Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 23 2018

Hello my name is Andreas Heydecke from Heydecke TV.

Last Friday I told you all about

Tritec-Hair. I explained to you when we

can use it and that it is really a very very

good alternative to hairweaving or micropointing.

But I also promised you that we will show you this week on Friday

or rather Nadine, our Tritec specialist,

will show you how to fasten Tritec-Hair.

Come on,

let's go to the model, to Lena. Hi Lena

Lena: Hi. Andreas: How do you feel? Are you excited? Lena: Yes.

Andreas: All right. I will now hand the transformation over to Nadine.

Have fun with that.

Bye, your Andreas Heydecke.

Andreas: Wow, Lena,

Nadine. That's sensational.

Fantastic. How are you feeling, Lena?

Lena: Great, looks wonderful.

Andreas: So you saw Nadine do

this transformation. You have seen

that it is done relatively quickly and relaxed.

Without the customer's head hurting.

I can tell you that

this is an extreme innovation. Especially for customers

who previously had micropoint.

Or hairweaving.

This is a method that is extremely gentle on the hair

but also on the scalp.

Nadine, I have to pay a big compliment.

But also a huge compliment to you,

that you make yourself available to the audience

to show yourself

even with little hair. That should give you courage

to just call, come here.

If you liked the transformation and

the Tritec method, just give us a call and come to us.

And if you like all of this, just put your thumbs up.

Also visit our Instagram channel, our Facebook page.

I can only say wow, awesome!

Thank you very much. Bye, your Andreas Heydecke.

For more infomation >> Full Hair Transformation | Tritec-Hair Integration | Hairsystems Heydecke - Duration: 4:41.


Odd Couple - Vielfraß // Off The Road Sessions - Duration: 6:08.

Hello from the Off The Road Studios.

First, a disclaimer:

I'm doing this today

purely for financial reasons.

Joschka, Tommy - however -

call themselves „Odd Couple"

Why that is you can see for yourself.

Sleeping Beauty and Rapunzel here

are not advertising conditioner,

oh no,

they are here to play music,

considerably worse than your deepest fear.

On top of that we have to deal with

the outcome of two disastrously bad decisions

in their more recent history.

One: The two ladies are no longer alone.

The individualist at my feet

can now be odd, too.

Two: German lyrics are now employed

in the majority of songs.

That leads to the grave misfortune

of being able to understand what they spout.

Fireworks of nothingness,

all true to their credo

that a forced rhyme is better than none.

Where you hear sentences like

„You know who my favorite girl is"

the Schlagermusic TV Show is not too far away.

And one is tempted to call out to them:

Yes, please go there,

tickets are on me.

But before that,

for reasons entirely unknown,

they are now allowed to play a song here.

Well, dear audience,

grit your ears and get to it!

Or even better:

x out now.

For more infomation >> Odd Couple - Vielfraß // Off The Road Sessions - Duration: 6:08.


Speed Run ♫ 21 levels parkour 2244♫ KoGaMa #6 😎😜 ♫ - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Speed Run ♫ 21 levels parkour 2244♫ KoGaMa #6 😎😜 ♫ - Duration: 3:15.


COMMENT TOUT A COMMENCÉ ? - Duration: 10:32.

For more infomation >> COMMENT TOUT A COMMENCÉ ? - Duration: 10:32.



For more infomation >> VATAN COMPUTERI ARAYIP VATAN SİZE EMANET DEDİM!!!! - Duration: 3:51.


Москвичи пьют больше сибиряков, но меньше эстонцев - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Москвичи пьют больше сибиряков, но меньше эстонцев - Duration: 2:12.


REGGAE BEAT ► "T I N Y T H I N G S" ◄ Reggae Fusion Instrumental 2018 | Reggae Type Beat (FREE) - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> REGGAE BEAT ► "T I N Y T H I N G S" ◄ Reggae Fusion Instrumental 2018 | Reggae Type Beat (FREE) - Duration: 3:26.


VW Transporter Rock and Roll Bed Installation Overview By Base Campers® - Duration: 1:20.

alright so here we've got our rusty Lee in-vehicle tested so it's um it's a

bit better than a pull tested because what they did they took a van

chassis fitted Rusty's bed with Rusty's fitting kit and then tested the whole

lot actually in a van and rather than just strapped to the bench and this

one's been trimmed in real leather and this is, this is real wool this tartan pattern

so it's, it's quite a nice finish on this one I'll

just show you how it works gather up some seat belt pull the lever across

fold the bed out and then to put it away it's got gas strut on here so you just

literally get it started and it just puts itself away and make sure the

levers all the way across I hope you've enjoyed this video if you'd like to see

more then please like this video and subscribe to our YouTube channel

we'd love to hear any comments and feedback that you've got and don't forget to Like us

on Facebook Instagram and anymore info that you need we're at Basecampers.Com

For more infomation >> VW Transporter Rock and Roll Bed Installation Overview By Base Campers® - Duration: 1:20.


Mass Effect: M35 Mako - Spacedock Planetside - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Mass Effect: M35 Mako - Spacedock Planetside - Duration: 3:08.


Канал Телеграм в МЛМ-бизнесе || Клиенты и партнеры из Телеграм - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Канал Телеграм в МЛМ-бизнесе || Клиенты и партнеры из Телеграм - Duration: 3:55.


TM$ - Lucy (Prod Rewind) - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> TM$ - Lucy (Prod Rewind) - Duration: 2:35.


Speech in Japanese at the end of the course at WIZARD [#1 BERNARDO] - Duration: 3:50.

Good morning.

As finishing the Japanese course this is his last presentation.

My presentation is

about Japanese cuisine

starting with white rice.

White rice for Japanese cuisine is very important.

Vegetables, meat and fish are

just side dishes.


came to Japan

in 2500 B.C.

from Korea and south China.

Rice began to be cultivated

and it became the foundation of nutrition.

The next is chopsticks.

Chopsticks began to be used in China.

They're often used in East Asian countries.

They're made of ivory,

wood, metal

or bamboo.

From long ago people take them

in right hand

in order to grab rice

to eat.

The next is Sake.

Sake is

a fermented rice

drink. Sake has

15% alcohol.

It is made of just rice

and water.

When it's heated up to 45 ºC

it's called "KAN".

And when it's cold it is "HIYA".

Japan is an island country so

people consume things from the sea a lot.

For example, fish,

seafood and seaweed.

In the middle of the seventh century

there was insufficient meat so

it was considered as a luxury product.

Along with this

the law that prohibits consuming pork and beef

was established.

Chicken wasn't prohibited but

consumption was already small.

All of these

increased the consumption of seafood.

The next is Namban(European) dishes.

Portuguese and Spanish

brought Christianity, and

they gave Japan a permission

to eat beef.

Portuguese brought European sweets and fried dishes.

These dishes are called

Namban dishes.

That's all.

It was great. Thank you.

Hey guys, how are you? It's Harumi.

This channel has Portuguese lessons learning from Japanese and English,

BRALOG which talks about Brazil and its culture,

and other travel videos etc.

Please subscribe to my channel

and give us big LIKES on videos.

And I'm happy to receive comments and requests.

Follow me on facebook and Twitter.

See you on next video then.

Till next time, bye!

For more infomation >> Speech in Japanese at the end of the course at WIZARD [#1 BERNARDO] - Duration: 3:50.


Hilfe! Mein Kollege ist ein Nazi!!! - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Hilfe! Mein Kollege ist ein Nazi!!! - Duration: 3:12.


Ciclón - Yorclux [De La A Nada a Nadie] - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Ciclón - Yorclux [De La A Nada a Nadie] - Duration: 3:12.


How To Use Teleprompter App With The Parrot Teleprompter - Duration: 5:27.

In this video, I'm going to show you how to use the Parrot Teleprompter App, which

partners that cute portable Parrot Teleprompter, that I've made another

video about.

Check out my video review of the ParrotTeleprompter itself.

I put

the link below in the description.

This is Video #6 in my series of

videos about teleprompters and the second of three about Software Teleprompters.


my name is Sue Ferreira, creator of Wisdom To

Wealth Mastery, where I show you how to

take all the wisdom you have up here in your brain, brain dump it, organize it and

take your Wisdom to the World using video, because we're living at a time

where if you're in business, video is your most powerful tool.

I'm coming over

now to my iPhone and I am going to go to the Parrot Teleprompter App.

Here I am

now inside the Teleprompter App and the first screen that will come up is this

screen, with all the scripts.

You can see that I have several scripts here, as

I use this teleprompter a lot, with my Parrot Teleprompter.

This teleprompter is

very simple to use.

You have several ways of entering a new script.

First of all,

you can come to the bottom here, on the bottom left hand corner, and click the

plus button.

Up will come a page, where you can type in your own script.

Unfortunately, this has to be typed in, in the portrait mode, but I don't use this

method, as I find it a little fiddly to type on my phone.

I'm going to get rid

of that and I am going to go to one of the other ways, in which you can import a


There are two other ways in which you can import a script into the Parrot


One is to upload your script into Dropbox and it has to be in

a text file a .txt file, so I will write my script, in one of the many text

files, which are available, load it up into Dropbox and sync with Dropbox.

You will find your script will import from Dropbox.

I use a simple "copy and

paste" to bring my scripts into the Parrot


I just hit the plus here, at the bottom.

I copy my text file.

I come in

here and I paste, and everything works well.

Once your script is imported, click

the name of the script you want to use, and as you can see up comes the script.


click the play button and it begins to scroll.

With the usual little gear

"Settings" icon.

I have options to change the size of the script, in which case it

will scroll pretty slowly and I will have to increase the scroll size speed,

as I've done now.

I'm going to reset the size of the text and the scroll

speed now.

We all read at different rates.

The scroll will need to be at different

rates and as with all of these teleprompters, you will adjust the size

of the text, with the scroll rate, to suit your eyes and your rate of speaking.


the bottom here, you will see a tab, which says "Margins", because this app is made

for all size smartphones.

You can scroll the margins, so that you either have a

small amount going up the middle or you can make it scroll right across the


If you scroll down, you will find more option settings appear and the one

you're going to use a lot if you use the Parrot Teleprompter is the Mirror Mode,

so I turned the script now to Mirror Mode and when we come back to the script,

you will now see that everything is mirrored.

It is coming from the other

side and the text is mirrored, so that when you slot this, into the bottom of

the Parrot Teleprompter, the text will be mirrored - will be the right way up and

you will be able to read it on the Parrot Teleprompter itself.

You also have

the option to put Toggle markers in, to look the script over and over again, if

you wish to, and to lock this orientation into Mirror.

You can reset your script,

you can change font colors, you can change back


I like black on white.

It works well for me and if you wish to, you can

disconnect your account from Dropbox, but I don't see any need for doing this.

This is the simple Parrot Teleprompter App.

To recap again, you can use it, as a

straight teleprompter without using it in the Parrot Teleprompter itself, in which

case, your script will be the correct way around.

You have a lot of

options to change the tech side, the speed of scrolling and whether or not

you're going to mirror your text and color and background of your


It mirrors the text, very very easily and altogether is a very

slick simple little teleprompter.

If you liked this video, hit the "Like" button

below and leave a comment or a question.

Share the video with your friends

and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and

download my guide "Five easy ways to share your expertise", so you can share

your expertise too.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> How To Use Teleprompter App With The Parrot Teleprompter - Duration: 5:27.


【Reference】 Klocuch MAD Festival 2018 - Duration: 0:38.

Link in the description!


FULL VERSION ------------------------------------ MY PARTS

For more infomation >> 【Reference】 Klocuch MAD Festival 2018 - Duration: 0:38.


Detective Pikachu - "Rozwiąż sprawę!" - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Detective Pikachu - "Rozwiąż sprawę!" - Duration: 2:03.


UCLA - Story of KASHMIR // LED ZEPPELIN - Duration: 3:29.

Yeah Yeah Yeah yeah..

Well, I'll stop you right now, Auntie ...

When you asked Led Zeppelin the song who represented them the best

They were answering you ...

Back in 75

and it's on the album 'Physical Graffiti'.

Hop hop hop hop hop ...

Come back !

This New York building ...

6 years later, the Stones will shoot the clip "Waiting On A Friend".

Its fine, you can go now ...

The band is a kind of British "dream team"

with almost the best musician in each category.

That's why the album will be recorded in few days.

"Take this, Freddie Mercury!"

"Kashmir" took 3 years to be written

and the guitar riff is the extension of a cycle that was testing by

Jimmy Page for years in his studio.

A cycle that is being re-used in various forms

in different songs

For example :

And that's because the bassist John Paul Jones

was late for the recordings, that the first demos of 73 revolve around

drums and guitar

And that these instruments are so ubiquitous

And even if Jones ...

... added ropes with a mellotron,

he will not be credited as author.

To give power to the bass drum,

Bonham, the drummer, produces phasing.

It consists of doubling a recording

by shifting it ... slightly.

Yeah ... It seems SO banal today, It was absolutely NOTt at this time!

Other complexity: the battery and lyrics are on 4 beats

while the other instruments turn on 3.

And then, of course, there are elements classical music

Moroccan, Indian

and Middle East.

This is especially the first time Led Zeppelin uses external musicians.

Because on the song, there is still an orchestra of brass and strings.

And for once, it's not a plagiarism!

No because...

Page on the other hand ...

He did not hesitate!

Why "Kashmir"?

Does it have anything to do with the region northwestern Himalayas?

Yes No...

Finally, what they have in common ...

Both are cultivating the poppy perhaps!

So what about the lyrics?

"I flew ..." "O father of the four winds ..."

"inflates my veils ..."

Finally, yes ... Fair enough. We understand !

Yes, because in 73 ...

Just after their North American tour

Page and Plant join a hippie community.

The lyrics were written in southern Morocco.

It is by seeing this road

who was crossing the desert

and that seemed endless ...

that the enlightenment has come.

The biggest challenge on this song,

it's finally Robert Plant:

Getting to sing on this SO powerful song?

Anyway, he was petrified!

The best version of this piece

It's in 94!

Page and Plant meet 14 years later

the dissolution of the group after the drummer's death.

"Kashmir" recorded as part of the MTV Unplugged in Morocco ...

What's more perfect!

And then, you have the Puff Daddy version for

the needs of the movie remake of "Godzilla" in 98.

Puff Daddy ...

Who is even more "hip-hop" style than "hippie"!


Ooh, I think it does not stop him to know the "Moroccan" ...

Sam ...

If you get drugs ...

You can tell Auntie!

I also ...

Led Zeppelin

To be called Led Zeppelin,

it's still a little swollen!

Holy crap... speaking of Robert Plant, umm ...

... I had watered mine or not?

For more infomation >> UCLA - Story of KASHMIR // LED ZEPPELIN - Duration: 3:29.


Colorado School District Is Not Waiting for Legislators to Act — - Duration: 1:50.

Colorado School District Is Not Waiting for Legislators to Act � Allows Teachers to

Be Armed

As state legislators debate on what measures should be taken to prevent school shootings,

one rural school district in Colorado is not waiting around and has given the green light

for teachers and staff to be armed.

The New York Post reports the Hanover School District 28 board voted 3-2 to allow school

employees to go through training and be armed during school hours.

Fleming School superintendent Steve McCracken said staff who volunteer for carrying during

work will undergo 46 hours of training, including live fire shooting, have to go through annual

training, and will receive psychological examination.

�I don�t care if any of the staff ever pick up a gun,� Lawson told The Gazette

in 2016. �The fact that you have a �No guns� sign at your front door is an invitation.

If this resolution passes, we can put up a sign, �Some staff at this school may be

armed.� To me, that�s a deterrent.�

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