Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 23 2018

This is Street Market in Thangal Bazar Imphal Manipur

In imphal there are no shopping malls so street market is always crowded.

There is not much scope for bargaining. Still you can ask discount upto 10-15%

The sellers are from Imphal city as well as nearby villages.

Lots of Bengali, and people from UP and Bihar also shifted here and sell their service and products.

You can find cheap clothes, Warm clothes, toys, souvenirs, Shoes, Bags and many more

It is most crowded in the evening

Traffic police close the one way road and divert traffic to other road.

Market starts at 2 pm and close 6pm because after 6 pm everything close down

For more infomation >> Stree Market Manipur HD | Women Women Everywhere - Duration: 4:23.


《Girls' Talk - 豁出去漫遊》第47集 - 埃及 - Duration: 11:59.

For more infomation >> 《Girls' Talk - 豁出去漫遊》第47集 - 埃及 - Duration: 11:59.


Second Lego Haul Of February 2018 - Duration: 2:07.

Hey everyone!

JAYSTEPHER with the second haul for February 2018.

I'm assuming this is the missing pieces

to replace on the Detective's Office.

I already feel a receipt,

and I haven't even started yet.

Get that out of there.


"We're sorry that there was something wrong with your new LEGO® set."

Apology accepted.

Let's pull these out.

So I was missing that 1 by 4 plate.

Here it is,

and this fancy decorative brick.

Let's put this on the Detective's Office.

Now let's see if this is going to be an easy installation.

Looks like this just sits in like that.

Oh yeah.

Now that looks complete.

It doesn't look like it was a botched up job.

Now I can safely say that the Detective's Office is 100 percent complete.

I still love this set.

It has a lot of great detail.

So that completes the haul for February 2018.

Thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> Second Lego Haul Of February 2018 - Duration: 2:07.


【MMD】 Yandere Simulator『Wrecking Ball』Motion data DL+ - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> 【MMD】 Yandere Simulator『Wrecking Ball』Motion data DL+ - Duration: 2:11.


Donald Trump Transformation Video From 1 To 73 Years Old - Duration: 5:32.

Donald Trump Transformation Video From 1 To 73 Years Old

Donald Trump | From 4 To 71 Years Old

Donald Trump

The Shocking Transformation

Donald Trump - Vladimir Putin

Donald Trump | Transformation From 3 To 73

For more infomation >> Donald Trump Transformation Video From 1 To 73 Years Old - Duration: 5:32.


Gatillo fácil | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:42.

For more infomation >> Gatillo fácil | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:42.


Marines prepares for convoy to Hiroshima - Duration: 1:18.

It's from marine wing Support Squadron 171 s motor transport section constantly

prepare for what might come their way. The marines test tire pressure and gun

turrets for convoy to Hiroshima.

-What we're doing with the convoy is uh we're

trying to ensure that more motor teeth is capable of completing a movement for

instance from mws there's one song one including Japan to kal Comi which is the

Army Depot approximately an hour away from here.

In preparation for the convoy

these Marines ensured that every piece of equipment runs seamlessly and will

not quit under pressure.

-That's basically to know what you like kind of noticed me

in the Marines are doing is uh is our extra lot of maintenance so so as

operators we do thing called PMC s preventive maintenance checks of

services so exactly this check in the normal operation of the truck

normal where's our stuff tires any any leaks pulleys anything like that.

Smooth equipment operation ensures a smooth convoy and mission success.

Our RO now is this get it off base safely and get it

through town and then get Scout economy and successful combo.

-Reporting from Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni Japan I'm Marine corporal David Bickel

For more infomation >> Marines prepares for convoy to Hiroshima - Duration: 1:18.



Welcome! Welcome!

You are caught in the net.

Today, i'm not going to talk about Priya Prakash Varrier at all.

This is called "CLICKBAIT"

Placing a misleading title or unrelated image to trick you to click the video.

This is called, CLICKBAIT.

That's what we are going to talk about today on EPISODE 6 of, CAN WE JUST TALK?

There is an actual video with this title in BEHINDWOODS channel.

There are alot of people who uses those words in the video but...

they are basically saying the video is just overhyped/overrated.

They are saying, you don't need so much of hype for just winking.

No one is specfically talking about Priya Varrier.

Because when we see the title, all of us will be infuriated.

"Who is speaking like that about our darling?"

Because of that curiousity, you will click the video.

This is what you call, putting a bait and reeling it in.

Not just behindwoods, almost everyone in the online platforms is doing this.

New channels do this. Bloggers do this. Famous youtubers do it.

Because at the end of the day, its about how many views you get/how many clicks you get.

Every view/click is money.

So, RJ balaji...

So, he is doing an interview for behindwoods.

So when the interview came on youtube, the title was misleading.

It was his quote but it was taken out of context.

RJ balaji confronted them and said that this title was not correct.

Because this is an injustice.

Someone trusts you and comes to do an interview for you.

but when the interview comes out, its packaged as controversy.

Let's say, i'm scrolling my youtube feed.

And i see this video with its title.

it will be stuck in my head that, this is what RJ BALAJI had said and i'll move onto the next vid.

then as far as i'm concerned, this is what he meant.

So it looks like you are misrepresenting the character of your interviewee. which is morally wrong.

And regarding this incident, a RJ balaji fan sensibly replied.

What he said is the truth. We look at RJ balaji as a jolly person. we don't need him to say something controversial to view his video.

This clickbait trend is disturbing but...

it doesn't mean that i'm a saint and i don't watch such videos.

I watch alot of this types of clickbait videos all day long.

I'm just curious!

i won't lie like that.

Sometimes even i have the "what's happening in that person's house" mentality.

Basically, i don't like it when it becomes too much.


He only walked from here to here.

This is called "walkout"?

At the end of the day, as a creator and as an editor, we all have a responsibilty.

We know how people perceive the video when we put it out.

Even after knowing that, if we purposely do this trickery, that's what's not right.

This is a clickbait article.

Popup articles that appear when we are surfing facebook.

The article's title was...

So immediately, we think, OMG, an indian captain is being attacked by pakistani people!

But...when i clicked the article...

Damn you people...!

The pakistani people are star struck by the indian captain.

But the title of this article is so misleading that

If a news media outlet had picked up and ran this story, imagine what would have happened.

But, we can't blame this kind of creators 100%.

They know our pulse very well.

They know very well, what they need to write to attract us.

Right now, in our society, thousands of peoplre are fighting for our basic rights.

But they all didn't get 600k followers overnight but just by winking, someone got it.

This week, in syria, in just 2 days, more than 200 people had died.

But there is always this group who is more interested in what kareena kapoor's son taimur had for breakfast.

The entire world was crashing but there a group of millions more intrigued by...

Is kylie jenner pregnant?

but listen, i'm not blaming everyone.

There are thousands, so many people who are concerned about our society.

but there is always this group over here...

who are interested in all those....

Its because of people like this, clickbaits exist.

People who are easily manipulated.

I'm not going to repent anyone by sitting here.

My job is to not put misleading titles and keep it honest.

If your fans only click your video if you put this misleading titles....well, then you need to rethink your strategy.

We don't 100% watch a video or read an article because of its content but because of the subject of the video.

Sometimes when we see a video, and its a person we admire alot, we don't even care about the title. We just watch the video.

Just thinking about being in the top/trending/viral every week....i already feel sleepy thinking about it.

If you are trending and you are viral because of your content, that's good news.

If you got on the trending because of the title....

To last forever, be honest and be true to your content.

If you are a fan of someone who put this misleading titles, tell them you will watch their videos regardless of the titles.

With that self assurance, they might stop

Look, people are very aware of what's happening these days so they won't put up with all this for long.

So, that's it for today's episode. I'll meet you next week with MOM.

For more infomation >> PRIYA VARRIER AVLO IAAM WORTH-U ILLA - Duration: 7:22.


MV 22 Osprey tail gun shoot - Duration: 0:52.

Whether a pilot goes down whether the constant to be taken out our platform

has been proven to be the fastest one in and out of the zone. Today we did it tail

gunnery we have the defensive weapon system on board and then on the ramp we

have the m240 Delta. So the mission of third mole tactical recovery of aircraft

and personnel that's our primary mission overseas right now that's what we're

training for battlefield elimination aerial delivery combat assault transport.

We can do all the above the uses for the ramp mounted weapon system as well as

the defensive weapons system is clearing the areas as we go in or out of them get

the enemy's head to go down just long enough for us to mover that aircraft and

get out safely.

For more infomation >> MV 22 Osprey tail gun shoot - Duration: 0:52.


5 steps to perfect embroidery - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> 5 steps to perfect embroidery - Duration: 3:15.



As I continue to keep talking about this practical resilience framework

I keep now I'm starting to get into where start the things start to collide

and to converge where the three main pillars were adversity, mindset, gratitude

the last video was about discipline which is that convergence between

adversity and mindset now as you learn to build in these habits as you learn to

get great at what you want to proceed at then it becomes an obsession so for me I

started so small I got to the point where was running ten kilometers and I

ran a marathon then I did ultra marathons and it was to the point where

you could do 24-hour treadmill challenges and then 40 events or one

year and then having the opportunity to run down Everest and this isn't to boast

it's just because I'm always looking at bettering myself because it's me versus

me at the end of the day man it's not me verse you. It's not me vs. Conor McGregor.

It's not me verse Mandela any of that. It's I'm just because at the end of

the day those people everyone else has their own story! You included and it's

I've had different parents to you I had different upbringing

do I look completely different - I different childhood and at the end of

the day our visions are gonna be different

it's okay to have the same values I've learned but it's me verse me and then

when people go oh you're superhuman to run a race on Everest because I had the

opportunity came from what I was doing and I said "hell yeah" because this is

gonna help with what I'm doing it's gonna scale me up as a person. And I feel

as soon as the moment I realize it's it's okay to not be okay. and that's

that's my baseline for where I can grow, then that was the moment I realized do

not compare yourself to other people Tofe and I feel like everyone out here

can can learn that it's it's where I said in the last video you learn about

having a reps and sets mentality for everything that will give you a six pack

mind. There was even this one time I could relay it back to and this is how

like obsession has worked really well for me. When I had the opportunity to go

to the Himalayas there were these ladder crossings over crevasses. So, for those

who don't know what ladder crossing is or what a crevasse is,

sorry it's these open cracks that's caused by avalanches. There in

that last recent Everest movie, and that one of the biggest killers of climbers.

Now, when I had the opportunity to summit Island peak which is in the Himalayan

region, before I did this massive race we have to cross four ladder crossings

and my first thought when I got to them was "I got this, bro." It was like I

knew it straightaway and like years years years ago I would have freaked out

and why's that? because I've made fear my best friend and it was an obsession with

rewind those neural pathways because when you come across a tough decision

it's fear verse trust. You can't have both you can't hop earth so

what are you gonna pick fear or are you gonna be trust? How I learned

to come across these tough situations was literally by putting myself through

adversity every day. Whether it's having a cold shower

whether it was signing up for anything new to the point where you know it's

it's fearful because your heart rates going through the roof you're having

these thoughts where your flight or flight is activated and going now to

turn around. I remember those this one time when I

sign up for an 80km (50mi) paddleboard I sound a paddleboard and the board sponsor that

goes you can train with us okay so Monday morning I'm on the way to

training 5:30 a.m. I'm freaking out because I've never trained with any

anyone like this before and it's exact same reason when doing anything for the

first time and so in those situations what's the worst that can happen? So, it's

it's helped me having that mindset to be obsessed with pushing myself obsessed

with making fear my best friend that when I come across these situations

where it's got ladder crossings now and if I fall and I'm kind of screwed that

it's at the end day it's going to be okay. And all the greats they I've been

studying these amazing people and they all come across this same mentality so

they just their perception of fear is completely different everyone else's

it's fear is just really a four-letter word!

and some people perceive it where it's a canyon distance apart you want to by

putting myself through simulated adversity it's just really another it's

just so when I deal with that fear it's just a hop over now and sometimes that

fear is a lot more scarier some it there are certain times where I'm still trying

to deal with it because it's still entirely new so I it's a work in

progress to keep making better and better but as I have transformed myself

and progressed it's it's gotten so much better. It's immensely getting better and

for me to always thinking I can get better. I can get better. I can get better.

You can as well! That's why I think obsession is so important I'm not

talking about addiction. If you look at what Conor McGregor says he goes "I'm not

talented I'm merely just obsessed" and I highly agree with them and I think

having that attribute will make you stand out from the rest but here's the

problem here's the things are it's it's simple but it's not easy so what have

you working on just be the best at whatever you want to be whatever it is

garbage truck man, a writer, some sort of tradie. Whatever the situation might be

just be the best you can so you stand out and it comes down to Seth Godin's

recent book 'Purple Cow'. I love this book and the key takeaway from it is in

a field full black and white cows, be the purple cow. And so it's how you differentiate

from everyone else and that's the obsession.

Anyway, I'll stop it there I'm onto I'll lead into the next pillar the next

converging pillar after this video and have a wonderful day guys. Lovely day in

Brisbane I'm at the port side over here recording this but have a wonderful day,

reach out to me fee if you want to say hi say what's up happy to chat with you,

guys anyway. Bye.

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