Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 23 2018

go with that choice I think that's to do with the way that Ryan wanted it to be

done because I did a little tiny bit of research before I went into the room and

I found out that she was the Black Panther and I realized the characters go

not before I found out that eventually she becomes the Black Panther so I

thought I had to go in being really serious you know no games all serious no

messing around and then yeah like Ryan just really wanted it to be like really

light and positive so she's still super small but where she is right now she's

just she's just a teenager and this is just like positive energy so I carry

that a lot and I'm just someone that wants to be positive so he would just

like draw from that put it into Sheree combine the two and we're gonna have

Sheree so that's how easy I love it now she's obviously royalty yeah so

would you like to see her move forward becoming the ruler of Wakanda or would

you rather go more the superhero route like Iron Heart the Ironman um I don't

know I think whatever she's meant to do we don't know what's gonna happen in in

the the Marvel Universe so if she has to you know she is royalty if she has to

take take take that place and help her help do whatever she has to do she has

to do it cause in the comic book she does that but where if she goes she's

gonna be fine you know she's gonna be alright

what it's good youtube Warstu Here a video on Marvel Avengers infinity war

so by now you should have seen the Black Panther movie it was absolutely amazing

let me know the cockblocks down below guys did you love it so for me the

biggest thing that came out of that wasn't actually the main star being Chad

at Bozeman it was actually Sheree Sheree was the biggest star of that movie for

me personally and throughout the movie I kept thinking of myself is she gonna

become Black Panther because there was lots of little comic book Easter eggs

hints I mean right at the start the movie we see him going through I think

it was the the forest would take her and there's a scene where anyone asked

anyone load light to challenge to your child to Chara and for the Black Panther

man oh and she briefly raises her hand to the surprise of all of them and they

were thinking is she actually going to fight her brother but no it was more

kind of troll in and it was kind of funny and throughout the movie there's

so many hints to kind of say that maybe if sure he gets more experience she

could become Black Panther one day just like she did in the comics so she built

she's built a plethora of different protis prototypes for the black panther

you see in the movie there was three suits one was taken by kil manga and one

was wore by black panther so certainly she's make a name for herself in at the

MTU and obviously if you've read the infinity war prelude comic you would

know that she's taken the Hydra out of Bucky and she's going to help Ironman

create the bleeding edge suit so she's basically a genius yet she's only a mere

child and it would be interesting to see if she takes the mantle up one day

because there's an arc in the story comics where - Charlotte

goes into a coma and temporarily she has to put the suit on so it's pretty

interesting but one thing that goes against her actually being blessed by

the Panther gods is the fact that kill monger destroyed the heart shape of the

plants that in nights the Black Panther superhero powers so she couldn't ever

actually become Black Panther with the superpowers unless something happened

where they could regrow that but I don't think that could have so in the

interview I played before she was asked if she was going to come back

or if she was going to become iron hark is also in the comics where Tony Stark

fell into a coma after get into a fight with Captain Marvel who interested

enough is going to appear in Avengers 3 or 4 RiRi decided to continue the legacy

as a hero with the guidance of the AI and duplicated Starks RiRi created a nut

much newer suit of armor and took up the alias iron ha an iron heart is basically

the female version of Iron Man so I think it would be quite interesting and

we do know that she's going to do something with spider-man I couldn't

find a clip but there is a clip where she's talking about getting into a fight

with spider-man no I'm joking where she's talking about upgrading his

iron spider suit with vibranium so just imagine how powerful spider-man could be

with vibranium going around the actual suit that could be pretty cool

so if Iron Man was to retire or to die shiri quite easily could become the

female Iron Man aka Iron Heart and also it would be pretty cool to see Shireen

make a black panther suit for herself in a black panther too because we know

black panthers 2 is coming it made 500 million dollars in the opening week

which literally smashed everything but will it do being in terms of box office

so in my opinion now I think Sheree is more important and Tony Stark is in the

terms of defeating a fan us because they're gonna have to use the vibranium

in order to defeat fast now Saints quite interesting is Tony Stark's father made

Captain America's shield out of vibranium but hang on a minute if you've

watched the Black Panther movie and you're not really that in-depth into

looking into things you'll be thinking well you see Claus was the first dude to

steal vibranium with the whole kind of a Romney made but I believe it was in Iron

Man 1 or 2 if you looked in the background there was a scene where what

Condor where Tony Stark was working for our age agents of shield which yes is a

TV show agent of shield inside that movie and you see what Condor in the

background so does Tony Stark already know about vibranium I just feel like

however they now defeats fan ass if they defeat Thanos which they have to realize

the end of kind of the Avengers forever even though there will be some kind of

soft reboot after this that she's going to have to be important because she's

made I earn months well she's going to help

make the bleeding su she has taken the Hydra out of Bucky Barnes at the end

we've got the white wolf bit but a lot of people think he could become Winter

Soldier sorry I think he could become the next Captain America like he did in

the comics personally I'd prefer him to become White Wolf I think that would be

cooler and also she's going to upgrade lychee everyone suit which is gonna be

pretty good cool so guys let me know in the comments down below do you think

Shoei should become a version of the black

panther or should she become a version of the Iron Heart character which be

awesome and do you think she's a pinnacle to the future of the MCU I

really do I think she's pinnacle to defeating a

phallus because age of Ultron Ultron character have AI bringing in and you

know how strong he was temporarily both on us must be coming to Wakanda for more

than just the stones because if he gets his little squadron of the Black Order

if he can kind of infuse their suits or armor with vibranium there pretty much

be invincible so I don't just think they're coming to a Conda for the soul

stone which is room and Lee there I mean there is evidence to suggest that it

still could be there or they could just be coming for vision because the black

order is just coming for the stone so they're gonna sense where the stones are

and obviously Sherry's gonna take the mind gem and out of vision without

killing him so it's gonna be very interesting but either way guys if I'm

wrong shiri is gonna be a badass and she is a pinnacle to the success of the

Marvel Cinematic Universe anyway guys please like scrub and comment that would

be awesome let me know all your ideas down below we are rumor D getting a new

Avengers infinity war trailer this coming Tuesday on Good Morning America

and if we do I'll make a video about it no worries guys like always I try and

keep up to date with all the Marvel and DC stuff for you guys so join team war

stat join Team war shoot down below bye it's in that Bell button and also I will

catch you in that comment section guys like always and I will catch you guys in

another video very soon sure yeah

For more infomation >> Avengers Infinity War Shuri Is Key To Beating Thanos!? Shuri SET To Become IronHeart In Avengers 4? - Duration: 7:47.


Hiero - "Avesso" (part.NZS) - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Hiero - "Avesso" (part.NZS) - Duration: 3:53.


Quist - Todos Saberão (VideoLyric Oficial) - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Quist - Todos Saberão (VideoLyric Oficial) - Duration: 2:32.


Why The Rich Love Destroying Unions - Duration: 11:57.

unless you're a non-union worker,

in which case that injury was your fault and,

by the way,

you owe your boss a new forklift.

The U.S. has an incredible history of organized labor,

and yet this year the Supreme Court might hammer one of the last nails into the coffin

of American unions, which have been losing power for decades.

So who's killing off unions so successfully,

and on a related note:

How do you sew Nikes?

Have you ever wondered,

how come kids don't work in coal mines anymore?

And why do we only work 40 hours a week?

And where did the the weekend come from?

He's so sultry.

They all came from the American labor movement of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

One made up of immigrants, communists, socialists, anarchists and other workers

who fought unfair bosses and corporations and were repressed for decades

until they finally achieved their Marxist agenda ...

of workplace safety regulations.

Our labor history is so badass that May 1st, International Workers' Day,

which is celebrated in over 100 countries,

started in the United States.

It commemorated the 1886 Chicago Haymarket Affair,

when police and labor unionists were killed during protests to shorten the workday to 8 hours.

But because President Grover Cleveland thought we shouldn't commemorate such a violent day,

we're the only country that celebrates our own Labor Day in September.

So if you think about it,

we're like May Day scabs.

So how have our union roots held up through world wars, Reaganism and global free trade?

Not well.

"Since the 1960s, union membership has declined,

and along with it the middle class family income has plummeted."

"And overall membership is now at a 97-year low."

"Just 11.1% of wage and salary workers belonged to a union last year.

That's almost half the union membership rate in the 1980s."

Damn. Unions are HALF what they were in the '80s?

The only other thing that's half what it was in the '80s is the purity of cocaine.

"I can't feel my face when I'm with you ..."

I'm just kidding, I do not do cocaine.

'Cause it's like the least woke drug.

Even though it makes you very woke.

And you'd think that since we're told by this president and other Republicans

how much their party cares about working people,

we might hear more from them about supporting labor unions.

Instead, you hear them professing to support workers with something that sounds similar.

"I support right-to-work."

"Well, I think right-to-work is a good thing."

"We signed right-to-work 'cause it's very clear that it leads to more jobs."

"Creating jobs, growing the economy and keeping pace with the modern world,

that's what right-to-work is all about."

"I support right-to-work. I actually, as president,

will sign and advocate for a right-to-work bill."

Ooh, spoiler alert, Rick,

you never make it to the White House.

You become a Republican pull-string doll on CNN.

Sometimes you don't even show up, they just replace you with a wax sculpture

and, swear to God, no one can tell the difference.

So what do they mean when they say "right-to-work"?

Well, just like any Republican talking point, it's pretty much the opposite of what it says.

Right-to-work is legislation that has been enacted in 28 states,

and what it does is prevent unions from charging compulsory fees,

even though all workers – whether they pay dues or not – benefit from union activity.

That includes things like collective bargaining for increased wages

and employer-provided healthcare.

Right-to-work laws, however, encourage workers to not pay at all,

because without paying unions they'll still get union representation.

But for unions, those laws will mean they'll be starved of the funds they need to actually operate

and advocate for workers, leading to fewer benefits and fewer rights overall.

Imagine labor unions are like the Beatles.

What's good for John and Paul is also good for George and Ringo.

George may have written "Here Comes the Sun,"

but all four Beatles got the number-one hit record.

But then right-to-work legislation is passed and all of the sudden

a bunch of no-talent hippie hangers-on show up with guitars

thinking they can be in the Beatles without paying their dues,

leeching off of the Beatles' success.

One thing leads to another and George stops sharing his songs with the band

and Paul is like,

"I want the right-to-work on me own album."

And John's like,

"Then I'll go solo as well."

And Ringo is like,

"Whatever happened to a little help from me friends?"

And boom, the Beatles are busted.

Anyway ...

how have workers felt about these right-to-work laws?

"We have the rights to have a good wage, and that we have a right to say what happens in our lives.

And they're trying to take it away from us."

"Don't forget, with all these benefits people have that aren't in a union,

the union's brought those benefits to everybody,

and they should be thankful for that."


That's the first angry white guy protesting in a helmet and screaming about brotherhood

that I actually agree with.

Union workers resent right-to-work laws because

despite what human-skidmark-on-a-quilt Mitch McConnell says,

right-to-work has ended up weakening unions' power and hurting workers.

Unionization in right-to-work states has been on the decline,

and while there may be more businesses and jobs moving into those states,

wages are lower in right-to-work states.

So the wave of right-to-work laws hasn't helped workers or unions.

And that doesn't take a rocket scientist to put together.

"I've also had a very good relationship with labor, but I also understand it's more expensive,

it costs a lot of money and there is a downside.

And it's very interesting, because I never thought I'd see it.

I'd never thought I'd see what's going on in Wisconsin and so many other states right now.

It's a tough time for unions."


You know, finding a semi-cogent truth from Donald Trump is like

finding a four-leaf clover growing in your bathtub.

Sure, it's rare, but

it's definitely not good luck.

And in that clip from 2011,

Trump implies that having fewer unionized workers is good

because it's cheaper for employers.

Which is exactly the group that politicians who push anti-union laws are looking out for.

It's not about a worker's right to choose to unionize,

it's about making it easier for employers to hire a workforce

that's more desperate and has fewer demands.

Listen closely to how they frame it.

"If we don't pass right-to-work,

we will lose out on the Volvos who just passed us by and went to South Carolina."

"Making America more competitive in the 21st century."

"We've watched closely what's gone on in Indiana.

They've seen many more companies look at Indiana, citing that this is one of the factors.

And they could have thousands more jobs than that state

because they became a right-to-work state."

They're basically admitting

that when faced with a global economy full of cheap labor and corporations looking to cut costs,

American workers shouldn't be protected with labor laws,

instead they should race to the bottom.

"Right-to-work" pushers don't look at an elementary school and think,

"These kids are the future."

They look at them and think,

"Those nimble little fingers look ready to sew handbags."

And ironically, some working class – yes, even some union members –

voted for Trump,

because they probably thought he was going to be on their side.

But this president and his appointment to the Supreme Court,

the T-1000 of terminating workers' rights,

might mean right-to-work laws could soon go nationwide.

"The Supreme Court is taking on a new case with the potential

to financially cripple labor unions that represent government workers."

Yeah. Government workers, including firefighters, police officers and teachers.

And even though the Supreme Court already ruled 40 years ago

that unions could constitutionally collect fees from all employees

for things like collective bargaining,

they're revisiting the issue.

And if Gorsuch votes the way he probably will,

it will totally cripple the power of public sector unions and workers

in the remaining 22 states that don't have right-to-work laws.

And that would be a huge win, not just for people who don't believe in unions,

but for the billionaire interests that are behind both right- to-work laws and these kinds of court cases.

And those do seem like they take a rocket scientist to figure out,

because there are a ton of corporations,

right-wing think tanks and foundations

who're pouring millions into the effort to kill unions.

And since there's been a bit of a work speedup here at Newsbroke,

my boss says that I have to get more information into less time.

So brace yourselves, 'cause we're gonna go through a lot.

Right-to-work laws have been pushed by ALEC,

the American Legislative Exchange Council,

which you can think of like a group bathhouse

where lawmakers are floated legislation written by corporate lobbyists

from places like ExxonMobil, Pfizer, State Farm

and, yes,

even the Cracker Barrel.

Because you don't want to know about the apple butter lobby.

ALEC also receives money from the Koch brothers –

the most heartless white male brothers since the albino twins from the Matrix sequels –

whose other foundation, Americans for Prosperity,

has supported anti-union efforts around the country.

There's also the $800 million Bradley Foundation,

whose CEO became Scott Walker's campaign manager in Wisconsin,

and who Paul Ryan once called his "political godfather."

The foundation has given $133 million

to the State Policy Network, or the SPN,

which is an umbrella group of 66 think tanks

and 87 other groups

that has an annual budget of $80 million

and whose sole focus is to undermine unions.

Included in the SPN are the Illinois Policy Institute

and the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation,

which have helped challenge union dues in courts

by getting right-wing attorneys to find public workers

to file suits

like the one the Supreme Court will soon decide on.

The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation

is funded by Donors Trust and Donors Capital,

which are, again,

Koch Brothers-affiliated slush funds

that are often referred to as

dark money ATMs of the right.

The foundation is also funded by the Walton Family of Walmart,

a company that requires its employees

to watch anti-union training videos like this one:

"The reality is,

you're not the only one looking to get your foot in the door at Walmart.

You might have heard stories on the news, read about in the paper

or seen it on the internet.

But labor unions are really interested in Walmart

and have spent millions of dollars focused on us.

We don't think that a labor union is necessary here.

We usually don't spend a lot of time talking about them."

"I mean, we don't talk about much of anything,

other than these everyday low prices.

[whistle sounds]

Oh, guess I missed my lunch break.

That's OK, I'll eat next week!"

If these aforementioned think tanks and foundations

can successfully destroy public sector unions,

they can do two other things:

undermine public education,

which they've been trying to privatize for years,

and getting rid of teacher unions is key in that.

And two, cut off funding for Democratic candidates –

'cause billionaires want to be the only ones to tip the scales in Washington.

And if all that weren't bad enough,

Neil Gorsuch gave a speech last September to the

Fund for American Studies, a member group of, yep,

the anti-union State Policy Network.

So he will probably be that tie-breaking vote needed to kill public sector unions.

Or ...

he might have a freak accident

involving a yacht and a whale and a bolt of lightning,

causing him to suddenly switch souls with the giant mammal

and enabling him to finally feel empathy for the first time

and cast his vote in support of unions!

You know, like

"Freaky Friday," but more like

"40-hour-work-weeky Friday."

But all is not lost.

Despite unions being at their lowest in decades,

61% of Americans actually approve of them.

And unions have been behind recent wins,

like for auto workers, flight attendants and, whaddaya know,

workers at the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas.

But to protect working-class Americans,

we might have to dig deep into our collective memory –

and maybe listen to the immigrants and the socialists among us –

and get back to our former badass American selves.

You know, back when maybe America was great ...

except for all the racism and sexism and xenophobia ...

we didn't wash a lot.

After all, who doesn't love the weeknd?

I can't feel my face when I'm with you.

Don't do cocaine. Don't do cocaine.

Thanks so much for watching Newsbroke,

I'm Francesca Fiorentini

follow me on Twitter.

And please share this video with your networks and let them know

about the importance of unions and the Supreme Court decision

that will be coming up very soon.

And hey, show us some solidarity and give us a 5-star review on Facebook Watch.

And if you're on YouTube. Subscribe.

Right now. Click that button.

And I hope you guys have a great weekend. Take care.

For more infomation >> Why The Rich Love Destroying Unions - Duration: 11:57.


live dragon ball figterZ 5 - Duration: 2:20:10.

For more infomation >> live dragon ball figterZ 5 - Duration: 2:20:10.



Just finished filming my intro for my would ITIN add a video and it literally

took me a million gazillion bajillion takes like it's just one of those days

when I'm like fumbling over my words I don't know what I'm saying but I got it

done it's finally like all my filming is done it's 3:30 ow but I wanted to share

this combo with you guys it's like my literally it's like my literally it's

literally my new favorite glass combo I'm wearing it right now with the NYX

natural lip liner and then most of this and then like 20% of this if that makes

sense this is the dose of colors gloss in on repeat and then honey I'm home oh

it's just so gorgeous I'm obsessed with it just waiting for sugar boy to be done

outside he just loves being outside like even if it's snowing or raining walk for

any he doesn't like but just loves the cold weather maybe it's because he was

born in December who knows maybe he'll grab some pineapple while I'm waiting

mmm pineapple what is he doing out there

I'm gonna use my fingers cuz I'm classy

oh my gosh so yummy so this bodysuit you guys I took photos

with it today it's inside out right now I'm hoping the photos turned out good

but just an update on the bodysuit the four is definitely really tight like it

squeezes out my hip fat I have to like rise up the side so it's probably only

gonna fit me when I lose more weight but this has a really awkward fit like just

to let you guys know in case you're planning on purchasing this I know I'm

not the only one that 7 I believe Carly said it as well it's a bit loose like on

the arm area but then everywhere else will be very tight so it's just like a

bit of an awkward sizing so just keep that in mind if you're planning on

getting it actually I just ordered this last night so I want to share it with

you guys those are not underwears by the way that's just a little bra let I want

to share this with you guys I just ordered this on Amazon last night and it

came in already this afternoon so how cool is that

this is the Joby suction cup gorilla arm so this is pretty much for while I mean

you can hook it on like stuff like that which i think is really cool but I'm

gonna be using it for vlogging in the car I do already have a car vlogging

tripod I think I mentioned to you guys that I got one but I mean it's not the

greatest I feel like it's just like it extends out too far it's not like

flexible and movable in the way that I want it to be like I want to get the

perfect angle and stuff so I really like this brand I'm actually

vlogging right now like what I'm using to hold the camera right now is a Joby

tripod I use the one that's like around $60 it's like a nice medium weight but I

figured I would try it for car blocks cuz I saw Melissa Flores actually uses

this I saw her little Instagram story and my sister was like oh maybe we

should try this so I went ahead and purchased this hopefully I like it for

car vlogs I'll let you guys know I guess we'll see so you guys I actually forgot

to show you because I just went shopping on Saturday and I wasn't logging at the

time but I picked up these adidas track pants you guys I have been wanting the

original like adidas track pants forever now and they were always sold out in

medium on Amazon and I believe they didn't have them on ASOS so I was like

whatever I just kept like looking and looking and I actually found them at

Vaughan Mills so if you guys are looking the adidas outlet at Vaughan Mills has

them and I ended up still getting a medium it

fits me perfectly the medium because it gives me a little bit of that like a

little bit of that loose look the small fit me but it was just it didn't look

like I was wearing track pants you know so yeah I don't know I really like them

I feel like they're super cute I know I'm gonna get a lot of use out of them

even though they were a bit pricey I just know I'm gonna get a lot of use out

of them because I do really love wearing track pants I'm so happy that track

bends is like in trend now and now it's time to clean the beauty room up but the

thing with me is is like you guys I can't leave I can't just leave this

stuff here like I'm I have to like tidy everything up and put everything away by

the way I just tested this out for the first time since I've like gotten into

cream contouring now and I really like it you guys like I actually really loved

the formula and the colors were really nice too

this is the medium kit so sugar must have stepped in something outside wait

go back I want them to see wait sugar must have stepped in something outside

his paws were smelling so bad so I just had to go and wash his paws look a

little feet look a little wet feet you dick beauty okay I'm sorry I'm done

embarrassing you just removed all my makeup got my nighttime skincare on and

now do you guys see why it's so pointless for me to tan my face I

literally tange my face last night and it was tan this morning yeah it's gone

because once I actually remove all my makeup and I do like my full skincare

routine and exfoliate and everything it just comes right off so there's just

like no point so I just got my order in from Ulta and of course the one shade

that actually looks like it's gonna match me completely came broken

yikes this is the shade light tan and it looks like a nice warm shade but it's

all broken I'm probably still gonna have to try and use it if possible just

because I really don't think these other two shades are gonna match me well well

this one will probably match me when I get it lighter but this one looks a bit

too pink this is the shade sand and then this one is medium beige but I really

want to try this foundation I'm probably going to include it in a full face for

depressions and I also picked up another makeup revolution concealer because I

really liked it but I wasn't a fan of the shade that I used so I picked up c8

and this one definitely looks a lot better I'm gonna open it up now but I

can just help by the tube it looks a lot better so here are the shades the bottom

down there is sand which actually doesn't look that bad the middle is

medium beige and then the top is light tan I managed to try and squeeze out the

broken one so you know we're filming when all the windows are open right

shake-a-baby it's just a little behind the scenes of what I eat in a day so I

just got back from the gym and now I came grocery shopping I figured I would

share with you guys a little bit of what I got for tias bell peppers spinach some

salami because I love it and some salad more pita breads for pizzas and cheese

and I'm getting these because I'm literally a six year old

indigo is so huge you guys

this is like my biggest tip you guys if you're like me and you love chocolate

but you're trying to lose weight just by the mini sized ones because the mini

sized ones are only well the arrow is 40 calories this one is 15 this one is 45

and then if you got like Snickers it's like 70 or something KitKat I think 60s

so really it's just so much better than getting obviously a full-size for like

300 calories it's just a lot better but this is like a way that helps me feel

like I'm not restricting myself I still get to eat what I like but just you know

portion I mean I know it's small but it's like my little treat at the end of

the night good morning you guys today is gonna be an editing day I didn't really

talk to you guys much yesterday but I pretty much just went to the gym I

didn't get any vlog footage oops my bed I would just went to the gym for about

like 45 minutes to an hour and then I went to the grocery store which you guys

saw and then after that I ended up coming home late and just relaxing but

now today I think I'm going to edit this vlog like whatever is you know in it so

far and then I'll just keep vlogging in and edit that after but I wanted to

share my sweater with you guys like how huge is this you guys my sister actually

got this for me and I just snapped chatted her and I'm like sis like what

was you thinking though like this is huge it's okay I'm feeling it though fur

around the house like it's super comfy I think it's from Amazon shake-a-baby

please shit shake-a-baby I'm trying to love I

like wearing shoes around the house but I don't know what am I the only one that

feels like flip-flops are so 2012 so I went ahead and bought slides the adidas

slide so I can wear around the house and I finally found them in my size because

the adidas slides fit really weird like I'm a u.s. six in the adidas slides and

I'm actually an 8 like I'm a true 8 in every shoe so yeah I have to get a 6 in

them and I finally found them they were in stock on the bay comm and I had 2

point 5 percent cash back from Ebates so yeah I got them

Liat goes through because i actually found them on sports check like last

month and then I got an email saying that my order was canceled because the

item was out of stock so can I just say I don't know why companies do that like

why would you let me buy it add it to my cart checkout get my hopes up and then

emailed me saying is that a sock yeah so hopefully that doesn't happen with the

bay oh yeah I finally found them I got the adidas cloud phone they're gonna be

super comfy for me to wear on the house so I'm really excited for that but I

have some packages to open up I figured I'm gonna open them up on the vlog with

you guys and look who is already ready to open up packages I'm telling you guys

I didn't say anything to him and he's sitting here ready to open packages

because he sees the box sitting here like oh my god you are just obsessed

sugar you're obsessed with opening packages this is like one of my favorite

things to do in the morning while I eat breakfast

it's it's morning time still but it's like barely it's like 11:30 Amy my

favorite thing is just to see what shows have been recorded this week mmm the

challenge you guys I love the challenge I'm Micah addicted to it well my toes

just popped up probably gonna watch that today I'm not really interested in

seeing being Gary okay we're gonna sleep that and dr. Phil I have like so many

episodes recorded let's watch the challenge there we go

you came down the stairs and this is how he's sitting look how well-behaved you

are you're a good boy time to open up some packages and see what's in these

boxes so first package is from Essie and it looks like they have these nail

strengtheners but they're actually like colours like normally nail strainers are

like clear but they have white nude pink and lavender so this one is from

Physicians Formula so there's a new charcoal cleansing stick so it looks

like they're getting into skin care which I didn't know

so this huge package is from t3 and I think it's their new blow-dryer so this

is their new a corrupt blow-dryer I'm really excited to try it because you

guys know I love t3 I really love their straightener I use it like all the time

oh and they also sent a round brush and a paddle brush and a regular brush so

this is what the hairdryer looks like you guys it feels so lightweight like

wow I'm actually really excited to try this and it's a lot smaller than like

your traditional blow-dryer are you guys so I am going to end the vlog here just

because I want to finish up editing it I hope you guys enjoyed I know it's a

little bit of a shorter one but still there was some awesome drone footage -

I'm really excited for you guys to see it I think a lot of you guys enjoy

seeing it because a lot of you guys are based in the u.s. it's a lot of you guys

are interested in seeing like how Canada looks and how Iran Oh looks so yeah I

hope you guys enjoy it and of course I will see you guys in my next vlog bye


For more infomation >> COME SHOPPING WITH ME + GROCERY HAUL - Duration: 12:41.


A Blood Test for Brain Damage - Duration: 6:25.


Concussions are just the worst.

Among other things, they can cause massive headaches, memory loss, nausea, and make you

lose consciousness.

Not to mention the potentially life-threatening complications, like bleeding in the brain.

So when someone hits their head really hard, it's important to know if they have a concussion.

And now, the process of figuring that out will be a little easier.

Because last week, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first-ever blood

test for diagnosing a concussion.

Concussions are notoriously hard to diagnose.

Doctors mostly base it on symptoms, using a 15-point scale to check the severity based

on things like whether you can open your eyes, whether you can speak coherently, and whether

you can move.

All important things.

Then, they follow-up with a computed tomography, or CT scan, which creates a 3D image using

X-rays and can show whether any part of your brain is bleeding, or if it's swelling.

The problem is, CT scans involve a lot of radiation exposure.

A head CT is like getting a hundred chest X-rays at once, and that can increase your

chances of developing harmful DNA mutations that lead to cancer later in life.

Not to mention, the scans only show damage in about 10% of concussion cases.

So as if hitting your head wasn't bad enough in the first place, you then have to expose

yourself to a bunch of radiation that might not even tell you whether you have a concussion!

There's a reason doctors do these CT scans, though.

They may not be very good at diagnosing concussions in general, but they are super useful for

detecting brain lesions — the damage that might mean there's bleeding or swelling.

And you definitely want to know if that's happening, so surgeons can go in and try to

fix the problem.

That's where this new blood test can help, because it predicts the results of the CT


The test works by detecting two proteins that appear in the blood within an hour after a

brain injury.

One is an enzyme in neurons that breaks down proteins they don't need anymore, called


The other, known as GFAP, is a structural protein in astrocytes — star-shaped brain

cells that help support your neurons.

Normally, if all is well, these proteins stay inside your brain cells where they belong.

But if you hit your head hard enough to break open some brain cells, the proteins will get

into your bloodstream.

That's what this test looks for.

Based on the blood levels of the two proteins, it can predict whether someone's CT scan

will come back positive or negative.

The FDA gave the blood test a green light because, in a clinical trial of around 2,000

people, it correctly predicted the brain lesions found by CT scans 97.5% of the time.

And it was even better at predicting a negative result.

So if you take this blood test and it's negative, great.

I mean, you could still have a concussion, but at least you know your brain isn't bleeding

or anything.

And you can skip the CT scan because it probably won't give you new information.

If it's positive, on the other hand, doctors will know to do the scan to see what's going

on in your brain.

So the blood test won't necessarily make diagnosing concussions more accurate.

But at least it'll make the process easier on patients.

According to the FDA, the blood test should help doctors rule out CT scans in a third

of people, if not more.

And that will add up, since about 2.8 million Americans head to the ER every year for concussions.

So hurray for less radiation!

If blood tests will soon be handy for concussions, how about something that sounds even more

futuristic: using artificial intelligence as doctors!

This week, an international group of scientists unveiled their latest effort to use AI in


Specifically, they programmed a system to diagnose eye diseases that can lead to blindness,

like age-related macular degeneration, where the center of the retina starts to get damaged.

The best way to diagnose these types of diseases is with an imaging technique called optical

coherence tomography, or OCT, which uses light to create a 3D map of the retina.

If the scan shows deposits or fluid buildup, you can use that to diagnose the problem.

In some cases, doctors can then start treatment right away.

The researchers wanted to see if an AI could make the same calls.

So they programmed a type of artificial intelligence known as a neural network.

A neural network is basically a bunch of interconnected processing units set up to analyze data in

a way that lets the system learn for itself.

To train it, you just give it a bunch of examples of whatever you want it to learn — in this

case, 100,000 OCT scans.

The then AI comes up with its own rules for solving the problem — here, how to link

what's in the image to the correct diagnosis.

Then, when you give it a new example, like an OCT scan it's never seen before, it uses

those rules to figure out the most likely answer.

Neural networks are used in some of the most advanced AI in the world, and this isn't

the first time they've been trained to diagnose diseases.

What's different about this system is that the researchers only needed 100,000 OCT scans

to train it, whereas most neural networks would need millions of examples.

They did that by using something called transfer learning to create a shortcut, basically borrowing

some of the knowledge from another program and applying it to this new, more complicated

problem — diagnosing diseases.

In the end, this new system could diagnose the eye conditions in 30 seconds with 96.6%

accuracy, on par with eye doctors.

The computer even outperformed 2 of the 6 experts in the study.

While these researchers focused on eye diseases, they also trained the system to tell the difference

between bacterial and viral pneumonia in chest X-rays.

And the same basic approach could be used for pretty much any other image-based diagnosis.

It will probably take a while before AI like this becomes standard in medical treatment.

But once it is, it'll allow patients to be diagnosed more quickly and easily, especially

when there's a shortage of specialists.

We have seen the future of medicine, and it is now.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow News, and a special thanks to President of

Space fSR Foxley!

It's wonderful to have his support and the support of all of our patrons. Thank you so much for helping people get this

And for helping us make it


For more infomation >> A Blood Test for Brain Damage - Duration: 6:25.


[Steven Universe animation] Pink Diamond gets her Pearl from Blue & Yellow Diamond - Duration: 0:41.


Yes Blue?

We have something special for you

Oh...! Is...My first Pearl...? For me...?

BD: Awww... They look so cute together...<3

YD: Indeed. Diamonds have a personal Pearl which match their personality... and behavior.

PD: ((this has to be a damn joke....))

For more infomation >> [Steven Universe animation] Pink Diamond gets her Pearl from Blue & Yellow Diamond - Duration: 0:41.


Aloe Blacc - What A Wonderful World (Live/Harry Connick Jr./2018) - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Aloe Blacc - What A Wonderful World (Live/Harry Connick Jr./2018) - Duration: 3:03.


Should You Use A Listing Agent or Buyer Agent to Buy a Home? - Duration: 2:27.

Hi everyone. This is your Tampa Bay Realtor Lance Mohr and in this video

I'm gonna go over a question I've been getting quite a bit lately because we're

in a seller's market and that is should I use the listing agent to buy a home or

should I use a buyer's agent to buy a home so I'm going to address that in

this short video ok this questions been around a long time and I remember when I

first got into real estate I had a listing and a gentleman ended up calling

me up he wanted to write an offer and actually thought to myself as a real

estate agent why would he use me doesn't he know that I'm already representing

the seller the most I could do is being neutral I

can't really say what the seller is going to take I can't give him any

advice so for this reason I would say never use the listing agent I know

there's a lot of open houses being sat out there by real estate agents and I

know you might be driving by a street and you see a sign and it pops up but

get your own real estate agent get a buyer's agent get someone who knows what

they're doing who's knowledgeable someone who you could trust that's got

your back because the listing agent and their brokerage firm is already in a

written contract to represent the seller so I would HIGHLY advise not using the

listing agent I mean and I ran into this over the time and I've even had buyers

and I've told them I said are you sure you want to work with me you know I

can't really represent you I have to really act as a neutral third party and

you know a lot of them said yes you know I said hey we trust you so that's the

most important thing to us but I don't think it's a good idea I think you

should get your own buyer's agent and make sure you get someone who's good and

have them represent you if you have any questions at all don't hesitate to give

me a call I don't love to help you out I love to answer your questions and if you

have any questions like this put them in the comments below so I could answer

maybe do a video on him I hope you have a wonderful day and I wish you the best

of luck in buying your home


For more infomation >> Should You Use A Listing Agent or Buyer Agent to Buy a Home? - Duration: 2:27.


Descubra o segredo de Brahma Extra #PuroMalte - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Descubra o segredo de Brahma Extra #PuroMalte - Duration: 0:31.


Plumbing Camera Inspection La Habra CA 800-538-4537 Plumbing Camera Inspection La Habra CA - Duration: 1:08.

Plumbing Camera Inspection La Habra CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every

6 months to come clear it out?

Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the

entire surface of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!

For more infomation >> Plumbing Camera Inspection La Habra CA 800-538-4537 Plumbing Camera Inspection La Habra CA - Duration: 1:08.


Monster Truck Finger Family | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Babies - Duration: 16:38.

Monster Truck Finger Family

For more infomation >> Monster Truck Finger Family | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Babies - Duration: 16:38.


NERF Putt-Putt | Rivals Challenge! - Duration: 10:51.

what's going on guys welcome to battle universe today I want to give a big

shout out to war robots for sponsoring this video

war robots is this awesome tactical 6v6 mobile game with dope 3d graphics I

always have fun playing because you got to have good strategy to win and

they're always coming out with new content updates with new maps game modes

all that fun stuff my favourite robot Christmas wheat it's all about Lancelot

brah we're not the only ones that have downloaded this game 70 million plus

have downloaded it install war robots now and get a huge starter pack of GI

Patton robot and a unique skin for it for punisher machine guns a hundred gold

and four hundred thousand it's like the link down below and download it now war

what's up you guys welcome to battle universe today we're in the putt-putt

challenge with nerf guns where you gotta shoot a ball on a hole yeah you gotta do

it in the least amount of shots whoever does in the least amount of shots wins

and we're using the hypothec we're using rivals it hurts like this alright we're

gonna be going from this tee where's the first hole

I personally make it in the hallway all right so it's on the other side around

the corner ten points actually if you hit CJ that points do nothing for me I

don't want points - ten point yeah you can use any gun just like you can use

any golf club this is why we asked her to lie so she'd be prepared but it's

Sam's turn again because she's the part of this from the hole wait who's

supposed to carry the golf bag we just can't our own guns Sam supposed to

because she's the boy yeah equality

porpoise are you still gonna stick with that gun

yes ma'am oh yeah yeah you're like a foot away

you should have bankrupt shot bacon crop it should have Bank robbed it he's just

standing out there he's scared before you step in you have to wear those you

know the rule oh not bad but not great right it's even further

just gonna take forever oh there you go oh haha

wait is that ob/ob I'm out of bounds sports okay

I'm gonna like shoot it right out of here wait your turn Sam you have a gun

yet how many how many like five that counts

nice how many strokes I like the golf claps I'm here

Wow yeah three wait bro you're destroying do that one right by his ear

I go first oh wait I got it get the bag oh yeah already got he was

too quick my turn ah my way wow this Alan does not fly

very far CJ you're right and stuff like clothes

right there see that making to the wall look right there that's it right there

and I start rolling dude that's embarrassing now you're

gonna have to like somehow swing it around

I'm gonna bend the bullet

oh nice minds come back that's a shame Brad here we get on the doorway you

might go through the doorway look Brian you went all the way through day I go

who shot right here so I used to bring it

drop it Sam your trap is open oh you thank you I thought you meant my zipper

funny way to say hey man your caps over oh wait oh sweet I went right here yeah

lean I'll hold your arms you lean over drop it

Oh under the couch Oh Oh what the heck yes caddie

oh okay wait up it touches water it's fine no it's lived across yeah sure go

for it breath is a warming very moist today's today I said today no really

it's Drive you know my breath is dry do

Brian go get the bag get the bag ready for this I couldn't focus the box where

the hole is no shut up Bush I did the same thing

Oh No yeah browse to the left oh that's not bad where you just weld around for

you three Oh bro no joke that one boom right here so okay

so that's one two three four I'm sorry what was that five I'm go right down my

score I got three maybe CJ's up there as a mystery I would shoot out of that room

if are you sure yeah you can do that even good no I don't

oh listen Ahmet do we not look for it go down like that

oh yes it's not in the water all right look well there's the hole my hill my

face wait I gave away the whole tour dang it

or Diddy Oh what yes hey you got in the water

yeah just go back to the stack up look here it is bounce bounce back right here

dang it nice piggy bunny mine sweet that's a creepy-looking Matt yeah how

did they get my face so big about right time it's the scale look over there oh

wait light in water no this is not what it is some carpet water no okay my turn

oh no no no no Matt Oh salmon I tied a

lunar this video right here is the last putt-putt that we play stop touching me

Brian also this video right here is the video that YouTube things you

specifically will enjoy and if you are new here welcome sir subscribe by using

this little button right there alright see you next time

Gigi what high-five by Megan hi

For more infomation >> NERF Putt-Putt | Rivals Challenge! - Duration: 10:51.


METAS PARA 2018 | Libras - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> METAS PARA 2018 | Libras - Duration: 6:41.


Support Small Channels - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Support Small Channels - Duration: 1:27.


The Solution to Gun Violence - Duration: 8:29.

The United States has more than 300 million guns.

That's 88.8 guns per 100 people

including those too young or ineligible to purchase them.

The US had 3 deaths per 100,000 people in 2015,

more than three times the rate of any other country in the world.

The US has had 90 mass shooters since 1966.

No other country has more than 46 million guns or has had more than 18 mass shooters since 1966.

Americans make up 4.4 percent of the global population but own 42 percent of the world's guns.

From 1966 to 2012, 31 percent of the gunmen in mass shootings worldwide were American.

Mexico and Guatemala are the only other countries to provide the inherent right to own a gun to its citizens.

When the Second Amendment was ratified in 1791, the musket fired 3 rounds per minute.

Today's AR-15 fires 45 rounds per minute.

Lobbying groups have paid the United States Congress not only to do nothing in response to gun violence,

but also to pass legislation making it harder to study and combat.

The National Rifle Association spent over 11 million dollars to support Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election

and over 19 million dollars to oppose Hillary Clinton.

During the careers of the 10 United Senators with the highest campaign contributions from the NRA,

they have received a combined 42,822,711 dollars,

plus 4,292,241 dollars to the top 10 United States Representatives.

Since 1998, the NRA has spent 202.3 million dollars

on candidate and party contributions, independent expenditures, and lobbying.

The Dickey Amendment, passed in 1996, prevents the Centers for Disease Control from studying gun violence.

The American Psychological Association, Doctors for America, the American College of Preventive Medicine,

the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Association for the Advancement of Science,

and even Representative Jay Dickey himself have called for the Amendment to be repealed by Congress.

To no avail.

5 perfect of gun sellers in the United States provide 90 percent of the guns used in criminal acts.

Yet the Tiahrt Amendment, passed in 2015, prevents the National Tracing Center of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

from releasing information from its firearms trace database, including information on these sellers,

to anyone other than a law enforcement agency or prosecutor in connection with a criminal investigation.

Although opponents of gun control say that the NRA encourages safety and "good guys with guns that stop bad guys with guns"

just look at what they discuss in their gun safety classes.

And look at the change in gun legislation between 1991 and today.

And look at the breakdown of the percentage of households with guns by state.

It's simple. More guns = more deaths.

There is too much violence in video games and media.

This is a serious problem with mental illness.

All of your statistics are wrong, liberally-motivated, alternative facts

We need to enforce the laws we already have.

We all hate gun violence. Don't try to politicize a national tragedy. We'll talk about gun violence later.

When is later? You say this every single time we have an incident of gun violence in the United States.

Video games and media are no more violent in the US than in other countries.

Mental health spending, mental health professionals per capita, and rate of mental health disorders are consistent with other developed countries.

Enforcing existing laws has not worked for decades.

Look at the ratio of cases of disease to grants from the National Institutes of Health from 1973 to 2012.

All but one of these diseases is basically cured.

Stricter gun laws work.

Look at the difference in the rate of gun violence in Connecticut after 1995 legislation tightening licensing laws and in 2007 in Missouri after easing them.

The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence finds that states where guns are more regulated tend to have lower gun death rates.

In its grading system, the strongest gun regulations get an "A;" the weakest, an "F."

And if that's still too narrow of a case for you, look at the perfect model: the automobile industry.

Laws and regulations pertaining to things like seatbelts, speed limits, and air bags

reduced the auto fatality rate per 100 million vehicle miles traveled from 9.35 in 1946 to 1.18 in 2016.

It is clear, unambiguous, undeniable truth.

More guns = more gun deaths.

More regulations = fewer gun deaths.

Let's talk about the problems with violence in media and mental health.

The latter you refuse to legislate more research, funding, and care for anyway.

But they have little to do with gun violence.

America must have fewer guns and more regulations.

They haven't listened.

To science.

To facts.

To data.

To statistics – however hard they may be to fund and obtain.

To classmates who implore them.

To responsible, law-abiding, gun-owners.

To 90 percent of Americans who support gun control legislation.

Because they are bought and sold by the NRA.

By their supporters and voters who care more about their guns than the lives of their innocent fellow Americans.

And let me tell you something.

Every single one of you – you lawmakers, you politicians, the NRA, your supporters and voters –

You send your hollow, useless, insulting thoughts and prayers, and then wait for each tragedy to blow over.

You sit there and witness one of the most serious public health crises that this nation has ever faced and do nothing.

You've proposed no legislation, no solutions, no action.

Well there is blood on your hands.

And you are complicit in the homicide of thousands of Americans.

You are accomplices in murder.

Vote them out.

Protect our children, our families, our law-abiding gun owners.

Get the NRA money out of our government.

Get the heinous, vile, evil people who love guns more than children out.

Do your civic duty.

Do the only thing we have left to do.

For more infomation >> The Solution to Gun Violence - Duration: 8:29.


Intercomp Digital Angle Gauge - Quick Facts - - Duration: 0:57.

Hey everybody this is Ryan w/

The Intercomp Digital Angle Gauge

An important tool to have for scaling and measurements

Very precise tool that measures to the 10th of a degree

Digital light up display - easy to read

Simply attach it with using the magnets on three different sides.

Find it @

For more infomation >> Intercomp Digital Angle Gauge - Quick Facts - - Duration: 0:57.





BY Dylan Charles

They say that energy goes where attention flows.

And in today�s insane media universe, our attention is everywhere.

Which means our energy is everywhere, and if it�s everywhere, it�s not where we

need it most, contributing to our personal health and wellness.

This is especially true in times of crisis, when tragic events flood society-at-large

with intense fear, anxiety, and worry, causing extreme stress.

When human beings are operating in these states, our spiritual energy is drained, and physical

and psychological health rapidly deteriorate.

There is more to this than just a feeling, it�s the science of Chi, your life force


Taoist master and author of numerous books on personal energy development, Mantak Chia


�But what is this �chi�, and where does it come from?

The chi is the primordial life force itself.

It begins in human life with the piercing of an egg by a sperm cell.

From this original fusion an enormously complex new human being develops.

�Chi� is the continuous flow of energy linking the various tissues, organs and brain

functions into a unified whole � a person.

Chi also links this person to his environment.� ~Mantak Chia

Conserving, protecting and strengthening your chi is challenging today with so many distractions

and with so many negative emotions in motion around us.

Remarking in an article on Taoist Cosmic healing, Chia explains how negative chi affects us.

In the Healing Tao, physical health, mental health and spiritual growth are different

parts of the same process; they are all related to keeping the Chi flowing strongly and smoothly

through our body.

Our emotions are intimately related to both our health and our spiritual development.

Negative emotions, like anger, explode and chase the energy out of our body.

Similarly, when we feel afraid, we contract so much that we literally squeeze the Chi

out of our body.

I am sure that you have noticed how depleted you feel after bouts of strong negative emotions.

This is not to say that you should never feel fear or get angry; these emotions are natural

and appropriate at certain times, and if you didn�t feel them then, something would be


But if they become your chronic way of responding, your energy becomes stuck in these emotions

and you feel them at times that are inappropriate.

Your Chi will become blocked and will drain out.

Emotions can be one of our biggest energy drains, and without strong Chi, health will

eventually suffer and spiritual practice will feel difficult or impossible.

~Mantak Chia

Chia�s practices and teachings have greatly benefitted my life.

Many years ago I used the instructions in his book, Awaken Healing Energy Through The

Tao: The Taoist Secret of Circulating Internal Power, with great effect to awaken this life

force energy within me.

His most fundamental meditation practice, the microcosmic orbit, is a simple but powerful

exercise that anyone can do to develop a stronger connection to their life force energy.

Speaking recently with Brian Rose of London Real, Chia explains what the microcosmic orbit

is about, and why it�s so important that we turn our focus inward toward the body.

If the brain is always so intently focused on the external world, the brain is not able

to do the important work of regulating the organs of the body,

Focusing inward and calming the mind is essential for health, especially in an environment so

rich with negative emotions.



Evotech oil cooler and rectifier guard - Scrambler Project Ep 12 - Duration: 8:13.

hey guys welcome back for another episode of the Ducati scrambler project,

this episode is entirely dedicated to evotech, we're going to install the oil

cooler guard and the rectifier guard, 2 easy installations for two pieces that

can save you a lot of headaches so enough with the chitchat let's get on it.

we are going to begin with the oil cooler itself, now before we put the oil

cooler on we actually got a prep the the part itself, the prep is very easy we're

gonna grab this adhesive neoprene and we're gonna stick it where the

instructions say to stick it, easy enough, I really believe that I don't have to

teach you guys how to put a sticker on on a piece of aluminum, so, they go one

over here, one over here and one down here on the oil cooler itself, so once

you do that I recommend to clean the oil cooler down here with some alcohol,

before you put the neoprene on, other than that we need to pick up our four

millimeter allen key and remove those three bolts, one two and three, now I'm

gonna try to remove just those two and see if I have a little bit of luck and

spare myself some work, the plastic is very soft up top so I'm hoping that I

can actually push it out of the way rather than remove it completely, just

like that so instead of removing it totally I'm just gonna push it up and do

the work over here, at this point installation is very easy we will pull

these out of the way and we put the oil cooler on it, like

this from the top and then we pulled the bottom down a bit and go around make

sure that all three lips are snug around it, make sure that the all part is

actually snug with the oil cooler and that's it, let's put the screws back in

place, here we go we can now move on to the next cover, when it comes to the

rectifier guard, is still an easy installation but this time around evotech

actually gives you longer bolts and spacers, so the way is going to work is

you get your rectifier guard pass the bolt through the rectifier guard like

this and then you put the spacer in the back, once you have the bolts set up on

the rectifier guard, you can go ahead and install the rectifier guard right on the

bike and to do that we need to remove those two screws over there, just like

the screws we removed before those are four millimeters as well, four millimeter,

let's get on it, because of the confined space I'm gonna use something a little

smaller to remove those screws, one is out I'll use the big one to undo and

then the little one to pull it out, once those two are out don't worry this thing

is not gonna fall it's been held in place by the wires let's get a rectifier

guard and let's put it in

and tie it up, that's it small part easy installation to get rid

of a lot of the headaches, if a rock hits your oil cooler over here it's a mess

and same thing with the rectifier if it gets hit pretty good you might break a

blade or two, another installation is complete the scrambler looks great, but

that's mine so of course it looks great to me, those two parts look proper they

look like they belong and obviously the hexagon theme matches the light protector

still from Evotech, so in short what do we have on the bike from Evotech, we

have the caliper protector, we have the headlight protector, we have the oil

cooler protector, we have the rectifier protector, we have in the back the

paddock spools to put the bike on the stand and I believe that's it for evotech

so the only thing missing from the evotech catalogue it's pretty much the

cover down here, but that cover will interfere with the crash bar so what I'm

planning on doing is getting the evotech cover down there , cutting it just to have

the top part and use it to protect the head on the bike, it's gonna be a longer

episode on that one there is going to be some fabrication involved, on that note

the bike is almost close to completion that

means that I'm gonna need another bike to give the Albe's treatment to, those

bikes are not going anywhere, I'm gonna add a bike and therefore I'm

gonna add something that is fast on the street, I'm looking at four different

bikes, BMW s1000r, Ducati Monster 1200 s, Aprilia Tuono 1100 v4 and the Triumph

Speed Triple, now triumph came out with a brand new

one right now so it's not gonna be cheap to get one of those but it is what it is.

so check the cards on this video, vote for which bike you think I should get

next and to see the results, go to, as always for anything i use in this video

links is in the description if you liked the video like if you loved the video

obviously subscribe right on I'll see you next time

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