Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 18 2018

It hurts...

My feelings...

My feelings... Have been destroyed

You were to give me YOUR SOUL

But you are a LIAR

You have taken my FRIENDS

And they forgot about me

Sometimes I wonder why you didn't kill them.

And i still don't know

Maybe you just wanted to make me angry...

But my vengeance will touch you... FRISK

For more infomation >> Attributetale comics #1 - Duration: 0:52.


How To Recognize And Resist Manipulative People - Duration: 3:47.

How To Recognize And Resist Manipulative People

When you make a relationship with others whether as friends or other purposes, of course you

need to know their characteristics deeply.

Why is that so matter?

Because by knowing them, you can understand and make a proper approach of what you can

do to be more intimate with them and have a good advantages for each other.

However, knowing someone's characteristics is sometimes difficult to do.

There are some kinds of manipulative people living around you.

They basically live to take advantage over your weakness, and they will make you suffer.

Fortunately, there are some ways to recognize such people.

Here is how they affect your body and soul

#1 - Your body

You can feel that you are nearby manipulative people through your heartbeat.

It goes faster and faster, and you will experience some signs of depressed.

That includes sweaty hands, nausea, and dry mouth.

After, that you will like your energy is depleted quickly.

You experience those symptoms regards the fact that you do not know them.

#2 - Your mind

If you are suddenly unable to think straight or clearly, you should look at your surroundings.

There may be manipulative people who are trying to absorb your energy.

When they are near or in a group with you, you will experience difficulties in communicating

such as stuttering, dry mouth, and quiet.

#3 - The soul

Your soul feel empty when they are around.

You also feel weak, defenseless, and exhausted.

You also lose your self-esteem and confidence.

Now it is time to know how to deal with that kind of people.

Sometimes, you need to refuse request from people who are willing to manipulate you.

You already know how to spot the manipulative people, and it is time to avoid their attempt

to trap you.

It is better if you know their characteristics behavior of manipulating others from their

close people.

Tying to know their manipulative way among others will make you to be more defensive.

It is also practically possible to reveal their mask blatantly, and they will withdraw

slowly since they are afraid of being noticed by someone else.

They are afraid that their real identity will be revealed, and that is how to resist them.

In addition to saying no, you should consider to be logical and not emotional.

Manipulative people tend to seek the weakness of other people and their compassion offered

to them.

That is why you should be straight-forward and be logical against manipulative people.

No need to put your trust in manipulative people.

To be easy to trust people may be manipulated easily as your weakness.

You would not be aware that you are being manipulated.

Here, the manipulative people would take advantage from your weakness for making you consider

that it is kind of helping each other.

On the other hand, if you already recognize to their characteristics of being manipulative

people, you may try be manipulative as well to know how far they will act so.

This would be as preparation for defense when they want to manipulate you.

A manipulative people tend to always try to be close to those whom they want to manipulate.

They want to get all information about you to be used for the weapon of manipulation.

So, before they come to you, it is better to avoid them immediately.

Well, that's some tips on how to recognize and resist manipulative people.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> How To Recognize And Resist Manipulative People - Duration: 3:47.


Pepa Pig - Funny Cartoons for Children - Finger Family Nursery Rhymes for Kids - Duration: 13:50.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Pepa Pig - Funny Cartoons for Children - Finger Family Nursery Rhymes for Kids - Duration: 13:50.


Японский ТЕСТ ЛЮБВИ за 5 минут Расскажет все о Вашей Личной Жизни | о Проблемах и Счастье в Любви - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> Японский ТЕСТ ЛЮБВИ за 5 минут Расскажет все о Вашей Личной Жизни | о Проблемах и Счастье в Любви - Duration: 6:11.


拍賣二手衣物!全部賣光光!?你們最喜歡瓦攸哪裡|士林舊街市集 瓦特阿攸 寒假日更#21 - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> 拍賣二手衣物!全部賣光光!?你們最喜歡瓦攸哪裡|士林舊街市集 瓦特阿攸 寒假日更#21 - Duration: 10:02.


Honda Jazz RS MT 貼地手波車|TopGear極速誌 - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Honda Jazz RS MT 貼地手波車|TopGear極速誌 - Duration: 3:15.


অবৈধ সম্পর্ক | Illegal Relations | Oboidho Somporko | Abdur Razzak bin Yousuf | Bangla Waz MP3 - Duration: 1:10:28.

Illegal Relations

Abdur Razzak bin Yousuf

For more infomation >> অবৈধ সম্পর্ক | Illegal Relations | Oboidho Somporko | Abdur Razzak bin Yousuf | Bangla Waz MP3 - Duration: 1:10:28.


GALATASARAY | Erman TOROĞLU: "Galatasaray Gibisi Yok, Çok Büyükler, Parasızken Bile..." | Youtube - Duration: 10:04.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Erman TOROĞLU: "Galatasaray Gibisi Yok, Çok Büyükler, Parasızken Bile..." | Youtube - Duration: 10:04.


ELMO Toys Go To ZOO - Duration: 13:17.

Hi boys and girls today Elmo goes to Zoo

Hey Dino pals this is Toy Rex here, let's see what toy surprise we have today

Hi, Sesame Street friends. Hi Elmo, you have a surprise for us?

Yep, it's a surprise field trip

Cool, that sounds fun Elmo. What's the trip today?

My Sesame Street friends and Elmo goes to zoo

Wow, that's a great idea Elmo

My favorite animal is the mighty mighty lion

cool guess what there's gonna be a lion at the zoo

Awesome, we have to go to the zoo right away ok friends time to go to the zoo here comes the bus

Here's the loo. It's so big. There's penguins and lions and a gift shop. That's so cool

Let's open up this Playmobil, zoo

Wow there's so many parts

Wow this Zoo has so many parts let's build the zoo yay

Here are the stickers and first, let's build the zoo entrance

This new door goes right here, and then we have a revolving door. Let's put some stickers on it

All done now this door goes right here

Cool now people can come into the zoo now. We'll connect a revolving door to the entrance gate

Now we need to decorate the entrance with these zoo animals

First we have a monkey he goes up here

And then we have a better he goes on the top right here

Next we have this cute blue penguin

And we have this orange tiger he's got all these stripes. He goes right here and

The last animal is the mighty mighty lion. He goes on the very top and

Then we have a flag and here are the stickers let's put them on the flag

And now we need one on the back

Time for the penguin pool

here's some water for the Penguins to swim, and it goes right in the middle and now let's put on some grass and

Bee leaves go on the side, and there's another one for the other side

These we use have some flowers on top like that

Look at how pretty they are

And here's the gate anyone has a picture of a penguin here so cool

And here are the Penguins they look super cute

They're white black and have orange fur and they sleep inside they want to dive in the pool

And there's all see these super cute penguin babies they also want to go for a swim

The penguin family looks so happy whoa

Wow it's lions that means it's time to build the Lions Den

We have to put the gate on the rocks, and then there's a stone wall it goes on it too one more to go

Now let's build the Lions Gate

Wow the Lions are in the Lions Den now, and then we have to put on the sign

Time to build the gift shop the gift shop is white with a red roof

And it has all these flags that go around the road let's put them on guys whoa

Wow there's so many flags now, let's put on these stickers

The gift shop has a computer these juice boxes little stuffed animals and postcards so cool

Now people can buy all these awesome gifts

And there's also these cute balloons. How awesome there's a line balloon a penguin balloon a blue balloon cool

Next we're gonna build the clock

And then we need to put on the needles to tell the time

Right now it's on the plot. It's lunchtime

Nuts animal is this really pretty peacock. She has super pretty tail and it's a blue peacock

Awesome next me up these little otters otters love to swim there we go

Do we have two little kids this little boy is a redhead, and he has a really cool t-shirt

Ha awesome, and this little girl has a pink bow tail and a pink shirt with a green backpack

They come to see animals and here's mommy and daddy daddy has blond hair, and he's holding a carrot

He's gonna take lots of pictures and mommy is holding a bottle that means there must be a baby, and here's the baby

He's so cute. He's inside this green heart that everyone's gonna drag him around and if they get tired

Here's a bench for them to sit on and here's a tree for shade

The next animal is a pelican he's a white pelican the love seat fishies and his fishies

havens also love to eat fishes - and

Then we have the zookeepers they were here to help clean and maintain the zoo and look. He's carrying a bunch of me

Where is he off to?

He's carrying the meat for the Lions to eat here you go lunchtime

And when you take away the bones

Well Gazoo looks so cool

Howdy, Sesame Street friends my name is Billy time the zookeeper here

Hi Billy

Yep our zoo is awesome. We got a bunch of super cool enemies. You're gonna. Have a super-duper day

Wow really thanks Billy all right Sesame Street friends follow me

Here we are Sesame Street friends Elmo, can you tell me what the name of the animal this is I know I know

Good job and do you know what food the penguin I eat

I know two penguins like these fishies. That's right Elmo. You're such a smart little Muppet

Fresh bucket of fish right here so many lunchtime penguins here you go

Penguins are so cool. They sure are penguins live in North Pole. They might have wings, but penguins can't fly

What's your favorite animal Elmo my favorite animal is the way

All right, then I'm gonna take you to the live dead rat down follow me guys

We're here your Sesame Street. Friends Elmo. This is your favorite animal. They're learning

Lions are known as the king of the jungle they're really strong and can run really really fast

Help help help help help. What's wrong mister my baby. My baby is inside the lines dead

Really, let me see Oh, No there really is a baby in the last day

Please somebody help me

Don't worry mister. I'm not here Elmo can help you oh, thank you. Thank you Elmo. You're the best

Please hurry and save my baby. No problem. It always Elmo to the rescue

Wow Elmo you saved my baby

Thank you so much. No problem. You have to be careful. This time little baby. We sure will be careful

Thank you. I got you and all the Sesame Street friends surprise toys. Well surprise toys awesome

Surprise toys. What's the price point that we get?

Awesome we got so many super cool surprise toys. Let's open up this one first. This is the Captain America surprise egg

What a super duper awesome we got a pokemon. It's a crown Pokemon venusaur, and it's using its vine with attack

So cool - sword is really big and he has a big giant plant on the top. It's pink and yellow

So awesome

Next let's open up this one it's another surprise egg this one is Iron Man. He looks so cool so she said

Cool it's another Pokemon this one is Lucario. He looks awesome like he's running really fast

He's really really strong, and he's one of the most powerful Pokemon time for flip home now

Let's open the hulkster Friday. This is so cool guys. Shake shake shake. There's another Pokemon

Awesome come on we got blasteroids. He's a water pokemon, and he's using his water blast

So cool. It looks like he's flying out of water. That is awesome

Blastoise is blue, and he's a turtle powerful Pokemon time for a flip wow he landed. That's awesome

Let's open up this one day. Let's see what it is well

It's a Zootopia mystery mini and here all the awesome figures. We can get they look so cool

Here we go

Wow, so cool. We got the Fox. He loves so awesome

He's wearing a yellow t-shirt with a black bowtie the green his filone awesome

He's boxer Judy's partner, and he works together to solve the mystery. Are you ready for him to go for a flip whoa?

Tommy I'll pick this one it's a spider-man surprise egg, there's ultimate spider-man and also the Avengers

That's so cool. Just to shake who are we gonna get?

Well we got Superman. He was awesome. He's got really nice gel hair, and there's the s4 a Superman logo

And he's wearing a blue red and golden yellow

Superhero costume go along a red cape because he's a really fast flyer and Superman

Also has superpowers make him really really strong shoot laser

And yet ice breath to freeze damn so cool

Now we're gonna open up this one Wow I see Captain America

Here we go

Well we got crossbones crossbow is a bad guy he's got three powerful gauntlets

He always causes trouble for Captain America

Oh catch him let's go go for a spin

And this is our last surprise toys. It's the paw patrol super hero mashers. That's awesome

It's all the superhero pops which one is your favorite. I like all the paw patrol pause let's open up this pop


Here we go

Where are we got youma it's super Zuma. He's wearing his orange super your pup costume is

super stretchy blush

Is so cool wow

That's so funny. Let's try it with baking is hai really big


That's so cool. Let's assume I go for a bounce

Well, OH super fun Elmo got a bunch of super cool surprise toy. I hope on my down friends have a happy

Happy day, and I'll see everyone in the next toy right video. Thanks for watching Dino pals you guys are awesome

For more awesome surprises with me click here and give me a big high-five to subscribe enjoy the Dino Club

For more infomation >> ELMO Toys Go To ZOO - Duration: 13:17.


Come andare avanti quando vorresti mollare: 4 suggerimenti - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Come andare avanti quando vorresti mollare: 4 suggerimenti - Duration: 3:24.


Negramaro - La prima volta Karaoke - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> Negramaro - La prima volta Karaoke - Duration: 4:42.


4K Ultra HD Phoenix West Dji Drohne mit Kamera deutsch YouTube - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> 4K Ultra HD Phoenix West Dji Drohne mit Kamera deutsch YouTube - Duration: 1:45.


棉花糖挑戰 !沒想到輸的人要....【輪子亂滾/RW Tv】 - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> 棉花糖挑戰 !沒想到輸的人要....【輪子亂滾/RW Tv】 - Duration: 5:34.


カップル 感動話!彼氏からの思いがこもった打ち上げ花火。彼女の反応は・・・。 - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> カップル 感動話!彼氏からの思いがこもった打ち上げ花火。彼女の反応は・・・。 - Duration: 6:09.


Locked Out Oof Heaven - Duration: 0:08.

*insert copyright strike here*

you probably already got the joke from the title

predictable punchline

For more infomation >> Locked Out Oof Heaven - Duration: 0:08.


Ancient Pixels - Excitebike - Duration: 8:23.


Yeah, that was really fair!

You can't pass next to them ...



♫ (intro music) ♫


Finally, it's time to to talk about this thing.

I receive this cartridge as a gift from YouTuber

DoubleA Tutorijali

almost 2 years ago.

And on this occasion I would like to thank you once again.

But why did I wait for 2 years to talk about this cartridge?


Just look at it!

This is the most typical cartridge that you can typically find it in a typical shop

with a typical Chinese merchandise!

Allegedly, it has 83 games on it,

but we all know it is a lie!

And most of the images are inaccurate.

Tank and Formula is okay, but the rest is just wrong.

Dr. Mario is not dressed as a doctor

and he has a proton pack on his back for ghosts busting,

Galaxian has these retarded bees from cartoon...

If you didn't watch that cartoon, don't! This is my recommendation!

Excitebike is misspelled

and it has a car on the picture instead of the motorcycle.

And for Super Mario they didn't knew what to do.

First, Luigi is on the picture,

Second, it is labeled as "New" Super Mario Bros.

Well, the game is certainly not new!

It was made back in the 80's.

In fact, it doesn't really matter.

What really matters is what game do we have on it.

Well, we have the ones I mentioned.

And that is that!

I have all these games on other cartridges

and I've already talked about most of them.

Well, honestly, I've just mention them in episode 950 in 1

and maybe I'll talk more about some games.

But for now, let us focus on games

which I have not yet spoken.

You already could assume

today's topic is Excitebike.

From the beginning we have 3 options.

You have a time trial,


or you can design your stage.

which was a rarity in games at the time

but we'll talk about that later.


how this game is called it

are more or less the same thing.

You have 5 stages

and the goal is to reach finish line whit in time limit.

The only difference in that,

in selection A you are driving by yourself,

while here you are racing against other people.

Like I said there is five tracks,

and each track is full of impediments

which you must avoid, cross or jump over.

Except that the obstacles are different,

the color of the tracks and backgrounds are changing.

which doesn't add up nothing in itself,

but it's an interesting detail.

When we are talking about the background,

We have these cameramen and these others people who don't do anything special.

But it was always amusing to me how they move in relation to you.

More precisely, they just rotate around there axes when you pass by them.

The game itself is pretty clear.

Drive! And that is that.

Even if it looks easy,

some stages are so hard

that you can hardly get to finish line in time.

If you screw up on jumping over an obstacle,

you are falling from the motorcycle, waste precious time.

Fortunately, you have the option to drive faster.

More precisely, A button is normal speed, and B is higher speed.

Although, if you drive fast, The engine is heated

and you have to watch how you drive,

because if your engine overheats, you have to wait to cool down.

If you've ever played this game,

you will notice that you will fall, fall and fall off the motorcycle.

Which is very comical for me and frustrating at the same time.

It is still very funny how does a guy roll over with a motorcycle,

and after that he runs to it.

Of course, if you play against other people,

then it's a crazy race!

[Mockingly laughing and groaning]

[Mockingly laughing and groaning]

This is how you end a race whit style!

[motor overturn]

Yes, it was the an epic finishk!

Yahoo! I'm 15th!

Look at that guy celebrating.

It doesn't matter where you end up,

he will celebrate no mater what,

even if he is 20th!

Actually, I have no idea how I end up on that place

when only four of us are starting the race,


as if it was important.

As far as I figured, you have time for which you need to finish a race,

and game, somehow based on your time, decide on what place you end up.

which led me to think ...

Hmm ...

What if I leave the game and do not move for 2 hours?

On what place shall I finish then?

In fact, I tried it,

but I did not manage to stand for 2 hours.

Because the game has a time limit of 9 minutes.

Disappointing, I know ...

But I've finished as a #127.

And the guy is still celebrating!


One thing I still have not mentioned

is that the people that you are competing against

have the ability of teleportation.

When you start the race, one always rides of in distance that you can't follow.

But despite that, I am in lead and now I'm the first, and ...

What the fuck! What is this now?

How did they show up in front of me?

It is impossible that I pass them for the whole lap, when I didn't even complete a single lap.

Actually, you are driving in a laps, even if you don't have a single curve ...

And if this teleportation doesn't make any sense,

I think it's better this way that they are randomly appear in front and behind you,

because, realistically,

once you are in lead,

it would be the same as if you play the selection A of this game.

This selection B a lot improves the game,

because if you had only a section A

after a while you would feel lonely

♫ [sad melody] ♫

and even if there are people in the audience

and by the terrain

You don't have any interactions with them

♫ [sad melody] ♫

All this soulless beings who are there ...

without emotions...

stare whit empty eyes ...

But that's why selection B is here, so you can hit others and drag them under the your wheels!

YEAH!!! HA-HA!!!

And like a cream on a cake, In this game you have a designer

where you can make your own sadistic creations

and give it to your friends to play that!

As I said, at that time it was rare to see a games giving such an option.

In addition to this game, you can make stages in Tanks and Milk & Nuts.

There may be other games on this console that had editors

but for these three I know for sure.

I, sometimes, used to spend more time making stages,

rather than playing a game.

Honestly, this more refers to: Warcraft II,

Heroes of Might and Magic III,

Elasto Mania, Red Alert

and other games that had an editor in it.

Most of the stages are, unfortunately, lost.

But some had survived!

For example, these for Elasto Mania

or this for Heroes where I am made the entire Azeroth before Cataclysm.

Unfortunately, it's not complete yet

Maybe one day I decide to finish,

but now I'm really went side track of the topic.

Now what is interesting, allegedly you can save and load your tracks.

Unfortunately it doesn't work.

'SAVE' kind of work, but ...

'LOAD' does nothing.

It literally does nothing!

The game is just tilted and you have to reset it

because it will never do anything.

First I thought that these functions don't work

because they are on a Chinese copy of the cartridge.

and that the original had batteries in it,

and that you really could to save your tracks.

as, for example, in the Legend of Zelda

where you really have this option

which was fascinating at that time!

That would be great if you could insert the battery into the cartridge

and I save your fucking tracks.

Although I read little about it on forums

and it turns out that it never worked.

Isn't that a little weird?

I wonder why the didn't simple remove those two buttons?

And is it worth it to play this game?

Of course!

It's an extremely fun game

Especially when are sabotaging other motorcyclists!

but, for me, the biggest disadvantage of this game is that

there is no two player mod.

Imagine how much more fun it would be if you could compete together,

interrupt and fucking over each other.

Thank you for watch this video!

If you liked it, don't forget to give it a thumbs up

and share it with your friends.

Subscribe for more videos from my channel and follow me on social networks.

Thanks again for: DoubleA Tutorijali

who sent me this cartridge.

Also visit his channel and tell him that Peter greeted him.

For more infomation >> Ancient Pixels - Excitebike - Duration: 8:23.


VI _Cách xem trình duyệt hoặc xóa lịch sử tìm kiếm trong YouTube. - Duration: 1:30.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,

How to View or delete search history in YouTube.

If you are trying to find a particular video you have searched for in the past, Search history may help.

Your YouTube search history lets you view your previous search queries on YouTube. Your YouTube and Google search history, also

To view or delete what you've previously watched on YouTube, check out your watch history.

Access your search history by selecting History in the Guide And selecting the Search history tab.Remove an individual search entry.

Select the X to the right of the search entry to remove it from the Search History. Delete your entire search history.

Select clear all search history to delete your entire search history. Pause your search history.

Select Pause search history to pause your search history. Hope, this information, is helpful,

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy, Please, like, Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> VI _Cách xem trình duyệt hoặc xóa lịch sử tìm kiếm trong YouTube. - Duration: 1:30.


BahoBeat & Cansever - Kime Bu İnat 🔥 - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> BahoBeat & Cansever - Kime Bu İnat 🔥 - Duration: 4:05.


10 Girls Gown Dresses party flower dress in amazon shopping online - Duration: 0:46.

10 Girls Gown Dresses party flower dress in amazon shopping online

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