She-hulk surprise toys go to zoo
Hey Dino pals this is Tory Rex here, let's see what toy surprise we have today
Hi Hulk, She Hulk hi wolverine you have surprise for Hulk and she-hulk yep today
It's a surprise field trip cool. How can she Hulk?
Where are we going today me Hulk and she-hulk goes to zoo?
Awesome great idea Wolverine my favorite animal is the mighty mighty lion because lion
Strong like Hulk well guess what there's gonna be lots of lions at the zoo
We have to go to zoo right away. I want to see all the animals
Okay, then kkeok time to go to zoo here comes the bus
Here's the zoo, it's so big there's penguins and lion and a gift shop. That's so cool
Let's open up this Playmobil, zoo
Wow there's so many parts
Wow this zoo has so many parts let's build the zoo yay
Here are the stickers and first, let's build the zoo entrance
This zoo door goes right here, and then we have a revolving door. Let's put some stickers on it
All done now this door goes right here
Cool now people can come into the zoo no more connect a revolving door to the entrance gate
Now we could decorate the entrance with these zoo animals
First we have a monkey he goes up here and
Then we have a bear he goes on the top right here
Next we have this cute blue penguin
And we have this orange tiger he's got all these stripes. He goes right here and
The last animal is the mighty mighty lion. He goes on the very top and
Then we have a sled and here are the stickers let's put them on the flag
And now we need one on the back
Time for the penguin pool
Here's some water for the Penguins to swim, and it goes right in the middle and now let's put on some grass
And these leaves go on the side, and there's another one for the other side
These leaves have some flowers on top like that
Look at how pretty they are and here's the gate. It. Even has a picture of a penguin here so cool
And here are the Penguins they look super cute
They're white black and have orange fur and they sleep inside you want to dive in the pool
And there's all see these super cute penguin babies they also want to go for a swim
the Poquelin family looks so happy whoa
Wow it's lions that means it's time to build the Lions Den
We have to put the gate on the rocks, and then there's a stone wall goes on it too one more to go
Now let's build the Lions Gate
Wow the Lions are in the Lions Den now, and then we have to put on the side
time to build the gift shop
The gift shop is white with a red roof
And it has all these flags that go around the road let's put them on guys whoa
Wow there's so many flags now, let's put all these stickers
The gift shop has a computer these jukeboxes little stuffed animals and postcards so cool
Now people can buy all these awesome gifts
And there's also these cute balloons. How awesome there's a line balloon a penguin balloon in a blue balloon cool
Next we're gonna build the clock
And then we need to put on the needles to tell the time
Right now it's 12 o'clock. It's lunchtime
Next animal is this really pretty peacock. She has super pretty tail and it's a blue peacock
Awesome next we have these little otters otters love to swim here we go
Here we have two little kids this little boy is a redhead and he is a really cool super shirt
How awesome and this little girl has a pink bow tail and a pink shirt with a green backpack
They've come to see animals and here's mommy and daddy daddy has blond hair, and he's holding a camera
He's gonna take lots of pictures and mommy is holding a bottle
Must be a baby, and here's the baby he's so cute. He's inside this green part
That's everyone's gonna drag him around and if they get tired. Here's a bench for them to sit on and here's a tree for shade
The next animal is a pelican he's a white pelican the lusty fishies and here's fishies
Penguins also love sea fishes to you, and then we have the zookeepers
They are here to help clean finding changes ooh look. He's carrying a bunch of me. Where's Roxy
He's carrying the meat for the Lions to eat here. You go away lunchtime
And when the lines are done eating you'll take away the bones
Wow this Zoo is so cool, how dare she Hulk Hulk and Wolverine?
I'm the zookeeper here. Hi Billy there's an awesome tiger
Yep, this Tigers name is chili chili the tiger. We're taking chilly out for our daily exercise
That's awesome. There's so many animals at the zoo
Sure, how about I take you superheroes around the zoo, and show you all the animals that sounds awesome mr.
zookeeper all right superheroes follow me over here a
Rat ha do you know what animal? This is this is the penguin?
That's right Hulk penguins live in the North Pole
Thank you live even if it's really really cold in the snow, and they have rings
But they can't fly they use their wings to swim really fast in the ocean at home
Can you tell me what food the Penguins like to eat penguins like to eat fish years?
That's right Hulk, and I just gotta put your first fish right here, then you just lunchtime penguins here we go
What animal are you gonna? Show us that's mr.. Zookeeper. It's time to show you guys the mighty middle name
Awesome lion so cool
Lion strong like huh?
And here is the lion's den she-hulk. This is the mighty motherland
They're also known as the king of the jungle we can run really fast
They're really strong and lions can eat lots and lots of meats help help help help help
What's wrong mister my baby? My baby's in the lion's den somebody help him oh, no, you're right
there is a baby in the luvs damn who can help the baby I
Can wow?
I'm sure glad you're here. Please help my baby, please
You can do it she-hulk
Wow thank you for saving my baby she-hulk you're the best she-hulk is amazing
As a pig thank you for saving my baby she-hulk
I'm gonna get you and your friends surprise toys
Wow, we get surprise toys to take see Hulk Hulk you love surprise toys
Let's see what surprise bug we get
Wow that's awesome we got so many surprise toys, which one should we open up first any mini Magnum? Oh?
Wow the power rangers keychains. That's so cool with all the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Let's open it up here you go
Cool, we got the Pink Ranger
That's awesome the Pink Ranger is one of the five Mighty Morphin Power Rangers when they transform
They also get super powerful Megazords, then the pink majors Megazord is the powerful pterodactyl the pink Rangers your name is Kimberly
She's super nice and super pretty. Let's go Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Next let's open up this one wow. It's an x-men mystery mini. There's Wolverine and Colossus and here all the awesome things again. There's
Cyclops storm
professor axe beast Colossus repeat, Sabretooth
Wolverine the ice queen and here are the exclusive ones so cool I want to get Cyclops because he is the leader
Hassan x-men here we go guys
Who'd we get
Cool, we got storm, and she's a bobble head battle
started a member of the powerful x-men her special abilities to control the weather she can make lightning storms make it rain and
even cause blizzards
She teaches at the x-men school to train the new awesome super moons, let's watch storm go for a flip
Next let's open up this one wow it's a Superman and Batman mystery mini
I see Wonder Woman Batman and Superman and you can even get Aquaman and super powerful armored Batman. That's awesome
I want to get armored bemmon cuz he looks super tough
This is so fun
Wow we got Superman that's awesome your man's wearing his blue red sir my uniform
There's a really long red cape and look. There's his logo the super s for Superman sir man is really really strong you can fly
You work together with Devon
- man is where the
spirit time for a blast-off whoa
Next let's open up this one
I see Joker and Harlequin and then they glow in the dark Joker cool. These are the awesome figures you can even get mr.
boomerang super shot crocodile the witch the swordsman kadena
And I really want to get this glow-in-the-dark Joker here. We go guys
Here we go
Well we did it guys we got the gloom dark Joker he looks so cool The Joker has Aleve awesome tattoos
It even says Joker on his stomach. He's got really bad teeth look phrases. Please guys. Hey
Joker looks really creepy
Look at this Arkham. That's where he lives in the Arkham Asylum
Joker always cause trouble for baman baman. Oh it some
Time know about this one. It's the super cool transformers look
There's Megatron 50 Decepticon bad guys, and then look there's Optimus Prime and Bumblebee mr.. Pikula Autobots
Let's open this up guys
Here we go
Awesome, we got bumblebee. That's so cool
Look here's his logo, it's Baba
Happy he's all yellow with blue eyes, and here's his car. It's a yellow Corvette. Let's take bumblebee for a spin whoa whoa
And since bumblebee is a robot transformer he can turn into a transfer robot all we have to do is push the car
Well nobody it. It's turned into a robot. That's so cool. Let's go
Now let's turn it back into a car. We'll just push it and look. There's the car whoa
Two more supply stores like any mini magma will put up this one
Cool, it's a Spider Man mystery. It's already and look this turkey Manta Iron Man Hulk a sword so awesome see shake it
Super cool. We got spider-man, and he's a bobble head battle spider-man looks so cool
He's red and blue and he's ready to shoot his spider webs
Spider-man has spidey sense so he can avoid any danger. He can climb walls any super-smart and his real name is Peter Parker
He's a student that was trained to be a super by Iron Man his girlfriend is Mary G
With Aunt May. Let's watch him do a Spidey flip
One more surprise toilet cool. It's the paw Patrol. That's awesome and look. It's the superhero paw patrols
They've all become superheroes which super pup do you want to get I want to get them all here we go so she said
She said here we go
Wow we got super pups guys she looks so pretty she's got her pink mask and pick
Superhero uniform on and check it out. She's super stretchy
Cool, that's her superhero power. She can become super plastic stretchy skirt
Well look at her eye, that's so cool, and let's see her bounce whoa ho
That was so fun down front we got these awesome
Surprise toys. I hope that my dear friends. Have a happy happy day, and I'll see everyone in the next toy rise video
Thanks for watching Dino pals you guys are awesome
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