Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 23 2018

Here's the plan:

Besides walking through the city and find some musicians,

we've gotta go to shops to look for local instruments.

And I'm like... we came here to look for different instruments,

and I found some ancient keyboards that I really appreciate.

I'm ending up buying one.

It doesn't have anything to do with Ireland, but they're completely related to our story.

We're acquiring instruments from the places we're passing by.

So, that's okay!

But, will you still look for a typical instrument?

Yes, I will.

But I still don't know which one we'll be able to get.

But if we don't get find it,

we can find some street musicians,

like the ones we've found. So it's okay.

You told me that there's a typical instruments shop here, right?

Oh yeah! Its name's Charles Byrne.

One of the oldest and the most traditional Irish shop.

It's near here.

Let's go there!


We've visited Charles Byrnes, one of the oldest shop since 1970.

In the beginning we got really upset,

because we couldn't find traditional Irish instruments.

The classical ones, I mean.

There was a Bouzouki, which is fairly new to Irish songs,

There were some Fiddles and many Bodhráns.

But there were few instruments, so I didn't have many options to test.

There were many Ukulele.

I found it really strange,

why do they have many Ukulele in here?

The vendor said that school's teachers would rather buy instruments

that make students feel emotion, the ones they can sing along with.

Because students want to sing along with friends,

so the flute in D isn't so interesting anymore,

because they'd rather play pop songs than classical ones.

So, musicians started studying,

and they were quitting their studies because they didn't have anyone to share the song.

So, that's it!

Now, according to the vendor, the most used instrument here is Ukulele.


Who are we going to record now?

Dan Elliot.

We're going to record him for our Le Tour Du Monde 360°.

Taking advantage of that, we'll try to record him for our new song.

He's from here. He's from Ireland.

We met him in a pub.

His voice is amazing.

He's really young. He might be around 20 years old.

But he's super talented.

Você pode participar com a gente, cantando algumas partes dela.

Acho que você vai gostar!

- É tipo um estilo Celta. - Celta?

- Sim, tem uma parte que é bem celta.


E eu preciso de um "Bodram".

- Quer dizer Bodhrán? - Isso!

- Eu conheço um cara que toca muito o Bodhrán. - Sério?

- Vou falar com ele! - Claro!

- Por favor, quero muito gravá-lo! - Sem problemas!

- Valeu!

He told me he knows a guy that plays "Bodram".

I still don't know how to pronounce it right, but he told me he knows a guy that plays it.

One of the best player here.

He told me he'll call him after we record him.

I invited him to record the song we compose and he liked the idea.

Let's go for it!

Então, você canta esse e eu canto primeiro.

Você canta o segundo.

Depois, invertemos. Você canta primeiro e eu o segundo.

- Eu subo no refrão? - Sim.

- Ok! - Podemos cantar juntos o primeiro.

- No mesmo tom, ok? - Ok.

- Conseguimos! - Pra você aí embaixo...

- ...essa foi pra você!

Olá pessoal! Meu nome é Dan Elliot e acabei de gravar com LTDM.

- Em 360°. - 360°.

Gravei minha música "Maybe We" com a participação do Lucas.

Estamos agora em Dublin e vamos pra alguns pubs.

- Porque é meu aniversário! Sim! - Seu aniversário, né?

Vamos para o primeiro pub para começar o pub crawl.

E depois vamos gravar mais vídeos quando estivermos bêbados.

- Claro, vamos! - Vamos!



What's up?

How's it going?

How are you?

I'm fine.

We've just acted that, because we'd already met them.

Anyway, we're pretending we're meeting Carlinhos...

- and his wife, Sorcha. - Sorcha.

She lives here.

Now we're going to record his voice for the Portuguese part we composed.

Leap Carlinhos!

Vamos lá!

Então, essa é a parte... 1, 2, 3...




Ficou boa, né?

Sim, conseguimos cara!

Ficou muito boa!

For more infomation >> Pulando de pub em pub #LTDM Dublin [Vídeo 03] - Duration: 8:43.


Carpenter Brut just released a new album! - Duration: 1:05.

Greetings Earthlings!

Welcome to the MadQueen Show!

Well, this video is not today's video, I mean,

at usual time you're going to have your megacorporations lore and we're going to talk about

EMB but this video is a very short video just to let

you know that Carpenter Brut just released a new album called "Leather Teeth" and you're

going to find a link in the first comment or the description, I don't know where I'm

going to put it, and you just need to listen that, you just need that in your life

and also, for those of you who don't know, Seth Ickerman, the director of the video clip

for Turbo Killer is preparing a film based on the same universe that is called "Blood

Machines" and I'm going to put a link also on the first comment or description or I don't

know where

And, yes...

it's a great week

See you in some hours and stay being amazing

For more infomation >> Carpenter Brut just released a new album! - Duration: 1:05.


Tanki Online V-LOG: Episode 163 - Duration: 5:16.

WARNING: This video may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised.

In this episode we'll be telling you about the holiday event for the weekend,

discussing new battle indicators

and we'll also be talking about the War that has just begun.

Hello Tankers! Happy Holiday!

The Iron Days in Tanki have started and here's what you can expect in the next 3 days

Friday -- 30% discounts in the Shop;

Saturday -- 50% discounts in the Garage;

And on Sunday -- MicroUpgrades: 50% on each MicroUpgrade and 70% on SpeedUps.

Discounts are awesome, but not everyone can use them,

and this weekend we will also have double battle funds!

This time -- for 3 days straight! -- Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Of course, when battle funds are doubled, gold boxes also drop more often.

Have a blast this weekend!

New battle indicators have been released, let's go through all of the changes:

Now you can see the direction to bases in CTF and Assault

You can also see the position of the enemy flag carrier from far away,

but when the distance is small, the flag indicator will disappear.

Messages about flag captures now appear only in the battle log.

These notifications received new icons instead of text messages like

"the player has captured the flag".

All other notifications in the battle log now also have icons instead of text.

Additionally, we've updated icons for all turrets in the battle interface.

Many will ask -- "Why?"

We designed the new battle indicators in a more modern style,

and so the old turret icons could fit into the new interface, we redesigned them too.

In the future, this style of interface will also be implemented in the mobile version.

The War has started.

Faction paints were added to the Garage on Monday, and the first turn began on Thursday.

Today, on Friday, is the BATTLE phase of the first turn.

Let's quickly recap, what you need to do in the War:

First of all, buy a faction paint

Next, open the event site, log in and choose territories for attack and defence

After that, destroy 200 or more enemy tanks in the game to confirm your turn

On the second day of the turn make enough kills together as a faction,

maintaining a high K/D, and… that's it!

You've made a turn, earned 3 containers, which will be delivered after the War ends,

and if your faction wins the event, your final prize will double.

For coordination among the faction, we've made a special Forum section.

There, you can discuss strategies for attack and defence several turns ahead.

Also, to promptly respond to enemy actions,

we've added a new chat channel for the War to the game.

One more thing: many players are asking about faction paints if they will stay after the War

The answer is -- no.

After the War ends all faction paints will be removed from the game.

With today's release an option was added to PRO battles to make Rugby battles on Stadium.

Create your own competitions, parkour with the ball in Space -- have fun!

And since we started talking about maps, here's one more update:

the standard version of Kungur changed a bit.

Houses on the map were used by the Blue team to hide the flag carrier.

Now the houses are moved in such a way, that hiding is no longer possible.

We've decided this is more fair, since the Red team doesn't have such an advantage.

Tanki Challenge!

Last week we asked you to jump from a side bridge on the Highways map to the opposite one.

Let's watch the first team that completed the challenge:

And here's the team we chose for the most impressive challenge video!

Both teams will receive 100 thousand crystals, congratulations, well done!

For the next episode, record a video on the Stadium map in Rugby mode.

We expect cool tricks with the ball -- long-distance passes, maybe some juggling,

just make sure you wear the Red paint.

That's it for today's episode!

Like the V-LOG, good luck in the War and Happy Iron Days!

Last week you had to guess who would be hit by the Railgun, who

was just shot by another Railgun.

And the right answer is -- tanker E.

Welcome the winners and here's the new question:

What's in the container?

For more infomation >> Tanki Online V-LOG: Episode 163 - Duration: 5:16.



For more infomation >> PRIMEIRO DIA NO RIO - ERIC HINOJOSA VLOG - Duration: 7:14.


Dream team. 9pasha and Game of thrones - Duration: 3:51.

When it was first released, I think I was in the army, if I'm not mistaken.

When I returned...

My buddy, from the PC Club I used to play Dota in,

has been watching some series, don't remember which season exactly, either 3rd or 4th.

When I asked him about this series, he explained, so I started watching and got hooked.

I love seeing some white walkers action - they have really, extremely little screen time,

so when they appear on the screen, I instantly pause to grab some popcorn - because some real beef is about to unfold.

The most tragic was Hodor - I think his death was the most dramatic one.

And the saddest part of that is the sheer time we were shown the way he was eaten alive or something.

Ugh, yeah, that was really rough.

On mid? Since usually mid is reserved for DP and DK who tank everything, I'd assign Hodor on mid.

He can be trusted. Even if his winrate is meh, as we already have seen, he'd stand his ground.

We could assign The Red Woman on the hardlane.

After all, she has some aces under her sleeve, like the Lord of the Light, etc.

Like, for instance, the kid who slaughtered everyone - her spells are damn good, and I think she's perfectly suited for the hardlane.

About the supports? Hot Pie will be one of them - he's that guy who escaped King's Landing together with Arya.

Just because he's Pie.

Just cause he's funny - and also a good cook! After all, everyone was satisfied with his cooking.

Arya will be the carry - she's doing quite some work in the series.

So she'll be the carry.

Well, only the final support remains.

Let's do it like this: Hot Pie will be the 5, since he doesn't really need to do anything except being cool,

and cooking. So he'll be the 5.

The 4 must be a play-maker. Everyone's 4 is a play-maker.

We need a play-maker from Game of Thrones...

Hold on, let me think.

Jon Snow?

Nah, that's too obvious.

Okay, the dragon that got slain and then resurrected - he's a play-maker, for sure!

He's a dragon to be reckoned with.

I'd call this dragon a play-maker. He'd be my 4.

Everyone who demolishes walls is a yes from me. He is my 4!

I really want Jaime Lannister to survive - he's quite a guy and was revealed to be a positive character in the end.

Not even in the end - it was foreshadowed pretty long time ago,

but in the end, all the doubts were dispelled and it's crystally clear that he's actually positive.

And you're like: "Whoa, now he's on our side! Let's go!".

Surely, there's 99% chance he'll kick the bucket, but I really, really want him to survive.

For more infomation >> Dream team. 9pasha and Game of thrones - Duration: 3:51.


How Israel defends its nation - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> How Israel defends its nation - Duration: 5:21.


Autobots & Predacons Vs Unicron | TFP: Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising (2013) CLIP - Duration: 4:55.

- Resistance? - From my own warship.

Demon hordes, take flight... and eviscerate them!

Maybe Starscream had the right idea.

Zombiecon! Zombiecon!

Is it Optimus?


- More flying pests! - Whom to root for?

The lines have certainly blurred.

Predacon allies. You called it, B.

And to think Optimus almost passed down the Matrix to me.

- Whoa. What?! - Yeah, I said it.

But "right place, right time" doesn't mean "right bot"

I know that now.

Brace for impact!


Nothing a little carnauba wax won't fix up.



My legion, the time is upon us.

Destroy Primus with your dragon fire!

- We're the last line of defense. - I would recommend leaving that

to those more suited for the task. Skylynx! Darksteel!

Allow nothing to enter the well.

Really? This is how it ends?

We're not losing our planet

not without taking Unicron with it.

What? A familiar resonance

pure energy, not unlike Primus...

one I have not encountered since ancient days.

The Allspark!

- Optimus. - I never thought I'd be so

happy to see that big rig!

We must keep the Allspark from Unicron's reach.

I thought the container was indestructible.

Indeed. But if this vessel once trapped the Allspark,

I fear that it can also be emptied of it.

For more infomation >> Autobots & Predacons Vs Unicron | TFP: Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising (2013) CLIP - Duration: 4:55.


LEAVING The Netherlands - Duration: 2:56.

Well guys, we are in the plane, leaving Amsterdam

And Almere, after 10 days here

So... What do you think about the experience?

In Almere was really nice

we were working in a foundation: Inspiratie inc.

and it was really nice because we were working with refugees people

- Yes, it was really nice - Really nice

Specially go to their homes in the refugee camp

and talk with them asking their stories

most of them we can not show to you,

because there are really refugees

Like hiding for someone or other reasons

thats why they didnt allow us to show their images

but they were really, really good

And so strong... They had...

They had really strong stories so,

it's so important that they wanted to share with us

And later in Amsterdam we did several tours

- Really good. - Really, really good.

- We meet, Patrick first? - Patrick

From the Library of the University of Amsterdam.

Really nice and interesting guy

- He was so funny... So funny... - So funny.

And other day we did a tour with, ehm...

- Edward... Edward? - ....

... ehmmmm....

... Richard, sorry...

He was telling us the stories of the deep Amsterdam

He told us his own story

Another strong story

Because he was the son of a...

- A prostitute... - A prostitute.

- He knows really good how the life is... - And he was addict to the drugs, also.

He was in prison for 13 years... Or 10 years...

No, 10 years... He was addict for 13 years.

Its a hard story...

He let us know that Amsterdam has also those sides.

Its nice if you come to Amsterdam to meet him

Yes, sure. Everybody can come and meet him

And Patrick is really funny also.

And now we are flying to... Zagreb!


So.. See you in Croatia!

- Bye! - Bye, bye!

For more infomation >> LEAVING The Netherlands - Duration: 2:56.


RİCH VS POOR LİFE #51 - Minecraft - Duration: 10:25.

For more infomation >> RİCH VS POOR LİFE #51 - Minecraft - Duration: 10:25.


Million Hearts® 2022: A Compelling Call to Action - Duration: 1:00:49.

For more infomation >> Million Hearts® 2022: A Compelling Call to Action - Duration: 1:00:49.


Regeneracja Katalizatora Ford Kuga 2.0 TDCI 136 KM z 2008 roku - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Regeneracja Katalizatora Ford Kuga 2.0 TDCI 136 KM z 2008 roku - Duration: 1:24.


Makeup/Beauty Trends for 2018 │Nata Studio vip - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Makeup/Beauty Trends for 2018 │Nata Studio vip - Duration: 0:54.


Amulette und Talismane (Qameot): Wie sie funktionieren (Ätherebene Teil 3) - Duration: 10:40.

For more infomation >> Amulette und Talismane (Qameot): Wie sie funktionieren (Ätherebene Teil 3) - Duration: 10:40.


How Eastern European DNA is represented on various DNA sites and testing companies. - Duration: 13:22.

hello my name is Ilona and today I want to talk about Eastern Europe what is Eastern

Europe on different DNA testing companies and what is actually Eastern

Europe and does it really exist because I am not sure let's start with

ancestry what they on ancestry Europe East Poland Slovakia Czech Republic

Austria Russia Hungary Slovenia Romania Serbia Ukraine Belarus Moldova Lithuania

Latvia Bosnia Herzegovina Croatia

well don't think that all these countries 18 countries and they have for

example probably I am sure they have Finland they have Scandinavia which is

two countries or 3 maybe maybe Iceland also they count in

maybe Denmark goes in ok four countries Europe West is usually German

in France two countries British Isles and Ireland it's also like two countries

Iberian Peninsula two countries Spain and Portugal also many DNA tests Italy

and Greece separated or together ok well it's two countries what else and Eastern

Europe all this I don't know maybe 20 countries goes in one region it's

actually it's ridiculous and ancestry is not the worst of them but at least now

because they have these genetic communities and therefore they are

better but they still don't know all countries they put me in if you look

wider in Czech Republic Slovakia Poland iand Lithuania it seems that I have many

relatives from these countries but I am half Russian and half Latvian so I don't

know and then next one which is even worse

its Family Tree DNA also again Eastern Europe covers half of the Europe but

they can distinguish Western Europe like in at least five three girls how I don't

know of course I am not even talking about Africa or Asia or Native American

which is usually in all this DNA companies is even worse when they put

Native American two continents in one region but this time I'm talking

about Eastern European region because on almost not almost I know yeah almost all

of this DNA test I have east Europe as my highest

percentage the situation is much better on my heritage actually I can say it is

good today at least the Baltic region they have

Balkan region which again there are a lot of countries but

yes okay these countries are really very small countries and maybe it

could be hard to distinguish at least we have gedmatch and if they can why other why

serious big companies cannot do it it said much can I know why because they

don't care they're not interested to show more details and if you do watch

other we they also are people you know look at the ethnicity and someone was

east Europe and they even have no idea what east Europe actually is

countries most of those thinks straight away oh well I'm Russian or 23andme also

are quite bad at least they have Balkans Europe for them is only four countries

Ukraine Russia Poland and Hungary is Eastern Europe on 23andme

they do not even mention other countries or they don't count them in so why they

predicted me as 97.9 % Eastern Europe if I am half Russia and almost half Latvian

because Latvia is not here's why they didn't show that as like 40 percent

we don't know unassigned broadly something I don't know they could try

better and at least mention all countries for example the end

and Eastern European as I understand it they call at North Slavic or at least

largest part of Eastern Europe they also her Balkan and this is another thing

when people see Eastern Europe the first thing what they think it's oh I

am slavic hmm yes there are a lot of Slavic countries in Eastern Europe but maybe

half of them are not for example let's start Estonia I don't

know why they even put Estonia here in this Eastern European part well okay it

could be in Baltic because mixing between Baltics and Finn it was

it happenin yes okay but Estonia Eastern Europe? I don't know maybe the next Latvian

Lithuanian Slavic no these are also not like these are Baltic countries yes

maybe we have well if you look very very very very very very far away in past

some linguists put like Baltic in one Balto Slavic branch but this is still

not proved its 100% it's only at the next countries Romania and Moldova

not Slavic like definitely Hungary again next is Albania

well maybe Albania in some testing companies go under the Balkan and

same this may be Romania and Hungary also Austria and

so and some DNA testing companies Austria is kinda under Eastern Europe

but it's also not Slavic I understand why Austria could have some connection

with Eastern Europe historically and probably genetically so as you can see

Eastern Europe is not Slavic Eastern Europe is Eastern Europe Slavic is Slavic so yes they are

in Eastern Europe mostly but also if you what is actually Eastern you if you look

at Czech Republic Czech here is it Eastern Europe not really it's Central

Europe same as Austria also Slovakia Hungary Poland these kind of Central

Europe also I know there are in many countries Ukraine Lithuania

They have their spot which assigned as a center of Europe

and how you measure I don't know and again Estonia Latvia and Lithuania it's

Northern Europe because like on the same level if you look at the map it's like in

Denmark or United Kingdom or half of the Sweden and part of okay not half one third

yeah it's Northern Europe if you look bat Bulgaria or Albania Macedonia

or even Romania it's more like southern Europe the same level as Italy

what is left actually Ukraine Belarus Russia so Ukraine Belarus Russia

should be Eastern Europe but Russia most of the Russia is not Europe at all its

Asia confusing so as you can see it is hard to understand what actually Eastern

Europe is and especially on this to DNA testing companies they could generalize

it they don't it seems it's they even don't understand what they're testing

for this is this is one disappointment actually and I was disappointed when I

received my first the DNA results from ancestry 97% Eastern

Europe and that's all youcould put like 100% from earth doesn't matter I already

know where I'm from actually I knew more already before I

did this DNA test they didn't gave anything specific like if we compare if

we watch Irish British Iberian and Scandinavian Finnish it is more specific

Eastern Europe is nothing you cannot know it doesn't give you answer we're

your ancestors are from well of course they improved ancestry improves they have

these genetic communities Myheritage improved a little bit not sure about 23 and me

Family Tree DNA they can try better actually at least we have gedmatch

so I think that's it for today and goodbye

For more infomation >> How Eastern European DNA is represented on various DNA sites and testing companies. - Duration: 13:22.


ERDEM İLKAY~Mey Uzun Hava Dinle Süper Ötesi-Daye Daye Mey Dinletisi - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> ERDEM İLKAY~Mey Uzun Hava Dinle Süper Ötesi-Daye Daye Mey Dinletisi - Duration: 2:37.


CNN Openly Attacks Trump's Praise for Rev Graham - Duration: 5:35.


Openly Attacks Trump�s Praise for Rev. Graham

An article published Wednesday by CNN took aim at President Donald Trump�s response

to the death of Reverend Billy Graham, arguing that Trump�s statement �stands out like

a sore thumb� and shows an �utter lack of statesmanship.�

CNN Editor-at-Large Chris Cillizza�s analysis piece, titled �What Donald Trump�s quote

on Billy Graham tells you about Donald Trump,� compares Trump�s tweet about Graham�s

death to statements from four other �well-known Republican politicians.�

First, Cillizza quoted five statements, but did not initially tell readers which politicians

were making the remarks until further down in the article.

Four of these statements, all of which recognized Graham�s legacy while mourning his passing,

came from South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, Vice President Mike Pence, former President

George H.W. Bush and Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts who is currently

running for Senate in Utah.

�Dr. Graham was a counselor to presidents, a pastor to the masses, and most of all � a

loving, caring, husband, father, and grandfather.

May he Rest In Peace,� Graham said, while Romney noted that �The world mourns this

man of character, this man of God.�

Pence and Bush expressed very similar sentiments.

�That quartet all sound like politicians and/or statesmen in their quotes on Graham.

They adhere to an accepted vocabulary of how to mourn a public figure revered by a large

chunk of the people who did, do or will vote for them,� Cillizza wrote

Pence and Bush expressed very similar sentiments.

�That quartet all sound like politicians and/or statesmen in their quotes on Graham.

They adhere to an accepted vocabulary of how to mourn a public figure revered by a large

chunk of the people who did, do or will vote for them,� Cillizza wrote

�The GREAT Billy Graham is dead.

There was nobody like him!

He will be missed by Christians and all religions,� the president tweeted Wednesday morning.

�A very special man.

Cillizza argued that when compared to the �backdrop� of the other four statements,

�Trump�s quote stands out like a sore thumb.�

Specifically, he cited Trump�s use of all capital letters when referring to Graham as

�GREAT,� as well as the exclamation point at the end of the second sentence.

�It�s all, in a word, perfectly Trumpian,� Cillizza wrote.

He went on to note that, �If you like Trump, you view the fact that he doesn�t sound

like any past president (or, really, any past politician) as a great thing.�

For people who �loathe� the president, however, �statements like this one drive

you insane.�

Cillizza claimed Trump has an �utter lack of statesmanship� that he is seemingly proud


For people who oppose the president, then, this is just further proof that they made

the right decision by not voting for him.

No matter where you fall on that spectrum, it is impossible to conclude anything other

than this: Donald Trump, in deeds and words, is fundamentally reshaping what it means to

be president (and presidential),� Cillizzan said.

�There has never been someone who looked, thought or sounded like him in the nation�s

highest office.�

The CNN editor failed to update his piece to note that Trump�s tweet was far from

the only way he praised Graham.

As The Western Journal reported, Trump also issued a presidential proclamation ordering

that flags on public grounds be flown at half-staff on the day of Graham�s funeral, and in an

official statement, he recognized Graham�s role as �one of the towering figures�

of the last century.

�Billy�s acceptance of Jesus Christ around his seventeenth birthday not only changed

his life � it changed our country and the world,� Trump said.

�He was one of the towering figures of the last 100 years � an American hero whose

life and leadership truly earned him the title �God�s Ambassador.��

Billy�s unshakeable belief in the power of God�s word to transform hearts gave hope

to all who listened to his simple message: �God loves you.� He carried this message

around the world through his crusades, bringing entire generations to faith in Jesus Christ,�

the statement continued.

On Instagram, Trump also shared a black and white photo Wednesday night that was originally

posted by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

The picture shows the late reverend leading several black children by the hand in what

appears to be a poverty-stricken area.

When we all reach the end of our earthly journey, we will have just begun,� read the accompanying

quote from Graham, indicating that he knew when he died, he was going to a better place.

What do you think?

Scroll down to comment below.

For more infomation >> CNN Openly Attacks Trump's Praise for Rev Graham - Duration: 5:35.


GTA San Andreas: Multiplayer | Random funny moments - Duration: 8:14.

You ready?





How do you fly vertically with the jetpack?

Where did you go?

Wait wait....

I'm going to spawn a vehicle


What do we spawn?

What the fuck just happened


my god

Where are you?

Oh you're driving here wait

I'm driving around this tunnel

Which one?

There's a lot of tunnels

The one that's very big and transparent

And now I went... wait wait wait

Look at this, look at this

- Aha I can see you


oh my god

Where did you go? To the right or left?

Wait I'm coming to spawn

Oh I can see you

ok wait wait stop stop

Wait for me to get in


Come on, come on get in

We're gonna die


Are you kidding me right now?

Come on get in quick

He has to go around that's the main thing lmao

There we go

Don't you have fucking god mode on?

Yeah I do

No you don't, they almost killed you

They didn't kill me

It says that you don't have god mode as well

Oohh my god

What the fuck? Fuck off


Why is he even shooting?

Oohh oh geez

Perfect! Click 2

Hahhaha what the faahahaha

Look at that score we must have

Look at that rotation

Ok let's see what the rotation is

O hahahahaha

5 thousand

And now normal. It's all flat here what are you gonna do here?

Or not okay.

Wait what did I do. Come on for fuck's sake come here

Where did you go?

Where are you? -Wait

I'm gonna do something


What is this?

Wait what?

Is that a piano? No what is this?

Tell me what this is

Oh yeah that's the trailer for that....

I'm coming to you

What the fuck?

Haha wait

What the fuck what is happening?


I'm on a pyramid

What is a pyramid doing here in GTA San Andreas?

Wait wait... let's see what we got..

Trailers.... OOH let's go ride a trailer

What? I'm driving a trailer!

Ummm... look at this

Let's go drive this

What the faahahahahah

*continuous laughter*

But I can't... hahahah

*in laughter*

Do you know how this looks like?

I can imagine

There we go, there we go I'm coming back


Where is the fucking...

Seems legit.... what the fuck

Look at this

Look at what I am driving


You know how funny it looked when you passed by?

I love driving with this

It doesn't go anywhere

Woah look I jumped on a ramp

Hhahah I can see you.

Let's ride the stairs

Wait what did I say...helicopter

No I didn't say that

Do you know what I'm gonna do now?

Come to spawn!


Who spawned this? -That was me

What the fuck hahaha?

I'm gonna spawn a plane as well

How do you use this here.... wait I have to turn off my soundboard

How do you drive the plane?

I don't know

Is it the same as in GTA 5?

I spawned one too

Yeee look I'm flying

Woah it's so good to fly

I am flying

How do you fly here?

What how do you fly?

Where are you?

Oh I am in the cement truck

*in laughter* What the fuck

Come spawn, look at this

I'm on the spawn


Can I even get in? For fuck's sake

Yeah come on come


Why does it say dude on it?


On the side

Oh geez

You can't do this

What the fuck

You can't

Yeah I can do it wait

Try to go under it a little

Now now now

What is happening here? Look I did it


*another laughter*

Nonono fuck's sake

Good job


This game and it's physics


Let's go drive airplanes

No my plane is going away

*some fucking song that NoBrilliant likes to sing*

I am driving the combine

Holy fuck

Oh my god look at this tannul! tunnel*

Look at the tunnel

Look on to the tunnels please

Noo you missed it

I can't

I'm flyingg

Wait I'm gonna tell you where to go

For maximum enjoyment

Oh this game is perfect where you can fly so well

Wait wait wait...

Tell rockstar that it sucks dick

"Fix your game"

Teleport to me


Okay come on

You ready? Okay

Okay do the same thing as me. Three (two) four now

No no don't activate the boost

Oh my god that's so fast

There we go my motorcycle

Noo I flipped over

Look at this! If I land this

I landed

Oh my god

For more infomation >> GTA San Andreas: Multiplayer | Random funny moments - Duration: 8:14.



so one of the most common questions I get is Ola how the f%&€ do you write

your riffs and the reason I haven't really made a video on this is because

I have no friggin clue how I come up with riffs, I did a video on how I write

leads because I kind of know how I do it and click here

if you want to see that approach, but for this video I've actually thought long

and hard how I go about writing riffs and just as a disclaimer for snowflakes

this approach is how I look at riffs and how I go about writing them, it might not

apply to you or the type of music you like so take

all of this with a grain of salt okay but hopefully this video might inspire

you to change up your writing or try something new who knows, what's important

is that you find an approach that works for you, I kind of feel like I'm the

responsible parent right now here to tell you that you don't have to listen

to my shit, first of all I always thought that a very crucial part of why it is

relatively easy for me to write riffs has been because I've always been

writing riffs, like since ever I started playing guitar so about 20 years or

something like that so it's basically the same as practicing speed, you also

need to practice writing and the more you practice the quicker you will come

up with riffs, it's just simple as that, anyway for the purpose of this video I'm

going to break down the different ways that I come up with riffs but let me

explain to you what I consider makes a good riff now one of the first riffs I

ever heard that really affected me in the sense that like this is a really

good riff it was the Pantera riff for the song Walk that goes like this

now what makes that riff rememberable and why is it good first of all it's

easy, it's easy to get a grip off even for non guitar players and it sticks in

your head and you never forget it, it has that awesome groove you know that make

you nod your head also it has a small element to it that makes it unique and

it's that simple bend you know,

rather than going...

I mean all these elements to

this simple riff is what makes it great so when I'm writing riffs I'm trying to

go for the same type of approach I try not to overwork the riff I try to make

a riff that sticks and I try to find a groove now there are a couple of

different ways for me to write riffs and the first approach which is what I've

always been doing is just to sit and have fun with the guitar, fool around and

just randomly play and very important that you take your time with this allow

yourself to be bored with it, sit for hours I promise you, if you

sit down for two hours you might at least make one great riff and with this

if possible record yourself as well press record and just noodle around like

for instance I have Logic Pro X that I use but you have Cubase, Pro Tools or

whatever your simple program that you can record yourself with and just sit

and record yourself playing

I mean I start recording and if I come up with something that's cool I just cut

it out like this maybe I make it a different color who knows okay green

means okay so I basically just cut out that part and maybe I rerecord it better

or whatever and I mark it in another color and that way you won't lose those

ideas that comes randomly and after this I saved that riff into a folder of riffs

so let me show you real quick I have here, so in Dropbox for instance I have

a folder called "Riff and Ideas" and it's very simple here I categorize riffs so

whenever I'm writing a song that needs a riff and I feel like I can't really make

anything up at the moment, I can go to my riff library and I can quickly find something that

would fit and it might not be a sexy approach but this is a very efficient

approach to writing songs for me okay now the second way of me writing riffs

and this comes from me playing together with a band is to jam out riffs together

with a drummer and when I was a teenager I would go with my drummer to the

rehearsing room and just jam and with that you would write riffs and ideas in

a totally different manner than if you were by yourself now unfortunately I do

not have the time anymore to go jam with a drummer which of course is a shame but

you know how this you know you have family life you have work you have video

games you know but what I do instead is that I try to emulate this type of jam

session with using a drunk track in Logic Pro X so what I do is that I load up a

software drummer like this and then I just wait for it to load maybe


yeah okay so I find a groove maybe would have slightly more impressive drumkit so

I make a drum pattern or just find one in Superior Drummer 3 here and I

just jam along to it until I come up with something cool

okay very stupid but you know at least you're playing something because you

have to play along with those drums and it forces you to kind of come up with

ideas basically and it's basically you're just improvising up riffs and

this just gives a totally different vibe of riff and usually the more simple

riffs are written this way for me so if you

don't have a drummer to jam with just load up a drum track and jam to that it

works I promise okay. now those are the main ways that I go about writing but

you also have to remember that why one riff can be very powerful you can add

more of a dimension if your second guitar plays something different you can

add a harmony or a dissonant chord or just a total of different riff that

accompanies the main riff and the possibilities are endless with this and

the most simple riff can become absolutely monstrous if it's accompanied

by second riff a great sample for this is a part of the song The Haunted song

Brute Force, I have this really cool picking riff that goes like this

very simple and while that riff is cool by its own , I decided to add a

very simple pattern of chords underneath that riff that goes like this

very simple but together let me record that real quick

*f€%cked up sound I know*

okay let me record a second guitar

that simple small little detail makes the whole riff sound even more eerie and

more haunting in that way no pun so when you have that awesome

riff try to you know change it up can you make it better can you add something

to make it even better so think about that and just be careful not to overwork

it if you just layer a lot of harmonies and riffs and guitars together it will

turn into mush after a while and if you feel like nothing is coming out you're

just sitting there and you're playing and you know no good riffs coming out of

your system and even if you use the approaches that I mentioned and not a

single good riff is coming out of your fragile fingers a simple trick it's just

to listen to new music that you haven't heard or old music that you like for

that matter I mean listen to the music that you enjoy and get inspired and I do

that all the time when I'm in a rut and I feel like I'm not riding any good

riffs and it really inspires me to you know find something new and you know

think out of the box it's really good for you okay okay I hope some of these

approaches might give you an idea or two and like I said in the beginning I think

it's just as important to practice this just as much as it's important to

practice any other guitar technique that you want to improve eventually it will

be easier for you to make up riffs and songs and just have a bit of patience

okay and please if you enjoyed this video subscribe ok I've noticed that

half of my viewers today are non subscribers what the hell is up with

that don't miss out subscribe okay be a nice

guy but before leaving I would like to give you my secret weapon of riff writing

this approach is something that was brought down from generations upon

generations of riff writers and it's something we riff writers don't talk

about that much but I can assure you that 80% of all the great riffs you love

are written using this approach and now I'm passing

secret to you guys so let me show you

yes all right let's see

not too bad

For more infomation >> HOW TO WRITE KILLER METAL RIFFS - Duration: 12:28.


Should I WORK FOR FREE? #CyberDays 2018 - Duration: 3:53.

I am here at UCLA,

participating on an event called UCLA...

Cyber Days! About Blockchain.


I am here at the second day of the event,

And I talked to a dude,

he asked me why I was taking pictures and recording.

He asked if it was for fun and I said yes.

And he said like...

Don't you wanna share your videos, so we can also make our video?

Your photos and so on...

And I said: Of course!

And if you ask me if I am gonna work for free, I will say yes.

What is the reason for that:

If I do so and they like it, the next time, they are gonna hire me, for sure!

And then I asked him who was gonna edit the video and

it was gonna be himself and that he wasn't really good at it, but that they had nobody else to do that.

And then I said I could do the editing if he wanted to

And I am probably gonna edit the video.

And if he likes it, he can hire me the next time...

He is the guy that I was looking for,

I was trying that, since yesterday, when I got to the event.

And that's what I wanted to do. I hadn't really looked for it, but

But, he came to talk to me and everything went alright.

That's what I wanted to do.

There's no problem in working for free, so you can show your work.

And this is a big controversy in this audiovisual area,

Whether you should or not work for free

And I, yes, think you should work for free

For you to show your work, practice, while you are not so experienced,

And if your potential client likes your work,

You are gonna be hired and you are gonna get money, so

Yes, work for free, it's worth it.

I was planning to do a drone flight here, I think it's gonna be cool.

But I'm not sure.

The event is gonna be paused for 20 more minutes,

It is lunch time now, I did not have lunch, I've had some fruits, only.

But I am good, I'll catch it up later

For more infomation >> Should I WORK FOR FREE? #CyberDays 2018 - Duration: 3:53.


[FREE] Lil Pump x Smokepurpp Type Beat ''SNIPER'' | Rap/Trap Instrumental 2018 | Prod. by Leeder - Duration: 2:12.

[FREE] Lil Pump x Smokepurpp Type Beat ''SNIPER'' | Rap/Trap Instrumental 2018 | Prod. by Leeder

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