As we all have noticed, we have a new player on our team - Vladimir Nikogosyan.
I have prepared my own set of trials for Vova.
Every member of our team is good at something, just as you are.
Today, you'll have to challenge them all to a duel. Are you ready?
Let's go.
Let's go! Let's show them!
Your first task is to challenge Ramzes.
Ramzes is a big fan of Lil Peep's and Lil Pump's music,
so today you'll have to guess who is who among these brilliant singers.
Brilliant Lils?
That's Lil Peep.
Which track?
Save That S**t, I guess.
Lil Pump?
Well, that's also Lil Peep, but I don't remember the name. It's cool, though.
Lil Pump!
Well, that one is easy. Lil Pump.
Which track?
Gucci Gang.
Well, I'll just say Lil Peep instead of Lil Pump this time, will I still miss it? Lil Peep!
Solo replayed it like 90 times in one night, but oh well.
That's Peep. Don't remember the track's name, though. Actually, I don't know any of the names except one.
I just have no clue who is Lil Pimp or Lil Pump, so it is Lil... Pump!
There's another Vladimir on the team - Vladimir Minenko.
Did you figure out how to distinguish who's being called already?
Well, he is still Vova, and I'm a "Caucasian" for some, "uRodjER" for others, and something else for the rest.
Something like that.
With Vova, you'll have to complete a quiz about "the great Vladimirs."
[Posner or Malakhov?]
[Presnyakov or Agutin?]
[Zhirinovsky or Milonov?]
Well, that's suspicious.
Vladimir Milonov?
Vladimir Milonov.
Then, what's Zhirinovsky's name?
[Vysotsky or Okudzhava?]
[Lenin or Stalin?]
Lenin. Vladimir Vladimirovich Illich.
[Putin or Yeltsin?]
Right now harsh and manly challenges are ahead of you.
Do you think you'd be able to defeat pasha in a fistfight?
In a fistfight - no. In a knife fight - yes.
One... Two... Three!
Not bad, not bad, seriously.
Well, it's not really a fair competition - I've got more mass.
And the final boss of this "tournament" for you - Solo.
Almost nobody can outplay Alexei in Mortal Kombat. Let's find out if you can do it.
Have you ever played Mortal Kombat?
Well, I've played it. I'll try my best.
You picked a very spooky guy.
It's the last trial.
It's the boss.
I don't remember the buttons though, I didn't play for quite some time.
Yeah, sure.
Wait, don't hit me, let me show you something.
Really? I can wait.
Nah, nah.
Wait, how do I block? Oh, like this.
Bro, please. You're just destroying me.
Wait, chill, chill.
You're such a...
Good bye.
Chill, chill, chill.
RodjER, you can do it. Just believe in yourself.
See? The first one already.
I can't press the buttons!
Can't press the buttons.
I'm so trash at this game.
What's this?
Whoa, whoa, calm down, RodjER, chill!
What did I just do?
Should I give him a chance?
I'll cut myself on my own if you give me a chance.
Look - this stun is because you are exhausted after buffing yourself. And I am not!
Come on, show me something cool.
Oh, you can even do the fatalities...
It's okay, you'll get it next time, RodjER.
My hand got all sweaty after this.
The winner is Alexei Berezin!
Well, Vova didn't pass all the trials, but that's not what we value our support for.
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