four = Chaar

Five = Panch

Six = Chay

Seven = Saat

Eight = Aath

Nine = Noe

Ten = Das

Eleven = Gyaarah

Twelve = Barah

Thirteen = Tairah

Fourteen = Chodah

Fifteen = Pandrah

Sixteen = Soolah

Seventeen = Satrah

Eighteen = Atharah

Nineteen = Unees

and in the last, Twenty = Bees

I hope this lesson will help you to learn Urdu numbers form 1 to 20

in our next lesson, we will talk about 20 to 40 (21-40) numbers in Urdu language

Subscribe us to continue your Urdu learning

You can talk to us (free)

have a nice day, see you in the next lesson

For more infomation >> Numbers in Urdu Language - Learn Urdu Language - Duration: 5:32.


I wanted to quit... // MPO 2018 Update - Duration: 8:54.

hey guys Elina Gives here and oh my god it's been so long since I've talked to

any of you like my mouth actually hurts from not moving for a long time

okay that sounds wrong okay just forget what I just said so I just want to make

this video to update you guys about the whole MPO 2018 journey so about my

progress so far when I came back to lifting consistently uh it was so it

was really hard I mean imagine like months of not

touching the weights in general and even your getting ready mentally kind of

process before you go to the gym... it took a while to get used to

My body became so sore like I'm not kidding that was one part

that was one time it lasted for a about a week and a half where my hams were just

stiff and even sitting down the toilet seat was just so hard and aside from not

feeling comfortable with my body I also experienced a lot of strength loss

unfortunately I couldn't pick up the weights that I was used to and my

starting weights became like the weights I couldn't even lift. There was one time I

tried to pick up 70 kg for deadlift and I used to be able to meet that as my


so after lifting for about three weeks consistently and eating more I did

improve so yay! so I actually have my little diary here.. So back then when I

last recorded my PRs which was in September my bench press was 40 kg

squats was 70kg and deadlift was 100kg. But then when I came back to the

gym January first week my bench press was 30 kg. My squat was 50kg

was 50 kg and my deadlift... I wouldn't even say 70 kg ...I did manage to pull up

one rep and that was it so I guess yeah 70kg but yeah it dropped from 25% to 30%

like that's a lot okay. After three weeks of training

the ones that I just recently recorded

so they went up by 20% to 25%. so that's good!

it may not be huge numbers but for me is just again with a few weeks like less

than a month it went back up so yeah I got very hopeful! Until about a week ago

about a week and I think it was two weeks ago and some of you know who follow me

on Instagram I got involved in an incident on the road.

It got out of hand. I don't really want to go into the details of it but it..

really shook me and I became really afraid of the world from it

people you don't know starting to hurt you scares the hell out of me you know

it really made me lose a bit of hope and confidence about the world

outside and and it sucks because I'm always the type who feels that there's

always good in people and there's always something that you can always have faith

on so it really threw off my own values and my self confidence completely and

what I hated the most was that

other people think ''wow Elina..

you're a wonder woman! She's so strong and so confident!'' But at that moment of time

so weak and vulnerable. So yeah for a few days after the incident I was very insecure

and I was just scared to go anywhere I just didn't want to go out the house

much and if I did it would just be within my housing area.

It affected my confidence as well in doing powerlifting for MPO.... I just felt like

giving up I didn't want to be within the public light I didn't want anybody to

know me anymore.

I just literally wanted to close myself off from the world

it was very bad but fortunately... luckily I have few close friends who brought me

out of the city to the quiet happy town of Ipoh

being away from the hustles and bustles of KL

it made me feel more comfortable and of course having to be able to share

something personal like that with you guys and receiving like a lot like oh my

was just so many nice messages and it really helped me so THANK YOU for pretty

much helping me to gain back my self-confidence and believing again that

there is good in people who generally care about you and and I mean you know I

was like yeah I can't I can't let them down

I need to go and compete

yeah I'm back after two weeks off from the gym and training I know it has it

will affect me a lot in terms of my progress but again

my main goal about this

entire journey was to show that there are times where life will again come and

put a halt to whatever you're trying to achieve but it doesn't mean that you

let it be in the way of you achieving great things in life

so here's me trying

again and despite all I know that I want to be on that platform and just

represent the vegan community at the same time just doing this out of good

experience and for fun and know what it takes to actually compete

alot of people

don't know that it's not just you getting on a platform and lift..

there is a lot of technical rules behind it so just having more insight on how that world

works and teaching it to you guys

yeah! so this is me about a month and a bit

later on my progress I may not be the strongest or the most powerful whatnot

but I'm enjoying what I'm doing and I want you guys to feel motivated to try

powerlifting. it's such a great sport and even just any sport you're

doing or whatever - it doesn't have to be a sport whatever you're doing I just hope you

guys don't give up and if you ever need some high five and self-confidence booster

you can always contact me and I'll totally give you internet high-five

all in all

thank you again

yeah I'll see you guys soon


For more infomation >> I wanted to quit... // MPO 2018 Update - Duration: 8:54.


RED BALL attacked the EVIL BURGER #5 game cartoons ABOUT OBNOXIOUS BALL RED BALL 4 for boys - Duration: 10:36.

For more infomation >> RED BALL attacked the EVIL BURGER #5 game cartoons ABOUT OBNOXIOUS BALL RED BALL 4 for boys - Duration: 10:36.


My Favourite Experiment - Melina Furman - Stroop Test - Duration: 6:49.

I'm here in Buenos Aires with Melina Furman;

who has invited me into her home and explained to me a lot of her work,

both with Expedicion Ciencias, and with training teachers at the Universidad de San Andres.

And she's showed me a couple of her books, which she'll show to the camera as well.

And she's here to share an exeriment based on the Stroop Test.

I'm very pleased to meet you Melina,

thank you for welcoming me.

It's my pleasure.

It's a pleasure for me to have you here.

And hear about all of your crazy and great experiments.

I work mostly in teacher education, and also in informal science education,

and with kids - from kindergarten to university

trying to teach scientific thinking - a curious and rigorous way of looking at the world.

We'll switch to Spanish for a bit now.

I'll show you some of the things we've been working on,

with a very big group of scientists, educators, teachers, and other science enthusiasts.

Here are a couple of the books that we've been writing the past few years.

This one is called: Natural Science: Learning to Investigate in Schools

It has a ton of ideas to do in the classroom, especially in primary school.

This book is to do at home one of the things I condsider most important to do, which is to explore together with children, parents, families.

It has experiments to do in the kitchen. I find the kitchen such an incredible place to do experiments!

This one's called Science in the Classroom for secondary school teachers.

And this one's called "The Adventure of Teaching Natural Science."

Which is for teachera and future teachers, with the idea that teaching science can be an adventure of thought.

Here, this is called a Stroop Test.

It's a test... "test?" and it's a cognitive science test

to study concentration.

When you try to do something un... unintuitivie?

Intuitive? Yeah.

Look - the colours are written in another colour ink than the word says.

Blue is written in green, pink is in blue, orange is in yellow, and so on.

Exactly. And we use this... I'll show it a bit closer.

We can see it better here. What you need to do is

When you see the word, instead of reading it... say what colour it's w ritten in!

It sounds easy, but it's actually pretty tough.

Because anything that we know how to read, we can't help to read.

So, we immediately we read it and we say what we see written

For example, this one says blue, but I I'm supposed to say green for the test.

And, what we do with students, and also with teachers

is to try to figure out how long it takes us, and how much more time it takes when our brain is more confused.

It's taking more out of us to do it.

We can also count how many mistakes we make.

This is a phenomenon called cognitive interference

Which was discovered by Stroop in the 1950s.

I use these principles of cognitive psychology a lot for students and tea chers to design their own experiments.

So why is it so hard to say the colour you see and not read the word?

There could be a lot of reasons...

It could be that the problem is we're reading.

Or it could be because the meaning of the word is the opposite of what we're supposed to say.

Or maybe it's just hard to do two things at the same time.

To explore these hypotheses, there are loads of things we can try

I'll share some that my students have looked into.

For example, a few asked:

What would happen if we tried in another language?

What happens if instead of our mother tongue (in my case Spanish), we try in English?

Will the different language make it easier or more difficult?

And here's another...

What would we do if the words are no longer opposites, but have a completely different meaning?

For example, here it says "SUN"

What happens if

You're supposed to say "BLUE", but you say "SUN"?

I'm not sure the brain will get as confused...

or maybe it will! We'll have to look into it!

What happens if, instead of English (or Spanish), we do it in a language we don't know at all?

Like Chinese? Or German?

Or, what about people who only speak a little English, but not much?

What about children just learning to read? Would they do better or worse?

There are so many great questions that we can investigate.

Putting our minds to work. For me, this is a beautiful example of how to teach scientific thinking.

Here's one last good one. Will it show up?

I'll take a photo.

We'll finish with this one, which is

what happens if you have a word with an contradictory image?

For example, here I'm supposed to say "SUN", but I see the word "MOON", inside an image of the sun.

Will this be the same difficultry as the words with colours, or will it be easier?

All of this is great to investigate how difficult it can be to measure and realize what's going on in the mind.

Very interesting!

Thank you for showing me all... all your ideas.

It's my pleasure. Thank you for coming.

Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed seeing this activity.

Please check out my other videos, and subscribe to follow along

as I search for the world's most inspiring science educators, and the best experiments and activities.

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