Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 22 2018

Hello everybody Timeless!! and welcome in this new video

and for those who know I'm on a diet

I'm eating chips but only because there are the powerpuff girls surprise

ok fast

here is where I combine all my disasters on the channel

so for this Room Tour, come on.. inside!

so... on the right we have a customized rainbow plaque

is not adorable??

otherwise in the videos it was gray and ..sad

you have certainly seen this 3 million times

this is my poster with some figurines that I already had of PowerPuff Girls

the ones I love

up.. I have some.. canvas from Candem Town

that I initially thought were handmade

and instead I discovered that this print is a universal print or you can find it everywhere

but they are fantastic, I have Ariel, Cheshire Cat and Alice

here there is my favourite Walt Disney thing: if you can dream it you can do it

and I love too much this thing by Confucio: everywhere you go, you must go with your heart

and this is my advise because I thing that this is a very cute thing

so.. (today I say so in italian with another accent)

this is my... storage basket

I dont know the name, but I have some clothespins for to work at doll hairs

and I have some tools

cotton fioc for to blend

pen, pencils and other things

highlighters, scissors and other things

this is my desk

I have put on a white paper tablecloth

and I covered the table so as not to ruin it

and from Ikea I have bought this big stiff placemat

where I work and on this I work for all my videos

I put it on the contrary now, this is the shiny side

dall'altro lato è poroso ed è rovinato

here is my mirror

because everytime that I create a doll I see the right propotions in the mirror

this is my CiccinoPuccino (a very cute thing) than make me luck

and this is the other CiccinoPuccino that I have bougth from Tiger

my cell

external hardisk

ringlight, this is the microphone speaker, back I hve the airbrush

with my.. stuff on like rings, pen drive and a very cute original brooch from "the little mermaid" disney

and the penknife that I often use

I have too many penknife xD

there is my external hardisk but I dont remember if I also show you it... just in case there is here

intruders time

here I have the calendar for all my youtube videos

for each day I have draw a CiccinoPuccino because... you know it's too kawaii

there is not here now but in this space I usually write my list of things to do during the day

so I forgot all xD

for this moment I have some pics of Kratos, because I'm working for a Kratos doll

and here there is a draw made by my sister with a manga girl base, for the propotions

a kawaii unicorn

there are my headphones


back I have some... medal

oh yes this is a medal

this is a pass for a youtuber convention

here that's my pc

one of my computer, an other is under but I show you it after

in this shelf I have some books for to study, notes and in this box I have all my pure neemo work in progress

here I have my wonderful Dollfie Dream Miku Hatsune

she is so beauty!!!

she is so tall, the box is tall about 65cm I think...

I love her

my headphones again and my mouse


it can change the color

but I prefer violet

I love this combo


first shelf done, now the second

this is the most important because I have my second computer that... it want to leave me T____T

I have heard a noise in the hardisk


the folder with my notes, doll that I'm goig to study, new dolls, and all this thing

this is my concept corner, where I put all my concept

I dont know if you can see but now I hav the concept of Poppi

under I have all my disney singing, a pullip head for customization but I dont know when xD

I have bought her... many many years ago I think

and there are some of my bjd

the bjd that I have here are in work in progress

I cant show you the completed bjd because they are not here

''of course they are in another laboratory''

noo xD

''in my second laboratory...''

in this shelf I have some... christmas lights

I wanted to use as a background in some photos, like some photos that you can see in pinterest, you know?

so beauty photos.. but ok, I never do it

in this box I have some Pure Neemo heads... about 20

that I must completed for the convention "Bambole a Roma"

here I have some lock just combed and tiled but ready for to create the wigs

a very hard work...

under my desk I have this mobile of "dreams and needs"

it's cute "dream and needs"

for the first this is some stuff

faux leather and fake furs

for the Kratos custom... oh yes!

this is material that I have looking for for he

first drawer

in this drawer I have 1001 eyelashes for my dolls... infinity of eyelashes

''infinity is the right amount''

yes infact

length, consistency, all you want you can find

there is a little piece of cotton just in emergency

elastics, some pliers, some brushes (only brushes that I dont use too much)

4 or 5 rubber I dont know why but I have them by the school so.. ooook xD

stick glue

this is not a glue stick but a mini UV lamp

here inside I have all my eyes for bjd

but I cant open it with only one hand..

yay!! it's done (but not with only one hand ahah)

I have divided the eyes... focus

I have divided the eyes by color, in a sachet all eyes blue or brown or green or other..

so.. the eyes

second drawer

in this drawer I have the acrylics

now I show you that I really have only primary colors

and.... I finished the red one so I must buy it now

here there are some pigments, other are in another place but here there are all stuff that I use more

some glitters, studs, some acrylics

polimer clay and a spray with only water

here is a very BEAUTIFUL flakes



and some masking tape

(how I can say masking tape in italian?)

in this drawer I have more mask, as you know I use MSC and it's too dangerous

under I have all my nail polish

oh dont use the nail polish with the doll

in this drawer I have some little doll stuff, my safety goggles and the glue gun

we have finish this

in this corner I have my stand of ring light

and now..

this drawers

a small place but.. full, right? xD

so.. in this small basket I have some dolls in work in progress

this is a spoiler because you can see this doll soon

here I have the scotch for the shipping box

this is my lucky teddy bear

colored pens, markers

this is my fantastic book for my text video or notes for videos

here I have some monster stuff, tapes, small tapes

other monster and doll stuff

some disney animator dress and stuff

items fot carving and for polimer clay and some big stones

glue, wooden sticks

and this is a... cream by Dollfie Dream that I use for delete the spots from the doll

if you wnat I can show you how I use it

after... this is the most importand drawer

because here I have the heart of my work

and there are almost all my pencils

my chalks

some pencils.. by faber castell

they are divided by color.. for me xD

this pencils are by Derwent

also divided by me

here I have all color like violet, green some blue...

here all yellow, one peach, brown, grey and all black and white

under I have A4 paper e some paper that I use for the concept

so I can take fast and draw

here I have many 'tatters'

and I use them when I use the acrylics or glue gun so in this way I can clean up and my workstation is ever perfect

this is my favourite infact is clean xD

I use this one because I dont like it ahaah

this box.....

I love this box because......

I have all my glitters!!

infinty of glitters

I dont know if you can see but under there are other glitters

they are not ordered I know, but when I use them I already know what to take and where it is

in this drawer I have some animator dolls in work in progress

here is a monster high that I'm going to work

Vanellope that is not an animator doll but I have done half faceup for a video

some animators and an head that I use for to create the wigs for animator

last drawer I have other animator that I have used for experiments

experiment good and... experiment bad

ok now upstairs

kawaii stuff, the Luminary Tears from the video of yesterday

my mic that is a Samson

some mug with my other pencils

this mug is a gift from my best friend that I LOVE (her and the mug)

this boubble bobble mug by Game Stop

and back my disney princess mug from Disney Store

and my pencils ordered... ever by me

here inside.. I dont know if you can see but I have all my minifee heads with no makeup

and upstairs I have some items and tuf for doll hair

my first light

this light box

another light

in this green box there are ALL the dress of my dolls

and there is my trolley that I use for travel

this other 2 box are not mine

up I have another box with all my disney classic doll, monster high and other type of doll and is very full

here I have some box of stand, light, I have the glovers

in this one I have all items like iron wire, scotch and other things and is very big

here I have a head by one of PowerPuff Girls custom but I have used her body so she is here for now

there is Luluna, that I must work in a few days

in this box I have Pure Neemo bodies

in this brown box I have the Limited Edition of Eren

and this is the original box of Luluna

some box of microphone, other light and this thing

many many stuff

this is my mini blackboard with my thing: There is Always TIME to Dream

this canavas is made by a fantastic artist, his name is Giulio Ingrosso

Hi Giulio!!

this is the portrait ispired by my Penny, the bjd that I had with me for the convention in Milan

so fantastic!!

I leave you his link in description box

he has done another canavas but it's too big for this place so I have put it in anoter room for now

well guys, this video is finished yet

I hope that you enjoy my little laboratory

also if it's a small place I love it and I can create all my dolls here

so if you enjoy the video leave me a tumb up, comment if you want share it

we are many many now and I'm so happy for this

as you know this video was for 3K sub but I have made it now for 4K sub

and.. for you there will be many many customs guys

and another time xD this video is finished here

and dont forget that

There is Always TIME to Dream


For more infomation >> Room Tour! Welcome to my Workstation [Sub Eng] - Duration: 20:50.


【Cowsep中文字幕】在國服從零鑽石 #2 -英雄聯盟LOL(CC字幕) - Duration: 13:23.

For more infomation >> 【Cowsep中文字幕】在國服從零鑽石 #2 -英雄聯盟LOL(CC字幕) - Duration: 13:23.


【Logres】 Doki Doki ☆ Crane game How to clear all quests - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> 【Logres】 Doki Doki ☆ Crane game How to clear all quests - Duration: 2:57.


Karnataka 10th Exam Expected Questions to get 90% English Poetry video 3 - Duration: 1:57.

Watch my videos up the end to get full benefit

Watch my videos up the end to get full benefit

Watch my videos up the end to get full benefit

Watch my videos up the end to get full benefit

For more infomation >> Karnataka 10th Exam Expected Questions to get 90% English Poetry video 3 - Duration: 1:57.


Karnataka 10th Exam Expected Questions to get 90% English Poetry video 5 - Duration: 2:56.

Watch my videos up the end to get full benefit

Watch my videos up the end to get full benefit

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For more infomation >> Karnataka 10th Exam Expected Questions to get 90% English Poetry video 5 - Duration: 2:56.


Karnataka 10th Exam Expected Questions to get 90% English Poetry video 4 - Duration: 2:36.

Watch my videos up the end to get full benefit

Watch my videos up the end to get full benefit

Watch my videos up the end to get full benefit

Watch my videos up the end to get full benefit

For more infomation >> Karnataka 10th Exam Expected Questions to get 90% English Poetry video 4 - Duration: 2:36.


Telefongespräche des Betriebsrats - Darf die der Arbeitgeber abhören? | Betriebsrat Video - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Telefongespräche des Betriebsrats - Darf die der Arbeitgeber abhören? | Betriebsrat Video - Duration: 1:39.


愛犬 ペット 感動話!体が悪い愛犬が脱走してしまった。見つけたときには無残な姿で.. - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> 愛犬 ペット 感動話!体が悪い愛犬が脱走してしまった。見つけたときには無残な姿で.. - Duration: 7:20.


xuân núi ank//nhạc pokemon hay nhất mọi thời đại - Duration: 30:31.

For more infomation >> xuân núi ank//nhạc pokemon hay nhất mọi thời đại - Duration: 30:31.


فيلم قصير كوميدي روعة لا تغفل عن أطفالك - أنمي رائع - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> فيلم قصير كوميدي روعة لا تغفل عن أطفالك - أنمي رائع - Duration: 3:34.


母親 感動話!母親が嬉しそうに渡したプレゼントには、思いがけない想いが込められていた・・・。 - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> 母親 感動話!母親が嬉しそうに渡したプレゼントには、思いがけない想いが込められていた・・・。 - Duration: 5:49.


뱅드림/한글자막] 우당탕탕 해피 발렌타인 #4 참신한 친구초코 - Duration: 8:43.

For more infomation >> 뱅드림/한글자막] 우당탕탕 해피 발렌타인 #4 참신한 친구초코 - Duration: 8:43.


International McDonald's Taste Test - Duration: 13:53.

For more infomation >> International McDonald's Taste Test - Duration: 13:53.


Amazing Image Shows Bright Light and Sparks That Occur at Conception - Duration: 2:36.

Amazing Image Shows Bright Light and Sparks That Occur at Conception

by Edward Morgan

A colleague was nice enough to pass along one of those stories that will just light

up your day.

In your mind�s eye, have you ever thought/pictured the precise moment when human life begins,

that instant when sperm meets ovum?

We see representations, but that falls short.

Well, what if someone told you human life begins (as Sarah Knapton, science editor for

the Daily Telegraph, put it) as �An explosion of tiny sparks [which] erupts from the egg

at the exact moment of conception.� The romantic in you might say, �What I always


You can see this remarkable display of bright flashes of light�this �fireworks� here.

What explains this phenomenon which scientists had previously seen in animals and now for

first time in humans?

According to Knapton

The bright flash occurs because when sperm enters and egg it triggers calcium to increase

which releases zinc from the egg.

As the zinc shoots out, it binds to small molecules which emit a fluorescence which

can be picked up by camera microscopes.

�These fluorescence microscopy studies establish that the zinc spark occurs in human egg biology,

and that can be observed outside of the cell,� said Professor Tom O�Halloran, a co-senior

author and director of Northwestern University�s Chemistry of Life Processes Institute, of

a study that appeared in Scientific Reports.

A companion paper was published, also in Scientific Reports, Knapton explains.

In that experiment

a zinc spark is shown at the precise time a sperm enters a mouse egg.

This discovery was made by Zhang, a postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern.

Little is known about the events that occur at the time of fertilization, because it is

difficult to capture the precise time of sperm entry.

For more infomation >> Amazing Image Shows Bright Light and Sparks That Occur at Conception - Duration: 2:36.


12 Secrets of the INFP Personality Type that People usually don't Know - Duration: 4:39.

12 Secrets of the INFP Personality Type that People usually don't Know

Basically all people are different.

Even though they belong to the same introversion classification, there are still things you

probably miss.

Even with specific classification of 16 type MBTI, there are so many differences.

Before jumping to the video, dont forget to give a like to this video and subscribe to

our channel.

Here is the list of 12 secrets from INFP type.


They value their value People with INFP personality frequently doubts

or questions themselves before and while doing certain things, making them look spacing out.

This is because they think that what they are doing is based on their value they hold.


They like simplicity You may not realize that INFPs live in very

simple manner.

They want to touch with the essence of life which is not merely about something materialistic.


Creative expression Unlike other extrovert types, the INFPs cannot

directly express what they feel.

That is why they transfer such expression through artistic forms such as poetry, song

lyrics, and photography captions.


Emotional healer This type of personality is actually a good

listener and wise decision maker.

They value either people's feeling, and that is why they are willing to help if you

are having problem.


Too many burdens As the effect of listening to people's problem,

the INFPs are usually soaked in people's problem.

Though the problem is not passed, INFPs sensitivity makes them feel real.

This burdens the INFPs.


Requirement to be a partner If you are interested to people with INFP

personality, you should have something to share.

It should be something meaningful, motivating, and informational.


New experiences are always welcome INFPs love to learn something new for the

sake of humanity.

They seek for the possibilities by building new connection, learning new things, and exploring

what they want.


Thirst of inspiration INFPs do not like living bland.

They want something or someone who can inspire them.

Typically, they find their inspiration from books, poetry, social movement, and people

who are in the same wavelength.


If it matters, then it matters INFPs hold particular values that they believe

are true.

When they start to do something that matters, they will do it until they achieve what they


Though they are usually lazy, something that matters them most will be done without second



Do not like ordinary jobs INFPs who work for companies are usually not


The reason is because the companies typically seek profits above all.

Additionally, the routine works are boring for creative INFPs.


Ignoring problem Though INFPs do not mind listening and giving

solution to other people's problem, they actually will not confront the problem.

They will sweep the conflict under the carpet until it resides.


They can be leaders INFPs do not usually take in charge as leader

because of not wanting in a spotlight.

However, with enough motivation, they will do.

All in all, that's the 12 Secrets of the INFP personality type that people usually don't


So, Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

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