Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 23 2018

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For more infomation >> NOW CFO Services - Outsourced Accounting & Financial Visibility - Duration: 2:07.


Closing Sales: "Enroll More Quality Clients" | HTC Testimonial - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Closing Sales: "Enroll More Quality Clients" | HTC Testimonial - Duration: 2:51.


WE SHAVED OUR DOUG - Duration: 3:34.

I don't even know what to say

because this is a crazier idea than bleaching his hair

but he bleached his hair and now we're shaving it all off!

not really much to say about his choice,

I've just gotta be the one who wields the clippers

I don't know how to use these

I've said this before, but I have no idea what I'm doing

But I'm doing it


How do I turn them on?


I'm in agony, it's SO SHORT

Wait, move them away

Now for the top part!

I'm gonna cut the middle

You look great! All done!

You can go now

He's hideous, Gabriel come see this

Guest appearance by Gabriel

I don't know if...

Every time I shave my head, I'm letting you guys do it

Look how handsome!

I'm just leaving one special tuft of hair!

I'm charming!

Now for my beard!

*She's sad I'm trimming my beard

You're cutting so much!

I'm not doing the outro because

it started as my video and ended up being yours

Thanks for watching

If you'd like to see more of our videos,

all the channels are onscreen

you can subscribe to all of them!

Chat with us on social media (link in description)

and kisses! Thanks for watching!

Rhavy - I've got a new boyfriend now

For more infomation >> WE SHAVED OUR DOUG - Duration: 3:34.


World's Only Widebody Diablo! Crazy Japanese Custom Lambo by EDM Souki Rude Playerz! - Duration: 11:22.

I made a good friend a while ago near here...

If you didn't see that episode I encourage you to do so...

I chased this guy down driving his Kaido Racer..

It was a crazy orange colored Nissan Skyline Japan.

The owners name was Souki and we quickly became friends after that.

I'm pretty sure he lived pretty close to where I am now...

Oh! there he is!!

OMG! Look at his new ride!!!


Nice to see you again!

It took me a bit but I finally found your place again!

I can't believe you found me here!

I heard through the grapevine that you finally finished your custom Diablo.

You cut the car and widened it too???

Did you do all the work yourself?

Of course!!

I love that about you!

That's the only way I do it! By myself!

I can't believe you cut a Diablo!!

And you custom molded these over fenders out of fiberglass?

Yes, I have never seen another widebody Diablo before... so I wanted to build one.

I made this glass engine cover too and framed it in carbon fiber!


Yes, I worked with an engineer to design these changes...


You changed the lights too!!??

The original Diablo lights look old so I wanted to modernize them.

You definitely accomplished that!

It took a lot of trial and error to get it to where I was satisfied..

But you love doing stuff like this right?

I always tell the viewers of my channel...

Challenge yourself.. try it yourself... DIY Do It Yourself!!

Certainly you can pay someone to do the work for you but doing it yourself is fun and satisfying.

Its very satisfying to know I did this myself!

The sense of accomplishment...

I love customizing stuff!!

You had an image in your head about how you wanted this to turn out?

Yeah, I designed it and drew it out first...

Wow!! What about the wheels?

Sky Forged from Azzurre Motoring.

I heard about this new design coming and I jumped on them!!

Nice choice!!

You like all kinds of cars.... Italian, Japanese, American too...

You and I are really similar in that sense...

All different cars have their interesting points...

Music too.. R&B, Rock, Hip Hop, EDM... all have their appealing points!

Each genre is cool in their own way!

Kind of like girls too! If everyone had the same interest, we would all be chasing the same girl around!!

Cars and Ramen too are the same!! Variety is good!

You can't eat the same Ramen and Curry everyday... it gets old fast!

I know exactly what you mean!!

What is this KHR sticker mean?

This is the name of my supercar club here in Japan!

We are based here around the Tokyo area and cruise together a lot.

Everybody has Lambos?

Lambos and Ferraris too!

So its all supercars?

Yes!! We've been a club for about 5 years now.

What does the KHR stand for?

Its a secret... I can't tell you!

Sorry for asking... LOL

But if you see one of these stickers around please come say Hi!

Say hi to these guys when you see them!

They are all nice guys!!

They may look a little scary like this guy but they are all nice!! LOL

We are just easy going, fun old guys!!

What I like about you Souki is you have a wide variety of interests like me too...

and you are also very polite and well mannered too! I appreciate that a lot!

I learn a lot from you every time we are together.

Music, cars and Japanese culture too...

Thanks for being a friend!

I am heading back to America tomorrow.. You think we can go for a ride??

Sure we can!!


I really like this car!!

Thanks but I got a lot more to do still!

You're gonna change the interior too??

Yes, and I wanna do a stereo system too...

Once you start you can't stop right??

But that's the fun part isn't it?

Exactly!! Not having an end point or finish line is the best!!

Even when you think you're finished, you can set a new finish line to aim for!!

Driving is fun but customizing is even funner!

I never get bored with something if I know I have more and more to do to it.

I agree with that!!

You know I meet a lot of people all around Japan...

and I film a lot of cars too...

but the difference between you and many of them is that you do the work yourself "DIY"

Most people just pay someone to do it for them...

Perhaps they don't know how to do it or just don't have time to do it...

Or maybe they don't have balls big enough to cut a car like this...

But you're different and I like that a lot about you!

You're very American in some ways!

It's not about which is better or right or wrong...

Whatever works best for that individual is best!

Agreed!! But like I alway say, if you can do it yourself, try it!! You will appreciate it even more!

It's about the sense of accomplishment!

Even just waxing or washing a car yourself feels good...

Every time you look at it you feel good about what you accomplished...

You show off your pride and joy to others and it makes you happy!

I agree!

You understand what I'm saying, right?

Trying something you haven't done before is also satisfying...

and an important lesson to learn too.

I hope young people can learn this import lesson...

I agree... and not just play with their phones all day!

Yeah, that's not good at all.

You have an Impala lowrider too, right?


Do you see a connection between a car like this and that Impala?

Not really, but that is where I come in...

I want to draw a connection between cars of different types...

I'm excited to see what you have in mind!

I want to bridge the gap between people who are into lowriders and people into supercars...

there isn't much crossover right now between the two.

I feel I am someone who can make that connection between 2 completely separate worlds...

I love that sound!!

This car sounds so good!

I'm glad I found you again today!

And happy you still remembered me!

I can't believe you were able to find my "secret" hideout again!!

It took me a while but I found it finally!

Not many people know about that place!!

I have been listening to your music Rude Playerz lately...

Check out Rude Playerz EDM everyone!

Check it out!!

Souki please remind everyone to also subscribe to Steve's POV!

Let me try that again....

Everyone make sure you subscribe and check out Steve's POV!

and Thumb's Up too!!!

I love Steve's videos!!

Thanks in advance for watching and subscribing.

Thanks Steve!

Thank you Souki!!

For more infomation >> World's Only Widebody Diablo! Crazy Japanese Custom Lambo by EDM Souki Rude Playerz! - Duration: 11:22.


Sex, Gender and Bullshit Part 2: Dr. Debra Soh Responds to Critics of James Damore - Duration: 9:47.

The Google Manifesto: Was it wrong? Was it right?

Shouldn't I be able to just google the answer?

I guess I can, but then I run the risk of having to actually read it.

I ain't doing that.

But instead, we have Dr. Debra Soh, a science journalist and columnist for Playboy and Globe and Mail,

to tell us what James Damore got wrong.


Critics of James Damore's manifesto say that he cherry-picks the science, or overplays some of the science.

Can you respond to this criticism in a way that does not require any of our viewers to do any actual research?

[DR. SOH] I can, so, there's definitely consensus within the field.

We know that these sex differences exist, we know that there are biological sex differences in the brain,

that are not due to socialization, this is due to exposure to prenatal testosterone in the womb,

the reason why you don't see so many people saying that publicly

is because it's considered politically incorrect.

So, the only, you know, "experts" that you'll see are people who are touting this accepted narrative that

any sex differences we see are socialized, or that there are no differences between men and women.

People like to hear that stuff, so that's why we see most of that being promoted in media,

but definitely within the field, people know that you can't say these things publicly

in terms of sex differences, because there's going to be a public backlash.


[LOU] How did we get to this place where it's not okay to state what seems to be scientific consensus?

[DR. SOH] I think it's been a trend that's been growing in recent years.

There was a paper that came out in 2015 that gained a lot of media attention.

It claimed that there are no differences between male and female brains and that they exist along a mosaic.

This is something that the public really liked to hear,

and the media outlets were all over it, the study gained a lot of attention.

But another team of researchers actually analyzed the exact same brain data from that study,

and found that you could, in fact, tell male and female brains apart, on average, 73% accuracy.

So, this is higher than chance.

But that study did not receive nearly as much media attention,

so the initial study's findings continued to be perpetuated, even though it's not factually accurate.

[LOU] You did a lot of fMRI studies on brains, so if we were looking at a male brain or a female brain,

what are some of the different things we'd find?

[DR. SOH] There are differences in brain structure,

so there's one part of the brain called the third interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus,

[LOU] Did you just make that up? Is that a real thing?

[DR. SOH] I did not just make that up.

[LOU] 'Cause I've never heard of that before, and I'm a man.

[DR. SOH] Well you need to read a bit more then. [LOU] Okay!

[DR. SOH] So that part of the brain is consistently larger in men than women.

When we look at white matter connectivity,

there are a greater number of connections running from the front to the back of the brain in men,

and more running interhemispherically, so between left and right hemispheres, in women.

So there's very strong literature showing these differences,

it's just been, for some reason, considered taboo.

I mean, people are afraid that these research findings will be used to justify sexism,

but I think it's really ridiculous and futile to try and pretend like the research doesn't exist

or that the research is wrong,

and to think that that's somehow going to end sexism.

Even if research did show that men and women are completely identical in every way,

I don't think a sexist person is going to say,

"Well, I would have been sexist, but the research shows that there are no differences,

so I guess I have to change the way I think."


[LOU] According to the rebuttal article in Wired, which we'll link to,

scientists agree that men and women think differently,

and they've been researching it for more than a century,

but at this point, the results are ambiguous.

Is that true? Are the results ambiguous?

[DR. SOH] No, they're not ambiguous.

There's definitely a consensus within the field, it's just that people aren't able to say that.

I'm not sure how people can write these things, it's just not true.

If you ask anyone in the field, they will tell you that these sex differences are real.

And the research literature,

there are thousands of studies documenting the effects prenatal testosterone alone.

So you can't pretend that that doesn't exist.


[LOU] James Damore said that the differences between men and women are a matter of biological science,

Yet David Schmitt, who led a team who wrote one of the studies that Damore actually cited,

says that Damore is misconstruing, at least, their research, and that only about 10% of the difference,

at least when it comes to neuroticism, is biological.

The other 90% are the result of individual variation, environment, upbringing.

How can we stop science denial from the very scientists who run the studies?

[DR. SOH] I get this question a lot.

A lot of people actually reach out to me on social media, they email me, saying "What can we do? We're fed up also."

But the climate right now is so hard for people to speak out.

I think it's really important, I think we're reaching a point where you have to,

because we don't really have a choice.

I understand, obviously as a journalist,

I chose to leave academia so that I could speak and write freely about these issue.

But I understand for other people, it's not so easy, and they have to worry about possibly losing their jobs.

But we're reaching a point now where these ideas are actually being entrenched in our society,

to the point where people don't actually know what the truth is anymore.

If you look at the scientific research that's coming out, it's politically motivated,

and so that's what journalists and the media pick up on, and that is what people read,

and so that changes how we talk about these issues.

I'm actually worried as to what biology textbooks are going to look like in a couple years,

because I don't think they're going to be based on actually factual research anymore.

So I think, as hard as it is, people need to speak out, even in small ways.

And I think being silent at this point is almost like you're being complicit.


[LOU] Many people, they don't deny that there are differences between toy preferences for 18-month-olds,

but they say that it's a pretty huge leap to go from that,

and to assume that the current percentage of, say, female employees at Google,

is dictated by biology, and there's no evidence that show females are worse at software engineering.

Are they right?

And have there been any studies on whether male or female 18-month-olds are better at software engineering?

[DR. SOH] I think it's great that more initiatives are being put forward to encourage kids, and girls in particular,

to be interested in coding.

But I don't think that we need more girls in coding to be a sign that we are a truly egalitarian society.

I think there's this misinformed idea that girls have to be the same as boys.

Why can't girls have female-typical interests? And why isn't that perfectly acceptable as well?

And also why can't boys have female-typical interests?

I think it's important to stress that James Damore wasn't talking about ability in his memo.

And also, in the column I wrote for The Globe and Mail, I wasn't talking about ability.

He was talking about interest.

So I don't know why it's controversial to say that men and women find different things inherently interesting.

I don't know why it's so controversial to say that these differences are biological as opposed to social.

Why do men and women have to be identical?

I think it's coming from this misguided idea that, in order for women to have true gender equality,

we need to be identical to men.

And, to me, that's where the sexism is,

and that's something that's not being talked about with this movement.

I think, if anything, that's where the sexism is.

Female-typical traits are seen as inferior, and no one's talking about that.


[LOU] Look, if men and women think differently, and 50% of Google's potential customers are women,

wouldn't it make sense to have programs designed to recruit as many female employees as possible,

to better design their products with women in mind?

[DR. SOH] I could see that.

But I think if we allow people to pursue things freely,

and we still find that fewer women are interested in these jobs,

then that's something that maybe we just have to accept.

Because otherwise what we'll be doing is basically social engineering,

and forcing women to take these jobs when they're not actually interested in doing so.


[LOU] I guess the question is, "Is there sexism in tech?"

And there was one study that said when gender isn't disclosed,

women's code is more likely to be accepted by open-source projects.

On the other hand, when identical resumes are submitted with female names,

men and women both rate the women as less competent,

and estimate lower salaries than if they have male names.

Are you familiar with that study at all?

[DR. SOH] I would need to probably read those studies to know definitively.

I always like to look at the methods myself and see,

how do people come to the conclusions? And is that actually what the study found?

Because sometimes people will say a study found something that it actually did not.

One study I can think of, that I did read,

came out recently and showed that there's actually a bias within academia to hire more female faculty within STEM disciplines.

So, I mean, that kind of calls into question those findings.

But as a woman with a PhD in STEM, I won't say that I've never...

[LOU] You don't have to brag, okay?

[DR. SOH] I won't say that I've never experienced sexism, but at the same time, here I am and I have my degree.

We all experience some form of adversity in life,

I think it's just a choice whether you choose to focus on that or stay focused on what you want to achieve.

[LOU] Would it help if people in the workforce never disclosed their gender?

Like, they all just wore burkas?

[DR. SOH] I don't think so.

[LOU] Oh. Okay.

[LOU] Thanks for watching!

Be sure to subscribe to our channel, We The Internet TV,

and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for new videos every week.

And follow Dr. Soh @DrDebraSoh on Twitter.

Follow. Don't stalk.

For more infomation >> Sex, Gender and Bullshit Part 2: Dr. Debra Soh Responds to Critics of James Damore - Duration: 9:47.


9 Signs You are a Born Healer - Duration: 9:09.

9 Signs You are a Born Healer

Are you a Born Healer?

Do you have the magical capacity to heal others around you?

Well to answer that, we probably need to talk more about what is a healer and what is the



According to ancient philosophies, a disease is actually a manifestation of Spiritual problems.


Because simply diseases are just part of this world.

And anything that has been materialized in this World first existed in the Spirit Plane.

Even We, ourselves, existed long before we were born.

We were Souls wondering the abundant Realms, so we have a history.

According to the same philosophies, all cures pre-exist in the Spirit Plane.

Once we are born, we collect experiences.

Everything we think is affected by the Spirit Plane.

Interestingly, the same thoughts can influence back and shape the same Realm.


LESSON 1: WHAT WE THINK WE BECOME Our thoughts, our fears, and our desires shape

our future.

This is simply because anything we think begins to create a �spirit form� in the Spirit


The more we think about it, the stronger this �spirit form� becomes.

Now, this is the tricky part.

If we keep on thinking about it, fear it, or desire it, this �spirit form� becomes

so dense and strong that starts to materialize in our Physical Plane.

In other Words, what we Think, we Become!

Fears, desires and all our emotions and thoughts have an impact on our aura.

And of course, don�t forget the Karma.

You have not lived just one life.

Many of the things you live right now, is just a result of the Ripple Effect, caused

by your actions from a Past Life.

Hence, some of our diseases are just a result of our 1.

thoughts, 2.

fears, and 3.



What is a Healer?

Well let�s say something important first: Healers are our Medical Doctors who try to

learn the laws of physics and biology in order to comprehend our physical body and cure it.

We actually believe that Medical Doctors are the first you should ALWAYS consult when you

face health issues.

Even if the disease is a result of a spiritual problem, your Life comes first, and your body

may not have much time.

Go to your doctor FIRST.

This is extremely important.

Any spiritual, magical or alchemical procedure you will follow, should never go against your

doctor�s advice.

But Healers are not always only the Medical Doctors.

Although any doctor may also be a Born Healer, there are many people out there who just possess

the ability to cure the ones around them, just by being there.

Numerous accounts of remarkable healings have been documented throughout millennia.

These are the people we are talking about in this article.



YOU ARE WOUNDED Chiron, in astrology, is the symbol of an

ultimate healer.

In Greek Religion, Chiron was a powerful and wise Centaur who could heal anyone and anything.

Ironically, he got wounded and died because of the anxiety, the poisoned arrow caused


This story wants to tell us that once we recover from a �dark time� we become stronger

and wiser.

In the ancient religion, it was believed that one who got bitten by a snake, could cure

other with snakebites.

Of course, this is symbolic.

Have you recovered from a �very dark time�?

Have you been healed from a difficult disease, accident or emotional wound?

This is the first sign.

You somehow managed to call upon the forces of Healing in order to recover.

This means you could summon these forces again.


YOU FEEL AWAKENED We live in a World of deception.

A Born Healer has somehow been through an awakening phase.

Despite what others do, a born Healer has been awakened because of a remarkable experience.

Although, this awakening is not always easy or desirable it�s somehow strong enough

to make us realize the Truth which is hidden in this world.

A Born Healer sees or feels the energy which runs inside of us all.

This Vital Energy which some call Chi, Prana or simply� Magic is everywhere.

Healers know that.

This energy can revive anything if focused and directed properly.


YOU ARE AN EMPATH Empaths are people who are very sensitive

to the energies/vibrations that surround them, both thoughts and emotions, of other people,

animals, plants and even that of spirits.

This sensitivity seems to stem from the ancient belief that everything is connected therefore

it is easier for some people to make this happen- tap into the energies that surround

us and become one with them.

Here you can learn more about Empaths � and if you are one.

In other words, you instinctively feel what others feel.

You are connected with this unseen web of energy like communicating vessels.

Exactly because of this ability, you can �connect� with other�s energy system and alter it.


STRANGERS OPEN UP TO YOU EASILY Probably, exactly because of your empathic

abilities, strangers love to open up to you and talk about your problems.

The fact that someone decides to talk to you about a problem is part of healing too.

Every healer that ever lived knows about the healing effects of discussion and human communication.

When other people �dump� their heavy emotional baggage to you, they just begun healing themselves.It�s

when they decide to get rid of their negativity (of course this also means that you should

find a way not to be affected by it).

The Throat Chakra � which rules communication � is also ruled by Mercury � Hermes.

This is the God of Healing and Communication in the Ancient World.


YOU ARE CLOSE TO NATURE Natural healers are by definition close to


Born healers love to walk in nature, enjoy the sound of running water and stay close

to animals and trees.

Of course, this works great for healers as they also have the chance to ground themselves

and abolish negativity or excessive energy.

Nature is the source of vital energy.

Those who tap into its power, Rule the forces of life and death.


YOU ATTRACT ANIMALS ON YOUR PATH This amazing ability might seem pretty random,

but if you think of it, it�s legit.

Do animals seem to follow you when you walk alone?

Are cats, dogs, birds or other animals attracted to you?

This probably means that you radiate energy which is visible to these creatures.

Like �Fairy Doctors� who always been accompanied by animals, born healers are usually followed

by animals, which actually somehow help or guide them.


YOU COME FROM A LINE OF HEALERS Like Witches, who sometimes descend from a

Bloodline of Pure magic, some healers (which may also be witches of course) descend from

a line of people who loved to cure others.

These ancestors may not be born healers but they somehow influence their children to help


Have you been raised to help others?

Your Karma may be pushed you to be born in this family and awaken in you the Will to

heal and help others.


YOU ACTUALLY WANT TO HELP Maybe this is one of the most important signs.

If you somehow feel the urge to help, then you will probably find a way to do it.

We become what energies we attract.

Hence if you�ve always wanted to help others, you will certainly succeed.


YOU HAVE THE HEALERS MARK Four or more parallel lines on the bottom

On the bottom of the little finger is an indicator that this person is a powerful healer.

It means that the barrier of the healer�s mark has the great ability to touch the Hearts

of people and find ways to heal their scars both emotional and physical.

Do You have it?

(See more magical signs on your hand which indicate Magical Powers).

the more the lines, the greatest the gifts This �Birth Mark� shows your capability

to transfer and alter energy around you.

Can you Find it?

So tell us.

Do you feel you are Born Healer?

For more infomation >> 9 Signs You are a Born Healer - Duration: 9:09.


Whether They Know It Or Not, All Empaths Have THESE 4 Rare SUPERPOWERS - Duration: 2:56.

Whether They Know It Or Not, All Empaths Have THESE 4 Rare SUPERPOWERS

Empaths, people full of empathy, are actually highly sensitive people.

They can feel something more than ordinary people can only dream of.

That is why we can call them as superpower users.

There are 4 gifts that they have.

Before jumping to the video, dont forget to give a like to this video and subscribe to

our channel.

Here is the list.


Mind reading This is the ability that not all people have.

They have this rare gift, and it is true that empaths own this skill.

Of course, they do not own this skill as is.

Instead, it is obtained through training, listening, and understanding others.

This is a great ability that a person can have, and it is proven to be beneficial since

it can avoid mistakes, lies, and toxic from bad people.


Become hero of your emotion Though you have superpower, empaths are still


They are hurt sometimes.

They need people who can motivate and solve their problems.

If there is no one around, it is practically possible to connect to their emotion through

some sort of meditation.

This enables the empaths to have positive minds which in turns become a great help for

healthy individual.


Transmuting negativity This is a dream for most people, to avoid


Unfortunately, only those who are highly sensitive are gifted for removing all negativity in

words, attitude, actions, and transform those bad things into something beneficial, nice,

and positive.

Though it is a gift, it is still considered weak until you utilize it frequently.


Turning sensitivity into profit Sometimes, empaths have an ideal world in

which everything is clean, nice, organized, and peaceful.

They will realize that there is something wrong in their surrounding due to their sensitivity.

They should utilize this opportunity to create a better system for your own better world.

Eventually, it actually leads to a profitable service that satisfies them.

All in all, that's the whether they know it or not, all empaths have these 4 rare superpowers.

So, Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Whether They Know It Or Not, All Empaths Have THESE 4 Rare SUPERPOWERS - Duration: 2:56.


Starting With Why - Xtreme Xperience - Duration: 3:50.

Run to the fence with your car

and come back up.

The first one who comes up gets this envelope.


Oh Shane already lost a wheel.


Go Go Go!

On your marks. Get set. GO!


Oh... no s**t!

What is it?

Xtreme Xperience. Nissan GT-R

Saturday, October, 28th 2018.

One for me and one for Shane.


Heck yeah, brother.

Thank you guys!

go back to my original story about feeling embarrassed to be at a Lotus

dealership with my dad when I was like 10. I don't want people to feel that way.

That feeling we should just go come on dad we should just go I mean

when you think about it exotic cars are ridiculously expensive.

They cost as much as a freaking house.

We're here for you to get those kicks and make a dream come

true without all the baggage. It's not even practical to ever even own one of

these cars even if you can afford it you'd rather invest in your

family and might your home and your vacations other memories that's why

would you invest on two hundred grand a Lamborghini? Everything that we're

doing in your experience is to just let people understand that you don't have to

feel that way and work here you don't need to win the lottery you don't need

to take your start-up public you don't need to retire multi-millionaire

to enjoy a Ferrari or Lamborghini. That's amazing! And then there's the people who

also come out on the somber note, end-of-life experience of people who

literally have a bucket list you know? It's one thing for us to sit around but

I've got a bucket list, I'm gonna go do this this this... but for someone

to actually be facing death and say I this is something that I want to do

before I die and we have the honor of actually helping check that off of their

legitimate bucket list. There are very few things in the world that allow for that

type of emotional connection with another human being.

Steven: I did it was awesome!

It was so much fun! I love these cars!

It happens time and time again and you hear

about the person passing and it's just like it's so sad but yet so you just

feel so honored to have been part of that their lives and we how many wedding

proposals have we had people chose one of the most important moments of

their life to do it an Xtreme Xperience...

2. 3. [Cheering together]

Why does your organization exist?

By why I mean what's your purpose what's your cause what's your belief?

why did you get out of bed this morning? Why should anyone care? As a result the

way we think the way we act the way we would communicate is from the outside in.

We tell people what we do we tell them how we do it and we expect some sort of

behavior a purchase support a vote heart working hard. But all the inspired

leaders those are the capacity to inspire every single one of them

regardless of their size regardless of their industry thinks acts and

communicates from the inside out they all start with why.

Get in here!

Xtreme on three. Xtreme on three. 1-2-3!


For more infomation >> Starting With Why - Xtreme Xperience - Duration: 3:50.


Cuando te voltean la mesa encima|Grupo Staff Service - Duration: 0:31.

Show me your idea.

Yes. Here's my solution from last meeting.







Something's not fitting...


¡This one also is wrong!

If you are tired of being table-flipped, search 022022.

We are Staff Service.

For more infomation >> Cuando te voltean la mesa encima|Grupo Staff Service - Duration: 0:31.


Dinozorların Kralı; T-REX - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Dinozorların Kralı; T-REX - Duration: 4:11.


Man accused of causing chaotic Chinatown scene flips out in court - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Man accused of causing chaotic Chinatown scene flips out in court - Duration: 1:35.


Learn Vegetables Names with Baby Doll and Surprise Caps Kids Songs BDTKSE - Duration: 2:10.

Learn Vegetables Names with Baby Doll and Surprise Caps Kids Songs BDTKSE

For more infomation >> Learn Vegetables Names with Baby Doll and Surprise Caps Kids Songs BDTKSE - Duration: 2:10.


Prong Pusher Tool - Duration: 0:18.

The prong pusher tool is traditionally used by jewelers for stone setting.

It has a square end that's four millimeters and made of steel, so it's very sturdy.

And, it's going to come in very handy on your bench

For more infomation >> Prong Pusher Tool - Duration: 0:18.


Study Abroad as an ESL Student (with personal experiences) - Duration: 10:11.

Should you study abroad?

I think you should. I've done it

But, what are the advantages, what are the disadvantages?

We're going to look at all of those in today's video

and if you stick around to the end of the video

you'll hear my personal experience

about studying abroad

So, stick around

Some people think that studying abroad

is going to help them learn English

or even make it easier for them

What do you think?

Have you ever tried it before?

or are you going to try it in the future?

Down in the comments below

talk about your experience of studying abroad

So when you're studying abroad

You're probably going to register in one of two classes

Either an ESL class

or an EFL class

They're both the same thing

they've just changed the wording a little bit

but, it's the same idea

When you are in one of these classes

it's going to be an English class

but it's going to be a smaller group of students

depending on the school

it could be only 2 or 3

or maybe even 10 or 15

all depends on the school

but in these classes

because they're smaller

the teacher can give you more individualized attention

In these classes you're going to be learning all the different skills


writing, listening


Everything you're going to need when living in a foreign country

where only people speak English

and in these classes

it's also possible to have more cultural experiences

like going to a museum

or some tourist attractions

and there also may be a social aspect to it

where you get to have a party

or celebrate some holidays

with people that will be speaking English

So usually people go

and study abroad for one of three reasons

The first reason

probably the most common

because they're going to be studying abroad

They're going to be going to university or college

they need to increase their level of English

So, it's an intensive course

before you start going to university or college

Another reason is for social reasons

Maybe you're planning on traveling

to lot's of different English speaking countries

so you just need to practice before you start going

or maybe you use this as part of your traveling experience

Another way is for business

As people who are taking business classes know

business has a lot of specialized language and

the best way to learn this, in my opinion,

is to go somewhere and practice

So you might as well go to a place that speaks English

because as we all know,

English is the universal language

especially in business

So those are the 3 main reasons why people study abroad

but there are some other advantages

that make studying abroad useful

One of these is when you're going to be taking some future tests

Such as TOEFL

or IELTS or Cambridge

These experiences are going to help you in

getting a better score in these exams

Another advantage is that

while you're there

you can learn firsthand the culture and the customs of this place

There's no better way than to learn it

while speaking English

Most people find that learning

through immersion is the best way to learn

There's something to be said for doing

and thinking and

reading and speaking always in English

things just seem to stick more into your mind

then when you're reading a book

or when you're listening to your teacher


I hate to say it

but when you're just watching videos on YouTube

And if you're a people person

then obviously you get to meet lots of new people

from all over the world, usually

so that's also an advantage, isn't it?

So we can divide into 3 main ideas

the reasons why people

would want to study abroad


personal development

and career path

if you want to increase your English language level quickly

you can greatly improve your English language level

in a shorter period of time

by studying abroad

learning through real life situations

is a lot more interesting and it's a lot more fun

and it just seems to stick more in your mind

As for personal development

When you're in a different culture

When you're speaking a different language

you need to have confidence

to be able to do what you need to do

You need to be resourceful and creative

to find solutions to the problems

that you'll be presented with

You will start to get sense of flexibility

in complex situation thanks to studying abroad

and as a career path

there's lots of jobs that are now requiring

to talk to people from different nations or different cultures

From this experience that you get from studying abroad

you're going to have that

little bit extra that will set you apart

from other job applicants

from other people that are looking to do the same kind of work

So obviously studying abroad isn't just enough

to get a good job

but combine that with some good professional training

and you'll be that much better than everyone else

So what about my personal story

about studying abroad

Well, when I came to Mexico

I didn't know hardly any Spanish

I tried to learn a little bit on my own

but, it was very basic

So when I first came I stayed with a host family

for one month

it was just a normal

working class family

that let me rent a room

and I got to eat with them

well, actually, I only ate with the mother of the house

but everyday she would cook me some great Mexican food

which I got to learn about, obviously

and she didn't speak any English

so we had to try to speak in Spanish

So she would ask me questions

I would try to answer the best I could

and everyday, everyday, we'd

sit down, talk and eat

what better way to learn

So at the school where I was teaching

they also taught Spanish classes

and some foreigners would come to study abroad

and when they paid for a class

the teachers could join in for free

So I was taking classes

Monday to Friday, 2 hours a day

and I learned a lot

I took it for, I think maybe 4 months

and in that 4 months I learned a lot in the classes






everything that I would need

but the best part

was when I was outside of class

cause I was living in a place

where nobody would speak English with me

well the teachers I could speak English with

but I came to learn Spanish, so

If I'm out in the street

I'm going to be speaking in Spanish

I go to the store

I need to ask them in Spanish

When I go to the bank I have to know

how do I say

I want to take out some money

I want to cash this check

I need a new bank card

How am I going to say all that?

So before I would go anywhere

I would investigate

look in my trusty dictionary

and start learning

and in these Spanish classes we'd also go to museums

So I'd get to learn about the history of Mexico

I'd learn about the revolution

I'd learn about famous artists

I'd learn about famous painters

I could learn about songs

I could learn about movies

Things that you just can't learn if you're not actually in the place

or it makes it more difficult

and in these classes

there were people from all over the world

There were people from Canada

There were people from United States

and surprisingly

there were lots of students from Japan and China as well

So I got to meet lots of new people

from all over the world

with lots of different viewpoints

lots of different ideas

and we were all there to practice Spanish

And one interesting story of when I was learning

was that everyday

I would have to walk to school

I'd walk for maybe 20 minutes, 25 minutes

but it seemed like

almost everyday somebody would ask me what time it was

I don't know what it was

maybe they saw that I had a watch

and nobody else had one.

I don't know what it was

but it seemed like everyday

somebody would ask me what time it was

So that was great practice

just right on the spot. Boom. What time is it?

and I could...and I would tell them

Usually it would be the right time

at least I hope it was

So the question of this video is

Should you study abroad?

if you have the money and you have the time

I would say, definitely, go for it

it's an excellent experience

the worst thing that could happen

is that you just increase your level of English

and the best thing that could happen

is that you fall in love with the country

you fall in love with the people

you learn so much about other things

that you become a better person

and you expand your knowledge of the world

so definitely, go do it

If you've enjoyed this video

give it a like, and subscribe


Because it helps me, it helps you

it helps everybody

for ESL Success, I'm Kevin

and I'll see you guys, next time

For more infomation >> Study Abroad as an ESL Student (with personal experiences) - Duration: 10:11.


Haci Zahir Mirzevi - Eyyami-Fatimiyye - Huseyniyye Ya Zehra (s.e.) [HD] 2-ci gece - Duration: 56:13.

For more infomation >> Haci Zahir Mirzevi - Eyyami-Fatimiyye - Huseyniyye Ya Zehra (s.e.) [HD] 2-ci gece - Duration: 56:13.


Incredibly Cute Comics Show What It's Like Living With A Dog - Duration: 12:59.

I want you to show

How to get to know

Someone like you, someone like you

I want you to know me

Cause I know then you'll see

We can be true, we can be true

I want you to see what I see in us

Something so real, something so real

I want you to see that this is a love

That we both feel, that we both feel

And how will we ever know

If the love will ever grow

Without trying, without trying

And how will we ever see

If we are meant to be

It's terrifying, it's terrifying

That we are meant to be

We are, we are

That we are meant to be

That we are meant to be

We are, we are

That we are meant to be

We've both been there before

When love shuts the door

It's a losing game, it's a losing game

But this time it's more

Than another love war

This ain't the same, this ain't the same

They say love heals all

It makes it all alright

In time, in time

My heart still feels the breaking

But you make my world so bright

It feels so right, it feels so right

And how will we ever feel

That what we got is real

There's no denying, there's no denying

And how will we ever see

If we are meant to be

It's terrifying, it's terrifying

And how till we ever know

If the love will ever grow

Without trying, without trying

And how will we ever see

If we are meant to be

It's terrifying, it's terrifying

That we are meant to be

We are, we are

That we are meant to be

That we are meant to be

We are, we are

That we are meant to be

Remember when love was all that mattered

I do

Remember how I use to make you laugh

until it hurt

Now those memories feel like thorns on a bush

A rose I can no longer touch

You're just another scar placed on my heart

A sign that we are made to be apart

And even tough you might not be the one

I'm gonna miss you Daily

We fought so hard

We drag us down

And basically watched how we had drowned

And even though I know you're not the one

I'm gonna miss you daily

I'm gonna miss you daily

You're just another scar placed on my heart

A sign that we are made to be apart

And even tough you might not be the one

I'm gonna miss you Daily

Broken but I know I'll get over you

I'll try

To focus on what's in front of me

And not behind

But what is life?

Without the one you love the most

Who I am? without you

You're just another scar placed on my heart

A sign that we are made to be apart

And even tough you might not be the one

I'm gonna miss you Daily

We fought so hard

We drag us down

And basically watched how whe had drowned

And even though I know you're not the one

I'm gonna miss you daily

I'm gonna miss you

You're just another scar placed on my heart

A sign that we are made to be apart

And even tough you might not be the one

I'm gonna miss you Daily

I'm gonna miss you Daily

You're just another scar placed on my heart

A sign that we are made to be apart

And even tough you might not be the one

I'm gonna miss you Daily

Writings on the wall

Inside my head inside of me

Holding all these thoughts beneath my skin

can you believe in us

(Only love, only love) Only us

(Only love, only love) Only love

(Only love, only love) Only love

(Only love, only love)

Time is a constant reminder of fate

Its fixed in this moment please stop

Wake me up

So many arguments we made

Gave into you to just save face

Well I'm broken

I'm feeling the weight of your force and I'm

Trying not to let go

Writings on the wall my love is here it's left unchanged

Holding all these thoughts beneath my skin

can you believe in us

(Only love, only love) Only us

(Only love, only love) Only love

(Only love, only love) Only love

(Only love, only love)

Time is a constant reminder of fate

Its fixed in this moment please stop

Wake me up

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